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Morphology of Gametophytes and Young Sporophytes of Sphaeropteris lepifera PDF

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Preview Morphology of Gametophytes and Young Sporophytes of Sphaeropteris lepifera

American Fern Journal 90(4j:127-137 (2000J Morphology of Gametophytes and Young Sporophytes of Sphaeropteris lepifera Yao-Moan Huang Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University, 1, sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd„ Taipei 106, Taiwan Shao-Shun Ying Department of Forestry, National Taiwan University, 1, sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 106, Taiwan Wen-Liang Chiou^ Division of Forest Biology, Taiwan Forestry Research 53 Nan-Hai Institute, Rd., Taipei Taiwan 100, AhsiracL— Sphaeropteris one On lepifera is of the largest tree ferns in Taiwan. average, produces it 50.7 sporangia per sorus, and 64 spores per sporangium. Spore germination, after 2 years of storage 4°C was over 95%. The at pattern of spore germination was "Cyathea-type", and the gametophytes exhibited mainly Drynaria-type development with occasional Adiantum-type development. Typ- ical gametophytes were heart-shaped but had the potential elongate and become to elliptical. Multicellular hairs on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the midrib cushion increased and in size changed shape with They when age. w^ere usually uniseriate young, and became muhiseriatc with Gametophytes age. initiated antheridia about 1 month after spores were sown, and did not become hermaphrodites weeks until 7 later. During ontogeny, the gametangial sequence was from male the to hermaphroditic. Antheridia formed on the wings of the ventral and dorsal surfaces of gameto- The phj^es. wall of each antheridium was composed of 5 cells. Archegonia appeared on the cushion of the ventral surface of gametophytes. Some gametophytes initiated clone-formation When through vegetative regeneration. sufficient water was provided, young sporophytes began appear weeks to 12 after spores were sown. The fronds were The first midribless. uniseriate, multicellular hairs on young sporophytes were similar to those on gametophytes. :emiination types of early development, trichomes, and gametangia, have been used to taxa and Kaur, 1971; Atkinson, These 1973]. characteristics provide information relevant to fern phytogeny Nayar and Kaur, 1971] and the ecology and (e.g., reproductive biology of different species [Chiou and Chiou Farrar, 1997a, b; et Masuyama, aL, 1998; 1975a, b, 1979]. In the Cyatheaceae, spore germination Cyathea-type and gametophyte is de- velopment Adiantum-type is or nearly Drynaria-type (Nayar and Kaur, 1971]. Gametophytes are long-lived (2-6 years] and tend elongate with to slightly age. The multicellular, bristle-like hairs that appear on gametophytes in family this indicate the Cyathaceae phylogenetically Loxsomaceae is close to the (Atkin- same gametophytes, with some vigorous gametophytes being strictly archegonial Apogamy was (Stokey, 1930]. reported some in species in the Cyatheaceae Corresponding author. ' AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 128 90 4 (2000) Table L Spore sources, usage, culture medium and storage period. Stored Medium Spores Location Observation (years) m Huang 25 Wulai, 370 sporangium and spore number m Huang 26 Wulai, 370 sporangium and spore number m Huang 27 Yamingshan, 250 sporangium and spore number m Huang 25 Wulai, 370 germination agar rate m Chiou 14495 Wulai, 150 germination agar 2 rate m Chkni 14787 Hsinihsien, 200 germination agar rate 1 m Huang 25 Wulai, 370 gametophyte morphology peat m Huang 26 Wulai, 370 gametophyte morphology peat m Huang 27 Yamingshan, 250 gametophyte morphology peat (Slokey, 1918), but Walker (1966) reinvestigated two of these species and found them be sexual to diploids. Spbaeropteris Tryon and one lepifera (Hook.) (Cyatheaceae) the of largest, is Wang the most abundant, species in this family in Taiwan. et (1977) de- al. scribed sporophyte morphology, epidermal and its scales, stomata, cells, the anatomy of the stipes and trunks. However, except for the gametangial se- quence (Masuyama, gametophyte 1975b)» characteristics of the of S. lepifera have been not described. The number sporangium of spores per has also been used in the systematic classification of ferns (Sen, 1964; Gastony, 1974). Spore gametangial viability, sequence, and gametophyte growth important components habits are of fern reproductive biology (Chiou and Farrar, 1997a; Chiou et al, 1998). Complex among may interactions gametophytes multispore in cultures the affect se- quence gametangial development of in individual plants. Detailed analysis of sexual and status, in relation to the age size of gametophytes, essential for is determining the most probable breeding system employed by S. lepifera (Chiou and Chiou The Farrar, 1997b; et al, 1998). present study explores spore m ogy and growth habits of the gametophytes and the morphology of young spo- rophytes of S. lepifera. Materials and Methods Spores were collected from sporophytes growing on mountain slopes in northern Taiwan (Table Voucher specimens were deposited Herbar- in the 1). ium Taiwan of Forestry Research Institute (TAIF). Spores were stored in the refrigerator at 4°C. The number of sporangia per sorus (from 50 randomly sampled per sori and number plant) the of spores per sporangium (from 50 randomly sporangia estimated medium spores stored 4°C one two was at for or years assessed Spores were (Table 1). with 2.5% sterilized Clorox for 5 min, rinsed with water 10 min. sterilized for HUANG GAMETOPHYTES AND ET SPOROPHYTES OF SPHAEROPTERIS AL.: 129 Mean Tari f 2. geiniination (%) of fresh and stored (4°C) S. lepifera spores sown on agar medium. Days sowing after spores Storage _ (years) 5 9 7 11 0.0 (0) 81.2 (7.2) 96.7 (4.0) 99.0(1.2) 1 35.8 (26.0) 97.9 (2.0) 98.7 (1.5) 98.9 (1.5) 2 1.3 (1.9) 29.7 (16.8) 84.0 (7.4) 95.4 (4.0) Standard error in parentheses. and then sown on 1.1% medium and agar-solidified containing Gantt Arnotts' 1% (1965) mineral nutrients and one drop of FeCl3 per 400 ml medium. of pH The media of the ranged from 5,0-5.2. Germination were estimated rates from agar-medium six petri dish cultures with 50 spores per dish. Rupture of was the spore wall used as an indicator of germination. Gametophyte mor- phology was observed months. The and for 8 sexual expression, age size of 50 gametophytes from each of 3 multispore peat cultures were recorded every 2 weeks. Gametophyte width was measured at the widest point. medium Because the peat provided conditions more similar to those in the medium, field than the agar gametophyte morphology and sexual expression were assessed only gametophytes peat-grown However, game- for in cultures. medium tophyte cultures on agar were used estimate germination because to spores and their germination status could be seen more easily on agar medium. were maintained under All cultures at 20-25''C white fluorescent illumination 1000-1500 of lux for 12 hrs per day. Microscopes (Lecica, Wild M8; Leitz, Dialux 20) were used to make mor- phological observations of gametophytes and young sporophytes. Pictures made were with the aid of a drawing tube or photomicrography. Gametangia were also observed with a scanning electron microscope. Gametophytes were dry mounted on double-stick mending coated with and observed tape, gold, with a Hitachi S2400 Scanning Electron Microscope. Results The number ± and of sporangia per sorus averaged 50.7 13.1 ranged s.d. from 19 Each sporangium contained 64 to 78. spores. mm began about 5 days after sowing, whereas germination of fresh spores did not begin until seven days after sowing. The viability of spores maintained for one two was or years in cold storage not significantly less than that of fresh spores. Two 95% weeks after sowing, over of fresh and stored spores had germinated (Table 2). Wh lepifera are tetrahedral. rupt formed and did not contain The second was chloroplasts. division perpendicular to AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 130 JOURNAL: 90 4 (2000) Morphology Figs. 1-9. of different stages of S. leplfera gametophytes. Figs. 1-3. Spore germi- A A nation. 4-6. Filamentous Figs. stages. Fig. 7. spatulate gametophyte. Fig. filament with a 8. mm A wedge-shaped = apical cell. Fig. 9. hleeaarrtt--sshhaappeedd gametophyte. Bar 50(jLm for Figs. 1-8; 1 g; for Fig. 9. the division and, by first (Fig. 3) a series of transverse divisions, initiated a uniserlate filament was 4-8 that usually cells long (Figs. 4-8). About 4 days after spore germination, the apical, and sometimes subapical, divided cells parallel to the long axis of the filament However, few gameto- (Fig. in a 5). phytes the apical cell of the filament became sluggish and did not divide (Fig. This was pushed apical 6). cell to the subapical margin by intercalary divi- When sions. Next, a spatulate plate formed. gametophytes were about 5 cells wide, wedge-shaped a meristematic formed cell in the apical region (Fig. 7). some underwent (Fig. that repeated oblique was 8] divisions until replaced by a it pluricellular meristem, which the cells of divided producing actively, a mi me phyte formed The wings were (Fig. 9). one cell thick and were usually flat, some but curved upward at the margin. Rhizoids were restricted mostly the to ventral surface of the midrib. They were transparent but became brown light brown with to age. Gametophytes initiated antheridium production in the spatulate stages (<0.5 mm wade). In heart shaped gametophytes, antheridia usually appeared on the ventral surface of the wings with few forming on (Fig. a 9), the dorsal surface. the apical notch had If not formed, antheridia sometimes formed near the api- cal region on (Fig. or the margin, on 17), especially filamentous proliferations Mature (Fig. 20). antheridia were about 50 wide and 40 jxm high jjim (Fig. 10). The antheridium was wall composed of five cells: a basal cell, a lower ring an upper cell, ring cell, a crescent-shaped and an cell, elliptical opercular cell. Upon dehiscence, the opercular was thrown cell and sperm were off, released. Gametophytes did not produce archegonia weeks until 7 spore sowing after mi observed HUANG ET GAMETOPHYTES AND SPOROPHYTES OF SPHAEROPTERIS AL.: 131 50u» X 15K'-.' 1 . • SEM An An Figs. 10-11. of S. lepifera gametangia. Fig. 10. antheridium. Fig. 11. archegonium. Mature archegonia were about 40 wide and 50 jxm high and jjim (Fig. 11], the neck was 4 to 5 cells long. Antheridia continued to form after archegonia were mm Male gametophytes were usually than wide, whereas initiated. less 3 her- mm maphroditic gametophytes were usually greater than 3 wide. By 11 weeks after spore sowing, all gametophytes bore antheridia, that they were male is hermaphroditic or (Table 3]. Trichomes occurred on both and the dorsal ventral surfaces of the gameto- phyte midrib. Usually, they were mixed with the archegonia on the cushion, especially near the apical notch of the gametophyte. Trichomes did not appear until the cushion and archegonia formed. The size of the pluricellular hairs varied Those on young gametophytes were greatly. uniseriate occasionally, or, and were composed bi- or triseriate (Figs. 12, 13], usually of less than 20 cells. Hairs began as uniseriate structures that grew by intercalary division into larg- On with gametophytes months multiseriate structures age. older 8 er, (e.g., old), the hairs could grow to 8 cells wide and be comprised of more than 50 which were with cells in total, a uniseriate, needle-like tip (Fig. 14]. Some gametophytes and became of elongated they S. lepifera elliptical as aged (e.g., 15 weeks old) (Figs. 15-17). Older gametophytes often became pale, or even necrotic, at their posterior end but kept growing at their anterior end. Some many were slender, with antheridia, but without archegonia or an ap- parent apical meristem. Other elongate gametophytes formed cushions discrete (Figs. 16, 17). Some when gametophytes began to produce vegetative proliferations they were 13 weeks Daughter gametophytes formed from one few on old. or a cells the dorsal or ventral surfaces or on the margin Each of the daughter (Fig. 18). gametophytes developed a pluricellular meristem and gametangia and even- produced Some many tually large clones. gametophytes formed filamentous one wide produced proliferations, to several cells (Fig. 20], that only anther- idia. Occasionally, the anterior wings of gametophytes elongated and prolif- As them erated (Fig. 19). proliferations grew, their posterior died, separating from the parent gametophyte. AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 132 JOURNAL: 90 4 (2000) m o I f^ E PU m in a^ '^t < u I r^ *n 0^ :r: t^ u. I 5 S OC CO < I ^ X »n (N ^ ^ I ? 52 ^ On CN s (/I < Ml as ON ON -o u. O o OO ON >» r^> CN '^ ON o < E 2 <N (N & ^ U* I ^ o ^ s m «o E <^ cA ON S < iri \o I I K O ^ w a. u^ 3 E S cr S OG in Tj- ^ II < 1 1 en S 5 a -a nj II o ^ CN (^ '^ in t— HUANG ET GAMETOPHYTES AND SPOROPHYTES OF SPHAEROPTERIS AL.: 133 Figs. 12-29. Morphology of gametophytes and juvenile sporophytes of S. lepifera. Figs. 12-14. Multicellular hairs of ganietophytes. Figs. 15-17. Elongate gametophytes. Figs. 18, 19. Gameto- phytes with Filamentous with 21-24. Mid- proliferations. Fig. 20. proliferation antheridia. Figs. rihless few fronds. Figs. 25-27. Midribbed fronds. Fig. 28. Unicellular hairs of a young spo- first = rophyte. Fig. 29. Multicellular hair of a young sporophyte. Bar 100p.ni for Figs. 12-14, 28, 29; mm mm mm 15-17, 21-27; 0.2 for Fig. 20; 1 for Figs. 2 for Figs. 18, 19. 134 FERN VOLUME JOURNAL: sufficient peared in peat cultures about 12 weeks after spore sowing. The gametophyte usually senesced and disappeared after the sporophyte formed. However, some gametophytes with young a sporophyte formed produced proliferations that additional sporophytes. Laminae of the few fronds of young sporophytes first branched dichotomously (Figs. 21-24). Subsequent juvenile fronds were pin- nately divided (Figs. 25-27). Except the few for first fronds, unicellular hairs and were scales evenly on distributed the frond margin 25-29). (Figs. Discussion Sen noted (1964) that the diagnostic characters for the sporangia of most simil spores each sporangium in 64 The is or 16. sporangia of Lophosoria, Sphaer- Metaxya Nephelea have 16 spores (Gastony, 1974). In this study, 64 spores were found in lep- S. same number ifera sporangia, the found in the sporangia of the majority of more highly evolved leptosporangiate ferns (Holttum and Sen, 1961; Gastony, 1974). Page (1979) reported that the spores of some Cyatheaceae lost their viability few weeks, after a but did not describe the conditions under which were they stored. Germination of Cyathea delgadi was 20% spores than less years after 2 of dry storage -12°C (Simabukuro at et al, 1998). However, the high germi- lepifi that be dependent on the storage conditions. After S. lepifera spores germinated, the filament grew along the polar axis, while the first rhizoid elongated along the equatorial plane. This pattern of spore germination has been classified as "Cyathea-type" and considered is typical of ferns in the Cyatheaceae (Nayar and Kaur, 1971). Using the definitions of Nayar and Kaur gametophyte (1971), S. lepifera de- velopment was mostly of the Drynaria-type, but with some Adiantum-type Our features. somewhat results are from different those of Nayar and Kaur who " S (1971), described ' lepifi or nearly Drynaria-type. if' became more elongated. Elongate gametophytes were and more paler slender than heart-shaped gametophytes, and some remained in the antheridial stage months. for Stokey 8 (1930) reported that elongate gametophytes Cyathea of arborea were much very pronounced and produced when only antheridia they lepifi gametophyt developed being after overgrown by other gametophytes. This simulates partial which may burial, occur in nature. Although elongate gametophytes are in- HUANG GAMETOPHYTES AND ET SPORGPHYTES OF AL.: SPHAEROPTERIS 135 capable of supporting sporophytes, they may play a significant role in provid- sperm and ing thus promoting cross-fertilization. In the Cyatheaceae, the antheridial wall usually composed of but is 5 cells, some variation occurs (Stokey, 1930; Atkinson and Stokey, 1964]. The wall of each antheridum was of S. lepifera in this study always comprised of 5 cells, including a basal cell, 2 ring cells, a crescent-shaped and an cell elliptical was opercular that usually shed The cell at antheridial dehiscence. archego- nium neck more been is straight, or less, as has reported for other Cyatheaceae and some advanced less ferns (Stokey, 1930; Atkinson and Stokey, 1964). The peculiar, multicellular hairs on the archegonial cushion game- of the tophyte are characteristic of Cyatheaoid gametophytes (Stokey, 1930). Outside the Cyatheaceae, similar multicellular hairs are found only on gametophytes Loxsomaceae in the (Stokey, 1960; Atkinson and Homology Stokey, 1964). of the multicellular hairs on gametophytes in the Cyatheaceae and Loxsomaceae supported by molecule-based is cladistic analysis (Pryer et aL, personal com- munication). Gametophytes of S. lepifera can produce large clones and enhance their by longevity vegetative growth, as has been described for some other species many in the Cyatheaceae and other fern taxa (Stokey, 1930; Atkinson and Sto- key, 1964; Chiou and Farrar, 1997a). The type of vegetative regeneration pre- lepifi gametophyt Atkinson and Stokey They suggested (1964). that this type of vegetative regen- eration usually occurred on old or injured gametophytes. However, many clones of S. lepifera formed from gametophytes that were green and very new Although healthy. each gametophyte could produce male and female gam- few produced etangia, sporophytes while attached to the parent gameto- still phyte if the parent plant had produced a sporophyte. Perhaps, the developing embryo of the parent gametophyte inhibited the fertilization of eggs of the daughter gametophytes, or inhibited zygote development in fertilized eggs. further investig lepifi Most mm mal only gametophytes were 0.5-3.0 wide, and hermaphroditic i mm gametophytes were more usually than 3.0 in width. antheridium Initial formation was followed by the attainment of prolonged hermaphroditic a phase during which antheridia continued However, to form. in a previous study of the gametangial sequence of [= Cyathea S. lepifera lepifera), anther- idium formation ceased once plants became hermaphroditic (Masuyama, Gametophyte may 1975b). sexual expression be by affected the culture medi- um Masuyama (Masuyama, 1975a). (1975b) observations were on gameto- s phytes grown on agar medium, whereas gametophytes in study were this on medium. grow^n peat A gametangial sequence from male hermaphroditic may to favor intraga- metophytic Masuy selfing (Klekowski, 1969; lepifi AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 136 90 4 (2000) Based on isozyme Chen suggested mating system data, (1995] that the of S. lepifera tended toward intergametophytic crossing. Similarly, three other tree ferns, Alsophila firma (Cyatheaceae), Cyathea stipularis (Cyatheaceae) and Lo- phosoria quadripinnata (Lophosoriaceae) are outcrossing (Soltis et ah, 1991). may been has suggested that inbreeding of bisexual gametophytes be limited It by high genetic load (Klekowski, 1969, 1973; Masuyama, 1979; Peck et ah, common Hooper and 1990; Haufler, 1997). Thus, bisexual gametophytes are if may in natural populations of genetic load be the most important S. lepifera, factor favoring outcrossing in S. lepifera. Young sporophytes were produced when water was supplied sufficient to mature Gametophytes would when sexually plants. not bear sporophytes water was not added to cultures, although they had mature gametangia. In addition, young sporophytes were always born on the archegonia, suggesting that S. sporophytes from The lepifera likely resulted 64-spore sporangi- fertilization. um also indicates that not an apogamous species. it is In S. lepifera, the blades of juvenile leaves are dichotomously branched, whereas those of succeeding juvenile fronds pinnately This are dissected. is common most the type of frond ontogeny in leptosporangiate ferns (Wagner, 1952). Acknowledgments The authors thank two anonymous reviews comments, Alan Warneke for their useful Dr. for SEM editing the manuscript, and Miss Chien-Rong Huang was for assistance. This research sup- Forestry Research Institute (contribution No. 137). Literature Cited gam Crabbe, and A. 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