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Morphology and ultrastructure of the pygidial gland of the ant Dinoponera australis (Hyemenoptera, Formicidae). PDF

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by  BillenJ.
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Preview Morphology and ultrastructure of the pygidial gland of the ant Dinoponera australis (Hyemenoptera, Formicidae).

B'.den, T. i:fxX8rani5o,C.R.r Paiv/a Rv.S. 1995. Papeis Avulsos de Zoologia MUSEU DE ZOOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO ISSN0031-1049 Papeis Avulsos Zcxdl,S.Paulo. 39(9)209-216 20.VII.1995 MORPHOLOGY AND ULTRASTRUCTURE OFTHE PYGIDIAL GLAND OFTHE ANTDINOPONERA AUSTRALIS (HYMENOPTERA, FORMICIDAE) JOHANBiLLEN ' CarlosRobertoF. Brandao^ RiCARDO V. S. Paiva^ Abstract Thepygidialglands o/Dinoponera australis appearastwo verylarge cell clusters underneath the anterior margin on either side ofthe seventh tergite. Thepolygonalsecretorycellsare associatedwith slenderduct cells, thatcarrythe secretion into thereservoir, which isformedbythe invaginated intersegmental membrane between the 6th and 7th tergites. Ultrastructwal examinationrevealstheoccurrenceofavesicularsmoothendoplasmicreticu- lum, a well developed Golgi apparatus and abundant mitochondria. These characteristics maycorrespondwith the elaboration ofapheromonal secre- tion. Thepygidialglandinthisspeciesisprobablyinvolvedinitsgeneralized recruitmentsystem. Keywords: Dinoponera australis, morphology, pygidial gland, ultrastructure. 1.ZoologicalInstitute,UniversityofLeuven,Naamsestraat59,B-3000Leuven(Belgium). 2.MuseudeZoologia,UniversidadedeS5oPaulo,C.P.7172,01064-000SSoPaulo,SP(Brasil). Trabalhorecebidoparapublica(3oem01.11.1994eaceitoem 11.04.1995. 210 PapeisAvulsosdeZoologia Introduction Social insectsin general andants inparticulararecharacterizedbyan overwhelming varietyofexocrineglands thatarefoundall overtheirbodies, andthatamounttoatotalof39differentglandsfortheFomiicidaeonly(Billen, 1994). Among the abdominal glands, one group is associated with the sting apparatus, another is formed by glands that are associated with the tergites andstemites. Additional,butmuchsmallerintersegmentalglands,canbeclas- & sified as tergostemal, dorsolateral and lateroventral in position (lessen Maschwitz, 1983). Thepygidialglandisthemostconspicuoustergalglandin ants, and occurs as a paired structure that opens through the intersegmental membranebetween the6thand 7th tergites. It isextremelydevelopedamong & theDolichoderinae (Pavan Ronchetti, 1955). The pygidial glands in general are involved in the secretionofphero- monalsubstances,althoughthereisnocommoncharacteristicfunctionforthe Formicidae in general. Among the several known pheromonal functions are & theelaborationofalarmsubstances(Pavan Ronchetti, 1955; Kugler, 1979), & trailpheromones(Simon Hefetz, 1991),recruitmentpheromones(Maschwitz &Schonegge, 1977),sexpheromones(HOUdobier&Haskins, 1977),andsmear- ing substances (lessen & Maschwitz, 1983). A survey ofthe general appear- & ance ofthe pygidial gland in ants is given by HSlIdobler Engel (1978), illustrating itswidespread occunence in members ofall subfamilies, includ- ingtheFormicinae, where itwaspreviouslythought notto occur(Hfilldobler, 1984). Ultrastructuraldatadealingwiththepygidialglandsofararerestricted toadescription ofthegland in Dolichoderinae (Billen, 1986). Queenlessness isawidespreadphenomenon in ponerineants, and has recently received intense attention, especially as to the reproductive differen- tiation and social organization (see revision in Peeters, 1991). The role of exocrineglandsinthebiologyofqueenlessspecies, however, ispoorlyknown. Oldham et al. (1994) compared the volume and contents ofthe mandibular glandsofall membersofacolonyofDinoponeraaustraliswiththereproduc- tivestatusoftheworkers, notingalargedifferenceintheamountofsecretion between thegamergate (matedworker) and its non-matednestmates. Inthepresentpaper,wereportonthemorphologyandultrastructureof thisgland in the queenlessponerineantD. australis. MaterialandMethods A nest ofDinoponera australis was excavated at Itirapina, SP, Brasil, andthepygidialglandsofallindividualsfound(thegamergateand 12workers) Vol. 39(9), 1995 211 were fixed in 2% cold glutaraldehyde, buffered at pH 7.3 in 50 mM Na- cacodylate and 150 mM saccharoseandpostfixed in 2%coldosmium tetrox- ideinthesamebuffer. Afterdehydrationinagradedacetoneseries,theglands wereembeddedinaralditeandsectionedwithaReichertUltracutEmicrotome. Sections were stained in a LKB 2168 Ultrostainer and examined in a Zeiss EM900 electron microscope. Semithin sections were stained with methylene blueandthionin. Glandsforscanningmicroscopywerefixedinthesameway astissuesfortransmission microscopy, afterwhichtheyweredehydrated ina graded ethanol series and critical point dried in a Balzers CPD 030 instru- ment, andviewed in aPhilips SEM515 microscope. Results ThepygidialglandinDinoponeraaustraliscomprisesaleftandaright very largeelongate cluster ofpolygonal secretory cells (diameterapprox. 40- 50 /jm) with rounded nuclei, underneath the anterior margin ofthe 7th ab- dominal tergite, bilaterally disposed (Fig. 1). Each cluster measures approx. 800 //m on an abdominal cross section, by 150 //m on a longitudinal section (Fig. 2). A rough count leads to an estimate ofapproximately 300 secretory cellspercluster. Theglandularcellsare individuallyconnectedthroughasso- Fig. 1. SchematicaldrawingofaDinoponeraaustralisworkershowingthepositionoftheleftpy- gidialglandcluster(arrow).Scalebar0,5cm. 212 PapeisAvulsosde2)oologia sc Vol. 39(9), 1995 213 ciatedductcellswiththepygidialglandreservoir(Figs. 3, 4),whichisformed by an invagination ofthe intersegmental membranebetween the 6th and 7th abdominal tergites. Asthis invagination is rathernarrow, however, the reser- voir has a relatively small volume. There is no muscular supply associated with thegland nor with its reservoir. Each secretorycell ischaracterizedby the intracellularendapparatus, which consistsofa microvillarsheath surroundingthecentral cuticularduct, which hasan internal diameterofapprox. 0.4//m. Thecuticular liningofthe ductischaracterizedbyadiscontinuouselectron-denseepicuticle(Fig.5). The microvillarpattern maydisplayanorderly arrangement(Fig. 5) ormay show conspicuous extracellular spaces that force the microvilli to occur in a more loosepattern (Fig. 6). Thecytoplasm ischaracterizedbyanabundance ofmi- tochondriaandawell developedGolgi apparatus(Fig. 7), aswellasanelabo- rate smooth endoplasmic reticulum ofthe vesicular type (Fig. 6). Spherical lamellar inclusions with adiameteraround 1 /im canbe observed, especially in theregion oftheendapparatus, wheretheyoccurinbetweenthe microvilli (Fig. 5). Theductcells arecharacterizedbya much reducedcytoplasm, anda continuouscuticularductwithaninternaldiameteraround 1//mandacuticu- lar lining ofappro.x. 0.2 jum (Fig. 8). Wewerenotabletofindanysignificantdifferencebetweentheglandand reservoir ofthe gamergate and the non-mated workers. In the laboratory and fieldconditions,weobservedseveraltimespairsofworkersintandem,thatis,a workerfollowingaleaderworker, keepingphysical contactwithitbymeansof slightandrepeatedtouchesoftheantennaetothegasterdorsumofthe leader. Discussion The pygidial gland represents one ofthe most conspicuous exocrine elementsinthegiantNeotropicalantDinoponeraaustralis.Theglandisformed bynumerousbicellularunits, eachconsistingofasecretorycellanditsaccom- panying duct cell, which therefore correspond to the class 3 glandular cells following theclassificationofNoirot&Quennedey(1974). Thesearecharac- terized by the presence ofan end apparatus, that represents thejunction be- tween the secretory cell and the duct cell. Size variation ofthe extracellular spacethatoccursat thisjunction, duetodifferencesin thearrangementofthe microvilli ofthe end apparatus, can probably be seen as an expression ofa different stage in the cell's secretory activity, as has also been observed in otherexocrineglands(Bazire-Benazet&Zylberberg, 1979). Thepossiblefor- mation, foreach secretory cell individually, ofan additional reservoir space. 214 PapeisAvulsosdeZoologia Figs, 5-8 (scalebarl/fln); 5. Detailoftheendapparatus,showingthefenestratedepicuticularlayer ofthecentralduct,andlamellarinclusions(LI)inbetweenthemicrovilli(mv);6.Cytoplasmwithend apparatus(EA),mitochondria(M)andwidecisternsofsmoothendoplasmicreticulum(SER);7.Cy- toplasmicdetailshowingGolgiapparatus(GA)andmitochondria(M).N:nucleus;8.Crosssection throughductcells.N:nucleus. allows temporary storage ofsecretory products, which may be important for glands with a rather small common reservoir, as in the present case ofthe pygidial gland ofD.australis. In Dolichoderinae, on the other hand, the py- gidial gland reservoir is extremely enlarged. For this reason, this gland has Vol. 39(9), 1995 215 & been erroneously interpreted as an 'anal gland' (Pavan Ronchetti, 1955; Billen, 1986). In the Myrmicinae, theglandappearsto bemore developed in the moreadvanced genera (Kugler, 1978). The cytoplasm ofthe secretory cells contains a very well developed smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, and an abundance of mitochondria.Thesecharacteristicsaretypicalofpheromoneproducingglands, where non-proteinaceous molecules oflow molecular weight are elaborated (Noirot & Quennedey, 1974; Billen, 1991). The lamellarinclusions probably representthesecretoryproducts, asisalsoillustratedbytheiroccurrencenear to oreven inbetween the microvilli ofthe endapparatus, wherethey maybe & on theirway to the reservoir(Hefetz Orion, 1982; Billen, 1986). The observation offrequent tandem running, with contacts between individuals involvingtheplacewherethepygidial glandsare located, theab- sence ofa muscularsupply associatedwith thegland orits reservoir, and the absence ofvolatile substances in the gland and its reservoir, suggest that the pygidial gland in Dinoponera australis may be constantly producing and re- leasingcontactpheromonesofrelativelylowvolatility, employedintheirgen- eralized recruitment system. Also the lack ofsignificant differencesbetween the pygidial gland ofgamergates and non-mated workers suggests that this gland is not involved in reproduction. According to HOlldobler and Wilson (1990), the secretions ofthe py- gidial glands in ponerine ants can function as tandem running pheromones, recruitmentandtrail pheromones, orsexpheromones, dependingonthe spe- cies and the behavioural context. In Pachyncondyla obscuricornis, Traniello and Holldolber (1984) suggested that the secretion ofthe pygidial gland ap- pears to be transferred to the hindlegs ofa tandem pair leaderby a series of self-groomingbehavioursthatoccurpriortotheformationofatandempair. In thisspecies theformationoftandempairs is relatedto nest migration, which can also be the case ofDinoponera, as observed in D. gigantea by Overal (1980). In spiteofapresumableinvolvementintheproductionofpheromonal substances based on the ultrastructural characteristics, however, preliminary chemical analysisofthepygidialglandsof D. australiscouldnotconfirmthe presenceofanyvolatilecompounds (Oldham & Morgan, pers. comm.). Acknowledgements Weareverygrateful toJ. Cillis,D. CorstjensandE. Schoetersfortheir help in specimen preparationforscanningandtransmissionelectron micros- copy. ConselhoNacionaldeDesenvolvimentoCientificoeTecnol6gico,CNPq andFunda^ao de Amparo kPesquisa do Estado de SSo Paulo, FAPESP, par- tiallyfunded this study. 216 Papeis AvulsosdeZoologia References Bazire-Benazel,M.&Zylberberg,L. 1979.Anintegumentaryglandsecretingaterritorialpheromone inAttasp.:detailedstructureandhistochemistry.J.InsectPhysiol. 25:751-765. Billen, J. 1986. Morphologyandultrastructureoftheabdominal glands indolichoderineants. Ins. Soc. 33:278-295. Billen,J. 1991.Ultrastructuralorganizationoftheexocrineglandsinants.Ecol.Ethol.Evol.Special IssueI: ^l-Ti. Billen,J. 1994.Morphologyofexocrineglandsinsocialinsects:anup-date100yearsafterCh.Janet. In:Lenoir,A.;Arnold,G.&Lepage,M.(Eds)LesInsectesSociaux.Univ.ParisNordPubl. 583p. Hefetz,A.& Orion,T. 1982.PheromonesofantsofIsrael:I.Thealarm-defensesystemofsomelarger Formicinae.Isr.J.Entomol. 16:87-97. Holldobler,B. 1984.AnewexocrineglandintheslaveraidingantgenusPolyergus.Psyche91:225- 235. 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