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Preview Morphology and ecology of seedlings, fruits and seeds of Panama: Bixaceae and Cochlospermaceae

Bull. not. Hist. Mus. Lond. (Bot.)24(2): 161-171 Issued24 November 1994 Morphology and ecology of seedlings, fruits and seeds of Panama: Bixaceae and Cochlospermaceae NANCY GARWOOD C. DepartmentofBotany, TheNaturalHistory Museum, CromwellRoad, London SW75BD CONTENTS Introduction 161 Methods 161 Bixaceae 162 Cochlospermaceae 166 Discussion 169 References . . 171 SYNOPSIS. Seedlings, saplings, fruits and seeds of Bixa urucurana (Bixaceae) and Cochlospermum vitifolium (Cochlospermaceae)aredescribed,andecologicaldataonthesestagessummarized,aspartoftheongoingSeedling Flora Project, centred on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Data from these taxa and new seedling characters are usedtodiscussthe relationshipbetween the two families. Thepresenceofextra-floral nectariesat leafnodesalong the stem and 'pearl bodies' on leaves, two ecologically important characters not described in standard floras, are discussed. INTRODUCTION vest, e.g. 1784A (adultvoucher), 1784B-G (seedlings). Adult voucher specimens are deposited among the following her- baria: F, BM and PMA. All seedling, fruit and seed speci- The aim ofthe Seedling Flora Project, initiated in 1985, is to mens described are currently at BM, where seedlingvoucher produce an illustrated flora of seedlings, saplings, fruits and specimens and fruit and seed samples will be deposited; seeds for the neotropical forest centred on Barro Colorado duplicates ofseedlingswill be distributed toother herbaria. Island, Panama (see Garwood & Humphries, 1993). In this Descriptions are based on photographs and notes of fresh account, two species are described, Bixa urucurana Willd. specimens and on dry and preserved material from the (Bixaceae) and Cochlospermum vitifolium (Willd.) Spreng. collections described above, supplemented with general (Cochlospermaceae), which are rare on Barro Colorado information from published floras. Taxonomic references Island (BCI) but common in other parts of central Panama. used throughout the descriptive parts are summarized after Although the two families are treated separately in the Flora the notes on family habit and distribution; references are of Barro Colorado Island (Croat, 1978), Flora of Panama citedin thefruit andseeddescriptionsonlywhentheyarethe (Robyns, 19670, /?; D'Arcy, 1987), and the Flora neotropica sole source ofspecific information; those used in the ecology (Poppendieck, 1981), they are closely allied and often com- section are cited in the text. bined into one family, the Bixaceae (Corner, 1976; Cron- For each species, information is stored in a detailed data- quist, 1981). base and output in a standard format that will be used for all 700 species in the Seedling Flora Project. Descriptive terms are being standardized across all families, but generally follow common usage. See de Vogel (1980) for definitionsof METHODS seedling-specificterms.Thefollowinglessconventionalterms are used: length of pubescence or size of other surface features, minute (< O.lmm), short (0.1-0.5 mm), long Seedswerecollectedincentral Panama, andsownwhilefresh (0.5-1.0 mm), very long (> 1.0 mm). Leaf nodes are num- under sun and shade conditions in a screened growing house bered sequentially from the first leaf-bearing node above the on Barro Colorado Island. Seedlings were photographed, cotyledons. A more detailed account ofseed germination for observed for fresh characters, and harvested at irregular all species is being prepared (Garwood, in prep.). In this intervals;several individualsweregrowntosaplingsize. Each account, the median time until germination is given, rather seed collection has a unique collection number: voucher than the mean, because the distribution ofgermination time specimens and the seedlings grown from that collection are is highlyskewed. lettered sequentially according to date of collection or har- TheNaturalHistoryMuseum, 1994 GARWOOD 162 N.C. BIXACEAE (with slightly fleshy seeds); from superior ovaries, with corolla and sepal scars inconspicuous among 5 large, extra- floral glands at base; carpels 2; locules 1. Capsules papery to HABITAND DISTRIBUTION. Shrubs or trees. Neotropical, but woody, indehiscentortardilyloculicidallydehiscent; partially the cultivated Bixa orellana L. is planted throughout the septate; 15-30(45) x 15-30 x 10-25 mm, (including spines); tropics; one genus and five species, two species in Panama straight; circular to transversely elliptic in outline, circular in and one ortwo species known from BCI (see below). t.s.; margins entire; base widely rounded to truncate; apex Tl(1iA9aX7m6Os)N,(O1C9M6oI1r)Cn,eRrREoF(b1E9yR7nE6sN)C,(E1CS9r.6o7aaMt)a,(c1bD9ra7i8td)h,eanM(1o&9l4a1S)ui,n(Sg1th9a8n3(d)1.9l7e2y),&BWaielr- twpmoiaedcd5ekilemyudmmrsohtutooanrltdld,aesrdwpkiitntobehsrt;oernwudlnnecanarsttgoeeel,dryewbcdiao-tsvbheresaorwetundes,ruwamidlitulnlhyall,ltaocwrluiguctesh,htiesnsrtghi;ofofrftsstupiwrigfnehaetacslk,ey < mm spines 0.5 tallamongbasesoflargerspines;sparselyto Bixa L. moderately scaly, especially around bases of larger spines; TdiAstXiOncNtOMinICtheNOATmEaS.zoFnivbeassipnec(iMeascborfidBei,xa19a4r1e; pBraeesre,nt19a7n6d; Ssceaeldess p6el-t1a2t,e,coernatrnagle,-btroouwcnhitnogbraolwonn,g 1-s2esssiildeest,o sstlailgkhetdl.y csMeuonrlsaaunua,stWr1ii9lc8lt3do).,aanindncdliutBsd.icnuoglrtetilhvlaearsnw.aidTLe.ylpyiocccacullutrievxtaahtmreopdulBge.hsoouortfelBCl.eanntaurraLu.l- oadxneifslooorfwmeefrrduihtba.ylfPnleoaifcgehenbntodauoercspaa;rrpil,eotnawgli;taxheiasscehoefdass2eeimndm2oblrwioiqwdusee,dtaaonrdkcenbdtaarnradkl America, but intermediate forms have been reported (Baer, band narmromwing above seeds and continuing to apex. Funicle 1976) and Central American floras have combined the two about 2 long, curved to coiled, cylindrical, persistent on taxa or ranked them as varieties of B. orellana L. sensu lato placentae, flared mapmically into shiny, 2-lobed appendage (Standley & Williams, 1961; Robyns, 1967a). See Dempsey below seed, 1.5-2 long, each lobe a series of undulating &TGhaerwBoCoId (t1a9x9o4n),fodresfcurritbheerddaisscuBs.sioonreolflatnhaesLe.twboytaCxrao.at fcroumitprbeusts<ed'/4fodlidsst.anSceepttao cmeanrtgrien,aal,bouetxt2enmdimngtalflultlh-rloenuggthhouotf t(h1e97s8h)o,rieslipnreoboafblByCIB.(Currouactu,ra1n9a78W)i,llwdh.erItesldiaskterilbeuvtelisonflaulcotnug- pitlsalceenngttah,busotlihdibdadseanllbyybuetndpoecrafropr.ateVdalavpeiscal2l,y,delhoicsactiendgufnrdoemr ofatfoeuBng.dreuaartlulocynugtrhasrntoaruegbahumotuantnodtthBer.iyveeoarrre,blaliansnkcaso.nasBin.sdtuerinnutcswueiratashnoantahileslyhuasibuniautlnal-ty iaantpgteaxlcahirfegdetraartsdpibilanyseesd.)e,hFir3su-ciletanytwe,arlesldp,trheeiannd,dioancbgaoruapptas0r.et5psamlriagmthitlnwygi,dferreo(mmeaxiocnulmitunedmgr- d2dth4oae3te9eso)dnnlwooyertrBpteieoxrlgaierorsoadetiweecidanwllgailnytogenbsrrlIaaochsgkaagivneseddhyeslnoboicewlosauac(nrhBetaaeaestr,re,tdwhhe1oe9nm7r6oeB)ua.CtsIIhBn(.oaGfdoadrarieswtlmiloaoaolnnd,la w0fnr.iuu2dmi5ete,rmwoamullswciraretdutesi,mtcaauftlcuaoetrroeium,tsiy,nt.goudEmgaxohroskcftiabbrorrfpeossw,venewp.trhayi,Mcethhsiconcoc,anartratibipnlouauetgthiiinnn0o,t.uos05abfbarosouemts stream. One BCI specimen (Croat 12294) has been identified of larger spines; spaces between fibres filled by papery laisstBe.diunruRcoubryannsa((1B9a6e7ra,)1a9n7d6)C,robautt(I19h7a8v)e.nHootwevevreirf,ieditowtohuelrds bmartorwinx,ownhiincnherisscuormfapcree,ssmeedd,isuhminbyramonwmdnmwoittthlcerdewaimt-hcoolroaunrgeed- bhbeaevesenurppblreiaesnnitnegcduilfottnihveBatCceIod,mmianosntmlhayencylualbotoirrvnaaattmoeedrnyBt.aclloeraearlnildnagnfaoahonaddspnolelavdneetrrs fogiulbsar,berso.duasEr,nkddoulbclra,ordwpanrvketrboyrtoohwriannn,tgo*es-ob0r.ra0on5wgne;-brionwwnined.re,sdurrfya-cmeemrboruagnh-, settlement sites. Seeds Bixa urucurana Willd., Enum. pi.: 565 (1809). Seeds 3.7-5.1 x 3.5-4.3 x 3.0-3.8 mm; sarcotestal; anatro- pous; widely obovate or widely obtriangular in outline, Fig. 1. compressed except subcompressed apically, mostly elliptic HABITAND DISTRIBUTION. Small tree, to 10 m tall, ofmoist in t.s., with both faces often concave; margins entire; base to wet lowland forest, usually along streams, rivers or other moderately acute; apex truncate; apical cap over chalazal ~ mm inundatedareas. Braziland Peruto NicaraguaorGuatemala. foramenmoderatelyraised, circular, 2 wide,with light brown outer ring and black centre, both easily dislodged; COLLECTIONS. Panama. Colon: Gamboa, along shoreline of deep medial groove extending > 3/4 length of seed, from eRriso),ChGaagrrweso,odGa&rwRoaondd12803805AA(B(nMo,vFo,ucPhMerA,,saadmulettvroeuecha-s whihleunmdtroy,appeapxilallaotnegwrhaepnhem;oiosutteernesdu,rfraocuegdhebnesetlwyeepnusptuisctuullatees Gwoaorwdo2o4d3918(3s0eeAd)l;ingBsa)r;ro7 Cseoeldolri&andgso tIosl6a9nd:cmshtoarlellienxea,miGnaerd- matedhiiguhmeromraagnnigfei-cbartoiwonn, ogrlabrreodu-sb,roslwinghtwlyhegnlosdsryy,whpeanpildrlya,e (Garwood 1830B-D, 2085B-C, 2439). yellowwhen moistened; ifsarcotesta eaten or removed, then outer surface smooth, smooth at higher magnification, gla- Fruits brous, glossy, medium brown to orange-brown, except dark Infructescencesterminal; loosely branched panicle-like thyrse black-brown at base around micropylar regions. Aril absent. to about 22 cm long, with 1-3 fruits usually maturing per The funicular appendage (see above), which Corner (1976) branch. Rachis to about 22 cm long; branches to about 5 cm describes as a vestigial aril, remains firmly attached to the long; pedicels 1.5-2.0 cm long with 5 large glands about funicle. Sarcotesta hard when dry, fleshy when moistened; mm 2.5 tall belowcalyx scars; all stemsdensely scaly. Recep- with large oil cells resin-like when dry, becoming soft and mm tacles undeveloped. Stipes to 1 long, straight, circular in waxy when moistened, but drying firm and waxy; completely t.s., scaly, remainingattachedtocapsule. Fruitscapsules, dry surrounding seed; initially medium brown to orange-brown 163 Fig. 1 Bixaurucurana Willd. Fruit: A, indehiscentcapsule; B, forcefullyopenedcapsule. Seed: C-D,twoviews;E,t.s. (throughplane 'e'in T F); F, mediall.s. (throughplane inE);G,obliquel.s. (throughplane 'g' inE). Seedling: H,olderseedling;J,cotyledon; K, firstleaf. Saplings: L, youngsapling; M, oldersapling; N, leafataboutnode 17;O,stipuleataboutnode24; P,stipuleatnode45: R,glandatabout node40. Scale bars: blackandwhite, 1 mmunits;whiteonly, 1 cm units. Symbols: outertoinnerlayersoftesta(tsl-ts3)and legmen (tgl-tg3);vasculartrace (v);chalazalplug(cp);endosperm (shaded);andcross-sectionalplanesforE, F, andG (dashed lines: e, fandg, respectively). GARWOOD 164 N.C. when dry, becoming yellow or orange-yellow when moist- brown; surface texture and colour between hypocotyl and ened (and remaining so upon redrying); initially pusticu- root change slightly and gradually around collet. Secondary late when dry, becoming papillate when moistened (and roots sinuous, scattered along primary root. Root hairs not remaining so); developing from entire testa. Hilum subbasal evident. Sapling root system: taproot long-tapering, very in medial groove, exposed, slightly recessed to flush, some- thick for much of length; secondary roots mostly very thin times raised around end ofvascular bundle, medium orange- andcommon, afew moderate-sized; rootletsveryfine tofine brown, slightly lighter than surrounding sarcotesta, black- and numerous. brown if tegmen exposed, usually indistinct and ill-defined, sometimes distinct, elliptic and = 1 mm long when much of STEMS. Hypocotyl34-38 x 1-2 mm, circular in t.s.; smooth, sarcotesta adheres to funicle, often with irregular patch of drying longitudinally wrinkled; glabrous; green. Epicotyl 1-5 tegmenexposedoverthe micropylarregion. Micropylebasal, x 0.5-2 mm, circularint.s.,smooth, sparselyminutelyscaly, not visible. Chalazalforamen apical, not visible until apical green. Scales peltate, sessile, erect, light orange-brown. mm mm cap removed, conspicuous on tegmen, round, 1.25 Cataphylls absent. Internodes 1-10, 3-17 long; later wide; closed by black chalazal plug, flat-topped, shallowly internodes to 40 mm; circular in t.s.; smooth; glands absent mm mm conical, 0.5 wide, on a brown, 1.5 wide disk, on internodes 1-10, present below the stipule scar and an extremely complex structure formed from specialized well-developedonmostinternodes ^ 20,secretingnectar3-4 mm chalazal tissue (hypostase) and tegmen. Endosperm thick, internodesbelowyoungestleaf, to 1 tall,widelyobovate, encasing embryo, hard, rapidly becoming soft once moist- with apex rounded to obcordate, light brown-green when ened, starchy (Corner, 1976), cream-coloured to white. fresh, drying light brown on glabrous raised pad twice width Embryo large, to 5 mm long, central, with cotyledons in of gland and darker brown than surrounding stem; sparsely plane oblique to medial plane through raphe, straight except scaly at internodes 1-5, moderately scaly through internode abruptly curved at apex of cotyledon under chalazal plug, 20, densely scaly at later internodes; slightly pusticulate at spathulate, flattened, yellow or yellow-green; axis well- early internodes, often moderately to densely pusticulate at developed, completely exposed; cotyledons well-developed, later internodes, pustules often still filled with dark orange- flat, often slightly curved, thin, ovate in outline, cordate at brown fluid on dry specimens. Scales peltate, sessile, light mm base; plumule rudimentary. Vascular bundle lateral, orange-brown, 0.05 in diameter at first internode to mm unbranched, very thin, sometimes exposed at hilar end, 0.10 in diameter at later internodes, circular with passingthrough sarcotestain the medial groove ofthe raphe, entire to irregular margins. Olderstems dark brown-green to sometimes visible through sarcotesta, terminating apically in dark grey-brown, solid basally, often hollow apically, shal- mm chalazal cap. Seed coat thick, mostly 0.125-0.25 wide, lowly furrowed, rough and often glabrous with age as initial except to 1.0 mm wide over chalaza, bony, with fleshy bark surface fragments; wood cream-coloured. Lenticels first sarcotesta, exotegmic. Testa thin when dry, thickerin medial appearing on olderstems 2-5 mm wide, common on older groove, thick when moistened, resin-like when dry, a stems 6-8 mm wide; mostly 0.5 mm long, raised, initially fleshy sarcostesta when moistened, mostly 1-layered except elliptic to round, widening with age, cream-coloured on 3-layered at apex around chalazal foramen; outer layer very darker stems. Buds: Cotyledonary buds hidden or slightly mm thin, crustaceous, only evident as apical cap over chalazal protruding to 0.2 out of axils, slightly protruding above mm foramen, light brown with black centre; middle layer (see cotyledonscars, glabrous. Lateralbuds protruding 0.2 mm sarcotesta above) less developed beneath apical cap; inner outofaxilsatearlynodes, to 1 atlaternodes;glabrousat layerthick, bony, dark-brown, onlyevidentbelowapicalcap, early nodes to moderately or densely scaly at later nodes; tightly appressed to tegmen and lining the chalazal foramen. enclosed within at least 2 widely to very widely triangular Tegmen thick, bony, quickly becoming leathery during imbi- scale leaves. Terminal buds covered by stipules, glabrous at bition, impermeable on outer surface but highly permeable nodes 1-10, graduallybecomingdenselyscaly at later nodes. on inner surface, 3-layered; outer layer thick, bony, cream-coloured to light grey, inflexed apically forming cha- COTYLEDONS. Two, opposite, foliaceous, simple, petiolate, lazal foramen, with a very thin dark brown inner band that estipulate, emergent from seed, spreading apart, persistent becomes thick at base around micropylar area and forms a until at least node 5 matures. Blades 15-18 x 8-10 mm; thick dark internal ring around chalazal foramen; middle straight, flat, ovate; apex acute to narrowly rounded; base layer very thin, papery, light brown, except thick and cordate; margins entire. Blades densely thick-lined below, mm spongy around chalazal plug, splitting during imbibition and each to 0.5 long, parallel to long axis ofcotyledon, light partially adhering to outer and inner layers; inner layer very brown-orange, faintly pellucid and yellow-brown against thin, papery, medium brown, except thick, bony and strong light; faintly pellucid thick-lined above against strong black-brown beneath chalazal plug, separating from middle light, otherwise scarcely visible; glabrous above and below; layer during imbibition, becoming leathery (except under green. Venation palmate, 3-veined; brochido-actinodromous, chalaza), and adheringto endosperm. basal and perfect. Primary veins 3; fine to moderate-sized; moderately raised above when dry, prominently raised and below; central primary vein moderate-sized, straight to sinu- SSeeeeddlliinnggss phansearpol-ienpgisgeal with cotyledons haustorial during ous apically; lateral primary veins basal, fine, > 3/4 length of germination, then photosynthetic. blade, curved or slightly arched, diverging at narrowly acute angles, looped, obtuselyto perpendicularlyjoinedto second- DEVELOPMENT. Hypocotyl elongates into loop, the cotyle- aries ofmidvein. Secondary veins fine; 10-18 per cotyledon, dons emerge from seed, sometimes not fully escaping seed. 4-5 along midvein and 3-4 along each lateral primary vein; Hypocotyl straightens. alternate along midvein, marginal along lateral primary veins; =s'/2 length of blade, longest centrally along midvein; ROOTS. Primary rootcircular in t.s., curved to sinuous, light arched; diverging at mostly narrowly acute angles; looped, SEEDLINGS, FRUITS AND SEEDS OFPANAMA 165 variously joined to superadjacent secondaries; slightly raised moderately raised below. Inter-secondary veins absent to above, slightly raised to flush below. Inter-secondary veins occasional in intercostal areas along midvein. Tertiary veins occasional. Tertiary veins reticulate within intercostal area, looped within marginal area, reticulate within intercostal mm looped within marginal area. Petioles 2-3 long, half- area at nodes 1-5, becoming straight-percurrent and oblique circular in t.s., channelled, often warty along margins and at to midvein near margin and convex-percurrent near midvein mm mm apex above. at later nodes. Petioles 10-140 long, 10-20 long at nodes 1-5; straight, circular in t.s.; often drying channelled LEAVES. Alternate and spiral; simple; long-petiolate, stipu- above, enlarged at base, pulvinate at apex, medium yellow- late. Leaf blades 22-25 x 12-13 mm at first node; 25-40 x green to green with medium brown pulvinus; sparsely to 14-20 mm at nodes 2-5; to 229 x 168 mm at later nodes; moderatelypusticulate, sparselyminutelyscalyatearlynodes straight; ovate at nodes 1-5, becoming widely ovate at later becoming moderately scaly at later nodes, pulvini usually nodes; apex long-acuminate at nodes 1-5, becoming acumi- densely pusticulate and densely scaly at later nodes. Stipules mm mm nate orshort-acuminate at laternodes; base cordate atnodes paired; 2-5 long at nodes 1-5, to 19 long at later 1-20, usually becoming emarginate, truncate or widely nodes; simple, narrowly triangular, with long acuminate rounded at later nodes; margins entire. Blades dark green apex; quickly deciduous, papery; glabrous at early nodes to above, lighter below; raised between the veins when fresh; densely scaly at later nodes; green becoming light-brown; papery; usually densely minutely light orange-brown or leaving pair of conspicuous scars above petiole, perpendicu- green-brown punctate on blade belowatearly nodes, becom- larto stem, each > 3/4width ofstem. ingdark brown punctate at laternodes, sometimeswiththick dark brown-orange lines on veins below at later nodes, each SAP. Not evident in freshly cut leaves, bark, or roots, but punctation usually 0.05-0.10 mm long, irregular, circular or sclroewalmy-cooolzoiunrgedoutto maerdoiunudm coernatnrgael-pbirtohwnofancdutresstien-ml,iked.rying elliptic in outline, usually yellow-green pellucid against strong light at early nodes to light orange-brown pellucid at ODOUR. Not distinctive. later nodes, sometimes opaque and dark brown-orange at later nodes, often associated with short thin orthick pellucid ARCHITECTURE. Trunk axis monopodial. Initial axis ortho- canals, sometimes branched; sometimesmoderatelypunctate tropic. No branches formedmomn plants =s 70 cm tall, but above, but usually pellucid dots scarcely visible above except elongated lateral buds (to 4 long) on largest individual againststronglight;glabroustosparselyminutelyscalybelow suggest that sylleptic branches might soon be produced. onveins and blades at nodes 1-5, becomingmoderately scaly Leaves held horizontal to descending. at later nodes; glabrous to sparsely minutely scaly above on veinsandbladesatnodes 1-5, becomingmostlysparselyscaly Ecology saetsslialte,erlingohdteso;rangglea-bbroruoswn,alomnogstlmyarg=in0..05Scmalmesinpeldtiaatmee,ter PHENOLOGY. Central American B. urucurana flowers in the on blade, to 0.10 mm on veins below, circular with entire late rainy season September-December, with fruit develop- tiommierdrieagtuellayr,mgalragbirnosu.s Yorousnpagrsleelayvesscalsyprbeealdoiwngatopeaernlyanlomdoesst niniganducrolilnegcttihoensfowlelroewidnagrdkrybrsoewasnona.ndFrduriytsinfrAopmrimlyanPdanMaamya.- todenselyscalybelowatlaternodes;initiallydenselypusticu- DISPERSAL. When ripe, the dry capsule is dark brown with plautsetualbeosvew,hewnitlheasfhianbyouctoatl/i4n-3gAaebxopvaendaepdp,arseunrtflaycesebcercetoemdinbgy tstairfdfislpyidneesh,isacnendt.prSoebeadbslywiitnhdienhitshceendtry(,Baienrd,eh1i9s7c6e)ntorfrautitmoasrte dull again when full-size, dark green-brown, becoming also dry and dark orange-brown to red-brown, but the dark brown-green, rigid, descending, produced continually, sarcotesta becomes soft, papillate and bright yellow when often before previous 1-3 leaves full-size. Venation palmate, moistened. Dispersal mode is unknown. Seeds of the genus 5-veined; brochido-actinodromous, basal, perfect. Primary Bixa are usually assumed to be bird-dispersed because ofthe veins 5; moderate-sized; moderately raised above, promi- bright red or red-orange sarcotesta visible in the dehisced nently raised below; central primary vein straight; lateral capsule, but Baer (1976) notes there are no observations of primary veins basal, thinner than midvein, inner pair of birds taking the seeds. In the indehiscent fruits of B. uru- lateral primaries >/2-3/4 length of blade, arched, diverging at curana, the duller orange-brown to red-brown seeds are not jmooidneerdatteolsyecaocnudtaeryanvgeliens,frlooompmeidd,veaicnut;eoluytteorppaeirrpe<nd'i/2cullenagrtlhy vriisviebrlseidaet mhaatbuitraitt,y asungdgeasrteiuonnlsikoeflyftiosha-tdtirsapcetrsbailrds(.vaGnivReonosit-s ofblade, arched, divergingat perpendicularangles, looped malen, 1985) or water-dispersal (Baer, 1976) are not unrea- to diffusely looped, perpendicularly to obtusely joined to sonable. In addition, the spiny, dry, brown indehiscent fruits secondary vein from inner lateral primary vein. Secondary hiding pulp-covered seeds are reminiscent of Apeiba mem- veins moderate-sized along midvein, fine along lateral veins; branacea Spruce ex Benth. (Tiliaceae), which is mammal- 4-6 along midvein and 2-3 along each inner lateral vein on dispersed. leaves at first node, 4-8 along midvein and 2-4 along each inner lateral vein at nodes 2-5, 8-15 along midvein and 2-8 GERMINATION. Seeds of B. urucurana germinated slowly along each inner lateral vein at nodes ^ 12; alternate to (22-38 weeks) at low percentages (5-12%) in both sun and subopposite along midvein, on outer (exmedial) side of shade in the growing house. Baer (1976) failed to germinate lateral veins; == 1/3 length of blade, longest centrally along seeds of numerous samples of B. urucurana, although those midvein; mostly arched, often hooked apicallyalong midvein from B. orellana sensu stricto germinated easily. Seeds col- and distally along lateral primary veins; diverging at moder- lectedfromunopenedfruitofthecultivatedB. orellanasensu ately acute angles; looped, sometimes diffusely looped cen- strictohavehighmoisturecontent(~ 45%,freshweightbasis trally along lateral primary veins, mostly perpendicularly [FWB]) and permeable seed coats (Goldbach, 1979), and joinedtosuperadjacentsecondaryvein;slightlyraisedabove, germinate rapidly (< 1-3 weeks; Garrard, 1955; Goldbach, GARWOOD 166 N.C. 1979; Chin et al., 1984). When seeds are air-dried, they long, pedicels 3-4 cm long. Receptacles undeveloped. Stipes FbeWcBo)m,eanidmpgeerrmmeianbaltei,onmboeicsotumrees scpoonrtaednitc odvreorps>(=1 y1ea0r%. wabistehnetr.edFpreuritssistceanptsusleepsa,ls,drtyo;28frmomm sluopnegraitorbaosvea;riceasr,pelwsit5h; Under natural conditions, the chalazal plug must become locules 1. Capsulespaperytowoody, locucidallyandsepticid- loosened before imbibition and germination can occur, but ally dehiscent (outerand innervalves, respectively); partially thisrequirementcanbecircumventedifseedsare scarifiedby 5-septate; (40-)70-90(-110) x 35-70 x 35-70 mm; straight; cutting off the micropylar tip of the seed coat below the obovate or widely ovate or elliptic in outline, circular in t.s.; radicle (Goldbach, 1979). The proportion of impermeable margins entire; base truncate to short-attenuate; apex trun- seeds in a collection varies from 0% (Garrard, 1955) to > cate and centrally depressed; surface dark brown or grey, 50% (Goldbach, 1979), dependingon seed moisture content, dull, densely longitudinally narrowly multi-ridged, moder- periodofdrying, andpossiblycultivarused. Mycollectionsof ately to densely minute- to short-pubescent; hairs simple, B. urucurana had low seed moisture contents (6-10%, erect. Seeds numerous, intermediary, touching along com- FWB), suggesting that the seed coats were impermeable at pactedcotton-likehairsbutseedbodiesseparate, compressed timeofdispersal. SeedsofB. orellanaair-driedtoabout 10% laterally; longaxisofseedparallelorobliquetolongaxisof moisture content (FWB) and stored for 12 months in the fruit; at maturity, free within locule. Placentae intruded laboratory at 23C retained high viability (95% of initial parietal; each cylindrical, running full length of fruit, viability); those dried to about 4% moisture content had ~ 50-60 x 5-6 mm, with numerous large funicular mounds, slightly lower viability (82% of initial values) over the same minute ovule scars, and aborted ovules and seeds. Funicle to mm period (Goldbach, 1979). Baer (1976) also reports high 0.5 tall,straight, widelytoverywidelyconical, persistent viability after 1 year, whereas Garrard (1955) found viability on placentae. Septa marginal, extending '/2-3/4 distance to wascompletelylost after5 months. The lattermayreflectthe centre. Valves 10, 5 outer and 5 inner, dehiscing from apex, absence ofseeds with impermeable coats in that collection. spreading apart, each outer valve overlapping margins of adjacent inner valves except open at apex, outer valves remaining attached at base or by thread-like extension of COCHLOSPERMACEAE placentaeorsometimesfalling; innervalveseventuallyfalling mm out. Fruit wallthin, about 1.0 wide, 3-layered, endocarp separatingfrom outerfruit wall at maturity. Exocarp thin, HABIT AND DISTRIBUTION. Trees, shrubs, subshrubs or rhi- woody, with tough closely spaced longitudinal fibres, dark zomatous herbs. Tropical; two genera and 15 species, one brown or grey. Mesocarp thin on inner surface of outer genus and two species in Panama, and one species known valves,formingthinseptaandthickenedplacentae, spongyto from BCI. cobwebby, with conspicuous vascular fibres transverse to TAXONOMICREFERENCES. Robyns, (1967ft),Dathan&Singh obbrlainqcuheedaonndsespitan,uocurseaomntovlailgvhtesbroawnnd. oEbnldioqcuaerpavnedryotfhtienn, (1972), Corner (1976), Croat (1978), Poppendieck (1980, forming 5 separate elliptic inner valves, dry-membranous, 1981). translucent, dull, light brown ororange-brown; inner surface with central longitudinal ridge and numerous reticulate Cochlospermum Kunth ridges, glabrous, glossy. When fruit unripe, exocarpgreen. HABITANDDISTRIBUTION. Smalltrees,shrubs,orsubshrubs. Pantropical, mostly South American; 12 species, two species Seeds in Panama, one species knownfrom BCI. Seeds 4-5 x 3-4 x 1-2 mm; campylo-anatropous (Corner, 1976); C-shapedinoutline, sometimesslightlycoiled, circular Cochlospermum vitifolium (Willd.) Spreng., Syst. 4(2): in t.s.; margins entire; base eccentrically short-attenuate; 406 (1827). apex rounded; outer surface rough except wrinkled in sinus, densely very long-pubescent except glabrous in sinus, with Fig. 2. hairs to 14 mm long, erect, sinuous, white, fluffy and cotton- HABIT AND DISTRIBUTION. Small sparsely branched trees, like, easily detached after dispersal; dull, mostly medium 3-12 m tall, of dry to moist lowland forests or savannas, brown except red-brown or orange-brown or dark brown in common in young secondary forest, and along frequently sinus; exfoliatingto reveal tegmen, then base rounded, outer burned roadsides. Mexico to Bolivia, northern Brazil and surface smooth, minutely cellular at higher magnification, West Indies; introduced into Paleotropics. glabrous, glossy, black. Arilabsent. Sarcotesta absent. Hilum basal and eccentric to subbasal, toward sinus, exposed, CvvliooOnuuLeccLhhEReeCrroTs)a)I;d;O,NBSasG.raarmroPewanoCaoolmoldcaoar.l&iatCdyoo,LlioIgnGsh:latareGnnwda:om1obG7doa8ar4,2wA9ob4oe(1gFdA,in3nP0i(M6nB0gAMA,o,f(PafiBdrpuMueli,-tt hpeMixrilfocaomrrlioimnaptoeyenulsten,ldyb,carsrpaaerilaso,mem-diccneoonenltnorttiulecrsy,etadr,e,axinpsoeoltdisgveohidtnseirtbbelusetttaoh,npaanortnteligtyaelmssletlyani,ghhaitflcdtyiedrrercanutilesasberty.da seedvoucher); 20seedlingsto81 cmtallexamined (Garwood on tegmen, conical to cylindric on testa, punctiform on 1784B-G, 2941B, 3060B). tegmen. Chalazalforamen subapical in sinus, not visible on mm testabutconspicuouson tegmen, round, about0.6 wide; mm Fruits filled by black chalazal plug, conical on 0.8 wide disk, Infructescences terminal; sparsely branched panicle-like similarin composition to tegmen. Endosperm thick, encasing thyrses, with l(-2) fruit maturing per branch, capsules embryo, hard, oily (Cronquist, 1981), white. Embryo ~ mm suberect to pendent. Stems woody, glabrous or pubescent; moderate-sized, 4-6 long, central, C-curved, peduncles 2-5 cm long, rachis and branches about 3-20 cm spathulate when straightened, compressed; axis moderately SEEDLINGS, FRUITS AND SEEDS OF PANAMA 167 Fig. 2 Cochlospermum vilifolium (Willd.) Spreng. Fruit: A,green, undehiscedcapsule; B,dehiscedcapsule,sideview;C,dehiscedcapsule, apicalview; D,outervalve, withplacenta; E, innervalve. Seed: F,completeseedwithtestalhairs;G, hairsremovedtoshowsurfaceof testa; H, testaremoved toshowsurfaceoflegmen;J, partialseed, testa removedtoshowchalazal foramen insinus; K, l.s. ofseedwithout hairs; L, t.s. throughsinus. Seedling: M, youngseedling; N,olderseedling;O,cotyledon; P, firstleaf. Sapling: Q,sapling; R, leafat node 4. Scale bars: blackandwhite, 1 mmunits;whiteonly, 1 cmunits. Symbols: outertoinnerlayersoftesta(tsl-ts2)andlegmen (tgl-lg3); vascularIrace (v); hilum (h); micropyle(m);chalazal plugandforamen (cpandcf);andendosperm(shaded). GARWOOD 168 N.C. developed, exposed; cotyledons moderately developed, flat, short-stalked, clear, usually drying orange-brown. Older thin, entire; plumule rudimentary. Vascular bundle lateral in stems medium grey-green then medium grey-brown, solid sinus, unbranched, thin, exfoliating with testa; passing with small soft pith basally to hollow apically; wood cream to through raphe, terminating subapically in chalazal foramen. cream-brown, with white rays, porous. Lenticels appearing Seed coat very thick, bony, exotegmic. Testa very thin, onstems > 3 mmwide,commononstems > 4 mm; = 1/2 mm thicker in sinus, crustaceous, loosely surrounding tegmen, long, round, widening with age, slightly raised, dark brown, often exfoliating, 2-layered except 3-layered in sinus; outer on lighter stems. Buds: Cotyledonary buds hidden in axils, layer thin, crustaceous, light brown except red-brown or usually inconspicuous above cotyledonsscars, rarelyprotrud- orange-brown in sinus, densely long-pubescent (see above); ingonolderstems. Lateralbudshiddeninaxilsatearlynodes middle layer absent except thick in sinus, hard-spongy, to protruding out of axils at later nodes, glabrous to slightly cream-coloured; inner layer thin, crustaceous, black. Teg- pubescent, enclosed within at least 2 scale leaves. Terminal men very thick, bony to glassy, 3-layered; outer layervery buds naked, covered by stipules from several nodes, moder- thin, waxy, clear; middle layer thick, bony to glassy, ately pubescent. 3-banded, with cream then brown then black bands; inner layer thin except thicker under chalazal foramen, cream- COTYLEDONS. Two, opposite, foliaceous, simple, petiolate, coloured, membranous to spongy, with abundant red-brown estipulate, emergent from seed, spreading, persistent until compressedglobules (gumcavities). nodes 2-7 mature (usually for 2-4 weeks, sometimes to 13 weeks). Blades 24-26 x 7-8 mm; straight, flat, narrowly Seedlingsandsaplings ovate; apex narrowly acute oracute; base obtuse oremargin- Seedlings phanero-epigeal with cotyledons haustorial during ate or truncate; margins entire. Blades glabrous above and germination, then photosynthetic. below; green above, lighter below. Venation pinnate; eucamptodromous, sometimes brochidodromous in apical DEVELOPMENT. Radicle emerges from hilar region and third. Midvein fine; straight to slightly sinuous; impressed slightly elongates, as cotyledons absorb endosperm. Hypo- above except slightly raised apically when dry, moderately cotyl elongatesinto loop, then straightens, pullingcotyledons raised below. Secondaryveinsmoderate-sized; 16-18; mostly from seed. Cotyledons expand, sometimes not fully escaping alternate except opposite at 2-4 basal veins; Vj-^A length of seed, which is often carried upwards on tip of cotyledons. blade, longest basally; slightly curved; diverging at narrowly Cotyledons are usually fully expanded within 2 weeks of acute angles; open, branching and terminating near or at gsteargmei,nastoiomne.tiSmheosotlarsetsitngper<iod1 iwsesehokrtindursiunn.g tShheacdoet-yglreodwonn bmealrogwi.n; sIlnitgehrtl-ysercaoinsdeadrtyo fvleuisnhsaboocvcea,sisolniaglh.tlyTrearitsieadrytovfeliunssh seedling usually die without advancing past the cotyledonary inconspicuous and reticulate. Petioles 4-5 mm long, straight, stage. Growth is continuous in sun, with a new leafinitiated half-circular in t.s., moderately channelled, mostly glabrous about every 1-2 weeks, often before the previous leaf has below, denselyminute-pubescent above,with abundantpearl reached full-size. bodies above. ROOTS. Primary root ~ 30 x 1 mm, poorly developed in cbsohetacydolem,ainncdgircrbuorlooatwrnci;hnasntu.grsef.,acsseltirgtaheitxlgtyhutraetnodansgdirnacudoouluaoslu,lrycbraeertaowmue-necdonlchooyullrpeeotd-. lL1aE2t-Ae.7V0ELSem.amfAlbalttaedrnenosadte2es1-a23n-3d10xs;pitr1oa3l-;1292s0immxpmle2;1at0lofmnirgms-tpenattoidolela;atteer1,8n-so6td7iepsux;- Secondary roots to 0.2-0.3 mm wide, sinuous, sparsely scat- ovate to widelyovateatnodes 1-2, becomingwidelyovateto tered along primary root. Root hairs appear quickly on very widely ovate at nodes 3-10, mostly widely ovate to primary root. Sapling root system: taproot with tuberous depressedovate at later nodes; unlobed to palmately 3-lobed swelling (xylopodium), to 50 x 15 mm, forming 10-20 mm or 3-cleft at first node, becoming 3-parted, with central lobe below collet, developing in first year, produced on some largestand2largebasalteethbecomingincreasinglylobe-like seedlings only 12 cm tall; taproot long-tapering below swell- atnodes2-20, often5-partedatlaternodes, withcentrallobe ing, thin to moderate-sized; secondary roots thin to at least slightly larger; apex of lobes mostly acute or acumi- moderate-sized, few to common; rootlets fine, few to com- nate atnodes 1-10, often long-acuminate at later nodes; base mon. retuseoremarginateorcordateatnodes2-15,mostlycordate at later nodes; margins irregularly serrate at nodes 1-3, STEMS. Hypocotyl 33-71 x 0.5 mm, circular in t.s.; slightly becoming doubly serrate at later nodes. Teeth irregularly grooved apically below petioles; glabrous basally becoming spaced and variably sized at nodes 1-10, becoming regu- densely minute-pubescent in apical '/2-V3; medium yellow- larlyspaced at laternodes; mostly4-15 perside at first node, green, often medium red-browninsun. Hairssimple, erectto to = 50perside at nodes 1-10, and to > 100perside at later ascending, curved, clear to cream-coloured. Epicotyl9-17 x nodes; margins mostly curved, proximal side longer than 0.5 mm, circular in t.s., densely minute-pubescent, medium distal side; apex acute to short-acuminate; sinus angular. yellow-green to dark green. Hairssimple, erect to ascending, Blades green above, lighter below; flat between the veins curved or sinuous or coiled, clear to cream-coloured. Cata- when fresh; membranous; with pearl bodies common above mm phylls absent. Internodes 1-10, 2-17 long; later inter- and below on primary veins at nodes 1-10, especially basally nodes to 65 mm; circular in t.s.; densely pubescent on side above, and infrequent to common on primary and secondary above petioles but glabrous to sparsely minute-pubescent on veins at later nodes, but sometimes infrequent below; gla- otherside, glabroustosparselypubescentatlaternodes, with brous on blade above and below, glabrous to sparsely short- abundant pearl bodies on youngest internode; medium pubescentalongmargin;glabroustosparselyshort-pubescent yellow-green todarkgreen. Hairssimple, erectto ascending, on primary veins below at nodes 1-10, but only at base of curved or sinuous or coiled, clear to cream-coloured. Pearl primaryveins above; glabroustomoderatelyshort-pubescent mm bodies minute, globular, 0.05-0.075 in diameter, erect, on primary and secondary veins below at later nodes, but SEEDLINGS, FRUITS AND SEEDS OFPANAMA 169 glabrous or sparsely short-pubescent above along primary membranous inner valves. Seeds are wind-dispersed floaters vein anddenselypubescentatbase;withshortpellucidcanals (Augspurger, 1988), being gradually liberated from the par- along margin drying harderthan blade, canals absent or light tiallyopenedfruit (Poppendieck, 1981). In Costa Rica, seeds yellow-orange at early nodes to mostly red-orange at later areeaten byspiny pocket mice (Janzen et al., 1990). nodes; similar red-orange canals often conspicuous through- out blade ofyoung leaves at later nodes. Hairs simple, erect GERMINATION. Seeds have hard, impermeable seed coats. to ascending, straight to curved, clear to cream-coloured. The chalazal plug must become loosened before imbibition Pearl bodies minute, 0.05-0.075 mm in diameter, globular, and germination can occur, which may occur rapidly by fires short-stalked to sessile, erect, clear to white on immature frequent in their secondary habitats or more slowly by other leaves, becomingred-orangetobrownwithage. Youngleaves factors. Germinationoffreshlycollected,untreatedseedswas plicate (lobes conduplicate-induplicate), densely pubescent, lowin sun andshade (* 17%), asynchronousovera35 week light green, with red-brown petioles, rigid, erect then period, and bimodal: a few seeds (4-9%) germinated in the horizontal, produced continuously before or after previous first3weeksinsun (9weeksinshade), the rest (8-12%) after leaf full-size. Venation palmate, 3- to 5-veined; actinodro- a gap of 10-12 weeks. In a later seed collection, a hot water mous, basal, perfect and marginal. Primary veins 3 at nodes pretreatmentincreasedgerminationovercontrolsinbothsun 1-3, 3 to 5 at later nodes; moderate-sized; impressed above, and shade (50% vs 4%): germination was still asynchronous prominently raised below; central primary vein straight to (but not bimodal) over the 23 week period and was slightly slightly curved; lateral primary veins basal, diverging at faster in sun (7 weeks) than shade (9 weeks). Ricardi et al. minogdeartataepleyxacoufteloabnegsl,ess,osmtertaiigmhetstoonslliyghstlliygchtulryvetdh,ictkeerrmitnhaatn- w(1e9e8k7s). aSleseodsresptoorrtedlaotwrgoeormmitneamtp&ieornat(u7r%e)weirnet>he9f5ir%stvtiharbelee secondary veins at first node. Secondary veins moderate- after nearly 10 years (Garwood Lighten, 1990), germinat- sized;4-8oncentrallobe and 1-3onlaterallobesonleavesat ing in 7-10 days without treatments (Garwood, unpublished first node, 6-15 on central lobe and 2-8 on lateral lobes at data). mcneoonsdtterlsayll2ly/-o1-o0lnA,clteeonnt2grt8ehploeofrbbell;oadbsleei,gahrttalrlyealtcyeurrtvoneo2d/d3;easdt;ifvimerosrtsgtinlnoygdeaa,tltlmeoornndgaeetrset-; aEnSdTABpLroIbSaHbMlEyNTr.eqSuiereedlilnagrsgeargeapesxttroemseulryvivseha(dAeugisnptoulregrearn,t 1984). ately acute angles; open, terminating at margin in tooth or sinus; impressed above, slightly raised below. Inter- secondaryveinsoccasional. Tertiary veinsreticulate. Petioles mm mm 10-200 long, 42 long at nodes 1-10; straight, DISCUSSION circularin t.s.; shallowlychannelled; glabrousbelow, densely minute- to short-pubescent above at early nodesbecoming glabrous except densely pubescent apically at later nodes; The gross morphology of seeds of Bixa urucurana Willd. is & withabundantpearlbodiesabove andbelow. Stipulespaired; very similarto thatofB. orellana L. (Dathan Singh, 1972; 0.3-1.8 mm long at nodes 1-10, to 5 mm longat later nodes; Corner, 1976), including acomplex chalazal plug, an embryo simple; triangular, keeled; apex acute to acuminate; decidu- withcotyledons asymmetrically bent underthe chalazal plug, ous to persistent, papery; short-pubescent along margin and a sarcotesta formed by large pigment-containing cells. and at apex, with pearlbodies along margin; green becoming Seedsofthe fivespeciesin thegenusdifferslightlyexternally brown, with red-orange canals alongmargin. insize andcolouringofthe testalpigments (Baer, 1976). The dry seeds of B. urucurana are red-brown to orange-brown SAP. Resinous, dryingorange-brown in stems and roots. (Macbride, 1941; Molau, 1983; thisstudy); when rehydrated, ODOUR. Unpleasant in hypocotyl and roots. seedsfrommycollectionsbecamebrightyellow. Dryseedsof B. orellana are usually orange-red or red (Macbride, 1941; ARCHITECTURE. Koriba's model (Halle et al., 1978). Trunk Corner, 1976; Molau, 1983); when rehydated, seeds from a axis initially monopodial and orthotropic to at least 81 cm commercial source (purchased at a Mexican-American gro- tall; eventually sympodial, one of the 2-6 branches at each cery) turned bright red (Garwood, personal observation). tier becoming erect (Halle et al., 1978). Branches orthotro- These colour differences may reflect differences in the rela- pic, verticillate (Halle et al., 1978). No major branches tive amounts of bixin, a reddish oil-soluble pigment, and were produced on our seedlings, all 81 cm tall. Proleptic orellin, a yellowish water-soluble pigment, in the testa. As branches, producedafterapicalmeristemdamaged, have3-4 there were few seeds on other BM collections of B. uru- stipule-like scales toward base, produce several smaller curana, I have not yet determined whether this trait is leaves with fewer lobes than those formed before damage. characteristicofthe species. Leavesheld horizontal to descending. Seeds of Cochlospermum vitifolium (Willd.) Spreng. are similarin gross morphology to those described for C. religio- Ecology sum (L.) Alston (= C. gossypium DC., Poppendieck, 1980), PHENOLOGY. Fruits mature during the late dry season, ienmcblruydoi,nglaoncgomtpeslteaxl chhaairlsa,zalanpdluag,tchuicrkvetdefgomremn w(iDtahtchuarnve&d mostly after March in Panama (Croat, 1978), about 1-2(^4) Singh, 1972; Corner, 1976). Seeds ofthe other ten species in months after peak flowering, while the t&ree is leafless (Pop- the genus are similar (Poppendieck, 1980). The unique and pendieck, 1981; Janzen, 1983; Bullock Solis-Magallanes, complex chalazal foramen and plug of the exotegmic seeds 1990). Most seeds are shed before the rainy season begins moststronglylink the Cochlospermaceae and Bixaceae (Cor- (Poppendieck, 1980). ner, 1976); other shared characters and differences between DISPERSAL. When ripe, capsules are dry, with outer valves the two families are reviewed by Poppendieck (1980) and dark brown, spreading and alternating with yellow-brown Cronquist (1981). GARWOOD 170 N.C. Seedlings of Bixa urucurana Willd. and Cochlospermum they have been briefly discussed in anatomical studies and vitifolium (Willd.) Spreng. share the following characters: monographs of the family (Keating, 1970; Poppendieck, cotyledons are phanero-epigeal, foliaceous, persistent, peti- 1980). OnseedlingsofC. vitifolium, Ifoundthatthemulticel- mm olate, estipulate and glabrous; and leaves are simple, alter- lular globular hairs were 0.050-0.075 in diameter and nate and spiral, long-petiolate, stipulate, palmately veined, most abundant on the youngest stem internode, and on mostly ovate to widely ovate, and basally cordate at least at stipule margins, petioles and primary and secondary veins of early nodes. Leaves of both species and cotyledons of B. expanding leaves, but often persisted on mature leaves and urucurana contain idioblasts: these are discussed in more nodes. Globular hairs on young leaves of adult specimens detail below. The two species differ in the following traits. examined at the BM were in the same size range (Garwood, The cotyledons of B. urucurana are ovate, palmately veined personal observation; see also Keating, 1970: fig. 4), and conspicuously thick-lined (faintly pellucid) on the lower althmoumgh Poppendieck (1980: fig. 46) illustrates hairs up to surface (see below), while those ofC. vitifolium are narrowly 0.5 in diameter; these were initially abundant, especially ovate, pinnate-veined and lack lines or punctations, pellucid at the base of the primary vein, but fewer were found on or not. All seedling and juvenile leaves of B. urucurana are mature leaves. Poppendieck (1980) and Keating(1970) called entire and not lobed or parted, whereas the first leaves these hairs vestigial, but they might be fully functional 'pearl (eophylls) of C. vitifolium are irregularly serrate, usually bodies' as described by O'Dowd (1982). Pearl bodies are mm 3-lobedor3-cleft, and laterjuvenile leavesare 3-to5-parted. typically0.5-3.0 long, uni- or multi-cellular, spherical or Previously published short descriptions of seedlings of club-shaped with short stems, easily detached from the leaf, Cochlospermum vitifolium agreewith ourdescription, except lipid-rich, colourlessto opaque, lustrous and 'pearl'-like, and that Duke (1969) reported the cotyledon venation as uni- often produced on the youngest leaves or near extrafloral nervedand Ricardiet al. (1987) did notdetectstipuleson the nectaries or domatia; they occur primarily in tropical taxa, eophylls. These differences might be attributed to the fact particularly those from second-growth habitats (O'Dowd, that the primary and secondary veins are weak, but clearly 1982). Because they are rapidly removed by ants in the field visible under a strong light source, and the stipules fall offas asasourceoffood, pearlbodiesare oftenabsentorscarceon the leafexpands, although a stipule scarisevident atthe first plants in their natural habitats and on herbarium specimens. nodeon mycollections. Ashort descriptionoftheseedlingof Except fortheirsmall size, theglobularhairson C. vitifolium Bixa orellana L. (Duke, 1969) agrees with that given for B. fit the morphological description of pearl bodies. Documen- urucurana, except that cotyledons are described as punctate- tationofremoval byantsormites (giventheirsmall size) and lineate and the illustrated cotyledons are widely ovate rather characterization of the cell contents will be necessary to than ovate. confirm their biological function. Poppendieck (1980) LeavesofBixa and Cochlospermum have branched unicel- assumed that they contained the same clear gum or resin as lular secretory idioblasts and canals in the spongy mesophyll the fluid-containing idioblast canals of the leaf: this has not (Keating, 1970). In leaves ofB. urucurana seedlings, I found been reported forpearl bodies (O'Dowd, 1982). irregular, circular or elliptic pellucid punctations, < 0.1 mm SaplingsofBixaurucuranahave largeextra-floral nectaries long, which were sometimes associated with pellucid below the stipule scar (Fig. 1R). I found glands were absent branchedor unbranched canals. Punctations and canals were on the first ten leaf nodes above the cotyledons, but were scarcely visible on the blade above (except when back-lit), well-developed and secretory above node 20. They actively butwereconspicuousonthe blade below, lightorange-brown secreted nectarwhen less than 3-4 nodes below the youngest or green-brown. When back-lit, punctations were usually leaf, then became inactive. Similar glands occur on adult BM translucentyellow-greenatearlynodesto lightorange-brown specimens of B. urucurana and B. orellana examined at atlaternodes, butsometimesopaque anddarkbrown-orange (Garwood, personal observation) andhave been reportedfor at later nodes. On the cotyledons, the idioblasts are much all species of Bixa except B. excelsa Gleason & Krukoff larger, to0.5 x 0.1 mmlong, thickandelongate, moreorless (Baer, 1976). Ant attendance at similar glands on the fruit parallel to the midvein; they were scarcely visible on the pedicel of B. orellana sensu lato increases the proportion of upper surface (even when back-lit), but conspicuously light flowers maturing fruits (Bentley, 1977), because the species yellow-brown below, and translucent brown-orange when ofantspresentremoveordeterflowering-eatinginsects. Ants back-lit. In leaves of C. vitifolium seedlings, I found faintly attendingtheglandsonthe stemsofsaplingsprobablyreduce pellucid canals along the margins, which were absent or light leafherbivoryinasimilarway. Thisisanothervegetativetrait yellow at early nodes to red-orange at later nodes. Similar ofecological importance not described in the standard floras canals were sometimes conspicuous throughout the blade of (Macbride, 1941; Standley & Williams, 1961; Robyns, 1967a; youngexpandingleavesat laternodes. No canalswere found Croat, 1978;Molau, 1983)orarecentfieldguideemphasizing in the cotyledons. vegetative characters (Gentry, 1993). Leaf pubescence differs greatly between the two genera The seedling characters discussed above do not provide (Keating, 1970; Poppendieck, 1980), with Bixa having multi- additional evidence for a closer link between the Bixaceae cellular peltate scales on the blade and veins of the leaf and Cochlospermaceae. Shared seedling-specific traits are undersurface and Cochlospermum having unicellular simple usually those common throughout the angiosperms, such as hairs as well as multicellular globular hairs. On seedlings of petiolate, estipulate, foliaceous cotyledons. The taxa often B. urucurana, Dempsey & Garwood (1994) found that the differ in less wide-spread seedling-specific traits, such as the peltate scales are much smaller and sparser than those on presence of pinnate venation or linear punctations in the adults: they discuss the systematic significance ofthese onto- cotyledons. Many of the vegetative differences and similari- geneticchanges. ties noted by Keating (1970) and Poppendieck (1980) for The presence ofmulticellularglobular hairs in Cochlosper- adult stages, such as idioblasts, secretory canals, pubescence mum vitifolium has not been noted in standard floras and leaf lobing, are already manifest at the early seedling (Robyns, 1967fc; Croat, 1978; Poppendieck, 1981), although stage.

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