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Morphology and distribution of Australobius scabrior (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae) PDF

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Preview Morphology and distribution of Australobius scabrior (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae)

MORPHOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION OF AUSTRALOBIUSSCABRIOR (CH1LOPODA: LITHOBIOMORPHA: LfTHOBUDAE) GREGORY D, EDGECOMBE AND LAUREN M. IIOLLINGTON Edgecombe, G.D. &. Hollingtotu L.M. 2002 5 31: Morphology and distribution of Anstralobius wabrior (Chilopodn: I ithobiomorpha: Lithobiid'nc). Memoirs of the ihwcnshuni Museum 48( I >: 103-1 18. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-KN35. .m\hiifohitt* \cuhrhtr Chamberlin. 1920, IS lhe type species ill*the Indo-Vlalay lithobiid genua AustralohiusChamberlin. 1020. and was hitherto known fromthreespecimens from The Wet Tropics, north Queensland. We revise the species based on extensive collections tingingfromCapeYorktoSydney,withoticrecordincentralVictoria electronmicroscopic studya?A.scabriorpermitsdocumentationofmorphological featuresnottreatedmprevious D work on the genus \u\tndohins is the only member ofLithobiulae native lo Australia. Anstralobius. Chilopoda. Uthohiidae, Queensland, ^ewSouth Wide*. Oregon-IX Edgecombe.AustralianMuseum. UCollegeSneer. Svdtuy, \SH 2010. (e-mail: Zregedid-austtmts,gov.au);Laurenif. ffo/lingttw.SchoolofBiologicalSciences. University ' ofSydney 200r>; 20August 200!, Australnbiits Chamberlin. 1920 is a widely AM Australian Museum. Sydney; ANK distributed chilopod genus in the Indo-Malay Australian National Insect Collection. Canberra: region (Eason. 1978)^Some 30 nominal species CAS - California Academy of Sciences, San belong to the genus, which ranges from the Francisco; MCZ - Museum of Comparative NMV Seychelles, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia and Nepal Zoolog), Harvard University, Cambridge; through southeast Asia and the Indonesian - Museum Victoria. Melbourne; NSW New Arehipelatio to New Guinea and eastern South Wales; QLD Queensland; QM - Australia (Eason, 19*0, 1986, 1989. 1992. 1993, Queensland Museum.Brisbane:L-Q- University 1997). Thetypespecies.J.ArtfA/wChamberlin, of Queensland. Brisbane: VIC - Victoria. sC1ih9na2g0ml,beeirsslpiethncei(mo1en9nl2y0f)rrdoeemcsocrKrduierbdeadnAd.u-Ias.tsricanalbinraoinrotrhspfeQrcoLiemDs,a AMDbi.bllrCeeodvogikea::tiGoDnBKsMYfo-r-GcoBDl..lKeMc.otnoYrteseaiattrehes;:aGsGCfAo-lMlGo.w:-CaDsGsCiAs.;- aLnasionntr(o1d9u7c4e)d scpaeuctiieosn,eadstnhoateAndesmciacbrLuittrhombaiyidbaee GDIH:. -JGanDetzlk.fd;ueMcoRmbGc; GTM.-GR..TGhroamyp.soOnt;hHeJr are otherwise known from Australia. Later, abbreviations: Ck Creek; NP National Park; kason (1996) announced the rediscovery of Ra. Range;Rd - Road;rf-rainforest;SF-Stale Anstralobius scabrior based on two specimens Forest. from Filzroy Island on the Great Banner Reef. For electron microscopy, specimens were atr-dricd and photographed on a Leo 435YP Previous work would thus indicate that native using a Robinson backscattercollector. Lithobiidae are ofuncertain status in Australia; Lithobiomorpha is otherwise represented by the SYSTEMATICA Hcnicopidae. which has a predominantly southern temperate distribution. However, Australohius Chamberlin, 1920 collections from many sites along the Great Divide demonstrate that Anstralobius is widely forsynonymyseeLason(1978). distributed and abundant in QLD. and occurs in NSW as far south as Sydney. We document the TYPE SPECIES. AustrahAmts scabrior Chamberlm, morphology of Anstralobius by electron 1920: byoriginal designation. microscope study, presenting a detailed description of characters (e.g. mouthparts) Australohius scabriorChamberlin. 1920 hitherto neglected. Availabilityofa large sample Austruhbhts: scatoior Chamberlin. )s>2U: 76: Eason. over a wide geographic range permits appraisal 9i\ Fdgecuniheetat., 2(H>2: f\g>3B.SA.F oftntraspecific variation. HOLOTYPF. MCZ I453S (TC-I.X9), male. Kuranda. Abbreviationscitedinthisworkareasfollow: QLD, ILL. Clark,6-S.ix.I914. , 104 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM OAgTcnHiEtaRliMsAstTagEcR(sI)A]Lha.vNeobteealnlseeaxrlcyd.poisntw-hlaircvhalcsatsaegtehse[ye.agr.e, 6I.6QWMSS415451°120,2,9E,. 61,1T0h0o-r1n2t0o0nm,PeaGkB.M1,IkDmKNYEDaanidntrGeTe,, recordedsimplyasjuvenile. 30.x.-1.xi.1983;QMS451G11B,3M.QMS45112, 9.Thornton Peak, 1100-1300m, and S.R. Monteith, NORTHEASTERN QUEENSLAND (CAPE YORK). 24-27.ix.l9S4:QMS45113.tf,Devil'sThumb. 12kmNW ANIC: female.9km ENE MtTozer, 12°4.VS U3nS%T. Mossman. 1000m, ANZSES.27.xii.1989; QMS451 14,2 Weir, 1146.vii.l986, rf; cT, 2juveniles, larva. 3km ENE 9, d, Mt Spurgeon via Mt Carbine, 1027*$ 145*12'% 2MMM17cc4t.ll3vhh°iTvv2iorr.z0aae1Tiir9,t.7th7h5,1R2a2R0r.°afm,4.;,.41'53ST°1A41915.k*49mS3W,°e11iW444r3,6,UE2.b2607v,'.TE.vN,i9.Wc-e.j1Biu24arv-0.lev0ndiiim1l.,4He1.is9vRl8.ilA9i,;V.6.1U193TSlQa6a:y;4rlv4oa'99reS,.,. Q2DM17oM1K.s0SiYs0v4.mm5la.a9n1n8dG,31.GB6,T\rMf.(,9?,Q22a.MxnTdiSdS,.41GQ9I5T8M41.35S;°141r8Qf65,;'M1E3Q,,1MS7TS4.1h4509e551,011Bm91Tl..u5hf,e9Gf.,BBdSl1,Mpu1fe0f4a,0armnjC1u.dvk1eG,DknBimKVl.MYeWEs.,.. Lankelly Ck, Mcllwraith Ra.. near Coen. B. CarttxeD, Davies and R. Raven. 3-10.xi.1975; QMS45I20, 9, d, 28-3Lx.1969. Q3M5Sk4m5NI2N2W,M6t,CaQrMbiSn4e5.112035,0m.$,850Wmi,ndGsBoMr,TaDbKleYlaanndd, NQMOSR1T8H01E0A,S2T6E6R.NMQoUsEsmEaNnSBLluAffN,D1(0kWmETWTRMOoPsIsCmSa)n.. tDrCac,k,169--2160.ikvm.19W82,Morfs:sQmManS.45GI2B4M. a6n.dMGoTs.smAaNnZSBElSuf,f 16°26'34"5 145°16,53"E, Il00-1300m, GBM and GT. 21.xii.l989: QMS45125. d,QMS45126. 2 6. Mt Demi, 17-18.XII.1988;QMS21803, 6,MtLewisRd, 10kmNMt 7kmSWMossman, \6UM)'S 145n19"E.900-1000m,GBM Lewis, 16°3ri7"S 145°I6'23"E, 1100m.GBM,GT, DC, and DKY, 26.iv.1983, rf; QMS45127.9, 5.5km N Mt SheridanandHJ,25.xi.1990:QM S45074, 6.2juveniles, LewisviaJulatlen.GBMandDC. 1 100m,rt;QMS45l28, QMS45075. S.2.5kmSVVMt Hartley, 15°47'S 145°19'E, 2 9,2 <J,MtLewis.UpperLeichhardt, 16°35*S 145°16'E, 610m, GBM, DKY and DC. 24.iv.1982. if; QMS45076. S40m. GBM, 18.xi.l997. rf: QMS45129, 9. Kingfisher, mGaBleM, aMntdDFiCn,ni3g0a.xni,.1s9u8m5m.irtf,;Q1M5S°4485'0S771.456°1.7M'tE,Fi1n1n0i0gma,n QJuMlaSt4te5n1,3i0€.P$9f.r$Mt14G5o°r2toLnE.,1460°05mT,SG1B4M5U,53*1E8..x7i.5109m9.7,HrJf,; via Helenvale. 15°48*53"S \49iff2lff% 850-950m. 18.xi.l993. rf; QMS45I31, <J, Copperlodc Dam Rd, GBM, GT. DC, Sheridan and Roberts, 3-5.xii.1990; l6n58'30"S 145°42'30,,E. P. Lawless, R. Raven and M. QMS4507S, 6, MtFinley, |5*49aS l45°2rE.Qld. Mus.. Shaw, 27 x.1991-23.vii.1992; QMS45132, d, 2.xii.l975; QMS45079. 9, o\ 12 Mile Scrub, RM and QMS45I33, ?, Lambs Head, 10km W Edmonton. V.E. Davies, 22-27.xi.1975; QM S45080, 4 9, 6 d, Mt 17o0L23"S 145°38,33"E, 1200m, GBM, GT and HJ, Halcyon, I6°03*S 145° 2S'ES 870m, GBM and HJ. 10-12.xii.1989; QMS45133, 9, Lamb's Head, 10km W 2Bo4t.txlie..191836,Wif;SQM14S54°5204'8E1,,95i0,mQ.MGSB45M0,82H,J.dR,obMetrtPsicatncdr QEMdmSo4n5t1o3n4..142090,m.3GjuBveMn,ileGs,TLaamndb'HsJ,He1a0d-,122.0xikim.19S89W; 6DCk,m2W1.xCi.a-p8.exiTir.ib1u9l9a3t;ioQnM.S1465°0048"3S.14256°2,4R'oEa,r7i4n0gmM.eGgBCMk,, CwiatthmsA,gat\hTi0s;TSQM1S4455L,13935,E,, 41290.0m5. dG,BMMt, MIu0r.xria.v198P1r,iorr.f D16Kl,0Y4a,2n0d,,GST,1455.*x.281'9E8,2.Rr.fJ;.QManSd45S0.8R4a.ve9n, PainldgrPi.maSnadndsE.. Q1M6S°5465'1S361.425*65,1%2 j7u7ve0nmil,es,GBNoMr,th3B0e.lxl.1P9e9a5k,, vrifa; WLawless, 29.xi.1992-17.iv.1993; QMS45085, d, 4.5-5km Gordonvale, 900-1000m, GBM and DC, 16.ix.1981, rf; Cape Tribulation (Top Camp), LfiDS'S 145°26,E, QMS45137. d. Bell Peak North, 10km E Gordonvale, 796,0-Q7M8S04m5,0G8B7M.,dD,KQYMaSn4d5G0T8.82,.x.d1,9821,.5rfk;mQMNWS45C0a8p6e. I137.°x0.61'9S82,14r5f°;5Q3M'ES,458I530-81.0060.m,CatGheBdMra,l DFiKg.Y13aknmd NGTW, Tribulation. 16°05'S I45°2S*E,0m. GBM, DKY andGT. Yuneaburra. iriTS I45"39,E, 750m, GBM and GT, 3.x.1982-23.iv.W19N83W, rf; QMS45089, tf, QMS45090, 6. 10.xii.l988, rf; QMS45139, 9, Massey Ra.. 12km S juvenile.2km CapeTribulation,16°05*S I45°28,E, Gondonvale, 17°16*S 145°49'E. 1300m,GBM. 2.v.1983, 50m, GBM, i.1983. GBM. DKY and GT, 3.x.W1982 rf; rf;QMS45140,2 9,5 d.Russell Riverat Bellenden Ker QMS4509I, 2 iame, QMS45092. 2 6, 1,5km Cape Landing, 17'16'S 145°49"E, 5m, Earthwatch/QId. Mus., 2T.rii.b,ul2at1i,oinv,.11968"30,5'Srf;\4Q5MW°2&S%45105903m,. G9,BM3 a6n,d lDaKrvYa,, 2s4w-a3m1p.,x.m19o8ss1.oQnMtSr4ee51h4un6k,s;laQrvMa,Ss4a5m1e41,lo3cal9it,y,3 pda,lm4 Q14M5Sl4'2570'E9,4,1809m,, G2.B5Mkmand DCKaYp,e 2T.rLi.b2u0la-t2i3o.ni.v.11968t3J0,5'WrfS; j4uv6e,ni5lejsu.ve3nillaersv,aes,iQxMlaSrv4a5e.1B4e2.ll8enldaernvaKee,rQRMaS.4,5Ca14b3l,cv4v9ay QMS45095. 9, QMS45096, 9, 6, 2 larvae, 2.7km Base Stn. 17M6*S L45d54'E 100m. Earthwatch/QId. CapeTribulation. I6°05'S 145°27,E,400m.GBM.Wi.1983. Mus., 17-24.X.I981, rf, QMS45f1l45. 9, 4 d, 5 juveniles, if; QMS45097, 6, QMS45098, larva. 4.5km Cape larva, same locality, 25-31.x.1981; QMS45147, Tribulation. 16°05'S 145°26'E. 760m. GBM and DKY. juvenile.QMS45148, d. QMS45149, juvenile. W i.1983, 23.iv.1983, rf; QMS45099, 9. 5km Cape QMS45I50, 2 9, 6, larva, Bellenden Ker Ra., Cable Tribulation, ItfOS'S I45°26,E. 780m, GBM, DKY and Tower 3, 17*16'S I45°52,E, 1054m. Eartliwatch/QId. GHTe,mma29n-t3.0.i1x6.°10978'2S, 1rf4;8Q2M5S%451100500,m,7G9B,M6anod\ HMJt, KMuesr.,Ra.2,5-C3a1bxl1e9T8o1,werrf;5.QM5S3425m1,5E1a,rth9w,at2c6h,/QIBde.llMeunsd.e,n 27.xi.1993.rf; QM S45107. 3 9,TableMt. 10kmSCape 17-24x1981;QMS45152. d. BellendenKerRa., 1km S Tribulation, 16"09*S I45U26'E, 320m. GBM and DC. Cable Tower 6, 500m, Earthwatch/QId. Mus., 2140.i0v0.-11938030,mrf.;GQMBSM45an1d08D,C6.,2T0h-o2r2.nxtio.n19P8e1a;kQviMaDSai4n5t1r0e9e,. 17.x.-5.xi.l981; QMS45153, 9, Bellenden Ker Ra.. ; , AUSTRALOB1US SCABRIOR (CHILOPODA) 105 0.5km S Cable Tower 7. 500m. Earthwatch/Qld. Mus.. CalderandT. Weir,27,iii.1984,rf:ANIC,2 9,MtLewis, 25-31.x.I98l;QMS45I54, 9,2 6 .QMS45155, female, 16°33'S I45LT3'E,970m, R.W.Taylor. S.ix.1975; ANIC. W QMS45156, 6, QMS45I57, 6, QMS45158, d, 9, 38km Kuranda. 16°45 S 145°25'E, J.G. Brooks, Bellcnden Ker Ra., Summit TV Sm. ITWS 145°5TE, 12,11.1970, rf; ANIC, 49, 2c?, Kuranda, 16 45'S 1560m, Earthwatch/Qld. Mus., I7.x.-7.xi.l98l. rf; 145°35'E, 430m, R.W. Taylor. 29.vii.1977, rf; ANIC, d, QMS45159, 9, rf,QMS45160.male.BellendenKerRa.. Eacham NP. 17°18'S 145°37'E, J.G. Brooks, ll.i.1971; summit TV Sm, 17'16'S l45u5rE. 1560m. GBM and ANIC, 3, Mt Fisher, I7°33'S I4S°32*E, 1150m. P. DBaKrYtl,e-2F9r.eirve.,-2.svu.ml9m8i3t,rfe;reQeMkS.451I56001m..3G93BjMuvenainldes.DMC.t ZLbooorkoouwts.ki,I7°53.i7v*.S-31.v4.5l9^9458;%ANRI.CW,,T6ay9l,or5adn,dCJ.raFwefeohradns. 24.L\.1981, rf.QMS45162. 9. Mt Banle-Frere, W. base, 5.vii.1971;ANIC, 9.McNameeCk, ITWS 145u49'E,ca 71.7i°ii2.3-'1S5.v.1l4959°5;46Q'ME,S451123603m..4G6B,MQMSa4n5d16H4as,en2puseMht. 3l0m0i.m.NRE.W.RaTavyelnosrhaoncd.J.9F7e5ehma.n,E8..vSi.i.1R9o7s1s,rfa;nCdASD,.Q6., Bartle-Frere, 0.5km N of Sth peak, 17°24*S 145U49,E. Cavagnaro,7.xi.1962;CAS,d,Malanda.700m,E.S.Ross 1500m,QMS45168,9 , <J,2juveniles, Sth Peaksummit. and D.Q. Cavagnaro. S.xi.1962; CAS, tj, The Boulders, 1620m. Earthwaleh/QId. Mus.. 6-8.xi.1981, rf; near Babinda. 100m, E.S. Ross and D.Q. Cavagnaro. QMS45I65, d. Ml Bartle Frere. Central Ridge, 1500m. 10.xi.l962;CAS,2 9,d,CapeTribulationNP.Emmagen GBM, 27.xii.1989: QMS45I66, juvenile. S.45167, Ck, 16o04'S I45°27T:, sea level. C.E. Griswold. NW female. Mt Bartle-Frere. 'Centre Peak ridge, I7°23*S 26.vii.1992, rf. 145°48'E, 1400-1500m, Earthwatch/Qld. Mus., 7-8.xi.1981. rf; QMS45169. <?, Boonjee, R. Raven and MID-EASTERN QUEENSLAND. QMS45I79, 9, V.E. Davies, 3-6.iv.1978; QM S45170, 6, Huehcs Rd, S.45180,2 9. c5,MtDryandersummit.20,115'S 148°33,E, T5.oxpiai.zl9d9i3s,trircft:.Q17M°26S'4S5117415,°429,,E,QM6S540m5,17G2B.M3 a9n,d2H<JJ,, C74o0nmw.aGyBSMF., 2B4r.iavn.d1y979C,kif;RQdM.S2405°1208*1S,Q1M48S°4425'E1,82,620m6. tower S ofCrater NP, 17°27'S 1451>29,E, 1230m. GBM GBM. 23. 25.iv.1979, rf; QMS45183, 9. Cathu SF, Mt and J. Hasenpuseh. 25.xi.l994-10.i. 1995 (S. 45171), Macartney,20°51*S 148(,33,E,750m,GBM,22.iv.1979.rf; GBM, 16.v.1995(S.45172),rf;QMS45173, 3,StoneCk. QMS45I85, 9, Eungella NP. Broken River. 2l*10*S \7°2V$ 146°0PE. 100m, J. Hasenpuseh. r4930'3fPR R- Raven. P. and E. Lawless and M. Shaw. 1.xi.l995-6.ii.l996; QMS45I74, 3 9, 2<5, Mt Fisher 29.vii.-4.xii.1992; AM KS6S720. 3 d, Eunuella NP. (Kjelibere), 17°32'S 145°33'E. 1lOOrn. GBMJ7.V.1995, Dalrymple Rd, 1.7km NE Snake Rd, 21°04,S rf; QMS45175. 9. Mt Father Clancy, 9km S. Millaa 148°34*30"E. GDE, S. Davis and GAM. 18 and Millaa, 950m, GBM andGT.6.xii.l988; QMS45I76, <J, 21.iv.1998, rf; ANIC, 9, Finch Hatton Gorge, 21°05'S Upper Boulder Ck. 1 1km NNW Tully, 1000m, Davies, 148°38'E, 200m, RW.TaylorandA. Weir, 11.xi.1976. rf: GBM.Gallon, DCandGT, 17-18.xi.1984;QMS45!77,2 ANIC. 9. 3 df, Eungella NP, 2I°09'S 148°30'E. 760m. d,MlPershouse, KirramaRa., 18 12,S 145"45'E,930m, R.W.Taylorand A. Weir. 10.xi.1976. rf; CAS. 9.2mi. E GBM andGT. 12.xii.l986,rf:QMS45178,2 dXardwell Eungella. 450m, E.S. Ross and D.Q. Cavagnaro, Ra., Upper BroadwaterCk Valley. 750m. GBM,GTand 18.xi.1962:CAS, 9. 8mi. NE Eungella. 950m. E.S. Ross S. Hamlet. I8.xii.l986-14.i.l987,'rf;QMS45195, 9.Gap and D.Q. Cavagnaro. I8.xi.1962. Ck, 12 Mile Scrub, V.E. Davies, 23-28.xi.1975; AM KS 57831, 6, Goldsboroueh Valley SF, ca, 1.5km from SOUTHEASTERN QUEENSLAND. QMS45186, 9, campsite. L7°14,S 145°46'E, GAM and H. Smith. KroombitTops.24°22'S I50°59*E, R. Raven.25.xi.1982: c2a2..v.1250k00m,rffr;oAmMAtKhScr5t7o8n59R.d,9.1G7o°l]d3s'b35o"rSoug!h45V°a4l5l'e4y9"SEF,. QI5M2S3435'4108V7.E.d1,893m,.MaGrBysMCakndSSF.Rvi.aMGoyntmepiiteh,,216917'145-'14947"5;S GAM and H. Smith, 22.V.2000. rf; AM KS 57863, (J, QMS45188, 6, Cooloola, E.C. Dahms, 21.viii.1970, rf; Cardwell Ra.. Kirrama Rd. 4.5km from turnoff from QMS45189, 9. d,Cooloola,25°57*31"S 153°06,54"E,V. KSmeintnhe,d2y4.CVk.2R0d0,0;18A°1M1'K5S4"6SS711455,°591,'59d",E,MGouAnMt aLnewdisH,. EM.arDayviCeasiranndcrRo.ssRavPaernk.,4.viii.aI97M6a:leQnMyS,452169,0,4,6'95,2"dS, 11.3km from rd between Mossman and Mount Mollov. 152°52'56',E.488m.GBMandS.R.Monteith. 1974-1975; 16 35,31,,S 145°16M5',E, 1000m, GDE and GAM, QMS45I91, (J, Braokfield. 27°29'46"S 152°54,25"E. 30.iv.1998, rf; AM KS68716, 9. TullyGorgeNP, Tully 110m, GBM and S.R. Monteith. 1974-1975; AM Gorge lookout. 17°46*37"S 145°33'23"E. 700m. GAM. KS68721. intersection ofSunday Ck Rd and Gigher Ck 2aS3nE.divKG.eCIn,9n958e.;dVy.A1M9H9i8gK,hSww6ea8ty7,1sc7l1,e6r°oV5p,5hvC'l2ll0o;"eSAheMs1v4K5R°Si36v68e,7r114S8,F'..E.M3oG.u3DnkEtm 7KR.deV,n.i21l69w9o"8r4,trh5w4Se"FtS. 1sS5cu2ln°ed3ra.oVyp0h5yC,l,kEl,;RGdAD.EM,9.SK8.kSDm6a8vW7i2s2ao,nfdC9Gh,aArMldi,,e GHvApMi.pa2m5e.eivN.1P9,98I,71r,2f;5'A2M9"SKS164857I°92,9W2Ee.t,GTDiEna,roGoCDaanmd 7M.oVr.e1l99a8n,dwPeatrks,cl2er6o°p4h0yl"lH;,,ASM1SK2SB3668'73253".E19G,AKMen,il6woarnthd area, RobsonCkRd, I7°06*I2"S 145'37,40"E.GDE,GC SF. BooloumbaCkRd. 26l,4ri3"S 152°37'06"E, GAM, andGAM,26.iv.1998,rf;AN1C, 14 9,4d,MtWebbNP, 6.V.1998,wetsclerophyll. A15N°I0C4,'S61495,°047'Ed,,A.1.C5aklmdeEranbdyJ.NFcMcthanS.or2r7-o3w0,.iv1.6"10958*1S NEWSOUTHWALES.AMKS68724,S,BorderRanges N1o45a3h7C'k,,A7.kCmalEdeNrEaTnhdoTr.ntWoenirP,ea2k5..ii1i6.o10988'4,Sr1f;45A%N6I'CE,,Ad.. N1P5,3°4o5r0E,mMNRSGheaenpdSGtCa,tio4n.iiC.k-9.civa.mlp99i3n;gAaMrea.KS2581n02I44*,S d, Tweed Ra., 28°26'S 152"53'E, 300-400m, Smith. ; 106 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM AM Hines, PughandWebber,22.ii.1989. rf; KS68725,2 w8i,tRhiScahnmdoyndCkRaR.dS,F,28G°o3a7n,nSa1C5k2°R4d2,T0..45k7n5imf.roMmjRuGnctainodn GC,4.ii.-9.iv.l993; AM KS68726, d, Whian Whian SF, W BigScrubFloraReserve,GibbergunyahRa. Rd, 150m Rocky Ck crossing, 28°38,S 153°19'E. 180m, MRG and GC, 4.ii.-9.iv.l993; AM KS68727, 5.9km NE from creek crossing on Morgan Ck. 28°46*S 152°18,E. 620m, MRGandGC,4.ii.-9.iv.1993;AMKS9356, 9,Washpool NP. Coombadjah Ck, 29°16'S 152°22,E, C. Horseman, AM W 12.ii.1982; KS68728, 6, Chaelundi SF, 3.8km alone Stockyard Fire Trail from Chandler Ck, 29°57'S 152 32'E, 450m, MRG and GC, 4.ii.-9.iv.l993; AM KS68729, 9 MarengoSF,0.4kmSWalongChimneyRd , fromjunctionofBlackboardand FoamyCk Rds, 30l,06'S 152°25'E, 1090m, MRG and GC, 4.ii.-9iv.1993; AM W NKeSv6e8r73p0i,cn9ic,Daorerar.ig3o0lNl2PT,SDo1m5e2°R4d7,,Ea,bo6u9t0m1k.mMRGNevaendr GC,4.ii.-9.iv.l993;AM KS68731, 9, EnfieldSF, Dodds FireTrail,about3kmfromEnfieldRd,3T24'S 151°52*E, 910m, MRG and GC, 4.ii.-9.iv.l993; AM KS68732, 9, Bulga SF,WildCattleCk,400mNESpurTrack,3r36'S I52°07,E, 400m, MRG and GC, 4.ii.-9.iv.l993; AM KS68733, 9,Wilson River Flora Reserve, 31°12'S 152°28,E,244m,GDEandZ.Johanson,3.xii.l999,rf;AM KS35583, 6,LorienWildlifeRellige,3kmNLansdowne AM viaTaree,G. Williams, 14.viii.1990; KS35859,2 9, AM d, Kiwarrak SF, S Taree, G. Williams, 25.ii.1991; KS68734, 9, Chichester SF, Barrington Tops. Middle Ridge Rd, 550m N Dixies Top trail, 32°10'S LSl^'E, GDE and Z. Johanson, 15.iii.1999; AM KS68735, 9, AM AllynStm,BarringtonTops,P.M.Johns, 19.i.1975,if; KS 58467, <?, Woodford, Ridge St, 33°43,50,,S AM 15O°28'40"E, Aust. Mus. Bus. Serv., 30.ix.1996; KS44882, 9, Jamieson Park, Narrabeen, 33°43'S 151°18'E, 20m, MRG and HM. Smith, 6-20.xi.1995, Angophoracostatawoodland;AMKS72034, 6 Sydney , Harbour NP, Bradleys Head, GDE, 14.vii.200 1 QMS45192, 9, Whian Whian SF, via Dunoon, 28°38'25"S 153o20-01"E,200m,GBMandS.R.Monteith, 2189°754-41'2907,5,S;Q15M3S°2445'3179"3E,,62,1V3imc,toGriBaMParakn,dvSi.aRA.lMstoonntveiiltlhe,, 1974-1975; QMS45194, 9, Brunxner Park, via Coffs H19a8r0b-ou19r8,1,3rf0;C°A1S,5W9S,2 815,n3e°a0r6CaMt0h,e,rEi,ne1H5il0lmB,ayG.B60Mm., FIAGu.st1r.alDiias.tributionofAustralobiusscabriorineastern E.S. Rossand D.Q. Cavagnaro.2.xii.l962. VICTORIA.NMV61,9,FraserNP,A.Bums,29.xi.1946. arEapCipnOefaLorrOessGttY,o.tbheoMumogoshtrienscpSeoEcmiQmmLeoDnns(iFwniegwr.ee1t)c^s4oc.lllseecrcaotbperhdiyloilrn Dtm8oEa.eSx7nCimdRmmIuoPfmlTtoweInilOgsd;Notnh.)aonM1faa7lhx.e1ialmdmemgushm(6iQe.llMed6Snm4g2t5.mh14m1(lhm6oe:,nagdaFnisgtfh.eirne2onl)mad; forestthan intheadjacentrainforest. The species trochanter to pretarsus. is collected in greatest abundance underthe bark of standing eucalypts, with as many as 20 Colour. Head and tergites mottled reddish specimens obtained from asingle large tree (AM brown, occasionally with slight purple tinge. KS 68721). The total altitudinal range is from Antenna light orange-brown, brighter orange near sea level to 1560m. The species has been distally. Maxillipede coxosternite and telopodite collected year-round; in NE QLD, records are pale orange. Trunk sternites generally pale concentrated in October-December and yellow with light purple tinge; sternites 14-15, March-May. genital sternite and gonopods pale orange. Legs AUSTRALOBIUS SCABRIOR (CHILOPODA) 107 anteriorbranch running forwards and inwards to base of antenna, posterior branch running to marginal notch, behind major ocellus. Longitudinal median furrow on anterior part of head shield incised for about 3A length to transverse suture. Posteromedian depression shallow. Clypeus with blunt, triangular projection bearing a numberoflarge setae on its apex (Fig. 4A); lateral margins ofthis projection fringed by shorter setae. Posterior margin of clypeus concave; row of four short setae medially, directly in front of labrum (Fig. 4B). Labral sidepiece fringed posteriorly with bristles (Fig. 4B) which are branched extensively (Fig. 4C). Labral midpiece bears small rectangular tooth with small notch on each side; another pair of larger, rounded notches separate sidepiece from midpiece on each side (Fig. 4B); slender transverse seta extends from a depression anterior to each of these notches, extending to rectangulartooth. Antenna. Antenna consistently slightly less than halflengthofbody. 17-23 articles,overwhelming majority of specimens with 20 articles on each side; articlesslightlyelongate, coveredwithlong straight setae (finely ridged trichoid sensilla) on all sides (Fig. 3B,D); two widely separated, digitiform thin-walled basiconic sensilla on anterior face of each article along its anterior sclerotised edge, just behind band ofarthrodial membrane that separates articles. Terminal article typically 2.5 times as long as broad, 1.4-2.1 times length ofpreceding article. Ocelli. Pale. Major ocellus circular or narrowly elliptical, usually slightly larger than largest of seriateocelli, sometimes equal in size; fiveorsix FIDMGoo.rsssa2m.lavAniu,eswtQrloadfl.moaWbliiedu,stQhsMocSfa4bhre5iao1dr126,.CT4hahmmemb.Belrulfif,n,11k19m20W. ((Feixgc.ep5t)i;onuaslulayllsyevtehrne)esoecreilaltie ionceslulipeirniotrwororw,owast least two, often three, in inferior row; ocelli of inferior row frequently slightly smaller than pale proximally, purple pigmentation increasing those of superior row; seriate ocelli usually to tibia; tarsus pale orange; 14th and 15th legs contiguous. Majorocellus lessraisedthanseriate commonly striped with alternating ocelli, distinguished from surrounding area by purplish-brown andwhitebands, podomeres less lack of pores and setae (Fig. 3G); surfaces of pigmentated distally. lenses bear fingerprint-like ridges (Fig. 3H). Tomosvary organ situated on subtriangular Head shield. Head as broad as long, or slightly sclerotisation immediately below and usually broader,feeblyconcaveposteriorly;headsmooth between the anterior two ocelli of inferior row relativetotergites,widerthanTT1-5,aboutequal (Fig. 3C,E). Tomosvary organ slightly elliptical, in width to T7; marginal ridge running along much smaller than all ocelli, surrounded by posterior margin and halfway along each side; raised rim; sclerotisation bearing Tomosvary ridge thickened posteromedially (Fig. 3A). organ bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by Anteriorthirdofheadshieldbounded posteriorly arthrodial membrane with warty texture (Fig. with transverse suture; antennocellarsuture with 3F). 108 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG 3. Australobhts scabhor Chamberlin, 1920. SEMs. A, AM KS68721, female, Kenilworth SF, SE Qld. Dorsalview ofhead shield, scale 200um. B, D-H,AM KS9356. female, WashpoolNRNSW. B, D, proximal pHa,rtmaojfoarntoecnenlal,usveanntdraslurvfiaecwes,ofsclaelness,s1c0a0l|ensm,505u0mu,m3;uEm,.ocCe,llAi,MscaKlSe65S07u1m8;,Ff,emTaolmeo,sMvtarHyyporigpaanm,esecaNlPe,1NEurnQ;ldG., Ocelli, scale 50um. AUSTR.4LOBIUS SCABRIOR (CHILOPODA) 109 FIG. 4. Australobius scabrior Chambeiiin, 1920. SEMs. A-F, AM KS9356, female, Washpool NP, NSW. A, ventralview ofclypeus and labrum, scale lOOum; B, labium, scale 50um; C, bristles on labral margin, scale 5nm; D,coxal poreson leg 15, scale 50um; E, gonopods. scale 50um: F, spurs andclaws ongonopods, scale 50um. G-H,AM KS68721, female, KenilworthSF,SEQld.G,pretarsusofleg 14,scale 1Oum; H,pretarsusof leg 15, scale lOjim. MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 1 10 pores on all segments (Fig. 6G); pretarsal and tarsal parts of tarsungulum about equal in length. Mandible. Shank of mandible divided by single fissure Q separating lamina condylifera. Dentate lamella composed of four tricuspid teeth, single- cusped fifth tooth on one side (Fig. 8A, H); teeth bear rows of serratedaccessorydenticles Fig. ( o 8 o 8H); field ofaccessory denticles set offby strong grooved ridge. Furry pad a tuft ofsmall, curved, faintly plumose bristles, strongly differentiated from accessory denticles on mandibular teeth. o Pectinate lamella of approx- imately 10 large, sickle-shaped aciculae, strongly serrated on their concave edges (Fig. 8E-G); separate cluster of five larger FIG. 5.AustralobiusscabriorChamberlin, 1920. Arrangementsofocelli and Tomdsvary organ. A-C, NE QLD; D-E, ME QLD; F-H. SE QLD; aciculae extending from ventral I-L, New South Wales. A, QMS45085, W Cape Tribulation; B, QM margin of mandible (Fig. 8E); S.45132. Lambs Head, W Edmonton; C, QM S45176, Upper Boulder each acicula bears median ridge Ck, NNW Tully; D, AM KS68720, Eungella NP; E, QMS45182, on internal surface, with pinnate Conway SF; F. QMS45191, Brookfield; G. QMS45189, Cooloola; H, margins (Fig. 8F). Inner ventral QMS45187.MarysCkSFviaGympie; I,AMKS68724,BorderRanges margin ofmandible with row of AM AM NRPe;fuJs,e L. AKSM68K7S2494.88M2a,reNnagroraSbFe;enK.,ScaleKfSor35al5l8f3i,guLroersi0e.n2W5imlmd.life t8hDr)e.eTswmaolln,arcurrovwedroswpsinoefss(mFailgl. branching bristles fringe mandibular teeth (Fig. 8C), Maxillipede. Coxosternite roughly trapeziform. extending from furry pad (Fig. 8H) to with feebly convex lateral margins (Fig. 6A. B, (approximately) ventral margin of third tooth, F). Dental marginsetoffasarimbyfurrowthatis where the two rows grade into a single row of impressed behind all but outermost teeth; rim long plumose bristles that extends to extends backward from median notch, ventrolateral margin of mandible (Fig. 8B, E); terminating at median suture (Fig. 6E); each half plumose bristles evenly branching along their of dental margin convex (Fig. 7), separated by length apart from hairless base (Fig. 8G). U-shaped median notch; teeth strongly chitinised; teeth closest to median notch largest, First maxilla. Coxosternite divided medially, with outer teeth smaller (Fig. 6C,E,G); lateral median suture terminates in front of tiny teeth situatedposteriorlyinrelation tootherteeth triangularsternite.Coxalprojectionconical,with (Fig. 6C); number of prostemal teeth in large largetuftofsetaeatapex (Fig. 9E); setaeofthree specimens ranges from 4+4 to 10+9 (Fig. 11). types: straight, finely ridged setae, found on all Porodont small, about the size of large seta, parts of projection (Fig. 9C); small plumose arising from shallow, semi-circular socket, setae, generally found near lateral margin of generally between second and third teeth as projection (Fig. 9C), andcompound setae,which counted from medial to lateral (Fig. 6E,H). superficially resemble simple setae, but are Coxosternite sparsely covered in setae, typically composed of numerous threadlike hairs concentrated in anterior half (Figs 6B,F;7), extending together from a common base (Fig. abundant pores (Fig. 6C); surface of teeth 9D). Cluster ofseveral sensilla microtrichoidea ornamented with interconnected polygons, with between coxal projection and telopod. Distal an occasional pore between polygons (Fig. 6D). articleoffirstmaxillarytelopod fringed medially Telopoditebearing long straightsetaeandmany with rows of large, densely plumose setae (Fig. , 1 AUSTRALOBIUS SCABRIOR (CHILOPODA) 1 1 FIQGl.d.6.VAenutsrtarlalvoibeiwusosfcmaabxrililoirpCehdea,mbscearlhen1,OO1u92m0..BS-ED,MsAoMfmKaSx9i3l5li6p,edfee.maAl,e,AWMasKhSp6o8o7l2N1P,,9NS,KWe.niBl,wvoerntthraSlFv,iSeEw o3F0f-|HcA,oixnA,osM1tOermKnnSi.6te8E,7,2sAc5aM,lecK>1S,O6RO8iuc7mh;1m8C,o,fneDdm,aRdlaee.n,tSMaFl,tmNHaSyrpWgi.ipnaFo,mfveecenotxNroPas,lteNvriEneitQwel,odf.decDtoeaxinoltsatolefrminanirnteegr,intsecoeaftlhceo(xlpoOosOrtuoedrmno;inttGe,a,tdsilcseatflat)el,p3sa0crautlmeo.sf telopodite, scale lOOfim; H, dental margin ofcoxosternite, showing porodont, scale 10mn. 112 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM thickening of marginal ridge. T10 largest. Posterior border of T7 straight, thatofTT1 and 8 straight or, more commonly, weakly concave; borders of TT3, 5, 10, 12 and 14 gently concave. Posterior angles of TT10 and 12 abruptly rounded; short subangular projections on TT11 and 13, smaller projection on T9; feeble, roundedposteriorprojectionvariably present on TT4 and 6. Posterior border of T14 and intermediate tergite concave in both sexes; intermediatetergitenarrowerinmale, similarly sclerotised in both sexes. Tergites wrinkled; parallel rows of tubercles separated by longitudinal median furrow on TT(3) 5, 7, 8, 10 and 12; posterolateral^ directed furrow across inner half of long tergites 3-12, radiating from front of median furrow; borders tuberculate. Coxalpores. On legs 12-15; circular to oval, with continuous, raised rims, separated from each other by a space FIG. 7. Australohius scabrior Chamberlin, 1920. Maxillipedc about equal to or less than their own coxosternite, showing variation in teeth on dental margin and sSeEtaQtiLoDn;(oCn,lyD,sGe,taHl,baNseeswsShoouwthnWoanleosn.eSscidael)e.sA0,.2B,5mF,m;NEscaQlLeDf;orEA, gdiraomoevtee.r N(Fuimg.be4Dr),ofsectoxinalshpaolrleosw aBp.plQiMeSs4to51C-1F6,,scTahleefBolruBffa,ppWlieMsotsosGm,aHn.;A,C.QMQSMS445511794,3,MtViFcitsohreri;a tsepencdiimnegn;tomaixncirmeuasmeowfi4t9h psoirzees oinf Park via Alstonville; D, AM KS68724, Border Ranges NP; E, total (female maximum 5,6,7,6 + QMS45190, MaryCairncross Parkvia Maleny; F. QMS45135, Mt 5,6,7,7, male maximum 5,6,7,6 + Murray Prior; G AM KS68730, Dorrigo NP; H, AM KS68732, 4,7,6,6); larger specimens (width of Bul^a SF. head >1.7mm) usually with a combinationof4,5 and6coxalpores, 9E,F), with row of shorter, simple setae in exceptionally 3 or 7 on one or two legs. Usual arthrodial membrane on each side of plumose sexual dimorphism in number of coxal pores, setae (Fig. 9E). withfemaleshavingslightlyhigherporecounts. Secondmaxilla. Coxosterniteconcaveanteriorly, Legs. Tarsal articulation distinct on all legs; slernite represented by shallow, narrow, accessory apical claw on legs 14 and 15 nearly V-shaped depression. Inner surface of tarsus half length of principal claw, which is long, fringed with long, large plumose setae; outer slender (Fig. 4G,H). Sensory spurs absent. Legs surfaces with evenly scattered simple setae (Fig. 14 and 15 thickened in both males and females, 9B); other articles of telopod bearing sparse without sexual dimorphism; gradual increase in simple setae (Fig. 9A). Pretarsal claw typically sizeoflegsalong lengthofbody(Fig. 2); anal leg bearsfivedigits: long,thick mediandigit, shorter approximately 1/3 toslightly lessthan 1/2 length lateral digits, needle-like intermediate digits of body. Dense glandular pores on femur, tibia (Fig. 9G). and basitarsus of legs 13-15. Plectrotaxy as Tergites (Fig. 2). Tl trapeziform, with marginal shown in Table 1 (NE QLD) and Table 2 (New ridgeentire,posteriorrimraised;onTT3,5, 8, 10. South Wales); variable spurs that are usually 12 marginal ridge entire, slightly raised, without present: leg 1 1 (VmP), leg 13 (VpF, DaT), leg 14 median thickening. TT1 and 3 about equal in (Vmt, VpF, DpF), leg 15 (VmP). width; lateral borders of TT3 and 5 slightly Female. First genital sternite with weak convergentposteriorly,posterioranglesrounded. longitudinal median desclerotised strip. T7 with parallel lateral borders, median Gonopods with elongate, conical to

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