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Preview Morphological diversity of stylets in Kolhymorbis (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Segmentinidae)

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 26(2): 215–222 25 DECEMBER 2017 Morphological diversity of stylets in Kolhymorbis (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Segmentinidae) Морфологическое разнообразие стилетов рода Kolhymorbis (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Segmentinidae) E.V. SOLDATENKO E.B. СОЛДАТЕНКО E.V. Soldatenko, Smolensk State University, 4 Przhevalskiy St., Smolensk 214004, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] The taxonomy of freshwater pulmonates (Hygrophila) relies heavily on morphology of their reproductive system, most notably on the characters of the copulatory apparatus. For this rea- son, taxonomically important components of the copulatory apparatus such as penial stylets have always received much attention in the morphological studies on Hygrophila. The present study describes the stylets of Kolhymorbis bogatovi Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1985 and K. shadini Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967 and compares them with the previously described stylet of K. angarensis (Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925). The lengths of the stylets vary within the genus from 20 to 30 μm. In K. bogatovi, the stylet is a trough-shaped plate with a distal portion twisted 110° counterclockwise with respect to the proximal portion. The stylet of K. shadini is also a trough-shaped plate, but its walls are curved in such a way that the stylet forms a hollow cone with a beveled tip. The slit between the opposite lateral flanks of the stylet is wide proximally, but narrows down distally. The stylets of all three Kolhymorbis species dif- fer markedly in their shape. The trough-shaped stylet of K. angarensis most likely represents the plesiomorphic state; the stylet of K. bogatovi may have originated from this type of stylet by increasing the curvature of the walls and counterclockwise twisting of the distal portion of the stylet. The cone-shaped stylet of K. shadini may have evolved from the plesiomorphic type by widening of the proximal portion and by even more pronounced curving of the walls throughout the length of the stylet without distal twisting. The penial stylets of Kolhymorbis species are compared with those of Palaearctic genera of the family Segmentinidae Baker, 1945 and the taxonomic utility of the stylet characters is evaluated. В систематике пресноводных легочных моллюсков (Hygrophila) ключевыми призна- ками являются особенности половой системы, в частности строение совокупительных органов. Поэтому изучению стилетов как важной структуры копулятивного аппарата придается большое значение. Эта работа посвящена описанию стилетов Kolhymorbis bogatovi Zatrawkin et Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1985 и Kolhymorbis shadini Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, 1967 и их сравнению с ранее описанным стилетом Kolhymorbis angarensis (Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925). Размеры структуры в пределах рода варьируют от 20 до 30 мкм. У K. bogatovi стилет имеет форму желобовидной пластинки с дистальным участком, повернутым против часовой стрелки на 110°. Стилет K. shadini также пред- ставляет собой желобовидную пластинку, но его стенки заворачиваются таким образом, что он приобретает форму полого усеченного конуса. Противоположные боковые стенки стилета не соприкасаются, образуя широкую щель, постепенно сужающуюся в дисталь- ном направлении. Наибольшие различия между стилетами у видов рода проявляются в их форме. Исходной формой следует считать пластинчатый стилет K. angarensis, которой преобразуется в желобовидный стилет K. bogatovi путем большего заворачивания сте- нок и поворота дистальной части против часовой стрелки относительно продольной оси стилета. Полый усеченный конус K. shadini возникает из пластинчатого стилета K. an- garensis путем некоторого расширения проксимальной части и сильного заворачивания стенок по всей длине структуры без поворота относительно продольной оси. В статье сравниваются данные по стилетам у палеарктических родов Segmentinidae Baker, 1945 и оценивается таксономическая значимость этих признаков. © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 216 E.V. SOLDATENKO. MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF STYLETS IN KOLHYMORBIS Key words: freshwater molluscs, morphology, copulatory apparatus, stylet, Segmentinidae, Kolhymorbis Ключевые слова: пресноводные моллюски, морфология, копулятивный аппарат, стилет, Segmentinidae, Kolhymorbis INTRODUCTION in its proximal portion, and completely flat in its distal portion. It could reasonably be The taxonomy of freshwater pulmonates expected that two other Far East members (Hygrophila) relies heavily on morphology of the same genus: K. bogatovi Zatrawkin of their reproductive system, most notably et Moskvicheva in Zatrawkin, 1985 and on the characters of the copulatory appara- K. shadini Starobogatov et Streletzkaja, tus. For this reason, penial stylets, copulato- 1967, would also have penises with stylets ry structures of potential taxonomic impor- and therefore the aim of this study was to tance, have always received much attention examine the morphology of the terminal in the morphological studies on Hygrophila penial structures in these two species. The (Baker, 1945; Hubendick, 1955, 1957, 1958; morphology of the stylets, however, may be Odhner, 1956; Hudec, 1967; Starobogatov, significantly different in different species of 1967; Meier-Brook, 1964, 1983; Burch, the same genus, as suggested by the study 1989; Brown, 1994, 2001; Glöer, 2002; Röep- of intrageneric stylet variability in a close- storf & Riedel, 2004; Sitnikova & Takhteev, ly related family Planorbidae Rafinesque, 2006; Paraense, 2007; Soldatenko, 2009a, 1815. In this family, the stylets may be al- Soldatenko & Petrov, 2009, Soldatenko & most constant in shape and length within Sitnikova, 2009; Shu et al., 2013; Soldaten- the genus (Anisus) or may show consider- ko & Shatrov, 2013; Kijashko et al., 2016). able variability in both parameters (Gyrau- The first classification of stylets in Hy- lus and Choano mphalus). In view of these grophila was devised by Hubendick (1958) considerations, an additional purpose of the based on their external morphology. He study was to evaluate the variability of the has subdivided the stylets into three types: penial armature within the genus Kolhy- 1) stylets formed by condensation of pe- morbis Starobogatov & Streletzkaya, 1967 nial tissues (Physastra Tapparone-Canefri, and compare these stylets with those of Pa- 1883), 2) cuticular thimble-shaped struc- laearctic genera of the family Segmentinidae tures capping the tip of the penis (Promenetus Baker, 1945 (= Segmentininae Baker, 1945). F.C. Baker, 1935 and Planorbula Haldeman, MATERIAL AND METHODS 1840), and 3) hollow, cuticular appendages at the tip of the penis (Anisus Studer, 1820, The molluscs for this study were ob- Gyraulus Agassiz in Charpentier, 1837, and tained from the collections of the Zoologi- Choanomphalus Gerstfeldt, 1859). Meier- cal Institute of Russian Academy of Sci- Brook (1983) has studied the development ences, St Petersburg (ZISP). of the stylets in various Hygrophila and suggested that some species may also have Kolhymorbis angarensis (Dybowski the fourth type of penial armature that he et Grochmalicki, 1925) termed plate-like stylets. Material examined. Russia, Far East: ZISP A stylet of the plate-like type as posited 7, 16 specimens, Primorsky Terr., Yakovlev- by Meier-Brook was first described by Sol- sky Distr., vill. Varfolomeevka, temporary datenko (2009a) in Kolhymorbis angarensis ponds, 25.IX.1956 (Starobogatov leg.); ZISP (B. Dybowski et Grochmalicki, 1925). The 11, 250 specimens, Primorsky Terr., Vladivo- stylet of this species is a plate-like structure, stoksky Distr., vill. Razdol’noye, spring brook, with edges curved towards the vas deferens 30.IX.1956 (Starobogatov leg.); ZISP 25, 10 © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 215–222 E.V. SOLDATENKO. MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF STYLETS IN KOLHYMORBIS 217 specimens, Khabarovsk Terr., catchment of hydrated in ethanol, air-dried for 20 minutes Amur R., bottomland of Bol’shoy In R., 19–20. in hexamethyldisilazane (Bock, 1987), coat- VI. 1973 (Dvoryadkin leg.); ZISP 34, 15 speci- ed with platinum in a HITACHI IB-5 ion mens, Khabarovsk Terr., tributary of Manoma R., sputter and viewed on a HITACHI S-570 brook, 19.VI.1980 (Zatravkin leg.) ZISP 35, scanning electron microscope (Fig. 2). 30 specimens, Khabarovsk Terr., upper reach of Of the 17 preparations of K. angaren- Manoma R., puddle, 19.VI.1980 (Zatravkin leg.); sis examined in this study, 10 were taken ZISP 37, 27 specimens, Khabarovsk Terr., 10 km out a road from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, puddle, from a previous study (Soldatenko, 2009a). 8.VII.1980 (Starobogatov leg.); ZISP 44, 23 Since Soldatenko (2009a) did not provide specimens, Khabarovsk Terr., a forest 12 km from detailed morphometric analysis of the sty- vill. Sulukh, 12.VII.1982 (Moskvicheva leg.). lets, these preparations were remeasured for the present study. The statistical power for Kolhymorbis bogatovi Zatrawkin the analysis of the stylets of K. bogatovi and et Mosk vicheva in Zatrawkin, 1985 K. shadini was limited, because the collec- tions had only a small number of molluscs Paratypes. ZISP 2, 29 specimens, Russia, Far and some of the individuals in these collec- East, Khabarovsk Terr., outskirts of Amursk, Bo- tions had incompletely formed stylets. lin R. (tributary of lower Amur R.), bottomland puddle, 8.VII.1980 (Zatravkin leg.). RESULTS Kolhymorbis shadini Starobogatov The stylet of Kolhymorbis angarensis et Streletzkaja, 1967 The stylet has a length of 22.92±2.63 μm Material examined. Russia, Far East: ZISP 4, 5 specimens, Chukotka National Region, (Table 1, Lt) and is a trough-shaped plate Anadyrsky Distr., Vakareva R. (channel), pud- (Figs 1а, 2a–c) slightly tapered towards dle near the camp (Anadyr expedition of 1972), its distal end or equal in width throughout 4.VIII.1972 (Streletskaya leg.) its length (Table 1, Wd/Wp). The proxi- In total, 26 individuals of the three spe- mal end of the stylet has the greatest width cies were dissected. Ten individuals of K. an- (11.38±1.09 μm, Table 1, Wp) and is curved garensis, three individuals of K. bogatovi and in cross section into an arc of 330–345°. one individual of K. shadini were dissected Towards the mid-length of the stylet the to remove their reproductive systems for curvature of the arc decreases to 240° and whole mount preparations. The excised its width here is 10.43±1.09 μm (Table 1, structures were transferred in 70% ethanol, Wm). The distal portion of the stylet is dehydrated in a series of alcohols, cleared either completely flat (n=8; Fig. 2a) or its in clove oil and mounted in Canada balsam. lateral corners are angled with respect to its The preparations were viewed and photo- flat middle section (n=9; Figs 1a, 2c). The graphed on a Leica DMLS-2 microscope portion of the stylet with curved walls com- equipped with a CCD camera (Fig. 1). prises 0.85±0.14 of its total length (Table 1, Copulatory organs of seven individuals Lc/Lt). The width of the distal end of the of K. angarensis, three individuals of K. bo- stylet is 8.45±1.28 μm (Table 1, Wd). The gatovi and two individuals of K. shadini were distal portion of the stylet is not twisted prepared for scanning electron microscopy spirally relative to its proximal portion. (SEM). The copulatory organs were excised from the molluscs and their preputia were The stylet of Kolhymorbis bogatovi partly or completely removed to expose the distal end of the penis with the stylet. The The stylet is a trough-shaped plate (Fig. remaining parts of the copulatory apparatus 2d–f) tapered towards its distal end or (penis sheath, penis with the stylet and the equal in width throughout its length (Ta- proximal portion of the preputium) were de- ble 1, Wd/Wp). The length of the stylet is © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 215–222 218 E.V. SOLDATENKO. MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF STYLETS IN KOLHYMORBIS d for each species. Wd/Wp mean±SD(min–max) 0.75±0.12(0.64–1.00) 0.61±0.25(0.43–1.04) 0.42±0.03(0.39–0.45) – proximal width 2p(iwtnu13oa r3.rcr0et.rd4 0iooos3±sf nt± s3th h1so.e0e.ef 5m9c ta6t hriμi dμocem- n mdsl etei(,nny cTTlgrtaaeoetbtbah allsh eeone a f s11as t,,t rh toWcLhe 9to esp)0f t.) gy° 1 T rala6eenhn0atded –tt e hip1isster8t sc o c0 wwuxu°r.iiir mvddTvettoaahhd--l e p di W here is 10.67±1.25 μm (Table 1, Wm). The u ber of specimens st Lc/Lt mean±SD(min–max) 0.85±0.14(0.66–1.00) 1.00±0.00(1.00) 1.00±0.00(1.00) dth at mid-length; deteldeoriiitnass htttgl aahetcllrheo pe c rmn(ounTdrreitvda roibsedof dl nlaete r ho oe1serf e , a a tscnLhnttygegcioll /leesenLttdd.y t i 1l)wsTe .58 hta–T .lei7ls2h s3 s0 fet±tl° hay 2wwtrl.,eo7i ibdtut5 uthg thμt hhr miuoeotsuss f(p tlThte aihacattesst-- s. n is the num Wd mean±SD(min–max) 8.45±1.28(7.00–11.00) 8.73±2.75(6.50–12.50) 5.60±0.90(4.70–6.50) Wm – stylet wi btrThelheleae 1ts sit,v tyWyel eltdeto t; i iFsot sfitg wKp. rio2soldtxhe–iydmfm )1a. o1lT r0pbh°o iercs to dsiuoihsnnat.tadeli rnpcoilorctikowni soef e genus Kolhymorbi Wm mean±SD(min–max) 10.43±1.09(8.60–12.00) 10.67±1.25(9.50–12.50) 9.77±1.97(8.30–12.00) al width of stylet; saacho reham Tpocpelhulldoeer tvw pees l tdacbyt ielrieenvc t(le ecFl loreiaofgdn s. dsK1c .sbot ehn–scehect a,i)s o,dpb nibaen cuciien at utibisost ee taal wo nitot esrkae olsnwmu lagtoihklhsleest- e values (μm) and ratios for the stylets of three species of th LtLcWp mean±SDmean±SDmean±SD(min–max)(min–max)(min–max) 22.92±2.6319.64±4.3011.38±1.09(18.00–25.30)(13.00–25.30)(9.60–12.60) 23.00±3.0923.00±3.0913.43±1.56(19.00–26.70) (19.00–26.70)(12.00–15.60) 25.47±2.1425.47±2.1413.33±3.13(23.60–27.80)(23.60–27.80)(10.50–16.70) region with curved walls; Lt – total stylet length; Wd - dist lcopuTL(p(imbTdthhbanhF1eprollaieathhtieea loa3)rlspridelcee llgen xt. 1royl1-ar 3li .ayi adsl,o aiso ,3tm e2n wttn liWiyshnW ±noytssgd saeieeeo ct lg– 3do dl2reda r msltll.i tfito, tlye1agahs( ; μh h) Ltsc t ete3FiT,( m hs eastetsnoc tw6i aμi artr esgh/fdo 2 ba apo a emiμ.Le5ni s5dl llftecto mt e 2 .t ., cerstsf64y ft t)iglTei ot 1 )nh0ha7l.oamty–d rae,,nte±hT± e nnlntbb iWo ie ke) 0d 2dhtdelu isht. seo.nr .a idedt st91.afs Tisw ynt t 1/ols0tsT4n dyoeloh ,aW ra e 9ai t lahμWfmlμesraetsrh . retd 7tme npertmcsesah ip ons7c) s l sil a eiat)wg±o.t(ds lt prii y n FTorcf sat o1csb ooelb ostnni hn .3eeadaryf g9oevgdt e v3trtd.lott7fe i ic ee e0whi2si(ipwo r3s tssslμ °Teegnorl 5 tet .sniccem do –a af eh0sswA uudo xb l gnti°3o w fbrr ;yi( ltir mr4aemvved TTyttalitnn0e ihhdeetd eaaeta1th°ddddaeeesr----l.., ativ n 17 6 3 ylet stylet is not twisted spirally relative to its Table 1. Quantit Species Kolhymorbis angarensis Kolhymorbis bogatovi Kolhymorbis shadini Lc – length of stof stylet. pDKr.Io SbTxoCihmgUeaa tsSlot SpvuioId Oraytn Nioodfn tK.h.e s dhaisdtianl ip ceonniafilr rmeegdio nths aitn, © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 215–222 E.V. SOLDATENKO. MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF STYLETS IN KOLHYMORBIS 219 Fig. 1. Photographs of the whole mount preparations of stylets in Kolhymorbis angarensis (a) and Kolhymorbis shadini (b–c). Scale bars: 100 μm (a–c). Abbreviations: pe, penis; pr, preputium; ps, penis sheath; s, stylet. like K. angarensis, they possess penial sty- regions of the stylets, which look essentially lets, but the stylets of all three species have similar in all species, are often covered with both similarities and some major differences. a layer of cells, which emphasizes the dif- A notable common trait of Kolhymorbis ferences in the shape of the stylets between species are similar lengths of the stylets, the species. The width of these portions of which fall into a range from 18 to 28 μm in the stylets increases from 11.38±1.09 μm all three species; a somewhat greater stylet in K. angarensis through 13.43±1.56 μm in length in K. shadini might be explained by a K. bogatovi to 13.33±3.13 μm in K. shadini bias due to a smaller sample size (Table 1). (Table 1, Wp). Stylets with a completely Another feature shared by all three species flat distal portion were found only in K. an- are curved stylet walls wrapped around the garensis (Table 1, Lc, Lc/Lt). The stylet of penis tip (Figs 1, 2). As the species of this K. shadini has the narrowest distal region genus lack penial papilla that normally pro- (Table 1, Wd=5.60±0.90 μm), because of vides protection for the penis tip, curved the more steeply curved walls. walls of the stylet might function as a pro- The comparison of the stylet shapes tective cover for the soft penial tissues. This within Kolhymorbis suggests that the configuration of stylet walls may also arise trough-shaped stylet of K. angarensis rep- from the mechanical necessity for close con- resents the plesiomorphic state. The stylet tact with the muscular wall of the penis to of K. bogatovi may have originated by in- provide better leverage for the stylet move- creasing the curvature of the stylet walls ment. However, a clear understanding of and counterclockwise twisting of the distal the functional role of these stylets can only portion of the stylet. The cone-shaped sty- be obtained from studying the mechanism let of K. shadini can also be derived from the of copulation in the species of Kolhymorbis. stylet of K. angarensis; it may have evolved The most pronounced difference be- by widening of the proximal portion and by tween the stylets is in their overall shape: a even more pronounced curving of the walls trough-shaped plate with an untwisted dis- throughout the length of the stylet without tal portion in K. angarensis, a trough-shaped distal twisting. plate with a twisted distal portion in K. bo- The proposed evolutionary scenario gatovi and a hollow cone with a bevelled is also consistent with biogeographic evi- tip in K. shadini (Figs 1, 2). The proximal dence. The species with a possible plesio- © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 215–222 220 E.V. SOLDATENKO. MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF STYLETS IN KOLHYMORBIS Fig. 2. SEM micrographs of the stylets of Kolhymorbis angarensis (a–с), Kolhymorbis bogatovi (d–f), and Kolhymorbis shadini (g–i). Scale bars: 15 μm (a–i). Abbreviations: pe, penis; pr, preputium; ps, penis sheath; s, stylet. Arrows show ejaculatory openings. morphic type of stylet, Kolhymorbis anga- along the Kolyma River and in Chukotka rensis, lives in Siberia, Khabarovsk Terri- (Starobogatov & Streletzkaja, 1967; Staro- tory and Primorsky Territory (Dybowski bogatov et al., 2004). & Grochmalicki, 1925; Starobogatov et al., The types of penial stylet found in Kol- 2004) and is the most widely distributed hymorbis appear so far to be unique within species of the genus. The species with a de- the Segmentinidae Baker, 1945 (= Segmen- rived trough-shaped stylet, K. bogatovi, is tininae Baker, 1945). In this family, penial more restricted in its distribution living in stylets have been described in Polypylis the Middle and Lower Amur (Zatrawkin, Pilsbry, 1906 and Helicorbis Benson, 1855, 1985; Starobogatov et al., 2004). K. shadini, two Asian genera closely related to Kolhy- the species with the most derived cone- morbis. In Polypylis (P. semiglobosa Moskvi- shaped type of stylet, is one of the most cheva in Dworiadkin, 1980), the stylet is northern species of the family; it was found formed by condensation of the penial tissue, © 2017 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 26(2): 215–222 E.V. SOLDATENKO. MORPHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF STYLETS IN KOLHYMORBIS 221 while the stylet of Helicorbis (H. shilkaensis ter molluscs) for their assistance with collections. Starobogatov, 1996) is of the hollow type. Electron microscopy was performed at the “Tax- These stylets differ from that of Kolhymor- on” Research Resource Center (http://www.ckp- rf.ru/ckp/3038/?sphrase_id=8879024). This bis both in their shapes and the mode of work was supported by the Russian Foundation formation. The representatives of the Euro- for Basic Research (grant 15-04-05278a). pean genera Segmentina Fleming, 1818 and Hippeutis Аgassiz in Charpentier, 1837, and REFERENCES the African genus Segmentorbis Mandahl- Barth, 1954 lack penial stylets entirely. Baker F.C. 1945. The molluscan family Planor- bidae. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. The stylets of Kolhymorbis show varia- 530 p. tion in shape, without any significant vari- Bock C. 1987. A quick and simple method for ability in size. This type of intrageneric preparing soft insect tissues for scanning variation in stylet morphology has not been electron microscopy using Carnoy and hexa- previously described within the Hygrophila methyldisilazane. Beiträge elektronenmikros- and is intermediate between that of the sty- kopische Direktabbildung und Analyse von lets of Anisus (Planorbidae), which are al- Oberflächen, 20: 209–214. most constant in shape and length, and that Brown D.S. 1994. Freshwater snails of Africa and of the stylets of Gyraulus and Choanompha- their medical importance. London: Taylor & lus (Planorbidae), which vary greatly by Francis, revised 2nd edition. 607 p. Brown D. 2001. Taxonomy, biography and phy- both parameters. The stylets similar in shape logeny of the non-lacustrine African freshwa- to those of Kolhymorbis have not so far been ter snails belonging to the genera Ceratophal- described in the Hygrophila and even in lus and Afrogyrus (Mollusca: Planorbidae). the other groups of Pulmonata (Gascoigne, Journal of Zoology, 255: 55–82. 1974). All three variations of the stylet in Brown D.S. & van Eeden J.A. 1969. The mol- Kolhymorbis should be classified as a plate- luscan genus Gyraulus (Gastropoda: Planor- like type; the defining feature of these sty- bidae) in southern Africa. Zoological Journal lets is a relatively wide (not pointed) distal of the Linnean Society, 48: 305–331. region. A tubular type of stylet most closely Burch J.B. 1989. North American freshwater snails. Hamburg, Michigan: Malacological resembling those of Kolhymorbis was de- Publications. 365 p. scribed by Hubendick (1958) in Gyraulus Dybowski B. & Grochmalicki J. 1925. Przyc- (Carinigyraulus) trapezoides Polinski, 1929. zynki doo znajomoci miêczaków jeziora Ba- As the shape and size of the stylets were jkalskiego. (Contributions à la connaissance shown to be established early in postembry- des Mollusques du lac Baical). Wladislavi- onic development and are species specific idae nom. fam. Kosmos (Lwow), 50: 819–881. for each species (Soldatenko, 2009b; Sol- Gascoigne T. 1974. A note on some sacoglos- datenko et al., 2011), the most important san penial styles (Gastropoda: Opisthobran- implication of this study is an emendation chia). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Soci- ety, 55: 53–59. of the diagnosis for each of the three species Glöer P. 2002. Süsswassergastropoden Nord- und studied and for the genus Kolhymorbis as a Mitteleuropas: Bestimmungsschlüssel, Leb- whole. The study of stylets can help clarify ensweise, Verbreitung. Hackenheim: Conch- the phylogenetic relationships within the Books. 327 p. Segmentinidae and develop a more accurate Hubendick B. 1955. Phylogeny in the Planorbi- taxonomic system of this family. dae. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London, 28(6): 453–542. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Hubendick B. 1957. On the male copulatory or- gan in Anisus. Proceedings of the Malacologi- The author would like to thank P.V. Kijashko cal Society of London, 32: 208–212. (Senior Staff Scientist, curator of the ZISP mala- Hubendick B. 1958. 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