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Morphological Appearance of Cultivated Senna tora (Caesalpiniaceae) from Sri Lanka PDF

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Preview Morphological Appearance of Cultivated Senna tora (Caesalpiniaceae) from Sri Lanka

植物研究雑誌 J. Jpn. Bot. Originals 77: 121-128 (2002) Morphological Appearance of Cultivated Senna tora (Caesalpiniaceae) from Sri Lanka Akihito TAKANOa,A kiko MAKla,S achiko KURIHARA ,aKoji TANAKAa, Masashi INOUEb,Pa litha SERASINGHEc and Upali PILAPITIYA d 、 1edicinalPlant Garden,S howa Pharmaceutical University,M achida,T okyo,1 94-8543 JAPAN; bHokkaido Kushiro Hokuyo Senior High School,Mi dorigaoka 1-11-8,Ku shiro,H okkaido,08 5-0805 JAPAN; Clnstitute of Indigenous Medicine,C olombo University,Ra jagiriya,S RI LANKA; dWedamedura,K esbewa,S RI LANKA (Received on May 18,2 001) In 1993 and 1994 we obtained two types of seeds of Senna torα,(L.) Roxb. from Sri Lanka,w hich showed ac onsiderable difference in size,a nd also exhibited morphological differences when cultivated. To clarify their morphological characteristics in detail and to elucidate their genetic relationship,a c ultivation study and allozyme analysis was c 紅・ ried ou .tIt was apparent that there were two strains of S. tora in Sri Lanka,wh ich showed morphological differences (they are referred to in this report as type A and type B). The results of allozyme analysis showed that S. tora type A,ty pe B,a nd S. obtusifolia could be distinguished by the difference in the allele of AAT- 2,an d also that S. tora (both types Aa nd B) andS. obtusifolia could be distinguished by the difference in the alleles of SKD and AAT-l. Key words: allozyme analysis,m o中hology,Senna tora,Sr i Lanka. In Sri Lanka the leaves and stems of (Fig. 1). The resultant plants also exhibited Sennαtorlα(L.) Roxb. (= Cαssia torαL.) morphological differences when cultivated, , (Caesalpiniaceae) have been used as al axa- in 1995 (Fig. 2). To clarify their morphologi- tive for the therapy of habitual constipation cal characteristics in detail,t he two types of and haemorrhoids,a nd its seeds have also S. tora were cultivated and observed,u sing been used as an anti-parasitic for the therapy S. obtusifolia as ar eference. In addition,in of ringworms and scabies (Jayaweera 1981). order to cl ifytheir genetic relationship,a n 紅 In Ja pan the seeds of S. tora and Senna allozyme analysis was carried out. In this obtusifolia (L.) H.S.lrwin & Barneby have paper their morphological and zymographic been used as ac rude drug一“Ketsumeishi"- differences are reported. for flatulence. Ont he Ja panese market there are two types of “Ketsumeishi" which have Materials different sizes and shapes -the smaller one 1. Senna torα,(L.) Roxb. type A (Fig. 1- has been said to be derived from seeds of S. left,c ollected at Haldummulla Ayurvedic tora (Iwasa 1956,A kiyama et al. 1996). Herbarium,Be ragalaory' sR oad,H aldummu- In 1993 and 1994 we obtained two types lla,Sr i Lanka,1 993. 9). of seeds of S. tora in Sri Lanka,w hich 2. Senna tora type B (Fig.トright,col- showed a considerable difference in size lected at Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic -121- 122 植物研究雑誌第77巻第3号 平成14年6月 Fig. 1. Difference in seed size of Senna materials collected from Sri Lanka. S. tora type A (left) and S. tora type B (right). Fig. 2. Difference between Senna tora type A (left) and S. tora type B (right) in gross morphology. Research Institute,N awinna,M aharagama, Methods Sri Lanka,1 994. 10). Cultivation and Observation 3. Sennαobtusifoliα(L.) H.S.Irwin & Fifteen seeds of each type were sown in Barneby (collected at Tokyo Metropolitan the greenhouse of the Medicinal Plant Medicinal Plant Garden,K odaira,T okyo, Garden,S howa Pharmaceutical University, Japan,1 992). Machida,T okyo,o n May 13,1 996 with 10 cm distances between each,a nd were ob- served. June 2002 Journal of Japanese Botany Vol. 77 No. 3 123 Isozyme Electrophoresis ing). The period of flowering and bearing Zero-point-five gram of fresh leaves were fruits was different between the materials. cut into pieces and ground in ca. 1m l of ex- Senna obtusifolia began flowering from the traction buffer consisting of 0.14 M NaCl, 31 st August,S. tora type A one and half 0.02 M NaOH,0 .12 % dithioerythritol,0 .1 months later (from 14th October),a nd S. % Dowex (HCl), a small amount of tora type B af urther month after this (from polyvinylpyrrolidone, and 4 % 2- 18th November). mercaptoethanol. The extract was centri- (2) Plant Height and Branching (Table 1a nd fuged at 15,000 rpm for 15 min at 4o C. The Fig.4): supematant was filtrated following Nishino Senna tora type A reached ah eight of al- and Morita (1994) with slight modification. most 3 m,w hich is more than two times The filtrate was electrophoresed using verti- taller than S. tora type B,an d also taller than cal slab equipment with 7.5 % polyacry- S. obtusifolia. Sennaωra type B was the lamide gel. Electrophoresis was carried out smallest of all. The branching pattem was at 30 mA,3 00 V per gel for ca. 100 min at different between the materials (Fig. 4). 4o C. Aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) and Senna tora type A had branches concentrated Shikimate dehydrogenase (SKD) were at the upper part of the main stem,w hile S. stained by the standard method. tora type B had them at the lower p訂t.The branches were spreading at right angles in S. Results tora type A and B,w hilst those of S. Morphology obtusifolia were more vertically inclined. (1) Growth and the Period of Flowering (Fig. (3) Leaf,Fl ower and Fruit (Table 1): 3): Leaf: Rachises of the leaves of S. tora The growth in height of the plants began type A and S. tora type B were longer than about one month after sowing,a nd stopped those of S. obtusifolia. The leaflets of S. tora in early November (five months after sow- type A were the longest of all,a nd those of 35 300 250 200 一一 5 ---・トー-Temp.(M邸.) ---e---Temp.(Min.) \も- l "'--..__ |I1 5 0.主!;ll --<>-S. tora B \、 1) - I .:::. 、-0-"- V I :: -D-S.toraA F削ItionofS.師団FヤulttylpoenAof(S1 .0佃/摺25-t2y1p1e3B)( 11/25-1'1 II I U~ ~U a~.C. : 一一合一S.obtusifo.J忽 Fruhlon 01 5.obtuslfol畑 (9/3-1123) 5.tOfB Bg町ml.5/21-6/1 / sown 円。we同ngol5.ι阻咽 A(10/14-3/7) 50 Flowerlng 01 5. obt叫j罰則"(8/20-2/10) 。 nu 的開F. hN.回 由FF. ∞N.守 .h酌 由F.h Ncxi 回由.て田吋目.山.白守.,目,、~._o_ 、N_~ 二. ....守-. ..ON.... 閉.山_内 町No 内NLI) mF0て Date ・)Thev alue oft he average iodivisual of each group wぉshowo. Fig.3. Period of growth stages in the three Senna plants and their height. 124 植物研究雑誌第77巻第3号 平成14年6月 Table 1. Characteristics of three materials of Senna. Where multiple values are given,t hese are minimum,m ean and maximum,re spectively S. tora type A S. tora type B S. obtusifoliα Plant height (cm) 180-240-285 40-76-130 150-204-250 2 Leaf length of Nos. 6-15) 4.8-7.3-8.2 5.0-6.0-7.3 5.0-7.0-7.8 leafld) (cm) Nos. 16-25 8.0-8.4-8.9 4.4-5.3-6.6 4.9-6.9-8.4 length of Nos.6-15 6.3-11.2-13.4 4.5-9.8-12.8 5.3-5.4-6.5 rachis (cm) Nos. 16-25 10.0-11.8-12.5 9.4-10.0-11.8 4.0-7.4-9.2 stipule length (cm) 1.3-2.2-2.5 1.0-1.4-1.7 1.0-1.2-1.3 width (mm) 4.1-5.1-7.0 4.1-5.7-7.0 9.0-10.8-12.4 Flower position of inflorescens terminal terrninal axil length of peduncle (cm) 0.7-0.8-0.9 0.5-0.6-0.7 1.7-2.0-2.2 shape of apex of anther obtuse obtuse cuspidate size of pollen grains not uniform not uniform uniform percentage of stained pollen in 8.2-48.5-83.1 41.5-46.9-50.0 91.8-92.9-93.4 aceto-orcein (%Y) Fruit length of peduncle (cm) 0.6-0.9-1.0 1.3-1.6-1.9 1.8-2.1-2.5 length of fruit (cm) 4.3-8.0-11.3 3.1-7.9-14.3 5.5-9.3-13.9 Chromosome num- 26 26 26 ber (2n) Zymogram pattem AAT-2 C b a AAT-1 b b a SKD b b a One of the terminal leaflet pair was used to measure the size. l) 2)The numerals show the leaf number counted from the base. 3)More than 500 pollen grains were counted per anther. s. tora type B were shorter than that of S. were uniform (Fig. 6). The percentage of obtusifolia. The stipules of S. tora (both aceto-orcein stained pollen grains is 48.5 in types A and B) were naowerthan those of S. tora type A,46 .9 in type B,a nd 92.9 in S. 町 S. obtusifoliα. obtusifoliα,re spectively. Flower (Fig. 5): S. tora (both types A and Fruit (Table 1): The fruits of S.ωra type B) had flowers near the terminal of the B were n紅rowerthan those of the other branches. Senna obtusifoliαhad flowers specimens and had ar emarkable suture. The mainly at the main axils. The shape of pollen stipes of the fruits of S. obtusifolia were the grains of S. tora (both types A and B) diι longest,a nd those of S. tora type A were fered in size,w hile those of S. obtusifolia shortest. June 2002 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l77 No. 3 125 main stem lat eral branch S. tora typ巴B S. tora type A S.ob側,sifolia Fig. 4. Typical branching pattems of the three Senna materials. Fig. 5. Difference in the position of inflorescence between Senna tora type A (left) and S. obtusifolia (right). (4) Gland (Fig. 7): gland (Fig. 7,a- pattem). From the sixth leaf Firstly,t he position of glands on the and up,th e leaves commonly had six leaf1ets leaves could be divided into three types. and 2g lands in S. tora (Fig. 7,c -pattem), They are referred to in this report as a- while those of S. obtusifolia had 1g land at pattem,b -pattem,a nd c-pattem respectively the basal pair of leaf1ets (Fig. 7,b -pattem). and shown in Fig. 7. Most of the early leaves Some leaves on the branch of S. tora type B of all three materials had 4-5l eaf1ets and 1 showed only 1g land but it occurred at the 126 植物研究雑誌第77巻第3号 平成14年6月 Fig. 6. Pollen grains of Senna tora type A (le白)and S. obtusifolia (right). Scale bar = 30 11m. gland a a' b c Fig. 7. Pattems of the position of glands on leaves of the Senna materials. a: pattem commonly found at juvenile stage,a' : p剖temoccasionally found in S.ωra type B,b: pattem commonly found in S. obtusifolia,c: p剖temcommonly found in both types A and B of S. tora. middle pair of the leaflets (Fig. 7,a' -pattem). larger than those initially sown in each case. Accordingly,S. ωra and S. obtusifolia could However,t he morphological characteristics be distinguished by the difference in the and relative size of the three materials had number and position of glands. not changed. The weight of 100 harvested (5) Seed (Table 2): seeds of each materials was 3.65 g (S. Materials before sowing: The shape of the obtusifolia),2. 34 g( S.ωra type A),an d 1.61 seeds of S.ωra (both types A and B) is co- g( S.ωra type B),re spectively. lumnar (Fig. 1),a nd that of S. obtusifolia is oblong. The seeds of S. tora type A e Allozyme Analysis 紅 larger than those of S. tora type B. SKD (Fig. 8): The pattems of the bands Products of the cultivation in 1997: The were divided into two types. One was S. tora harvested seeds of three materials were (both types A and B) type,an d the other was June 2002 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .l77 No. 3 127 Table 2. Size and weight of seeds of three materials of Senna S. tora type A S. torαtype B S. obtusifoliα , width length weight yield width length weight yield width length weight yield (mm) (mm) (g/100 (g/plant) (mm) (mm) (g/100 (g/plant) (mm) (mm) (g/100 (g/plant) seeds) seeds) seeds) Before sown 1.42 3.94 1.35 3.79 2.22 4.24 2.18 5.42 1.91 1.66 4.44 0.94 2.71 5.25 1.91 2.74 6.19 1.94 4.92 3.17 6.45 Cultivation in 1.79 4.82 1.21 3.36 1.78 3.81 pots in 1995 2.38 5.61 2.43 1.63 4.32 0.83 2.38 4.82 2.01 2.64 6.14 2.09 4.94 2.92 6.12 Cultivation 1.82 4.48 1.41 3.50 3.01 4.39 on the ground 2.40 5.67 2.34 6.08 2.06 5.01 1.61 5.05 3.30 5.20 3.65 7.58 in 1996 2.77 6.43 2.48 5.80 3.67 5.89 Multiple values show the minimum,th e mean,an d the maximum values respectively. Numerals of the weight and the yield show the mean value. 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 AAT-2 AAT-l Fig.9. Zymogram of AATi n Senna species. 1-2; S. tora type A. 3; S. tora type B. 4; S. obtusifolia. ference between the three materials. Fig. 8. Zymogram of SKD in Senna species. 1-2; S. tora type B. 3-4; S. tora type A. 5-6; S. Chromosome number obtusifolia. Chromosome numbers of the three materi- als (S. tora type A,ty pe B,an d S. obtusifolia) counted by T. Funamoto were all 2n = 26. S. obtusifolia type. AAT (Fig. 9): The patterns of the bands Discussion were different between the three materials. Wef ound two strains of Senna tora from The bands of AAT-1 showed the difference Sri Lanka,w hich showed differences in mor- between S. torlα(both types A and B) and S. phology and allozyme electrophoretic pattern obtusifolia. Those of AAT-2 showed the diι (both 2n = 26). Sennαtorαis widely distrib- 128 植物研究雑誌第77巻第3号 平成14年6月 uted from tropical to subtropical regions allOZyme or other molecular data will help to throughout the Old Wo rld and Pacific re- clarify the relationship. gions. There must be many differing strains in the world as it is widely cultivated for its We egrateful to Dr. Tsuneo Funamoto 紅 medicinal properties. It is necessary to do for the identification of the chromosome further research surveys on S. tora from number of the materials, and to Dr. many other places,a nd ωclarify their bo- Tatsuyoshi Morita for his kind advice on the tanical characteristics,so that those with best allozyme analysis. We are also grateful to quality for medicine will be identified for Dr. Michio Takido for many suggestions on circulation in the traditional medicine mar- Senna tora. ket. It is,ho wever,al so necessary to evaluate its ph紅maceuticalactivities in detail. References The number and position of glands in the Akiyama K. et al. 1996. A commentary on The leaves is a key factor to distinguish S. Japanese Phmacopoea13th edition,P art D. pp. 紅 obtusifolia from S. tora,bu t it showed differ- 1189. Hirokawa Publish Co. Ltd.,T okyo (in Japanese). ent pattersin the early leaves even in the 百 Iwasa J. 1956. The Pharmacognostical Study on same plant. “Ketsumei". Shoyakugaku Zasshi 12 (2): 57-79 (in The result of allozyme analysis showed, Japanese). so far as the material examined,th at S. tora Jayaweera D. M. A. 1981. Medicinal Plants used in type A,S. tora type B,a nd S. obtusifolia Ceylon Part 3. pp. 323. National Science Council could be distinguished by the difference in of Sri Lanka,C olombo. Nishino T. and Morita T. 1994. 6-Phosphogluconate the allele of AAT -2 ,a nd also that S. tora Dehydrogenase (6PGD) Gene Duplication in (both types A and B) and S. obtusifolia could kαlimeris (Asteraceae). Plant Species Biol. 9: 91- be distinguished by the difference in the al- 97. leles of SKD and AAT-1 . Further study of 高野昭人ヘ牧 明子,栗原佐智子,田中孝治 , a a a 井上政史 ,パリタ・セラシンハ ,ウパリ・ピラ b c ピテイヤ .スリランカから導入した Sennaωm アロザイム分析の結果, S.ωra type AとtypeB d (ジャケツイバラ科)の栽培品の形態 は, AAT-2の対立遺伝子の違いにより区別でき, 1993年と1994年にスリランカで大きさの異なる 両者 (S.tora type AとtypeB) は, SKDおよび 2種類の Sennatora (L.) Roxb.の種子を入手して AAT-lの対立遺伝子の違いにより S.obtusifoliaと 栽培したところ,形態的な違いを示した.そこで, 区別できた. これらの形態的特徴を詳細に検討し,遺伝的関係 (a昭和薬科大学薬用植物園, を明らかにする目的で比較栽培を行った.その結 h北海道釧路北陽高校, 果,スリランカには,形態的および遺伝的に異な cコロンボ大学伝統医学研究所, る2系統の S.tora (便宜上, type AとtypeBと dスリランカ・アーユルヴェーダ・クリニック) 称する)が存在することが明らかとなった.また

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