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9 Pages·1995·4.2 MB·English
by  Ying Qi
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GreatBasin Nahiralist55(3),© 1995,pp.258-266 MORPHOLOGICAL AND HOST-SYMBIONT STUDIES OF TRICHODINA TENUIFORMIS ANDAPIOSOMA CAMPANULATUM INFESTING MOTTLED SCULPIN {COTTUS BAIRDI) FROM PROVO RIVER, UTAH YingQi' and KicluirdA. Heckmannl'2 — Abstiuct. TrichocliiKi teintijonnis Stein, 1979 andApiosomci cciinpanitlatiiin Tiinoteev, 1962 were found on j^ills of mottled sculpin {Cotttis bairdi) from two locations in the Provo River, UT. They were studied by light and electron optics. Dimensions and morphologyoftheadhesive discanddenticles ofT. tenuifonnis were differentiated from other Trichodmaspecies.A. campanulatumwascharacterizedbyitsspindle-shapedcellbody. Finefeaturesexaminedbyscan- ningelectron microscopyincludedbodyshape,pellicle, elements oftheadhesivedisc, aboralciliaiycomplex, andado- ral ciliary spiral. Histopathological studies suggested that the organisms are ectocommensals. Ecological aspects of organism infestation between two areas were also investigated. This report establishes a new host and distribution recordforthesetwospeciesinmottledsculpinfromtheProvoRiver, UT. Keywords:Trichodinatenuiformis,Apiosomacampanulatum,Cottusbairdi,morphology, host-syinbiontrelationship, ecologicalaspects. ProvoRiver High numbers of two ciliated protozoa, may cause to the host, and (3) evaluate the sea- Trichodina and Apiosoma, were encountered sonal infestation rate to provide ecological infor- on the gills of mottled sculpin {Cottus bairdi) mation forthe listed ciliates and theirhost. during a study of ectoparasites of fishes from the Provo River Materials and Methods Trichodina is a mobile ciliate belonging to the subclass Feritrichia, family Trichodinidae Studies were earned out in late summerand (Lorn and Dykova 1992). This protozoan has fall (August, October 1993), late winter and an adhesive disc characterized by very promi- spring (March, May 1994). Watertemperatures nent and taxonomically significant denticles in the Frovo River ranged from 14°C to 4°C (Van As and Basson 1987). More than 140 and 6°C to 10°C, respectively. One hundred species ofTrichodina have been reported from si.xty sculpin were collected from two sites: wild, cultured, and laboratoiy fishes in many one in the city ofFrovo (Utah County) munici- parts oftheworld (Rand 1993). pal area, the second in a relatively pristine Sessile peritrich ciliates ofthe genus Apio- region near the Jordanelle Reservoir (Wasatch soma (syn. GlossateUa) belong to the subclass County). Sculpin were collected using elec- Feritrichia, family Epistylididae (Lom and trofishing, placed in buckets containing river Dykova 1992). They are generally attached to water, transported to the laboratory, and exam- fish by a scopula (Lom 1973). They have been inedwithin 24 h aftercapture. largely neglected by fish parasitologists until For light microscopy, air-dried smears of recently, when more attention has been given gill filament scrapings were prepared from to this group. freshlykilled fish and treatedby Klein's diy sil- Many species ofthese two ciliated protozoa ver impregnation technique (Clark and Heck- have been investigated (Arthur and Margolis mann 1984) to examine components of the 1984, Cone and Odense 1987, Rand 1993); adhesive disc. Other smears were prepared, however, a detailed study on mottled sculpin fixed, air-dried, and stained with iron hema- has never been reported. Objectives of this toxylin (Carcia and Bruckner 1988) to obsen'e studywere to (1) incoiporate differentlevels of the position and structure of the macro- and microscopy to study ciliate structure, (2) ob- micronuclei. Sections ofinfested gills from the sei-ve histopathological changes these protozoa spring sample were fixed, blocked, cut, and 'Ofpartmcntol'Zoology',BrighamYoungUniversity,Provo,UT84602. ^Autliortowhomcorrespondenceshouldbeaddressed. 258 1995] Ciliated Protozoa in Mottled Sculpin 259 stained with hematoxylin-eosin (Garcia and Micronucleus in -Y position (Lom 1958) 3x2 Bruckner 1988) forhistopathological studies. observed in six specimens, dimension For scanning electron microscopy, gills of (Fig. 3). — freshly killed fish were fixed in 2% buffered Scanning electron microscopy. Body glutaraldehyde, followed by repeated washes of T. tenuiformis circular in aboral view and in asodium cacodylate bufferandpost-fixed in aboral surface relatively flat (Fig. 4). Body a 1% solution of osmium tetroxide. After that bell-shaped or domed when viewed from the they were washed in the same buffer system. side (Fig. 5). Specimens were dehydrated through a graded The aboral ciliaiy complex consists ofthree alcohol series and critical-point-dried and distinct ciliary bands: the basal ciliary ring, sputter-coated with gold for examination with locomotor ciliaiy wreath, and marginal ciliary a Joel-840 high-resolution scanning electron ring. The basal ciliary ring, adjacent to the microscope. border membrane, has a single row of fine, For transmission electron microscopy, after distally tapering cilia 1-2 /xm long. Separated fixation and dehydration, gills were embedded from the basal ciliary ring by the basal septum in Spurrresin and sectionedwith aglass knife. is the locomotor ciliaiy wreath, which is com- Each section was stained with lead citrate and posed of numerous rows of well-developed, examined with a Philip EM400 transmission powerful cilia 2-3 fim long whose primary electron microscope. function is locomotion. The precise number of Terminology and methods ofmeasurement ciliaiy rows composing this wreath could not follow those given bv Lom (1958), Lorn and be ascertained. It is separated anteriorly from Dykova (1992), Wellborn (1967), Arthur and the marginal ciliary ringby apoorly developed Margolis (1984). Measurements are in micro- anterior septum that is evident only when the meters (/xm) and are based on 30 specimens aboral ciliary complex is uncovered by the for each species from each of the four sam- velum. The marginal ciliaiy ring is difficult to pling periods; range is followed by the mean distinguish from the locomotor ciliary wreath and±standard deviation in parentheses. in T. tenniformis. The velum is a thick, well- developed structure covering the bases ofthe Results cilia ofthe aboral ciliaiy complex and separat- Morphology ing this complex from the adoral ciliar)' spiral (Figs. 5, 6). Trichodina temiifonnis Stein, 1979 The adhesive disc has a smooth pellicular — surface beneath which the outline ofthe den- Host. Co—ttushairdi (Pisces: Cottidae). ticles can be clearly seen. The disc is sur- LOCALITY'. Provo River, Utah and Wasatch rounded peripherally by a 2-)U,m-wide border counties, Utah. — membrane, which functions to seal the margin Site of infestation.— Gill filaments. ofthe disc during adherence and contains fine Light microscopy. Body 39-53 (44.2 ± vertical striae over its entire surface. These 4.0) dia (diameter). Adhesive disc 19-30 (26.3 striae on the internal surface of the border ± 2.8) dia, surrounded by a border membrane membrane are the radial pins that give the 2—3 (2.5 ± 0.4) wide, with fine transverse stri- membrane rigidity while retaining its ability ae. Various-sized light forms present in center of adhesive disc when silver-impregnated. to conform to the host's surface (Fig. 7). Denticular ring 13.5-20 (17.2 ± 1.8) dia, con- The adoral ciliature forms a counterclock- sisting of 20-26 (23.7 ± 1.3) denticles with wise spiral ofabout270°. The base ofeach cil- 6-10 (7.8 ± 0.8) radial pins per denticle. ium is inserted into a deep furrow and hidden Denticle with conical central portions 0.7-1 from viewwhen SEM is u—sed (Fig. 8). (0.99 ± 0.06) from which a thorn 2.5-4 (2.9 ± Deposition of slides. One slide (HWML 0.4) extends externally with broadly rounded 37721) of silver-impregnated specimens and (HWML lobes, tapered slightly to a blunt tip and blade another slide 37724) of iron-hema- 2-3 (2.3 ± 0.3) attached to central region, toxylin-stained specimens are deposited in somewith rounded ends (Figs. 1, 2). the Harold W. Manter Laboratory, University Macronucleus horseshoe-shaped 27-48 (39 ofNebraska State Museum. The senior author ± 5.7) dia and approximately 10 ^tm thick. has additional slides in hercollection. 260 Great Basin Natur.\list [Volume 55 Figs. 1-3. Light micrographs ot Triclioclhm tcuuijurmis: 1-2. Silver-impregnated specimens showingbody shape and arrangement ofcomponents oftheadhesivedisc. BM, bordermembrane; D, denticle; RR radial pins. Bar = 10/im. 3. Iron-hemato.xylin-stained specimen showing horseshoe-shaped macronucleus (MA); arrow points to the micronucleus (MI). Bar = 10/Lim. Apiosoma campanulatum Timofeev, 1962 ture ofthis species. Circular striations ofpelli- — cle conspicuous. Pellicle wrinkled into longi- Host. Co—ttus bairdi (Pisces: Cottidae). tudinal furrows. Upper part ofbody bears the Locality. Provo River, Utah and W^isatch adoral zone, consisting ofatuft of1-2-^tm-long counLStiiitgeesh,otfUmTii.ncfreosstcatoipoyn..——BGoidllyficlaammpenatnsu.late. cciolniat.raMcotsetd psepreicsitmoemnessvainedwecdonwtirtachteSdEpMerihsatvoe- Macronucleus round or slightly conical. Size mial lips (Fig. 10). — ofstainedspecimens 3L0-66.0 (47.8± 7.2) long Deposition of slides. A representative by 25.0-45.0 (35.6 ± 4.2) wide. Macronucleus slide ofApiosoma campanulatum (silver stain) lLO-20.0 (15.6 ± 2.4). Micronucleus not ob- is deposited in the Harold W. Manter Labora- served (Fig. 9). — tory, University of Nebraska State Museum Scanning electron microscopy. The (HWML 37722). The senior author has addi- spindle-shaped body is the characteristic fea- tional slides inhercollection. 1995] Ciliated Protozoa in Mottled Sculpin 261 Figs. -J-7. Scaumug electron iiueiugraplis ofthe surface ofI temiiformis: 4. Aboral view ofentire specnnen ofI tenuifonnis. B,bacteria. Bar = 10fxm.5. LateralviewofentirespecimenofI temiifonnis. ACS,adoralciliarvspiral; BS, basalseptum; BCR,basilciliaiyring;GE,gillepithelium; LCW,locomotorciliaryweath;VEL,velum. Bar = 10fim. 6. HighermagnificationofFigure4showingthe structureofaboral ciliaiycomplex.ACS, adoralciliaryspiral; BCR,basal ciliaryring; K, kinetosomes; LCW, locomotorciliarywreath; MCR, marginalcilian,-ring. Bar = 1^tm. 7. Adhesive disc ofT tenuifonnis. D,denticle;PRperipheralpins;RRradialpins.Bar= 1^tm. 262 Great Basin Natur.\list [Volume 55 Fig. 8. AdoralviewofI tenuifonnis showinghowtheadoralcihatiire (ACS) forms acounterclockwise spiral ofabout 270°. Bar = 10/xm. Fig. 9. Lightmicrograph ofApiosomacampanulatum. Noteconicle-shapedbody. MA, macronucle- us. Bar = 1/xm. Fig. 10. Scanningelectron micrograph ofA. campanulatum attached to the gill epithelium (GE). Note transversestriations ofpellicleandits longitudinal furrows (aiTOw). PL, peristomallip; PS, peristome. Bar = 5^im. Fig. 11. LightmicrographsshowingThchodina(T)andApiosomu(A)infestedgillepithelium. Bar = 20/xm. Host-Symbiont Relationships lium, and particles dispersed in the water Light microscopy.—Sections of mottled were on the surface ofT! tenuifonnis (Fig. 13). No ultrastructural damagewas observedfor sculpin gills had no apparent pathological A. campanulatum. Presence of this ciliate in- damage. The conical body ofsomeA. campan- ulatum appeared to be attached to host gill wflaicstssnoomesercihoaunsgdeaimnagneumtboetrheofhomsittoceclhl.onTdhreirae, surfaces by the scopula, while others were with cristae showingmajorchanges (Fig. 14). freely distributed over the epithelial surflice. Most T. tenuifonnis glide over the surface; Ecological Aspects ofInfestation only afewciliates adhere to the host epithelial In the Provo Rivernearthe Provoresidential cells (Fig. 11). — Transmission electron microscopy. area, T. tenuifonnis reached the highest infes- Sections of the interface between the host tation rate in April and May. Itwas uncommon epithelial cell and T. tenuifonnis were pre- during summer and autumn and appeared to pared. No permanent or temporary structure be absent in the winter With the increase of could be detected between the adhesive disc, water temperature in spring, ciliates reinfest- adoral zone of cilia, and gill epithelial cells ed the fish. Apiosoma campanulatum at this (Fig. 12). However, injury to the epithelium site maintained an average of35% infestation due to 7^ tenuifonnis can be detected by the rate (no. ofinfested fish vs. no. oftotal exam- number of mitochondria, which decrease and ined fish) forall seasons. disappear in the immediate host cell. Host In the upper Provo Riverthe tendencyofin- necrotic tissue, mucous layers from gill epithe- festation ofT. tenuifonnis corresponded closely 1995] Ciliated Protozoa in Mottled Sculpin 263 Y 4^ ^m •••• fife' ^^. ^^ Figs. 12-13. Transmissionelectron micrographs ofgill epithelium infestedby T. teniiiformis. 12. Hostnecrotic tissue (arrows) sloughs offforparasite's food. ACC, aboral cilian' complex. Bar - 1/j,m. 13. Interfacebetween T. teniiiformis andmucouslayer(ML)ofepithelialcells. Notedamagetomitochondria(M).C,cilia.Bar — 1fim. 264 Great Basin Naturalist [Volume 55 14 y^^;:^^!^^ Nu \- ''«^' i^y/fon^t. \ =^!-, r Fig. 14.TransmissionelectronmicrographofgillepitheliuminfestedhyA. campanulatum.A. campanulatwn(A)caus- es numberofmitochondria(M) to decrease and cristae to disappear. M, mitonchondria; Nu, nucleus ofepithelial cell. Bar= Ifim. to that ofthe lower area. The highest infesta- represents a new host record for Trichodina tion rate occurred in May and then decreased tenuiformis andApiosoma campanulatum. until the next spring. Percentage offish infest- Comparative Morphology ed by T. tenuiformis in the lower river area was 20.5% vs. 12.5% in the upper Provo River. At the LM level comparison ofthe adhesive Similar to that ofthe lower river, A. campanu- disc ofr tenuiformis with that ofother species latum at the upper site had an average of37% oiTrichodina reveals afew similarities. Tricho- infestation in all four seasons. In general,Apio- dina reticulata Hirschmann and Partsch, 1955 soma did not showmeasurable fluctuations with described from Carassius auratus has denti- seasons. cles similar to T tenuiformis (Bauer 1984). The adhesive disc ofthe former has a central light Discussion zone separated into reticulated structures. But T. reticulata differs in having larger overall Taxonomy and host-symbiont studies of dimensions (average adhesive disc diameter is Trichodina and Apiosoma infesting fishes in 60/xmvs. 25^tm forourmaterial). T tenuiformis the United States have received surprisingly has a close affinity to T elegans described by little attention considering the frequency with Stein (1979) from fish in Russia. The latter is which these organisms have been associated characterizedby an unbroken light zone in the with fish diseases (Khan et al. 1974, Cone and adhesive disc. Our specimens have various- Odense 1987, Khan 1991). Wellborn (1967) sized light forms in the center ofthe adhesive described 13 species of Trichodina in south- disc. To a lesser extent T tenuiformis is similar eastern United States, but few reports have to T puijtoraci Lom, 1962 and T domerguei been published for this ciliate west of the Dogel, 1940; however, denticle shape and Mississippi River(Hechmann etal. 1987). Little structure of the adhesive disc clearly distin- information is available on Apiosoma studies guish T tenuiformis from these species. in this country, which is not the case in the Surface features of the adhesive disc and former Soviet Union (Bauer 1984). Cottushairdi arrangement ofthe aboral ciliaiy complex ofT 1995] Ciliated Protozoa in Mottled Sculpin 265 tenuifonnis seen by SEM were generally simi- Host-Symbiont Relationships lar to those described for T! truttae, an ecto- Trichodina tenuifonnis is an ectocommensal parasite on pacific salmon {Oncorliyncluis spp.) with a tendency to be parasitic in mottled and steelhead trout {OncoHiynclius inykiss; sculpin. There were no visible pathological Arthur and Margolis 1984), and T. labrisomi, symptoms with light microscopy; however, an ectoparasite on hairy blenny {Labrisomas electron microscopy disclosed changes in the nuchipinnis; Rand 1993). However, in T. tenui- organelles ofhost epithelial cells infested by T. fonnis, aboral cilia length is generally shorter tenuifonnis. Mitochondria decreased in num- than in those previously described. Further- ber and disappeared, which might indicate more, comparison of the aboral ciliature of T. respiratory blockage due to lack of oxygen. tenuifonnis with these species of Trichodina showed some differences in the extent of This change in mitochondria was obsei-ved in Trichophrya infesting other fish (Heckmann development of the anterior and basal septa, in velum structure, and in the degree of evi- and Carroll 1985). Necrotic host epithelial tis- dence ofthe marginal ciliary ring. The anteri- sue sloughs off following organelle loss, sup- plying sustenance forthe parasite. or septum is relatively large and the basal one No serious damage to mottled sculpin could itshesmbaalslalinsTe.pttnvimtitaies,pwrhoemrienaesnti.n TT.hteenvueilfounmniiss bseugogbesseti-evdedthfaortAt.hicsamspiamnpulleateucmt.ocLoommme(n19s7a3l) well developed in both T. labrisomi and T. relationship could change to parasitism in case tenuifonnis, but T. tenuifonnis lacks anyprotu- berances (Rand 1993). Similar to T. labrisomi, omfuchehalveyssipnvraosnioonusn,ceadltthhoaunghintthriischtoednidniednsc.y is the marginal ciliary ring of T. tenuijormis is poorly developed and cannot be distinguished Ecological Aspects ofInfestation from the locomotor ciliaiy ring, whereas in T. This study shows that the infestation ofTri- truttae the marginal ciliary ring is well devel- chodina has both seasonal and regional fluctu- oped (Arthur and Margolis 1984). Rand (1993) ations. The higher infestation rate on fish came has suggested these marginal ciliature are sen- from the Provo residential area during the sory structures associated with feeding and spring sampling period. Heavy impact from odT.reintetenintcualitefisoonna.nnidUsnthlhaieskepneoTl!lpilecalubllriacirusloramiridgpaeosnrdeosnT.btethrteuwttoeareean,l tthhieslioncfaelsthautimoan.nApfotpeurlastuimomnerm,aythceonnturmibbuetre toof surface, which might be a species-specific T. tenuiformis gradually reduces with the decrease of water temperature and reaches characteristic for these two species respective- ly (Arthurand Margolis 1984, Rand 1993). the highest number the following spring. This Over 50 species ofApiosoma have been maybe related to the ciliate life cycle. recorded from fishes, the majority of which Unlike T. tenuifonnis in this study, A. cam- have been describedby Russian authors (Bauer panulatum maintained a fairly constant infes- 1984). Although some are common fish para- tation on mottled sculpin from the two sites on sites in some parts ofthe world, only one ref- the Provo Riverin all four seasons. erence concerningApiosomapiscicola on Salve- Acknowledgments linusfontinalis was reported in North America (Cone and Odense 1987). There is a paucity of The authors thank the Utah Fish and Game data pertaining to Apiosoma over the last two Department for their cooperation on this study. decades, likely reflecting taxonomic difficul- Dr. Dennis K. Shiozowa provided help with ties due to variability in ciliaiy structure and fish collections. Technical assistance from Dr lack ofstricthost-specificity. Apiosoma conica has a body shape similar John Gardner and staffmembers ofthe Elec- to A. campanulatum. But our specimens com- tron Optics Laboratoiy, BrighamYoung Univer- pared more closely to the original description sity, was greatly appreciated. ofA. campanulatum. The species identifications were based on Literature Cited original descriptions from Europe; there is a possibility that the two species described in ArthuMru,elJl.eRr.,, a19n3d7L(.CiMlairogpoholrias:.P1e9r8it4r.ieThriidcah)o,diancaotmrumtotane this content are not absolutely identical on pathogenicectoparasiteofculturedju\enilesalmonid both continents. fishes in British Columbia: redescriptionandexami- 266 Great Basin Naturalist [Volume 55 nation I)y scanning electron microscop\'. C-'aiiadiau topograpin of a tricliodinid ciliate. Transactions of JournalofZooloj,^62: 1842-1848. theAmerican MicroscopicalSociety93: 131-134. Bauer, N., EDITOH. 1984. Parasitic protozoaoffreshwater LoM, J. 1958. A contriliution to the systematics and mor- fislies in the USSR. Volume 1. AcademyofSciences phology of endoparasitic trichodinids from amphib- andZoological Institute, St. Petersburg.4.30pp. ians, with a proposal ofuniform species characteris- ClAHKG. W.,AND R.A. Hf.c;kni.\nn. 1984.Anatlasofani- tics.Journalof Protozoology5:251-263. mUaTlp2a1r8aspipte.s. BrigliamYoungUniversity'Press, Proxo, ho.st19i7n3.ATpihoesmomoadepiosfciactotlaachBmleanntchaanrddraelnadtiEopnisttoytlhise Co.\E, D. K.,AND R M.Odense. 1987.OccurrenceofHet- hcojfi Faure-Fremiet, ectocommensals offreshwater eropolaria hvoffi (F"aure-Fremiet, 1943) and Apio- fish. FoliaParasitologia(Prague)20: 105-112. sornapiscicola Blanchard, 188.5(ciliata)onSalvelinus LoM,J.,AND I. Dykova. 1992. Protozoanparasitesoffishes. fontinaUs (Mitchill) in Nova Scotia, Canada. Cana- ElsevierSciencePublishersB.V., NewYork.316pp. dianJournalofZoology65:2426-2429. R^ND,T. G. 1993. Lightandscanningelectronmicroscopic Garcia, L. S., and D. A. Bruckner. 1988. Diagnostic studiesonTnclwdinalabrisomin.sp.fromLabrisomas medical parasitology. Elsevier Science Publishing niichipinnis (Osteichthyes: Labrisomidae) from Co., Inc., NewYork.500pp. MangroveLake, Bermuda. CanadianJomnalofZool- Heckm.wn, R. A., and T. Carroll. 1985. Host-parasite ogy71: 1855-1860. studies of Trichophnja infesting cutthroat trout Stein, G. A. 1979. Variability ofthe ciliates ofthe famiK {Salmo clarki) and longnose suckers {Catostotniis Urceolariidae (Peritricha, Mobilina) in the Baikal catostomtis)fromYellowstoneLake,Wyoming.Great Lake. Journal of Protozoology 26 (No. 3, Part 1, Basin Naturalist45:255-265. ProgramsandAbstracts):36A-37A(abstract). Heck.\l\nn, R. a., a. K. Kimball, andJ. A. Short. 1987. VanAs,J. G., and I. Basson. 1987. Host specificityoftri- Parasites ofmottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi Girard, chodinidectoparasitesoffi^eshwaterfish. Parasitology from five locations in Utah and Wasatch comities, Today3:88-90. Utah.GreatBasinNaturalist47: 1.3-21. Wellborn, T. L. 1967. Thchodina (Ciliata: Urceolariidae) Khan, R. A. 1991. Mortality inAtlantic salmonassociated offreshwater fishes ofthe southeastern United withtrichodinidciliates.JournalofWildlife Diseases States.JournalofProtozoolog>'14:399-412. 27: 153-155. Khan, R.A.,V C. Barber,and S. McCann. 1974.Ascan- Received13Janiian/1995 ning electron microscopical study ofthe surface Accep1ed'l2April1995

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