Madrono, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 211-216, 2013 MORPHOLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL SEGREGATION OF TWO SYMPATRIC LOMATIUM TRITERNATUM (APIACEAE) VARIETIES IN MONTANA Peter Lesica MT Herbarium, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Montana, Missoula, 59802 [email protected] Pamela M. Kittelson MN Department of Biology, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, 56082 Abstract The Lomatium triternatum complex is widespread in the Columbia River Basin. Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J. M. Coult. & Rose var. triternatum and L. triternatum (Pursh) J. M. Coult. & Rosevar.anomalum(M. E.JonesexJ. M. Coult. &Rose)Mathiasaresympatricthroughoutmuchof their range and are reported to have similar fruit but different leaves. Plants of the two varieties repeatedly occur within 5-30 m ofeach other at an unusual site in northwest Montana, USA. We collected data on leafand fruit morphological characters and habitat associations at this site to help address whether the proper taxonomic rank for these two taxa should be revised. Terminal leaflet shapeand specificleafareadifferedbetween thetwovarietieswithlittle orno overlap. Fruitmericarp length and width also differed between the two varieties. These patterns are not consistent with treatingL. triternatumvar. triternatum and L. triternatumvar. anomalum as sympatric, interbreeding, conspecific taxa. The two varieties ofL. triternatum also occurred in different plant communities in spiteofgrowingincloseproximity: var. anomalum occurswithtall, leafy forbs, whilevar. triternatum is associated with xeric-adapted bunchgrasses and cushion-forming forbs. We conclude that the two varieties are better recognized as separate species. Key Words: Apiaceae, Columbia Basin, Lomatium triternatum Montana. , Lomatium is the largest North American genus Rose) Mathias. Here we explore the taxonomic in the Apiaceae with its main center of diversity disposition of these two varieties. They are in the Columbia Plateau and IntermountainWest reported to have similar fruit but distinctly (Mathias 1938; Sun and Downie 2010). Analysis different leaves. Variety triternatum has bipinnate of molecular data suggests that Lomatium and or biternate leaves with linear leaflets, while var. other closely allied genera probably underwent anomalum has bipinnate to tripinnate leaves with rapid diversification during the late Tertiary (Sun narrowly oblong leaflets. These two varieties are et al. 2004). As a result, the genus is taxonom- reported to be “wholly intergradient” (Cronquist ically difficult (Mathias 1938), with relatively few et al. 1997), but no further information is taxonomically informative morphological traits, provided. Variety triternatum occurs from south- numerous narrow endemic species (Darrach et al. ern Alberta and British Columbia to northern 2010), and a good deal of morphological California and northern Utah, while var. anom- convergence (Sun and Downie 2010). alum is found sporadically from northwest The Lomatium triternatum (Pursh) J. M.Coult. Montana to eastern Washington south to south- & Rose complex is widespread in the Columbia west Oregon, across much of Idaho to northern River Basin. The complex has been variously Utah and southwest Wyoming (Cronquist et al. treated as seven species (Coulter and Rose 1900), 1997; Consortium ofNorthwest Herbaria 2011). two species consisting ofseven varieties (Mathias Possession of similar morphological traits can 1938), and onespeciesconsistingofthreevarieties often indicate a close phylogenetic relationship (Hitchcocketal. 1961; Cronquistet al. 1997). The between species. Indeed, similar morphology, complex is loosely united by the following especially in the anatomy of reproductive struc- characters: narrow involucel bracts, similar mer- tures, has long formed the basis of classical icarp shape, and vaguely similar leaf shape. systematics (Stace 1980). However, similar mor- Hitchcock and Cronquist (1973), in the most phology may actually be the result ofconvergent recent treatment for the Pacific Northwest, use a evolution rather than an indication of close tripartite classification with two subspecies: L. t. phylogenetic relationship (Niklas 1997; Judd et subsp. triternatum and L. t. subsp. platycarpum al. 2008). Indeed, recent molecular studies show (Torr.) B. Boivin (= L. simplex [Nutt, ex S. that convergent evolution has occurred in the Watson] J. F. Macbr.). Subspecies triternatum is Apiaceae, and fruit morphology in particular is composed of two varieties: var. triternatum and reported to be a poor indicator of phylogenetic var. anomalum (M. E. Jones ex J. M. Coult. & relatedness in the family (Downie et al. 2002). MADRONO 212 [Vol. 60 Under the biological species concept, two species will rarely if ever interbreed to produce fertile offspring, but interbreeding is possible and likelyinazone ofoverlapbetweentwo subspecies orvarieties ofthe same species (Mayr 1942; Stace 1980). Both L. var. triternatum and L. t. var. anomalum occur together in an unusual geologic setting in northwest Montana known as the Giant Ripple Marks. Plants of the two varieties m repeatedly occur within 5-30 of each other. The purpose of our study is to determine the degree to which these two taxa may intergrade ecologically and/or morphologically at this site in order to inform an independent assessment of their proper taxonomic rank. Fig. 1. Giant Ripple Marks geologicsiteinnorthwest Montana. Ripplemarksareinthebottomofthevalley; Study Site the ridges support Lomatium triternatum var. triterna- tum and have a light color from the leaves and flowers We conducted our study in the Giant Ripple ofEriogonum ovalifolium. The dark areas between the Marks at the north end ofCamas Prairie Basin at ridges indicate more mesic vegetation and support L. an elevation ofca. 885 m, 8 km south ofthe town triternatum var. anomalum. ofHot Springs on the Flathead Indian Reserva- tion in Sanders Co., Montana (47°30.9'N, and the forbs Lomatium triternatum var. anom- 114°35.0'W). The climate of this region is semi- alum, Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt., and Lupinus arid with cold winters and hot summers. The sericeus Pursh. most similar weather recording station to the study site is at Lonepine, 15 km to the north. The Methods mean January and July temperatures are —5.2°C and 20.1°C, respectively. The average annual We located a 50-m transect across six haphaz- precipitation is 286 mm (NCDC 2012). The ardly chosen ripple marks in early June 2009 so majority of the precipitation occurs from April that approximately half of each transect was on through June. the slope of the ridge, and the other halfwas in The Giant Ripple Marks were formed when the swale at the bottom. We sampled the closest Glacial Lake Missoula drained during Pleisto- Lomatium triternatum plant to the transect line at cene glacial retreats, andwaterpoured south over 5-m intervals, providing 10 samples per transect passes at the north end of the Camas Prairie and a total of60 target plants. We classified each Valley. The water dumped its load of coarse plant into either var. triternatum (narrow leaflet) sediments in two lines of enormous current or var. anomalum (broad leaflet) and measured ripples (Alt and Hyndman 1986). These ripple the length and maximum width of the terminal marksappeartodayastwo seriesoflow(5-20m), leaflet ofthe lowest leaffor each plant in the field parallel ridges roughly perpendicular to the main and then immediately placed the leaflet in a plant axis of the valley (Fig. 1). The vegetation of the press. Senescent ordamaged leaves were avoided. Giant Ripple Marks is a mosaic of bunchgrass We dried collected leaves for 24 hr and weighed prairie on the well-drained ridges with graminoid each one to the nearest mg. and forb-dominated meadow vegetation and Vegetation associated with each target plant occasional vernal pools on the deeper, fine was quantified by placing a 1-m2 plot frame with textured soils in the swales between the ridges. the target plant in the center and estimating The tops and upper and middle slopes of the canopy cover ofeach vascular plant species into ripple mark ridges are dominated by the grasses one ofthe following classes: 0.1%, 1%, 5%, 10%, Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) A. Love, Poa 15%, etc. Native plot vegetation was ordinated secunda J. Presl, and Elymus elymoides (Raf.) usingprincipal components analysis (PCA). Only Swezeyand thecushion-formingforbsEriogonum species occurring in at least five plots were ovalifolium Nutt, and Antennaria dimorpha included in the analysis. Non-native species, such (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray. Bromus tectorum L. is as Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn. Bromus an annual, exotic grass that is common particu- tectorum, and Potentilla recta, were common in larly where the perennial grasses have declined some plots but were excluded from the analysis. due to grazing. Vegetation of the swales is Nomenclature follows Lesica (2012). currently dominated by introduced species such We collected mature fruits (mericarps) from as Poa pratensis L. and Potentilla recta L. The haphazardly chosen plants ofboth L. triternatum most common native species in the swales include taxa on June 18, June 24, and July 10, 2008. the grasses Elymus elymoides and Poa secunda Length and width ofrandomly chosen mericarps 2013] LESICA AND KITTELSON: LOMATIUM TRITERNATUMVARIETY SEGREGATION 213 Fig. 2. Width (a), length/width ratio (shape) (b), and specific leaf area (c) for terminal leaflets of Lomatium triternatumvar. anomalum and var. triternatum. The box represents themiddle 50% ofthe scoreswiththe vertical line the median; the upper and lower whiskers mark the range ofvalues excluding outliers; the dots represent the 5th and 95th percentiles. = and their enclosed seed were measured to the did not differ between the two varieties (P mm nearest 0.1 with a dissecting microscope. 0.11). However, leaflet width was significantly Waimtohnign-mdoartpehsot(yPpe>mea0.s1u5r)e,mesnotswdeidcnoomtbdiinffeedr gtrreiatteerrnaftourmL(.Pt<. v0a.r0.01a;nFoimga.l2uam),caonmdplaernegdtht/owivdatr.h measurements from different dates in our analy- ratio for the terminal leaflet of var. triternatum ses to provide a sample ofn = 40 for each taxon. was greater than 10 but less than 10 for var. Leafarea (cm2) was measured on the dried leaf anomalum (P < 0.001; Fig. 2b). Specific leafarea collections with a LI-COR 3100 area meter (LI- (SLA) also differed between varieties. Mean SLA COR, Lincoln, NE). Surface area of each leaflet was 148 cm2/g (SE = 9) and 76 cm2/g (±4) for was measured three times and averaged. Specific var. triternatum and var. anomalum, respectively leaf area (SLA) for each target plant was (t = 7.0, P < 0.001), and there was little overlap calculated as the ratio ofthe average ofthe three between the two varieties (Fig. 2c). surface area measurements to leaf dry mass Some fruit characters also differed between the (cm2/g). We used two-sample t-tests to assess two varieties. Mean mericarp length was 7.0 mm the difference in leaflet shape, specific leaf area, (SE = 0.1) and 8.6 mm (±0.2) for var. and fruit size and shape. triternatum and var. anomalum respectively (t = 7.9, P < 0.001), and width wa,s 4.2 mm (±0.1) Results and 4.8 mm (±0.1), respectively (t = 5.1, P < 0.001). However, fruit shape (length-width ratio) = Shape ofthe terminal leaflets differed between did not differ between the two varieties (P the two varietieswith little overlap. Leafletlength 0.30). The ratio of the width of one side of the MADRONO 214 [Vol. 60 and cushion-forming forbs. Different communi- ties often host different congeners (Schluter 2000 ). By definition infraspecific taxa should be interfertile to some extent where they co-occur (Stace 1980), so wewould expect to find plants of intermediate morphology when two varieties of the same species are closely sympatric, as in our study area. However, these two putative varieties ofLomatium triternatum remain morphologically distinct in spite of occurring in close proximity. Mericarps ofvar. anomalum are larger than those ofvar. triternatum with little overlap, and leaflets of var. anomalum are wider than those of var. triternatum with no overlap. The two taxa differ in both fruit and leaf traits, which are unrelated characters likely coded for by different genetic pathways. Forexample, phenotypicdifferencesin fruit and leaf traits have been shown to be attributed to different molecular traits or devel- opmental pathways (Lippman and Tanksley anomalum triternatum 2001; Thul et al. 2009). Since traits among these Fig. 3. First principal component analysis (PCA) two Lomatium taxa appear to be nearly discon- scores for vegetation associated with Lomatium triter- tinuous it suggests that they are genetically natum var. anomalum and var. triternatum. The box isolated in spite ofoccurring sympatrically. representsthemiddle50% ofthescoreswiththevertical Specific leaf area (SLA) for var. triternatum line themedian; theupperandlowerwhiskersmarkthe was nearly twice as great as for var. anomalum. range of values excluding. The dots represent the 5th and 95th percentiles. Higher PCA scores were associ- Both infraspecific and interspecific differences in ated with more mesic vegetation. specific leafarea (SLA) have been linked to water stress (Fitter and Hay 2002; Hoffmann et al. 2005). Plants occurring in drought-prone areas mericap wing to the width of the enclosed seed tend to have lower SLA (thicker leaves) than was 0.56 (±0.02) and 0.49 (±0.03) for vars. 2t.r2iT,thePern=attuw0mo.0a28vn)ad.riveatri.esanoofmaLloumma,trieusmpecttriivetleyrn(attu=m tH1h9oo9fs7f;emCianunnmnnoirneetghmaael.smiec2t0ea0ln5.v)1i.9r9o9Fn;umreWtnrhtiesgrhm(toReretiec,alh. p2etl0a0a1nl;t. aoxcicsurorfedthienPdiCffAereanctcopulannttedcofmomrun1i7t%iesof. tThheePtfoCitraAslt ssSphLeacAdie—esel.eoga.f,vteessnun(eCxlhperaaezvsedssonphhaaevnneodtayKpliaocuwefrpmlaaSsntLniAcit1yt9h9a3in;n variation in the associated vegetation data. Lichtenthaler et al. 2007). Thus, ifthe two forms 1 represented a gradient between xeric vegetation of Lomatium were ecotypes of the same species, dominated by the grass Pseudoroegneria spicata wewould expect the swalevar. anomalum to have and the cushion-forming forbs Antennaria dimor- a higher SLA than var. triternatum, which occurs pha and Eriogonum ovalifolium, and amoremesic in more xeric habitats. Instead, we found the assemblage dominated by taller, leafier forbs opposite. Given the difference in SLA, it is Jii.cnecuMlsu.,dLinCogomualAttc.ihuil&mlemaRaocsmrieol,cleaafronplduiumLm.(TLot.r,rri.tLeu&rpniaAnt.uumsGrvsaaeyrr).- utohnfaltipklmaesoltryipctihthoyal.togItinhceatslheedficofarfsmeerseonafcreetshaiernseteesrtibwmropeleytdaiaxnagr,esatunhldet anomalum. Twenty-seven plants of var. triterna- differences in SLA are more likely attributed to tum (84%) had a PCA-1 score <0, while 22 of entirely different gene pools (White and Montes- var. anomalum plants (79%) had a score >0 R 2005), with SLAbeinga geneticallydetermined (Fig. 3). Other axes were not interpretable. morphological difference related to other traits such as water use (Nobel 1980), leaftemperature Discussion (Van Volkenberg and Davis 1977), or internal anatomical differences (Nobel 1991). SLA may The two Lomatium taxa discussed here were not evolve independently ofother morphological associated with different habitats at our study traits; var. anomalum may belong to a lineage site. Plants assigned to var. anomalum were found with relatively low SLA that has been conserved only in swales dominated by tall, leafy forbs, along with other adaptations, such as large whilevar. triternatum wascommon in morexeric, leaves, which correspond to its relatively mesic ridgetop and slope communities dominated by habitat. Our combined morphological results relatively sparse Pseudoroegneria spicata tussocks suggest that the two taxa are not exchanging 2013] LESICA AND KITTELSON: LOMATIUM TRITERNATUMVARIETY SEGREGATION 215 genes for SLA or other leaf and fruit traits and Hitchcock, C. L. and A. Cronquist. 1973. Flora of may not even belong to the same lineage within the Pacific Northwest: an illustrated manual. Lomatium. Indeed, recent molecular-based phy- University ofWashington Press, Seattle, WA. logenetic research indicates that the two taxa , , M. OWENBY, AND J. W. THOMPSON. belong to separate clades (D. Mansfield, College 1961. 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