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RESEARCH ARTICLE Morphologic Evidence for Spatially Clustered Spines in Apical Dendrites of Monkey Neocortical Pyramidal Cells Aniruddha Yadav,1,2 Yuan Z. Gao,1,2 Alfredo Rodriguez,1,2 Dara L. Dickstein,1,2 Susan L. Wearne,1,2† Jennifer I. Luebke,3 Patrick R. Hof,1,2 and Christina M. Weaver2,4* 1FishbergDepartment of NeuroscienceandFriedman Brain Institute,Mount SinaiSchoolof Medicine,NewYork, NewYork10029 2ComputationalNeurobiologyandImagingCenter,Mount SinaiSchoolof Medicine,NewYork, NewYork10029 3Departmentof AnatomyandNeurobiology,Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine,Boston,Massachusetts 02118 4Departmentof Mathematics,Franklin andMarshallCollege, Lancaster, Pennsylvania17604 ABSTRACT spineson280apicaldendriticbranchesinlayerIIIofthe The general organization of neocortical connectivity in rhesus monkey prefrontal cortex. By using clustering rhesus monkey is relatively well understood. However, algorithms and Monte Carlo simulations, we quantify the mounting evidence points to an organizing principle that probability that the observed extent of clustering does involves clustered synapses at the level of individual not occur randomly. This provides a measure that dendrites. Several synaptic plasticity studies have tests for spine clustering on a global scale, whenever reported cooperative interaction between neighboring high-resolution morphologic data are available. Here we synapses on a given dendritic branch, which may poten- demonstrate that spine clusters occur significantly more tially induce synapse clusters. Additionally, theoretical frequently than expected by pure chance and that spine models have predicted that such cooperativity is advan- clustering is concentrated in apical terminal branches. tageous, in that it greatly enhances a neuron’s computa- These findings indicate that spine clustering is driven by tionalrepertoire.However, largelybecauseofthelackof systematic biological processes. We also found that sufficient morphologic data, the existence of clustered mushroom-shaped and stubby spines are predominant synapses in neurons on a global scale has never been in clusters on dendritic segments that display prolific established. The majority of excitatory synapses are clustering, independently supporting a causal link found within dendritic spines. In this study, we demon- between spine morphology and synaptic clustering. strate that spine clusters do exist on pyramidal neurons J.Comp.Neurol.520:2888–2902,2012. by analyzing the three-dimensional locations of (cid:1)40,000 VC 2012WileyPeriodicalsInc. INDEXING TERMS: clustering; dendritic spines; plasticity; morphology; image analysis A large body of theoretical and experimental evidence andNevian,2008;Larkumetal.,2009).Importantnewevi- points to synaptic clustering as a basic organizing princi- dencesuggeststhatgroupsofspatiallylocalizedsynapses ple of neuronal connectivity. Theoretical models have ona dendrite can process functionally similar information shownthatpreciselytimedandspatiallylocalizedsynaptic frompresynapticcellassemblies(Takahashietal.,2012). inputs can sum nonlinearly (Mehta, 2004; Govindarajan It has also been reported that newly formed spines et al., 2006; Larkum and Nevian, 2008), generating a preferentially grow near synapses activated through responsethatiseithergreaterorlessthanexpectedifthe inputs were simply added together. Nonlinear summation †WededicatethisarticletoSusanL.Wearne,ourfriend,colleague,and ofsynapticinputsincreasesaneuron’sflexibilitytodiffer- mentor,whopassedawayinSeptember,2009. entiate spatiotemporal input patterns and greatly enhan- Grant Sponsor: National Institutes of Health; Grant numbers: MH071818,AG035071,AG025062,andAG00001. ces its computational efficiency (Poirazi and Mel, 2001; *CORRESPONDENCETO:ChristinaM.Weaver,DepartmentofMathematics, Poirazi et al., 2003; Polsky et al., 2004; Gordon et al., Franklin and Marshall College, P.O. Box 3003, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003. 2006). Such nonlinear summation in spatially localized E-mail:[email protected] synapseshasalsobeenobservedexperimentally (Larkum Received August 19, 2011; Revised January 30, 2012; Accepted January 31,2012 DOI10.1002/cne.23070 Published online February 8, 2012 in Wiley Online Library VC 2012WileyPeriodicals,Inc. (wileyonlinelibrary.com) 2888 TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience 520:2888–2902(2012) Spineclustering in neurons:morphologicevidence learning-relatedinductionoflong-termpotentiation(LTP), (Rodriguez et al., 2003, 2006, 2008, 2009; Dumitriu possiblyleadingtospineclustering(DeRooetal.,2008). et al., 2011) for all automated morphology reconstruc- Recent experiments have also suggested that the spa- tions included in this study. Still, establishing the exis- tially colocalized synapses can be regulated simultane- tence and biological significance of clusters of spines is ously and provide a mechanistic framework that could inherently problematic. Visual inspection may identify account for the emergence of spatial synapse clusters. clusters but cannot differentiate between clustering Harvey and Svoboda found that early-phase LTP (E-LTP) resulting from a systematic biological process and clus- inductionatonesynapseloweredthethresholdforE-LTP teringthatoccurspurelybychance.Asautomatedimage inductionatsynapseswithina(cid:1)10-lmneighborhoodon analysis methods render high-resolution morphologic the same dendrite branch (Harvey and Svoboda, 2007). data more accessible, we need a subjective method to Specifically, Harvey and Svoboda showed that protein- test whether spine clustering occurs more often than synthesis-independent cross-talk between a synapse and expectedbychance. itsneighborsexistedafterinductionofE-LTP.Govindarajan Herewepresentanovelapproachthatpairsacluster- and colleagues (2011) studied the protein-synthesis-de- ing algorithm with Monte Carlo simulations to perform pendent latephase of LTP (L-LTP) and demonstratedthat suchatest.Weintroduceameasurecalledthe‘‘C-score,’’ theefficiencyofL-LTPinductiononadendriticspineneigh- which is independent of spine density and quantifies the boringaspineinwhichLTPhadalreadybeeninducedwas probability that the observed number of spine clusters inversely proportional to the distance between the two occurred randomly. We analyzed the spatial locationand spines.Furthersupportforclusteredsynapsesarisesfrom shape of spines from 280 dendrite branches of seven the existence of dendritic spikes, which are likely to be layer III prefrontal cortex (PFC) pyramidal neurons from evokedbyspatiotemporallylocalizedsynapticinputs(Lar- three adult rhesus monkeys, imaged in their entirety at kumetal.,2001;Murayamaetal.,2007). highresolution.Weshowthatthefrequencyofspineclus- Despite these clues, the question of whether synapse tering on apical terminal branches of these neurons is clusteringoccurs onaglobal scale onbranchesthrough- unlikelytooccurmerelybychance,suggestingthatasys- out the dendritic arbor is difficult to explore. Several tematic biological process contributes to the observed network-level approaches are able to identify synaptic clustering. We also found that clusters have higher den- connections between specific neurons. Recent technolo- sities of mushroom-shaped and stubby spines on den- gies, including light-activated ion channels (Petreanu drites with prolific clustering than on dendrites with etal.,2007),glutamateuncaging(Nikolenkoetal.,2007), sparseclustering,indicatingthatspineshapeandcluster- trans-synaptictracers(Wickershametal.,2007),genetic ingmaybecoregulated. labeling(Livetetal.,2007),andinvivomultiphotonimag- ing (Kerr and Denk, 2008), have made great strides in MATERIALS AND METHODS improving our understanding of how neurons connect to form circuits. However, identifying individual synapses Cell imaging, 3-D neuron reconstruction, participating in these connections and determining and morphometric analysis whethersynapsesgrouptogetherfunctionallytotransmit Seven layer III pyramidal neurons filled during electro- related information falls beyond the purview of these physiological recordings in in vitro slices prepared from technologies. the dorsolateral PFC (area 46) of three young adult male There is much to be gained by examining the location rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta, ages ranging from 5.2 and distribution of synapses on individual neurons. On to6.9years)wereusedinthepresentstudy.Thesemate- many neurons, dendritic spines provide a morphologic rials were derived from animals killed as part of other reflection of thepresence ofexcitatorysynapses.Confo- ongoing studies involving a larger set of subjects. These cal and multiphoton laser scanning microscopy (for three monkeys were part of a cohort used in studies of review see Wilt et al., 2009) have allowed us to visualize normal aging on the brain. Animals were behaviorally spines across entire neurons, making analysis of the assessed on a battery of cognitive tasks (Chang et al., three-dimensional(3-D)spineshapeandlocationtheoret- 2005; Luebke and Amatrudo, 2010), but no invasive icallypossible.However,manualanalysisofspinesispro- procedures had been performed on them prior to the hibitively time consuming and widely subject to operator timeofdeath. variability. Recent software packages now can analyze The monkeys were housed at the Boston University dendrite and spine morphology automatically (for review Laboratory Animal Science Center (LASC) in strict see Lemmens et al., 2010; Meijering, 2010), greatly accordancewithanimalcareguidelinesasoutlinedinthe reducing manual interventions to initial setup and posta- NIH Guidefor the care and useof laboratory animals and nalysis editing. In particular, we utilized NeuronStudio theU.S.PublicHealthServicepolicyonhumanecareand TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience 2889 Yadav et al. useoflaboratoryanimals.BostonUniversityLASCisfully 2003).Toensurethatthedendritictreewaslargelycom- accredited by the Association for Assessment and plete,onlycellswithoutcutdendritesintheproximalhalf Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, and all proce- ofthedendritictreeswereused;theywereneverusedif dureswereapprovedbytheInstitutionalAnimalCareand the apical trunk was cut. The yz-projection in Figure 1a Use Committee (IACUC). Electrophysiological and cell demonstratesthatmuchoftheapicalarborwascaptured filling protocols were performed as described in detail successfully. elsewhere (Luebke and Chang, 2007; Luebke and Thecustom-designedsoftwareNeuronStudio(Rodriguez Amatrudo,2010). et al., 2006, 2008, 2009) was used for automated Ketamine(10mg/ml)wasusedtotranquilizethemon- reconstruction of the dendritic arbor and for automated keys,followingwhichtheyweredeeplyanesthetizedwith identificationandshapeclassificationofspines(Fig.1b–d). sodiumpentobarbital(toeffect15mg/kg,i.v.).Next,the Spine shape (mushroom, stubby, thin) was determined monkeys underwent a thoracotomy, and a craniotomy usingcriteriapreviouslydescribed(Rodriguezetal.,2008). was performed. A biopsy was conducted to obtain Subsequent manual examination and editing reduced the 10-mm-thickblocksofthePFC(area46)containingboth incidenceoffalsepositivesandnegatives. the upper and lower banks of the principal sulcus. A Eachdendritebranchtraverseda3-Dpathintheimage vibrating microtome was used to cut 400-lm-thick coro- but was represented here as a one-dimensional (1-D) nal slices, which were placed in 26(cid:2)C oxygenated (95% segmentwithtotallengthequaltothebranch’straversed O /5% CO ) Ringer’s solution (concentrations in mM: pathlength.Thelocationofeachspinealongthedendrite 2 2 26 NaHCO , 124 NaCl, 2 KCl, 3 KH PO , 10 glucose, was represented by first projecting the spine head 3 2 4 2.5CaCl ,1.3MgCl ,pH7.4;allchemicalsobtainedfrom onto the dendrite, then measuring the 1-D path length 2 2 Sigma, St. Louis, MO). Slices equilibrated for at least fromthestartoftheparentdendritebranchtothatpoint 1hourandweremaintainedforupto12hours.Thetime (Fig.2a). betweenperfusionandPFCslicepreparationwasapprox- Because basal dendrites are morphologically distinct imately 10–15 minutes. For recording, individual slices from apical dendrites and integrate inputs somewhat werepositionedunderanylonmeshinasubmersion-type differently (Spruston, 2008), we restricted the present slice-recording chamber (Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, analysis to apical dendrites. Similarly, because evidence MA) and constantly superfused with 26(cid:2)C, oxygenated intheCA1fieldofthehippocampussuggeststhatspikes Ringer’ssolutionatarateof2–2.5ml/minute. aregeneratedmoreeasilyinobliqueratherthanterminal Electrodes were pulled by a horizontal Flaming and branches (Gasparini et al., 2004; Losonczy and Magee, Brown micropipette puller (model P-87; Sutter Instru- 2006),weconsideredobliqueandterminalbranchessep- ments,Novato,CA)andfilledwithapotassiummethane- arately. The oblique dendrites are distal to the primary sulfonate-based internal solution (concentrations, in trunk, correspond to secondary and tertiary levels of mM): 122 KCH SO , 2 MgCl , 5 EGTA, 10 NaHEPES, 1% branching,andareoflowerorderthantheapicalterminal 3 3 2 biocytin (pH7.4;Sigma).Cellsweresimultaneouslyfilled branches. Thus, whereas the terminal branches spread withbiocytinduringrecording.Slicesthatcontainedfilled between the superficial parts of layer III (layer IIIa) out cells were then fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M intolayerI,theobliquebranchesforthemostpartreside phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution(pH 7.4) at 4(cid:2)C in the middle portion of layer III (layer IIIb). Prior to the for 2 days. Slices were placed in 0.1% Triton X-100/PBS clustering analyses, manual inspection excluded all at room temperature for 2 hours, after rinsing with PBS dendrite segments obtained from images of insufficient (three times, 5–10–15 minutes), and were subsequently quality (Rodriguez et al., 2006, 2008) or with unusually incubatedwithstreptavidin-Alexa488(1:500;Invitrogen, high or low spine density. Branches were classified Carlsbad, CA) at 4(cid:2)C for 2 days. After incubation, slices manually as either ‘‘oblique’’ or ‘‘apical terminal’’ through were mounted onslideswithProlong Goldmountingme- visual inspection. These procedures yielded 152 apical dium(Invitrogen)andcoverslipped. terminal branches with 23,257 spines and 128 apical Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was per- oblique branches with 19,319 spines, across the seven formed as described previously (Rocher et al., 2010), neurons. After confocal images had been acquired and with a voxel size of 0.1 lm2 (cid:3) 0.2 lm. Each neuron’s deconvolved as described above, NeuronStudio and apicaldendritictreewasimagedinitsentiretyusingmul- Adobe Photoshop CS4 were used to prepare images for tiple stacks. Raw image stacks then were deconvolved publication.Nootherdigitalmanipulationswereused. usingAutoDeblur(MediaCybernetics,Bethesda,MD).The final imageof each neuron(Fig. 1a) was created by inte- Clustering algorithm gratingalldeconvolvedstackstogetherusingtheVolume Unsupervisedclusteringalgorithmsavoidapriorispeci- IntegrationandAlignmentSystem(VIAS;Rodriguezetal., fication of either the number of elements per cluster or 2890 TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience Spineclustering in neurons:morphologicevidence Figure 1. Imaging and automated reconstruction of neurons. a: The xy- and yz-projections of deconvolved CLSM image stacks of a layer IIIpyramidalneuronfromarea46ofarhesusmonkey,integratedwithVIAS.b:Detailofautomatedreconstructionofdendritictreesusing NeuronStudio. This region is boxed in a. The box in b denotes the region shown in detail in c,d. c: Dendrite centerline (green line) and spine detection (red dots) using NeuronStudio, superimposed on the deconvolved data. d: 3-D representation of the dendrite branch and spinereconstructionshowninc.Scalebars¼50lmina;20lminb;5lminc(appliestoc,d). the total number of clusters (MacKay, 2003). Iterative In the first iteration, two nearest leaf nodes were hierarchicalmethodsareoneclassofunsupervised clus- merged to form a higher order node located at the tering algorithms commonly used in pattern recognition, midpoint of the parent leaf nodes (Sokal and Michener, data mining, and computational biology (Romesburg, 1958). The merging of nearest nodes repeated in sub- 1984). Hierarchical methods fall into two categories: top sequent iterations, with the parent nodes being either downandbottomup.Top-downmethodsbeginwithasin- leaf nodes or higher order nodes. Thus, as the gle cluster containing all of the observations, then split algorithm continued, a node corresponded either to a the data into smaller clusters if specific conditions are single spine or to a group (cluster) of spines merged satisfied (Murtagh,1983; Gronau and Moran, 2007). The during previous iterations. morecommonbottom-upapproachbeginswitheachindi- Figure2billustratesthisiterativecombinationofnodes vidualdatapoint(‘‘leaf’’),theniterativelycombinesleaves in the form of a dendrogram. The x-axis depicts equally thatsatisfysomecriteriaofminimumdissimilarityamong spacedleafnodeslabeled1–19,correspondingtothe19 thewholeset. spines on the dendritic branch shown in Figure 2a. The For our spatially distributed spine data, we chose heightalongthey-axisrepresentsthe1-D‘‘link’’distance the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic between constituent members of the nodes created by mean (UPGMA), a simple, iterative, bottom-up hierarchi- eachiteration. cal clustering method that uses Euclidean distance as Bydefault,UPGMAiteratesuntilallleafnodesarecom- its minimum dissimilarity criterion. The clustering was binedintoasingleclusterwithhighlydispersedconstitu- performed separately for each dendrite branch (see ents.Tostoptheclusteringinanobjective,unsupervised Fig. 2). At the start of the clustering, the 1-D path way, we used a quantitative stopping criterion called the length of each spine was represented as a leaf node. inconsistency coefficient (IC; Zahn, 1971). The IC TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience 2891 Yadav et al. Figure 2. Illustration of UPGMA clustering algorithm. a: Nineteen spines identified automatically along a segment of dendrite branch, superimposedonthexy-projectionofthedeconvolvedCLSMimage.Eachspineheadisshownasacoloredcircle,withastraightlineillus- trating its projection onto the dendritic centerline (yellow). Colors signify the final clusters determined by the algorithm shown in f; spines notbelongingtoaclusterareshowningray.b:DendrogramofthefullUPGMAprocess.Thex-axisdepictsequallyspacedleafnodescor- respondingtothespinesina;theheightalongthey-axisrepresentsthe1-Ddistancebetweenconstituentmembersofthenodescreated at each iteration. Colors correspond to the final cluster groupings. Groupings that violate the inconsistency coefficient (see Materials and Methods), shown in black, were not performed. c: Schematic representation of 1-D spine locations along the dendrite. d: Spine clusters identified after five iterations of UPGMA (gray horizontal line in b). Colored spines have already been merged into groupings; black spines havenotyetbeenclassified.e:ClustergroupingsidentifiedattheterminationoftheUPGMAalgorithm,beforepruningunrealisticclusters. f: Final clustering results, after pruning clusters with the density-based cutoff (see Materials and Methods). Spines identified within each clusterareshowninasinglecolorandareclassifiedas‘‘clusteredspines’’forsubsequentanalyses.Remainingspines(showningray)are classifiedassinglets.Scalebar¼2lmina. measuresthevariabilityinlinksizesofanodeanditscon- As UPGMA progressed, we accepted new nodes only stituentnodes.TheICfortheithnodeofadendrogramis with an IC less than a prescribed cutoff, thus controlling givenby the level of dispersal in the extracted clusters. We used p ffiffiffi anICcutoffof0.75,slightlyhigherthan1= 2(cid:5)0:71,the x (cid:4)x IC ¼ i k (1) minimumICforanodewithatleastonenonleafconstitu- i r k ent. This cutoff extracted the tightest cluster groupings where x is the link corresponding to the ith node, and while ensuring that at least one leaf was included in the i x and r are the mean and standard deviation of the formation of any node. Moreover, the algorithm was k k set of links of all nodes constituting node i from k previ- allowedtogroupleavesintopairsbutcouldonlyaddone ous iterations, including x itself. For a node consisting leafatatimebeyondthat(Fig.2c–e). i of two leaves, with no lower level links against which to UPGMA is an unsupervised algorithm, so we postpro- compare, the IC is assigned a value of 0. The IC value cesseditsresultstoremoveclustersthatwerenotbiolog- for a given node is low if the constituent leaf nodes are ically plausible. Clusters having a spine density (spines grouped together tightly and high if the constituent per micrometer of dendrite) smaller than the branch nodes are more dispersed. spine density were deemed to be unnphysical. Each 2892 TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience Spineclustering in neurons:morphologicevidence unphysicalclusterwasreducediterativelybypruningthe one spine whose removal provided the largest decrease in the length of the remaining cluster (Fig. 2f). This pro- cesscontinueduntilthespinedensityoftheprunedclus- terwasgreaterthanthebranchspinedensity. Inouranalyses,aspineclusterisdefinedasagroupof three or more spines after the completion of UPGMA analysisandpostprocessing.SpinesbelongingtoUPGMA- identifiedclusterswerecategorizedas‘‘clusteredspines.’’ Remainingspineswerecategorizedas‘‘singletspines.’’ Monte Carlo simulations and C score calculation We used Monte Carlo simulations to quantify the amountofclusteringobservedineachdendritebranchof our data relative to the amount expected in equivalent setsofrandomlyplacedspines.SupposeBwasonesuch dendritebranchwith1-DlengthLBandnBspines.Wealso Figure 3. Randomizationmethodtoevaluatedegreeofclustering created M ¼ 5,000 copies of B, randomly placing the n indata.a:FinalUPGMAresultfromFigure2f,asarepresentative B spines according to a uniform distribution along the branch to illustrate randomization. Each section of length LB and n spines was analyzed via UPGMA, resulting in Q spines lengthofabranchforeachcopy,B,i¼1...M(Fig.3a). B B i grouped into clusters. Then, M ¼ 5,000 copies of the branch UPGMAwasthenperformedontherealbranchBandon were made, each having length L and randomized locations of B each of the randomized copies B. Let Q (cid:6) n be the i B B the nB spines. Random branch copies are labeled as Bi, with i ¼ numberof clustered spines onthe real branchB, andlet 1,2...M,andthenumberofspinesinclustersforeachrandom q bethenumberofclusteredspinesonrandomizedcopy copy is labeled q. b: The M q values make up an approximately i i i B.Weinterpretedtheset{q}asobservationsofarandom normal distribution. The C-score for each real branch gave the i i percentageofthisdistributionthatissmallerthanC. variable,W ,representingthenumberofclusteredspines T B extractedfromeachrandomcopyofbranchB. The frequency distribution of W over all randomized B ters occurred more frequently than was expected copieswasnormalizedtoobtainaprobabilitydistribution, randomly. If so, then the second goal was to compare P(W ),ofW .Then B B quantitatively the characteristics of spine clusters ZQB (e.g., cluster size, composition of spine types, spine C ¼ Pðw Þdw ; (2) number per cluster) that were generated by systematic B B B biological processes with the characteristics of clusters 0 generatedrandomly.Intheabsenceofmorphologicdata was the cumulative distribution function of the random on the precise locations of presynaptic neurons, it is variable W , with 0 (cid:6) C (cid:6) 1. Hereafter called the ‘‘C- B B impossibletopredictfunctionalsignificanceonacluster- score,’’ C gave the proportion of randomized copies of B by-cluster basis. Instead, we used statistical testing to B that had fewer spines in clusters than was observed distinguishindividualdendriticbranchesthatwere‘‘highly in the real data (Fig. 3b). A C-score close to 1 indicated clustered,’’ possessing significantly more spine clusters that the number of clustered spines observed on the than were expected randomly, from branches that were true branch B was significantly higher than expected by ‘‘sparsely clustered.’’ This led to our choice of the bino- chance alone. mial test (Siegel, 1956), a test that is commonly used SimilarlytothecalculationofC ,C-scoreswerealsocal- B when grouping data into two categories. The distribution culatedforeachrandombranchcopy.Bydefinition,these of C-scores for real and randomly generated dendritic C-scores were analogous to P values with P(W ) as the B branches was divided into two categories by introducing underlyingdistributionandconsequentlywereguaranteed a threshold C , 0 (cid:6) C (cid:6) 1. Branches with C-scores T T tobeuniformlydistributed(EwensandGrant,2001). higherthanC wereclassifiedashighlyclustered;allother T segments were considered sparsely clustered. A larger Statistical analysis thresholdC providedamoreconservativeclassificationof T The first goal of the statistical analysis was to test a branch as highly clustered. Because C-scores for ran- whetherthedatasupportthehypothesisthatspineclus- domlygeneratedsegmentswereuniformlydistributed,the TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience 2893 Yadav et al. Figure 4. Cluster groupings were largely insensitive to the inconsistency coefficient (IC) cutoff. The x-axis illustrates the 1-D locations of 62 spines along a 50-lm length of dendrite. Each color signifies a group of spines merged into a single cluster by UPGMA, using the IC criterion cutoffs shown along the y-axis. Cluster groupings were identical for IC cutoffs from 0.75 to 0.95. Above 0.95, smaller clusters weremergedintolargerones,asdenotedbybracketsandarrows. proportionsofhighlyclusteredandsparselyclusteredseg- the expected frequency in each cell (Cohen, 1988). From mentsintherandomizeddatawere1(cid:4)C andC ,respec- theMonteCarlodata,werepeatedthev2test1,000times T T tively.Wetestedwhethertheproportionofhighlyclustered with different random samples of 200 data points each. segments in the real data was significantly higher than Wealsoconductedthev2testoncefortheCscore/spine 1(cid:4)C .Underthenullhypothesisthatrealsegmentswere density pairs from the real data (n ¼ 280), considering T distributednodifferentlyfromrandomsegments,theprob- obliqueandtuftbranchestogether. abilityofanindividualsegmentbeinghighlyclusteredwas Spine cluster statistics were reported as arithmetic s ¼ 1 (cid:4) C . Then, assuming a binomial distribution, the mean 6 standard error of the mean. Statistical compari- T probabilitythatatleastmsegmentsfromatotalofnseg- sons among highly clustered and sparsely clustered mentswereclusteredwasgivenby branches were performed using the Wilcoxon rank sum method after analyzing for normality using the Lilliefors n P ¼X Csið1(cid:4)SÞðn(cid:4)iÞ; (3) test(Lilliefors,1967).Forallstatisticaltests,nullhypoth- n i i¼m eseswererejectedata¼0.05. where C is the combination operator, equal to the n i RESULTS number of combinations of n objects taken i at a time. This gave the P value for the binomial test. Seven layer III pyramidal neurons drawn from the dor- Totest thenull hypothesis thatC-scoreand spine den- solateralPFCofthreeadultrhesusmonkeyswereimaged sitywereindependent,weconstructedcontingencytables with a voxel size of 0.1 lm2 (cid:3) 0.2 lm, and dendritic ofC-scorevs.spinedensity.Itisreasonabletohypothesize branches and spines were reconstructed using auto- that a high spine density would lead to a high C-score; mated software (Fig. 1; see Materials and Methods). We thereforeourone-sidedalternativehypothesiswasthatC- thenusedourclusteringmethod(Fig.2)andMonteCarlo score and spine density were positively correlated. For a simulations(Fig.3)toanalyze128apicalobliqueand152 given set of dendrite branches, we first determined the apical terminal branches that included 19,319 and boundariesofthefourquartilesofC-score(Q1,C,Q2,C,Q3,C, 23,257spines,respectively. Q )andspinedensity(Q ,Q ,Q , Q ).Then,each As detailed in Materials and Methods, the merging of 4,C 1,D 2,D 3,D 4,D cell (i,j) of the 4 (cid:3) 4 contingency table was equal to the spine clustersbytheUPGMA algorithm wasgovernedby numbersofdendritebranchesthatwereinquartileiforC the inconsistency coefficient (IC). We found that cluster score and quartile j for spine density. Thus, from a set of extraction was largely insensitive to changes in the IC nbranches,theexpectedfrequencyineachcellwasn/16. cutoff,suggestingthatouralgorithmicimplementationof A one-tailed v2 test for independence (Ewens and Grant, clusterextractionwasrobust.Figure4illustratesclusters 2001) was used to compute the test statistic (9 df). identified after UPGMA but before the postprocessing. G*Power 3 (Faul et al., 2007) was used to determine an ExtractedclusterswereunchangedforICcutoffsranging appropriate sample size (n ¼ 231) so that the test had from 0.75 through 0.95. Above an IC cutoff of 0.95, 95%powertodetectaneffectsizeof0.32,whichwassuffi- smaller clusters were increasingly merged into larger cient to detect an effect as small as a 2% deviation from ones. Because we wished to be conservative in 2894 TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience Spineclustering in neurons:morphologicevidence Figure 5. C-score vs. spine density forrandomized and real data. a: Scatterplot of C-score vs. spine densityfor randomized copies of 32 dendrite branches. Each red circle denotes the clustering result of a branch from the real data, a subset of the data from b. Open black circles show the C-score for 50 randomized copies of each of these branches. For these randomized data, C-score was independent of spine density. b: Scatterplot of C-score vs. spine density for all 280 dendrite branches from the real imaged neurons. Red circles denote apical terminal branches, andblack circles denote oblique branches. The dashed line showsthe best-fit linear regression (r2¼ 0.02),and thegrayregionrepresentsbranchesthatwereclassifiedas‘‘highlyclustered.’’ identifying spine clusters, we performed our subsequent 0.010). Next, by using simple linear regression analysis, analyseswithanICcutoffof0.75,justabovetheminimal we attempted to predict C-score from spine density of p ffiffiffi ICof1= 2(cid:5)0:71. these data. Although the slope was significantly greater than zero (slope ¼ 0.061; t ¼ 2.63; P ¼ 0.0091; 278 The C-score is independent of spine density Y¼0.39þ0.061X),thelowcoefficientofdetermination for randomly placed spines (r2 ¼ 0.024) indicated that spine density explained very It is reasonable to hypothesize that high spine density littleoftheobservedvariationinC-score(Fig.5b). onabranchleadstoahigherC-score.Thatis,aclustering measure might identify a group of randomly spaced Nonrandom clustering in cortical spinesashighlyclusteredsimplybecausethespinesare apical dendrites tightlypacked(highdensity).Wefirsttestedwhetherthis For the remainder of this article, we use the C-score seemedtobetrueifspineswereplacedrandomlyonthe thresholdC todefinehighlyclustereddendritebranches T branch. In particular, the Monte Carlo procedure (see as those exhibiting more clustered spines than expected Materials and Methods) created 5,000 copies of each randomly (see Materials and Methods). Remaining real dendrite branch with randomly distributed spines, branches were considered sparsely clustered. Figure 6 1.4 million branches in all. Using 1,000 different random presents typical examples of these branch types. Spines samples taken from the Monte Carlo population (Materi- classified as lying in clusters are shown in pink; singlet als and Methods), we tested the null hypothesis that the spinesthatwerenotclassifiedintoclustersareshownin C-scoreofadendritebranchwithrandomlyplacedspines orange (Fig. 6a,b; Fig. 6c shown in black). A greater pro- was independent of spine density. In repeating the v2 portionofthespineswasclassifiedaslyinginclusterson testoneachsample,thenullhypothesisofindependence the highly clustered branch (Fig. 6a,c, C-score 93) than wasrejectedonly50times.Thisisequaltothefalse-posi- on the sparsely clustered branch (Fig. 6b,c; C-score 44). tiveerrorratea¼0.05,sotheseresultsstronglysupport The 2-D projections (xy, yz, and xz) may be misleading, the idea that C-score is independent of spine density which is why it is important that the neurite reconstruc- when spines are distributed randomly. Figure 5a illus- tion and spine detection algorithms operate in three trates C-score vs. spine density for a random sample of dimensions. In particular, in 2-D projections, the trav- thispopulationfrom32dendriticbranches. ersed distance along the dendrite may appear distorted, Fromthe280branchesoftherealneurons,thenullhy- andspinesmayevenseemtobefalsepositives.Looking pothesisofindependencewasrejected(v2¼21.71,P¼ atallthreeprojectionshelpstoclarifythedistortionsbut TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience 2895 Yadav et al. Figure 6. Examplesoftypicalhighlyclusteredandsparselyclusteredbranches.Shownarexy-,yz-,andxz-projectionsof35-lmsegments of ahighlyclusteredbranch(a) andasparsely clustered branch(b).Spinesclassified asbelonginginclustersareshowninpink;nonclus- tered‘‘singlet’’spinesareshowninblack.c:Positionsofspinesonthesebranches,asthe1-Dtraverseddistancealongthedendriticcen- terline.Clusteredspinesareshowninpink,singletspinesinblack.Scalebars¼5lm. TABLE1. TABLE2. Numbersof HighlyClustered Branchesvs. C-Score ClusterStatisticsinApicalTerminalBranches ClusteringThreshold Highly Sparsely Apicalterminal Obliquebranches clustered clustered Pvalue branches(n¼152) (n¼128) Spinesin 69.5165.08 53.8268.1221 <0.0001 Highly Highly clusters(%) clustered clustered Spinespercluster 3.5460.12 3.4360.18 0.006 ThresholdC branches Pvalue branches Pvalue Clusterlength(lm) 0.8060.38 1.1360.50 0.0037 T Cluster 0.3560.14 0.2060.11 <0.0001 0.9 22 0.049 9 0.90 density(/lm) 0.95 14 0.02 4 0.88 Clusteroccupancy 0.2460.04 0.1860.04 <0.0001 Spinedensity(/lm) 1.81860.74 1.30260.71 0.0021 does not completely eliminate them. Figure 6c clearly illustrates the spine locations along the length of each attributes of clusters found on highly clustered and dendrite. sparselyclusteredbranches. Table 1 summarizes the number of highly clustered branches as determined by two different values of the Spine cluster statistics threshold C (0.90 and the more conservative 0.95). We We report spine cluster statistics on the 152 apical T testedthenullhypothesisthatthenumberofhighlyclus- terminal branches, for the highly clustered and sparsely tered branches observed in our data was equal to the clustered groups (Table 2). As expected, the percentage number that was expected with randomly distributed of spines residing in clusters was greater for highly clus- spines. For apical terminal branches, the null hypothesis tered branches compared with sparsely clustered wasrejectedforbothvaluesofC (Pvaluesof0.049and branches (P < 0.006). However, the percentage of T 0.02 for C ¼ 0.90 and 0.95 respectively). For oblique spines residing in clusters in sparsely clustered T branches,the nullhypothesis wasnot rejected for either branches was similar to the percentage calculated from value of C (P ¼ 0.90 and P ¼ 0.88). Thus our data sup- all 1.4 million simulated branches with randomly spaced T port the idea that spines were highly clustered on apical spines (56.6%). The mean number of spines per cluster terminalbranchesbutnotonobliquebranches.Hereafter was greater on highly clustered branches (P ¼ 0.02), we use the less conservative clustering threshold C ¼ whereas the mean cluster length was smaller (P ¼ T 0.90 and yet show that significant differences exist in 0.0037). The cluster density (number of clusters per 2896 TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience Spineclustering in neurons:morphologicevidence Figure 7. Densityofspineshapesinhighlyandsparselyclusteredbranches.Thefigureshowsthedensityofmushroom-shaped,thin,and stubby clustered spines per unit branch length (a); singlet spines per unit branch length (b); clustered spines, normalized by the total length of dendrite over which clusters reside (c); and singlet spines, normalized by the length of dendrite over which singlets reside (d). Barsshowthemeanandstandarderrorofthemean.Blackandgraybarsrepresenthighlyclustered(n¼22)andsparselyclustered(n¼ 130)branches,respectively.*P<0.05,**P<0.01. micrometer) was also larger on highly clustered Bydefinition,proportionallymorespinesresideinclus- branches (P < 0.0001). This statistic can be misleading, ters on highly clustered branches than on sparsely clus- because the number of spines per cluster and cluster tered branches. The larger densities of clustered spines length varied widely. Thus, we also measured spine of each type on highly clustered branches could be due cluster occupancy, defined as the ratio of the total to clusters being more numerous in these branches but length of all clusters on a branch to the branch length. alsocouldbeduetofundamentaldifferencesintherela- Cluster occupancy was greater on highly clustered tiveproportionsofspinetypeswithinhighlyandsparsely branches (P < 0.0001). clusteredbranches.Thus,wereexaminedourshapeden- Figure 7 summarizes our findings on the density of sity results after controlling for the proportion of clus- the three spine types (mushroom-shaped, stubby, thin) tered spines. After dividing the number of clustered in apical terminal branches. We report the spine type spines of each type by the total cluster length density,equaltothenumberofeachspinetypepermicro- (asopposedtothebranchlength),thedensitiesofmush- meterofbranchlength,forclusteredandsinglet(nonclus- room-shaped and stubby clustered spines were still sig- tered) spines. The density of clustered spines of all types nificantly greater in highly clustered branches (Fig. 7c), wassignificantlygreaterinhighlyclusteredbranchesthan by43%and56%respectively.Likewise,asalternativesin- in sparsely clustered branches (Fig. 7a). On highly clus- gletshapedensities,wedividedthesingletspinecountof tered branches, the density of mushroom-shaped and eachtypebythetotalbranchlengthminusclusterlength. stubby clustered spines was nearly twice the density on Still, there was no significant difference in the density of sparsely clustered branches. In contrast, the density of singlet spines of any shape for highly clustered vs. mushroom-shaped, stubby, or thin singlet spines did not sparsely clustered branches (Fig. 7d), indicating that the differ between highly clustered and sparsely clustered increaseinmushroom-shaped,stubby,andthinspineson branches(Fig.7b). highly clustered branches was concentrated in the TheJournalofComparativeNeurology|ResearchinSystemsNeuroscience 2897

the U.S. Public Health Service policy on humane care and. Spine clustering in . clustering analyses, manual inspection excluded all dendrite segments
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