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MORE ON CYCLIC AMENABILITY OF THE LAU PRODUCT OF BANACH ALGEBRAS DEFINED BY A BANACH ALGEBRA MORPHISM 7 1 M.RAMEZANPOUR 0 2 n a J Abstract. FortwoBanachalgebrasAand B, the T-LauproductA×T B,wasre- 1 centlyintroducedandstudiedforsomeboundedhomomorphismT:B→Awith 2 kTk≤1.Here,wegivegeneralnessesaryandsufficentconditionsforA×TBtobe (approximately)cyclicamenable. Inparticular,weextendsomerecentresultson ] A (approximate)cyclicamenabilityofdirectproductA⊕BandT-LauproductA×TB F andansweraquestiononcyclicamenabilityofA×TB. . h t 1. IntroductionandsomePreliminaries a m The notion of weak amenability for commutative Banach algebras was intro- [ duced and studied for the first time by Bade, Curtis and Dales [3]. Johnson [11] 1 extended this concept to the non commutative case and showed that group al- v 6 gebras of all locally compact groups are weakly amenable. A Banach algebra A 5 0 is called weakly amenable if every continuous derivation D : A→ A∗ is inner. It 6 is often useful to restrict one’s attention to derivations D : A → A∗ satisfying the 0 . property D(a)(c)+D(c)(a) = 0for all a,c ∈ A. Suchderivationsarecalled cyclic. 1 0 Clearly inner derivations are cyclic. A Banach algebra is called cyclic amenable 7 if every continuous cyclic derivations D : A → A∗ is inner. This notion was pre- 1 : sentedbyGronbaek[9]. Heinvestigatedthehereditarypropertiesofthisconcept, v i foundsomerelationsbetweencyclicamenabilityofaBanachalgebraandthetrace X extensionpropertyofitsideals. r a GhahramaniandLoy[7]introducedseveralapproximatenotionsofamenabil- itybyrequiringthatallbounded derivationsfromagiven BanachalgebraAinto certain Banach A-bimodules to be approximately inner. In the same paper and thesubsequentone[8],theauthorsshowedthedistinctionbetweeneachofthese concepts and the corresponding classical notions and investigated properties of algebrasineachofthesenewclasses. Motivatedbythisnotions,Esslamzadehand Shojaee[6]definedtheconceptofapproximatecyclicamenabilityforBanachalge- brasand investigated the hereditarypropertiesfor this newnotion. Shojaee and 1991MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary46H05;Secondary46H99. Keywordsandphrases. Banachalgebra,cyclicamenability,T-Lauproduct. 1 2 M.RAMEZANPOUR Bodaghi in [14, Theorem 2.3] showed that for Banach algebras Aand B, if direct productA⊕Bwithℓ1-normisapproximatelycyclicamenable,thensoareAandB. TheyalsoshowedthattheconverseforthecasewhereA2isdenseinA. Ontheotherhand,fortwoBanachalgebrasAandBandaboundedhomomor- phism T : B → Awith kTk≤ 1, the T-LauproductA× B isdefined asthe space T A×Bequippedwiththenormk(a,b)k=kak+kbkandthemultiplication (a,b)(a′,b′)=(aa′+aT(b′)+T(b)a′,bb′), for all a,a′ ∈ Aand b,b′ ∈ B. This product was first introduced and studied by BhattandDabhiin[4]forthecasewhereAiscommutative. JavanshiriandNemati in [10] extended this product to the general Banach algebras and studied Arens regularity,amenabilityandn-weakamenabilityof A× B inthegeneralcase; see T also[2]and[5]. WhenT =0,thismultiplicationistheusualcoordinatewiseprod- uctand so A× B is in factthe directproductA⊕B. Furthermore, let Abe unital T with the identity element e and letθ : B → C be a non-zeromultiplicative linear functional. Define Tθ : B → Aas Tθ(b) = θ(b)e, for each b ∈ B. Then the above productwithrespecttoTθ coincideswiththeproductinvestigatedin[12]. Bhattand Dabhiin [4] showed thatcyclic amenability of A× B is stable with T respecttoT,forthecasewhereAiscommutative,buttheproofcontainsagap. In [1]AbtahiandGhafarpanahfixedthisgapandextendedthisresulttoanarbitrary BanachalgebraA. IndeedtheyprovedthatifA× BiscyclicamenablethenbothA T andBarecyclicamenable. Theyalsoprovedtheconverseforthecasewhereboth AandB havefaithfuldualspaces. ButtheyleftitopenforallBanachalgebras;[1, Question3.5]. In the present paper, we give general nessesary and sufficent conditions for A× B to be (approximate) cyclic amenable. In particular we extend the recent T resultson (approximate)cyclic amenabilityof the directproductA⊕B, [14], and the T-LauproductA× B andanswerQuestion3.5in[1]oncyclicamenabilityof T A× B. T 2. Cyclicamenability LetAbeaBanachalgebra,andX beaBanachA-bimodule. Thenthedualspace X∗ of X becomes a dual Banach A-bimodule with the module actions defined by (fa)(x)= f(ax)and(af)(x)= f(xa),foralla∈A,x ∈X and f ∈X∗. Aderivation fromAintoX isalinearmappingD:A→X satisfying D(ac)=D(a)c+aD(c) (a,c∈A). MOREONCYCLICAMENABILITYOFTHELAUPRODUCTOFBANACHALGEBRASDEFINEDBYABANACHALGEBRAMORPHISM3 If x ∈X thend :A→X definedbyd (a)=ax−xaisaderivationwhichiscalled x x aninnerderivation. AderivationD:A→A∗issaidtobecyclicifD(a)(c)+D(c)(a)=0foralla,c∈A. If every continuous cyclic derivation D : A → A∗ is inner then A is called cyclic amenable. Asremarkedin[4],thedualspace(A× B)∗ canbeidentifiedwiththeBanach T spaceA∗×B∗equippedwiththenormk(f,g)k=max{kfk,kgk}via (f,g)(a,b)= f(a)+g(b), where a ∈A,f ∈A∗,b ∈ B and g ∈ B∗. Moreover,adirectverificationrevealsthat (A× B)-moduleoperationsof(A× B)∗areasfollows. T T (f,g)(a,b)=(cid:0)fa+ fT(b),T∗(fa)+gb(cid:1), (a,b)(f,g)=(cid:0)af +T(b)f,T∗(af)+bg(cid:1) fora∈A,b∈B,f ∈A∗and g∈B∗. To clarify the relation between cyclic amenability of A× B and that of Aand T B,weneedthenextresultwhichcharacterizethecontinuouscyclicderivationson A× B. T Lemma2.1. SupposethatAand B areBanachalgebrasand T :B →Aisabounded(by one) homomorphism. Then every continuous cyclic derivation D : A× B → (A× B)∗ T T enjoysthepresentation D(a,b)=(D (a)−S∗(b),D (b)+S(a)) 1 2 foralla∈Aand b∈B,where (a) D :A→A∗andD :B→B∗ arecontinuouscyclicderivations. 1 2 (b) S : A → B∗ is a bounded linear operator such that S(ac) = (T∗◦D )(ac) and 1 S(a)b=(T∗◦D )(a)bforalla,c∈Aand b∈B. 1 Moreover,DisinnerifandonlyifS=T∗◦D andbothD andD areinnerderivations. 1 1 2 Abtahi and Ghafarpanah in [1], proved that if A× B is cyclic amenable then T both A and B are cyclic amenable. They also proved the converse for the case where both Aand B have faithfuldual spaces, but left it as an open question for allBanachalgebras;[1,Question3.5].Animprovementofthisresulthasbeenalso obtained in [13]. Indeed, the converse has been proved for the case where A2 is denseinA; [13, Theorem2.6]. Weshould remarkthataBanachalgebraAhasleft (right)faithfuldualspacejustwhenA2isdenseinA. 4 M.RAMEZANPOUR HerewegivesgeneralnecessaryandsufficientconditionsforA× Btobecyclic T amenable. Thisresultimproves[13, Theorem2.6]andanswersalsoQuestion 3.5 in[1]. Theorem2.2. SupposethatAandBareBanachalgebrasandT :B→Aisabounded(by one)homomorphism.ThenA× Biscyclicamenableifandonlyifthefollowingstatements T hold. (1) AandBarecyclicamenable. (2) A2isdenseinAorB2isdenseinB. 3. Approximatecyclicamenability Recall from [7] that a derivation D : A → X is called approximately inner if thereexistsanet{xα}⊆X suchthat D=limαdxα inthestrongoperatortopology. ABanachalgebraAiscalled approximatelycyclic amenable, if everycontinuous cyclicderivation D:A→A∗ isapproximatelyinner. Theconceptsofapproximate cyclicamenabilitywasintroducedandstudiedin[6];seealso[14]. ThenextresultcharacterizesapproximatelyinnerderivationsonA× B. T Proposition3.1. SupposethatAandB areBanachalgebrasand T :B→Aisabounded (byone) homomorphism. Let D : A× B → (A× B)∗ be a continuous cyclicderivation T T given by D(a,b) = (D (a)−S∗(b),D (b)+S(a)) for all a ∈ Aand b ∈ B. Then D is 1 2 approximately inner if and only if S = T∗◦D and both D and D are approximately 1 1 2 inner. Applying Proposition 3.1 and using a similar argument used in the proof of Theorem 2.2 we can prove the next theorem. This result improves [13, Theorem 2.3]. Theorem 3.2. Suppose that Aand B are Banach algebras and T : B → Ais a bounded (byone)homomorphism. ThenA× B isapproximatelycyclicamenableifandonlyifthe T followingstatementshold. (1) AandBareapproximatelycyclicamenable. (2) A2isdenseinAorB2isdenseinB. Shojaee and Bodaghi in [14, Theorem 2.3] showed that for Banach algebras A andB,ifdirectproductA⊕Bisapproximatelycyclicamenable,thensoareAandB. TheyalsoshowedthattheconverseforthecasewhereA2 isdenseinA. Applying Theorems2.2and3.2forT =0,wegetthenextresultwhichextends[14,Theorem 2.3]. MOREONCYCLICAMENABILITYOFTHELAUPRODUCTOFBANACHALGEBRASDEFINEDBYABANACHALGEBRAMORPHISM5 Corollary3.3. LetAandBbeBanachalgebras. ThenthedirectproductA⊕Bis(approx- imately)cyclicamenableifandonlyifthefollowingstatementshold. (1) AandBare(approximately)cyclicamenable. (2) A2isdenseinAorB2isdenseinB. Let Abe unital and θ : B → C be a non-zero multiplicative linear functional. Define Tθ(b):=θ(b)e. ThenA×Tθ Bistheθ-LauproductA×θ B,[12]. Asaconse- quenceofTheorems2.2and3.2,wehavethenextresult. Corollary3.4. LetAbeunitalandθ beanon-zeromultiplicativelinearfunctionalonB. ThenA×θ B is(approximately)cyclicamenableifandonlyifbothAand B are(approxi- mately)cyclicamenable. References [1] Abtahi,F.—Ghafarpanah,A.:AnoteoncyclicamenabilityoftheLauproductofBanachalgebrasdefined byaBanachalgebramorphism,Bull.Aust.Math.Soc.,92no.2(2015),282–289. [2] Abtahi,F.—Ghafarpanah,A.—Rejali,A.:BiprojectivityandbiflatnessofLauproductofBanachalgebras definedbyaBanachalgebramorphism,Bull.Aust.Math.Soc.,91no.1(2015),134–144. 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