A 0 7\ 7^ A 0 h N, VJ 21 \2A V/ VI Hunting Statistics Table Harvest Statistics Table Time Period of Kill Statistics Table Sampling Statistics Table 2000 MONTANA wWB Montana State Library 3 0864 1006 8929 1 This report was compiled by the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, Wildlife Division, Research and Technical Services, Harvest Surveys Sections iwir ®S mBsm* W$&&. vm®, mb ‘#'2 mm Jeffm rgsjifclgs Resem iherpen Steve A fwpsni@m& -v J AM ^ 40(094 Candy Hinz * '«pK%gnst^iMg Program Specialist [email protected] , Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Research and Technical Services PO Box 173220 , Bozeman MT 59717-3220 406-994-3285 406-994-4090 (fax) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Montana State Library https://archive.org/details/moosesheepgoathu2000mont Special Big Game Hunting and Harvest Report March 27, 2001 License Year 2000 Harvest Surveys Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Table of Contents Introduction . 1 Moose Tables . 7 Hunting Effort . 8 Harvest Success . 21 Harvest by Time Period . 3 8 Bighorn Sheep Tables . 51 Hunting Effort . 52 Harvest Success . 58 Harvest by Time Period . 66 Mountain Goat Tables . 72 Hunting Effort . 73 Harvest Success . 81 Harvest by Time Period . 91 Appendix A: Sampling Statistics Tables . 99 Moose . 100 Bighorn Sheep . 113 Mountain Goat . 119 Appendix B: Special Big Game Hunting and Harvest Statistics Data File Description . 127 Enclosures 2000 SBG Hunting and Harvest Survey Questionnaire 2000 Montana Regulations - Moose, Sheep, Goat, Antelope Introduction This report presents an analysis and summary of license year 2000 (LY00) Montana Special Big Game hunter survey response information. Special Big Game includes Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goats. Estimates of hunting and harvest statistics are presented for each Species by Location hunted (Statewide, Regional, and by Hunting District), Residency of hunter (Residents, Non¬ residents, and Both combined), and Permit Type (Special Permit and All Permits combined). Three Special Big Game hunting and harvest table types are presented for each of the 3 species: 1) Hunting Statistics Table: This table includes the number of special permits issued and the expansion factor applied to the response data to obtain the estimates. Estimates are given for the number of hunters and hunter days, lower and upper 80% confidence bounds on these estimates, and relevant ratios based on these statistics. 2) Harvest Statistics Table: This table also gives the number of special permits issued and the estimate of number of hunters. Estimates are also given for total harvest, lower and upper 80% confidence bounds on harvest, harvest by sex-age class, percent harvest by sex-age class, and relevant ratios based on these statistics. 3) Time Period of Kill Statistics Table: This table includes the estimate of total harvest and the distribution of harvest among six time periods. Percent of total harvest within each time period are also presented. In addition, sampling effort and survey response information for each species is presented in: • Sampling Statistics Tables: These tables include the number of permits issued, the number of permit holders sampled, the number of holders responding to the survey, and rates and ratios based on these numbers, including the expansion factor, for Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goat. These tables are organized based on the following four variables: 1) Species: All hunting and harvest statistics were computed separately for each of the three species: Moose, Bighorn Sheep, and Mountain Goat. 2) Location of Hunt: • Statewide (State): Statistics are computed without regard to the Special Big Game District hunted. Provides an overall picture of hunting in Montana for the particular species. • Regional (Reg 1...Reg 7): Statistics are computed based on MFWP Region of the District hunted. • Hunting District: Statistics are computed based on the Special Big Game Hunting District in which the permit is valid. Special Big Game Hunting Districts differ for Moose, Sheep, and Goats (Montana Regulations - Moose, Sheep, Goat, and Antelope Big Game Hunting 2000). Hunters report hunting effort and harvest success for the special permit they hold. Each permit is valid in a single District. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys - 2000 Special Big Game Hunting & Harvest Report - March 27. 2001 -| 3) Residency of Special Big Game Permit Holder: • All: Statistics are computed without regard to residency of the permit holder. • Residency (R/N): Statistics are computed based on residency status of permit holder as indicated by the type of conservation license held. Montana resident is abbreviated R, non-resident N. 4) Special Permit Held by Sportsperson: • All: Statistics are computed without regard to which Special Big Game Permit the sportsperson held. • License Type: All Special Big Game hunting is by special permit, and each survey response is linked to a particular permit. Within a species, every special permit is identified by a unique 5 digit code. These codes correspond to the permit code descriptions presented in the Regulations. Overall Sampling and Survey Results Table 1 presents overall statewide counts of number of permits issued, permit holders sampled and surveyed by phone or mail, sportspersons who returned valid responses, and various rates derived from these counts, expressed as percents, for each Special Big Game species, and by residency of the sportsperson. Sample rate is the percent of permit holders surveyed for hunting and harvest information. One hundred percent of Special Big Game holders are sampled. Return rate is the percent of those sampled who returned valid survey information. Response rate is the bottom line percent of permit holders who returned valid responses. Because the Sample Rate is 100 percent, Return Rate equals Response Rate for Special Big Game. Overall expansion factors (permit holders divided by valid responses) are also presented. Expanded statistics were computed at all presented levels and combinations of Species, Location, Residency, and License Type by multiplying the expansion factor by the corresponding non-expanded statistics. Estimated Hunters is computed by multiplying the expansion factor by the number of responses indicating active hunting. Hunting Rate is the estimated percent of permit holders actively hunting. Estimated Harvest is computed by multiplying the expansion factor by the number of responses indicating a kill. Percent Success is the estimated percent of active hunters successfully harvesting a moose, sheep, or goat. Table 1: License Year 2000 Statewide Special Big Game Sampling and Survey Results Species Permits Holders Responses Sample Return Response Expansion Estimated Hunting Estimated Percent Issued Sampled Returned Rate Rate Rate Factor Hunters Rate Harvest Success Moose 625 625 592 100 94.7 94.7 1.056 621 99.3 511 82.3 R 609 609 577 100 94.8 94.8 1.055 609 99.3 500 82.7 N 16 16 15 100 93.8 93.8 1.067 16 100.0 11 66.7 Sheep 437 437 393 100 89.9 89.9 1.112 321 73.5 152 47.4 R 363 363 326 100 89.8 89.8 1.113 273 75.2 144 52.7 N 74 74 67 100 90.5 90.5 1.104 49 65.7 9 18.2 Goat 307 307 290 100 94.5 94.5 1.059 295 96.2 225 76.3 R 291 291 275 100 94.5 94.5 1.058 279 96.0 212 75.8 N 16 16 15 100 93.8 93.8 1.067 16 100.0 14 86.7 All estimated statistics and ratios are presented in the printed tables to a meaningful level of precision. However, all calculations deriving these estimates and ratios were performed using high precision floating point real numbers. Any subsequent calculations based on the formatted numbers presented in the printed tables will be subject to round-off error. Montana Fish Wildlife and Packs - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys - 2000 Special Big Game Hunting & Harvest Report - March 27. 2001 2 In some cases, at the most detailed summary level by Species, Location, Residency, and Permit Type, no response data were returned. In these cases, the expansion factor was undefined (permit holders divided by zero responses). All estimates of hunting and harvest statistics based on an undefined expansion factor are also undefined. In other cases, response data were returned, but no sportspersons reported active hunting, or kills. This resulted in undefined ratios. All undefined values were flagged as -9.9 in the underlying hunting and harvest data table. In the printed tables of this report, undefined values are formatted to appear as -0 or -0.0. Appendix A presents sampling statistics tables for all levels and combinations of Species, Location, Residency, and License Type presented in the hunting and harvest statistics tables. Hunting Statistics Tables The Special Big Game Hunting Statistics Tables present basic hunting effort statistics, and ratios based on these statistics, for various levels and combinations of location hunted (Location), license type held (Lie Type), and residency of hunter (Res). Tables are presented for each Special Big Game species separately. These tables are organized as follows: • Statewide and Regional • By Hunting District and Permit Type The following statistics are presented: • Number Issued: Number of permits issued. • Expand Factor: Expansion Factor. Permits issued divided by number of valid responses. • Hunters: Point estimate of number of permit holders that actively hunted. • Hunters Low Bnd: Lower bound of 80% confidence interval on number of hunters. • Hunters Up Bnd: Upper bound of 80% confidence interval on number of hunters. • Percent Hunting: Estimate of the percent of permit holders that actively hunted. • Hunter Days: Point estimate of total number of days or partial days hunters actively hunted. • HDays Low Bnd: Lower bound of 80% confidence interval on number of hunter days. • HDays Up Bnd: Upper bound of 80% confidence interval on number of hunter days. • Days Per Hunter: Hunter Days divided by Hunters. An estimate of the number of days the average hunter actively hunted. Harvest Statistics Tables The Special Big Game Harvest Statistics Tables present basic harvest statistics, and ratios based on these statistics, for various levels and combinations of location hunted (Location), license type held (Lie Type), and residency of hunter (Res). Tables are presented for each Special Big Game species separately. These tables are organized as follows: • Statewide and Regional • By Hunting District and Permit Type 3 Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys 2000 Special Big Game Hunting & Harvest Report - March 27. 2001 The following statistics are presented: • Number Issued: Number of permits issued. • Hunters: Point estimate of number of permit holders that actively hunted. • Total Harvest: Point estimate of total number harvested. One kill is allowed per licensed hunter, therefore the harvest estimate is also an estimate of the number of successful hunters. • Harvest Low Bnd: Lower bound of 80% confidence interval on total harvest. • Harvest Up Bnd: Upper bound of 80% confidence interval on total harvest. • Harvest Unkn: Point estimate of number harvested where sex and age was unknown. • Harvest Young: Point estimate of number of young of year harvested. • Harvest Female: Point estimate of number of non-young females harvested. • Harvest Male: Point estimate of number of non-young males harvested. • Pent Young: Estimate of percent of young of year in harvest. • Pent Female: Estimate of percent of non-young females in harvest. • Pent Male: Estimate of percent of non-young males in harvest. • Percent Success: Estimated harvest (successful hunters) divided by estimated number of active hunters. Percent of active hunters who are successful. • Days To Kill: Hunter days divided by total harvest. An estimate of the average number of hunter days required to harvest an animal. • Tags To Kill: Permits issued divided by total harvest. An estimate of the average number of permits which must be issued to harvest an animal. Time Period of Kill Tables The Special Big Game Time Period of Kill Tables present point estimates of Total Harvest, plus the distribution of harvest by time period, for various levels and combinations of location hunted (Location), license type held (Lie Type), and residency of hunter (Res). Percentages of harvest by time period, based on these estimates, are also presented. Tables are presented for each Special Big Game species separately. These tables are organized as follows: • Statewide and Regional • By Hunting District and Permit Type The following statistics are presented: • Total Harvest: Point estimate of total number harvested. • Date Unkn: Estimate of harvest occurring during an unknown time period. • Sep 1-14: Estimate of harvest occurring during the 1st two weeks of September (Time Period 1). • Sep 15 Oct 1: Estimate of harvest occurring during the next 3 week period (Time Period 2). • Oct 2 - 29: Estimate of harvest occurring during the next 4 week period (Time Period 3). • Oct 30-Nov 19: Estimate of harvest occurring during the next 3 week period (Time Period 4). • Nov 20 - 26: Estimate of harvest occurring during the week of Thanksgiving (Time Period 5). • After Nov 26: Estimate of harvest occurring late in the season (Time Period 6). • Pent 1st: Percent of total harvest occurring during the first time period. • Pent 2nd: Percent of total harvest occurring during the second time period. • Pent 3rd: Percent of total harvest occurring during the third time period. • Pent 4th: Percent of total harvest occurring during the fourth time period. • Pent 5th: Percent of total harvest occurring during the fifth time period. • Pent 6th: Percent of total harvest occurring during the sixth time period. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks - Wildlife Research - Harvest Surveys - 2000 Special Big Game Hunting & Harvest Report - March 27. 2001 4