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MOORE’S CONJECTURE FOR POLYHEDRAL PRODUCTS YANLONGHAO∗,QIANWENSUN∗,ANDSTEPHENTHERIAULT Abstract. Moore’s Conjecture is shown to hold for generalized moment-angle complexes and a criterionisprovedthatdetermineswhenapolyhedralproductisellipticorhyperbolic. 7 1 0 2 1. Introduction n a J Moore’s Conjecture envisions a deep relationship between the rational and torsion homotopy 6 groups of finite CW-complexes. Let X be a finite CW-complex. The homotopy exponent of X at 2 a prime p is the least power of p that annihilates the p-torsion in the homotopy groups of X. The ] T space X is elliptic ifit has finitely manyrationalhomotopy groupsand hyperbolic if it hasinfinitely A many rational homotopy groups. . h t a Moore’s Conjecture: Let X be a finite CW-complex. Then the following are equivalent: m [ (a) X is elliptic; 1 (b) X has a finite homotopy exponent at every prime p; v 0 (c) X has a finite homotopy exponent at some prime p. 2 7 7 The conjecture posits that the nature of the rational homotopy groups should have a profound 0 1. impact on the nature of the, seemingly unrelated, torsion homotopy groups, and that torsion be- 0 haviour at one prime has a profound impact on torsion behaviour at all primes. The conjecture 7 1 has been shown to hold in a number of cases. Elliptic spaces with finite exponents at all primes : v include spheres [12, 20], finite H-spaces [13], H-spaces with finitely generated cohomology [4], and i X odd primary Moore spaces [15]. Hyperbolic spaces with no exponent at any prime include wedges r a of simply-connected spheres and most torsion-free two-cell complexes [16], and torsion-free suspen- sions [18]. There are also partial results. In [14] it was shown that if X is elliptic then it has an exponent at all but finitely many primes, and in [19] it was shown that if X is hyperbolic and H (ΩX;Z) is p-torsion free then, provided p is large enough, X has no exponent at p. ∗ Moore’s conjecture is also related to an important phenomenon in rational homotopy theory. F´elix, Halperin and Thomas [7] proved the remarkable fact that a finite CW-complex is either 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary55Q05, Secondary13F55,55P62,55U10. Keywords and phrases. Moore’sconjecture, elliptic,hyperbolic,polyhedralproduct. ∗ ResearchsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(No. 11571186). 1 2 YANLONGHAO∗,QIANWENSUN∗,ANDSTEPHENTHERIAULT elliptic or its total number of rational homotopy groups below dimension n grows exponentially with n. There is no hyperbolic space whose rational homotopy groups have polynomial growth. In this paper we consider Moore’s conjecture, and the notions of being elliptic or hyperbolic, in thecontextofpolyhedralproducts. LetK beasimplicialcomplexonmvertices. For1≤i≤m,let (X ,A ) be a pair of pointed CW-complexes, where A is a pointed subspace of X . Let (X,A) = i i i i {(X ,A )}m be the sequence of CW-pairs. For each simplex (face) σ ∈ K, let (X,A)σ be the i i i=1 subspace of m X defined by Qi=1 i (X,A)σ = m X where X = Xi if i∈σ Y i i  A if i∈/ σ. i=1 i  The polyhedral product determined by (X,A) and K is m (X,A)K = (X,A)σ ⊆ X . [ Y i σ∈K i=1 The topology of polyhedral products has received a great deal of attention recently due to their central role in toric topology [1, 3, 9, 10, 11]. Important special cases include moment-angle complexes Z , when each pair (X ,A ) equals (D2,S1), and generalized moment-angle complexes K i i Z (Dn,Sn−1), when each pair (X ,A ) equals (Dn,Sn−1). K i i Tostateourresultssomedefinitionsareneeded. Write[m]forthevertexset{1,...,m}. Let∆m−1 be the standardm-simplex with vertex set [m]. The faces of ∆m−1 canbe identified with sequences (i ,...,i ) for 1 ≤ i < ··· < i ≤ m. If K is a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m] then a 1 k 1 k sequence σ = (i ,...,i ) is a missing face of K if σ ∈/ K. It is a minimal missing face of K if no 1 k proper subsequence of σ is a missing face of K. Theorem 1.1. Let K be a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m] and let (X,A) be any sequence of pairs (Dni,Sni−1) with ni ≥2 for 1≤i≤m. Then: (a) (X,A)K is elliptic if and only if the minimal missing faces of K are mutually disjoint; (b) Moore’s conjecture holds for (X,A)K. Inparticular,Theorem1.1includesgeneralizedmoment-anglecomplexesZ (Dn,Sn−1)forn≥2 K as a special case. Part (a) of Theorem 1.1 was proved by [1] in the special case of the moment- angle complex Z , although part (b) was not. The restriction to n ≥ 2 is made to ensure that K certain retractions constructed in Theorem 4.2 involve wedges of simply-connected spheres which are hyperbolic, rather than wedge of circles which are Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. We also give a general criterion for when a polyhedral product is elliptic or hyperbolic. This generalizes and reformulates in more combinatorial terms results obtained by F´elix and Tanr´e [8]. MOORE’S CONJECTURE FOR POLYHEDRAL PRODUCTS 3 Theorem 1.2. Let K be a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m] and let (X,A) be any sequence of pairs. For 1 ≤ i ≤ m, let Y be the homotopy fibre of the inclusion A −→ X and suppose that i i i each Y is rationally nontrivial. Then the polyhedral product (X,A)K is elliptic if and only if three i conditions hold: (i) each X is elliptic; i (ii) all the minimal missing faces of K are mutually disjoint; (iii) if v is a vertex of a minimal missing face of K then Y is rationally homotopy equivalent to v a sphere. 2. Polyhedral product ingredients This section contains the properties of polyhedral products that will be needed. We begin with two results of Denham and Suciu [6], stated as Propositions 2.1 and 2.2. Proposition 2.1. Let K be a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m]. Suppose that for 1≤i≤m there are maps of pairs p : (E ,E′)−→(B ,B ) such that the restrictions E −→B and E′ −→B i i i i i i i i i are fibrations with fibres F and F′ respectively. Then there is a fibration i i m (F,F′)K −→(E,E′)K −→ B . Y i (cid:3) i=1 LetK be asimplicialcomplexonthe vertexset[m]. IfI ⊆[m]then the full subcomplex K ofK I is defined as the simplicial complex K = {σ ∈K |the vertex set of σ is in I}. I [ The definition of K implies that the inclusion K −→ K is a map of simplicial complexes. This I I induces a mapof polyhedral products (X,A)KI −→(X,A)K. There is no retractionof KI off K as simplicialcomplexes,however,in[6]itwasshownthatthereisneverthelessaretractionof(X,A)KI off (X,A)K. Proposition2.2. LetK beasimplicial complexonthevertexset[m]andlet(X,A)beanysequence of pointed, path-connected CW-pairs. Let I ⊆[m]. Then the inclusion (X,A)KI −→(X,A)K has a left inverse. (cid:3) Proposition 2.1 will be applied to prove the existence of a certain fibration in Theorem 2.3, and Proposition2.2 will be used to show that it splits after looping. To set up, a procedure is described forturningamapofpairs(X,A)−→(X,X)intoamapofpairsoffibrations,uptohomotopy. This is analogous to how a continuous map of spaces is turned into a fibration, up to homotopy. 4 YANLONGHAO∗,QIANWENSUN∗,ANDSTEPHENTHERIAULT Let (X,A) be a pair of pointed, path-connected spaces and let I = [0,1] be the unit interval. Define the spaces Pj and Pid by the topological (strict) pullbacks Pj // XI Pid // XI π2 ev0 π2 ev0 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) j // id // A X X X where j is the inclusion, id is the identity map, π is the projection, XI is the space of continuous 2 paths (not necessarily pointed) from I to X, and ev : XI −→ X is the map that evaluates a path 0 in X at 0. Observe that Pj ={(ω,a)∈XI ×A|ω(0)=a} Pid ={(ω,x)∈XI ×X |ω(0)=x}. ObservethattheinclusionXI×A−1×→j XI×X impliesthatPj isasubspaceofPid. Further,sinceev 0 is a homotopy equivalence, the pullback implies that the maps labelled π are as well, and these 2 canbe chosento be compatible, sowe obtainahomotopyequivalence ofpairs(Pid,Pj)−→(X,A). Moreover, the composites Pj −→ XI −ev→1 X and Pid −→ XI −ev→1 X are fibrations, where ev 1 evaluates a path at 1. Thus the map of pairs (Pid,Pj) −→ (X,X) is such that the restrictions to Pid −→X and Pj −→X are fibrations. Next, consider the fibres in each case. They are Fj ={(ω,a)∈XI×A|ω(0)=aandω(1)=∗} Fid ={(ω,x)∈XI×X |ω(0)=xandω(1)=∗} respectively. Recallthatthepath space ofX isPX ={ω ∈XI |ω(1)=∗}. Thisconditiononpaths appears in each of Fj and Fid, implying that we in fact have (1) Fj ={(ω,a)∈PX×A|ω(0)=a} Fid ={(ω,x)∈PX ×X |ω(0)=x}. Observe that the inclusion PX ×A −1×→j PX ×X implies that Fj is a subspace of Fid, so there is a pair (Fid,Fj). Observe also that as Fid is homotopy equivalent to the homotopy fibre of the identity map on X, Fid is contractible. Wewishtoexpressthepair(Fid,Fj)intermsoftheconeonFj andFj,whichismorestandardin torictopology. ForapointedspaceY,thereducedcone onY isthequotientspaceCY =(Y ×I)/∼, where(y,1)∼(y′,1)forally,y′ ∈Y and(∗,t)≃(∗,0)forallt∈I. ObservethatY mayberegarded as a subspace of CY by sending y ∈Y to (y,0)∈CY. In our case, CFj is contractible so there is a homotopyequivalenceFid ≃CFj. Butwewishtochoosethis homotopyequivalencemorecarefully so that we obtain a homotopy equivalence of pairs (Fid,Fj) −→ (CFj,Fj). To do this, we show thatbothFid andCFj aresubspacesofalargercontractiblespaceQ. Observethatby(1), Fid isa subspaceofPX×X,whichinturnis asubspaceofCPX×CX. Onthe otherhand,by(1), Fj isa subspaceofPX×A,soCFj isasubspaceofC(PX×A),whichinturnisasubspaceofCPX×CA. Since A is a subspace of X, CPX ×CA is a subspace of CPX ×CX. So take Q = CPX ×CX. MOORE’S CONJECTURE FOR POLYHEDRAL PRODUCTS 5 Doing so, there are maps of pairs (Fid,Fj) −→ (Q,Fj) and (CFj,Fj) −→ (Q,Fj) which induce maps of long exact sequences in reduced homology ··· // H (Fj) // H (Fid) // H ((Fid,Fj)) // ··· ∗ ∗ ∗ e e e = (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) ··· // H (Fj) // H (Q) // H ((Q,Fj)) // ··· ∗ ∗ ∗ e e e ··· // H (Fj) // H (CFj) // H ((CFj,Fj)) // ··· ∗ ∗ ∗ e e e = (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) ··· // H (Fj) // H (Q) // H ((Q,Fj)) // ··· ∗ ∗ ∗ e e e Since Fid, CFj andQ areallcontractible,the middle mapsineachdiagramareisomorphisms. The five-lemmathenimpliesthattheright-handmapsarealsoisomorphisms. Henceweobtainhomotopy equivalences of pairs (Fid,Fj) −→ (Q,Fj) and (CFj,Fj) −→ (Q,Fj), which implies that there is a homotopy equivalence of pairs (Fid,Fj)−→(CFj,Fj), as desired. Finally, we are ready to state and prove the following theorem. Theorem 2.3. Let K be a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m] and let (X,A) be any sequence of pointed, path-connected CW-pairs. Then there is a homotopy fibration m (CY,Y)K −→(X,A)K −→ X Y i i=1 where, for 1 ≤ i ≤ m, Y is the homotopy fibre of the inclusion A −→ X , and a homotopy i i i equivalence m Ω(X,A)K ≃( ΩX )×Ω(CY,Y)K. Y i i=1 Proof. For 1 ≤ i ≤ m, there are maps of pairs (X ,A ) −→ (X ,X ). Use the procedure described i i i i above to replace these pairs, up to homotopy, by the map of pairs (Pid,Pj) −→ (X ,X ) with the i i i i property that the restrictions Pid −→ X and Pj −→ X are fibrations with fibres Fid and Fj i i i i i i respectively. By Proposition 2.1 there is a fibration (Fid,Fj)K −→(Pid,Pj)−→(X ,X )K. i i By definition of the polyhedral product, (X ,X )K = m X . For each 1 ≤ i ≤ m, there is a i i Qi=1 i homotopy equivalence of pairs (Pid,Pj) ≃ (X ,A ), and the construction preceding the statement i i i i of the lemma shows that there is also a homotopy equivalence of pairs (Fid,Fj) ≃ (CFj,Fj). Let i i i i Y =Fj. Then there is a homotopy fibration i i m (2) (CY,Y)K −→(X,A)K −→ X Y i i=1 where Y is the homotopy fibre of the inclusion A −→X . i i i 6 YANLONGHAO∗,QIANWENSUN∗,ANDSTEPHENTHERIAULT Next, we wish to show that the homotopy fibration (2) splits after looping. For 1 ≤ i ≤ m, let I = {i}. Observe that the full subcomplex K of K is just the vertex {i}. By the definition i Ii of the polyhedral product, (X,A)KIi = Xi. Proposition 2.2 therefore implies that Xi retracts off proj (X,A)K. Explicitly,thecompositeXi =(X,A)KIi −→(X,A)K −→Qmi=1Xi −→ Xiistheidentity map. After looping, the loop maps ΩX −→Ω(X,A)K may be multiplied together to obtain a map i m ΩX −→ Ω(X,A)K which is a right homotopy inverse of the map Ω(X,A)K −→ m ΩX . Qi=1 i Qi=1 i Hence, if µ is the loop multiplication on Ω(X,A)K, then the composite m ( ΩX )×Ω(CY,Y)K −→Ω(X,A)K ×Ω(X,A)K −µ→Ω(X,A)K Y i i=1 is a homotopy equivalence. (cid:3) Theorem 2.3 implies that homotopy group information about (X,A)K is determined by that of theingredientspacesX and(CY,Y)K. Thisisusefulbecausethespaces(CY,Y)K aremuchbetter i understood than the spaces (X,A)K. The followingproposition, provedin [10], relates pushouts of simplicial complexes to pushouts of polyhedral products. Proposition 2.4. Let K be a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m]. Suppose that there is a pushout of simplicial complexes // L K 2 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) // K K 1 Let L◦, K◦ and K◦ be L, K and K regarded as simplicial complexes on the same vertex set as K. 1 1 1 2 Then there is a pushout of polyhedral products (X,A)L◦ // (X,A)K2◦ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (X,A)K1◦ // (X,A)K. (cid:3) Finally, we give two examples where the homotopy type of (CY,Y)K is explicitly identified. Part (a) in Lemma 2.5 is immediate from the definition of the polyhedral product, while part (b) was proved by Porter [17] when each Y is a loop space and more generally in [10]. i Lemma 2.5. Let Y ,...,Y be path-connected spaces. Then the following hold: 1 m (a) (CY,Y)∆m−1 = m CY ; Qi=1 i (b) (CY,Y)∂∆m−1 ≃Σm−1Y ∧···∧Y . 1 m (cid:3) MOORE’S CONJECTURE FOR POLYHEDRAL PRODUCTS 7 3. Combinatorial ingredients This section records the combinatorial information that will be needed. Let K be a simplicial complex on the index set [m]. For a vertex v ∈ K, the star, restriction (or deletion) and link of v are the subcomplexes star (v) = {τ ∈K |{v}∪τ ∈K}; K K\v = {τ ∈K |{v}∩τ =∅}; link (v) = star (v)∩K\v. K K The join of two simplicial complexes K ,K on disjoint index sets is the simplicial complex 1 2 K ∗K ={σ ∪σ |σ ∈K }. 1 2 1 2 i i From the definitions, it follows that star (v) is a join, K star (v)={v}∗link (v), K K and there is a pushout // link (v) star (v) K K (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) // K\v K. A face of K is a simplex of K. Let ∆m−1 be the standard m-simplex on the vertex set [m] and note that K is a subcomplex of ∆m−1. Recall from the Introduction that a face σ ∈ ∆m−1 is a missing face of K if σ ∈/ K. It is a minimal missing face if any proper face of σ is a face of K. DenotethesetofminimalmissingfacesofK byMMF(K). Forasimplexσ,let∂σ beitsboundary. Observe that σ ∈MMF(K) if and only if σ ∈/ K but ∂σ ⊆K. There is a special case which will play a crucial role in what follows. Let K be a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m] with the property that it has precisely two distinct minimal missing faces and these have non-empty intersection. That is, suppose that MMF(K)={σ ,σ } where σ 1 2 1 and σ have vertex sets I and J respectively, satisfying I 6=J, I∪J =[m] and I∩J 6=∅. Let w be 2 a vertex in both I and J. Consider the star-link-restrictionpushout of K with respect to the vertex w: // link (w) star (w) K K (3) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) // K\w K. Let σ and σ be the proper faces of σ and σ on the vertex sets I = I\{w} and J = J\{w} 1 2 1 2 respectively. Lemma 3.1. We have σ ,σ ∈MMF(star (w)). 1 2 K 8 YANLONGHAO∗,QIANWENSUN∗,ANDSTEPHENTHERIAULT Proof. Consider σ , the argument for σ being similar. First we show that σ is a missing face of 1 2 1 star (w). For if σ ∈star (w) then, as w is not a vertex of σ , we also have σ ∈K\w, implying K 1 K 1 1 that σ ∈ link (w) = star (w)∩K\w. This in turn implies that σ ∗{w} ∈ star (w). But 1 K K 1 K σ ∗{w} = σ , so σ ∈ star (w). Therefore, by (3), σ ∈ K, contradicting the fact that σ is a 1 1 1 K 1 1 missing face of K. Next, we show that that σ is a minimal missing face of star (w). If not, then some properface 1 K τ of σ is also a missing face of star (w). As w is not a vertex of σ , it is not a vertex of τ either. 1 K 1 Thereforeτ∗{w}isamissingfaceofstar (w). Thepresenceofthevertexw inτ∗{w}impliesthat K it is also not a face of K\w. On the other hand, by (3), K is the union of star (w) and K\w, so a K face that is missing from both star (w) and K\w must also be missing from K. Therefore τ∗{w} K is a missing face of K. But as τ is a proper face of σ , τ ∗{w} is a proper face of σ ∗{w} = σ , 1 1 1 contradicting the fact that σ is a minimial missing face of K. (cid:3) 1 Corollary 3.2. We have ∂σ ,∂σ ⊆link (w) and σ ,σ ∈/ link (w). 1 2 K 1 2 K Proof. Recall that a face σ of a simplicialcomplex K is a minimal missing face if and only if σ ∈/ K but ∂σ ⊆ K. So by Lemma 3.1, ∂σ ,∂σ ⊆ star (w). By definition, neither σ nor σ have 1 2 K 1 2 w in their vertex sets, so neither do their boundaries. Therefore ∂σ ,∂σ ⊆ K\w. Therefore, as 1 2 link (w)=star (w)∩K\w, we have ∂σ ,∂σ ⊆link (w). K K 1 2 K Also, as link (w) = star (w)∩K\w, it cannot be that σ ,σ are in link (w) as that would K K 1 2 K imply they are also in star (w), contradicting Lemma 3.1. (cid:3) K One further observation we need regardingK is the following. Regarding w as the mth-vertex of K, observe that K\w is a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m−1]. Lemma 3.3. There is an isomorphism of simplicial complexes K\w∼=∆m−2. Proof. It is equivalentto show thatK\w hasno missing faces. Suppose that σ ∈∆m−2 is a missing face of K\w. Then as K\w is the restrictionof K to the vertex set [m−1], σ is also a missing face of K. On the other hand, as MMF(K) = {σ ,σ }, any missing face of K must have either σ or 1 2 1 σ as a subface. Thus σ must have either σ or σ as a subface. But this cannot happen since w is 2 1 2 not in the vertex set of σ but it is in the vertex sets of both σ and σ . (cid:3) 1 2 4. Moore’s conjecture In this section we prove Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 as consequences of Theorem 4.2. Proposition 4.1. Let K be a simplicial complex on the vertex set [m] and let X ,...,X be 1 m any sequence of pointed, path-connected CW-pairs. Suppose that σ ,σ ∈ MMF(K) and let I 1 2 and J be the vertex sets of σ and σ respectively. If I 6= J, I ∪J = [m] and I ∩J 6= ∅, then 1 2 (CX,X)∂σ1 ∨(CX,X)∂σ2 is a retract of (CX,X)K. MOORE’S CONJECTURE FOR POLYHEDRAL PRODUCTS 9 Proof. A new simplicial complex is introduced that will act as an intermediary. In general, a simplicialcomplexmaybecharacterizedbylistingitsminimalmissingfaces. LetK bethesimplicial complex on the vertex set [m] that is characterized by the condition that MMF(K) = {σ ,σ }. 1 2 Intuitively, K is obtained from K by filling in all missing faces that do not have either σ or σ 1 2 as a subface. Rigorously, there is a map of simplicial complexes K −→ K that induces a map of polyhedral products (CX,X)K −→ (CX,X)K. Since σ ,σ are minimal missing faces of K, we 1 2 have σ ,σ ∈/ K but ∂σ ,∂σ ⊆K. The inclusion ∂σ −→K is a map of simplicial complexes and 1 2 1 2 1 it induces a map of polyhedral products (CX,X)∂σ1 −→ (CX,X)K. There is a similar map with respect to ∂σ . We will show that the composite (CX,X)∂σ1 ∨(CX,X)∂σ2 −→ (CX,X)K −→ 2 (CX,X)K hasalefthomotopyinverse. Notethatthiscompositeofpolyhedralproductsisthesame as the one induced by the inclusions ∂σ −→K and ∂σ −→K, so it suffices to show that the map 1 2 (CX,X)∂σ1 ∨(CX,X)∂σ2 −→(CX,X)K has a left homotopy inverse. The conditions on the vertex sets I and J imply that K has the same form as in Section 3. Relabelling the spaces X ,...,X if necessary, we may suppose that the intersection vertex w cor- 1 m responds to the mth-coordinate space X . By Proposition2.4, the pushout of simplicial complexes m in (3) implies that there is a pushout of polyhedral products (CX,X)linkK(w)◦ g◦ // (CX,X)starK(w)◦ (4) f◦ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (CX,X)K\w◦ // (CX,X)K. where link (w)◦, star (w)◦ and K\w◦ are link (w), star (w) and K\w regarded as having K K K K vertex set [m], and the maps f◦ and g◦ are induced by the inclusions link (w)◦ −→ K\w◦ and K link (w)◦ −→star (w)◦ respectively. The vertex sets of link (w) and K\w are both [m−1], so K K K by the definition of the polyhedral product, (CX,X)linkK(w)◦ =(CX,X)linkK(w)×Xm (CX,X)K\w◦ =(CX,X)K\w×Xm and f◦ = f ×1 where f is induced by the inclusion link (w) −→ K\w and 1 is the identity map K on X . On the other hand, the vertex set of star (w) is [m] so star (w)◦ = star (w). Since m K K K star (w)=link (w)∗{w}, the definition of the polyhedral product implies that K K (CX,X)starK(w)◦ =(CX,X)linkK(w)×CXm 10 YANLONGHAO∗,QIANWENSUN∗,ANDSTEPHENTHERIAULT and g◦ = 1×im where 1 is the identity map on (CX,X)linkK(w) and im: Xm −→ CXm is the inclusion of the base of the cone. Putting all this together, the pushout (4) becomes the pushout (CX,X)linkK(w)×Xm 1×im// (CX,X)linkK(w)×CXm (5) f◦1 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (CX,X)K\w×X // (CX,X)K. m By Lemma 3.3, K\w∼=∆m−2, so by Lemma 2.5 (a), (CX,X)K\w =Qmi=−11CXi. Therefore, in (5), both (CX,X)K\w and CX are contractible, implying that (5) is equivalent, up to homotopy, to m the homotopy pushout (CX,X)linkK(w)×Xm π1 // (CX,X)linkK(w) (6) π2 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) X // (CX,X)K m where π and π are the projections onto the first and second factors respectively. It is well known 1 2 that the pushout of the projections A×B −→ A and A×B −→ B is homotopy equivalent to the join of A and B, which in turn is homotopy equivalent to ΣA∧B. So (6) implies that there is a homotopy equivalence (7) (CX,X)K ≃Σ(CX,X)linkK(w)∧Xm. Now consider the minimal missing faces σ and σ of K. As in Section 3, let σ ,σ be the 1 2 1 2 restrictions of σ ,σ respectively to the vertex sets I = I\{w},J = J\{w}. Note that as I 6= J 1 2 we also have I 6= J. By Corollary 3.2, σ ,σ ∈/ link (w) but ∂σ ,∂σ ⊆ link (w). Therefore, 1 2 K 1 2 K the full subcomplex of link (w) on I is ∂σ , and the full subcomplex of link (w) on J is ∂σ . K 1 K 2 ByProposition2.2,this implies that(CX,X)∂σ1 and(CX,X)∂σ2 areretractsof(CX,X)linkK(w). By[1,Theorem2.21],thefactthat∂σ and∂σ arefullsubcomplexesoflink (w)ondifferentindex 1 2 K sets implies that that Σ(CX,X)∂σ1 ∨Σ(CX,X)∂σ2 is a retract of Σ(CX,X)linkK(w). Thus (7) implies that (Σ(CX,X)∂σ1 ∧X )∨(Σ(CX,X)∂σ2 ∧X ) is a retract of (CX,X)K. m m We wishto choosethe retractionmorecarefully. Restrict K to the full subcomplex onthe vertex set I. Then MMF(K ) = {σ }, so K = ∂σ . Therefore the star-link-restriction pushout for K I 1 I 1 I with respect to the vertex w becomes // ∂σ ∂σ ∗{w} 1 1 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) // ∂σ \w ∂σ . 1 1 Note that ∂σ \w is the simplex ∆k−1 on the vertex set {i ,...,i }. Now arguing as for (4) – (6) 1 1 k and equation (7), we obtain in place of (7) a homotopy equivalence (CX,X)KI = (CX,X)∂σ1 ≃

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