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P O P U L A R C U L T U R E A N D P H I L O S O P H Y POPULAR CULTURE AND PHILOSOPHY H A R WWiitthh iittss llooggiiccaall ppaarraaddooxxeess,, cclleevveerr wwoorrddppllaayy,, aanndd D C A ffooccuuss oonn tthhee aabbssuurrddiittiieess ooff lliiffee,, tthhee wwoorrkk ooff S T MMoonnttyy PPyytthhoonn aappppeeaallss ttoo eevveerryyoonnee wwiitthh L E aa pphhiilloossoopphhiiccaall bbeenntt,, tthhee mmoorree bbeenntt tthhee A N bbeetttteerr.. TTwweennttyy--oonnee ssuurrpprriissiinngg cchhaapptteerrss D R bbbyyy ppprrrooofffeeessssssiiiooonnnaaalll ppphhhiiilllooosssoooppphhheeerrrsss aaannnddd aaammmaaattteeeuuurrr E PPyytthhoonn ffaannss cceelleebbrraattee tthhee iinntteerrsseeccttiioonn ISC H ooff rriiggoorroouuss,, pprrooffoouunndd TTVV ccoommeeddyy aanndd zzaannyy,, mmaaddccaapp mmeettaapphhyyssiiccss.. SSuurrpprriissee iiss tthhee cchhiieeff qquuaalliittyy ooff tthhiiss bbooookk.. SSuurrpprriissee,, ppprrrooovvvooocccaaatttiiiooonnn,,, aaannnddd aaa fffaaannnaaatttiiicccaaalll dddeeevvvoootttiiiooonnn tttooo ttthhheee eennlliigghhtteennmmeenntt ooff tthhee mmaasssseess .. .. .. ““MMoonnttyy PPyytthhoonn aanndd PPhhiilloossoopphhyy is an eenntteerrttaaiinniinngg ttrreeaattiissee oonn hhooww hhuummoorr ccaann iiilllllluuummmiiinnnaaattteee ttthhheee dddeeeeeepppeeesssttt qqquuueeessstttiiiooonnnsss aaabbbooouuuttt eeettthhhiiicccsss,,, mmmooorrraaallliiitttyyy,,, iiinnndddiiivvviiiddduuuaaalll rrreeessspppooonnnsssiiibbbiiillliiitttyyy,,, aaannnddd ooottthhheeerrr ssoo--ccaalllleedd ‘‘sseerriioouuss ccoonncceeppttss’’ ((ssuucchh aass:: ‘‘IIss tthhee ppppaaaarrrrrrrrooootttt ddddeeeeaaaadddd oooorrrr jjjuuusssttt rrreeessstttiiinnnggg’’’???)))... — DDAAVVIIDD MMOORRGGAANN, author ofMonty PPyytthhoonn SSppeeaakkss!! “““MMMMMooooonnnnntttttyyyyy PPPPPyyyyyttttthhhhhooooonnnnn fffffaaaaannnnnsssss llllliiiiikkkkkeeeee tttttooooo ttttthhhhhiiiiinnnnnkkkkk ttttthhhhheeeeeyyyyy’’’’’rrrrreeeee sssssmmmmmaaaaarrrrrttttteeeeerrrrr ttthhhaaannn mmmooosssttt pppeeeooopppllleee,,, aaannnddd ttthhheeeyyy’’’llllll bbbeee dddeeellliiiggghhhttteeeddd wwwiiittthhh tthhiiss nneeww bbooookk,, wwhhiicchh pprroovveess iitt!!”” — KKIIMM ““HHOOWWAARRDD”” JJOOHHNNSSOONN, author of TThhee FFiirrsstt 228800 YYeeaarrss ooff MMoonnttyy PPyytthhoonn GGaarryy HHaarrddccaassttllee,, wwhhoo rruunnss aann aarrgguummeenntt clinic in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, co-edited Logical Empiricism in North America (2003). George Reisch has written How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science (2005) and aa ccoommppuutteerr pprrooggrraamm ffoorr ttrraannssllaattiinngg ffaattaall jokes. Hardcastle and Reisch are now working on the defi nitive ten-word condensation of À la Recherche du Temps Perdu, the authorized no hallucination. You really are reading the cover biography of Johann Gambolputty de von of a book entitled Monty Python and Philosophy. Ausfern-Schplenden Schlittercrasscrenbon Though highly improbable, the book actually Burstein von Knackerthrasher Spelltinkel A exists, which is proof enough that humankind Grandlichgrumbelmeyer Spelterwasser N NUDGE NUDGE, THINK THINK! D did not get here by accident. “Here” in your case Kurstlich Himbeleisen Bahnwagen Gutenabend means looking at the cover of this book, clearly Bitte-ein-Nürnburger Bratwustel Gerspurten P H demonstrating that you ought to acquire it (the mitz-Weimache Luberhundsfutgumberaber I EEDDIITTEEDD BBYY GGAARRYY LL.. HHAARRDDCCAASSTTLLEE AAAANNNNDDDDGGEEOORRGGEE AA.. RREEIISSCCHH whole book, that is, not just the cover). Otherwise, Schönedanker Kalbsfl eisch Mittelracher von L O if your brain hurts, you might as well go consult a Hautkopf of Ulm, and A Companion to Bullshit. S milk delivery man impersonating a psychiatrist. O P H Y OPEN COURT: CHICAGO AND LA SALLE, ILLINOIS FOR OTHER TITLES IN THE POPULAR CULTURE AND PHILOSOPHYTM SERIES, VISIT OPENCOURTBOOKS.COM DISTRIBUTED BY PUBLISHERS GROUP WEST COVER DESIGN: FRIEDERIKE PAETZOLD, 11K.COM COVER ILLUSTRATION: SHANE ARBOGAST fl P O P U L A R C U L T U R E A N D P H I L O S O P H Y PHILOSOPHY / TV AND FILM POPULAR CULTURE AND PHILOSOPHY H A R WWWiiittthhh iiitttsss lllooogggiiicccaaalll pppaaarrraaadddoooxxxeeesss,,, cccllleeevvveeerrr wwwooorrrdddppplllaaayyy,,, aaannn<dd DC A fffooocccuuusss ooonnn ttthhheee aaabbbsssuuurrrdddiiitttiiieeesss ooofff llliiifffeee,,, ttthhheee wwwooorrrkkk oo<ff S T MMMooonnntttyyy PPPyyyttthhhooonnn aaappppppeeeaaalllsss tttooo eeevvveeerrryyyooonnneee wwwiiittthhh L E aaa ppphhhiiilllooosssoooppphhhiciiacclaa ll bbbeeennnttt,,, ttthhheee mmmooorrreee bbbeeennnttt ttthhheee A .r’T, bbbeeetttttteeerrr... TTTwwweeennntttyyy---ooonnneee sssuuurrrppprrriiisssiiinnnggg ccchhhaaapppttteeerrrsss ND R bbbbyyyy pppprrrrooooffffeeeessssssssiiiioooonnnnaaaallll pppphhhhiiiilllloooossssoooopppphhhhereeesrrr sss aaaannnndddd aaaammmmaaaatttteeeeuuurrr E PPPyyyttthhhooonnn fffaaannnsss ccceeellleeebbbrrraaattteee ttthhheee iiinnnttteeerrrssseeeccctttiiiooonnn ISC H ooofff rrriiigggooorrrooouuusss,,, ppprrrooofffooouuunnnddd TTTVVV cccooommmeeedddyyy aaannnddd zzzaaannnyyy,,, mmmaaadddcccaaappp mmmeeetttaaappphhhyyysssiiicccsss... SSSuuurrrppprrriiissseee iiisss ttthhheee ccchhhiiieeefff qqquuuaaallliiitttyyy ooofff ttthhhiiisss bbbooooookkk... SSSuuurrrppprrriiissseee,,, pppprrrroooovvvvooooccccaaaattttiiiioooonnnn,,,, aaaannnndddd aaaa ffffaaaannnnaaaattttiiiiccccaaaal lll ddddeeeevvvvoooottttiiiioooonnnn ttttoooo tttthhhheee eeennnllliiiggghhhttteeennnmmmeeennnttt ooofff ttthhheee mmmaaasssssseeesss ... ... ... “““MMMooonnntttyyy PPPyyyttthhhooonnn aaannnddd PPPhhhiiilllooosssoooppphhhy yy iiss aann eeennnttteeerrrtttaaainiinniniignn gg tttrrreeeaaatttiiissseee ooonnn hhhooowww hhhuuummmooor rr cccaaannn iiiilllllllluuuummmminiiinnnataaaettt eee tttthhhheeee ddddeeeeeeeeppppeeeesssstttt qqqquuuueeeessssttttiiiioooonnnnssss aaaabbbboooouuuutttt eeeetttthhhhiiiicccsss,,, mmmmoooorrrraaaalllliiiitytttyyy, ,,, iiiinnnnddddiiiivvvvidiiiddduuuualaaa lll rrrreeeessssppppoooonnnnssssiiiibbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy,,,, aaaannnndddd ooootttthhhheeerrr sssooo---cccaaalllllleeeddd ‘‘‘ssseeerrriiiooouuusss cccooonnnccceeeppptttsss’’’ (((sssuuuccchhh aaasss::: ‘‘‘IIIsss ttthhheee pppppaaaaarrrrrrrrrrooooottttt dddddeeeeeaaaaaddddd ooooorrrrr jjjjuuuusssstttt rrrreeeessssttttiiiinnnngggg’’’’????)))).... ——D DDAAAVVVIIIDDD MMMOOORRRGGGAAANNN,, aauutthhoorr ooff MMoonntyty PPPyyyttthhhooonnn SSSpppeeeaaakkksss!!! ““““MMMMMMoooooonnnnnntytttttyyyyy PPPPPPyyyyyytttttthhhhhhoooooonnnnnn ffffffaaaaaannnnnnssssss lllllliiiiiikkkkkkeeeeee ttttttoooooo tttttthhhhhhiiiiiinnnnnnkkkkkk tttttthhhhhheeeeeeyyyyyy’’’’’’rrrrrreeeeee ssssssmmmmmmaaaaaarrrrrrttttteeeeerrrrr tttthhhhaaaannnn mmmmoooosssstttt ppppeeeeoooopppplllleeee,,,, aaaannnndddd tttthhhheeeeyyyy’’’’llllllll bbbbeeee ddddeeeelllliiiigggghhhhtttteeeedddd wwwwiiiitttthhh ttthhhiiisss nnneeewww bbbooooookkk,,, wwwhhhiiiccchhh ppprrrooovvveeesss iiittt!!!””” ——K KKIIIMMM “““HHHOOOWWWAAARRRDDD””" JJJOOOHHHNNNSSSOOONNN,, aauutthhoorr ooff TTThhheee FFFiiirrrsssttt 222888000 YYYeeeaaarrrsss ooofff MMMooonnntyttyy PPPyyyttthhhooonnn GGGaaarrryyy HHHaaarrrdddcccaaassstttllleee,,, wwwhhhooo rrruuunnnsss aaannn aaarrrggguuummmeeennnttt cclliinniicc iinn BBlloooommssbbuurrgg,, PPeennnnssyyllvvaanniiaa,, ccoo--eeddiitteedd LLooggiiccaall EEmmppiirriicciissmm iinn NNoorrtthh AAmmeerriiccaa ((22000033)).. GGeeoorrggee RReeiisscchh hhaass wwrriitttteenn HHooww tthhee CCoolldd WWaarr TTrraannssffoorrmmeedd PPhhiilloossoopphhyy ooff SScciieennccee ((22000055)) aanndd aaa cccooommmpppuuuttteeerrr ppprrrooogggrrraaammm fffooorrr tttrrraaannnssslllaaatttiiinnnggg fffaaatttaaalll jjookkeess.. HHaarrddccaassttllee aanndd RReeiisscchh aarree nnooww wwoorrkkiinngg oonn tthhee ddeeffii nniittiivvee tteenn--wwoorrdd ccoonnddeennssaattiioonn ooff AÀ © © © llaa RReecchheerrcchhee dduu TTeemmppss PPeerrdduu,, tthhee aauutthhoorriizzeedd nnoo hhaalllluucciinnaattiioonn.. YYoouu rreeaallllyy aarree rreeaaddiinngg tthhee ccoovveerr bbiiooggrraapphhyy ooff JJoohhaannnn GGaammbboollppuuttttyy ddee vvoonn ooff aa bbooookk eennttiittlleedd MMoonnttyy PPyytthhoonn aanndd PPhhiilloossoopphhyy. . AAuussffeerrnn--SS cc hhpplleennddeenn SScc hhlliitttteerrccrraassss ccrreennbboonn TThhoouugghh hhiigghhllyy iimmpprroobbaabbllee,, tthhee bbooookk aaccttuuaallllyy BBuurrsstteeiinn vvoonn KKnnaacckkeerrtthhrraasshheerr SSppeellllttiinnkkeell A eexxiissttss,, wwhhiicchh iiss pprrooooff eennoouugghh tthhaatt hhuummaannkkiinndd GGrraannddlliicchhggrruummbbeellmmeeyyeerr SSppeelltteerrwwaasssseerr N NUDGE NUDGE, THINK THINK! D ddiidd nnoott ggeett hheerree bbyy aacccciiddeenntt.. ““HHeerree”” iinn yyoouurr ccaassee KKuurrssttlliicchh HHiimmbbeelleeiisseenn BBaahhnnwwaaggeenn GGuutteennaabbeenndd mmeeaannss llooookkiinngg aatt tthhee ccoovveerr ooff tthhiiss bbooookk,, cclleeaarrllyy BBiittttee--eeiinn--NNüurrnnbbuurrggeerr BBrraattwwuusstteell GGeerrssppuurrtteenn P H ddeemmoonnssttrraattiinngg tthhaatt yyoouu oouugghhtt ttoo aaccqquuiirree iitt ((tthhee mmiittzz--WWeeiimmaachche e LLuubbeerrhhuunnddssffuuttgguummbbeerraabbeerr I EEDDIITTEEDD BBYY GGAARRYY LL.. HHAARRDDCCAASSTTLLEE AAAANNNNDDDDGGEEOORRGGEE AA.. RREEIISSCCHH wwhhoollee bbooookk,, tthhaatt iiss,, nnoott jjuusstt tthhee ccoovveerr)).. OOtthheerrwwiissee,, SScchhöbnneeddaannkkeerr KKaallbbssflf leeiisscchh MMiitttteellrraacchheer r vvoonn L O iiff yyoouurr bbrraaiinn hhuurrttss,, yyoouu mmiigghhtt aass wweellll ggoo ccoonnssuulltt aa HHaauuttkkooppff ooff UUllmm,, aanndd AA CCoommppaanniioonn ttoo BBuullllsshhiitt.. S mmiillkk ddeelliivveerryy mmaann iimmppeerrssoonnaattiinngg aa ppssyycchhiiaattrrisist.t. O P H ISBN O-fllBb-nSflB-b Y OOPPEENN CCOOUURRTT:: CCHHIICCAAGGOO AANNDD LLAA SSAALLLLEE,, IILLLLIINNOOIISS FFOORR OOTTHHEERR TTIITTLLEESS IINN TTHHEE PPOOPPUULLAARR CCUULLTTUURREE AANNDD PPHHIILLOOSSOOPPHHYY™TM SSEERRIIEESS,, VVIISSIITT OOPPEENNCCOOUURRTTBBOOOOKKSS.C.COOMM DDIISSTTRRIIBBUUTTEEDD BBYY PPUUBBLLIISSHHEERRSS GGRROOUUPP WWEESSTT CCOOVVEERR DDEESSIIGGNN: : FFRRIIEEDDEERRIIKKEE PPAAEETTZZOOLLDD,, 1111KK..CCOOMM CCOOVVEERR IILLLLUUSSTTRRAATTIIOONN: : SSHHAANNEE AARRBBOOGGAASSTT BUCKINGHAM PALACE 26th May, 2004 Dear Mr. Hardcastle PHheirl oMsoTapjhehesy t Qyw uthoei eccnho nhwtariislb la ubstkee e eaddn im teeseds taboyy t fhyoaorn uak a bynoodou kM f ocrar. lGyleoeduo rAr glfeeot ntRefrye ioPsfcy ht6h.tohn M aanyd asking projectA, Ilt ahmou agfhr aiitd w tahsa tk yinodu ro of fyfoeur mtou isnt vbiete d Techlei nQeude.en to participate in your Yours sincerely, MRS. GILL MIDDLEBURGH Chief Clerk Mr. Gary Hardcastle Bloomsburg UNIVERSITY 0 Department of Philosophy May 6, 2004 The Queen Buckingham Palace London SW1A 1AA. Your Majesty, GvoelIout rmgisee wAein.t thRit egleirsdec ahMt aopnnledtya sitP urwyetih llot bhnea a tpn Iu dib nPlivshihtieleo dsy oobpuyh tyOo. pceIo nnw tCriilblo uuetredt itP tahuneb liesbshosinoagky wtoi tah Company. feEaassmsssAciuanisreyne nsay tot tyiuhnop aguha t ia rtlteohna sadknote oi pm y uhdoppeouor urtsrh b ctiasato nnanidtwnt r tppaeihbrursiuelboet,lsc iioMcotinop oinnh nw ticetiyalllol el Pbfc tyeMtuht ahioenlosn m ntfyi'ens hseP ah. y uivntmOehte oouslunrilger v anconethuldduaa mspol hnecto,io luwomacsinlphold aepc ndIho y ynco..tananin oditoshfe nitsnaeP tornhei stt re boh th eo paEoe playnwnsco g eayyula toort n huutldhi ekha.ei nParT eenghyx id tss(phIlt eeoyc tnnmoietssu)ni,e le dhd d oay t bofvfo oeeuy rj ouy iminusodta ur et yhroai egwsfc ni.hnnh oa deRrRne aetoc hrcceytiars asitlt il looc ju Ftifssh eamttahv m,eet t hinPleyR my t,o htcyahyehsnoa aendsl nlc ffhocao, efumra e mintni olodosy r t.cr,mi toauiYafms toyitmouhbnreaestnt call entirely. fSttiohnp edaOm c otfaei mtck h/eoee$ u rrl ritomhsooaei tcmen, oddy ,n,fo otuwrrti hbemy ououcutsuoegtru halchd,no a sbnevoutse rmspi baaple uy va—taeisonre eny va d,eb siofnus nsiijstoyu tct as santdc mtahe peelafr edoytwuof eil nestw hs. yooaBorrtu du.t rsf —rBIro ueh tmtsoo p pptoohleeune arys svoeveo.uo l kluuwOemminellepe. that fact under your crown. I eagerly await your response. Ever Yours, Gary L. Hardcastle Assistant Professor of Philosophy Bloomsburg University Bakeless Center lor the Humanities 9 Blo(o5m70s)b ur3gB 9-U4n2iv4e6rs i(cid:127)t y Fa(cid:127) x (450700) Ea3s8t9 -S2e0c9o4nd Street (cid:127) Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1301 A Member of Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education Monty Python and Philosophy TM Popular Culture and Philosophy Series Editor: William Irwin VOLUME1 VOLUME12 Seinfeld and Philosophy: A Book about Star Wars and Philosophy: More Powerful than Everything and Nothing(2000) Edited by You Can Possibly Imagine(2005) Edited by William Irwin Jason T.Eberl and Kevin S.Decker VOLUME2 VOLUME13 The Simpsons and Philosophy: The D’oh! Of Superheroes and Philosophy: Truth, Justice, and Homer(2001) Edited by William Irwin, the Socratic Way(2005) Edited by Tom Mark T.Conard,and Aeon J.Skoble Morris and Matt Morris VOLUME3 VOLUME14 The Matrix and Philosophy: Welcome to the The Atkins Diet and Philosophy: Chewing the Desert of the Real(2002) Edited by William Fat with Kant and Nietzsche(2005) Edited by Irwin Lisa Heldke,Kerri Mommer,and Cindy Pineo VOLUME4 Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy: Fear VOLUME15 and Trembling in Sunnydale(2003) Edited by The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy: The James B.South Lion, the Witch, and the Worldview (2005) Edited by Gregory Bassham and Jerry VOLUME5 Walls The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy: One Book to Rule Them All(2003) Edited by VOLUME16 Gregory Bassham and Eric Bronson Hip Hop and Philosophy: Rhyme 2 Reason (2005) Edited by Derrick Darby and Volume 6 Tommie Shelby Baseball and Philosophy: Thinking Outside the Batter’s Box(2004) Edited by Eric Bronson VOLUME17 Bob Dylan and Philosophy: It’s Alright Ma (I’m VOLUME7 Only Thinking)(2006) Edited by Peter The Sopranos and Philosophy: I Kill Therefore I Vernezze and Carl J.Porter Am(2004) Edited by Richard Greene and Peter Vernezze VOLUME18 Harley-Davidson and Philosophy: Full-Throttle VOLUME8 Aristotle (2006) Edited by Bernard E. Woody Allen and Philosophy: You Mean My Rollin,Carolyn M.Gray,Kerri Mommer, Whole Fallacy Is Wrong?(2004) Edited by and Cynthia Pineo Mark T.Conard and Aeon J.Skoble VOLUME9 VOLUME19 Monty Python and Philosophy: Nudge Nudge, Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Think Think!(2006) Edited by Gary L. Hogwarts(2004) Edited by David Baggett Hardcastle and George A.Reisch and Shawn E.Klein VOLUME10 INPREPARATION: Mel Gibson’s Passion and Philosophy: The Cross, Poker and Philosophy: Pocket Rockets and the Questions, the Controversy(2004) Edited by Philosopher Kings(2006) Edited by Eric Jorge J.E.Gracia Bronson VOLUME11 U2 and Philosophy(2006) Edited by Mark Wrathall More Matrix and Philosophy: Revolutions and Reloaded Decoded(2005) Edited by William The Undead and Philosophy: Chicken Soup for Irwin the Soulless(2006) Edited by Richard Greene and K.Silem Mohammad Popular Culture and PhilosophyTM Monty Python and Philosophy Nudge Nudge,Think Think! Edited by GARY L. HARDCASTLE and GEORGE A. REISCH OPEN COURT Chicago and La Salle, Illinois Volume 19 in the series Popular Culture and PhilosophyTM To order books from Open Court,call 1–800–815–2280, or visit our website at www.opencourtbooks.com. Open Court Publishing Company is a division of Carus Publishing Company Copyright ©2006 by Carus Publishing Company First printing 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted,in any form or by any means, electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without the prior written permission of the publisher,Open Court Publishing Company,a division of Carus Publishing Company,315 Fifth Street, P.O.Box 300,Peru,Illinois,61354-0300. Printed and bound in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Monty Python and philosophy :nudge nudge,think think! / edited by Gary L.Hardcastle and George A.Reisch. p.cm.— (Popular culture and philosophy ;19) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13:978-0-8126-9593-9 (trade paper :alk.paper) ISBN-10:0-8126-9593-3 (trade paper :alk.paper) 1. Monty Python (Comedy troupe) I.Hardcastle,Gary L. II.Reisch,George A.,1962– III.Series. PN2599.5.T54M65 2006 791.45'028092241—dc22 2006003083 To Kiah, Cheshire, and Quinn, who’ve never had to be told to think for themselves —G.L.H. And to Bruces Everywhere —G.A.R.

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