Description:Monsters and Animals ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ, ХОББИ и РАЗВЛЕЧЕНИЯ Monsters and AnimalsByKevin SiembiedaPublisher:Palladium Books1998 240 PagesISBN: 0916211126PDF60 MBThe Second Edition of Monsters & Animals offers more pages, more monsters and animals, numerous optional player character races for the Palladium World, as well as more detailed information, complete stats, and adjustments to make the critters and characters compatible with the entire Palladium Megaverse®.For players already familiar with the Palladium® Fantasy RPG, you'll find the maps accompanying each creature an extremely useful guide in determining, at a glance, where a particular beast can be found. Unfortunately, specific "encounter tables" are not provided because a proper and complete set of tables for each kingdom, territory, and terrain for the entire world would fill half of this book! Specific adventure, sourcebooks andworld books will provide more information about the various life forms that inhabit a particular region, along with more world details and history. oronsharingmatrix 85