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Preview Monotonicity of Degrees of Generalized Alexander Polynomials of Groups and 3-Manifolds

MONOTONICITY OF DEGREES OF GENERALIZED ALEXANDER POLYNOMIALS OF GROUPS AND 3-MANIFOLDS 5 0 0 SHELLYL.HARVEY† 2 n a Abstract. We investigate the behavior of the higher-order degrees, δ¯n, of a J finitelypresentedgroupG. Theseδ¯n arefunctionsfromH1(G;Z)toZwhose 2 values are the degrees certain higher-order Alexander polynomials. We show 1 that ifdef(G)≥1or G isthe fundamental groupofa compact, orientable 3- manifoldthenδ¯nisamonotonicallyincreasingfunctionofnforn≥1. Thisis ] falseforgeneralgroups. Asaconsequence,weshowthatifa4-manifoldofthe T formX×S1admitsasymplecticstructurethenX“looksalgebraicallylike”a G 3-manifold that fibers over S1, supporting a positive answer to a question of Taubes. ThisgeneralizesatheoremofS.Vidussi[V2]andisanimprovementon . h theresultsin[Ha1]. Wealsofindnewconditionsona3-manifoldXwhichwill t guaranteethattheThurstonnormoff∗(ψ),forψ∈H1(X;Z)andf :Y →X a asurjectivemaponπ1,willbeatleastaslargetheThurstonnormofψ. When m X andY areknotcomplements,thisgivesapartialanswertoaquestionofJ. [ Simon. Moregenerally,wedefineΓ-degrees,δ¯Γ,correspondingtoasurjectivemap 1 G։Γforwhich Γis poly-torsion-free-abelian. Under certain conditions, we v showtheysatisfyamonotonicityconditionifonevariesthegroup. Asaresult, 0 weshowthatthesegeneralizeddegreesgiveobstructionstothedeficiencyofa 9 group beingpositive and obstructions toa finitelypresented groupbeing the 1 fundamental groupofacompact, orientable3-manifold. 1 0 5 0 In [Ha1], we defined some new invariants δ¯n for a finite CW-complex X. These / invariants depended only on the fundamental group of X and measured the “size” h of the successive quotients of the rational derived series of π (X). Given X and a t 1 a cohomologyclassψ ∈H1(X),δ¯ (ψ)wasdefinedtobethedegreeofa“higher-order n m Alexander polynomial.” Although defined algebraically, these degrees have many : topologicalapplicationsinthe casethatX is a3-manifold. Inthis case,we showed v i that the δ¯n give new estimates for the Thurston norm of a 3-manifold generaliz- X ing a theorem of C. McMullen [Mc]. Recall that the Thurston norm of a class r ψ ∈ H1(X;Z), ||ψ|| , is defined to be the minimum negative euler characteristic a T ofall(possibly disconnected)surfacesF whose homologyclass[F]∈H (X,∂X;Z) 2 is Poincaredual to ψ and such that each component of F is non-positively curved. The δ¯ also give new algebraic obstructions to a 3-manifold fibering over S1, to a n 4-manifoldoftheformX×S1admittingasymplecticstructure,andtoa3-manifold being Seifert fibered. They were also shown to have applications to minimal ro- pelength and genera of knots and links in S3. Related work has been done by T. Cochran, K. Orr, P. Teichner, for knots and knot concordance in [C] and [COT]. Recently, V. Turaev [T] has generalized some of the results in [Ha1]. Since δ¯ only depends on the fundamental group, we can consider δ¯ as an n n invariant of a general group G, δ¯ : H1(G;Z) → Z. In this paper, we continue to n †TheauthorwaspartiallysupportedbyanNSFPostdoctoral Fellowship. 1 2 SHELLYL.HARVEY investigate the special behavior of the δ¯ when G is the fundamental group of a n 3-manifold (with empty or toroidal boundary) or a group with deficiency at least 1. The results give new algebraic information about the topology of a symplectic 4-manifolds of the form X ×S1. They give obstructions to a finitely presented group having positive deficiency or being the fundamental group of a compact, orientable3-manifold(withorwithout boundary). They alsogivenew information about the behavior of the Thurston norm under a map between 3-manifolds which is surjective on π . We state some of our main theorems and their applications 1 below. In [Ha1], we constructed examples of 3-manifolds for which δ¯ was a strictly n increasing function of n for n ≥ 0. Moreover, it was conjectured that the δ¯ were n always a monotonically increasing function of n for n ≥ 1. We show that this conjecture is true. By δ¯ ≤ δ¯ (respectively δ¯ = 0) we mean that δ¯ (ψ) ≤ n n+1 n n δ¯ (ψ) (respectively δ¯ (ψ)=0) for all ψ ∈H1(X). n+1 n Corollary2.10. LetX beaclosed, orientable, connected3-manifold. Ifβ (X)≥2 1 then δ¯ ≤δ¯ ≤···≤δ¯ ≤··· . 0 1 n If β (X) = 1 and ψ is a generator of H1(X) then δ¯ (ψ)− 2 ≤ δ¯ (ψ) ≤ ··· ≤ 1 0 1 δ¯ (ψ)≤···. n AsaconsequenceofCorollary2.10,weshow(inTheorem3.8)thatif4-manifold ofthe formX×S1 admits asymplectic structure thenX “looksalgebraicallylike” a 3-manifold which fibers over S1, thus further supporting a conjecture of Taubes. TheproofofTheorem3.8usesatheoremofVidussiin[V2]whoprovesthistheorem in the case n=0. Theorem 3.8. Let X be an closed, irreducible 3-manifold such that X×S1 admits a symplectic structure. If β (X)≥2 there exists a ψ ∈H1(X;Z) such that 1 δ¯ (ψ)=δ¯ (ψ)=···δ¯ (ψ)=···=kψk . 0 1 n T If β (X)=1 then for any generator ψ of H1(X;Z), 1 δ¯ (ψ)−2=δ¯ (ψ)=···δ¯ (ψ)=···=kψk . 0 1 n T More generally, we define δ¯ (ψ) for any group G and any “admissible pair” Γ (φ : G ։ Γ,ψ : G ։ Z) of G. When G is a finitely presented group with Γ def(G)≥1, we show that the δ¯ satisfy a monotonicity condition. We also provea n similartheoremwhenGisthefundamentalgroupofaclosed,orientable3-manifold (see Theorem 2.9). Theorem 2.2. Let G be a finitely presented group with def(G)≥1 and (φ ,φ ,ψ) Λ Γ be an admissible triple for G. If (φ ,φ ,ψ) is not initial then Λ Γ (1) δ¯ (ψ)≥δ¯ (ψ) Λ Γ otherwise (2) δ¯ (ψ)≥δ¯ (ψ)−1. Λ Γ Asaconsequenceofthemonotonicitytheorems,weseethattheδ¯ giveobstruc- Γ tions to the deficiency of a groupbeing positive or being the fundamental group of acompact,orientable3-manifold. Theseobstructionsarenon-trivialevenwhenthe groupsΓ andΛ are abelian. For example, we can easily recoverthe (known) result MONOTONICITY OF THE DEGREES 3 that Zm cannot be the fundamental group of a compact 3-manifold when m ≥ 4 (see below or for more details see Example 3.2). Proposition 3.1. Let G be a finitely presented group and (φ ,φ ,ψ) be an admis- Λ Γ sible triple for G. (1) Suppose (φ ,φ ,ψ) is not initial. If δ¯ (ψ)<δ¯ (ψ) then def(G)≤0 and G Λ Γ Λ Γ cannot be the fundamental group of a compact, orientable 3-manifold (with or without boundary). (2) Suppose (φ ,φ ,ψ) is initial. If δ¯ (ψ)<δ¯ (ψ)−1 then def(G)≤0 and G Λ Γ Λ Γ cannot be the fundamental group of a compact, orientable 3-manifold with at least one boundary component which is not a 2-sphere. In addition, if δ¯ (ψ) < δ¯ (ψ)−2 then G cannot be the fundamental group of a compact, Λ Γ orientable 3-manifold (with or without boundary). LetusconsiderthesimplestcasewhenΛistheabelianization(modulotorsion)of GandΓ=Z. Inthiscase,δ¯Z(ψ)isequaltotherankofH1((XG)ψ;Z)asanabelian group where (X ) is the infinite cyclic cover of X , a finite CW-complex with G ψ G π (X )=G,correspondingtoψ(aslongasthisnumberisfinite). Moreover,δ¯ (ψ) 1 G Λ is equal the Alexander norm of ψ which depends only on ψ and the multivariable Alexander polynomial of G. For example, then the Alexander polynomial of Zm is 1soδ¯Zm(ψ)=0foranyψ. Moreover,thefirsthomologyofanyinfinite cycliccover of the m-torus is Zm−1 so δ¯Z(ψ) = m−1. Thus, as mentioned above, we see that Zm cannot be the fundamental group of a compact 3-manifold. Recall that the ith-order degree of a group δ¯(ψ) is a specific example of the i degree δ¯ (ψ). We give examples of finite 2-complexes X with β (X ) = 1 for Γ n,g 1 n,g n,g ≥ 1 such that the ith-order degrees for 0 ≤ i ≤ n−1 of X are “large” but n,g the nth-orderdegreeis 0. Thus the fundamentalgroupof these spaces cannothave positivedeficiency norcanthey be the fundamentalgroupofa compact,orientable 3-manifold (see Proposition 2.5 and Example 3.4). Theorem2.9 alsohas applications to the study of the behaviorof the genus of a knot under a surjective map on π . The following question was asked by J. Simon 1 (see R. Kirby’s Problem List [Ki, Question 1.12(b)]). Question1.12(b)of [Ki] (J.Simon). IfJ andK areknotsinS3 andf :S3\L→ S3\K is surjective on π , is g(L)≥g(K)? 1 The answer to the above question is known to be “yes” when δ (K) = 2g(K). 0 We strengthen this result to the case when δ (K)=2g(K)−1. n Corollary 3.12. Suppose J and K are knots in S3 such that there exists a sur- jective homomorphism ρ : π (S3 \ L) ։ π (S3 \ K). If δ¯ (K) = 2g(K) or 1 1 0 δ¯ (K)=2g(K)−1 for some n≥1 then g(L)≥g(K). n We also prove this is the case if we replace the genus of a knot by the Thurston norm. The following corollary is a generalization of the result due to Gabai [Ga] that a degree one map f : X → Y between three manifolds gives the inequality ||f∗(ψ)|| ≥ ||ψ|| for all ψ ∈ H1(Y;Z). For simplicity, we state only the case T T when β (Y)≥2. 1 Corollary 3.11. Suppose there exists an epimorphism ρ : π (X)։ π (Y), where 1 1 X and Y are compact, orientable 3-manifolds, with toroidal or empty boundaries, 4 SHELLYL.HARVEY such that β (X) = β (Y) ≥ 2 and r (X) = 0. Let ψ ∈ H1(π (Y);Z). If δ¯ (ψ) = 1 1 0 1 n ||ψ|| for some n≥0 then T ||ρ∗(ψ)|| ≥||ψ|| . T T 1. Definitions We will define the higher-order degrees δ¯ and ranks r of a group G and sur- Γ Γ jective homomorphism φ : G ։ Γ. This definition will agree with the definition Γ of δ¯ given for a CW-complex X (as defined in §3 of [Ha1]) when G = π (X), n 1 Γ = G/G(n+1) and φ = φ : G ։ G/G(n+1), the natural projection map. For r Γ n r more details see [Ha1, §3, §4 and §5] and [C, §2,§3,§5]. We recall the definition of a poly-torsion-free-abeliangroup. Definition 1.1. A group Γ is poly-torsion-free-abelian(PTFA) if it admits a nor- malseries{1}=G ⊳G ⊳···⊳G =Γ suchthat eachof the factors G /G is 0 1 n i+1 i torsion-free abelian. Remark 1.2. Recall that if A⊳G is torsion-free-abelianand G/A is PTFA then GisPTFA.AnyPTFAgroupistorsion-freeandsolvable(theconverseisnottrue). Also, any subgroup of a PTFA group is a PTFA group [P, Lemma 2.4, p.421]. Some examples of interesting series associated to a group G are the rational lowercentralseriesofG(see Stallings[Sta]),the rationallowercentralseriesofthe rational commutator subgroup of G, the rational derived series G(n) of G (defined r (n) below), and the torsion-free derived series G of G (see [CH]). In this paper, our H examples and applications will use the rational derived series of a group (defined below). We point out that the torsion-free derived series is very interesting since it gives new concordance invariants of links in S3 (see [CH] or [Ha2]). For any of the subgroups N in the above mentioned series, G/N is a PTFA group. In particular,for eachn≥0, G/G(n+1) is PTFA by Corollary3.6 of [Ha1]. We recall r (n) the definition of G . r Definition 1.3. Let G be a group and G(0) =G. For n≥1 define r G(n) = g ∈G(n−1) |gk ∈ G(n−1),G(n−1) for some k ∈Z−{0} r r r r n h i o to be the nth term of the rational derived series of G. R.StrebelshowedthatifGisthefundamentalgroupofa(classical)knotexterior then the quotients of successive terms of the derived series are torsion-free abelian [Str]. Hence for knot exteriors we have G(i) = G(i). This is also well known to be r true for free groups. Since any non-compact surface has free fundamental group, this also holds for all orientable surface groups. We make some remarks about PTFA groups. Recall that if Γ is PTFA then ZΓ is an Ore domain and hence ZΓ embeds in it right ring of quotients K := Γ ZΓ(ZΓ−{0})−1 which is a skew field. More generally, if S ⊆ R is a right divisor set of a ring R then the right quotient ring RS−1 exists ([P, p.146] or [Ste, p.52]). By RS−1 we mean a ring containing R with the property that (1) Every element of S has an inverse in RS−1. (2) Every element of RS−1 is of the form rs−1 with r∈R, s∈S. MONOTONICITY OF THE DEGREES 5 IfRisanOredomainandSisarightdivisorsetthenRS−1isflatasaleftR-module [Ste,PropositionII.3.5]. Inparticular,K isaflatleftZΓ-module. Moreover,every Γ finitely generated right module over a skew field is free and such modules have a well defined rank, rank , which is additive on short exact sequences [Co1, p.48]. KΓ Thus, if C is a non-negative finite chain complex of finitely generated free right ZΓ-modules thenthe Eulercharacteristicχ(C)= ∞ (−1)irankC is defined and i=0 i is equalto ∞i=0(−1)irankKΓHi(C;KΓ). In this pPaper, we will repeatedly use this fact about Pthe Euler characteristic. Let ψ : G ։ Z be a surjective homomorphism. Note that we will always be consideringZasthemultiplicativegroupZ=htigeneratedbyt. Wewishtodefine δ¯ (ψ) as an non-negative integer. However, in order to do this, we need some Γ compatibility conditions on Γ and ψ. Definition 1.4. LetGbeagroup,φ :G։Γ,andψ :G։ZwhereΓisaPTFA Γ group. We saythat(φ ,ψ) isanadmissible pairforG ifthere existsa surjection Γ α : Γ ։ Z such that ψ = α ◦φ . If α is an isomorphism then we say that Γ,Z Γ,Z Γ Γ,Z (φ ,ψ) is initial. Γ Let (φ ,ψ) be an admissible pair for G. We define Γ′ := ker(α ). It is clear Γ Γ,Z that (φ ,ψ) is initial if and only if Γ′ = 1. Since Γ is PTFA by Remark 1.2, Γ′ is Γ PTFA. Hence Γ′ embeds in its right ring of quotients which we call K . Moreover, Γ ZΓ′−{0}isknowntobearightdivisorsetofZΓ[P,p. 609]hencewecandefinethe right quotient ring R := ZΓ(ZΓ′−{0})−1. After choosing a splitting ξ : Z → Γ, Γ we see that any element of RΓ can be written uniquely as tniki where t = ξ(1) and ki ∈ KΓ. In this way, one sees that RΓ is isomorphic tPo the skew polynomial ring K [t±1](see the proofof Proposition4.5 of [Ha1] for more details). Moreover, Γ theembedding g :ZΓ′ →K extendsto thisisomorphismR →K [t±1](herewe ψ Γ Γ Γ are identifying K and t0K ). Γ Γ The abelian group (G ) = kerφ /[kerφ ,kerφ ] is a right ZΓ-module via Γ ab Γ Γ Γ conjugation, [g]γ =[γ−1gγ] for γ ∈ Γ and g ∈ kerφ . Moreover, (G ) is a ZΓ′-module via the inclusion Γ Γ ab ZΓ′ ֒→ZΓ. Thus,(GΓ)ab⊗ZΓKΓ and(GΓ)ab⊗ZΓ′KΓ arerightKΓ andKΓ-modules respectively. Definition 1.5. Let G be a group and φ : G ։ Γ a coefficient system with Γ a Γ PTFA group . We define the Γ-rank of G to be kerφ rΓ(G)=rankKΓ(cid:18)[kerφ ,keΓrφ ] ⊗ZΓKΓ(cid:19). Γ Γ For a general group G and coefficient system φ , this rank may be infinite. Γ However, if G is finitely generated and φ is non-zero then by Proposition 2.11 of Γ [COT], r (G)≤β (G)−1 and hence is finite. In the case that φ is the zero map, Γ 1 Γ r (G)=β (G). Γ 1 Definition1.6. LetGbeafinitelygeneratedgroupand(φ ,ψ)anadmissiblepair Γ for G. We define the Γ-degree of ψ to be kerφ δ¯Γ(ψ)=rankKΓ(cid:18)[kerφ ,keΓrφ ] ⊗ZΓ′ KΓ(cid:19) Γ Γ if r (G)=0 and δ¯ (ψ)=0 otherwise. Γ Γ 6 SHELLYL.HARVEY We remark that (GΓ)ab⊗ZΓ′ KΓ is merely (GΓ)ab⊗ZΓKΓ[t±1] viewed as a KΓ- module. Since G is a finitely generated group, (GΓ)ab ⊗ZΓ KΓ[t±1] is a finitely generatedK [t±1]-module. Moreover,since K [t±1] is a (noncommutative left and Γ Γ right) principal ideal domain, [Co2, 2.1.1, p.49], the latter is isomorphic to ⊕l K [t±1] hp (t)i⊕ K [t±1] rΓ(G) i=1 Γ i Γ (cid:14) (cid:0) (cid:1) [J, Theorem 16, p.43]. Thus, (GΓ)ab⊗ZΓ′ KΓ is a finitely generated KΓ-module if and only if r (G) = 0 . In particular, if r (G) = 0 then δ¯ (ψ) is the sum of the Γ Γ Γ degrees of the p (t). Therefore, δ¯ (ψ) as defined above is always finite. i Γ LetusconsiderthecasewhenΓ=Zm. LetX beaCW-complexwithπ (X)=G 1 andX betheregularZm-coverofX correspondingtoφ . Consideranadmissible φΓ Γ pair (φZm,ψ) for G. This is one such that ψ = ψ′ ◦ φΓ where ψ′ : Zm ։ Z. In this case, H (X ;Z) = kerφ /[kerφ ,kerφ ] is a module over the Laurent 1 φΓ Γ Γ Γ polynomialringwith m variables,Z[Zm]. Moreover,H (X ;Z)canbe considered 1 φΓ asamodule overtheLaurentpolynomialringwithm−1variablesZΓ′ =Z[Zm−1]. Note that the m−1 variables in Z[Zm−1] correspond to a choice of basis elements of Γ′ = ker(αZm,Z : Zm ։ Z). Therefore, as long as the rank of H1(XφΓ;Z) as a Z[Zm]-module is 0, δ¯Zm(ψ) is equal to the rank of H1(XφΓ;Z) as a Z[Zm−1]- module. In particular, when m = 1, δ¯Z(ψ) is equal the rank of H1(Xψ;Z) as an abelian group whereX istheinfinitecovercorrespondingtoψ aslongasthisrank ψ isfinite(otherwiseδ¯Z(ψ)=0). WhenZmistheabelianizationofG,δ¯Zm(ψ)=δ¯0(ψ) (see below forthe definition ofδ¯ ) is equalto the Alexander norm(see [Mc]for the 0 definition of the Alexander norm) of ψ by [Ha1, Proposition 5.12]. We now define the higher-order degrees and ranks associated to a group G. For each n≥0, let Γ = G/G(n+1) where G(n+1) is the (n+1)st-term of the rational n r r derived series of G as defined in Definition 1.3. We define the nth-order rank of X to be r (X)=r (X). n Γn Next, we remark that if ψ ∈ H1(G;Z) ∼= Hom(G;Z), then ψ(Gr(n+1)) = 1. Hence for each primitive ψ ∈H1(G;Z) the pair (φ ,ψ) is an admissible pair for G. For Γn primitive ψ, we define the nth-order degree of ψ to be δ¯ (ψ)=δ¯ (ψ). n Γn Fornon-primitiveψ,thereisaprimitivecohomologyclassψ′ ∈H1(X;Z)suchthat ψ =mψ′. Define δ¯ (ψ)=mδ¯ (ψ′). n n Thus,foreachgroupGandn≥0wehavedefinedafunctionδ¯ :H1(G;Z)→Z n which is “linear on rays through the origin”. We put a partial ordering on these functions by δ¯ ≤δ¯ if δ¯(ψ)≤δ¯ (ψ) for allψ ∈H1(G;Z). Also, we say that δ¯ =0 i j i j i provided δ¯(ψ)=0 for all ψ ∈H1(G;Z). i Suppose f : E ։ G is a surjective homomorphism and (φ ,ψ) is an admissible Γ pair for G. Then there is an induced admissible pair (φ ◦ f,ψ ◦ f) for E. In Γ particular,wecanspeakδ¯YE(ψ◦f). Whenwehavethissituation,unlessotherwise Γ noted, we will use this admissible pair induced by G. When there is no confusion, we will suppress the f and just write (φ ,ψ) when we mean (φ ◦f,ψ◦f) or ψ Γ Γ when we mean ψ◦f. In this paper, we will often use the notation r (X) and δ¯X(ψ) for X a CW- complex and ψ an element of H1(X;Z) ∼= H1(Γπ (X);Z). ΓBy this, we mean 1 MONOTONICITY OF THE DEGREES 7 r (π (X))andδ¯π1(X)(ψ)foranadmissiblepair(φ ,ψ)forπ (X). Theseareequiva- Γ 1 Γ Γ 1 lenttothehomologicaldefinitionsgivenin[Ha1]. Thatis,if(φ ,ψ)isanadmissible Γ pair for π (X) then H (X;K [t±1]) and H (X;K ) are right K and K -modules 1 1 Γ 1 Γ Γ Γ respectively and since K and K [t±1] are flat left ZΓ-modules [Ste, Proposition Γ Γ II.3.5], we see that r (X)=rank H (X;K ) Γ KΓ 1 Γ and δ¯Γ(ψ)=rankKΓH1(X;KΓ[t±1]) if r (X)=0 and δ¯ (ψ)=0 otherwise. Γ Γ 2. Main Results We seek to study the behavior of δ¯ (ψ) as n increases. More generally, we n would like to compare δ¯ as we vary the group Γ. We show that the δ¯ satisfy a Γ Γ monotonicity condition provided the groups satisfy a compatibility condition. We describe this condition below. Definition 2.1. LetGbe agroup,φ :G։Λ,φ :G։Γ,andψ :G։Zwhere Λ Γ Λ and Γ are PTFA groups. We say that (φ ,φ ,ψ) is an admissible triple for G Λ Γ if there exist surjections α : Λ ։ Γ and α : Γ ։ Z such that φ = α ◦φ , Λ,Γ Γ,Z Γ Λ,Γ Λ ψ = α ◦φ , and α is not an isomorphism. If α is an isomorphism then we Γ,Z Γ Λ,Γ Γ,Z say that (φ ,φ ,ψ) is initial. Λ Γ Note that if (φ ,φ ,ψ) an admissible triple then (φ ,ψ) and (φ ,ψ) are both Λ Γ Λ Γ admissiblepairs. Hence,inthiscase,wecandefinebothδ¯ (ψ)andδ¯ (ψ). We note Λ Γ that (φ ,φ ,ψ) is initial if and only if (φ ,ψ) is initial. Moreover,(φ ,ψ) is never Λ Γ Γ Λ initial since Λ ։ Γ is not an isomorphism. We will show that δ¯ (ψ) ≥ δ¯ (ψ) as Λ Γ long as the triple is not initial. We point out that even if α is an isomorphism, Λ,Γ we can define both the Λ- and Γ-degrees and in this case δ (ψ)=δ (ψ)! Γ Λ We now proceed to state and prove the main theorems. Theorem 2.2. Let G be a finitely presented group with def(G)≥1 and (φ ,φ ,ψ) Λ Γ be an admissible triple for G. If (φ ,φ ,ψ) is not initial then Λ Γ (3) δ¯ (ψ)≥δ¯ (ψ) Λ Γ otherwise (4) δ¯ (ψ)≥δ¯ (ψ)−1. Λ Γ Before proving Theorem 2.2, we will state a Corollary of the theorem and make some remarks about the deficiency hypothesis in the theorem. First, let Γ be n the quotient of G by the (n+1)st term of the rational derived series as in Defini- tion1.3. Recallthatforanyψ ∈H1(G;Z),(φ ,ψ)isanadmissiblepair. Moreover, Γn (φ ,φ ,ψ)isanadmissibletripleunlessG(n+1) =G(n+2) whichisinitialifand r r Γn+1 Γn only if β (G) = 1 and n = 0. Hence by Theorem 2.2 we see that the δ¯ are a 1 n nondecreasing function of n (for n ≥ 1). This behavior was first established for the fundamental groups of knot complements in S3 by T. Cochran in [C, Theorem 5.4]. Recall that δ¯ ≥ δ¯ (respectively δ¯ = 0) means that δ¯ (ψ) ≥ δ¯ (ψ) n+1 n n n+1 n (respectively δ¯ (ψ)=0) for all ψ ∈H1(G;Z). n 8 SHELLYL.HARVEY Corollary 2.3. Let G be a finitely presented group with def(G)≥1. If β (G)≥2 1 then δ¯ ≤δ¯ ≤···≤δ¯ ≤··· . 0 1 n If β (G) = 1 and ψ is a generator of H1(G;Z) then δ¯ (ψ)−1 ≤ δ¯ (ψ) ≤ ··· ≤ 1 0 1 δ¯ (ψ)≤···. n Proof. LetψbeaprimitiveclassinH1(G;Z). WecanassumethatG(n+1) 6=G(n+2) r r sinceifG(n+1) =G(n+2)thenδ¯ (ψ)=δ¯ (ψ)(notethatinthecaseβ (G)=1and r r n+1 n 1 n = 0, δ¯ (ψ) = δ¯ (ψ) ≥ δ¯ (ψ)−1 is also satisfied). Therefore T = (φ ,φ ,ψ) 1 0 0 Γn+1 Γn is an admissible triple. As mentioned above, T is initial if and only if β (G) = 1 1 andn=0. Hence if β (G)=1 and n=0 then by Theorem2.2, δ¯ (ψ)≥δ¯ (ψ)−1. 1 1 0 Otherwise, δ¯ (ψ)≥δ¯ (ψ). n+1 n If β (G) ≥ 2 and ψ is not primitive then ψ = mψ′ for some primitive ψ′ and 1 m≥2. Hence, δ¯ (ψ)=mδ¯ (ψ′)≥mδ¯ (ψ′)=δ¯ (ψ). (cid:3) n+1 n+1 n n We now make some remarks about the condition def(G) ≥ 1. First, if G has deficiency at least 2 then the results of Theorem 2.2 and Corollary2.3 hold simply because all of the degrees are zero. Remark 2.4. If G is a finitely presented group with def(G)≥2 and (φ ,ψ) is an Γ admissible pair for G then r (G)≥1 and hence δ¯ (ψ)=0. Γ Γ To see this, let X be a finite, connected 2-complex with one 0-cell x , m 1- G 0 cells, r 2-cells where m−r ≥ 2 and G = π (X ,x ). Then H (X ,x ;K ) has 1 G 0 1 G 0 Γ a presentation with m generators and r relations so rank H (X ,x ;K ) ≥ 2 KΓ 1 G 0 Γ and hence r (G) = r (X ) = rank H (X ,x ;K )−1 ≥ 1 [Ha1, §4 and §5]. Γ Γ G KΓ 1 G 0 Γ Therefore, δ¯ (ψ)=0 for all ψ ∈H1(G;Z). Γ However,if the deficiency of G is not positive, we can create an infinite number of examples where the theorem is false! We construct finitely presented groups for whichthedegreesare“large”upto(butnotincluding)thenth stagebutthedegree atthe nth stageiszero! Forsimplicity, weonlydescribeexampleswhenβ (G)=1. 1 However, the reader should notice that the same type of behavior can be seen for groups with β (G)≥2 using the same techniques. 1 Proposition 2.5. For each g ≥ 1 and n ≥ 1 there exist examples of finitely presented groups G with def(G ) ≤ 0 and β (G ) = 1 such that δ¯ (ψ) = 2g, n,g n,g 1 n,g 0 δ¯(ψ) = 2g −1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ n−1 and δ¯ (ψ) = 0 whenever ψ is a generator of i n H1(G ;Z). n,g Proof. We will construct these examples by adding relations to the fundamental groupofafiberedknotcomplementGthatkillthegeneratorsthe G(n+1) G(n+2)⊗ Kn. Let G be the fundamental group of a fibered knot K in S3 of ge(cid:14)nus g ≥ 1 andn≥1. Since K isfibered, G(1) is free,soG(n+1)/G(n+2) =G(n+1)/G(n+2) and r r An = G(n+1) G(n+2)⊗ZΓ′ Kn is a finitely generatedfree right Kn-module of rank n 2g−1. Let a(cid:14)1,...,a2g−1 be the generators of An. Since Kn is an Ore domain, we can find k ∈K such that a k ∈G(n+1)/G(n+2)⊗1. Pick γ ,...,γ ∈G(n+1) j n j j 1 2g−1 such that [γ ] = a k and let H = G/ < γ ,...,γ > and η : G ։ H. Note j j j 1 2g−1 thatsinceanyknotgrouphasdeficiency1,H hasapresentationwithmgenerators and m+2g−2 relations. Since γ ,...,γ ∈ G(n+1), we have an isomorphism 1 2g−1 G/G(n+1) ∼=H/H(n+1) ∼=H/Hr(n+1). Therefore,δ¯0H(ψ)=δ¯0G(ψ)=2gandδ¯iY(ψ)= δ¯X(ψ)=2g−1 for 1≤i≤n−1. i MONOTONICITY OF THE DEGREES 9 Since G′ ։ H′, we have H′/H(n+1) ∼= G′/G(n+1) for 0 ≤ i ≤ n hence Kn = KGn ∼= KHn. Moreover, since G(n+1) ։ H(n+1), the map G(n+1) G(n+2) ⊗Kn → H(n+1) H(n+2)⊗K issurjective. ButthegeneratorsofA ares(cid:14)enttozerounder n n this ma(cid:14)p, so H(n+1)/H(n+2)⊗K =0. Finally, H(n+1) =H(n+1) so n r H(n+1) H(n+1) H(n+1) Hr(n+2) ⊗Kn ∼= H(n+2) ⊗Kn ∼=(cid:18)H(n+2)(cid:30){Z-torsion}(cid:19)⊗Kn =0 r r (see Lemma 3.5 of [Ha1] for the second isomorphism) hence δ¯ (ψ)=0. (cid:3) n We will now prove Theorem 2.2. Proof of Theorem 2.2. Ifthe deficiencyofGisatleast2thenbyRemark2.4,allof the degrees are zero hence the conclusions of the theorem are true. Now we prove the case when def(G) = 1. We can assume that r (G) = 0, otherwise δ¯ (ψ) = 0 Γ Γ andhence the statement of the theoremis true since δ¯ (ψ) is alwaysnon-negative. Λ Since G is finitely presented, there is a finite 2-complex X such that G = π (X) 1 and χ(X)=1−def(G)=0. Recall that X is obtained from the presentation of G with deficiency 1 by starting with one 0-cell, attaching a 1-cell for each generator and a 2-cell for each relation in the presentation of G. Since Γ ։ Z and φ is Γ surjective, H (X;K )=0 for i6=1,2 [COT, Proposition2.9]. Moreover,χ(X)=0 i Γ implies that rank H (X;K ) = rank H (X;K ) = r (G) = 0 since the Euler KΓ 2 Γ KΓ 1 Γ Γ characteristic can be computed using K -coefficients as mentioned in §- 1. Since Γ r (X) = 0, it follows that r (X) = 0 [Ha2]. Replacing Γ by Λ in the above Γ Λ argument, it follows that rank H (X;K )=0. KΛ 2 Λ LetX betheinfinitecycliccoverofX correspondingtoψ. Thereisacoefficient ψ system for X , φ′ :π (X )։Γ′, given by restricting φ to π (X ). Moreover,as KΓ-modules Hψ1(XΓ ;K1Γ) ∼=ψ H1(Xψ;KΓ) so H1(Xψ;KΓ) iΓs a fin1itelψy generated free K -module of rank δ¯ (ψ) (similarly for Λ). Since Γ′ is PTFA (and hence ZΓ′ is an Γ Γ Oredomain),thereexistsawedgeofecirclesW andamapf :W →X suchthat ψ f :H (W;K )→H (X ;K ) ∗ 1 Γ 1 ψ Γ is an isomorphism. Here, the coefficient system on W is given by φ′ ◦f . By the ∗ Γ proof of Lemma 2.1 in [COT], kerφ 6= kerψ if and only if φ′ ◦f is non-trivial. Γ Γ ∗ Moreover, since W is a finite connected 2-complex with H (W) = 0, if kerφ 6= 2 Γ kerψ then H (W;K )∼=Ke−1 [COT, Lemma 2.12]; otherwise H (W;K )∼=Ke. 1 Γ Γ 1 Γ Γ Up to homotopy we can assume that W is a subcomplex of X by replacing ψ X with the mapping cylinder of f. Consider the long exact sequence of the pair ψ (X ,W) with coefficients in K : ψ Γ H (X ;K )→H (X ,W;K )→H (W;K )→H (X ;K ). 2 ψ Γ 2 ψ Γ 1 Γ 1 ψ Γ Since X has no 3-cells, there is a cell complex, C (X;ZΓ), which has no 3-cells. i Therefore, TH (X;ZΓ), the ZΓ-torsion submodule of H (X;ZΓ), is zero. Now, 2 2 the kernel of the map H (X;ZΓ) → H (X;K ) is TH (X;ZΓ). Moreover, we 2 2 Γ 2 have shown that H2(X;KΓ) = 0 hence H2(X;ZΓ) = 0. Thus, H2(Xψ;KΓ) ∼= H2(X;KΓ[t±1])∼=H2(X;ZΓ)⊗ZΓK[t±1]=0. Sincethelastarrowinthesequenceis anisomorphism,H (X ,W;K )=0. OurgoalistoshowthatH (X ,W;K )=0. 2 ψ Γ 2 ψ Λ Thenby analyzingthe long exactsequence of the pair (X ,W) with coefficients in ψ K , it will follow that H (W;K ) → H (X ;K ) is a monomorphism. We note Λ 1 Λ 1 ψ Λ that kerφΛ 6= kerφΓ implies that rankKΛH1(W;KΛ) = e−1 as above. Thus, if 10 SHELLYL.HARVEY kerφ 6= kerψ then (assuming the monomorphism above) δ¯ (ψ) ≥ e−1 = δ¯ (ψ); Γ Λ Γ otherwise δ¯ (ψ)≥e−1=δ¯ (ψ)−1. Λ Γ Consider the relative chain complex of (X ,W) with coefficients in ZΓ′: ψ 0→C (X ,W;ZΓ′)−∂−2Γ→′ C (X ,W;ZΓ′)→. 2 ψ 1 ψ SinceW hasno2-cells,X hasno3-cells. ThereforeH (X ,W;ZΓ′)isZΓ′-torsion ψ 2 ψ free, so H (X ,W;K ) = 0 implies that H (X ,W;ZΓ′) = 0 and hence ∂Γ′ is 2 ψ Γ 2 ψ 2 injective. Let A = ker(α : Λ′ ։ Γ′). Since A is a subgroup of a PTFA group, A Λ,Γ|Λ′ is PTFA by Remark 1.2. If M is any right ZΛ′-module then M ⊗ZA Z has the structure of a right ZΓ′-module given by ( σ⊗n)γ = σγ⊗n X X for any γ ∈Γ′. Moreover,one can check that C∗(Xψ,W;ZΛ′)⊗ZAZ is isomorphic to C (X ,W;ZΓ′) as right ZΓ′-modules. Thus, after making this identification, ∗ ψ ∂Λ′ : C (X ,W;ZΛ′) → C (X ,W;ZΛ′) is injective by the following result of R. 2 2 ψ 1 ψ Strebel. Proposition 2.6 (R. Strebel, [Str] p. 305). Suppose Γ is a PTFA group and R is a commutative ring. Any map between projective right RΓ-modules whose image under the functor −⊗ is injective, is itself injective. RΓ Finally, since K is flat as a ZΛ′-module, H (X ,W;K )=0 as desired. (cid:3) Λ 2 ψ Λ SupposeΛandΓareabeliangroupsandGisthefundamentalgroupofacompact orientable manifold with toroidal (or empty) boundary. In this case, it can easily be shown,using the results in [Mc] and[Ha1], that the inequalities in Theorem2.2 (and Theorem 2.9 below) are in fact equalities for all ψ which lie in the cone of an open face of the Alexander normball. We show below that evenin this case, there are ψ for which the inequality in Theorem 2.2 is necessary. Example 2.7. Let X be the exterior of the Borromean rings in S3 and let G be the fundamental group of the X. A Wirtinger presentation of G is given by x,y,z |[z,[x,y−1]],[y,[z,x−1]] (see [F, p.10] for a similar presentation). Thus, (cid:10)there is an epimorphism f :G։(cid:11) hy,zi by sending x to 1. Let ψ(0,m,n) :G։Z be the homomorphism defined by ψ(x)=1, ψ(y)=tm, ψ(z)=tn where gcd(m,n)= 1. Since f factors through ψ , the rank of H of the infinite cyclic cover of X (0,m,n) 1 corresponding to ψ is non-zero (see, for example, [Ha, Proposition 2.2]). It (0,m,n) followsthatδ¯Z(ψ(0,m,n))=0. However,onecancomputetheAlexanderpolynomial of X (from the presentation of G) to be ∆ = (x−1)(y−1)(z−1). Therefore, X δ¯Z3(ψ(0,m,n))=|m|+|n|>0. Now we consider the case when G is the fundamental group of a closed 3- manifold. In this case, the deficiency of G is 0 so Theorem 2.2 does not suffice to provea monotonicity resultfor G. The proofthat the degreessatisfy a monotonic- ity relation will use Theorem 2.2 for 2-complexes but will also use some additional topology of the 3-manifold. Before stating the corresponding theorem for closed 3-manifolds, we introduce an important lemma which will be used in the proof of Theorem 2.9.

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