Monotonic and Postive Definite Transport Options in the ARW V3.1 Release 24 h accumulated precip, valid 12 UTC 5 June 2005 blue > 12 mm Stage 4 analysis ARW forecast, no PD adv. Moisture Transport in ARW 1D advection overshoot undershoot ARW scheme is conservative, but not positive definite nor monotonic. Removal of negative q results in spurious source of q . ARW Transport . For constant u, v, η - 3rd order accurate in space and time Conservative Consistent with the ARW continuity equation Not positive definite Not monotonic 1D test: Cr = 0.5, 1 revolution (200 steps) RK3 PD/monotonic limiter Existing RK3 transport scheme: RK3 PD/monotonic limiter Existing RK3 transport scheme: replace with Zalesak (1979, JCP) RK3 PD/monotonic limiter RK3 PD limiter examples 24 h accumulated precip, valid 12 UTC 5 June 2005 blue > 12 mm Stage 4 analysis ARW forecast, no PD adv. ARW forecast, PD adv. Skamarock and Weisman 2009 (thanks to Wei Wang and Kevin Manning) RK3 PD limiter examples 24 h accumulated precip, valid 12 UTC 14 April 2007 blue > 12 mm RK3 PD limiter examples 5 June 2005 14 April 2007 RK3 PD/monotonic limiter Existing RK3 transport scheme: replace with Includes all sources, physics tendencies and turbulent mixing terms. Issues: (1) Are the individual terms PD or monotonic? (2) Is the sum of the terms PD or monotonic? Example: 6th order horizontal diffusion Option 1 - not PD or monotonic Option 2 - PD and monotonic