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7 Monodromic T-Branes And The SO(10) 1 GUT 0 2 Johar M. Ashfaque♠1 n a J 0 ♠Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZL, UK 2 ] Abstract h t - T-branes, which are non-Abelian bound states of branes, were first intro- p ducedbyCecotti, Cordova,HeckmanandVafa[1]. Theyaretherefinedversion e h of the monodromicbranesthat feature in the phenomenological F-theory mod- [ els. Here, we will be interested in the T-brane corresponding to the Z mon- 3 1 odromy which is used to break the E gauge group to obtain the SO(10) . 8 GUT v This extends the results of [1] to the case of Z monodromic T-branes used to 6 3 break the E gauge group to SO(10)×SU(3)×U(1) and compute the Yukawa 9 8 8 coupling with the help of the residue formula. We conclude that the Yukawa 5 coupling, 10 ·16 ·16 , is non-zero for E , in complete agreement with [1], 0 H M M 7 . but is zero for E8. Furthermore, the case of Z2 monodromic T-branes used to 1 break the E gauge group to E ×SU(2)×U(1), nothing interesting can bede- 0 8 6 7 duced by evaluating the Yukawa coupling 27H·27M ·27M which is dependent 1 on whether the MSSM fermion and electroweak Higgs fields can be included in : v the same 27 multiplet of a three-family E GUT or assign the Higgs fields to a 6 Xi different 27H multiplet where only the Higgs doublets and singlets obtain the r electroweak scale energy. a 1 email address: [email protected] Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 The Z Monodromy 3 2 2.1 Review of SU(2) Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 The Brane Recombination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3 E → SO(10)×SU(2)×U(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 3 The Z Monodromy 6 3 3.1 Review of SU(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3.2 The Brane Recombination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.3 E → SO(10)×SU(3)×U(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 4 Discussion And Conclusion 9 A The F-Theory Construct 11 A.1 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 6 A.2 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 7 A.3 The Gauge Enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A.3.1 SO(10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A.3.2 E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7 B The Hirzebruch Surfaces F 12 r B.1 The Semistability Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 B.2 The Involution Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 B.3 The Effectiveness Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 B.4 The Commutant Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 B.5 The Three Family Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1 Introduction To breakGUTsymmetries within F-theory[6–9] inorder toconstruct phenomenolog- ically viable models, onecan either make use of Wilson lines or introduce gaugefluxes with the key ingredient being the seven-brane which wraps the four-dimensional in- ternal subspace of the six internal directions of the compactification providing for each important element. The F-theory E was discussed in [2] whilst the primary 6 focus in [3], was the E gauge group obtained in this setting.2 7 Here, however, the focus is on T-branes, or “triangular branes,” which are novel non-Abelian bound states of branes characterized by the condition that on some loci the Higgs field is upper triangular and indeed it can be seen to be the case in [1] 2Refer to Appendix A for details. 2 where hΦi is upper triangular on some locus. This approach deals with the spectral equation P (z) = det(z −Φ) = 0 Φ which when Φ belongs to the CSA is equivalent to stating that (z −λ ) = 0 i Yi where λ are the eigenvalues of Φ and they denote the directions of the intersecting i branes. In the case of non-diagonalizable Higgs fields, the monodromy group is now encoded in the form of the spectral equation. Such configurations are of particular interest when systems of 7-branes are considered [10]. When considering such a background profile for Φ, it has to be made sure that the following equations of motion are satisfied which read ∂ Φ = 0 A F(0,2)5 = 0 A for the F-term equations and for the D-term equation we have that i ω ∧F + [Φ†,Φ] = 0. A 2 In this paper, the aim is to compute the Yukawa coupling with the help of the residue formula where the required interaction terms are of the form 10 ·16 ·16 . H M M The present work extends the results of [1] to the case of Z monodromic T-branes 3 used to break the E gauge group to SO(10)×SU(3) ×U(1) where the case of Z 8 2 monodromic T-branes used to break the E gauge group to SO(10)×SU(2)×U(1) is 7 reviewed beforehand. Wewill showthattheYukawa coupling, 10 ·16 ·16 , isnon- H M M zero for E but for E is zero. Moreover, the case of Z monodromic T-branes used to 7 8 2 break the E gauge group to E ×SU(2)×U(1), nothing interesting can be deduced 8 6 by evaluating the Yukawa coupling 27 ·27 ·27 which depends on whether the H M M MSSM fermion and electroweak Higgs fields can be included in the same 27 multiplet of a three-family E GUT orassign the Higgsfields to a different 27 multiplet where 6 H only the Higgs doublets and singlets obtain the electroweak scale energy. This work can also seen as an extension to [3] in pursuit of obtaining SO(10) GUT symmetry especially the Flipped SO(10) from various string theoretic constructions. 2 The Z Monodromy 2 2.1 Review of SU(2) Field Let us consider the spectral equation for an SU(2) field along the lines of [1]: P (z) = z2 −x Φ 3 for which there is a Z monodromy. In the holomorphic gauge the Higgs field is 2 0 1 (cid:18) x 0 (cid:19) which is an intermediate case between a diagonal background and a nilpotent Higgs field 0 1 . (cid:18) 0 0 (cid:19) We promote this to the unitary gauge by use of a positive diagonal matrix having unit determinant ef1 0 (cid:18) 0 ef2 (cid:19) with the constraint f = 0 i Xi where f are real. The D-term equation i i ω ∧F + [Φ†,Φ] = 0 A 2 is now replaced by the SU(2) Toda equation in two complex variables ∆f = C efj i ij where C is the Cartan matrix of SU(2). ij 2.2 The Brane Recombination Infinitesimal perturbations to the holomorphic Higgs field are considered of the form ϕ = ad (ξ)+h Φ and then seen which can be gauged away to zero by the U(2) transformations by way of deforming the theory via SU(2) Higgs VEV 0 1 Φ = . (cid:18) x 0 (cid:19) After gauge fixing the most general perturbation that can be made is given by 1α(x,y) 0 ϕ = 2 . (cid:18) β(x,y) 1α(x,y) (cid:19) 2 4 With such a perturbation at hand, the spectral equation can seen to be deformed by the SU(2) Higgs VEV as 2 1 P (z) = z2 −x → z − α(x,y) −(x+β(x,y) . Φ (cid:18)(cid:18) 2 (cid:19) (cid:19) Now changing coordinates yields z˜−(x˜α(x˜2,y˜)+β(x˜2,y˜)). This is interpreted as the three D7-branes recombining into one. Now starting with the flat Ka¨hler metric i ω = (dx∧dx+dy ∧dy +dz ∧dz) 2 changing to the new coordinates and noting that x = x˜2, we have i ω = 1+4|x˜|2 dx˜∧dx˜+dy˜∧dy˜ 2 (cid:0)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1) and therefore the recombined D7-brane is indeed curved. 2.3 E → SO(10) × SU(2) × U(1) 7 Here SU(2)×U(1) Higgs field is used that preserves an unbroken SO(10): 0 1 Φ = ⊕(y). (cid:18) x 0 (cid:19) The adjoint of E decomposes under this breaking as 7 133 → (1,1)0 ⊕(1,3)0 ⊕(45,1)0 ⊕(10,1)2 ⊕(10,1)−2 ⊕(16,2)−1 ⊕(16,2)1 where the U(1) generator is in parenthesis. We note that the required interaction terms are of the form 10 ·16 ·16 . H M M We can readily identify (10,1)2 as the 10H and (16,2)−1 as 16M with ϕ ϕ16 = 16+ M (cid:18) ϕ16− (cid:19) where the corresponding matter curve is f = y2−x. 5 Note that the one component of the spinor doublet, namely ϕ16+ is gauge equivalent to zero. The trace in the adjoint of e produces the following invariant tensors 7 Tr([t10,i,tM16,α]tN16,β) ∝ (CΓi)αβǫMN which is generated group theoretically by contraction with a Γ matrix of the SO(10) Clifford algebra, where α, β are spinor indices, i is a vector index, and C denotes the standard charge conjugation matrix. The Yukawa coupling can now be evaluated simply as Tr([η10,η16]ϕ16) W10·16·16 = Res(0,0)(cid:20) (y)(y2−x) (cid:21) (CΓ ) ϕα ϕβ ϕi = Res i αβ 16− 16− 10 (0,0)(cid:20) (x)(y) (cid:21) where 1 η10 = ϕ10 H 2 H and ϕ η16 = − 16− . (cid:18) yϕ16− (cid:19) This coupling requires a single field, ϕ16−, to participatetwice inthetrilinear Yukawa coupling and is known to give mass to exactly one generation of SM matter 16’s. 3 The Z Monodromy 3 3.1 Review of SU(3) We follow [1,4] to outline some of the key ideas to paint the picture. Let us begin by considering the spectral equation for an SU(3) field: P (z) = z3 −x Φ for which there is a Z monodromy. 3 In the holomorphic gauge the Higgs field is 0 1 0  0 0 1  x 0 0   which is an intermediate case between a diagonal background and a nilpotent Higgs field 0 1 0  0 0 1 . 0 0 0   6 We promote this to the unitary gauge by use of a positive diagonal matrix having unit determinant ef1 0 0  0 ef2 0  0 0 ef3   with the constraint f = 0 i Xi where f are real. The D-term equation i i ω ∧F + [Φ†,Φ] = 0 A 2 is now replaced by the SU(3) Toda equation in two complex variables ∆f = C efj i ij where C is the Cartan matrix of SU(3) which is given by ij 2 −1 . (cid:18) −1 2 (cid:19) The components for the unitary transformation for the nilpotent Higgs field Φ satisfy ∂∂f = 2ef1 −ef2, 1 ∂∂f = −ef1 +2ef2. 2 3.2 The Brane Recombination Infinitesimal perturbations to the holomorphic Higgs field are considered of the form ϕ = ad (ξ)+h Φ and then seen which can be gauged away to zero by the U(3) transformations by way of deforming the theory via SU(3) Higgs VEV 0 1 0 Φ =  0 0 1 . x 0 0   After gauge fixing, as was shown in [4], the most general perturbation that can be made is given by 1α(x,y) 0 0 3 ϕ =  0 1α(x,y) 0 . 3 γ(x,y) β(x,y) 1α(x,y)  3  7 With such a perturbation at hand, the spectral equation can seen to be deformed by the SU(3) Higgs VEV as 2 1 1 P (z) = z3 −x → z − α(x,y) z − α(x,y) −β(x,y) −(x+γ(x,y)) Φ (cid:18) 3 (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:18) 3 (cid:19) (cid:19) which to first order reads z3 −z2α(x,y)−zβ(x,y)−x−γ(x,y). Now changing coordinates to (x˜,y˜,z˜) = (z,y,P (z)) Φ yields z˜−(x˜2α(x˜3,y˜)+x˜β(x˜3,y˜)+γ(x˜3,y˜)). This is interpreted as the three D7-branes recombining into one. Now starting with the flat Ka¨hler metric i ω = (dx∧dx+dy ∧dy +dz ∧dz) 2 changing to the new coordinates and noting that x = x˜3, we have i ω = 1+9|x˜|4 dx˜∧dx˜+dy˜∧dy˜ 2 (cid:0)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1) and therefore the recombined D7-brane is indeed curved. 3.3 E → SO(10) × SU(3) × U(1) 8 Here SU(3)×U(1) Higgs field is used that preserves an unbroken SO(10): 0 1 0 Φ =  0 0 1 ⊕(y). x 0 0   The adjoint of E , following [5], decomposes as 8 248 → (1,1)0 ⊕(1,8)0 ⊕(45,1)0 ⊕(1,3)−4 ⊕(1,3)4 ⊕(10,3)2 ⊕(10,3)−2 ⊕ (16,1)3 ⊕(16,1)−3 ⊕(16,3)−1 ⊕(16,3)1 where the U(1) generator is in parenthesis. We note that the required interaction terms are of the form 10 ·16 ·16 . H M M 8 We can readily identify (10,3)2 as the 10H and (16,3)−1 as 16M. The 16M is in the fundamental of the SU(3) ϕ1 16 M ϕ16 =  ϕ216 . M M ϕ3 16  M  The torsion equation can be solved using the adjugate matrix 4y2 x −2xy ϕ1 4y2ϕ1 16 16 M M η16 =  −2y 4y2 x  0  =  −2yϕ116 . M M 1 −2y 4y2 0 ϕ1 16     M  A | {z } The 10 transforms in the fundamental of SU(3) as well and as a result replacing y H with -2y the solution of the torsion equation is found to be 16y2 x 4xy ϕ1 16y2ϕ1 10 10 H H η10 =  4y 16y2 x  0  =  4yϕ110 . H H 1 4y 16y2 0 ϕ1 10     H  B | {z } Using that the matter curve corresponding to A and B are f = 8y3 +x, f = 64y3−x A B and again using the fact that the trace in the adjoint of e is 8 Tr([tA ,tB ]tC ) ∝ (CΓ ) ǫABC 10,i 16,α 16,β i αβ allowing the Yukawa coupling to be evaluated simply as W10·16·16 = 0 as was expected since it was noted in [4] that for n ≥ 2 and arbitrary a and b, matter curves of the form f = ayn +bx will always yield zero for the computation of the trilinear Yukawa coupling. 4 Discussion And Conclusion The low-energy string-derived model of [11] was constructed in the free fermionic for- mulation [12] of the four-dimensional heterotic string in which the space-time vector 9 bosons are obtained solely from the untwisted sector and generate the observable and hidden gauge symmetries: 3 observable : SO(6)×SO(4)× U(1) i Xi=1 hidden : SO(4)2×SO(8) . where the E combination being 6 3 U(1) = U(1) , ζ i Xi=1 which is anomaly free whereas the orthogonal combinations of U(1) are anoma- 1,2,3 lous. Motivated by such string-derived low-energy effective models the Flipped SO(10) was derived from the F-theory E as was discussed in [2] and investigated further 6 in [3], where the gauge group was E . Another possibility, that was explored in [3], 7 was that of nonperturbative heterotic vacua arising from the Horaˇva-Witten theory.3 The space of solutions of type A contains exactly one vacua over the Hirzebruch surfaces for any allowed value of r for 6 ≤ s ≤ 24 and the corresponding appropriate choice for λ with s even, e−r even, λ = ±1,±3. s e(r;λ) 6 3r +6+ 1 ∈ Z λ λ = ±1 whereas the space of solutions of Type B 1 3 r even, λ = ± ,± . 2 2 are given by 1 1 s = 6, e r;λ = ± = 3r +6+ = 3r +6±2. (cid:18) 2(cid:19) λ 3See Appendix B for the rules which allow the construction of realistic, viable vacua with E6 GUT symmetry where the base manifold is taken to be the Hirzebruch surfaces. 10

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