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© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at MONITORING ECOLOGICAL CHANGE IN WETLANDS C. Max Finlayson Abstract The adequacy of monitoring of aquatic and wetland habitats has received a great deal of attention in recent years. This attention has arisen as the awareness of the extent of ecological change in these habitats has changed. How- ever, this awareness has not always been accompanied by an adequate understanding of the intricacies of plan- ning and implementing monitoring programmes. As a starting point, more attention to the design and implemen- tation of monitoring programmes is required. This includes careful consideration of the objectives, the statistical reliability of the sampling approaches and data analysis, and effective utilisation of the results. Conservation of wetlands requires that not only are effective monitoring programmes implemented, but also that the results are effectively utilised. Monitoring of ecological change in wetlands can be undertaken at several levels and with vastly different techniques. Satellite imagery, often linked to a GIS, aerial photography, flora and fauna surveys at the species and community levels, physico-chemical analyses, ecotoxicological testing, and biomonitoring in- stream and bank-side all have particular advantages and disadvantages. The choice of techniques is dependent on the objectives of the monitoring programme and the nature of the site being monitored. Finlayson, CM.: Monitoring von ökologischen Veränderungen in Feuchtgebieten Monitoring in Feuchtgebietshabitaten hat in den letzten Jahren beträchtliche Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Diese Auf- merksamkeit begründete sich im Ausmaß der ökologischen Veränderungen in diesen Lebensräumen. Dieses Bewußtsein war jedoch nicht immer mit einem angemessenen Verständnis der Planung und Durchsetzung von Monitoring-Programmen verbunden. Von Beginn an muß dem Design und der Durchsetzung von Monitoring- Programmen mehr Beachtung beigemessen werden. Das umfaßt eine sorgfältige Überlegung der Zielvorstellung, der statistischen Zuverläßigkeit der Sammelmethoden und Datenanalyse und eine wirkungsvolle Umsetzung der Ergebnisse. Schutz von Feuchtgebieten bedeutet nicht nur, daß wirkungsvolle Monitoring-Programme eingesetzt werden, sondern daß deren Ergebnisse wirkungsvoll umgesetzt werden. Monitoring von ökologischen Veränderungen in Feuchtgebieten kann auf verschiedenen Ebenen und mit sehr unterschiedlichen Techniken durchgeführt werden. Satellitenbilder, oft mit GIS verbunden, Luftbildfotografie, Dokumentation von Flora und Fauna auf dem Art- und Gesellschaftsniveau, physiko-chemische Analysen, ökotoxikologische Tests und Bio- monitoring haben bestimmte Vor- und Nachteile. Die Auswahl der Techniken ist abhängig von den Zielen des Monitoring-Programmes und von der Art des Untersuchungsgebietes. Finlayson, CM.: Monitoroväni zmen ekologickeho charakteru mokfadü Monitoroväni vodnfch a bazinnych stanovist zfskalo v poslednfch letech mnoho pozornosti zejmena co se tyce jeho pfimefenosti. Tato pozomost vzrostla s uvedomenfm si rozsahu zmen ekologickeho charakteru techto eko- systemü. Ne vzdy je vsak do düsledku chäpäna slozitost plänovänf a realizace monitorovacfch programü. V prve fade vfce pozornosti je tfeba venovat vypracovänf a realizaci monitorovacfch programü, coz zahrnuje peclive posouzenf ücelu monitorovänf, statisticke prükaznosti navrzeneho systemu zfskävänf a zpracovänf dat a efektivnf vyuzfvänf vysledkü. Ochrana mokfadü vyzaduje nejen efektivnf monitoroväni, ale take efektivnf vyuzfvänf ob- drzenych vysledkü. Monitorovänf zmen ekologickeho charakteru mokfadü müze byt provädeno na nekolika ürovnfch s pouzitfm cele fady metod. Druzicove snfmkovänf casto napojene na geograficke informacnf systemy (GIS), letecke snfmkovänf, inventarizace flory a fauny na ürovni druhü ci spolecenstev, fyzikälne-chemicke analyzy, ekotoxikologicke metody, bio-monitoring provädeny v toku ci na bfehu feky, vsechny majf sve pfednosti i nevyhody. Vyber metody je zävisly na ücelu monitorovacfho programü a charakteru sledovane lokality. 163 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at INTRODUCTION iii.in the majority of cases, ecological change is a consequence of the wider The adequacy of techniques for monitoring social and economic factors that operate of aquatic and wetland habitats has re- outside the boundary of the wetland; ceived a great deal of attention in recent and years (e.g. MAHER & NORRIS 1990; MOSER iv. ecological change can be identified by regular monitoring of selected parame- et al. 1993; SPELLERBERG 1991; HESS et al. 1990). This attention has arisen as the ters and by comparing the results with awareness of the extent of ecological an established baseline. change in these habitats has increased. For These conclusions have been the basis for example, the Ramsar Convention has rec- developing a specialist group to address ognised the need to address change in the specific aspects of determining the extent ecological character of internationally im- of ecological change in wetlands and how portant wetlands. Article 3.2 of the Con- such change can be monitored (see MOSER vention states: et al. 1993). This is being done in parallel with the Bureau of the Ramsar Convention and a further IWRB specialist group look- "Each Contracting Party shall ar- ing at aspects of wetland rehabilitation. range to be informed at the earliest possible time if the ecological charac- ter of any wetland in its territory and The same workshop went on to address included in the List [Ramsar List of techniques being used to measure ecologi- internationally important sites] has cal change and the extent of understanding changed, is changing or is likely to of the concept of ecological change. One change as a result of technological de- conclusion was that whilst there were velopments, pollution or other human problems in choosing and applying appro- interference". priate techniques for monitoring, the ab- sence of appropriate institutional frame- works under which to conduct monitoring However, technical guidelines that can be programmes was a more severe problem. used to determine what constitutes eco- Similar comments were made in a sum- logical change in wetlands do not exist. mary of a workshop held in the Czech Re- Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to public on wetlands in agricultural and for- ascertain what constitutes an unacceptable ested landscapes in Central Europe change in the ecological character of a par- ticular wetland type or site. (FINLAYSON 1992a). Such criticisms also extend to institutional arrangements for As a consequence of the Ramsar initiative wetland management in other regions of in identifying the concept of ecological the world, with the Mediterranean Basin change in wetland conservation the Inter- national Waterfowl and Wetland Research (PAPAYANNIS 1992; GARCIA-ORCOYEN Bureau (IWRB) organised a workshop on 1992; HOLLIS 1992; VALAORAS et al. 1992) and the Lower Volga in Russia this topic and came up with a number of general conclusions (FINLAYSON & VOLZ (SEDOV 1992; CHUIKOV & SITNIK 1992; 1993): FINLAYSON 1992b) being two glaring ex- amples relatively close to Middle Europe. The above criticisms are not confined to i. over the past 30 years, in particular, national agencies, with the Ramsar Con- human-induced ecological change has vention also receiving criticism (e.g. been extremely detrimental to wetland functions and values; PAPAYANNIS 1992). For this reason, it is particularly relevant that the initiative for ii. as a concept, ecological change involves addressing the difficult technical and con- scientific and political considerations; 164 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at ceptual issues of "change in ecological change could be combined into three gen- character" of wetlands is being spear- eral groups: headed by the Bureau of the Ramsar Con- vention and linked to regional pro- i. Changes in the water regime: dams and grammes, such as that developed in the water extraction, including groundwa- Mediterranean under the banner of Med- ter, alter the hydrological regime; eu- Wet, a cooperative wetland programme trophication and pollution alter the cy- that developed from the so-called Grado cling of energy and productivity capac- Strategy for Managing Mediterranean ity of the wetland; and dykes and canals Wetlands and Their Birds for the Year have increased flow rates along chan- 2000 and Beyond (ANON. 1992; HOLLIS et nels, reduced seasonal inundation of al. 1992; FINLAYSON et al. 1992). floodplains and increased the risk of floods. ii. Physical alteration: specific activities ECOLOGICAL CHANGE IN that replace wetlands with agricultural, WETLANDS urban or industrial land; drainage, infill- ing, polder construction and conversion to aquaculture ponds are all intentional Concept and definition of ecological changes that can destroy wetlands. change iii. Biological change: over-utilisation of specific plant and animal species DUGAN & JONES (1993) considered the through fishing, hunting and harvesting concept of ecological change in wetlands can be devastating; additionally, the by looking at the components that define purposeful or accidental introduction of the ecological nature of a wetland. Their exotic species can result in intractable view was that the ecological nature of a change. wetland was the sum of the functions, products and attributes which give the All these processes reduce the value of wetland value. These, in turn, were the wetlands. On this basis the IWRB work- product of the interchange between the shop on this subject considered that eco- biological and physical components of the logical change should be interpreted only ecosystem. They then defined ecological in the sense of negative/adverse impacts change as "alteration of the biological and/or physical components of the eco- (FINLAYSON & VOLZ 1993). system, and/or the interaction between Extent of ecological change them, in a manner which results in a reduction in the quality of those func- The extent of ecological change in wet- tions, products and attributes which give lands of Middle Europe has yet to be ascer- the wetland value to society". tained. DUGAN & JONES (1993) point out that of the 45 Ramsar sites in Eastern The ecological character of wetlands can Europe (in September 1992) 20 (44%) be altered in a diverse number of ways: were reportedly undergoing ecological drainage, pollution and eutrophication, change. In Western Europe there were 321 overfishing and hunting, dam and barrage listed sites with 175 (55%) undergoing construction, water extraction, canalisation change. Whilst these figures may seem and diversion of waterways, and the intro- high for sites that are supposedly of inter- duction of pest species to name a few. national importance, the real situation for DUGAN & JONES (1993) also concluded that the processes that lead to ecological all wetlands could be far worse as the analysis does not cover the large number of 165 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at sites not listed under the Ramsar Conven- should also be addressed. These inadequa- tion. Information on the many important cies have been well highlighted in a num- wetlands not listed under the Convention is ber of cases from around the world (e.g. not generally available despite the obliga- ANON. 1992; FINLAYSON 1992b; HOLLIS tion for Contracting Parties to the Conven- 1992; WILLIAMS 1991; DIEGUES 1992; tion to make wise use of all wetlands and MONTES & BIFANI 1991) and are not to develop a national wetlands policy. unique to any one region. In the context of An initial analysis of wetland management monitoring to detect ecological change in issues in Central and Eastern Europe was wetlands, these inadequacies are extremely undertaken during a workshop in Tfebori in important and often reflect the economic, the Czech Republic during March 1992 political and social constraints under which (FINLAYSON 1992c). A series of workshop ecological management must operate. sessions was used to address the major HOLLIS (1992) expresses this in the follow- threats and management issues in wetlands ing way: "This loss and degradation is (peatlands, floodplains and fish ponds) in rooted in social, economic and political this region. The key points raised in these processes. These operate behind a chi- workshops (see summary in FINLAYSON mera created by the immediate causes of 1992a) provide the basis of an assessment wetland loss whilst the apparent causes of the major factors causing ecological of wetland loss, such as the often quoted change in wetlands in this part of Europe agricultural intensification and tourism, (see diagrammatic summaries in Figs 1 and etc., are merely the outward expression 2). These factors are essentially the same of the underlying factors." Furthermore, as those that result in the loss and degrada- HOLLIS (1992) points out that merely tack- tion of wetlands in many parts of the world ling the apparent causes of wetland loss (see FINLAYSON & MOSER 1991; FIN- and degradation will not solve the problem LAYSON et al. 1992; DUGAN 1990; and "There has to be an offensive on the MALTBY 1991; DUGAN 1993; MOSER & social, economic and political causes of VANVESSEM 1993). wetland loss and degradation ". This As a prelude to monitoring ecological theme is also evident in an assessment of change in the wetlands of Middle Europe, a the role of social factors in wetland man- more thorough analysis of the status of the agement done by MERMET (1991). remaining wetlands is necessary; that pro- These underlying factors are not directly vided in FINLAYSON (1992a) is not com- the subject of this workshop on monitoring prehensive. This analysis can then be used of ecological change in wetlands in Middle as the basis for assessing the need for Europe, but they do have a pervasive influ- monitoring programmes to provide early ence on the effectiveness of procedures for warning of further likely ecological monitoring. The purpose of mentioning change. To be truly effective, this analysis these underlying factors is to highlight the should be done through official agencies urgent need for addressing them whilst also augmented by non-governmental sources undertaking valid and scientifically rigor- as was successfully done in the Mediterra- ous monitoring programmes. nean basin (see ANON. 1992; FINLAYSON et KVET (1992) has pointed out that sectoral al. 1992). management with little regard for other sectors has been a feature of recent wetland Underlying causes of ecological change management approaches in some Middle European countries. Unless the political, In addition to addressing the individual social and economic processes behind this causes of ecological change in wetlands, sectoral approach to wetland management the inadequacy of institutional structures are addressed, no amount of monitoring 166 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at EUTROPHICATION DRAINAGE PEAT LANDS AFFORESTATION EXTRACTION OF PEAT CANALIZATION BANK STABILIZATION RIVERINE WETLANDS POLLUTION DAM CONSTRUCTION floodplains, streams, lakes.... EUTROPmCATION INTRODUCED SPECIES BUFFER STRJP DESTRUCTION LAND USE PRACTICES LAKES AND PONDS FISHING PRACTICES EUTROPHICATION Fig 1.: Reasons for the loss and degradation of peatlands, floodplains and fish ponds and lakes in Central & Eastern Europe (from FiNLAYSON 1992a). AFFORESTATION DEFORESTATION POLLUTION EXTRACTION- j CANALIZATION HARVESTING I WETLANDS EUTROPHICATION FISHING PRACTICES I INTRODUCED LAND USE INUNDATION DRAINAGE SPECIES Fig. 2: Reasons for the loss and degradation of wetlands in Central & Eastern Europe (compiled from FINLAYSON 1992a). 167 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at will be able to stop, let alone reverse, the and scientists (who provide expert advice current rate of wetland loss and degrada- and interpret the data). In a simple sense, tion. Reversing wetland loss may seem like the managers would outline the need for a an unachievable target, but it has been monitoring programme and the scientists adopted as a goal in the Mediterranean recommend the most appropriate tech- (ANON. 1992; FINLAYSON et al. 1992; niques and, by an iterative process, an ap- HOLLIS et al. 1992), the Lower Volga proach that has both scientific rigour and (FINLAYSON 1992b) and Australia meets the management objectives will be (DONAHUE & PHILLIPS 1991); indicating a developed. Conflict could arise if, in out- high level of commitment to wetland con- lining the objectives, the managers are servation. constrained or influenced by factors other Monitoring of ecological change is only than scientific considerations. Under such one aspect of wetland management and circumstances it must be remembered that should not be seen in isolation. any deficiency in the objectives will influ- ence all other components of the pro- gramme (SPELLERBERG 1991). OBJECTIVES OF MAHER & NORRIS (1990) have presented a MONITORING framework (Fig. 3) for designing a water quality assessment programme using bio- indicators; this could equally well apply to Framework and guidelines for monitor- other monitoring programmes. ing The starting point of this framework is the Before an effective monitoring programme formulation of specific objectives for the can be implemented, the objectives of the programme; these would normally be more programme must be clearly identified and specific than the overall goals of the agreed. In an ideal situation, this should be agency concerned. In presenting guidelines a straightforward and cooperative process for assessing scientific programmes, SMITH between managers (who make decisions) Formulation of objectives 1 Efficiency & Effectiveness Choice of Study Type Choice of Organism/s X Hypothesis tests —*• Statistical needs Sampling Design 1 1 Site Selection Frequency Replicates 1 Field Collection Laboratory Analysis Data Analysis, Interpretation and reporting Fig. 3: A framework for designing a monitoring programme (based on that prepared for as- sessing water quality using bioindicators as presented by MAHER & NORRIS 1990). 168 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at (1985) stated that the objectives should be and need to be revised to define the re- clearly and concisely defined, specify what quired level of significance. Often the level is to be achieved, deal only with attainable of significance is not defined, and yet, the results, and indicate when each stage will level of significance expresses the very be completed. In water quality monitoring basis of the ecological rationale for under- it is all too common to hear (but not read in taking a monitoring programme. Is it pos- published accounts) of chemical sampling sible to implement an effective monitoring programmes that continued for decades programme without determining what level before any data interpretation was under- of change is acceptable? Environmental taken, and then, when it was belatedly data contains a certain amount of variabil- done, to discover that the data either had ity, but when does this variability reflect a very little value or could not provide the real ecological change and is this change information originally being sought! Sadly, acceptable? These questions can be re- such reports are not uncommon. phrased in a number of ways, but essen- tially, they can only be answered by an Utilisation and interpretation of moni- expression of societal attitudes (as inter- toring data preted by the agency undertaking the pro- gramme) towards the value of the habitat Before the objectives of a monitoring pro- or ecosystem being monitored. gramme can be finalised, it goes without In a general sense, monitoring is needed to saying that the purpose of the programme prevent further unchecked exploitation and should be determined. Equally important, degradation of wetlands. Thus, there is a but less frequently done, the processes for need to assess the impact of human devel- utilising and interpreting the data need to opment and minimise ecological change. be agreed. In other words, will the pro- Success in such programmes will depend cesses for providing the data be appropriate on our ability not only to detect and moni- for the decisions that will need to be taken tor changes in the quality of wetlands, but and will the data be compatible with other also to provide early indications of likely data to be used in the decision making change and thereby take action to prevent process? It is also important to reiterate this change from occurring. A monitoring that the data must be available in sufficient programme that simply shows that change time for management decisions to be dis- (including habitat loss) has occurred can cussed and agreed. Thus, in terms of the have immense educational and public diagram given by MAHER & NORRIS awareness value and demonstrate environ- (1990), due emphasis must be given to mental trends, but programmes that enable setting and testing valid hypotheses, and steps to be taken before such change (or methods for analysing, interpreting and loss) occurs are urgently needed. Without reporting the data. SPELLERBERG (1991) these programmes the extent of ecological emphasises the need to carefully assess change (and loss) referred to above will data collection methods, etc., and to under- continue unabated. take a pilot project to determine whether or not the programme is feasible (Fig. 4). MONITORING ECOLOGICAL Explicit statements of what is to be CHANGE achieved are essential. This not only assists in defining the data collecting programme, Techniques and baselines but in long-term programmes also enables new staff to continue the work in a consis- An array of monitoring techniques for de- tent manner. Objectives that simply state to tecting ecological change in aquatic / wet- "assess significant change" are not explicit land habitats exist and are being used 169 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at DEFINE MONITORING OR SURVEILLANCE OBJECTIVES CONFIRM LOCALITY IF SUITABLE LOGISTICAL SUPPORT ASSESS DATA COLLECTION METHODS & CHOOSE VARIABLES DECIDE ON FREQUENCY AND TIMING OF DATA COLLECTION/RECORDING COLLABORATION AND CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF ANALYSIS STANDARDIZATION & METHODS OF DATA PRESENTATION WITH OTHER I MONITORING PROGRAMMES UNDERTAKE FEASIBILITY costs, data storage, continuity PRELIMINARY OR PILOT PROJECT (survey) CONFIRM OBJECTIVES, FEASIBILITY ETC. BASE-LINE SURVEY THEN MAIN MONITORING PROGRAMME Fig. 4.: Conceptual plan for a monitoring programme (from SPELLERBERG 1991). in different parts of the world (see papers monitored. Complementary techniques can in MOSER et al. 1994). The choice of ap- be used to firstly detect changes in ecosys- propriate techniques can be influenced by a tem structure and function and secondly, to myriad of reasons, but it needs to be reit- diagnose the reasons for such changes (e.g. erated that the technique(s) chosen must be US Fish & Wildlife Service Status and able to satisfy the objective(s) of the Trends Survey). monitoring programme. The technique is With all monitoring techniques there is a the tool by which the monitoring objective need to establish a starting point or obtain is achieved. In some circumstances, a suite baseline data. Changes in ecological char- of techniques may be required to avoid acter need to be related to a baseline that obtaining incorrect conclusions, although identifies the key functions and values of this depends on the resolution of particular the site. Thus, the functions and values of a techniques and the type of change being particular site need to be defined and a 170 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at baseline established. The functions and vegetation distribution) before effective values of wetlands have been well eluci- and reliable interpretation of the imagery dated in recent publications (e.g. DUGAN can take place. 1990, 1993; MALTBY 1991) and need not The above points serve to illustrate the be further addressed here. Rather, it is complementary nature of different monitor- more important to emphasise that establish- ing approaches. Under some scenarios it is ing the baseline is an essential prerequisite not unreasonable to expect that monitoring for a monitoring programme; ecological schemes could be comprised of several change can not be quantified without a complementary techniques; probably the basis for comparison. SPELLERBERG (1991) most common would be biological surveys considers baseline data to be information with physico-chemical surveys. Alterna- collected from the same place and on the tively, a more sophisticated approach for same basis as subsequent data and that this monitoring point source water pollution is is different to reference data which may provided by that developed by HUMPHREY have been collected previously. Reference et al. (1990, 1994) in the Alligator Rivers data should only be used where it is not Region of Northern Australia, where pre- possible to obtain valid baseline data. To release toxicity testing is combined with obtain a direct analysis of the extent and bank-side biological monitoring for short- ecological significance of change a valid term effects and in-stream biological baseline is needed. However, for all sorts monitoring for longer-term effects, and of reasons it may be necessary to use the further linked to bioaccumulation studies more indirect method of comparing to ref- and physico-chemical water analyses. Such erence data. This still has value, but care integration may not be common, but it does should be used when inferring from one reflect the high value being placed on the site to another without statistical valida- aquatic/wetland ecosystems of the region tion. being monitored. Obviously, high value regions that may be threatened by anthro- Integration of techniques pogenic factors warrant greater attention than low value regions. A number of techniques for monitoring CLARKE (1993) considered the require- ecological change were described in the ments for a monitoring system for address- IWRB workshop on this topic (FINLAYSON ing environmental concerns and came up & VOLZ 1993). It is not the purpose of this with the following recommendation. Sys- paper to describe all possible techniques. tems designed to monitor ecological Rather, a general introduction to remote change should be able to detect the pres- sensing and biological monitoring tech- ence of an environmental perturbation, niques is given. These two broad tech- assess the seriousness of the perturbation, niques represent different levels of moni- identify the cause of the perturbation and toring. Whilst a certain degree of informa- provide the means of evaluating the extent tion can be obtained from biological of recovery after any remedial action is monitoring techniques, their real value is taken. Not surprisingly, CLARKE (1993) often enhanced by linking them to physico- also concluded that it was unrealistic to chemical monitoring techniques. Thus, it is expect that any one technique or approach necessary to integrate the results of several could be used to perform these tasks and techniques to achieve a thorough under- that an integrated approach incorporating a standing of the nature of an ecological variety of techniques was needed. Unfortu- change and the most likely causes. Simi- nately, all too often there is very little ef- larly, satellite data require some ground- fective monitoring of wetlands using a truthing and linking to field surveys (e.g. single technique (see DUGAN & JONES 171 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 1993), let alone using a suite of integrated Satellite remote sensing has been used for techniques as developed by HUMPHREY et monitoring wetlands and lakes in a number al. (1990). of parts of the world (e.g. NAKAYAMA 1993; YATES et al. 1993; MULLER et al. 1993). However, even with improvements MONITORING TECHNIQUES in the detail and reliability of information derived from satellites, the accuracy and As already mentioned, a plethora of moni- reliability may not match that from con- toring techniques exist and many are being ventional aerial photography using manual used to monitor aquatic and wetland habi- photo-interpretation, such as that used in tats around the world. Two of these are the USA National Wetlands Inventory addressed below: remote sensing and bio- Project (see WILEN 1990) and recom- logical monitoring. These were chosen as mended for use in Australia by JOHNSTON they represent techniques that have re- &BARSON(1993). ceived a lot of attention in recent years and offer great potential for monitoring at the Beneficial aspects habitat, population and individual species level respectively. Improvements in the detail and reliability of information derived from satellites in- Remote sensing clude advances in spatial and spectral resolution, geo-referencing and digital im- Background age processing techniques along with great strides in the integration of data through the use of Geographic Information Systems Satellite imagery can be used to assess the (GIS). In fact, the strength of satellite im- status of particular features of wetlands agery lies in its ability to be integrated with (e.g. areal extent, vegetation and water other sources of data in a GIS and the de- coverage) and possibly even identify velopment of digital terrain maps and changes in land use that detrimentally af- models. fect wetlands. Through comparison with historical records, the extent of ecological The main advantage of using satellite im- change can be identified. In this instance, agery for monitoring wetlands is the ease the baseline is provided by previously with which large and remote areas can be taken images and/or maps. surveyed regularly. Furthermore, the Land- The use of satellite data (remote sensing) sat archive contains data going back to as an environmental monitoring tool com- 1972. However, in some parts of the world menced in 1972 with the launch of the US it is difficult to find cloud-free scenes; a Landsat satellite. The latest Landsat satel- problem encountered by NAKAYAMA lite uses a Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS) (1993) when looking for historical imagery that covers green, red, and two very-near for a lake in tropical Malaysia. Eventually, infra-red bands with an 80 m resolution; a suitable scenes were found in the archives Thematic Mapper (TM) covering blue, and used as historical comparisons for as- green, red, very-near infra-red (VNIR) and sessing vegetation change around a wet- two short wave infra-red (SWIR) bands land. NAKAYAMA (1993) also used satellite with a 30 m resolution and a thermal, infra- imagery to assess rates of degradation of red band with a 120 m resolution (DRURY mangroves in Thailand and identified the 1990). Data are now also available from construction of shrimp farms as the major the French SPOT and Japanese MOS sat- cause of the decrease in the area of man- ellites with 20 m and 50 m resolution re- groves. spectively in visible and VNIR bands. 172

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