818 Review Article gnirotinoM gnirud cirtaideap caidrac aisehtseana Jonathan P. Purday MB SB MRCP(UK) FRCA Monitoring of paediatric anaesthesia has become increasingly Depuis quelques ann~es, le monitorage de l'anesth~sie p$dia- more complex in recent years and this is particulary true of trique devient de plus en plus complexe et tout particulikrement cardiac anaesthesia. The purpose of this review is to give a en anesth~sie cardiaque. L'objectif de ce travail consiste h passer comprehensive update of published material related to both rou- en revue la litt~rature actuelle qui traite du monitorage usuel tine and specialized cardiac monitoring. Routine monitoring et spkcialis~. Le monitorage usuel peut &re influenc~ par les can be particularly affected by the alterations of cardiac rhythm, modifications de la fr~quence cardiaque, du courant sanguin, blood flow, cardiac output and oxygenation which result from du d~bit cardiaque et de l'oxyg~nation provoqu~s par sel ano- the congenital heart abnormalities themselves, the type of malies cardiaques cong~nitales, du type de chirurgie et des -er surgery undertaken and the effects of cardiopulmonary bypass. tentissements de la circulation extracorporelle. L'utilisation du The use of specialized monitoring is becoming more wide- monitorage ~silaic~ps est de plus en plus r~pandu et concerne spread, particularly in the areas of cerebral function, mixed particulikrement la circulation ,elarbdr~c l'oxyg$nation du sang venous oxygenation, cardiac output measurement and coag- veineux m~l~, la mesure du d$bit cardiaque et la coagulation. ulation. In the last fn, e years, with the development of smaller Au cours des cinq dernikres anndes, le d~veloppement de sondes probes, a great deal has been published on transoesophageal plus petites a g~n&~ de nombreuses publications sur l~cho- echocardiography. The use of the current monitors of cerebral cardiographie transoesophagienne., L'utilisation des moniteurs function still remains controversial despite the need for a mon- actuels de la fonction c~r~brale demeure sujet lg controverse itor of adequate brain perfusion, reflecting the need for a great bien qu'un moniteur de perfusion elarb~r~c ad~quat demeure deal of further research in this area. This review will concentrate toujours aussi essentiel, confirmant ainsi le besoin de recherches on particular areas which have seen the most profound changes suppl~mentaires sur ce sujet. Ce survol se portera spdcialement and on monitoring that may form the standards of tomorrow. sur sel champs d'activiMs qui ont connu les changements les Finally, amongst all the technology, it should not be forgotten plus profonds et sur le monitorage qui ~tablira sel standards that the most important clinical monitor is the bedside clinical du futur. Finalement, au milieu de cette technologie, il ne faut monitoring of the physicians themselves. jamais oublier que le moniteur clinique le plus important se trouve au chevet du malade en la personne du mddecin. words Contents Key Introduction ;AISEHTSEANA paediatric, cardiac; Routine monitoring ;GNIROTINOM blood pressure, carbon dioxide, cardiac Electrocardiogram output, coagulation, echocardiography, - - Pulse oxirnetry electrocardiography, electroencehalography, - Capnography neuromuscular function, oxygen, temperature, venous Temperature monitoring pressure. - Stethoscopes - From the Department of Anaesthesia, University of hsitirB - Urine output Columbia, British Columbia's Children's Hospital, 4480 Oak Neuromuscular function - Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6H 4V3 Canada. - Arterial pressure monitoring Address correspondence :ot Dr. Jonathan Purday, - Central venous pressure monitoring Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital Specialized monitoring ,)drof_noW( Barrack Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 ,WD5 Pulmonary artery pressure and mixed venous satura- - England. tion monitoring Accepted for publication 5th May, .4991 - Left atrial monitoring CAN J ANAESTH 1994 / 41:9 pp 818-44 Purday: CIRTAIDEAP CAIDRAC AISEHTSEANA 918 - Cardiac output determination ELBAT 1 lareneG segnahc of eht GCE htiw gnisaercni ega - Transoesophageal echocardiography ehT traeh etar .sesaerced - Monitoring the brain llA eht slavretni dna snoitarud RP( ,lavretni SRQ ,noitarud TQ - Monitoring of cardiopulmonary bypass )lavretni .esaercni - Monitoring of coagulation ehT thgif ralueirtnev ecnanimod of eht tnafni si decalper yb eht tfel Conclusions ralucirtnev ecnanimod of eht .tluda ehT T evaw rotcev si roiretna ni eht .nrobwen gniruD doohdlihc ti si etaidemretni dna yb thgie ot net sraey ti strats ot evom roiretna There have been considerable advances in the monitoring .niaga of the paediatric patient in recent years. Changes in basic paediatric monitoring have been made and the Canadian Anaesthetists' Society standards require pulse oximetry, blood pressure measurement, electrocardiogram (ECG), In adult cardiac surgery there has been investigation capnography when the trachea is intubated, temperature of perioperative myocardial ischaemia, its prognosis, and measurement and a stethoscope (precordial, oesophageal the best way of detecting it. 4,3 In children, however, there or paratracheal). Specialized monitoring includes the has been little work looking at the ST segment. Bell et monitoring of mixed venous oxygenation saturation al. ~ reported three cases of ST changes in neonates con- (S~O2) which is being increasingly used within the critical sistent with myocardial ischaemia. The first case involved care area. Transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE) has a child of 26 wk who developed ST changes during awake become accepted in adult cardiac surgery particularly in laryngoscopy and lung retraction that were presumed to the fields of mitral valve repair and aortic root surgery, be related to myocardial hypoxia, although pulse oxime- where it allows immediate assessment of the adequacy try readings were not mentioned. In the second case, ST of repair. The place of TOE in congenital heart disease changes improved on starting trinitroglycerine, isoprote- is now becoming more clearly defined. Cerebral function renol and dopamine and in the third were related to ectio- monitoring is an area of a great deal of research and cardiographic changes. Cherian and Rao 6 associate the several new monitoring methods are under review. The ST segment with the adequacy of coronary blood flow use of the thromboelastogram in monitoring coagulation during the arterial switch operation for transposition. Ob- has been found to decrease blood and fluid replacement serving leads I and V 5 for the left coronary and lead during liver transplantation and its use during cardiac II for the right, greater than 1 mm elevation for more surgery is increasing. Other end organs that are affected than five minutes after cross-clamp release was said to by cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) include the gut; liver indicate ischaemia. In one of their six patients persistent and immune system, possibly leading to multi-organ fail- ST elevation in lead II was reversed by revising the right ure in some cases, and interest is being shown in their coronary anastomosis. monitoring. Perioperative arrhythmias have also been investigated. The purpose of this review is to present the recent In one study, analyses of atrial ECGs obtained from tem- publications relating to specific areas of both standard porary bipolar atrial epicardial electrodes were compared and specialized monitoring and indicate areas where these with singleqead ECGs interpreted by five paediatric car- monitors may prove particularly useful to the practitioner diologists in 20 children after post-cardiac surgery. 7 Sinus involved in the care of paediatric cardiac patients. rhythm was correctly interpreted in all, whereas atrio- ventricular conduction disturbances and narrow QRS ta- Routine monitoring chycardias were identified correctly only 77% and 14% of the time, respectively. More of a concern was that Electrocardiogram those rhythms incorrectly interpreted, 89% received active The ECG displays the electrical activity of the heart. Ab- therapeutic intervention (DC cardioversion or antiar- normalities in the ECG can reflect alterations in rate or rhythmic drug) indicating that where intervention is con- rhythm and changes in the ST segment may incidate un- sidered, single-lead surface ECG is inadequate. derlying ischaemia. The normal ECG in childhood The Fontan operation, where the right atrium is con- changes with age and shows several differences from the netted to the main pulmonary artery, leads to an increase adult, particularly in the first few years of life where the in systemic venous pressure, and predisposes to supra- right ventrical mass is dominant. There are several general ventricular arrhythmias. These may lead to severe hy- changes that occur with increasing age (Table I). Heart potension by causing an increase in pulmonary venous rate (HR), frontal plane QRS vector (axis), PR interval, atrial pressure in a circulation which lacks a right-sided R wave heights and T waves are some of the factors ventricle. The consequence of these arrhythmias and their that alter with age (Table II) and the reader is referred predisposing factors have been analysed retrospectively to a more specialized review for further information. 2,1 by Gewillig et al. 8 Eleven patients (10.6%) developed peri- 820 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA ELBAT II Summary of segnahc ni eht normal ECG with age QRS traeH Axis ni PR interval duration laidrocerP *etar ~seerged ~)ces( w)ces( sdael (V )~1 T sevaw Newborn 110-160 +30- +180 0.07-0.14 50.0 Dominant Right .elcirtnev woL .egatlov Inverted in ,tV .z )521+( I.0( )I )560.0( llaT R ,lV .2 Deep S ,5V .6 V I can be upright for 3 Pure R Vt<10 mm sug- ;syad after this stseggus stseg RVH. Often lasrever HVR of adult RS noissergorp 1 wk-I mo 105-180 -t-65-+165 0.07-0.14 50.0 llitS dominant R ni ,IV .z In desaercnI ,egatlov detrevni (+110) )01.0( )560.0( 6V S rnay>R VI,2 I-6 mo 105-185 +I0-+i 01 0.07-0.15 50.0 R wave still dominant V l but llitS inverted ,iV 2 (+70) )01.0( )70.0( not V 2 6 mo-3 yr 90-165 +5-+105 0.07-0.16 550.0 R/S ratio V I can be <1. R llitS inverted ,iV z (+55) )11.0( )70.0( dominant V 6 3-8 yr 65-140 +5-+130 0.09-0.16 70.0 Adult R/S noissergorp si eht llitS inverted V I (+60) )21.0( )80.0( elur 8-16 hr 021-06 0--+90 81.0-90.0 70.0 Adult QRS shape and R/S Upright V .I ,revewoH _IV 4 (+60) )41.0( )90.0( noissergorp can be detrevni tludA 60-100 0---+100 2.0-21.0 80.0 Left elcirtnev dominant htiw Usually upright gnidulcni V I (+50) )61.0( )01.0( adult R/S noissergorp *Range ni beats (cid:12)9 rain .1- tRange (mean). ~PR interval varies with heart rate. w (upper .)timil operative tachycardias which, despite intensive medical umtion. The amplitude of the detected light is altered treatment, were fatal in ten. Eight of these patients de- yb the pulsatile waveform and the absence of pulsatile veloped atrial flutter which was associated with preop- flow limits the ability to calculate the SpO .2 erative raised mean pulmonary artery pressure and low The SpO2 measured by the pulse oximeter is different aortic saturation, perhaps indicating that in those patients from the arterial saturation detected by a laboratory co- with severe lung hypoperfusion alternative strategies (e.g., oximeter .)2OaS( The co-oximeter uses multiple wave- shunts) should be considered. Three patients developed lengths of light to detect other types of haemoglobin, His bundle tachycardia but no predisposing factors could e.g., carboxy- and methaemoglobin. Foetal and methae- be found. moglobin cause little variation in the accuracy of pulse oximetry compared with a co-oximeter. However, carb- Pulse oximetry oxyhaemoglobin from carbon monoxide is measured as This monitor measures the pulse rate and the level of oxyhaemoglobin and a co-oxirneter measurement is es- oxygenated to deoxygenated haemoglobin in the blood sential. 9 It should also be remembered that pulse ox- in the form of a percentage using plethysmography and imeters are calibrated from normal adults breathing hy- spectrophotometric analysis. Light at two different wave- poxic mixtures and not children and that at readings lengths (red and near infrared) are used to differentiate < 70% they become increasingly inaccurate.9 oxygenated and deoxygenated haemoglobin by shining In a large study of children the sensitivity of detecting them through peripheral arterial beds. As the arterial hae- desaturation episodes was greater with pulse oximetry moglobin saturation changes, the ratio of the two wave- than by clinical acumen particularly in infants, 0l Impor- lengths of light transmitted to a photodetector will change tant considerations for the cardiac anaesthetist include the relative to each other. The ratio of oxyhaemoglobin to cold vasoconstriction and small pulse pressure seen after reduced haemoglobin plus oxyhaemoglobin is then cal- CPB which often precludes accurate estimations of ar- culated and displayed as the arterial haemoglobin oxy- terial saturation (SpO2). H In two studies the Biox 3700 gen saturation (SpOz). The pulse oximeter utilizes a ple- was examined. When ten paediatric patients were cooled thysmographic waveform to differentiate the pulsatile to 25~ the SpO2 was overestimated between 30 ~ and "arterial" saturation from the non-pulsatile "venous" sat- 36~ and underestimated below 30~ compared with si- Purday: PAEDIATRIC CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA 128 multaneous co-oximeter readings. 21 However, a separate absorbs infrared light of certain wavelengths and the group found a correlation coefficient of 0.88 between si- amount of light absorbed is proportional to the amount multaneous measurements of SpO2 and co-oximeter of CO2. The expired gases can be sampled and the ab- readings which was not affected by low core temperature sorbance of the infrared light by CO2 can be plotted as and when the pulse oximeter and ECG heart rate coin- a wave form or capnogram. Raman spectrography relies cided, the SpO2 reading was within +5% (P < 0.05). 31 on Raman scattering signals obtained from molecules Centrally placed monitors on the tongue and cheek of gas which have been subjected to an argon laser and have been shown to increase the accuracy of SpO: to has the advantage that all gases and vapours, including SaO2 during cooling 5:4~ and also to detect desaturation inhalational agents, can be measured. Mass spectro- and resaturation earlier than those placed peripherally. 6~ graphy uses a magnetic field to separate ions by charge In cyanotic congenital heart disease where saturation and photoacoustic spectrography uses infrared absor- can be <80%, pulse oximetry overestimates the value bance but then measures it by an acoustic method which by 5.8% + 4.8% (bias + precision) compared with the is claimed to increase accuracy. co-oximeter. 71 A further study also revealed overestima- The relationship between the partial pressure of end- tion of ,pS 2O to SaO2 in children with a variety of severe tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO2) and the partial pressure congenital heart conditions, 88% (cid:127) %01 compared with of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (PaCO2) is dependent 84% + %01 respectively, gi on several factors including pulmonary blood flow, car- Another potential area of inaccuracy is the influence diac output and particularly the ventilation to perfusion of severe tricuspid regurgitation which tended to decrease match within the lungs. Therefore during cardiac surgery, the SpO2 value from +2% to -11% compared with the there are many situations which may cause inaccuracy 91.2OaS The reason for this discrepancy was postulated due to changes in these factors as well as alterations in to be due to the pulse oximeter interpreting venous pul- temperature, and the effects of CPB. 62 A recent study sations as arterial. of congenital heart disease revealed that cyanotic heart It should not be forgotten that a decreased vascular disease caused considerable unreliability. 72 Unlike other volume can lead to intermittent and eventual loss of SpO2 occasions in paediatric anaesthesia, where PETCO2 gives readings. This can be particularly useful in neonates and a good guide to PaCO:,25 in patients with congenital heart small children, when a sudden change in SpO2 may give disease (particularly cyanotic) and during cardiac surgery an early sign of hypovolaemia before a decrease in blood the PETCO2 naC only be used as an indication of PaCO2 pressure. ~2 A further study in 50 neonates revealed that and to recognize gross changes such as disconnection of loss of the oximeter wave form on the extremity where the breathing circuit or air embolus. Pulmonary artery a blood pressure cuff was gradually inflated gave a far banding and systemic-to-pulmonary shunts also cause de- better correlation with invasive systolic BP (r 2 = 0.95) creases in PETCO .2 82 Arterial blood gases are drawn fre- than the Dinamap (Critikon, Tampa, FL) (r 2 = 0.55). :l quently during cardiac surgery and the difference between One important complication of a burn to a foot suf- PaCO 2 and PETCO2 can be regularly assessed. Ongoing fered by a neonate due to a faulty probe should be men- studies to design miniaturized intmarterial fibreoptic sen- tioned.22 As a precaution, if there is lack of correlation sors (at the moment only capable of going through a between the ECG and pulse o .ximeter HR the application 20-gauge catheter) which will give continuous real-time site should be checked. monitoring of pH, PaCO2, and PaO2 are particularly in- Other causes of unreliability include probe position, teresting. 03.92 motion artifact, ambient light, electrocautery, skin pig- The principle of capnography can also be used to mentation and nail 32.hsilop measure nitrous oxide and the other anaesthetic gases A particular use of the pulse oximeter is during pul- by the measurement of the absorbance of infrared light monary artery banding when desaturation of the pulse at other specific wavelengths. oximeter can be used as a guide to the tightness of the band and give early warning if it is too tight. 42 erutarepmeT gnirotinom There is no ideal site for temperature monitoring of the yhpargonpaC paediatric patient. 13 (Figure l). During cardiac surgery The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the ex- accurate central temperature monitoring is essential when pired gases is measured by infrared light absorbance, brain protection is provided by cooling during CPB. Hy- Raman spectrography, mass spectrography, or rarely by pothermia reduces the metabolic rate of the brain ex- photoacoustic speetrography. The details of these pro- ponentiaUy and is the most effective means of protecting cesses are described elsewhere. 52 Briefly, in the most pop- the brain from CPB or total circulatory arrest-induced ular method of infrared light absorbance, CO2 specifically injury. 23 Peripheral (extremity) temperature monitoring is 228 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA (Jvt) as an indicator of the temperature of blood perfusing the brain and found that at normal pump flows the Jvt paralleled arterial, nasopharyngeal and tympanic temper- atures. However, at low flows (<50 ml. kg -I. min-I), whilst arterial and nasopharyngeal temperatures re- mained constant, the Jvt continued to increase indicating that currently used methods of assessing temperature may not adequately reflect the brain temperature. Kern et al.36 have also shown that the rate and method of cooling during CPB may alter the efficiency of brain cooling and decrease in CMRO2. In their study a group of children who were rapidly cooled to 15~ by setting the water temperature of the heat exchanger to 4-5~ were com- pared with a group cooled to a temperature of 18~ over 20 min and they had SjO2's of 86.2% + %21 and 98% + 0.9% (P < 0.01) respectively. Prolonged cooling for 20 min led to complete CMRO2 suppression but there was still delayed recovery of CMRO2 on reversal of cir- ulatory arrest, indicating that further protective measures are needed. 73 (For further information see jugular venous saturation in Monitoring of the Brain.) Further aspects FIGURE 1 Sites for central temperature monitoring. of the physiology of thermoregnlation and the effects of anaesthesia in the paediatric patient are discussed else- where. 83 also measured occasionally as a guide to post-bypass per- fusion. Stethoscopes Reports vary as to the incidence of temporary and per- Precordial and oesophageal stethoscopes are still ex- manent neuropsychiatric complications following hypo- tremely useful monitors. The heart sounds may become thermic CPB with or without circulatory arrest although distant with the decreased cardiac output of hypovolae- some studies put it as high as 25%. 33 Inadequate cerebral mia or deep anaesthesia. Intramyocardial air can be de- cooling has been proposed as a cause and recently at- tected by the characteristic "machinery" heart murmur. tempts at measuring jugular venous bulb saturation Combined oesophageal stethoscopes with temperature (SjOz) as an indicator of cerebral oxygen uptake and probes are particularly useful in paediatric cardiac therefore of cerebral metabolism (CMRO2) have been surgery. An ECG electrode has also been combined with performed. If cerebral cooling is inadequate cerebral oxy- an oesophageal stethoscope to aid in the diagnosis of gen extraction will be increased leading to a low SjO2. dysrhythmias. During surgery, stethoscopes can become Kern et al. 43 found SjO2 levels in six of 71 patients less an essential monitor when other more sophisticated mon- than one year old had a lower (87.1% level + 6.3% versus itors become displaced. 98.1% + 0.9%) at a tympanic membrane temperature of 15~ These six patients also had a SaO2 to SjO2 Urine output difference of + 11.4% 6.9%, compared with 0.3% + 0.4% Urine output is measured routinely during CPB. The in the other 11 patients, and were said to show desat- production of 0.5 ml. kg -~. hr -I of urine is used as a uration. These patients could not be predicted by con- simple way of monitorinagd equate renal perfusion. How- tinuous measurement of on-line tympanic and rectal tem- ever, urine output can also be influenced by glycosuria perature or mixed venous oxygen saturation during and drugs such as diuretics and mannitol. Large amounts periods of stable haemodynamic, PExCO2, SaO2, CPB of dilute urine are produced in "high output" renal fail- and anaesthetic levels. These results suggest that these ure. In oliguria, the specific gravity and concentration patients had higher CMRO2 and that a low SjO2 may of urea and electrolytes in urine can help differentiate indicate inadequate brain cooling. None of these patients pre-renal from renal and obstructive causes, providing had gross neurological deficits and formalized neuro- diuretics have not been given. psychiatric tests were not performed. Support for the con- cept of inadequate cerebral cooling comes from Foster Neuromuscular function et al. 53 who measured jugular venous bulb temperatures Neuromuscular function is often poorlmyo nitored during Purday: PAEDIATRIC CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA 328 cardiac surgery. This is because large doses of opioids are used in combination with ED95 doses of muscle re- laxants and patients are usually transferred to the ICU with their lungs ventilated. However, closer monitoring of neuromuscular function is needed for those patients whose neuromuscular blockade will be reversed and their tracheas extubated at thee nd of surgery. These operations would include closed heart operations, and in some cen- tres patients after uneventful atrial secundum defect re- pairs. Close monitoring of the onset of muscle relaxation, prior to intubation of the trachea, is desirable to avoid undue laryngeal stimulation which could precipitate ischaemia, dysrhythmias, or a pulmonary hypertensive crisis. No specific type of neuromuscular monitor is re- quired forc ardiac surgery. FIGURE 2 Classification of radial artery pressure wave contours. (Reproduced with permission from Nomoto et al.: Hemodynamic Arterial pressure assessment of radial-arterial pressure-wave contours in children. This can be measured invasively or noninvasively. The Thorae Cardiovasc Surg 1991; :93 349-52.) commonest noninvasive methods are by use of the Doppler methodo rb y oscillometry. The Doppler method relies on a probe (see Cardiac Output for more detail) thors state that the radial arteries should be assessed and being placed over an artery to record flow and its ces- a modified Allen's test performed for adequacy of ulnar sation due to inflating a proximal blood pressure (BP) circulation. 24 However, the need to perform the test has cuff. This method can be performed manually or by an been challenged in recent years by a lack of ischaemia automated machine. The oscillometric method is an au- in arteries carmulated, despite a negative test. ~,34 tomatic blood pressure cuff, for example the Dinamap A system of classification of the radial artery pressure- (Critikon, Tampa, FL), which relies on two pressure in- wave contours has been analyzed in 45 children under- dicators, one for cuff pressure and one for the amplitude going open heart surgery. 54 Stroke volume and systemic of pulsations. The accuracy "fo both methods relies on vascular resistance (SVR) were calculated from the car- the correct size cuff (occupying two-thirds of the upper diac output (CO) obtained by thermodilution. The radial arm) being used. A study by Gravlee et al.39 found a artery pressure-wave contours were classified into types mean and standard deviation differences of-6 and 8 I, II and III with each wave having three, two and one mmHg compared with direct mean brachial arterial pres- shoulder respectively (Figure .)2 Type I had a higher CO sure. Unfortunately the Dinamap fails to detect the BP with a lower HR and larger stroke volume (SV) than when there is low BP, low cardiac output or tachycardias type II. Type III occurred with low cardiac output. The making it unreliable in unstable patients. second waves of types I (the percussion wave) and II (the dicrotic notch) can also be used to indicate the SVR: EVISAVN1 MONITORING higher SVR caused the second wave of type I to be In the case of open heart surgery, where continuous BP greater than the first (Type I-b) and the dicrotic notch monitoring and multiple blood samples are required, an of type II to be greater than half of the fLrst wave (Type artery is cannulated and a pressure transducer converts II-b). Therefore, a decrease in SV resulted in Type I be- the pressure signal generated to an electrical waveform. coming Type II and a decrease in SVR resulted in a Special care is needed during assembly to avoid the in- change from "b" to "a" and vice versa. The authors claim troduction of microorganisms (which could lead to sepsis) that, in combination with thermodilution, a continuous or air bubbles which would lead to inaccuracies in meas- assessment could be made of SVR and SV and alert urement (damping). clinicians to haemodynamic changes at an early stage. Dangers of invasive monitoring include: vascular com- It should also not be forgotten that an aortic-to-radial promise and thrombosis (which in its severest form can pressure gradient may develop and the radial pressure, lead to amputation), ~4 disconnection, accidental injection, although usually within 5 mmHg of aortic, may be con- infection and damage to nearby nerves. j4 Therefore, non- siderably ~ decreased. invasive measurements by the methods just described are Finally, in coarctation of the aorta the left arm should often used in closed heart operations in children. The not be used for blood pressure monitoring, including ra- radial artery is routinely used for cannulation. Some au- dial artery cannulation, as the left subclavian artery may 428 NAIDANAC LANRUOJ AISEHTSEANA FO be involved in the coarctation or in its subsequent repair. Alternative sites for arterial cannulation include fem- oral, brachial, axillaruym,b ilical and dorsalis pedis. Com- plications of these sites are again of ischaemia, infection and thrombosis. 84,74 The femoral artery can be easier than the radial to cannulate but may cause problems in the event of femoral bypass. In the study of Glenski eta/., 94 femoral artery cannulation had no increase in sepsis and perfusion-related complications compared with radial cannulation in infants and children. However, in neo- nates, the perfusion-related complications were consid- erably higher and may have exceeded those from can- nulation of the radial artery. A study of axillary artery ERUGIF 3 sgnidroceR of suoenatlumis ,GCE laidar yretra erusserp monitoring in 61 patients found no complications. ~5 The dna PVC ta 52 "mm sec- .I elpmaxE a of lamron PVC htiw gnicart artery was cannulated by palpating the artery with the "a," "c" dna "v" ,sevaw dna "x" dna "y~ .stnecsed arm flexed to 90 ~ and the palm under the head and then use of the Seldinger technique. An umbilical artery catheter may be inserted shortly after birth and provide excellent monitoring and assess in the neonatal period. Athough the dorsalis pedis artery is absent in about 5% of children cannulation appears to be reasonably safe but may overestimate aortic pressure by 5 mmHg on aver- age. ls Central venous pressure A central venous line is often required not only for meas- uring central venous pressure (CVP) but also fotrh e rapid administration of fluids and drugs and for the infusion of irritant inotropic drugs. Central venous pressure can be used as a monitor of right heart fdling pressure and ERUGIF 4 tnenimorP "a" sevaw ni a tneitap htiw yranomlup -repyh .noisnet blood volume status. The classical wave form of the CVP with prominent "a" and %" waves when related to the ECG can also be used to diagnose cardiac abnormalities, constrictive pericarditis or cardiac tamponade. Differen- especially when timed with an ECG tracing. The normal tiation of the "a" and "v" waves can be made clinically CVP tracing has three waves and two descents (Figure by timintgh em with the carotid pulse when the %" waves .)3 The "a" wave is caused by atrial contraction, and should coincide, whilst the "a" waves are just before the the "x" descent is caused initially by right atrial relaxation carotid pulse. More accurately they can be differentiated and then by the descent of the floor of the right atrium by a simultaneous ECG recording when "a" waves occur during ventricular systole. The relatively small "c" wave just after the P wave and %" just after the QRS com- is generated within the right atrium as right ventricular plex. 25 The waveform can also be useful in helping to isovolumetric contraction displaces the tricuspid valve differentiate nodal from sinus tachycardia by looking at leaflets upwards. The "v" wave was designated as it starts the "a" wave position (Figures 5 and .)6 If a sinus beat during ventricular systole and is generated by passive fdl- can be captured with a pacemaker and the waveform ing of the right atrium against a closed tricuspid valve. changes then the rhythmc annot be sinus. The "y" descent represents the ending of the %" wave by the sudden opening of the tricuspid valve, following LANRETNI RALUGUJ NIEV right ventricular relaxation and the right atrial pressure In most centres measurement of the CVP is usually decreases. The "a" wave is absent in atrial fibrillation achieved by cannulating the internal jugular vein. This or nodal rhythms, and has increased prominence in con- is because of its high success rate of up to 97%. s5-35 ditions where the atrium is contracting against increased The right side is usually preferred, as it runs a straighter pressure such as tricuspid stenosis, pulmonary stenosis course to the superior vena cava, and the left may be or acute or chronic pulmonary hypertension (Figure 4). connected to a left superior vena cava which could be The %" wave is prominent in tricuspid regurgitation, tied off during surgery. Purday: ANAESTHESIA CARDIAC PAEDIATRIC 528 ELBAT III snoitacilpmoC of lanretni niev noitalunnac .SSamotameaH 65 erutcnuP dna noitalunnac of ditorac artery 65,5s xarohtomuenP ,ss xarohtomeaH 65 cicarohT tcud yrujni no( )tfel suoneV 7s dna lairetra 8s ria msilobme Homer's emordnys 95 or einerhp evren egamad ~6 sisobmorhT !6 sispeS 26 caidraC edanopmat 36 using the high approach favoured by most institutions. 55 The overall success rate was 97.2% but this decreased ERUGIF 5 aidracyhcaT eht ni noisnetopyh dna emas tneitap sa to 78.6% with children <4 kg. erugiF .4 ehT raluger "a" dna "v" sevaw mrifnoc siht sa a sunis Cardiac tamponade is a complication with a mortality aidracyhcat hcihw saw demrifnoc no an laegahposeo dna GCE of 65 to 78%, particularly when a poorly positioned cath- detcerroc htiw emulov .tnemecalper eter erodes through the right atrium (RA). 36 McGee et al. 36 have not only reviewed the causes of cardiac tam- ponade but also describe an elegant method to help po- sition the catheter tip in the superior vena cava (SVC) above the right atrium using an Arrow-Johans right atrial ECG adapter (Arrow), which is attached to the saline- filled distal lumen of the CVP catheter. The patient had a standard three lead ECG attached and then the left chest (negative) lead was attached to the adapter. As the CVP catheter was advanced, the upright P wave became higher as it approached the sinoatrial (SA) node in the RA. When the height of the P wave reached that of the R wave the SA node had been reached and the cath- eter was withdrawn 3 cm (to the SVC) and fixed in position. Advancing the catheter past the SA node caused ERUGIF 6 gnidroceR of erugiF at 5 05 mm' sec- I gniwohs eht the P wave to become biphasic. This was an adult study gnimit of smrofevaw erom .ylraelc and awaits paediatric verification. However, correct po- sitioning of the CVP is even more difficult to achieve in children and the venous cannula used for CPB otten There are several complications of internal jugular vein obstructs CVP readings when the tip of the CVP is po- cannulation (Table III). sitioned incorrectly. In children there seems to be a far higher chance of Finally, it must be remembered that the internal jug- puncturing the carotid artery (11-15%) 65'55 than ill adults ular vein should not be used in patients having a Glen and therefore, particularly in cyanosed patients, trans 2 or Fontan operation as the SVC is involved in the surgery: duction of the pressure prior to dilatation is recom- the femoral vein is preferred. mended. Recent methods to try to decrease these com- plications include pre-insertion ultrasound. Ultrasound REHTO SLESSEV guidance of the anatomy of the internal jugular vein re- Other approaches to measuring the CVP with fewer com- duced time and. decreased the number of needle passes plications have been looked for. In a recent study external and complications in a trial of 40 infants and neonates. 46 jugular cannulation was compared with the internal jug- Ultrasound also revealed that in 59% of patients the in- ular approach, although the external jugular was only ternal jugular vein lay directly anterior to the common used if it was easily visible. Despite the finding of no carotid artery, leading to persistent failure to cannulate carotid artery punctures in the external jugular group, the vessel when approaching from lateral to the artery. 56 the high probability of positioning other than in the right A recent report examined the factors influencing success- atrium or superior vena cava (16%) meant that this ap- ful cannulation of the internal jugular vein in infants proach should not be used for monitoring during 628 NAIDANAC LANRUOJ FO AISEHTSEANA ELBAT VI snoitacidnI rof noitresni of a yranomlup yretra retehtac paediatric cardiac surgery but only for vasoactive drug infusions. 65 ereveS caidrac noitcnufsyd yllaicepse( if ereht si ytirapsid neewteb Subclavian vein cannulation has a higher incidence of )selcirtnev yranomluP noisnetrepyh pneumothorax (approximately ;%1 bilateral attempts are snoitidnoC gnitatissecen hgih yrotalitnev serusserp not recommended) and if the subclavian artery is punc- dexiM suonev negyxo noitarutas )zO~S( tnemerusaem tured there is difficulty in controlling bleeding which may laireS caidrac tuptuo stnemerusaem be catastrophic in the anticoagulated patient. Also, sternal retraction can compress the vein leading to erroneous measurements. Therefore, this site is used less often. An alternative approach for central venous catheter- pulmonary artery gives an occlusion pressure (PAOP) isation is via the axillary vein. This approach was assessed which, in the absence of mitral valve disease, left atrial in 52 children (median wt. 7 kg) with a success rate of myxoma, elevated airway pressure (especially PEEP), pe- 79%. 66 Children were placed in the Trendelenberg po- ricardial tamponade and pulmonary hypertension, gives sition with the arm abducted from I00 to 031 ~ the vein an accurate estimate of left ventricular end-diastolic pres- was entered parallel and inferior to the artery. The CVP sure (LVEDP) which may reflect left ventricular filling was monitored successfully in five of five patients and and function. Pulmonary artery end diastolic pressure complications of 2% pneumothorax and 2% haematoma (PAEDP) gives an accurate estimate of PAOP, in the are comparable to other routes. absence of increased pulmonary vascular resistance, e.g., Femoral vein cannulation, although regularly used in mitral stenosis, and decreases the risk of pulmonary ar- neonates, is reported in long-term use to have compli- tery rupture. The PAOP and PAEDP are most accurately cations of thrombosis (16%) and sepsis (3%). 76 However, measured at end expiration to avoid elevated airway pres- there have been no recently published data. It has been sures 96 (making an expiratory pause useful on ventila- thought that measurement of the central venous pressure tors). It is also important that the PAOP is measured from the abdominal inferior vena cava was inaccurate in an area of the lung where pulmonary venous pressure but in a paper by Lloyd et al., s6 20 infants and children exceeds pulmonary alveolar pressure, i.e., a dependent had simultaneous right atrial pressures and inferior vena part of the lung in a large pulmonary artery (West zone cava pressures monitored, and at end expiration the mean 3). ~7 Marked respiratory variation of the tracing or a pressures were within 1 mmHg of each other. This in- PAOP greater than PAEDP should lead to the suspicion dicates that in situations where there is no inferior vena of inaccurate positioning. o7 cava obstruction (including tense ascites), the safer fem- The measurement of pulmonary artery pressures is still oral route may be considered. In conclusion, it should controversial during cardiac surgery. 17 In addition phy- be remembered that all approaches have a higher success sicians often misunderstand the derived information. 27 In- rate (and lower complication rate) when performed by troduction of the pulmonary artery catheter has been slow an experienced anaesthetist. in paediatric practice, initially due to the lack of small catheters and also by the ease of placing a catheter di- dezilaicepS gnirotinom rectly in the left atrium during surgery. There are many indications for insertion of a pulmo- Pulmonary artery pressure and mixed venous saturation nary artery catheter 37 (Table IV). The placement of a catheter in the pulmonary artery There has been recent interest in the continuous on- can be achieved pre- or postoperatively by means of a line measurement of mixed venous oxygen saturation balloon tipped catheter that is floated through the heart )2O~S( with the development of small oximeter cath- and positioned by x-ray imaging or observation of the MT eters that can be inserted into the pulmonary artery via transduced waveform. However, perhaps the easiest way the right ventricle by the surgeon at the end of surgery for a catheter to be placed is by the surgeon at the end (Figure .)7 The 2OVS from analysis of the Fick equation of surgery under direct vision. is directly related to CO, SaO2, the haemoglobin con- The uses and information derived from the catheter centration (Hb) and inversely proportional to the rate of depend upon the type of catheter introduced but include oxygen consumption (~'O2). Therefore: infusion of drugs, measurement of intracardiac pressures, sampling of intracardiac blood, thermodilution cardiac SvO2 = SaO2 - r(/O2/(Hb <) 13.8) X CO output, continuous measurement of mixed venous oxy- where 2OV is measured in ml- min -l, Hb in g- L -l, and gen saturation by means of a fibreoptic catheter and atrial CO in -1 min- or ventricular pacing. The wedging of a balloon tipped catheter in an end Therefore, changes in S~O2 allow monitoring of the over- etlrday: PAEDIATRIC CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA 728 TABLE V Causes of decreased S~O 2 1 Decreased oxygen delivery - Decreased arterial oxygen saturation (or tension) - Decreased cardiac output - Decreased haemoglobin concentration 2 Increased oxygen consumption - Hypermetabolie states - Fever - Shivering 3 Right to left shunts TABLE VI Causes of increased S~O2 I Left to right shunt 2 Decreased oxygen consumption - Sepsis (due to A/V shunting) - Cyanide poisoning (impairment of cellular respiration), e.g., nitroprusside infusion FIGURE 7 Example of mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) recording. The increase prior to 5 pm was due to preoxygenation TABLE VII Complications of insertion of a pulmonary artery before endotracheal suction. catheter saimhtyhrsyD ~ Thrombosis and thrombocmbolism sj all balance of oxygen supply and demand within the body Endoearditis 28 (Tables V and VI). Cardiac evd~v damage The normal S~O2 is 75%, and anaerobic respiration Intmcardiac knotting and catheter migration occurs when it is <30%, at normothermia. 57 Pulmonary haemorrlmge ~ Most of the initial experience in 2OVS monitoring has Pulmonary infarction 28 (often due to a continuousty w~lged catheter) Myocardial perforation s~ been in adult patients 77,67 but there have been reports of its paediatric use. 7s The SVO2 was found to reflect the overall balance between oxygen supply and delivery perforation 38 and pulmonary artery rupture during car- continuously in a group of 61 infants after cardiac diopulmonary bypass necessitating emergency right mid- surgery. 87 Also, the rapid monitoring of changes in the dle lobectomy. 48 Pulmonary artery rupture usually pres- above variables was found to be valuable for immediate ents with haemoptysis. Predisposing factors include recognition and treatment. 87 A further indication for catheter migration, peripheral location of the tip, and 2OVS monitoring may be in predictiinncgr eased mortality overinflation of the balloon. from cardiacf ailure in postoperative congenital heart pa- tents at risk for pulmonary hypertension. The variations Left pressure atrial monitoring of 2OVS were more predictive than variations in SAP2, Catheters can be inserted at the end of surgery directly or the numbers themselves. 97 Problems with measuring into the left atrium to give a direct measure of left atrial S~O2 include baseline drift leading to the need for fre- pressure, and in cases without severe mitral valve disease, quent recalibration and inaccurate reading if the catheter an accurate estimate of LVEDV and left ventricular fill- becomes advanced onto the pulmonary artery wall. ing. Complications include thrombosis and embolisation, Difficulties in insertion by flotation can be expected air embolism and bleeding after removal. 58 in those patients with a dilated myoeardium, poor ven- trieular contraction or severe tricuspid regurgitation. Cardiac output determination However, in neonates and infants the catheters are usually This is rarely measured in paediatric patients, unlike adult inserted surgically and the main complications are of cardiac surgery,b ecause pulmonary artery flotation cath- bleeding and cardiac tamponade after their removal. eters are used infrequently. There are a number of reported complications of per- cutaneous insertion. ~7 These include the complications of METHODS OF MEASUREMENT insertion of a CVP (see earlier), unless directly inserted surgically, and the insertion of the catheter itself (Table Thermodilution VII). Thermodilution measurement remains the commonest There have also been recent reports of innominate vein method used and has an excellent eorreladon (r = 0.91