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Money Magic: Mastering Prosperity in its True Element PDF

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About the Author FRATERU :.D:. (Bdg ;.,c·isum) .founderofPragmataincd I ce best known practicmaalg iciaannd r-=cu�t author. Heh aswr ittemno ret han i.als. Among his translationasr teh eb ooks •and R2msey Dukes, andA leister Crow­ Ms. ITo Write toth eA uthor MONEY jilt contact the authoorr w oulldi kmeo re taut book, this pleawsrei tteot hea uthor � Worldwiadned w ew ilflo rward MAGIC !1-h the authoarn dp ublisahpeprr eciate ,...md. l earning ofy ouern joymeonftt h is lrithas hdpedy ouL.l ewelWloyrnl dwide � that every lettwerri ttteotn h ea uthor MASTERIPNRGO SPERITY �but all wilble f orwarPdleeda.sw er ite INI TTSR UEE LEMENT FratUe:r. D:. l Llewellyn Worldwide f 214W3ood daleD rive I'tLxlbur y, MN 55125-2989 �aself -addressed stampeendv elfooprree ply, � Gila" costs. If outsitdheUe .S.eAn.c,l ose �tiona! postraelp cloyu pon. LlewelPluybnl ications Woodbury, Minnesota CONTENTS � PREFACEI X Introduction PARTl :M ONEY INI TST RUEE LEMENT1 PARTI IT:H EW INGSO FM ERCURY 35 One 57 MERCURIALM ONEY MAGIC Two 81 MONEY-MAGIMCE RCURYR ITUAL Thre1e0 1 SIGIMLA GIC Four1 17 LUCKY DEVIL Five1 41 THES OULI SD ESERVINTGO,O Six1 67 THE PERPETUSAALT URNR ESTRAINT Seve1n8 3 PREFACE VENUASN DJ UPIWTAENRT T OP LAYA LONGT,O O � Eigh1t9 5 LUCKYA TG AMBLIONRGG AMBLIWNIGT HL UCK? ;tJ to,,,' � Thankfso rre aditnhgpe r efac<e -4 abloyn eo ft hem osfta scinating �1.,·'' fleda!r)e aosfa pplimeadg ic. familwiiatrmh y o thebro oks, - mysel£ ·�c I becamien volivnew dh atwaL l fairl.TJ alltye rme"do ccultaitts hme" "'" Maybeh avinbege nbo ranb road' ' foreicgunl tuhreelsp sehda rpenmy _ seeme"dd iffe-rienna tny"case, at (whicwha ss ticloln sidetorbe e d mainstrWeeasmt ernaenrdsself )­ goinagl :i fjeo'usr nIeh ya vneever thivse rdya y. Mteri mmersmiynsge inlf� spirit(uHailnidtuyi Bsumd,dhism, inal li tfsl avmoerdsi,t atietoc.n)for-, Ib egatnod iscotvheWerest ern onlays a y ounagd u-anltd was • VIII CONTENTS IX &w. 183 PREFACE JUPITER WANT TO PLAYA LONGT,O O � Eipt 195 _,>IWUJUNG ORG AMBLINWGI THL UCK? Thankfso rre aditnhgep refatcoMe o neMya gic-argu­ abloyn eo ft hem ostf ascina(tainnrdge, g rettvaiblliy­, fieda!r)e aosfa pplimeadg iFco.r r eadewrhsoa rneo t familwiiatrmh y othebro okpse,r mimte toi ntroduce myself. Ib ecamien volvienwd h atw ast hesnt igleln er­ alltye rme"do ccultaitts hmef' a' irelayr algye o fn ine. Maybeh avinbge enb orna broaadn dg rowiunpgi n foreicgunl tuhreelsp ed shmayr speennsf eo wrh atever seeme"dd iffe-rienna tn"yc asaet,t h et imietw asy oga (whicwha ss ticloln sidetrobe edv ermyy steritoou s mainstream Wesatnedsr enlefr-sh)y ptnhoasstie mste goinagl :i fjeo'usr nIeh ya vnee vesrt opppeudr suitnog thivse rdya y. Mteri mmersimnygs eilnfE astern phialnods ophy spiritu(aHliintdyu ism, BuTdadohiisTsmam,n, tr ay,o ga inal li tfsl avmoerdsi,t atiofno,mr o ertetc h.a)an d ecade, Ib egatnod iscotvheWere stemrent aphystircaadli tions onlays a y ounagd ult-awnadsi mmediatheoloyk ed! ! lfmn."Ts IX i Alchemtyh,eK abbalaasht,r ol(owghyi Ics ht udiiend mentionbiencga use-conttowhar ala ry deptfho mra nyy eargsu,i daendd i nstrubcyto endeo f believev-atshmtea joroiftm ya gical GermanGyr'asn Odl dM eno ft hdei scipRloisniec)r,u ­ allcyo nducitner de alli faera eb out }'Stial!l cianiGsnmo,s ticFirseme,m asotnhrety a,r ot, dowsing, altersetadt oefcs o nscioumsness, spi.riblll divinamtyisotni,c ainsdmfi,,n al,ml aygic proper were revelat(iboontdshi vinaatnodr y altlo r anakt t het opo fm yc urricfuolmuram n yy ears statoefms i nds,e lf-improve�m ent, and toc ome. Byc ontrmaosnte,y maigsui c Itw asd uritnhgi psh asoefm y lifteh aIte stab­ eithyeorua chiewvheay to u'croen dn..c..ri lishmeydp ersonal mmoatgtiwoch ailci hni, t asb brevi­ eveinf i ts houolndl cyo mea bouviat atefdo rmw,a st ob ecommey f ormal mnaagmiceaa sl unexpected acnodfn adiubriizarltre,ys welUlb:i qDuaee mo:n. U biqDueeu :s.( "Thdee mon/ ings-yooru d on'Tth.u st,h eriesli tt:ICI8 deviisli ne verythinggo-dti hsie ne verythii.neg.",) fondde lusiaonndfs a cciloep -outs. "FraUt:e.rD :.". Thiiss n ott os ayt haatl ternative Obvioutshliyis,si ndicaotfai f vaei rcloyn trarian magiscu,c ahst hqeu efsotpr e rsonal approatcoth h ingnso:to nliysi ta commitmetnot arenl'etg itiomraa rtseeo methtionbe g alwa"ysseb eo tshi doefst hceo inj"u;sa tsi mpornttaly, inm yp ersoqnuaelsf tod ri scovering iti sa ne xpresosfim oyn o ngoing etfoef xoprltosr e noti nventait nrgu,el ffiyc ieanntdviabl ll mattefrrso aml aln gliensc,l udtihnogsn eo tg enerally magiicng eneriatsl e,e meodn llyogi cal deemeadc cept(albaellteo neex pedibeynm ta)i nstream atm onemya gitcot esmty m etde. A ventuorfte h issc opoeb viously thougIhnto .t hewro rdnso,tt akitnhgi nfgosgr r anted andn otp laciunngw arratnrtueisdnt a nye stablished thorourgeshe airnctthhoe w aym oney "authoroirct oinevse"n tainodtn hse miorr eo ftetnh an byt raditmiaogniaicln t hep as•t . noto utragceloauishm asv ael wabyese tnh em ainstays wasp reciloiutsat vlaei lina btleerm s ofm ya pproatcohwa alrldt hinmgest aphysanidcl ailf e thes ubjeTcrute.a, n ecdomtaatle rial ing eneral. dallfyr om magiocpiearnnagsti in the Moneym agiicsn oe xceptTieocnh.n ic,ai ltil sy cent,um roystn otabblyyAl eitas�t enr � paratn dp arcoefwl h at is common"lsyu clcaebsesl ed abouatlo lfi tw asa )f afrro mc on magica"s :p eciffoircom f m agicoaple rateinotni rely edluyn derwhelrmeignagr ding r· focusoendt angirbelaewl,o rlrde suTlhtisrs.e quires Suretlhye roeu ghttob em oreef fi · X PREFACE Kabbalaashtr,o lo(gwyh icIs ht udiiend mentionbiencga use-conttowr haartmy o stp eople y yearsg,u idaendd i nstrubcyto endeo f believe-vtahsmeta joroiftm ya gicoaple rataicotnus­ .,... ....u Odl dM eno ft hdei sciplRionsei)c,r u­ allcyo nducitner de alli faer aeb oustu bjemcatttievres: 'cismF,r eemasotnhrety a,r odto,w sing, altersetda toefsc onsciousmnyesstsie,cx aple riences, mysticism, andfi,n all,my agipcr opweerr e revelat(iboontdshi vinaatnodrs yp iriteumaolt)i,o nal • the topo fm y curricuflomuram n y years statoefms i nds,e lf-improavnedms eoon nt., Byc ontramsotn,e ym agiicsu tterolbyj ectified: .luring thipsh asoefm y lifteh aIt e stab- eithyeorua chieve whacto nydouuc'taris enp ge ll for­ eveinf i ts houlodn lcyo mea bouvti ast ranwgaey s, unexpecctoendd uaintdsf airbliyz arsrpeo,o hkya ppen­ ings-oyro ud on'Tth.u st,h eriesl itrtoloem l effto r fondde lusiaonndfs a cicloep -outs. Thisi sn ott os ayt haatl ternaatpipvreo acthoe s • this isi ndicaotfia vf ea ircloyn trarian magiscu,c ahs t hqeu esfto pre rsonal sepviorliuttuiaoln , things: noto nliys i ta commitmetnot arenl'etg itiomraa trese o methtionb ge s coffaetBd.u t ··.t.oths idoesf t hec oinj"u;sa tsi mporttlayn, inm y persoqnuaelsf to dri scovearniddn egv elopifi ng, ·ono fm y ongoienfgf otrote sx plore noti nvenatt irunelgfy,fi ciaenndtv iabalpep roatcoh Ill/a ngliensc,l udtihnogsn eo tg enerally magiicng eneriatsl e,e meodn llyo gical myt hoa ntdr y . � �Gith.erl e{ leatl oneex pedibeynm ta)i nstream atm onemya gict etsomt y mettle. wordnso,tt akitnhgi nfgosgr r anted A ventuorfet hissc ope obviously required some • unwarranttreudisn ta nye stablished thorourgehs eairncthto h wea ym onehya db eevni ewed 01' conventioannsd t hemiorr eo ftetnh an byt raditimoangaiilcn t he pSausrt.ps riing,tl hyere '*' · claihmasv ael wabyese tnh em ainstays wasp reciloiutsat vlaei laibntl eer mosfl iteraotnu re towaalrldt hinmgest aphysaincdla ilf e thes ubjeTcrute.a, n ecdomtaatle raibaolu ndess,p e­ cialflryo mma gicioapnesr atiintn hgee artlwye ntieth magic isn oe xceptTieocnh.n ilcyai,lt i s cent,um roystn otabblyyA leisCtreorw leByu.tj ust ofw haits c ommonly labeled "successa bouatlo lf i tw asa )f afrr ocmo ncluasnidvb e)d ecid­ cf ormo fm agicoaple rateinotni rely edluyn derwhelming regaradcihnige vteamnegnitbsl.e �· bler,e awlo rlrde sulTthsi.rs e quires Suretlhye roeu ghtto b em oree ffecatnidve effi cient PREFACE• XI wayosf l ettmionnge yan da bundanflcoewi ntyoo ur Thust,h ea pproatcomh o nemagicy libfyem eanosf m agic? oweasl otto p hilosopahnidpc saylcho lcgill Beintgh es tubbotrinn keIrt eurri nn twoh enc on­ nott ypicaaslsloyc iwaitteWhde stern frontweidt cho nfoundoibnsgt acolfte hsi csa li,bI e r � Coueism, positivnee wt thhin.·.k ing, schoG1il duge vedne epienrt toh em atterre,a dienxgp,e riment­ (Thqeu esttioow nh aetx tetnhte se inga,n dd iscustshietn ogp iactg reat lweintgmhty h mayt hemselavcetsu ablelb ya sed on peerasn da lliaelstl,h ew hilmea kinagn a wfullo otf formadlilsya vomwaegdi ctarlai dtions mista(kyeests h,o steo ou)n tfiiln,a Ils luys,s oeudta f ew fascinattoipniincgi tosw nr ighbtu,t thintghsa hta vwei thsttohoetd e sotft imTeh.e r esult oft hibso okU.n)f orntautetlhye,spsydl ell lj usta.iolil ist heb ooyko u'prree senrtleya ding. terngse nerasltlosyph orotfr easl WhilIe d id admoupcth t radititoencahln ology becautshee ayr ef amro red emanding pertaitnoWi ensgt eCrenr emonainadHl e rmetmiacg ic sumintgh atnh eiyn itially seem. ata later osftm ayg ree seartchihws,a sd onem ostly Thessec hooolfts h ougahrtalsoe toi ntegrmayt ree suilnttsao f ramoefr eferemnocset int heoivre rmaeltlh odolaongdthy e practimcaignigc iraencso gnHiozwee.v eirtb, e came workgso verntihnegm A.c cordingly, quite obvveireoyau rsol nyt hatth ef irasntdf oremost remaifunz zyt oi ffya tb esatn dm,o re isstuoet ackilnme o nemya giwce rael tlh osceu lturally iti sw elnli gihm posstiobi lmep rovone conditiposnyecdh olobglioccaklat gheahsta veev olved outw haetx acwtelnywt r oning anygiven ovetrh ec enturtioae cst uaplrley vuesfn rto mm aking highellyu suinvdee rtaaknidwhn eng , all- itw orkW.h iliets eempse rfecotblviyo u(st moy self, isa nybo'dgsyu ess. atl eastth)am to sto ft hiusn fortupnaartaed ihgams Howeveorn,c ea lignweidth the sprufnrgo amJ udeo-Chrimsitnidastneh ta dti sdains approacthome asg icparla xsiusc ash tbC "mattienrf "a voorf" spirtiopt r"o moatnee ssentially manism shbayrA euds tin Osman asceotuitcl ooonkl ifteh autn wholesofmoecluyso ens magiict,e ventutarlalnys ptihraetd earthsluyff erainndtg h ed ire proosfep teecrtdn aaml ­ wasi ndetehde " royraola dt"otru ly natiowne,c ana greteh aitn dulgiinnb gl amgea mes magiAcn.d t hiisso ,fc ourwshea,thist isnp'atr ticuhlealrplfuwylh ena ttempttiocn ogp wei th So,e njotyh et riapn,dm ayaf fl1JC:DCIIIIII ours orsrtya otfea ffaoinra sp ractviecrailfi,a lbelvee l. ando therwisyeo-ubrefs ok re eps! XII PREFACE Thust,h ea pproatcomh o ney magic presented here oweasl otto p hilosopahnidpc saylc holodgiisccailp lines •IIIJI)OID ti.nlterer I tum intwoh enc on­ nott ypicaalslsyo ciawitteWhde stermna gic such as .. llfuiUDdiJ:� obstacolfet sh icsa libIe r, Coueispmo,s ittihvien kinnegw,t houghatn,do the.r s into the matter, readienxgp,e riment­ (Theq uesttioow nh ate xtetnhte ssec hooolfts h ought the topica tg realte ngwtiht mhy mayt hemselavcetsu ablelb ya seodn u ncrediatnedd allth e while makinagn a wfull ootf formally dimsaagviocwtaerlda ditiisoo,nf cs o ursae , too) unfitil,nal ly,I s ussoeudta f ew fascinatinigni ttosow pnri icg hbtu,tb eyontdh es cope withstood thet esotft imeT.h er esult oft hibso okU.n)f ortunattheelspye,s ycholosgyisc­al presently reading. temsg enerasltloysp h orotfr easlu stainaibfoi nlliyt y adoptm ucht radititoencahln ology becautshee ayr ef amro red emandianngd t imceo n­ IJI:stelrn Cere moniala ndH ermetic magic sumintgh atnh eiyn itisaelelmy. my researtchhiw,sa sd onem ostly Thessec hooolfts h ougahrtea lseox tremvealgyu e n:sults intoa fr ameo fr eferemnocset int heoivre rmaeltlh odolaongdty h et heoretfriacmael­ .. l:ia.llS recogniHzoew.e veirt,b ecame workgso verntihnegm A.c cordinrgelsyu,lg tesn erally early ont hatth efi rsatn df oremost remaifunz zyt oi ffya tb esatn dm,o reo ftetnh anno t, money magiwce rael tlh osceu lturally iti sw elnli gihm possitboi lmep roovnet hemF.ig uring logical blockatgheasht a veev olved outw hat exactly weinnat n yw rgoinovgpe enr atiisao n toa ctuapllrye vuesfn rto mm aking highellyu suinvdee rtaaknidnw gh,e nal li ss aiadn dd one, :il: seemsp erfecotblvyi o(utsom yself, isa nybodgyu'ess s. oft hiusn fortupnaartaed ihgams Howeveorn,c ea lignweidt h the imnofroer mal lld=o-Christian mindstehta dti sdains approacthome asg icparla xsiusc ahs t h�f reessthyal­e of• spirtiopt r"o motaene ssentially manism shbayrA euds tin Osman inSh piassr ieg il life thautn wholesofmoecluys oens magiict,e ventually ttrhaanttsh picisor mebdi nation and the dirper ospoefce tt erndaalm ­ wasi ndeetdh e" royraola dt"ot rulsyu ccesmsofnuely .,.llg[l�X that induilnbg lianmgge a mes magiAcn.d t hiisso ,fc ourwshea,tt hibso oiks a bou.t helpful whena ttempttiocn ogp wei th So,e njotyh et riapn,d m aya ffluence-monetary affairs ona p ractivcearli,f ilaebvleel . ando therwisey-obuerf so kre eps! -FraterU:.D:. I f PREFACE· XIII I INTRODUCTION � Part 1: Moneyi ni tTsru e Element Eart.h.o .rM aybAei r? Magiacn dm oney-onweo ultdh intkh atth et woa re inseparaatlb elaeis,fyt o ul istteown h atth ea dversaries oft hem agical haavrteto ss ayM.t era ll, doesn't con­ ventiornealli glioovnte o d epimcatg iciaasnm sa teri­ alisvtiilcl aAirnesn?t' hte sye eans p eople awn iatsht y reputatwihooa nr we illitnoeg x chanegtee rnsaall va­ tiofno mra teriaglriasttiificc (ahtoiwod ne spicabbyl e!) chumminagr ounwdi tehl emenstpailr dietmso,n asn,d alls orotfsg ood-for-noftrhoitmn hgeUs n derworld­ ore vewni tthh eD evihli mse?lD fon'tth evya ndal­ izeg ravaensd d esecroattheeh ro lsyi tesst,o ppiantg nothisnhgo rotfl iedse,c eptainodnr ,i tumaulr detro gaimna teraidavla ntahgeerosen e artthh asto mew ell­ meanincgo smiocr dehra sd enitehde mf oarg oodr ea­ soni nt hefi rst plAancdem ?a ybteh erse'osm ething evewno rsoeu tt herteh amno ney, something tangible

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