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Monatshefte Fuer Mathematik 1992: Vol 114 Table of Contents PDF

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Preview Monatshefte Fuer Mathematik 1992: Vol 114 Table of Contents

Inhaltsverzeichnis Band 113, 114 Altomare, F.: Lototsky—Schnabl Operators on Compact Convex Sets and Their Associated Limit Semigroups 114, 1 Bartz, Krystyna Maria: On Some Connections between Zeta-Zeros and Square-Free Integers 114, 15 Becker, P.-G.: Algebraic Independence of the Values of Certain Series by Mahler’s Method 114, 183 Bézivin, J.-P.: Sur Les Fonction Entieres Arithmetiques au Sens 113, 89 On Entire Arithmetic Functions in Abel’s Sense Blair, D. E., Koufogiorgos, Th.: Ruled Surfaces with Vanishing Second Gaussian Curvature 113, 177 Bugiel, s Invariant Measures of C?-Diffeomorphisms of Markov Type in R 113, 255 Cartwright, D. I.: Singularities of the Green Function of a Random Walk on a Discrete Group 113, 183 Cel, J.: Determining Dimension of the Kernel of a Cone 114, 83 Delange, H., G. Tenenbaum: Un Théoréme sur les Séries de Dirichlet 113, 99 A Theorem on Dirichlet Series Derighetti, A.: On the Mathematical Work of Hans Reiter 114, 175 Filiman, P.: Rigidity and Alexandrov-Fenchel Inequality 113, 1 Frank, W.: Direkte Herleitung von notwendigen Bedingungen der Varia- tionsrechnung bei Mehrfachintegralen im Sinne von Carathéodory 114, 89 Gardiner, St. J.: Angular Limits of Holomorphic Functions Which Satisfy an Integrability Condition 114, 97 Gindkin, S. G.: Some Notes on the Radon Transform and Integral Geo- 113, 23 Goebel, M.: Continuity and Fréchet-Differentiability of Nemytskij Ope- rators in Hdlder Space 113, 107 Grabiner, D.J.: Farey Nets and Multidimensional Continued Frac- 114, 35 Gregorac, R. J.: Iterated Means of Convex Bodies 113, 189 IV Inhaltsverzeichnis Grekas, S., Gryllakis, C.: Measures on Product Spaces and the Excel- lence of Strong Baire Liftings ................ 114, 63 Gryllakis, C., s. Grekas, S. Halter-Koch, F., Narkiewicz, W.: Commutative Rings and Binomial Comms ly Res Ba Roane Renee tes ae 2s 114, 107 Hebisch, W., Krawczyk, J.: A Remark on Discontinuous Translation Invariant Functionals on L,(G) for Certain Compact i ERR A Oy NE ane oe a ee 114, 111 Hellekalek, P.: On the Boundedness of Weyl Sums. ........ 114, 199 Hilawka; B.s\ Hans; Retter Vi ek cee e ee. 114, 171 Hésel, V., Lasser, R.: One Step Prediction for P -Weakly Stationary precenens.. £5. mUpIov.a COeVA .oma.. wi . 113, 199 Ivic, A.: On the Error Term for the Counting Functions of Finite Abelian RE hoe ag hs oC a? AUS Seg 114, 115 Kepka, T., s. Niemenmaa, M. M. Koufogiorgos, Th., s. Blair, D. E. Krawczyk, J., s. Hebisch, W. Lasser, R., s. Hésel, V. Lewicki, G.: Bernstein’s ,,Lethargy“ Theorem in Metrizable Topological Linear Space 113, 213 © Mullen, G.L., Whittle, G.: Point Sets with Uniformity Properties and MENT IGS 113, 265 Mueller, Julia, Schmidt, W.M.: On the Newton Polygon ...... 113, 33 Miiller, W.: The Mean Square of Dirichlet Series Associated with Auto- I ee Se, sfc Gy ak ee ee a eG 113, 121 Narkiewicz, W., s. Halter-Koch, F. Nillsen, R.: Topologically Invariant Linear Forms on Spaces of Abstract Distributions on a Locally Compact Abelian Group ...... 114, 77 Niemenmaa, M., Kepka, T.: On a General Associativity Law in Grou- ERS) fo as SNS ae. ae 6: peta? eclitews odes 113, 51 Neumann, M. M.: Commutative Banach Algebras and Decomposable EO ee rtp eet lady, Cold ge oes ar a ty 113, 227 Opozda, Barbara: Some Equivalence Theorems in Affine Hypersurface je a a a es ee 113, 245 Pannenberg, M.: Approximate Regularity of Commutative Beurling Al- gebras and Korovkin Approximation ............. 113, 275 Papageorgiou, N.S.: Optimal Control and Relaxation of Nonlinear EI- I ar Gee ee Oa oe oe ee ee 114, 209 Inhaltsverzeichnis Peri, C., Zucco, A.: On the Minimal Convex Annulus of a Planar Convex EE ARS Se ata ts 5S eet nl SR ee ls a Oe FM 114, 125 Perrone, D.: Torsion Tensor and Critical Metrics on Contact (2+ 1)- MN 205 Ogg. co erin’ tale. dy1 5d ofV ane ak a adem el a Oe 114, 245 Queffelec, H.: Quasi Sure Version of a Theorem of Littlewood 114, 135 Reczek, K.: An Abstract Approach to Rational Interpolation 113, 311 Schmidt, N.M., s. Mueller, J. Schoissengeier, J.: Change of Variables in a Multiple Integral for Local SRE are ie ae ae ame er ee ee ee ree tt ee 114, 139 Sharp, R.: Prime Orbit Theorems with Multi-Dimensional constraints TOPPA PUINE wc he we we 114, 261 Shereshevsky, M. A.: Ergodic Properties of Certain Surjective Cellular i” cgeagt gd nae eth aie gear mere er eee yr eae aree e ee 114, 305 Szwarc, R.: Linearization and Connection Coefficients of Orthogonal IN 5. oo eo Sy, er ee eRe ee eas ae 113, 319 Tenenbaum, G., s. Delange, H. Voit, M.: Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Random Walks Associated with a Class of One-Dimensional Convolution Structures Ward, T., Quing Zhang: The Abramov-Rokhlin Entropy Addition For- mula for Amendable Group Actions ............. 114, 317 Wegner, G.: Relative Newton Numbers... ........... 114, 149 Whittle, G., s. Mullen, G. L. Zucco, A., s. Peri, C.

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