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Preview Monatshefte Fuer Chemie 1996: Vol 127 Table of Contents

Monatshefte fiir Chemie Chemical Monthly Vol. 127, 1996 ISSN 0026-9247 ra SpringerWienNewYork Monatshefte fiir Chemie Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse und Chemical Monthly Gesellschaft Osterreichischer Chemiker Editorial Board Regional Editors H. Falk, Linz . Brunner, Regensburg E. Hengge, Graz . Noyori, Nagoya A. Neckel, Wien . Vogel, K6in K. Schlégl, Wien (Managing Editor) . Vogl, Amherst, MA P. Schuster, Wien H. Tuppy, Wien Advisory Board G.K. Bonn, Linz O .F. Olaj, Wien G.H. Findenegg, Berlin K . Rossmanith, Wien E. O. Fischer, Minchen H . Ruis, Wien W.Fleischhacker, Wien F. Sauter, Wien . Gamsjager, Leoben K . Schaffner, Milheim/Ruhr . Griengl, Graz J . Schantl, Innsbruck Gutmann, Wien H . Schmidbaur, Minchen . Hofer, Wien G . Spiteller, Bayreuth . Junek, Graz H . Sterk, Graz . Kratky, Graz U . Wannagat, Wolfenbittel . Krautler, Innsbruck H . Werner, Wiirzburg . Krischner, Graz . Mayer, Wien . Miller, Bielefeld mr. cNaecchbearuwr,m oGarrazo sxit.t Editorial Assistant: H. Kalchhauser, Wien Alle Rechte, einschlieBlich das der Ubersetzung in fremde Sprachen und das der photomechanischen Wiedergabe oder einer sonstigen Vervielfaltigung, auch in Mikroform, vorbehalten The exclusive copyright for all languages and countries, including the right for photomechanical and any other reproductions including microform is transferred to the publisher © 1996 by Springer-Verlag/Wien Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents Abbas Y.A.,s. Abdelaal M.Y. Amin A.S., Zareh M.M.: Preparation Abd El Wahed M.G., El Manakhly and characterization of a codeine K.A., Barakat A., Amer A.M.: responsive electrode 1123 Electrical conductivity of some Angermann J., s. Gewald K. hydrazones and their binary com- Antonious M.N.,s. Ramsis M.N. plexes with transition metals 1115 Antonious M.S., Ramsis M.N., Youssef Abdel-Azim A.-A.A.,s. Zaki N.N. A.O.: Kinetics of the crystallization Abdel-Megied A.E.-S., s. Zahran of barium chromate 15 M.A. Antonov L., s. Stoyanov S. Abdel-Rahman A.A.-H., Pedersen Aradi F., s. Lorand T. E.B., Nielsen C.: Synthesis of Arvai G.,s. Kadas I. 5-methylisocytidine derivatives 455 Atalla A.A.,s. Hussein A.M. Abdel-Rahman A.A.-H., s. Zahran Auer H., Weis R., Schweiger K.: Syn- M.A. Abdel-Raouf M.E.,s. Zaki N.N. thesis of 3-aminothiophene-2-thio- Abdelaal M.Y., Abbas Y.A.: Synthesis amides 1027 and characterization of polyesters Avallone L., Rimoli M.G., Abignente based on 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran-2- E.: Research on _ heterocyclic yl-methanol 1131 compounds XXXV. Synthesis of Abignente E., s. Avallone L. 2-phenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazine-3- Adam W., Halasz J., Jambor Z., Levai acetates 947 A., Nemes C., Patonay T., Toth G.: Azocar J.A.,s. Banerjee A.K. Stereoselective epoxidation of 2- arylidene-1-indanones and 2-aryli- Badawey E.A.M.,s. Habib N.S. dene-1-benzosuberones 683 Baltas M., s. Fontaine E. Ahmed E.K., s. Sauter F. Bandgar B.P., Kasture S.P.: Synthetic Ahmed K.Y., s. Hamdi S.T. methods III. Sulfated zirconia cata- Ahmed M.E., Ibrahim M.S., Temerk lyzed thioacetalization of cabonyl Y.M., Kawde A.M.: Comparative compounds 1303 studies on the adsorption and asso- Banerjee A.K., Azocar J.A.: A modi- ciation of 3-methylxanthine and 7- fied synthesis of (+)-occidentalol methylxanthine at a charged inter- 1031 face 609 Banerji J.,s. Chatterjee A. Akcamur Y., s. Saripinar E. Barakat A., s. Abd El Wahed M.G. Akrivos P, s. Stoyanov S. Aliwi S.M.,s. Hamdi S.T. Baran E.J.,s. Kégerler P. Ally M.R.,s. Braunstein J. Bartik T., s. Féldenyi R. Alvarez-Sarandes R., s. Quintela J.M. Bats J.W., s. Schédel H. Amer A.M.,s. Abd El Wahed M.G. Bernath G., s. Géndés G. IV Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents Beyer L., s. Olk B. in the presence of copper(I) com- Bielmeier P., Kaiser A., Gust R., pounds - not a copper(I) catalysis Wiegrebe W.: 1,3-Diphenylpro- but a base effect 845 pane-1,3-diamines X. Synthesis Buchbauer G., Spreitzer H., Zech- and biochemical evaluation of meister-Machhart F., Haunschmidt highly substituted 1,3-diphenylpro- C., Tréscher F.: Synthese und pane-1,3-diamines and preparation Geruch von (E)- und (Z)-bis- of their Pt(II) complexes 1073 homo-B-Santalol 747 Bieniek A., s. Epsztajn J. Bucio M.A.., s. Morales-Rios M.S. Biswas K.M., Dhara R.N., Mallik H., Burger N., s. Foretic B. Halder §S., Sinha-Chaudhuri A.., Saha A., Ganguly D., De P, Calle E., s. Garcia-Santos, P. Brahmachari A.S.: Nuclear magne- Cao R., Fragoso A., Villalonga R.: tic resonance VI. Some quantitative Interpretation of the cytostatic pro- applications of carbon-13 NMR perties of sodium morpholyldithio- spectroscopy to phenylindoles 111 carbamate, a chelating agent 775 Bock H., s. Schédel H. Casado J., s. Garcia-Santos, P. Bock H., Van T.T.H., Schédel H.: Cavdarci O.,s. Diefenbach U. Kristallstruktur von 1,8-Naphthyri- Chatterjee A., Sahu A., Saha M., dinium-(1)-tetraphenylborat — Ein- Banerji J.: Synthesis of sempervi- ebnung eines verzerrten Molekiil- rine, a pentacyclic anhydronium skeletts durch Protonierung 391 indole alkaloid 1259 Bogdanowicz-Szwed K., Krasodom- Chen Q.-Q.,s. Falk H. ska M.: Hetero Diels-Alder reaction Ciez D.,s. Zaleska B. of some 1,3-diaza-1,3-butadienes Clarke D.D.,s. Gershon H. with ketenes. Synthesis of functio- nalized pyrimido[1,2-b]benzothia- Conde S., s. Quintela J.M. zoles and 1,3,4-thiadiazolo[3,2-a}- Crusats J., Farrera J.-A., Ribo J.M.: On the preparation of bilirubins of pyrimidines 1273 the natural a series substituted with Bégge H.,s. Miiller A. a propionic acid residue and a Bolivar R.A., s. Rivas C. hydroxypropyl group 85 Bracher F., Papke T.: 3-Alkylpyridines III. Total synthesis of both enantio- mers of the antineoplastic marine Dabrowski Z., s. Morzycki J.W . alkaloid niphatesine D 91 Dammertz W.,s. Reimann E. Brahmachari A.S.,s. Biswas K.M. Danalatos D.,s. Moschonas M. Braunstein J., Ally M.R.: On the Davar-Panah M.., s. Yavari I. Abraham equation for salt activities De P., s. Biswas K.M. in concentrated solutions 269 Derbala H.A.: Chemoselectivity of 6- Broz P.,s. Vrestal J. bromo-2-methyl-3,1-benzoxazin-4- Brunner H., Kimel B.: Asymmetric one towards amines, Schiff bases, catalysis III. Enantioselective and azines 103 Michael addition of 1,3-dicarbonyl Dhara R.N.,s. Biswas K.M. compounds to conjugated nitro- Diefenbach U., Kretschmann M., alkenes 1063 Cavdarci O.: Synthesis of 3-(amino- Brunner H., Miiller J., Spitzer J.: methyl)pyridylpentaphenoxy-cy- Enantioselective catalysis C. clotriphosphazene and its complex Decarboxylation of malonic acids formation with copper(II) nitrate. Vv Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents Molecular structure of {Cu[N;P3- Epsztajn J., Bieniek A., Kowalska (OCsHs)s(NHCH2(3-CsH4N))}- J.A.: Application of organolithium (NOs)2} 989 and related reagents in organic syn- Diemann E.,s. Miiller A. thesis XVI. Synthetic strategies Dmitrenko O., Reischl W.: Molecular based on aromatic metalation. A mechanics - based conformational concise regiospecific conversion of analysis of previtamin D and its chlorobenzoic acids into their ben- A-ring analogues 445 zylated derivatives 701 Ergenc N.,s. Ulusoy N. Dombi G., s. Géndés G., Szendi Z. Escudier J.-M.,s. Fontaine E. Dukov IL.L., Jordanov V.M.: Syner- Escuer A.,s. Jauma A. gistic solvent extraction of lantha- nides with mixtures of 1-phenyl-3- Etzlstorfer C., Falk H., Mayr E., Schwarzinger S.: Concerning the methyl-benzoyl-pyrazol-5-one and acidity and hydrogen bonding of aliphatic amines: influence of the hydroxyphenanthroperylene qui- ammonium salt ions 1109 nones like fringelite D, hypericin, and stentorin 1229 Effenberger H., Hejny C., Pertlik F: Etzlstorfer C., Falk H., Miiller N., The crystal structure of Tran T.N.H.: Structural aspects and PbFe[AsO,][AsO;(OH)] 127 electronic absorption of the Eger K., s. Giitschow M. hydroxyphenanthroperylene qui- Ekinci A.C.,s. Ulusoy N. nones fringelite D, hypericin, and El Manakhly K.A., s. Abd El Wahed stentorin 659 M.G. El-Daly S.A., s. El-Kemary M.A., Fahmi H.T-Y., s. Habib N.S. Salem M.A. Falk H., Chen Q.-Q., Micura R.: On El-Dean A.M.K.,s. Geies A.A. the chemistry of pyrrole pigments El-Ekyabi Y.M.,s Hamad M.M. XCVIIL. Synthesis, stereochemistry, El-Hallag 1.S., Ghoneim M.M.: Elec- and solvatochromic effects of a trochemical investigation of N,N’- 1-(dipyrrinon-9-yl)-3-(dipyrrinon-9- propylene-bis-(salicylideneiminato)- ylidene)-1-propene 77 Mn(II) in phosphate buffer Falk H.,s. Etzlstorfer C., Zaleska B. solutions 487 Falk H., Chen Q.-Q.: On the chemi- El-Kemary M.A., El-Daly S.A.: Inter- stry of pyrrole pigments XCVI. An action of the excited singlet state of efficient synthesis of corrphycenes 1,4- and 1,8-dimethoxynaphthalene 69 with some organic compounds: a Falk H., Tran T.N.H.: Synthesis and fluorescence quenching study 593 properties of an w,w’-appended El-Medani S.M.,s. Shoukry M.M. eighteen carbon chains hypericin Ellermann J., Schelle C., Knoch F.A.., derivative 717 Moll M., Pohl D.: Chemie Poly- Farrera J.-A.,s. Crusats J., Jauma A. funktioneller Molekiile, 121. Mitt. Felderhoff M., Sustmann R.: Diels- Cyclopentadienylruthenium(II)- Alder-Reaktion eines elektronen- Komplexe des Bis(diphenyl-phosp- armen C-Acylimins mit Tetra- hanyl)amins und -amids sowie des ethoxyethylen 967 N,N-Bis(diphenylphosphanyl)-me- Ferrer E.G., s. Kégerler P. thylamins und -ethylamins 783 Fischer G., s. Rogge M. VI Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents Féldenyi R., Szalontai G., Szebenyi Garcia-Santos P., Calle E., Gonzalez- N., Kvintovics P., Bartik T:: Mancebo §S., Casado J.: Kinetics of Heterocyclic derivatives of 2-ami- the aminolysis and hydrolysis of no-4-nitrophenol 305 alkyl nitrites: evidence for an orbi- Féldenyi R.: New pyrimidine deriva- tal controlled mechanism 997 tives of cyanimidodithiocarbonates Gartner P.,s. Noe C.R. 725 Geies A.A., El-Dean A.M.K., Fontaine E., Baltas M., Escudier J.- Moustafa O.S.: Synthesis of new M., Gorrichon L.: Diastereoselec- triazoloquinoxalines, pyrroloqui- tivity in the Lewis acid mediated noxalines, and pyrimidopyrroloqui- aldol reaction of chiral a,B-epoxyal- noxalines 1263 dehydes with a ketene silyl acetal Gemeay A.H.,s. Salem M.A. 519 Gera L., s. Géndés G. Foretic B., Burger N.: The tris(2-nitro- Gershon H., Clarke D.D., Gershon so-1-naphtholato)ferrate(II)ion M.: Preparation and fungitoxicity of 227 3-bromo-6-chloro- and 6-bromo-3- Fragoso A.,s. Cao R. chloro-8-quinolinols 331 Franek W.: Dithiirane or thiosulfine Gershon M.,s. Gershon H. intermediates in the reaction of Gewald K., Angermann J., Schafer H.: acetyl diaroylchloromethyl disulfi- Substituierte 2-Alkoxy-5-amino- des with secondary amines? 909 und -2,5-diamino-imidazole aus Franek W.: New dithio-bis-(diaroyl- Oxazol-2-yliden-cyanamiden 313 methanes) and acetyldiaroylchloro- Ghoneim M.M., Moharram Y.I, Tay- methyl disulfides: attractive syn- lor N.: A mechanistic electrochemi- thons and precursors for the cal study of bis-(azaferrocene-15- liberation of highly reactive di- crown-5-ether) at a glassy carbon thiiranes or thiosulfines 895 electrode 231 Frauenkron M., Tzavellas N., Klouras Ghoneim M.M.,s. El-Hallag LS. N., Raptopoulou C.P.: New [Ti(7- Giegerich R., s. Griiner W. CsHs)ClL(OR)]| complexes. Crystal Giester G.: The crystal structure of and molecular structure of 7- ZnFe>*(SeO;), 347 cyclopentadienyl(cyclohex)otxitya - Glavas S.,s. Moschonas M. nium(IV) dichloride 1137 Golic L., s. Krist] M. Frohlich J., Hametner C., Kalt W.: Gondés G., Gera L., Dombi G., Ber- Synthesis of trisubstituted thiophe- nath G.: 2-Substituted hexahydro- nes via a halogen dance reaction at acylanthranils: synthesis and selec- 2-bromo-5-methylthiophene 325 tive reactions with amines 1167 Frohlich J., Hametner C.: Synthesis of Gonzalez-Mancebo §., s. Garcia-San- trisubstituted furans from 2-bromo- tos, P. 5-methylfuran via halogen migrati- Gonzalez L.,s. Quintela J.M. ons and their selective preventions Gonzalez R.,s. Rivas C. 435 Gorrichon L., s. Fontaine E. Frohlich J., s. Sauter F. Grosse I.,s. Janosi A. Gruner M.,s. KnieB A. Ganguly D.,s. Biswas K.M. Griiner W., Giegerich R., Strothmann Garcia-Martinez C., s. Morales-Rios D., Reidys C., Weber J., Hofacker MS. I.L., Stadler P.F., Schuster P.: Analy- Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents sis of RNA sequence structure Hametner C., s. Frohlich J. maps by exhaustive enumeration I. Hashem E.Y., s. Idriss K.A. Neutral networks 355 Haslinger E.., s. Striegler S. Griiner W., Giegerich R., Strothmann Haunschmidt C., s. Buchbauer G. D., Reidys C., Weber J., Hofacker Hejny C.,s. Effenberger H. I.L., Stadler P.F., Schuster P.: Ana- Hermel G., s. Janosi A. lysis of RNA sequence structure Heydari M.,s. Yavari I. maps by exhaustive enumeration II. Hofacker I.L., s. Griiner W. Structures of neutral networks and Hussein A.M., Sherif S.M., Atalla shape space covering 375 A.A.: A new synthesis for 1,2,4-tria- Gust R., s. Bielmeier P. zolo[1,5-a]pyridines and 1,2,4-tria- Giitschow M., Schréter H., Kuhnle G., zolo[{1,5-a]isoquinolines 1153 Eger K.: Synthesis of 4-isobutyl substituted thiophenes by Gewald Ibrahim M.S.,s. Ahmed M.E. reaction 297 Idriss K.A., Sedaira H., Hashem E.Y., Giizel Y., s. Saripinar E. Saleh M.S., Soliman S.A.: The vi- Giizel Y., Saripinar E., Yildirim L: sible absorbance maximum of 2- Norcaradiene-cycloheptatriene sub- hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone as a stituted in position 7: investigation novel probe for the hydrogen bond of the valence isomerization equili- donor abilities of solvents and sol- brium 513 vent mixtures 29 Ipser H.,s. Micke K Habib N.S., Rida S.M., Badawey E.A.M., Fahmy H.T.Y.: Condensed Jambor Z.,s. Adam W. thiazoles I. Synthesis of 5,7-disub- Janosi A., Grosse I., Hermel G-.: stituted thiazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidines Strukturuntersuchungen an nab- as possible anti-HIV, anticancer, ersponnenen Polyacrylnitrilfasern and antimicrobal agents 1203 nach der Gerfriertrocknung 143 Habib N.S., Rida S.M., Badawey Jansen M.,s. Mokros I., K6nigstein D. E.A.M., Fahmy H.T.Y.: Condensed Jauma A., Escuer A., Farrera J.-A., thiazoles II. Synthesis of 7-substi- Ribo J.M.: Reactivity of pyrrole tuted thiazolo[4,5-d]pyrimidines as pigments XXI. Structure and reac- possible anti-HIV, anticancer, and tivity of Cu(II) and Zn(II) bilindio- antimicrobal agents 1209 ne chelates 1051 Halasz J.,s. Adam W. Jauma A., Farrera J.-A., Ribo J.M.: Halder S.,s. Biswas K.M. Reactivity of pyrrole pigments Hamad M.M., Said S.A., El-Ekyabi XIX. On the structure of Cu(II) and Y.M.: Synthesis and reactions of 2- Zn(II) chelates of dipyrrins in solu- mercaptomethyl-1,3,4-oxadiazolin- tion 927 5-one 549 Jauma A., Farrera J.-A., Ribo J.M.: Hamdi S.T., Ahmed K.Y.: The mass Reactivity of pyrrole pigments XX. spectral fragmentation of some 2,3- On the structure of Cu(II) and dihydro-5-trifluoromethyl-7-(p-R- Zn(I1) tripyrrin-l-one chelates in phenyl)-1,4-diazepines 1013 solution 935 Hamidi S.T., Aliwi S.M.: The photogal- Jellen W., Mittelbach M., Junek H.: vanic effect of Fe(II)-B-diketo- Ozonolysis of olefins VIII. Syn- nate/thionine systems in aqueous thesis of phenoxyacetaldehydes by acetonitrile 339 ozonolysis of allylphenylethers 167 Vill Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents Jordanov V.M.,s. Dukov L.L. Koll A., Wolschann P.: Mannich bases Joseph-Nathan P., s. Morales-Rios as model compounds for intramole- M.S. cular hydrogen bonding I. Solid Junek H.., s. Jellen W. state structures and molecular cal- Kadas I., Arvai G., Téke L.: A short culations 475 and efficient annelation sequence K6nigstein D., Jansen M.: Einkristall- for the synthesis of bicyclic interme- strukturanalyse von Bis(trimethyl- diates in the total synthesis of strigol silyl)peroxid 1221 and its analogues 887 Konya T., s. Lorand T. Kowalska J.A.,s. Epsztajn J. Krasodomska M., s. Bogdanowicz- Kaiser A., s. Bielmeier P. Szwed K. Kaiser A., Wiegrebe W.: 1,3-Diphenyl- Krausz P.,s. Radzki S. propan-1,3-diamines VIII. Reac- Kreja L.: On the changes of rate con- tion of lithiated oximes and oxime stants and activation energies ethers with C=N-electrophiles 397 during catalytic reactions. Decom- Kaiser A., Wiegrebe W.: 1,3-Dipheny- position of NaOCl and HO, 1005 lpropan-1,3-diamines IX. Reaction Kretschmann M..,s. Diefenbach U. of a-chlorooxime ethers with a-li- Krickemeyer E.,s. Miiller A. thiobenzylamines 763 Krist! M., Volavsek B., Golic L.: Kalt W.,s. Frohlich J. Untersuchugen des Hydroxylam- Kappe T., s. Khattab A.F. monium-Fluorogallats 581 Karagiannidis P., s. Stoyanov S. Kuhlmann C.,s. Miiller A. Kasture S.P.,s. Bandgar B.P. Kuhnle G., s. Giitschow M. Kawde A.M.,s. Ahmed M.E. Kvintovics P., s. Féldenyi R. Khatab M.M.,s. Shoukry M.M. Khattab A.F., Kappe T.: Pyrido{2,3- Lackner V., s. Menges G. d\pyrimidines II. One step synthesis Levai A.,s. Adam W. of pyrido[2,3-d|pyrimidines and Lorand T., Aradi F., Sz6llésy A., Toth pyrimido[4,5-b]quinolines from 6- G., Konya T.: Isomerization of sub- amino-uracils 917 stituted tricyclic 4,5-dihydropyra- Kimel B.,s. Brunner H. zoles 971 Kisch H.,s. Westernacher S. Klinkhammer K.-W.,s. Rosmann D. Machado R.. s. Rivas C. Klouras N.,s. Frauenkron M. MadeGowda N.M., s. Ramachandra KnieB A., Gruner M., Mayer R.: H. Reaktionsverhalten von B-Oxo- Mahadevappa D.S., s. Ramachandra carbonsaurederivaten der Anthra- H. cenreihe bei der Synthese von Thio- Mallik H.,s. Biswas K.M. phenen 1173 Marczewska B.: The accelerating Knoch F.A., S. Ellermann J. influence of thiurea on the electro- Knollmiiller M.,s. Noe C.R. reduction of Zn(II) at a mercury Kégerler P., Ferrer E.G., Baran E.J.: electrode in water/methanol mixtu- Darstellung und _ Eigenschaften res 859 einiger Salze des Bis(benzyl-malo- Matuszczak B.: Linear and cyclic N- nato)aquaoxovanadium(TV)-Anions acetyl-a-aryl-glycines: synthesis and 801 chemiluminescence studies 1291 Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents IX Mayer R.,s. KnieB A. Morales-Rios M.S., Garcia-Martinez Mayr E.,s. Etzlstorfer C. C., Bucio M.A., Joseph-Nathan P.: Mazik M., Zielinski W.: Basicity of 4- Stereocontrolled synthesis of 3- aminopyrimidine and 2,4-diamino- alkylindolines from (Z)-2-hydroxy- pyrimidine derivatives 587 indolenines 691 Mazik M., Zielinski W.: Synthesis of Morzycki J.W., Dabrowski Z., Truse- pyridinyl-4-pyrimidinamine deriva- wicz M., Wilczewska A.Z.: Unusual tives 1161 oxidation reactions of 7a-methyl- Mazurkiewicz R., Pierwocha A.W.: and 7a-phenylcholest-5-en8e,-73 p - 4-Phosphoranylidene-5(4H)-oxazo- diol 1283 lones — a novel synthesis and pro- Moschonas M., Danalatos D., Glavas perties 219 S.: The effect of O. and NO, on the Mehrotra K.N., Sharma N.: Studies on ring retaining products of the re- molar volume and rheology of ter- action of benzene with hydroxyl bium soaps in a benzene-DMF mix- radicals 875 ture 257 Moustafa O.S.,s. Geies A.A. Melmer M., Neudeck H.: Aromati- Miiller A., Diemann E., Krickemeyer sche Spirane, 22. Mitt. Darstellung E., Bogge H., Menke C., Kuhlmann von Cyclopenteno-4,5-indan-1l-on C.: Bemerkenswerte Wirt-Gast- und 2-Carboxymethyl- bzw. 4- Beziehungen in Tetraphenylphos- Chlormethyl-indan als Synthone phoniumsalzen von tris-Trithiocar- fiir Synthesen von anellierten 2,2’- bonato-Komplexen des As(III), Spirobiindanonen 275 Bi(II) und Fe(III) 43 Menges G., Michaeli W., Lackner V.: Miiller J.,s. Brunner H. Die degradative Extrusion — Stand Miiller N.,s. Etzlstorfer C. und Aussichten 821 Najafian K., s. Yavari I. Menke C.,s. Miiller A. Nemes C.,s. Adam W. Meusinger R., Heinicke J., Mohle K.., Neudeck H.K.,s. Melmer M. Miihlstadt M.: Conformational ana- lysis of thia crown ether derivatives by NMR spectroscopy and molecu- Neudeck H.K.: Aromatische Spirane, lar mechanics calculations 1145 20. Mitt. Darstellung von dimethyl- Michaeli W., s. Menges G. substituierten 2-Carboxymethyl- Micke K., Ipser H.: Thermodynamic indan-l-onen und Benzylchloriden properties of liquid magnesium- als Synthone fiir Synthesen von di- nickel alloys 7 bis tetramethylierten 2,2’-Spirobi- Micura R., s. Falk H. indandionen 185 Mittelbach M., s. Jellen W. Neudeck H.K.: Aromatische Spirane, Moharram Y.I.,s. Ghoneim M.M. 21. Mitt. Darstellung von Methyl- Mokros I., Jansen M.: Tetrakis(2- phthalaldehydsduren und _ ihren fluorophenylamino)silan und sein Ethyl- und Methylestern als Syn- erstes Kondensationsprodukt N- thone fiir Synthesen von methylier- (2-fluorophenyl)-Si,Si,SiS,i’S ,iS’i’ - ten 2,2’-Spirobiindandionen 201 hexakis(2-fluorophenylamino)-di- Neudeck H.K.: Aromatische Spirane, silazan. Synthesen und Kristall- 23. Mitt. Darstellung von unsym- strukturen 117 metrisch substituierten Dimethyl- Moll M.,s. Ellermann J. 2,2’-spirobiindan-1,1’-dionen 417 xX Inhaltsverzeichnis / Contents Nielsen C., s. Abdel-Rahman A.A.- perties of 2H-4,8-dimethylfuro- H., Zahran M.A. [2’3°:5,6]naphtho|1,2-b|pyran-2-one, Noe C.R., Knollmiiller M., Gartner P.: a novel DNA intercalator 569 Aminoalkohole, 4. Mitt. Ein Trenn- Quintela J.M., Veiga M.C., Alvarez- verfahren zur Herstellung von Sarandes R., Gonzalez L., Peinador enantiomerenreinem Midodrin C.: Synthesis of new pyridazino- 159 [4’,3’:4,5]thieno[3,2-d]-1,2,3-triazine Noe C.R., Weigand A.., Pirker S.: Studies and pyrimido[4’,5’:4,5]thieno[2,3- on cyclic dipeptides I. Aryl modifi- c]-pyridazine derivatives 1037 cations of cyclo-[Phe-His] 1081 Quintela J.M., Veiga M.C., Alvarez- Nori-Shargh D.., s. Yavari I. Sarandes R., Peinador C.: Synthesis of pyrimido[4’,S’:4,5]thieno[2,3-c]- Ohler E., Kanzler S.: Regioselective pyridazine derivatives 537 amidation of allylic a-hydroxyphos- Quintela J.M., Veiga M.C., Conde S.., phonates with nitriles: a convenient Peinador C.: A general route for the route to (3-acetylamino-1-alkenyl)- synthesis of pyrimido[4’,S’:4,5]thie- phosphonates 177 no[2,3-c]pyridazine derivatives 739 Olk B., Beyer L.: S-(N-(Thiocarba- moyl)benzimido)-dithiocarbamid- Radzki S., Krausz P.: Complex forma- sdureester 291 tion between gadolinium(III) por- Oniga O.., s. Simiti I. phyrins and some nucleic bases or Ozer H., s. Ulusoy N. their nucleoside derivatives in aqueous solution 51 Papke T., s. Bracher F. Ramachandra H., Rangappa K.S., Patonay T.,s. Adam W. Mahadevappa D.S., MadeGowda Pawelka Z.,s. Puszko A. N.M.: Oxidation of substituted Pedersen E.B., s. Abdel-Rahman phenethyl alcohols by sodium-N- A.A.-H., Zahran M.A. chloro-p-toluene sulfonamide: a Peinador C., s. Quintela J.M. kinetic study 241 Pertlik F.,s. Effenberger H. Ramsis M.N., Antonious M.S., Riz- Pierwocha A.W.,s. Mazurkiewicz R. kalla E.N., Youssef A.O.: The kine- Pindur U.,s. Rehn C., Rogge M. tics of the crystallization of barium Pirker S.,s. Noe C.R. chromate in the presence of poly- Pohl D., s. Ellermann J. phosphate and phosphonates 1099 Prenner R.H., Schmid W.: Indium Ramsis M.N.,s. Antonious M.S. mediated allylation in carbohydrate Rangappa K.S.,s. Ramachandra H. chemistry: a convenient synthesis of Raptopoulou C.P.,s. Frauenkron M. 3-deoxy-D-arabino-2-heptulosonic Rehn C., Pindur U.: Model building acid (DAH) and 3-deoxy-D-arabi- and molecular mechanics calcula- no-2-heptulose (Kamusol) 1045 tions of mitoxantrone-deoxytetra- Puszko A., Wasylina L., Pawelka Z.: nucleotide complexes: molecular Dipole moments and spectroscopic foundations of DNA intercalation properties of methyl-4-nitropyridi- as cytostatic active principle 631 ne N-oxides 601 Rehn C., Pindur U.: Molecular mode- ling of intercalation complexes of Qian X., Tao Z.-F., Wei D., Sun J.: antitumor active 9-aminoacridine Sythesis, crystal structure, and pro- and a [d,e]-anellated isoquinoline

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