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MON: Mission-optimized Overlay Networks B. Spang, A. Sabnis, R. Sitaraman, D. Towsley B. DeCleene College of Information & Computer Sciences BAE Systems & Technology Solutions U. Massachusetts - Amherst Burlington, MA 01803 Amherst, MA 01003 [email protected] bspang,asabnis,ramesh,towsley @cs.umass.edu { } Abstract—Large organizations often have users in multiple sites which are connected over the Internet. Since resources are ☺ Mission PFO M MONtra 7 limited,communicationbetweenthesesitesneedstobecarefully Utility Mapping 1 orchestratedforthemostbenefittotheorganization.Wepresent Uplink Overlay 0 a Mission-optimized Overlay Network (MON), a hybrid overlay Operator 2 network architecture for maximizing utility to the organization. Wecombineanofflineandanonlinesystemtosolvenon-concave n utility maximization problems. The offline tier, the Predictive Ja Flow Optimizer (PFO), creates plans for routing traffic using a M M Site Site modelofnetworkconditions.Theonlinetier,MONtra,isawareof 7 Public 2 thepreciselocalnetworkconditionsandisabletoreactquicklyto Internet M problemswithinthenetwork.Eithertieraloneisinsufficient.The PFOmaytaketoolongtoreacttonetworkchanges.MONtraonly ] I has local information and cannot optimize non-concave mission Site N utilities.However,bycombiningthetwosystems,MONisrobust andachievesnear-optimalutilityunderawiderangeofnetwork . s conditions. While best-effort overlay networks are well studied, Fig.1. MONArchitectureDiagram c our work is the first to design overlays that are optimized for [ mission utility. 1 In this paper, in contrast to best-effort overlays studied in v I. INTRODUCTION prior work, we propose and study overlays that are driven by 8 Large organizations have users in multiple sites that are explicitly stated mission goals. For instance, consider a multi- 9 connected over the Internet. A business may have multiple 0 site defense organization. The goals for the overlay are set by officesaroundtheworldwhichneedtocommunicatewitheach 8 an operator who dictates the relative utility of various types 0 other.Adefenseorganizationmayhavepersonneldeployedat of communication that occur between the different sites. Note . multiple sites, who need to communicate and fulfill specific 1 that the mission goals may vary with time, e.g., an urgent 0 mission goals. A retailer may have multiple shops, warehouse all-hands video conference watched by users in all the sites 7 locations, and offices. One traditional approach to facilitating may take higher precedence than downloads, VOIP and other 1 communication between distributed sites of an organization traffic classes. A Mission-optimized Overlay Network (MON) : v is to deploy a private enterprise network with dedicated dynamicallyallocatesavailableoverlayresourcestothetraffic i infrastructure to fulfill the organization’s communication re- X betweensitestomaximizeoverallmissionutility,enablingthe quirements. However, an alternate approach is to build an goals of the organization to be met. r a overlay on top of the public Internet, avoiding the need for dedicated infrastructure. A. MON Functionality Overlays have been studied and built for the past 25 years [1], [9], [24], [26], [29]. Large CDNs such as Akamai [21] MON takes as input the (time-varying) mission goals set have built overlays for delivering web and video content by the operator and routes traffic on the overlay network to since the late 1990’s [25]. These overlays are “best-effort”, meet these goals (see Figure 1). Each site is connected to the in that they are concerned with providing higher reliability public Internet through a transport controller which performs and performance than what the native Internet can offer for overlay routing. all traffic using the overlay. Such best-effort overlays include We group the traffic between sites into a set of classes K, caching overlays for Web content [7], routing overlays for where each traffic class represents a set of end-user sessions reliablytransportinglivevideostreams[3],[17],P2Poverlays of a specific type (such as video, downloads, VOIP, etc...) for downloads [24], [26], [29], and security overlays for pre- between a specific source and destination site. Each traffic venting DDoS attacks [25]. However, best-effort overlays do class may use a set of overlay routes. The mission goals are notexplicitlyoptimizethe“missiongoals”oftheorganization captured by mission utility functions specified by the overlay that operates the overlay. operator. MON determines a set of sessions from each class Symbol Meaning and a rate for each session so as to maximize the cumulative mission utility. K Set of traffic classes MON is designed to continually adapt to change. The Nk Maximum number of sessions for class k mission utility functions can change as mission goals change. ρk Set of routes usable by k The number of sessions in each class that need to be routed L Set of underlay links can change with user demand. The underlying Internet could Lˆ PFO’s estimate of L suffer from failures that require traffic to be rerouted. To deal C Set of underlay link capacities with these changes, MON continually adapts the number of Cˆ PFO’s estimate of C sessionsnk andratesxk foreachclassk ∈K tooptimizethe Uk(xk) Per-class mission utility mission utility. n Number of admitted sessions for class k k x Rate assigned to a flow B. Our Contributions f (cid:80) x Aggregate class rate (x = x ) We propose a novel two-tiered overlay architecture for wk MONtra’s weight for clkass k ofn∈ρflkowff f MON that combines offline and online tiers. The offline V (x ) MONtra’s utility for class k on flow f f f tier is called the Predictive Flow Optimizer (PFO), and it γ MONtra’s stability constant periodically performs a global optimization of the cumulative missionutility.TheoutputofPFOis“mapped”toalower-level Fig.2. TableofNotation online network transport mechanism called MONtra which performs the actual routing of traffic in the network using proportionally-fair utility functions (see Figure 1). We prove VOIP) between a specific source and destination site. Each that MON’s two-tiered architecture converges to an optimal class uses a set of overlay routes ρ . Mission goals are cumulative mission utility. An interesting aspect of our work k captured by mission utility functions specified by the overlay is a mapping process that allows us to implement arbitrary operator. Specifically, associated with each class k K is a non-decreasing mission utility functions using logarithmic ∈ function U (x ) that corresponds to the value of one session transport utilities which are well-studied and have desirable k k of class k receiving a rate of x . MON chooses a number of properties such as proportional fairness. k sessions n for each class k K and routes each chosen To establish the real-world feasibility of MON, we im- k ∈ session of class k at a rate of x so as to maximize the plement a prototype within the Deterlab [19] testbed. We k (cid:80) cumulative mission utility expressed as n U (x ). show that the PFO implementation using a bilinear global k k k k optimizer, in combination with MONtra implemented on the MON has a two-tiered architecture which combines a non- Deterlab nodes, is able to send traffic at rates that converge real-time global optimizer (PFO) with a distributed real-time to a solution that achieves optimal mission utility. We also transport protocol (MONtra) to optimize mission utility. It showthatthesystemisrobusttochangesinthenetwork,such is a novel application of the divide-and-conquer principle as those caused by network partitions or congestion. Further, in network design. We use predicted global knowledge to we show that the system is robust to changes in the number periodically “push” the overlay network into an optimized of sessions, such as those caused by flash crowd events. We state. We maintain the network in a near-optimal state, even also empirically evaluate MON when the network and traffic in the presence of sudden network changes (such as partitions demands are not precisely known. In this case, we show that or congestion), using a mission-aware distributed transport MON degrades gracefully and still provides a near-optimal protocol.Inthissection,wedescribethefollowingthreemajor mission utility. aspects of the architecture (see Figure 1): C. Roadmap The Predictive Flow Optimizer (Section II-A) solves an • WegiveanoverviewoftheMONarchitectureandadetailed optimization problem to come up with a plan for routing description of each component in Section II. We describe our traffic in the MON. It solves a non-concave bilinear prototype and experimental setup in detail in Section III. We optimization problem periodically using the predicted implement MON and present our empirical results in Section network state and projected future traffic conditions. IV. We compare MON to prior work in Section V and then MONtra (Section II-B) solves an online optimization • conclude in Section VI. problem to react to changes in the network. Using ideas from network utility maximization [12], it adjusts the II. THEMONARCHITECTURE sending rates of each site to solve a convex optimization MON dynamically allocates available overlay resources to problem. traffic between sites to maximize overall mission utility. In AmappingbetweenPFOandMONtra(SectionII-C)en- • order to do this, we need a precise definition of the mission sures that when PFO has full knowledge of the network, utility maximization problem. We group the traffic between MONtra will converge to PFO’s target rates. Our main sites into a set of classes K, where each traffic class k K result is that this convergence happens if MONtra has represents a set of sessions of a specific type (e.g. vide∈o or the same gradient as PFO at the target rates. A. Predictive Flow Optimizer amountoftrafficMONsendsforasinglesessionalongflowf. The Predictive Flow Optimizer (PFO) outputs a routing To do so, PFO solves the following non-concave optimization plan for the network that maximizes mission utility. It runs problem: periodically using a prediction of future network conditions (cid:88) (cid:88) max n U ( x ) (1) k k f and traffic demands. n,x PFO performs “call admission” by choosing a number of k(cid:88)∈K (cid:88)f∈ρk subject to n x Cˆ l Lˆ (2) sessions n to admit in each class k K. It can decide k f l k ≤ ∀ ∈ to admit no sessions at all for a given∈class k by setting k∈Kf∈ρk;l(cid:51)f nk to zero. In addition, PFO chooses a per-flow rate xf to nk ≤Nk ∀k ∈K providetoeachadmittedsessionofclassk K alongaroute x 0 k K,f ρ f k ∈ ≥ ∀ ∈ ∈ f ρk in the network. The output of PFO is then used to n Z k K ∈ k set the parameters of the MONtra controllers, a process we ∈ ∀ ∈ call “mapping”. Thus, PFO solves a hard global optimization Solving the Optimization Problem: The above optimiza- problem,albeitinanon-realtimefashionusingpredictedtraffic tion problem is NP-Hard, since the number of sessions must and network states. be an integer and the mission utility functions are not con- The Optimization problem: PFO runs periodically and cave. However, for certain mission utility functions there are solvesthefollowingoptimizationproblemtorouteapredicted optimization techniques which make solving this problem setofsessionsontheoverlay.PFOtakesasinputasetoftraffic more feasible. For instance, if the mission utility functions classes K. Each traffic class k K has a set of N sessions are piecewise linear, the problem becomes a bilinear program k that need to be routed from a sp∈ecific source site to a specific that can be solved efficiently using the ANTIGONE solver destination site. For instance, a traffic class could be all the [20].Otherapproachesforsolvingnon-concavenetworkutility VOIP phone calls made from a given site to another given maximization problems offline are described in the literature site. (e.g. [10]). PFOhastheoptiontosendtrafficalongdifferentpathsinthe B. MON Transport Control (MONtra) network. For example, it might send traffic directly from one MONtraworksatthetransportlayerofMON,andisrespon- site to another, or send it indirectly via a number of enclaves. sibleforreactingrapidlytochangesintheunderlyingnetwork. We say that a flow corresponds to the unique pair of a traffic MONtra consists of weighted proportionally-fair congestion class and a route through the network. For each class k, PFO controllers,whichroutesessiontraffictomatchtheratechosen has a set of ρ of possible flows. Each flow f ρ starts k ∈ k by PFO. at the source and ends at the destination associated with the For each overlay route, MONtra’s controllers optimize the class, using zero or more sites as intermediate nodes. Let ρ transport-layer utility function V (x ) = w logx (which denote the set of flows for all classes. f f f f should not be confused with the mission utility function PFO uses a model of the underlying network to pick a U (x)). In Section II-C, we will describe how to choose feasible set of rates for the flows in each class. Let L be the k weightsforthesecontrollerssothattheyprovablyconvergeto setofunderlaynetworklinks,andC thesetoflinkcapacities. PFO’stargetrates.Inanattempttomakethemappingeasierto The capacity of link l L is C . For convenience, we will ∈ l understand,wewillmodelMONtraasusingonecontrollerper write l f to denote the links used by flow f and l f to ∈ (cid:51) sessiononaflow.It’spossibletoextendthemodeltocombine denote the flows that use link l. PFO uses an estimate of the all the sessions on a flow into one controller. MONtra solves set of links Lˆ, and an estimate Cˆ of the link capacities. PFOissaidtohavefullknowledgeofthenetworkifL=Lˆ thefollowingoptimizationproblem,whereListhesetoflinks and C =Cˆ. At a minimum, PFO knows the uplinks for each in the network and Cl is the capacity of a link: site and their capacities, i.e., Lˆ is the set of uplinks from the max (cid:88)n V (x ) k(f) f f MONtra nodes to the public Internet (see Figure 1). Between x f ρ thesetwoextremes,PFOmayincorporatepartialknowledgeof (cid:88)∈ (cid:88) subject to n x C l L k f l the links and capacities using tools from network tomography ≤ ∀ ∈ (e.g. [5]). k∈Kf∈ρk;l(cid:51)f x 0 k K,f ρ Inadditiontotheabove,theoverlayoperatorprovidesPFO f ≥ ∀ ∈ ∈ k a mission utility function U (x ), for each traffic class k, We solve this optimization problem using techniques from k k representing the value of giving one session of class k a Network Utility Maximization [13]. We initialize the con- rate of x . We assume that the mission utility functions are trollers to the the rate selected by PFO, then adapt the rate k fromR+ R,aresubdifferentiableeverywhere,andarenon- based on network feedback. After each success/loss signal, → decreasing. We do not assume that they are concave, in order weadjustratesaccordingtothefollowingupdaterules,where to incorporate mission utilities for inelastic traffic [10]. γ is a constant chosen for stability: For each traffic class k K, PFO outputs a number of allowed sessions nk. For ea∈ch class k and possible flow f xf ←xf +γ·wf (after each successful packet) ∈ x γ x (for each loss) ρ , PFO outputs a target rate x which corresponds to the f f k f ← − · Note that unlike existing multipath TCP research (e.g. [11], A [13], [15], [22], [28]), MONtra uses uncoupled controllers. We would like our controllers to exactly match the target rateschosenbyPFO,whichimpliesthetransportoptimization problem should have a unique optima. Unfortunately, the B C coupled controllers in the multipath literature allow multiple (a)TriangleTopology optima. Instead of using a window-based controller, we use a rate Site r15 based controller which sends packets at a rate of xf. To do Router this,wegeneratedelaysbetweeneachpacketsothatthepacket r16 sending process is Poisson with rate x . f s30 r17 C. Mapping r19 r18 s31 The mapping layer is responsible for ensuring that MONtra r20 s33 s32 r0 r21 converges to the set of rates chosen by PFO. Intuitively, we wouldlikethetransportutilityfunctiontoactlikethemission s34 r2 r1 r4 r22 utility functions in the vicinity of the target rates selected by r3 s25 r5 r23 r10 PFO. If we could ensure that MONtra sends at the same rate as PFO and has the same derivative at PFO’s target rates, r8 r6 s26 s35 s27 r24 r11 s29 MONtra might behave in the same way as PFO even if there r9 r7 s28 r12 r14 were slight changes to the network. The following theorem r13 uses similar intuition and allows us to prove that MONtra converges to PFO’s target rates. (b)AT&TTopology Theorem 1. Suppose PFO has full knowledge of the network Fig.3. ExperimentalTopologies and selects a set of rates A and a number of sessions n for k eachclassk thatmaximizesthemissionutilityfunctionU(A). Foreachlinkl,letλ bethedualvariableassociatedwiththe III. EVALUATIONMETHODOLOGY l capacity constraint for link l. Fix the number of sessions for To show how MON performs in a realistic setting, we each class in the transport layer to nk. Using the following implemented MON and ran it on a set of network topologies, transport utility functions for a given flow f with class k, traffic scenarios, and mission utility functions as outlined MONtra’s rates will converge to A: below. V (x )=w logx NetworkTestbed.WerantheexperimentsonDeterlab[19], f f f f (cid:0)(cid:88) (cid:1) whichallowedustoallocatephysicallinuxmachinesforeach w =n λ A f k l f site and router in the network. We used Linux’s traffic control l f system to set the network bandwidth. We used token bucket ∈ Proof: See Appendix A filterswithaburstsizeof100kbandamaximumqueuelatency Note that if the only active constraint in the PFO solution of 5ms, which provides stable throughput when we transfer is constraint (2), this mapping confirms the earlier intuition files between the hosts. that we should match the PFO gradient at the target operating NetworkTopologies.Weemulatedthesmalltriangletopol- point. Since only the rate-related constraints are active for ogy shown in Figure 3(a) to illustrate MON behavior in an PFO,bythePFOKKTconditions, ∂ U(A)=((cid:80) n λ ). easier to understand context. We also emulated several large Therefore, our mapping simplifies t∂oxfw = ∂ U(lA∈f)Ak. Al t topologies from [16] (AT&T USA, Bell Canada, BTN, and thetargetoperatingpoint,thepartialderifvative∂xofftheMOfNtra Abilene).WepresenttheresultsfortheAT&Ttopologyshown utility function with respect to a flow f is wf = ∂ U(A). in Figure 3(b) in most of our experiments. Soinadditiontomatchingtherate,inthiscasAefwew∂oxufldalso Mission Utility Functions. We use the following two mis- expect the MONtra utility functions to approximate the PFO sionutilityfunctionstoillustratethebehaviorofMON,though utility functions close to the operating point. our system works for arbitrary mission utility functions: Thismappingtheoremalsoworksforanyimplementationof (cid:40) 0 if x 0.8 MONtraandotherformulationsofPFOoptimizationproblem. U (x)= ≤ A For instance, MONtra could use other classes of concave min(0.1x,0.005x+0.114) otherwise transportutilityfunctions,oranothermethodofdistributedop- U (x)=0.2x B timizationsuchasbackpressurerouting.ThePFOoptimization problem could use another way of combining per-flow rates, The type A mission utility function has non-concavity and e.g. by summing the weighted rates across all paths instead of monotonicallyincreasingutilitywithdiminishingreturns.The summing the rates across all paths. type B mission utility function increases linearly with rate 0.2 Utility Utility Path Target Actual 0.32 0.15 A C 10.0 9.71 0.24 → 0.1 A B C 5.0 4.84 0.16 → → 5·10−2 8·10−2 (a) Rate Rate Path Target Actual 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (a)ClassA (b)ClassB s35 s26 10.0 9.24 → Fig.4. MissionUtilityFunctionsforTrafficClassAandB s29 s31 10.0 9.24 → s33 s35 10.0 9.24 → s31 s33 10.0 9.23 → s34 s32 6.0 5.9 → s26 s34 6.0 5.68 without a point of diminishing returns. These functions are → shown in Figure 4. s32 s29 6.0 4.4 → s32 s34 4.0 3.55 PFOImplementation.SinceourapproachreducesthePFO → s26 s32 4.0 3.4 optimization to a bilinear program, we used the ANTIGONE → solver [20] to efficiently solve the optimization problem. The s34 s29 4.0 3.24 → solver uses branch-and-bound techniques and convex relax- (b) ations such as McCormick’s envelopes which allow bilinear Fig.5. MONtraratesconvergedtotheoptimaltargetratessetbyPFOfor optimization problems to be solved efficiently. boththetriangletopologyandtheAT&Ttopology MONtra Implementation.TheMONtraimplementationis based on multipath network utility maximization theory from [13]. We used the controllers described in Section II-B with per-packet acks to detect congestion. We gave each host an 100 ionffinseitsesiboancsklcohgosoefndabtya tPoFsOen.dW. We eseatlwthaeyssutasbedilittyhecnounmstbanert Utility 80 123HHHoooppp n γ = 0.001 and further improved stability by dividing γ by Missio 60 4Hop the largest weight (i.e. maxr∈ρwr). malized 2400 or N IV. EVALUATIONRESULTS 0 ATT Bell-Canada BTN Abilene Network A. Does the overlay optimize mission utility? Fig.6. Missionutilityincreaseswiththenumberofallowablehops,though Our first experiment shows that MON optimizes mission twohopsaresufficienttoobtainmostofthebenefits. utility for simple scenarios. We give PFO full knowledge of the network topology and capacities, and show that MONtra convergestoPFO’stargetrates.Weshowthisforbothasimple topology and a more realistic one. For the simple topology, we set up three nodes on Deterlab 100 using the triangle topology shown in Figure 3(a). We set the capacity between Node B and Node C to 5Mbps and set the 95 capacity of all other links to 10Mbps. We have two traffic y classes, one between Node A and Node C and one between Utilit 90 Node B and Node C. PFO assigns a rate of 10 Mbps between on Node A and Node C and a rate of 5 Mbps from Node A Missi 85 to Node C via Node B. Table 5(a) shows the rates MONtra d e z converged to for the two flows. In this simple example, there ali 80 m arenosharedlinksbetweentheflow.Notethattheactualrates or N achieved by MONtra is close to the target rate set by PFO. 75 RandomPaths We also ran this experiment on the more realistic AT&T BestPaths network topology. We set the capacity of all links to 10Mbps, 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and ran PFO using the actual topology and capacities. Unlike Numberofpaths thetriangleexperiment,PFOsharedlinksbetweenflows.Table Fig.7. Theimpactofusingadditionalindirectpathsonmissionutility. 3(b) shows the rates MONtra converged to, which are close to the rates computed by PFO. 1.2 4.0 1.0 3.5 3.0 0.8 y Utilit bps)2.5 n0.6 M Missio dput(2.0 0.4 Optimal Goo1.5 MONtra ActualA 0.2 FixedRate 1.0 ActualB TCP 0.5 TargetA 0.0 TargetB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0.0 A Bcapacity 5 10 15 20 → Numberofhighpriorityconnections Fig.8. HowMONtrareactswhenPFOhasincorrecttopologyknowledge. Fig.9. HowMONtrareactswhendemandchanges.PFOchose11sessions WeranMONtrawithPFOoutputsforanA→C capacityof3Mbps,and forthehighpriorityflow,butwevariedthenumberofsessionsfrom1to20. plottedtheratesitconvergedtoforvariousvaluesofA→C capacities. even when the network is slightly different from what PFO B. Are overlay paths useful? If yes, how many? How does expects. We compare MONtra to a transport layer which uses random path selection compare with choosing the best paths? Scalable TCP [14] without trying to match PFO’s rates, and a Two sites can communicate directly with each other, or transport layer which always sends at PFO’s target rates. they can communicate indirectly via a series of other sites. This experiment used a mathematical model of the triangle The impact of overlay routing on reliability and performance network. We consider flows over links A B and B C. for traditional best-effort overlays are well-known [1], [2], → → We set link B C to 5Mbps, and run PFO with the capacity [23]. Here we ask analogous questions for mission-optimized → on A B set to 3Mbps. We then used those PFO rates for overlays by ascertaining the benefits of overlay paths for → differentcapacitiesonA B.Wetestedcapacitiesof1Mbps mission utility maximization. → to 10Mbps in intervals of 1Mbps. To study the impact of overlay paths, we ran PFO on a Figure 8 shows the result of this experiment. When the varietyofrealnetworktopologiesfrom[16](AT&TUSA,Bell capacity is 3Mbps and PFO has correct knowledge of the Canada,BTN,andAbilene).Wesetuplinkcapacityto30Mbps network, MONtra and the fixed-rate implementation match and the capacity between routers to 10Mbps. To simulate a PFO’s target rates. When link A B’s capacity is between partially loaded overlay, we created traffic classes between → 1 and 4 Mbps, MONtra was also able to match PFO’s half the sites. We first restricted PFO to use only direct, one- rates. Although MONtra had different rates between 5 and hop paths, then to using one-hop and two-hop paths, and then 10Mbps, it had a higher mission utility than the other two to three- and four-hop paths. Note that the optimal mission implementations. utility cannot decrease when we allow a greater number of hops, since more hops corresponds to a larger feasible region. D. What if demand changes? Figure 6 shows the results of this experiment. In all networks, In our previous experiments, we allowed PFO to choose there was more than a 20% increase in mission utility from the number of sessions used by MONtra. In a real system, using two hop paths over just the one-hop direct path. In the number of sessions might be less predictable; PFO may this particular experiment, there was no benefit to using paths choose to admit n sessions and then many more sessions longer than two hops. k could arrive. In this experiment, we show how MONtra reacts Next,weconsidertheimpactofthenumberofallowedpaths when the number of sessions is more or less than what PFO (i.e. ρ ) on mission utility. It may be useful to not have to k | | chooses. consider all overlay paths when running PFO. As shown in Thisexperimentusesthetrianglenetwork.Wesetcapacities Figure 7, adding just one well-chosen indirect path for each A C to3Mbps,B C to5Mbps,andA C to10Mbps. class can be sufficient to obtain the maximum mission utility. → → → PFO split the capacity of the B C link between a flow of However,wegenerallydonotknowthesinglebestpathbefore → class A and a flow of class B. PFO gave the flow of class A running PFO. Including a few random paths is also sufficient 3Mbps for eleven sessions, and gave the flow of class B the to improve mission utility. Just one randomly picked indirect remaining 2Mbps for one session. path gave 80% of the optimal mission utility, and adding four WethenvarythenumberofsessionsfortheflowofclassA random indirect paths gave 95% of optimal. from1to20.Figure9showstheratesthatMONtraconverged C. How does MONtra react to slight changes? to. For 7 sessions and up, MONtra converged to PFO’s target OurnextexperimentshowsthatMONtraoptimizesmission rate.Below7sessions,thetwosystemsdivergedandMONtra utility better than existing transport layer implementations, sent more of flow B than PFO. 18 14 A→B→C A C 16 → 12 B C → 14 (Mbps)180 Utility1102 Goodput 6 Mission 68 4 4 2 2 0 0 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200 Time(sec) Time(sec) (a)Ratesontriangletopology (b)Missionutilityontriangletopology Fig. 10. MONtra rates and utilities with a link failure. We started MONtra with the correct PFO outputs. At 60 seconds, we reduced the capacity of the A→B link.WeallowedMONtratoadapt,thenat140seconds,were-ranPFOtocorrecttherates.Theoverallutilitywentdownafterthefailure,though PFOwasabletoimprovetheperformanceoveronlyMONtra. new set of rates that increase the overall mission utility. The 140 dropinmissionutilityat140secondsisbecauseourprototype 120 doesn’t gracefully switch flows after PFO runs. 100 In the AT&T network, we set the capacity on all links to y 10Mbps.At40seconds,weremovedalllinksconnectedtothe Utilit 80 two routers with the highest degree (r2 and r13). Just before n Missio 60 1F5ig0usreec1o1ndssh,owwestrhee-ramnisPsFioOntuotislietlyecotvaernteiwmes.etAogfaitnar,gMetOraNtetrsa. 40 reacts to the network failure, and PFOselects new target rates 20 that increase mission utility. This shows that MON is resilient to network failures. 0 50 100 150 Time(sec) V. RELATEDWORK Overlays have been studied and built for the past 25 years. Fig.11. MissionutilityovertimeforthepartitionexperimentontheAT&T Large CDNs such as Akamai [21] have built overlays for network. At 40 seconds, we removed all links connected to the two most connected routers. At 150 seconds, we re-ran PFO which increased mission delivering web and video content since the late 1990’s [25]. utility. However,theseoverlaysare“best-effort”overlaysthatattempt to provide higher reliability and performance than what the native Internet can offer. Best-effort overlays come in many E. How does MON react to failures? flavors, including caching overlays for Web content [7], rout- This experiment shows that MON adapts to sudden, large ing overlays for reliably transporting live video streams [3], changes in the network. At the start of the experiment, we [17],P2Poverlaysfordownloads[24],[26],[29],andsecurity providePFOfullknowledgeofthenetworkandfeeditsoutput overlays for preventing DDoS attacks [25]. However, such to MONtra. We then cause a link failure, and allow MONtra overlays do not attempt to explicitly optimize the “mission toreact.Wefinallyre-runPFOwiththeupdatedtopology,and goals” of the enterprise that operates the overlay, the focus of it picks a new, more optimal set of rates to route around the our work. failure. There has been prior work on overlay networks driven by In the triangle network, we set the capacity between nodes quality-of-service (QoS). Networks that focus on QoS tend to B and C to 5Mbps, and set all other capacities to 10Mbps. guarantee each flow a particular performance metric such as MONtrabeginswiththeratesselectedbyPFO.At60seconds, rate,packetloss,jitteretc[8],[27].Incontrast,MONworksby wesetthecapacitybetweennodesAandBto1Mbps.At140 optimizingthecumulativemissionutilityoftheoverlaytraffic. seconds, we re-run PFO and update MONtra to use the new In particular, MON might sacrifice the QoS of some (lower- flowsandrates.Figure10(a)showstheratesovertimeforthe priority) traffic flows to enhance the QoS of other (higher- experiment, and Figure 10(b) shows the mission utility over priority) flows. time. When the network failure occurs, MONtra adjusts its MONusesthenetworkutilitymaximization(NUM)frame- sending rate to compensate. When PFO is re-run, it selects a work, first pioneered by Kelly [12] who described dis- tributed algorithms for optimizing concave utilities. Non- [5] R. Castro, M. Coates, G. Liang, R. 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Suppose PFO has full knowledge of the network and selects a set of rates A and a number of sessions n for (cid:88) (cid:88) k n A C l L (9) eachclassk thatmaximizesthemissionutilityfunctionU(A). k (cid:48)f ≤ l ∀ ∈ Foreachlinkl,letλ bethedualvariableassociatedwiththe k∈Kf∈ρk;l(cid:51)f l A 0 k K,f ρ (10) capacity constraint for link l. Fix the number of sessions for (cid:48)f ≥ ∀ ∈ ∈ k each class in the transport layer to nk. Using the following λ(cid:48)l ≥0, ∀l∈L (11) (cid:88) (cid:88) transport utility functions for a given flow f with class k, λ ( n A C )=0 l L (12) MONtra’s rates will converge to A: (cid:48)l k (cid:48)f − l ∀ ∈ k∈Kf∈ρk;l(cid:51)f d (cid:88) Vf(xf)=wflogxf dx Vf(xf)= nkλ(cid:48)l (13) wf =nk(cid:0)(cid:88)λl(cid:1)Af f l∈f l∈f Since the MONtra problem is concave, if some point A(cid:48),λ(cid:48)l satisfy the MONtra KKT conditions then it is optimal and Proof: Recall the PFO solves the following optimization MONtra will converge to that point. We will show that PFO’s problem: optimal rates A and link dual variables λ satisfy these KKT l (cid:88) (cid:88) max n U ( x ) conditions,soMONtrawillconvergetothePFOoptimalpoint. k k f n,x TheMONtraKKTconditions(9)and(10)aresatisfiedsince k(cid:88)∈K (cid:88)f∈ρk they are identical to the PFO KKT conditions (3) and (4) subject to n x Cˆ l Lˆ k f ≤ l ∀ ∈ because we’ve fixed the number of flows in the transport to k∈Kf∈ρk;l(cid:51)f the number of flows chosen by PFO. MONtra KKT condition n N k K k ≤ k ∀ ∈ (11) is satisfied by PFO KKT condition (5). MONtra KKT xf 0 k K,f ρk condition (12) is satisfied by the PFO KKT condition (6). ≥ ∀ ∈ ∈ nk Z k K MONtra KKT condition (13) is satisfied by our choice of wf ∈ ∀ ∈ since for flow f with class k: And MONtra solves the following optimization problem: d w f (cid:88) Vf(xf)= max nk(f)Vf(xf) dxf Af x (cid:88) f ρ = n λ (cid:88)∈ (cid:88) k l subject to nkxf Cl l L l f ≤ ∀ ∈ ∈ k∈Kf∈ρk;l(cid:51)f Therefore A,λl satisfy the KKT conditions for MONtra. xf ≥0 ∀k ∈K,f ∈ρk Since MONtra is concave, it will converge to A,λl. Since we assume PFO has perfect information, Lˆ =L and Cˆ =C. SincethesetofratesA,thenumberofadmittedsessionsn , k and the dual variables for each link λ and for each constraint l onthenumberofsessionsλ areoptimalforPFO,theysatisfy k the following KKT conditions (See [4]; Sec. 5.5.3): (cid:88) (cid:88) n A C l L (3) k f l ≤ ∀ ∈ k∈Kf∈ρk;l(cid:51)f A 0 k K,f ρ (4) f k ≥ ∀ ∈ ∈ n N k K k k ≤ ∀ ∈ n Z k K k ∈ ∀ ∈ λ 0, l L (5) l ≥ ∀ ∈ (cid:88) (cid:88) λ ( n A C )=0 l L (6) l k f l − ∀ ∈ k∈Kf∈ρk;l(cid:51)f

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