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Molecular Theory of Solutions Dedicated to Ruby and Kaye Molecular Theory of Solutions Arieh Ben-Naim Department of Physical Chemistry The Hebrew University, Jerusalem AC AC GreatClarendonStreet,OxfordOX26DP OxfordUniversityPressisadepartmentoftheUniversityofOxford. ItfurtherstheUniversity’sobjectiveofexcellenceinresearch,scholarship, andeducationbypublishingworldwidein Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown DaresSalaam HongKong Karachi KualaLumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withofficesin Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam OxfordisaregisteredtrademarkofOxfordUniversityPress intheUKandincertainothercountries PublishedintheUnitedStates byOxfordUniversityPressInc.,NewYork #AriehBen-Naim2006 Themoralrightsoftheauthorhavebeenasserted DatabaserightOxfordUniversityPress(maker) Firstpublished2006 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans, withoutthepriorpermissioninwritingofOxfordUniversityPress, orasexpresslypermittedbylaw,orundertermsagreedwiththeappropriate reprographicsrightsorganization.Enquiriesconcerningreproduction outsidethescopeoftheaboveshouldbesenttotheRightsDepartment, OxfordUniversityPress,attheaddressabove Youmustnotcirculatethisbookinanyotherbindingorcover andyoumustimposethesameconditiononanyacquirer BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Dataavailable LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Ben-Naim,Arieh,1934– Moleculartheoryofsolutions/AriehBen-Naim. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN-13:978–0–19–929969–0(acid-freepaper) ISBN-10:0–19–929969–2(acid-freepaper) ISBN-13:978–0–19–929970–6(pbk.:acid-freepaper) ISBN-10:0–19–929970–6(pbk.:acid-freepaper) 1.Solution(Chemistry). 2.MolecularTheory. I.Title. QD541.B4582006 5410.34—dc22 2006015317 TypesetbyNewgenImagingSystems(P)Ltd.,Chennai,India PrintedinGreatBritain onacid-freepaperby BiddlesLtd,www.biddles.co.uk ISBN0–19–929969–2 978–0–19–929969–0(Hbk.) ISBN0–19–929970–6 978–0–19–929970–6(Pbk.) 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Preface The aim of a molecular theory of solutions is to explain and to predict the behavior of solutions, based on the input information of the molecular properties of the individual molecules constituting the solution. Since Prigo- gine’sbook(publishedin1957)withthesametitle,aimingtowardsthattarget, therehasbeenconsiderablesuccessinachievingthatgoalformixturesofgases andsolids,butnotmuchprogresshasbeenmadeinthecaseofliquidmixtures. This is unfortunate since liquid mixtures are everywhere. In almost all indus- tries and all biological sciences, we encounter liquid mixtures. There exists an urgent need to understand these systems and to be able to predict their behavior from the molecular point of view. The main difficulty in developing a molecular theory of liquid mixtures, as compared to gas or solid mixtures, is the same as the difficulty which exists in the theory of pure liquids, compared with theories of pure gases and solids. Curiouslyenough,thoughvariouslatticetheoriesoftheliquidstatehavefailed to provide a fair description of the liquid state, they did succeed in char- acterizing liquid mixtures. The reason is that in studying mixtures, we are interested in the excess or the mixing properties – whence the problematic characteristicsoftheliquidstateofthepurecomponentspartiallycancelout.In other words, the characteristics of the mixing functions, i.e., the difference between the thermodynamics of the mixture, and the pure components are nearlythesameforsolidsandliquidmixtures.Muchofwhathasbeendoneon thelatticetheoriesofmixturewaspioneeredbyGuggenheim(1932,1952).This work was well documented by both Guggenheim (1952) and by Prigogine (1957), as well as by many others. Anotherdifficultyindevelopingamoleculartheoryofliquidmixturesisthe relativelypoorknowledgeoftheintermolecularinteractionsbetweenmolecules of different species. While the intermolecular forces between simple spherical particles are well-understood, the intermolecular forces between molecules of different kinds are usually constructed by the so-called combination rules, the most well-known being the Lorentz and the Berthelot rules. In view of the aforementioned urgency, it was necessary to settle on an intermediatelevelofatheoryy.Insteadoftheclassicalaimofamoleculartheory y By intermediate level of theory, I do not mean empirical theories which are used mainly by chemicalengineers. vi PREFACE of solutions, which we can write symbolically as I: Molecular Information ! Thermodynamic Information An indirect route has been developed mainly by Kirkwood, which involves molecular distribution functions (MDF) as an intermediate step. The mole- culardistributionfunctionapproachtoliquidsandliquidmixtures,foundedin theearly1930s,graduallyreplacedthevariouslatticetheoriesofliquids.Today, lattice theories have almost disappeared from the scene of the study of liquids and liquid mixturesy. This new route can be symbolically written as II: Molecular Information + MDF ! Thermodynamic Information Clearly,routeIIdoesnotremovethedifficulty.Calculationofthemolecular distribution functions from molecular properties is not less demanding than calculation of the thermodynamic quantities themselves. Nevertheless, assuming that the molecular distribution functions are given, then we have a well-established theory that provides thermodynamic infor- mationfromacombinationofmolecularinformationandMDFs.Thelatterare presumed to be derived either from experiments, from simulations, or from some approximate theories. The main protagonists in this route are the pair correlation functions; once these are known, a host of thermodynamic quan- tities can be calculated. Thus, the less ambitious goal of a molecular theory of solutions has been for a long time route II, rather route I. Between thetimes of Prigogine’s book upto the present, several books have been published, most notably Rowlinson’s, which have summarized both the experimental and the theoretical developments. During the 1950s and the 1960s, two important theories of the liquid state weredeveloped,initiallyforsimpleliquidsandlaterappliedtomixtures.These are the scaled-particle theory, and integral equation methods for the pair correlationfunction.Thesetheoriesweredescribedinmanyreviewsandbooks. In this book, we shall only briefly discuss these theories in a few appendices. Except for these two theoretical approaches there has been no new molecular theorythatwasspecificallydesignedanddevelopedformixturesandsolutions. This leads to the natural question ‘‘why a need for a new book with the same title as Prigogine’s?’’ To understand the reason for writing a new book with the same title, I will first modify route II. The modification is admittedly, semantic. Nevertheless, it provides a better view of the arguments I am planning to present below. y Perhapsliquidwaterisanexception.Thereasonisthatwater,intheliquidstate,retainsmuch ofthestructureoftheice.Therefore,manytheoriesofwaterandaqueoussolutionhaveusedsome kindoflatticemodelstodescribethepropertiesoftheseliquids. PREFACE vii We first rewrite route II as III: Microscopic Properties ! Thermodynamic Properties RoutesIIandIIIareidenticalinthesensethattheyusethesametheoretical tools to achieve our goals. There is however one important conceptual dif- ference.Clearly,molecularpropertiesaremicroscopicproperties.Additionally, all that has been learned about MDF has shown that in the liquid phase, and not too close to the critical point, molecular distribution functions have a local characterinthesensethattheydependuponandprovideinformationonlocal behavior around a given molecule in the mixture. By local, we mean a few molecular diameters, many orders of magnitude smaller than the macroscopic, or global, dimensions of the thermodynamic system under consideration. We thereforerewrite,onceagain,routeIIindifferentwords,butmeaningthesame as III, namely IV: Local Properties ! Global Properties Even with this modification, the question we posed above is still left unan- swered:Whyanewbookonmoleculartheoryofsolutions?Afterall,evenalong route IV, there has been no theoretical progress. Here is my answer to this question. TwoimportantandprofounddevelopmentshaveoccurredsincePrigogine’s book, not along route I, neither along II or III, but on the reverse of route IV. The one-sided arrows as indicated in I, II, and III use the tools of statistical thermodynamics to bridge between the molecular or local properties and thermodynamicproperties.Thisbridgehasbeenerectedandhasbeenperfected for many decades. It has almost always been used to cross in a one-way direction from the local to the global. Thenewdevelopmentusesthesametool–thesamebridge–butinreversed direction; to go backwards from the global to the local properties. Due to its fundamental importance, we rewrite IV again, but with the reversed directed arrow: (cid:1)IV: Global Properties ! Local Properties It is along this route that important developments have been achieved specifically for solutions, providing the proper justification for a new book with the same title. Perhaps a more precise title would be the Local Theory of Solutions.However,sincethetoolsusedinthistheoryareidenticaltothetools used in Prigogine’s book, wefind it fitting to use the sametitle for the present book. Thus, the tools are basically unchanged; only the manner in which they are applied were changed. viii PREFACE There are basically two main developments in the molecular theory of solutions in the sense of route (cid:1)IV: one based on the inversion of the Kirkwood–Buff (KB) theory; the second is the introduction of a new measure to study solvation properties. Both of these use measurable macroscopic, or global quantities to probe into the microscopic, or the local properties of the system. The types of properties probed by these tools are local densities, local composition, local change of order, or structure (of water and aqueous solu- tions) and many more. These form the core of properties discussed in this book.Bothuseexactandrigoroustoolsofstatisticalmechanicstodefineandto calculate local properties that are not directly accessible to measurements, from measurable macroscopic quantities. ThefirstdevelopmentconsistsoftheinversionoftheKirkwood–Bufftheory. The Kirkwood–Buff theory has been with us since 1951. It was dormant for more than 20 years. Though it is exact, elegant and very general, it could only be applied when all the pair correlation functions are available. Since, for mixtures, the latter are not easily available, the theory stayed idle for a long time. It is interesting to note that both Prigogine (1957) and Hill (1956) mentionedtheKBtheorybutnotanyofitsapplications.Infact,Hill(1956),in discussingtheKirkwood–Bufftheory,writesthatitis‘‘necessarilyequivalentto the McMillan–Mayer (1945) theory, since both are formally exact.’’ I disagree with the implication of that statement.Ofcourse, anytwo exact theories must be, in principle, formally equivalent. But they are not necessarily equivalent in theirrangeandscopeofapplicabilityandintheirinterpretativepower.Ibelieve that in all aspects, the Kirkwood–Buff theory is immensely superior to the McMillan–Mayer theory, as I hope to convince the reader of this book. It is somewhat puzzling to note that many authors, including Rowlinson, com- pletely ignored the Kirkwood–Buff theory. One of the first applications of the Kirkwood–Buff theory, even before its inversion, was to provide a convincing explanation of one of the most mysteriousandintellectuallychallengingphenomenonofaqueoussolutionsof inert gases – the molecular origin of the large and negative entropy and enthalpy of solvation of inert gases in water. This was discussed by Ben-Naim (1974, 1992). But the most important and useful application of the KB theory beganonlyafterthepublicationofitsinversion.Asearchintheliteratureshows thatthe‘‘KBtheory’’wasusedaspartofthetitleofarticlesontheaverage,only onceayearuntil1980.Thishasescalatedtoabout20–25ayearsince1980,and it is still increasing. Ever since the publication of the inversion of the KB theory, there had been an upsurge of papers using this new tool. It was widely accepted and PREFACE ix appreciated and used by many researchers as an efficient tool to study local properties of mixtures and solutions. The traditional characterization and study of the properties of liquid mixtures by means of the global excess thermodynamic functions has been gradually and steadily replaced by the study of the local properties. The latter providesricherandmoredetailedinformationontheimmediateenvironment of each molecule in the mixture. Theseconddevelopment,notlessimportantanddramatic,wasinthetheory of solvation. Solvation has been defined and studied for many years. In fact, there was not only one but at least three different quantities that were used to study solvation. The problem with the traditional quantities of solvation was that it was not clear what these quantities really measure. All of the three involve a process of transferring a solute from one hypothetical state in one phase,toanotherhypotheticalstateinasecondphase.Sincethesehypothetical states have no clear-cut interpretation on a molecular level, it was not clear what the free energy change associated with such transfer processes really means. Thus, within the framework of thermodynamics, there was a state of stagnation,wherethreequantitieswereusedastoolsforthestudyofsolvation. Noonewasabletodecidewhichthepreferredoneis,orwhichisreallytheright tool to measure solvation thermodynamics. Asit turned out, there wasno right one. In fact, thermodynamics couldnot provide the means to decide on this question. Astonishingly, in spite of their vagueness,andinspiteoftheinabilitytodeterminetheirrelativemerits,some authors vigorously and aggressively promoted the usage of one or the other toolswithouthavinganysolidtheoreticalsupport.Someoftheseauthorshave also vehemently resisted the introduction of the new tool. The traditional quantities of solvation were applicable only in the realm of verydilutesolutions,whereHenry’slawisobeyed.Ithadbeenfoundlaterthat someoftheseareactuallyinadequatemeasuresofsolvationy.Thenewmeasure that was introduced in the early 1970s replaced vague and hazy measures by a new tool, sharply focusing into the local realm of molecular dimensions. Thenewquantity,definedinstatisticalmechanicalterms,isasharp,powerful, and very general tool to probe local properties of not only solutes in dilute solutions, but of any molecule in any environment. The new measure has not only sharpened the tools for probing the surroundings aroundasinglemolecule, butitcould alsobe appliedtoavastly larger range of systems: not only a single A in pure B, or a single B in pure A, y InfactusingdifferentmeasuresledtoverydifferentvaluesofthesolvationGibbsenergy.Inone famousexamplethedifferenceintheGibbsenergyofsolvationofasmallsoluteinH OandD Oeven 2 2 haddifferentsigns,inthedifferentmeasures.

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