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CHROMOSOMES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE Edited by JORGE J. YUN1S, M.D. New Chromosomal Syndromes, 1977 Molecular Structure oj Human Chromosomes, 1977 Molecular Structure of Human Chromosomes Edited by JORGE J. YUNIS, M.D. Medical Genetics Division Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Minnesota, Medical School Minneapolis, Minnesota ACADEMIC PRESS New York San Francisco London 1977 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT €> 1977, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS. ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING. OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published bv ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 OVAL ROAD. LONDON NW1 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title · Molecular structure of human chromosomes. (Chromosomes in biology and medicine series) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Human chromosomes. 2. Molecular genetics. 1. Yunis, Jorge J. II. Series: Chromosomes in biology and medicine. [DNLM: 1. Cytogenetics. 2. Chromosomes—Ultrastructure. 3. Molecular biology. QH600 M718] QH600.M64 599'.9'θ48732 76-50672 ISBN 0-12-775168-8 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA List of Contributors Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which authors' contributions begin. G. F. BAHR (143), Department of Cellular Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D. C. GIORGIO BERNARDI (35), Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire, Université de Paris, Paris, France RICHARD P. CREAGAN* (89), Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut BERNARD DUTRILLAUX (233), Institut de Progénèse, l'Ecole de Médecine, Paris, France K. W. JONES (295), Institute of Animal Genetics, Edinburgh, Scotland GABRIEL MACAYA (35), Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire, Université de Paris, Paris, France P. L. PEARSON (267), Instituut voor Anthropogenetica, Leiden, Holland POTU Ν. RAO (205), Department of Developmental Therapeutics, The Uni- versity of Texas System Cancer Center, M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas FRANK H. RUDDLE (89), Department of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut DALE M. STEFFENSEN (59), Department of Genetics and Development, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois JEAN-PAUL THIERYt (35), Laboratoire de Génétique Moléculaire, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire, Université de Paris, Paris, France MICHAEL Y. TSAI (1), Medical Genetics Division, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minnea- polis, Minnesota *Present address: Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Con- necticut Health Center, Larmington, Connecticut I Present address: The Rockefeller University, New York, New York. ix χ List of Contributors ANN M. WILLEY (1), Medical Genetics Division, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minnea- polis, Minnesota JORGE J. YUNIS (1), Medical Genetics Division, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minnea- polis, Minnesota Preface In recent years, a number of important developments have led to a dramatic increase in our ! understanding of chromosomes in biology and medicine. The sequence arrangement, transcriptional capacity, and functional significance of repeated and unique DNA sequences have been extensively studied. Refined investigations of chromosome and chromatin structure have been made possible with improvements in electron microscopic techniques, the use of premature chromosome condensation, and in situ hybridization. By the use of various dyes and treatments, mitotic chromosomes can now be visualized as having character- istic banding patterns, facilitating identification of individual chromosomes. Relationships between the human karyotype and those of other primates have been determined using differential staining techniques and comparative analysis of repeated DNA sequences. Gene mapping has been greatly accelerated with the use of rodent - human somatic hybrids. Reviews of advances on the organization of the eukaryotic genome have been available for some time, yet they have not focused on the genome of greatest interest to us, that of man. The aim of this volume is to fill this gap by bringing together authoritative contributions encompassing much of the knowledge available on the fine structure and molecular organization of the human genome. Geneticists, molecular biologists, and cytogeneticists, particularly those in- terested in the human genome, will find this book to be an invaluable guide. Jorge J. Yunis xi 1 Molecular Organization and Function of the Human Genome JORGE J. YUNIS, MICHAEL Y. TSAI, and ANN M. WILLE Y I. Introduction 1 II. Renaturation Studies of Eukaryotic DNA 2 III. Gene Number and Genome Transcription 3 IV. Correlation of Transcription with Sequence Arrangement Patterns 6 V. Fractionation of Native Double-Stranded DNA 6 VI. Hybridization of Nuclear RNA's to DNA in CsCl Density Gradients 13 VII. Chromosomal Localization of Specific DNA and RNA Components 15 VIII. Fine Structure of Chromosomes 20 IX. Conclusion 25 References 27 I. INTRODUCTION A major obstacle encountered in studying the genome of higher eukaryotes including man has centered around the large amount of DNA present in the nuclei of these cells. Compared to the extensively studied prokaryotic genome of Escherichia coli, consisting of 3.2 X 106 nucleotide pairs (Cairns, 1963), the genome of the lower eukaryote Drosophila melanogaster contains approximately 1 2 Jorge Yunis, Michael Tsai, and Ann Willey 50 times that amount of DNA (Laird, 1971); while the human genome contains 1000 times the amount of DNA of E. coli, or 2.7 X 10 9 nucleotide pairs (Sober, 1970; Rees and Jones, 1972). Most of the prokaryotic genome is transcribed (McCarthy and Bolton, 1964; Kennell, 1968; Grouse etal, 1972) and codes for approximately 3000 informational genes, while the Drosophila and human genomes have enough DNA to encode over 150,000 and 3 million such genes, respectively. Since man and other eukaryotes probably do not need such a large number of genes, explanations for the large amounts of DNA in eukaryotes have been sought. II. RENATURATION STUDIES OF EUKARYOTIC DNA The first step to the solution of the apparent enigma was the demonstration by Britten and co-workers of the presence of repetitive nucleotide sequences within the DNA of eukaryotic organisms (Bolton et al, 1966; Waring and Britten, 1966; Britten and Kohne, 1968). Renaturation experiments done on a number of highly sheared animal DNA's have shown relatively constant propor- tions of repetitive and unique sequence DNA's (Britten and Kohne, 1968; Davidson et al, 1974). In mammals, for example, repetitive sequences usually account for 30-40% of the genome, and unique sequences for the remaining 60-70%. Modeling after the prokaryotic system of gene regulation, transcription and translation, it was assumed that structural gene sequences would be represented in the unique copy DNA, whereas repetitive sequences were sus- pected of having regulatory functions (Britten and Davidson, 1969; Georgiev, 1969). Even under this assumption, however, the question remained as to the number of informational gene sequences present in the 60-70% of the genome consisting of unique copy DNA. Detailed characterization of the arrangement of repetitive and nonrepetitive sequences was carried out in the genome of sea urchin and Xenopus (Davidson et al, 1973; Graham et al, 1974). The techniques employed included analyses of hydroxyapatite binding as a function of fragment length after low Cot incubation with carrier DNA's, measurement of repetitive sequence length by isolation of single-strand-specific, nuclease-resistant duplex on agarose gel column, and direct measurement with electron microscopy. The results of these studies revealed that unique copy DNA averaging 1000 nucleotides alternate with repetitive sequences averaging 200-400 nucleotides in about 50% of the genome. Two other patterns were also seen: long period interspersion of unique copy DNA several thousands of nucleotides in length with a few percent of repetitive sequences in about 40% of the genome, and clustered highly repetitive sequences in 5-10% of the total DNA. Similar patterns have since been reported in other eukaryotes (Firtel and Kindle, 1975; Angerer et al, 1975). The only 1. Organization and Function of the Human Genome 3 organism which has been shown to have a large digression from the above pattern is Drosophila melanogaster (Manning et al, 1975). In these animals, although the highly repetitive DNA sequences show a similar uninterrupted pattern, the remainder of the genome consists of interspersed unique and repetitive sequences covering a wide range with repetitive regions ranging from 500 to 13,000 base pairs averaging 5600, and unique copy stretches ranging from 2500 to 40,000 base pairs and averaging 13,000 nucleotides. In man, Schmid and Deininger (1975) have recently reported a pattern of interspersed repetitive, single copy and inverted repeats in 50% of the genome. The average repetitive and nonrepetitive segments were thought to be 400 and 2000 nucleotides, respectively, although measurement by either electron mi- croscopy or isolation of single-strand, nuclease-resistant duplexes was not carried out. Evidence supporting the idea that unique copy sequences contiguous to repetitive DNA represent structural genes has been presented by Davidson et al. (1975) in the sea urchin genome. These authors have shown that 80-100% of the mRNA molecules present in sea urchin embryos are transcribed from single copy DNA sequences adjacent to interspersed repetitive sequences in the genome. However, single copy DNA finely interspersed with short repetitive sequences represents 40% of the total genome. As will be described in the following section, the implication that these large amounts of DNA all represent structural genes contradicts other estimates of gene number, which conclude only 1-6% of the eukaryotic genome represents informational genes. III. GENE NUMBER AND GENOME TRANSCRIPTION Several lines of evidence exist in favor of the tenet that only a small percentage of the eukaryotic genome represents structural genes. Ohta and Kimura (1971) postulated that less than 6% of the mammalian genome repre- sents structural genes based on mutation rate and the resultant genetic load. In the giant salivary chromosomes of Drosophila, Judd and co-workers (Judd et ai, 1972; Judd and Young, 1974) observed that each chromomere represents one functional genetic unit, putting the total number of informational genes in this species at about 5000. In agreement with this view, it has been found that cytoplasmic polysomal RNA's from a large number of eukaryotes, including Drosophila and man, transcribe from approximately 2% of the genome (Green- berg and Perry, 1971; Galau et αϊ, 1974; Lewin, 1975). Moreover, Bishop et al. (1975) have shown that in Drosophila the total number of mRNA sequences ex- pressed within the different stages of the life cycle of the fly do not exceed the 5000 chromomeres of the polytene chromosomes. 4 Jorge Yunis, Michael Tsai, and Ann Willey In contrast to this low amount of DNA responsible for mRNA transcription, it is known that a large amount of the DNA of the eukaryotic genome is transcribed but not translated. On the average, assuming asymmetrical transcrip- tion, total cellular RNA is transcribed from at least 10-30% of the single copy DNA of the total genome (Davidson and Hough, 1971; Gelderman et al, 1971; Grouse et al, 1972, 1973; Grady and Campbell, 1973; Turner and Laird, 1973). Additive experiments with RNA's from different organs showed that there is a considerable, although not total, overlap between RNA's from different tissues. In the case of the slime mold, it was shown that, overall, 56% of the genome is represented by transcripts between the amoeba and midculmination stages (Firtel, 1972). A partial explanation for the discrepancy found between the large amount of transcribed DNA and the small percentage of the genome believed to represent messages can be found in recent studies on heterogeneous nuclear RNA (HnRNA). In mammalian cells, HnRNA was found to have more than five times the complexity of mRNA (Getz et al, 1975), and in sea urchin embryos mRNA represents 2.7% of the genome, while 28.5% of the total single copy DNA hybridizes to HnRNA (Galau et al, 1974; Hough et al, 1975). Since there is also evidence that a large portion of the HnRNA of the sea urchin is composed of interspersed nonrepetitive and repetitive sequences (Smith et al, 1974), it is possible that a large portion of the 50% finely interspersed single copy and repetitive DNA of the sea urchin is involved in HnRNA transcription. HnRNA's are generally characterized by their overall rapid synthesis and degradation, large molecular weight, DNA-like base composition, their presence in all eukaryotes examined, and by the fact that the bulk of this class of molecules never leaves the nucleus (Sibatani et al, 1962; Georgiev and Mantieva, 1962; Scherrer et al, 1963; for review, also see Georgiev, 1974; Darnell, 1975). Besides the unique copy sequences of HnRNA that are known to have from 5 to 10 times the complexity of mRNA, HnRNA's also contain sequences transcribed from DNA of different degrees of repetitiveness. Holmes and Bonner (1974a) have suggested that in rat ascites cells, HnRNA molecules contain at least one middle repetitive sequence covalently attached to a single copy sequence. In these cells, HnRNA's are transcribed from approximately 12% of the genome, of which approximately 25% comes from repetitive and 75% from single copy DNA (Holmes and Bonner, 1974a,b). One type of repetitive sequence is characterized by its resistance to pancreatic RNase and is thought to be a double-stranded region that is formed by intramolecular base pairing. When denatured, the RNA sequences from the double-stranded regions, including those from He La cells, hybridize to DNA at a Coty of about 10 (Jelinek and Darnell, 1972; Ryskovef 2 al, 1973a). A second type of repetitive sequence found in HnRNA of He La cells is largely (about 80%) made up of uridylic acid, is about 30 nucleotides in length and also hybridizes at a Coty of about 10 (Molloy et al, 1972). This oligo(U) 2

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