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Molecular simulations of new ammonium-based ionic liquids as environmentally acceptable ... PDF

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Molecular simulations of new ammonium-based ionic liquids as environmentally acceptable lubricant oils Ana Catarina Fernandes Mendonça To cite this version: Ana Catarina Fernandes Mendonça. Molecular simulations of new ammonium-based ionic liquids as environmentally acceptable lubricant oils. Other. Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2013. English. ￿NNT: 2013CLF22341￿. ￿tel-00857336￿ HAL Id: tel-00857336 https://theses.hal.science/tel-00857336 Submitted on 3 Sep 2013 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents entific research documents, whether they are pub- scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, lished or not. The documents may come from émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de teaching and research institutions in France or recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires abroad, or from public or private research centers. publics ou privés. N◦ d’ordre: D.U.2341 UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL U.F.R.SciencesetTechnologies ECOLE DOCTORALE DES SCIENCES FONDAMENTALES N◦ 743 THESE pre´sente´epourobtenirlegradede DOCTEUR D’UNIVERSITE (Spe´cialite´ : ChimiePhysique) Par MENDONC¸ A Ana Catarina MasterenChimie Molecular Simulations of New Ammonium-based Ionic Liquids as Environmentally Acceptable Lubricant Oils Simulationsmole´culairesd’unenouvelleclassedeliquidesioniquesbase´ssurla fonctionammoniumpourl’utilisationpotentielleentantqu’huileslubrifiantes respectueusesdel’environnement Soutenuepubliquementle21Fe´vrier2013,devantlacommissiond’examen: Pre´sidentduJury: DominicTILDESLEY(Pr-CECAM) Rapporteur: GuillaumeGALLIERO(Pr-UPPA) Rapporteur: MathieuSALANNE(M.C.-UPMC) Directeur: Ag´ılioPA´DUA(Pr-UBP) Co-Directeur: PatriceMALFREYT(Pr-UBP) Examinateur: SusanPERKIN(Dr.-U.Oxford) Acknowledgments Thisthesisistheworkofthreeyears. Threefastyears,forsomeonethathadneverseriouslytoucheda computersimulationcodeoraCprogrambeforestartingthethesis. Andthisisit,andIdidit. Andof course,nothingcouldhavehappenedwithouttheguidance,teachings,supportandintelligentadvices of my thesis supervisors, Prof. Ag´ılio Pa´dua and Prof. Patrice Malfreyt. To them, I would like to expressmydeepgratitude. At the beginning everything was new: the work, the country, the city, the lab, the language and the colleagues. These, werecrucialinmyintegrationandandI’mverygratefultoallofthem. Inpartic- ular to Margarida Costa Gomes, a great woman and scientist that never refused to give me an advice andwithwhomIwillcertainlymisstotalk. I would also like to extend my thanks to other colleagues that also became my friends. They are Gae¨lle Filippini, Yohann Coulier, Olivia Fandin˜o, Joa˜o Franc¸a, Ajda Podgorsek, Moise´s Curras, Al- fonso Pensado and Marina Macchiagodena. Between them, my special thanks goes to Gae¨lle, the personwhosharedtheofficewithmeduringmostofthetime. Thankyouforyourpatience,IknowI canbeannoying,speciallywhenIspeakbymyselforgetnervous. Youarethebest! Another very important person in all this period is Leila Moura. I was very lucky to have her here withme,shehasbeenmybestfriendandIhopeourfriendshiplastsforever. Youcanalwayscounton metosupportyouwhenthetimecomes,justasyouhavebeentheretosupportedme. IwishtothankYuryFominfortheworkcollaboration,andthetechnicalsupportof: FlorentGoujon, his teachings and of course, his marvelous homemade chocolates were very useful; Stefan Eder, for his help with Lammps; Lucia Pisarova and Aline Walter for density, viscosity and surface tension measurementsinthechemicalssimulatedinthiswork. IwouldliketothanktheMarieCurieActionsandtheMINILUBESproject,forthefinancialsupport and for the professional and human experiences. The project allowed me to meet great people from differentcountriesandamongthemIwishtothankLuciaPisarova,AdinaNeacsu,FrancescoPagano, ParvinZareandStephanieSteudte. AspecialthanksgoestoMr. JanotkaandDr. Do¨rrfortheproject coordination and management. Thanks to this project and its numerous meetings I was able to visit 12 countries and attend more than 50 flights in the last three years! But besides the social aspect, there is an important professional experience coming out from this European project, in the form of interestingtrainingsandtheparticipationtofourinternationalconferences. WhenIleftmycountry(Portugal)Ialsoleftapartofmyheartwithmyfamily. Inparticularmypar- ents, my brother, my sister-in-law, my nephews, my grand-mothers, my godfathers and my cousins. Thank you for your support and encouragement through all my years of study, including these last three,despitethedistance. Iwillalwaysloveyou. IwouldalsoliketothankallthefriendsIleftinPortugal. Mostofthemcametovisitme,givingme thestrengthtocontinue. Finally,butnotlessimportant,IwishtothankBruno. Inevercouldhavemadeitwithoutyou,without yourloveandsupport. Acomputerislikeahorse,itwillsenseweakness. GregWettstein Abstract The aim of the present work is to understand at the molecular level the structure and interactions of ionic liquids at metallic surfaces, using molecular dynamics simulations, and to investigate the im- pactthatthesemicroscopicfeaturescanhaveinthetribologicalpropertiesofthesystem. Thechosen ionic liquids as potential lubricant oils present suitable ecotoxic and biodegradable properties and appropriate tribological characteristics. They are based in alkylammonium cations combined with alkylsulfonateandbistriflamideanions. Ourstudyisdividedinfourparts, startingfromtheanalyses of pure ionic liquids solutions and evolving to systems of ionic liquids confined between surfaces of iron,attheequilibrium,undershearandalsointhepresenceofwater. Structuralanddynamicpropertiesofionicliquidsareinvestigatedintermsofthesite-siteradialdistri- butionfunctionsandtheself-diffusioncoefficients. Thepresenceofcharge-orderingandtheformation ofmicro-domainsinsolutionarediscussed,aswellasthediffusivebehavioroftheionicspecies. Anatomisticforcefieldforionicliquidsinteractingwithametalsurfacewasbuiltbasedonquantum methods. Densityfunctionalcalculationsofalkylammoniumcations,alkylsulfonateandbistriflamide anionsinteractingwithaclusterofironatomsareperformed,ataseriesofdistancesandorientations. A site-site potential function was then adjusted to the DFT interactions energies, to obtain the force field parameters. Finally, the polarization of the metal by the ions was taken into account using in- viii duced dipoles to reproduce the interaction energy between charges and a conductor surface. Using this interaction model, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to study the structure of the interfaciallayerofseveralionicliquidsataflatironsurface,includinganalysesofthepositionaland orientationalorderingoftheionsnearthesurface,andchargedensityprofiles. Non-equilibriummoleculardynamicssimulationsofionicliquidsinteractingwithironsurfaceswere carriedoutusingthespecificsetofinteractionparametersdevelopedpreviously. Aprocedurewasde- velopedforaquantitativepredictionofthefrictioncoefficientatdifferentloadsandshearrates,based in a definition of pressure measured locally. The dependence of friction on the load, shear velocity, surface topology and length of alkyl side chains in the ionic liquid was investigated. The changes in the frictional forces were explained in terms of the specific arrangements and orientations of groups formingtheionicliquidatthevicinityofthesurface. Finally,theeffectofthepresenceofwaterinasmallquantityinanionicliquidsolutionisalsostudied at equilibrium and non-equilibrium. An interaction potential was build that describes the interaction betweenwaterandanironsurface,usingthesameapproachdescribedpreviously. Preliminaryresults arepresentedonthestructureatthemetal–liquidinterfaceandfrictioncoefficient,andcomparedwith thepureionicliquids. Keywords: Ionicliquids,metallicsurfaces,interactionmodel,moleculardynamicssimulations,fric- tion,non-equilibriummoleculardynamics,pressuretensor Re´sume´ L’objectif de ce travail est de comprendre la structure et les interactions des liquides ioniques au contactdesurfacesme´talliquesa` l’e´chellemole´culaireenayantrecoursauxme´thodesdedynamique mole´culaire. Il s’agit e´galement d’e´tudier l’impact de ces caracte´ristiques microscopiques sur les proprie´te´s tribologiques du syste`me. Les liquides ioniques choisis en tant qu‘huiles lubrifiantes po- tentielles pre´sentent des proprie´te´s biode´gradables et des caracte´ristiques tribologiques approprie´es. Ilsreposentsurdescationsalkylammoniumcombine´savecdesanionsalkylsulfonateetbistriflamide. Notre e´tude est structure´e en quatre parties. Elle commence par l’analyse des liquides ioniques purs puis, des liquides ioniques confine´s entre deux surfaces de fer a` l’e´quilibre et sous cisaillement, et enfin,enpre´senced’eau. Les proprie´te´s structurales et dynamiques des liquides ioniques sont e´tudie´es a` travers la fonction de distributionradialeetlescoefficientsd’auto-diffusion. L’organisationdeschargesainsiquelaforma- tiondemicro-domainesensolutionsonte´tudie´esconjointementaucomportementdiffusifdesespe`ces ioniques. Unchampdeforcesatomique,base´ surdesme´thodesquantiques,ae´te´ de´veloppe´ pourmode´liserles interactions entre les liquides ioniques et la surface me´tallique. Des calculs DFT ont e´te´ re´alise´s sur desfragmentsdeliquidesioniqueseninteractionavecunclusterdeferenfonctiondeladistanceetde

Thank you for your patience, I know I can be annoying, specially when I speak by myself or get nervous. You are the best! Another very important person in all this period You can always count on different countries and among them I wish to thank Lucia Pisarova, Adina Neacsu, Francesco Pagano,.
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