M O L E C U L A R P O L i E I S i f l O l AN INVESTIGATION OF THE FUNDAMENTAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MOLECULAR POLARISATION OF A SOLUTE AND . THE NATURE s OF ' THE SOLVENT ' Thesis presented to the University of London in the Faculty of Science hy Leslie B. Witten for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ProQuest Number: 10803955 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10803955 Published by ProQuest LLC(2018). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 £'&• ««? ?.xv.^. ..».§*. .......i tj-t#*' rin* ®iSsi3 fo r decree _ X-T/h s3,ir©sa. W^TTT nm xs***? "I** *. ??S •*';r-.u*(v.f* ;•..■»•-**. ■*r/^~« .-I <r^s «<P‘.'/V--r *• .»*«■•*:'*• * ,. ,.,., ^ .., - ^tfrr- r* 5 rm^ , ha iarestivatioa lias been iimoa of tli© laaXeotftar polarisation of jn butyl - Chloride and cyanide is aolntloa in i&s^yolg? solvents. ®be sareXX Mig© of dielectric cmstaats ancoaaterod renii.rcd ilia acoumsj of their -. .dctesxdn&tiaft to M 00 high as pomaM.% sad pcxi&ci&ar attention ms given to the daairp of o_g?cuvi&us earn the reduction of easpertasntsl eirors. fhe polarisation at Infinite dilution is impendent of the method of essbvarJ'- polstion used provided the aocmrnoj of the e^erdraeiital results is Mgh but a method islxlok treats the separate pi^rsical constants of 'each eolation is . preferable to any cadent on a derived function (e»g* laoXecul&r polaris ation). "-$hat proposed by .Eodvcrstadt aadKmter is satisfactory and is also vory critical - of, the data Q3s&ilne&»... ....... ~: Based [email protected]\ o ^cootli Classics relationship and' if the vqpour plmsc data &m mrmct, . tbo-t^^-ront .isolooular polarisation of tptmtyl V c&doridc is greater in solt'ticm than in tha: vigour p‘*acc m ile that for saeUiyl cy_vtv~e is less. / - SMs is the only effect directly attribu&abXe-to-- •..••• nolecdsr and according to the theories of frmfs and ^tigasS italics that m tli t. ovtyl chloride the axis of rredL an poXarisability is at right apglea to that of the dipole. Hot/cr/er, th® resnlfec for tfbntyl cl&ori&e jaust be considered anorrjotis since they do not cQJifl,n t’icse. authors*, •predictions tliat tlae total taolecrdiar polarisation at infi^iite dil'otioa slmdd ^ increase 7/ith iiweasi^i dielectric e of tlia solvent* Em r t •■ £§>oeifio folmes of the solntos wry fr^*i Bolrent to and aXwioufi : variations do flot' ^rrd a te mth tlie variations of the polarisnfejonj ttc / are. -©iidlar for eacb solute, tlmse for imstliyl cyanide beii^g the groater* « fhe e^erir^ital ■ msrlts bave been, essrained by ^plioation of: eqimtions proposed by vasriens mo&kmm but in- _m case are the resets correlated for all solvents. illl. tlie c:eirossi0:2c ngro® iai giving tlie • ilghc'st polarisations for solutions in or contsiniag oie:nn is probably die to bonding, tlio oivatatioB being aasociated mth tlie orientation polarin *tioa only# Hie nomsl paral^tes are anDiacdoae x>olarisaticns - lovier than those fo\xrJi in sc?vvcnts of Mglncr dielectrio co ici. ^dle ird^<od ' solvents; give different polarisations from that in a pore solvent mtii thk ,■■ sens dielectric constant.: i"-?" ■ -. .. : - . . . . / In genex^l, none of tlie eqimtioiis cm alone predict tlie e^eri^Etal. . remits sad it seeos probable that eacli solution must be treated as a ..■• separate problem' •• / «-.—ooOoo«w*w» 1* General Theory •• 2* Ste&suresients in Solution " 3* Solvent Effect 4* Scope of Investigation ■■ • , -- Experiment at - «* •• **' *« ' * * 1. Accuracy and Significance of.' ■ -• '• Observational. • Errors t 2* Apparatus ■ - a - 3* Preparation of''Solutions — 4* Order of - Determinations ' 5* Purification of -Solutes and Solvents.,. 6* Examination and .Interpretation of Experimental Results ~ Discussion *.» .a** 1* General : ;/ 2* The lormal ■ Paraffins and'Hixed Solvents' 3* The Relationship ?roposed;/fcy'Sugden 4* Corrections'for Molecular Shape and-Anisotropy- ■■■. 5* Modifications to •• the" Internal - field. Hypothesis.- - 6* IXtermtive Approaches to the- ■ Fundamental Theory 7* Combined Corrections for Anisotropy ■ and . the.Internal field . qonclu Sxons. #. * < * - # ■ * » - * » : ■ » * * * • References ♦. »« * * •« »« . **. Tables and figures ' ** h * * * * .* .. . (Tables 1-26) (Figures 1 - 14) • •» ~ w or fcirctirtes rxil ^sT«,o;!:rd"l xfi fo r a ipsnfe ai&lA’l tlx* t xorcc o f i#sMi tM s too& © 4 eiafe* • f£p: fxxxi and C xfe til T ^yi^& i rtsiaa o f titt €& tm ^m £qv fm? tin zms&'&y* c t ecxforjct* Ite *21 ~Q~l®5$s$m G il fe ro r^ r*tl* * fa r th& g ift o f |swa> qq&tog&3» ■ Im- & igsipm aa&tttw tlxdi* g^teEse e t & ii£ c te * to to g fists ispsft* 1 Vsi^-X C xxi^to^ G g ^ L x x lf IX lt.r c:*To2yl7Q?r^z$ n . A, . . 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C2'bootoo cxcSa ^ toJfo ~-cl aolrartn g to iifto to ' p o to ito lto to n to t ia a $we to r to rttb to mxm blolsotalo , ' ■ • 2a Qmynxl^ zmms of to ogtoisaa &m si am pstolot to sf50tosotal f* a ltd a rt I t o a o psoVJblo t o t r an ooto Ix i 1 mot b@ toar;to^ oa a oojaotoo prtolita * cr -o r t a ia a fcrtS oa o f to m o to or *to d to r!rt feteoa to ^lato to to irtio of to of to asadmor tiiaa to srtto « *&,$& tlia! ttm to spae© trto to to plates it mosa&cl is tom . at to . *apodUKj3 . Itorta.ro crntot/* c# to to rtirls caMT&r-t* of irt noiitap* M l tortctom to a a u tc lrtrla a * i* * rrcaVr iliv i tn lV ert to c to rc rtto of tto vm '$vm 1^( l). ■ Ho £T4i$o-*to ttrt* i ji ra cl-rtriv Sitoi* .'..rt’fivS of toi-os? crJLl ou43 too a aaisftoset la <sfeto to^r tsowio po^ltiva er ik j% ito l#e* t / tesoeit cio o trivolii' X >torito Ifj to to tix i, c^r.to £~**^ to a f lt o cmortos t o c i l i ' l fIto * Oss t o x*o to tial Cifffcrcaoo trtm o ti t o £to r3 of trt cor* ia lota for m to?toto o*x^p toca it vt o it o i» t o sto-’K-s o f to . £*e* t o aqpaaSty of to «.*. f * 3 ^icroato® ' ■ / ' • ' &w to Mecfcrom and strte i ia itoocrtot rfe rta to rt tito ports ia 30003 tol at arp* grtsi rtia rt to cartos of coton of- eJi to .p o to rt or 1 o il to a rt-H 3 dmceo ix^ act to ils* Via tooo lo * in tort,, rwtoV nru a to to *00 a n e to to ’to gooooct ef ' m art to to to to em r ^ ~ ^ m t£ srpasrtta* ttto r c^eqciamtM ooa^tioao# tmmar$' am mi% toerto a rtpto macrt gs£L^ if to r/m catooo of to ~ 1 of to p o sitim ort. Bsg&ttej tostos' oIot a peitsim rt a to lm irto rtH s.. ’ fO?::|3Crt t j 030 fat ^ s ^ lea t;itl:i a cafes- of