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Molecular Phylogeny of the Lady Fern Genus Athyrium in Japan Based on Chloroplast rbcL and trnL-trnF Sequences PDF

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Preview Molecular Phylogeny of the Lady Fern Genus Athyrium in Japan Based on Chloroplast rbcL and trnL-trnF Sequences

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN1346-7565 Acta Phytotax. Gcobot. 59 (2)7:9-95 (2008) Molecular Phylogeny of the LadyrFbecrLn Genus Athyrium inJapan Based on Chloroplast and trnL-trnF Sequences BAYU ADJIEi, MASAYUKI TAKAMIYA2, MICHIHITO OHTA3, TAKESHI A. OHSAWA` and YASUYUKI WATAN04 fDepartment qfGeosystem andBiosystem Stiences ,Graduate Sc'hoo otfSt'ie anndce 7Lichnotog yC,Vzib aU}iivensi41 1-33 IZtyo ii,nage ,Chiba 263-8522, Jopan; 2Department qfBiotogical Science ,Graduate Schooi (lf'Stience and 7bchnologu Kumamoto LJhiversi4 n2-39-1 Kurokami, 1(izimamoto 860-8555, Jtu)an iS7byama Science Museum, Mshinakano-mac'hi, 7oj)ama 939-8084,Jopan;4Department ofBiologFyacuio,ofSciencCehi,baUniversiijV-33 }Zu,oi ,Inage, Chiba 263-8522, .iopan Phy]ogenetic relationships in Ath],rium and Cornopteris were deduccd from two chloroplast DNA fragments ,rbcL and trnL 5'exon-trnF ,of 32 specics, 2 varieties, 3 putativ ehybrid sofAtbyrium, three taxa of Cornopteris ,and five outgroups. Atbyrium is paraphyletic, and the Atlo,rium- Cornopteris cornplex comprises fiv eclades. Clade I, the most basal ,comprises A. niponicum, A. (-: Anisocampium) sheareri, and A. (= Kuniwatsukia )cuspiclatuni. Clade II include sA. distentijblium and Cornopteri Asl.l species ofclades Il tand IV are diploids ,while most species of clade V are polyploid sT.he parentage of the putativ ehybrids and of specics of hybrid origin were also suggested. The results were compared to previou smajor classifications based on morphology. Key words: Atltyrium h,ybrid ,melecular phylogeny ,rbcL, trnL-trnF Atlu]rium Roth is a worldwide genus of about femin garoups (Tagaw a1933, Kurata 1961, Seri- 200 species. Most of the species are distributedzawa 1981) .Wang (199 71,999) revised the Chi- in the northem hemisphere, especially in eastem nese species ofAthyrium, classifying them into 14 and southeastern Asia as well as in the Himalaya sections. Among the species recognized in those and adjacent mountain chains; cemparatively few studies, 20 taxa are cemmon in Japan .However, species are found in tropical and southern Africa the monophyly ofeach group and the phylogenet- or in South America, and very few are in Europe ic relationships among the groups have not been (Kramer& Kato 1990).Approximately37 The large interspccific spe- examined. very number of cies, 1 subspecies, 6 varieties, 9 forms, and 74 hybrid salso poses a problem in understanding the putative hybrid soccur in Japan. Most taxa are in taxonomy of the genus, because the hybrid scan the southwestern part of the country (Iwats uekt i obscure the circumscription of species. Unfor- aL 1992) .Severa lJapanes especies groups within tunately, only two geneti cstudies on putative the genus have been recognized and revised based hybrids or hybrid species have been undertaken on morphology, includin gthe A, yokoscense ,A. (Kuriha reta al. 1996, Terada & Takamiya 2006). otophorum, A. viclaiii, A. iseanum, and A. .filix- In addition to the paucit yof knowledge on NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 80 Acta Phytotax .Geobot. Xlo1 5.9 intragener siucbdivisions, the generi ccircumscrip- tion ofAthyrium is stil lcontroversial. The genus Materials and Methods was recently revised (Krame r& Kato 1990) to includ esmall allied genera such as Anisocampium Tczxon sampting C. Presl ,Pseudocystopteri sChing, Clvstoathy- A total of l37 plant sfrom 43 taxa was col- rium Ching, and Kuniwatsuki aPich iSermolii I,n lected for DNA extraction. For about half of the molecular phylogenetic studies of the lady fern taxa, we deterrnined chloroplast DNA sequences group jncludin Agtl"?riu mand a]lied genera (Sano from multiple samples. GenBank sequcnces of et ai. 2000, Wang et al. 2003) ,Athyrium (Kramer non-Japanese and uncollected Japanese taxa were & Kato 1990) was suggested te be paraphyletic,also added to the DNA sequence dataset ,The becaus ethe species of Cornopteri sNakai were sources of the materials and sequences are listed nested within the AtbyTium clade. in Appendix 1. The ingrou ptaxa of the rbeL data- The goa] of the present study was to eluci- set comprised 32 species, two varieties, and three date the phylogenetic relationships between spe- putative hybrids ofAtiryrium, as well as two spe- Athyrium Kramer & Kato (1990) hybrid Cornqpteris, cies of sensu cies and one of representing mainly from Japan, and also to examine the all previously recognized major groups in Japan, intergeneri crelationship between Attryrium and Three species ofDeparia Hooker & Grevill eand Cornopteris. Although the molecular studies of two ofDiptazium Swart were chosen to serve Sano et aL (2000 a)nd Wang et aL (2003 )pro- as an outgroup, based on previou sphylogenetic posed to resolve the intergeneric relationships analyses (San oet al, 2000, Wang et al. 2003). in the lady fern group, the numbeT of species of The freshl ycollected materials were preserve din Atfp?rium sampled in those studies was insuffi- silica gel until DNA extraction. cient to deterrni ntehe intragener isucbdivisions of Atlp,rium ,Our ingroup sample set comprised 37 DAC4 extraction, PCR amplipcation, andsequenc- taxa ofAthyrium and three taxa of Cornopteris, lng whieh represent about 64% of the taxa ofAtlry- The total DNA was extracted from dried rium, except hybrids ,in Japan. The phylogenetic leaf samples using the method of Doyle & Doyle analysis was based on a combined datase tof two (1987 )al,though some samples were extracted chloroplast regions, the rbcL gene and the region using DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiage nT,okyo, fi;o mtrnL 5' exon to trnF. The rbcL gene alone Japan). The PCR primers aF and cR of Hasebe et has been wjdely used to analyze many fern ]jne- al. (1994 )were used to amp]ify rbcL fragments, ages (Hase beet aL 1993, 1994, 1995, Pryer et al. and specific primers rbcL2F (5'CCCCCTGCT- 1995,Wolf 1994,Gastony& Ungerer1997, TATTCCAAAAC3') (5'TTCCG- et al. and rbcL2R Sano et aL 2000, Littl e& Barringte n2003, Lu GCGTGTZATATGMCC3 ') were designed as inter- et al, 2007), but the combination with trnL-trnF nal primers fbr sequencing. The region from trnL was expected to irnprov eresolution, particularly (UAA)5'ex otno trnF (GAA), late rcalled trnL- fbr studying intragener ireclationships (Schnei- F, was amplified with forward primer trnLF2F der 2004, Geiger & Ranker 2005, Lu (5'ATGAATTTCGGGCGATGAG3'), et aL et aL which 2005, Driscoll & Barrington 2007), Our findings was designed fbr this study, and with primerfof fi ta revised taxonomy of the genus Atiu,riu mthat Taberle tet ai. (1991 )T,he PCR products were cornbines elements ofall previous systems into a purifie dusing the Geneclean III kit (Qbiogene, phylogenetical mleayningfu1 classification. Irvine ,CA, USA) after electrophoresis in 1% aga- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics july 2008 ADJIE & AL.: Molecular Phylogeny ofAth}'rittm in Japan 81 rose gel and used as templates for direc tsequenc- perfbrmed to estimate incongruent length differ- ing. Sequencing reactions were carried out with ences between the two single sequence datasets. a BigDye Terminator v3.1 cycle sequencing kit The NJ tree was constructed with genetic (Appli eBidosystems, Foster CitM CA, USA). All distanc eset according to Kimura's two-parameter sequencing reactions were processed using either method (Kimur a1980) and with bootstrapp{ nogf ABI 310 or ABI 377XL automated sequencers 1,OOO replicates, MP trees were calculated with (Appli eBdiosystems) .A total of 91 new DNA the following options: heuristic search mode, sequences were deposite din GenBank as part of tTee bisection-reconnect i(oTnBR) branch swap- this study (Appendi x1). ping, MULtrees option on, and collapse zero- Sequence fragment swere analyzed using the lengt hbranch off. Branch support was estimated Sequencing Analysi sv5.2 (Appli eBdiosystems) by bootstra panalysis (Felsenst e1i98n5) with fu1] and assembled by use of SeqScape v2,5 (Applied heuristi csearches, 1,OOO replicates. In Bayesian Biosystems) .The corrected consensus sequences analysis, each region was assigned it sown model were then automatically aligned on ClustalX of nucleotide substitution as determined by the 1.81(Thompson 1997) fbllowedby Akaikeinformation (AIC)inMrModel- et aL manual criterion acljustment using BioEdit (Hal 1l999), test 2,O (Nyland 2e0r04) ,For the combined data- set, we ran a mixed-model analysis, allewing each PCLR-SUSC Panalysis region to evolve under it sown best-f imtodel. Parentage and hybridit ywere tested on the Posterior probabiliti eofs generated trees were putative hybrids or hybrid species incorporated approximated using a Markov chain Monte Carlo into phylogenetic analyses. The partia lnuclear (MCMC) algorithm with four incremental lhyeat- RgiC gene was amplified with primer set l5F and ed chains fbr 1 million generatio nasnd sampling 16R ofIshikawa et aL (2002 f)brputati vheybrids, trees every 100 generations .A 5096 majority-rule hybrid species, and their hypothesize dparents. consensus tree was calculated to obtain topology To survey intraspeci fgiencetic variation, multiple with average branch lengths as well as posterior samples were examined for hypothesized parental probabiliti efsbr all resolved nodes. We consid- species in this analysis. The PCR product swere ered values greater than 85% to indicat estrong analyzed using the single-strand confbrmation support for common ancestry. polymorphism (SSCP )method fbllowing the pro- cedure of Watano et aL (2004). Results Phylogenetic Seguencecharacteristics analysis A separate phylogenetic analysis was con- We determined DNA sequences of both ducted fbr each datase t(rbcL t,rnL=F, and the cpDNA regions from multiple samples (tw oto combined dataset )N,eighborjoinin g(NJ )analy- six per taxon) fbr about half of the taxa. There sis and maximum parsimony (MP) anatysis were was no intraspecif iscequence variation, except in perfbrmed with PAUP' 4.0blO (Swoffb 2r0d02), Cornopteri schristenseniana and Athyrium tashi- and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis was per- roi (on esubstitution in trnL-Ii). The a]ignment fbrrne dwith MrBayes ver,3,1,2 (Huelsenb e&ck of the 47 rbcL sequences (thr efreom GenBank) Ronquist 2001). All of the phylogenetic analyses ofAtlp?rium and allied genera consisted of 1200 were conducted with indels excluded. A partitioncharacters, ofwhich 140 (11.7% w)ere variable homogeneit tyest as implemente idn PAUP* was and 100 (8,39 wier6e) parsimony-infbrrnativ eT.he NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 82 Acta Phytotax .Geobot. Vbl. 59 sequence of the trnL-F region ofA, .fi"angulum and Bayesian analyses, and was not supported f ,viride could not be determined ,nor could the by MP. The larg ec}ade Vl a divers eevolutionary trnL intro nsequences of the three taxa from Gen- group, was supported only jn Bayesian analysis Bank used in the rbcL dataset (A .distentijblium, (PP = 67%). The relationships between clades III, A. and A. spinuiosum) .Therefbre, IM and V were not resolved. .filixzfemina, 43 sequences were included in the trnLTF data- All phylogeneti chypotheses of the trnL- set. The trnL.F sequences varied from 694 base F dataset recovered the same five clades with pairs (bp )in Cornopteri schristenseniana to 761 the same memberships as a result of the rbcL bp in A. niponicum. The alignment is available datase t(Fig 2.). Each clade was supported as upon request from the corresponding author, The monophyletic in all three analyses with moder- aligned sequence of trnL=F resulted in a matrix of ate or strong support. Support of the five clades 816 characters, efwhich 245 (309 ,we6re) variable was higher in trnL=F than in rbcL. The ILD test and 190 (23,39 wter6e) parsimony-informative. indicate dno significant eonflict between the two The aligned combined rbcL and trnL-F matrix of dataset stp = O,243) ,indicati ntghe combinability 43 taxa consisted ef2016 characters; 379 (18.8%)of the datasets. of these were variable and 289 (14,3 %we)re par- simony-infbrmative. The best-f imtodel fbr each Combinedpbyiogenetic analysis dat apartitio nis SYM+I+G fbr rbcL and GTR+G The parsimony analysis of the combined fbr trnL-LF, rbcL and trnL-F data recovered 102 shortest trees of 568 steps (CI = O.717; RI = O,875) .The tree Separat ephylogenetic analysis obtained from the Bayesian analysis (show nin Phylogenetic analysis was conducted fbr Fig. 3) resulted in nearly the same topology as the each dataset employing NJ, MP, and Bayesian NJ and MP analyses of the combined datase t(not methods. The MP method recovered 1557 short- shown), Consisten twith both individua dlataset est trees of246 steps (CI - O.736; RI - O.871) fbr topologies ,the combined analysis recovered five the rbcL dataset a,nd 1185 shortest trees of 380 major clades (clad Ie-sV), all of which were mod- steps (CI = O.700 ;RI = O.869) for trnL-F data- erately or strongly supported in all analyses. The set. Thesc tree reconstruction methods generated relationships among c]ades were the same as those mostly congruent topologies for each dataset. in the separate datase tanalyses, and clades III, Thus, Bayesian trees with the support ofNJ boot- IVI and V were not resolved even in the combined strap, MP bootstrap ,and Bayesian posterio prrob- dataset ,Using the combined dataset ,we recog- abilities are shown in Figs. 1 and 2 as examples. nized two subclades (Va and Vb) within a large In the rbcL analysis, there are five major clade V with strong support. The relationships of clades, each with differe nsttatistical support (Fig,Atbyrium atkinsonii and A, rupestne to clades III, 1) .Clade I was positione adt the most basal posi- IY and V were varied in each analysis, and thus tion ofthe tree and comprised three species: Atby- were not included in the clades defined here. The rium niponicum, A. sheareri, and A. cuspidatum. result from the combined analysis is taken here as Clade II comprised A. distentCfoliu mand Corno- the best estimate of the phylogenetic relationships pteris ,and was sister to the group of Clades III, ofthe genus, because it is the best summary of the IV, V, with some species not {ncluded in any data to date .The discussio ins therefbre based on clades. Clade III received strong support in all the phylogeny obtained from this analysis unless analyses. Clade IV was weakly supported by NJ otherwise noted, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics July 2008 ADJIE & AL.: Molecular Phylogeny of Athyrium in Japan 83 D> A. oblitescens A. x akiense A. otophorum eremicola A, wardii A. tseanum A. x hisatsuanum >ovtuo A. iseanum var. angustisectum A, strigillosum A, frangulum f ,viride A. neglectum subsp. australe A. vidalii g A.deltoidofrons A. arisanense nakanoi AB021714 A. spinulosum tozanense A.tashiroi A,kirisimaense >ovasdo-oUtuo A. yokoscense var. A, yokoscense A, nikkoense melanolepis A. brevifrons A. filix-fem 'ifrenzealliae' A. atkinsonii A. rupestre Cornopterischristenseniana Cornopterisdecurrentia-alata divNo Cornopteriscrenulatoserrulata Cornopterischristenseniana distentifolium A. sheareri ovtuo A. niponicum 78 i 73 i 94 A. cuspidatum "OO/100ilOO Diplazium nipponicum Diplaziumhachijoense a=o1..o-=o Deparialobatecrenata Deparia petersonii Deparia conilii O.1 expected changes per site FiG. 1. Phylogenctic tree based on the rbcL datase tusing a Bayesian analysis. Measures of support are given at the nodes: NJ bootstra p(BS)tM Pbootstra p(BS)fBayes pioastnerio rpro b a bi l i ti e( sP P .)Suppor tvalues underSO are shown as hyphens (-). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics B4 ActaPhytotax.Geobot. M)1.59 A. oblitescens A. otophorum A, x akiense A. viridescentipes A. subrigescens 62t-t91 A.kuratae D> A. clivicola A. setuligerum A. x tokashikli A. wardii >ovtu-o A,iseanum A. x hisatsuanum A iseanum var, angustisectum A, strigillosum A. negiectum subsp. australe g A, vidalii A.deltoidofrons A. nakanoi A. atkinsonii A. yokoscense var. dilatatum A. tashiroi >'ovcoo A. kirisimaense A. yokoscense A, nikkoense A. melanolepis A. brevifrons mvtuo A. filix-fem i'frnezelaliae' A.rupestre Cornopterischri$tenseniana Cornopteri$decurrentia-alata ¢ vcuo Cornopteriscrenulatoserrulata Cornopterischristenseniana A, cuspidatum ovos6 A, sheareri A, niponicum Diplaziumnipponioum Diplaziumhachijoense a=oLa-=o Deparia petersonii Deparia conilii Deparia]obatocrenata expected changes peF site FtG, 2. Phylogeneti ctree based on the trnL-F datase tusing a Bayesiar ianalysis. Measures of support are given at the nodes: NJ bootstra p(BS)IMP bootstra p(BS)IBayes pioastnerio rprobabiliti e(sPP) S.upport va]ues under 50 are shown as hyphens (-), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics July2008 ADJIE & AL,: Molecular Phylogeny ofAthyrium in Japan 85 94n3i9284/86MOOA. D> A. x tokashikii A. setuligerum A. wardii A. eremicoia >ovtuo 75173ilOO -t-117-t-ttoo - iA-.i lisOeOanum A. x hisatsuanum A.iseanumvar,angusti$ectum A. strigillosum A, ansanense A, tozanense A. neglectum subsp, australe A. vidalii g A,deltoidofrons A. atkinson" A. tashiroi A. kirisimaense >ovpmo A. yokoscense var. dilatatum A.yokoscense go/solaoo A. nikkoense A. melanolepis 9Sf971100 A.brevifrons ovtuo A. filix-femin 'afrezelliae A. rupestre Cornopterischristenseniana Cornopterisdecurrentia-alata ovtuo Cornopteriscrenulatoserrulata Cornopterischristen$eniana A. cuspidatum ovo6 nlponicum Diplaziu mnipponicum Diplazium hachijoense Q)oLen-=o Deparia conilii Depariapetersonii Deparialobatocrenata O.1 expected chenges per site FIG ,3. Phylogeneti ctree based on the combined datas eutsinga Bayesian analysis, Measures ofsupport are given at the nodes: NJ bootstra p{BS)/M Pbootstra p(BS)/Bayes pioastnerio rprobabiliti (esPP) S.upport values under 50 are shown as hyphens (-). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 86 Acta Phytotax .Geobot. ivbl. 59 Analysi sof'puta thi)v,ebr iandd s iijpbr sipdecies The results show that Athyrium is paraphyletic We include the fo11owing three putative and that the Atfp,rium-Cornopteris complex com- hybrids and two hybrid species ofAthyrium in prises fiy emajor clades (I I,I ,Ill ,IM and V). the dataset of chloroplast phylogeneti canalysis: Clade I consists of three species in which A. Xakiense (A .eremicola × A.otophorum), Athyrium niponicum is the sister taxon to A, A, × tokashikii (A .wardii × A. ciivicola), A. sheareri andA. cuspiclatum. The placement ofthis × hisatsuanum (A .iseanum × A. clivicola), A. clade as the most basal in the Athyrium phyloge- obliteseens (A .otophorum × A. waidii and A. netic tree agrees with the results of previous stud- otophororm × A. clivicola), andA. setuligerurn (A. ies (Sano et al. 2000, Wting et al. 2003). Atto,rium clivicola × A, iseanum). Thc chloroplast DNA sheareri and A, cuspidatum were formerl ytreated sequence of each plant was identica lto that of as members of distinc tgenera ,Anisocampium either of hypothesize dparents. PCR-SSCP of the and Kuniwatsukia, respectively, showing that the nuclear single-copy gene (Ilgi fQor these hybrids clade is a morphologically divers egroup. In com- and taxa of hybrid origin also supported their parison with other species ofAtltyrium, Atlryrium hypothesized (Fig4.).For has parentage example, sheareri an unusual combination ofmorpho- A. × akiense (lan e11, Fig, 4) showed overlap- logical characters, includin ga long creeping rhi- ping band pattem ofA, eremicola (la n1e) and A. zome, pinnat efronds with a chartaceous texture, otophorum (lan 2e), suggesting that the hypoth- and orbicular sori (San oet al, 2000). A creeping is inA, Atltyrium esized parentage was correct, rhizome also present niponicum. however,has cuspiclatum, an erect or ascending Discussion rhizome, Although this clade is strongly support- ed, no synapomorphic morphological characters Phylogenetic re]ationships in Atlryrium and are known. Cornopteri swere deduced from two chloroplast Our rbcL tree shows that Athyrium dis- DNA fragments ,rbcL and trnL 5'exon to trnF. tentijblium and Cornopteri sare monophyletic, valt///utee m ・- ,,,.".....,..mu asremW e c ・・ ・・ ・--epte・- ・ .・v.- ,/,ww." m,- i' . g,w' ee w urwW '" tw /-n .pt ma maW ec} w . w w ・ /tt , 1ss 23456 78910 111213 14 t5 FIG. 4. PCR-SSCP band patter nofpanial IlgiC gene. Lane (1 )Atdyrium eremicola, (2 ,3) A. otophorum, (4 )A, wardii, (S ,6) A. elivicola, (7 )A, iseanum, (8 ,9) A, viclalii, (10 )A. cielteidojrrons, (11 )A. Xakiense [A .e,emicola × A. otophorum], (12) A. Xtokasikii [A .ivaniii × A, clivicola], (13 )A. ><hisatsuanum [A ,iseanum × A. clivicota], (14 )A. obtitescens [A,otopho- rum x A. clivicola or A. watdii],(15) A. setuligenim [A .ctivicota × A. iseanum]. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics July 2008 ADJIE & AL.: Moleeular Phy]ogeny ofAthyrittm in Japan 87 although the phylogeneti crelationship is not yet nopteris is a small Asian genus with nine species, understood (Fi g1.). Atbyrium distentijbl ihuansi define dby the comiculate base of the pinnae and a worldwide disnibutio annd is characterized by pinnule sand the exindusiate seri (Kat o1979), circular to elliptic sori, with irregula frilaments while it sother morphological characters are simi- making up a rudimentary indusium when young, lar to these ofAtlryrium, Clade II ,therefore ,can but soon obscured as the sori grow (Iwatsu ekt i be recognized as a group with by the synapomor- aL 1992, McHaffie 2005). In comparison, Cor- phic characteristic of exindusiate sori on mature Kurata ,Serizawa and lagawa's Present study Wang's (t997 c)lassification classification Athyrium otophorumgroup (Kura t19a61) clade Vb section Otophora A. otophotum A. otophorum subsec. Otophone AAA... sveuriberrmiiidgceeoslscaceen nsti pa s - AAA・.. sveuitbr?timeedSseccsoeclnseantlpes - AAA... scouftbiorvipgihe'oscrcoevnlmsa A. cfiw'cola A. warttii A. -ferdii A. kuratae A. oblitescens A. arisenense A. setuligerum A. kenzo-satakei A. A, kuratae subsec. Strigiitosa clade Ve A. iseanum A. videtii A. strigiliosum A. AA.. ncetgeiletcotludmbhans subsp. austtaie A . Ai.s ecatnyputmog rvaamrm.oi adnegsustisectum ± A, sitvicoia other taxa in cladeV A. iseanum section Polystichoides A. iseanum van angustisectu A. nakanoj A. sntgi"osum A. tVengulum s ctien Mackinnoniana Atozanense A. deitoldottons A. arisenense A. videM A. A. nakanei A. refiexipinnum clade IV section Niponica AA.. yyookkoosscceennssee van dilatatum / AA.. yniokkkoosecnseense A. tashiroi A. nlponicum A. ldrisimeense A. A. nikeeense seetionAthyn'um A. brevN?vns clade 11l A. melanolapis A. bevifrons A. pinetorum A. melanelepls A. palust re A. tilix-femina ciadel A. nlponicum A. cuspidatum A. sheareri unsettled taxa FIG. 5, Comparison ofthe previou cslassification (speci ecosmmonly found in Japan were sc]ected) with the one proposed in the present study, Taxa in boldface represent species examined in this study. The lightL yshaded boxes show the correspondence between previous taxonomic groups and clades in our phylogenetic tree. The darkl yshaded boxes show species with uncertainpositions, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 88 ActaPhytotax,Geobot, va)1.59 leaves. intrageneric subgroups based on morphological The nested positio nof Cornopteri sin the tree characters ([laga w19a33, Kurata 1961, Serizawa ofAtbyrium was suggested by previous molecular 1981, Wang 1997). Figure 5 illustra ttehse cor- analyses (San oet al, 2000, Wang et al. 2003) ,and respondence of the morphological groups with confirmed in the presen tstudy based on a wider the clades resolved in this study. Kurata (1961) taxon sampling and longer DNA sequences, Some considered that the A. otophorum group, the A. hybrid taxa between Atlryriu mand Cornopteris viddlii group, and the A. iseanum group were have been proposed (Kura t1a963, 1965, Hira- closcly related to onc another, based on the fre- bayashi 1970, Nakaike 1992) .Serizawa (1981b)quent hybridizati oanrnong them. Our phyloge- treated Cornopteris as a subgenus ofAthyrium netic analyses support that opinion because all based on the occurrence of these hybrids, These members of the three groups examined in this observations are concordant with the close alli- study are include din clade V Furthemnore ,clade ance between Atiryrium and Cornqpteris in our V also contains A, deltoidqfro nosf the A. .fitix- analysis, In this study we sampled two specimens group sensu Kurata (1961 )In.terestingly, .fiimina of C. christenseniana. Park & Kato (2003 )con- all members of clade V are polyplojd s(4 xor 6x) firmed this taxon to be an interspecifi ctriploid except A. fhangulu fm. viride, which contrasts hybrid of diploi dC. crenulatoserrulata and tetra- with the findin gthat A. atkinsonii, A. rupestre, ploid C decurrenti-alata .One of our samples of and members of clades III and IV are a]1 diploids C. christenseniana was grouped with C. crenu- (Takamiy a1996). Speciatio nat the polyploid latoserrula taand another was grouped with C leve lappears to be unlikely due to the existence decurrenti-at a(tFai g3.) ,confirming the recipro- ofA. .frangulum f viride, but any selective pres- ca] occurrence of hybridizati oans suggested by sure for the success of polyploids may be related Park (2002). to the evolution ofclade M To prevent a paraphyletic Athyrium, Cor- Among the morphologically define dgroups nqpteris should be include dwithin Atlpirium o,r (Fig 5.), the Atbyrium otophorum group sensu clades I and II should be treated as genera sepa- Kurata (l961 a)nd section Otqphora subsection rate from Atdyrium. If the latte rt,hen additional Otqphora sensu Wang (1997 c)ould be referred to studies are desireabl eto clarify the delimitati oofn as clade Vb. Atiryrium arisanense of the A. oto- cladesI and II .First t,he type species of the genus phorum group is include din clade Vl but it sposi- Anisocampium, A. cumingianum C. Presl was not tion varies among DNA dataset sT,he Atbyrium include din the presen tstudy, Because A. cuming- vidolii group sensu Kurata (1961 w)as divided ianum is characterized by goniopteroi vdenation, into two clades: A. wardii and A. clivicola were which is not shared by A. sheafieri, the addition include din clade Vb with the members of the A. ofA. cumingianum to clade l should be tested, otophorum group ,and A. viclalii was include din Secondly ,Wang (1997 r)eported that three Chi- clade Vii with A. deltoidoLfro nosfthe A. filix:femi- nese species ofAthyTium, A. wallichianum, A. dis- na group, In cornparison, Wang (1997 c)lassified sitij?)lium and A. exindusiatum, have exindusiate A. wan:iii and A, clivicola in sect. Otophora sub- sori. Their phylogeneti rcelationship to A. disten- sect. Otqphora, and classified A, viclalii in sect. tijblium and Cornopteri sis critical fbr diagnosing Mackinnoniana ,which include sA. deltoicloLfirons. clade II. Our phylogeneti acnalysis supports Wang's (1997) The remainder of the members ofAtbyrium system with respect to this group of species, form a monophyletic clade and contain several The Atbyrium iseanum group sensu Serizawa NII-Electronic Library Service

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