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Molecular Phylogeny Inferred from Sequences of Small Subunit Ribosomal DNA, Supports the Monophyly of the Metazoa PDF

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Preview Molecular Phylogeny Inferred from Sequences of Small Subunit Ribosomal DNA, Supports the Monophyly of the Metazoa

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 10: 827-833 (1993) 1993 ZoologicalSocietyoflapan Molecular Phylogeny Inferred from Sequences of Small Subunit Ribosomal DNA, Supports the Monophyly of the Metazoa Mari Kobayashi1 Miyuki Takahashi2 Hiroshi Wada3 , , and Noriyuki Satoh3 1Department ofBiology, Faculty ofScience, Ochanomizu University, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112,2Department ofBiology, Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima 890, and ^Department ofZoology, Faculty ofScience, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-01, Japan — ABSTRACT Recentstudiesofmolecularphylogenybaseduponcomparisonsofthepartialnucleotide sequencesof18and28SrRNAshavesuggestedthatthemetazoaarepolyphyletic,i.e.,thatdiploblasts (poriferans. cnidarians, ctenophores, andplacozoans) andtriploblastsformtwoseparatedmonophyle- tic units. In orderto examine this hypothesis, we determined almost the complete sequencesofsmall subunit (18S-like) rDNA for two poriferans and a ctenophore. Phylogenetic comparisons of the sequences, together with those of a cnidarian, triploblasts and other eukaryotes, supported the monophyly of the metazoa. Among the diploblasts, the ctenophore showed some similarities to the poriferans. tures (phylum Platyhelminthes), from which va- INTRODUCTION rious modern metazoans have diverged. Current On the basis ofextensive studies ofcomparative debate concerns whether the metazoa are anatomy, embryology, and paleontology, mul- monophyletic or polyphyletic and what the ances- ticellular animals (metazoans) have been divided tral metazoa were like. Some investigators have into three majortaxonomic units, namely; animals insisted that poriferans arose independently from with three embryonic layers and bilateral symmet- colonial flagellates, whereas other metazoans ry (triploblasts), those with two embryonic layers evolved from syncytial ciliates [8, 25]. and radial symmetry (diploblasts) except for bi- Advances in molecular biology have provided lateral symmetry of anthozoans, and those with some answers to the problemsposed byevolution- extremely loose tissue differentiation (poriferans), ary biologists. Comparisons based on molecular the latter sometimes included within diploblasts data, such as the amino acid sequences of certain [cf. 1. 2, 28]. The origin and evolution of these proteins and the nucleotide sequences of certain multicellular animals have received considerable RNAs and DNAs, provide powerful tools with attentionoverthe years [1, 2, 8-10, 15, 21,25,28]. which the phylogenetic relationships among ani- It is generally accepted that the metazoa arose mal groups are deducible more objectively than from protozoa, perhaps 700-1000 million years others [13, 20]. In particular, the small ribosomal ago [3]. Models of the metazoan origin suggest subunit (16 or 18S) RNA or its gene (16 or 18S that either colonial flagellates [9, 15] or syncytial rDNA) is ideallysuited forphylogeneticstudies of ciliates [8. 10] became acoel flatworm-like crea- distantly related organisms, because it is rich in information and the sequencing methodology per- Accepted July 30, 1993 mits the rapid accumulation of large databases [5, Received April 16. 1993 19]. A recent study ofthe molecular phylogeny of 828 M. Kobayashi, M. Takahashi et al. metazoans based upon comparisons of sequences described previously [26]. In brief, frozen and of 18S rRNAs has suggested that the metazoa are powderedsampleswerelysedinTEbuffer(10mM polyphyletic; Cnidarians (diploblasts) arosefrom a Tris-HCl, 0.1 M EDTA, pH8.0) that contained protist ancestry different from the Bilateria (tri- 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate. After digesting ploblasts) [7]. In addition, analysis ofthe origin of sampleswith proteinase K (100,«g/ml) at 50°Cfor DNA metazoans, using comparisons ofsequences of28S 3 hr, wasextractedwithphenol, andprecipi- M rRNAs, has demonstrated that triploblasts and tated in ethanol and an equal volume of 5.0 diploblasts form two clearly separated units [4]. ammonium acetate. Samples resuspended in TE However, the suggestion of polyphyletic origin of bufferwere further purified by RNase A digestion metazoans from the above-mentioned studies [4, (20,ug/ml) at 37°C for 1 hr followed by ethanol 7], was based upon comparisons of partial nuc- precipitation. leotide sequences; about 840basesof18and about 290 bases of 28S rRNAs, respectively. Amplification ofsmall-subunitrDNA andsequenc- DNA Very recently, Wainright etal. [27] reported the ing ofthe amplified evolutionary origin and early branching pattern of Almost the entire length of the 18S rDNA was the animal kingdom. Theyinferredthephylogene- amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tic framework by comparing small subunit ribo- [22] in a thermal cycler (Perkin-Elmer Corp., somal RNA sequences fortwoporiferans, acnida- Norwalk, CT, USA) usingprimers (5'CTGGTT- rian, a ctenophore, and a placozoan. The authors GATCCTGCCAG3') and 10 [5'CACCTAC- reported that the animal lineage is monophyletic GGA(AT)ACCTTG3']. These primers were de- and that animals and fungi share acommon evolu- signed referring to conserved regions of aligned tionary history. We also examined the phylogene- eukaryote 18S rDNA sequences, with which 18S tic position ofdiploblastic animals (two poriferans rDNA ofdeuterostomes could be amplified. Am- mM and a ctenophore). The species we examined plification proceeded in 50/A of 50 KC1, 10 mM however differed from those studied by Wainright Tris-HCl (pH9.0), 0.1% Triton X-100, with mM et al. [27]. 0.2 each dNTP, 50pmol primers, template DNA (5-50fj.g) and 1 U Taq DNA polymerase (Toyobo Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan). One of the MATERIALS AND METHODS primers was kinased prior to PCR at the 5' termi- nal phosphate. The temperature regimen for 30 Animals cycleswas 1 min at 94°C, 2min at42°C, and 3min Diploblasts examined in the present study were at 72°C. two poriferans Sycon calcaravis Hozawa (class Amplified DNA was purified by electrophoresis Calcarea, order Sycettida) and Tetilla japonica in a 0.8% agarose gel and treated with lambda Lampe (class Demospongiae, subclass Tetractino- exonuclease (BRL, Bethesda, MD, USA) to DNA morpha, order Spirophorida), and a ctenophore obtainsingle-stranded [11]. With thesingle- DNA BeroecucumisFabricius(classAtentaculata, order stranded as the template, the nucleotide Beroidea). The poriferans were collected in the sequence was directly determined by dideoxy vicinity of the Tateyama Marine Laboratory, chain-termination [24] using Sequenase ver 2.0 Ochanomizu University, and the ctenophore in (United States Biochemical Corp., Cleveland, Kagoshima Bay. Eggs of T. japonica and whole OH, USA) and [35S]-dATP (Amersham Japan, animals of S. calcaravis and B. cucumis were Tokyo, Japan). In addition to primers and 10, frozen quickly in liquid nitrogen and kept at primers 8 (5'CCGGAGAGGGAGCCTGA3'), 7 —80°C until use. (antisense analogofprimer8), 1 (5'CAGCAGCC- GCGGTAATT3'), 9 (antisense analog of primer Isolation ofDNA 1), 3 (5'GCGAAAGCATTTGCCAA3'), 4 (anti- High-molecular-weight genomic DNA was ex- sense analog of primer 3), 5 [5'GAAACT(TQ- tracted from the frozen samples by the method AAAGGAAT3'], 6 (antisense analog of primer Molecular Phylogeny of Diploblasts 829 5), and2 [5'ACGGGCGGTGTGT(AG)C3'] were bootstrapping value (83%). used for sequencing. As shown previously, se- Because the monophyly of the metazoans was quences of 18S rDNA can be determined more demonstrated in Fig. 1, we further analyzed the accurately than those of 18S rRNA [26]. phylogeneticrelationshipsbetweendiploblastsand triploblasts by adding data from the flatworm Comparison ofsequences and inferences regarding Schistosoma mansoli [5] and by taking the yeast phylogeny Saccharomyces cerevisiae as an outgroup. About Sequences were aligned on the basis of max- 60 confidently aligned sites were added in this imum nucleotide similarity. Using the aligned analysis. These sites were relatively variable and sequences, we calculatedthe evolutionarydistance contained information usefulto increase the preci- valuesinapair-wisemanner, asdescribedbyJukes sion of analysis. The structural similarity and and Cantor [16]. The phylogenetic tree was con- evolutionary distance values of these organisms structed from an analysis of results by the neigh- are shown in Table 1. The phylogenetic tree bor-joining method of Saitou and Nei [23]. The constructed using the distance values, is shown in degree ofsupport for internal branches ofthe tree Fig. 2. The tree suggested that the two poriferan was further assessed by bootstrapping [6]. and a ctenophore species form one unit, while the cnidarian species and triploblasts form another. The branching ofthe former group was supported RESULTS by the relatively higher value of bootstrapping Almost the entire length of the 18S rDNA of (62%). two species of poriferan and a species of cte- nophore was amplified by PCR, and the complete DISCUSSION nucleotide (more than 1600 nucleotide) sequences ofthe amplifiedproducts ofPCR, exceptforthe5' The present molecularphylogenetic study based and 3' termini, were determined directly without upon comparisonsofvirtuallycomplete nucleotide cloning. The nucleotide sequence data reportedin sequences of 18S rDNAs showed that the metazoa this study will appear in the DDBJ, EMBL and are of monophyletic origin. Although this study GenBank Nucleotide Sequence Database under did not include placozoa, the grouping of the the following accession number; D15066forSycon metazoans as a discrete taxonomic unit was sup- calcaravis, D15067 for Tetilla japonica, and ported by the high value obtained by bootstrap- D15068 for Beroe cucumis. ping. This result corroborates the results ofWain- The nucleotide sequences of the three diplo- rightetal. [27] butnottheprevioussuggestion that A blastswerealignedwiththoseofAnemoniasulcata, the metazoa are polyphyletic. study of the Anemia salina.. Homo sapiens and other eukary- molecular phylogeny of the animal kingdom otes [5, 19] on the basis of maximum nucleotide pioneered by Field et al. [7] suggested that cnida- similarity; the alignment of 1269 nucleotides was rians arise from a protist ancestry different from analysed. Figure 1 shows a phylogenetic tree of a the bilaterians. However, Lake [18] has studied variety of organisms, constructed by neighbor- the animal phylogeny by another systematic joining [23]. The tree clearly indicated that the method, usingthesequence datareportedbyField metazoans form an independent, monophyletic et al., and he concluded that the metazoa are a unit. In other words, the four species of diplo- monophyletictaxon. An analysisbyChristenetal. blasts and two species of triploblasts formed a [4] suggested that triploblasts and diploblasts form discrete unit of monophyletic origin. This group- two clearlyseparatedmonophyleticunits. Howev- ingofthe metazoawassupported bythehighvalue er, their main conclusion was that the origin of obtained by bootstrapping (73.8%) [6]. The tree triploblasts is much more ancient, with respect to also suggested that animals and fungi share an diploblasts, than was classically assumed. evolutionary history; the branching of the two The evolutionary pathway from unicellular groups from the others was supported by the high organisms to multicellular animals has been a 830 M. Kobayashi, M. Takahashi et al. Oxytricha nova 100 — Paramecium tetraurelia Sarcocystismuris PROTOZOA 95.2 — Theileria annulata 100 Prorocentrum micans - Ochromonasdanica r— 91.8 Tribonema aequale 100 55.8 Achlya bisexualis Arabidopsisthaliana PLANTS 100 Zamiapumila 100 94.6 Chlamydomonasreinhardtii 74.4 Cryptomonasphi Saccharomyces cerevisiae i— 93.4 Schizosaccharomycespombe 98.8 99.2 FUNGI Filobasidiella neoformans r 61.8 Blastocladiella emersonii Homosapiens 100 83.0 Artemia salina I— 55.0 TRIPLOBLASTS Anemonia sulcata METAZOA 73.8 Beroe cucumis DIPLOBLASTS 53.2 Sycon calcaravis 49.6 Tetillajaponica 0.05unit Fig. 1. General phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes, as deduced by neighbor-joining using the fraction of observed substitution differences of confidently aligned sites. The scale bar indicates the evolutionary distance of 0.05 nucleotide substitutionspersequenceposition. Numbersateachbranchindicate thepercentageoftimesanode wassupportedin500bootstrappseudoreplicationsbyneighbor-joining. Thetreedemonstratedthemonophyletic origin ofmetazoans, including both diploblasts and triploblasts. This is an unrooted tree, because we could not include any outgroup organisms. Therefore, we cannot determine where the root ofthis tree is and what the ancestor ofthe organisms is. Molecular Phylogeny of Diploblasts 831 Table 1. Structuralsimilarityandevolutionarydistancedatafor 18SrDNAsequencesofmetazoansand veast Species Sy.ca. Te.ja. Be.cu. An.su. Sc.ma. Ar.sa. Ho.sa. Sa.ce. Sycon calcaravis 0.0675 0.0749 0.0741 0.1722 0.1527 0.1554 0.0917 Tetilla japonica 86 0.0900 0.0858 0.1828 0.16865 0.1610 0.0951 Beroe cucumis 95 113 0.0875 0.1894 0.1789 0.1875 0.1071 Anemonia sulcata 94 108 110 0.1713 0.1564 0.1564 0.0917 Schistoma mansoni 205 215 223 204 0.1408 0.1345 0.1846 Anemia salina 184 201 212 188 171 0.1203 0.1808 Homo sapiens 187 193 221 188 164 148 0.1837 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 115 119 133 155 218 214 217 The lower-left half of the table gives the number of substitutions in which gaps are not included. The upper-righthalfofthetablegivestheevolutionarydistancevalues(averagenumberofnucleotidesubstitutions per sequence position) determined by the Jukes and Cantor (1969) [16] formula. The sequence data forA. sulucata, S. mansoni, A. salina, H. sapiens and S. cerevisiae were obtained from references 5 and 19. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Schistoma mansoni 100 Homosapiens L 51.0 52.0 Artemia salina Anemonia sulcata 98.6 Beroe cucumis 47.2 Sycon calcaravis 62.0 Tetilla japonica 0.05unit Fig. 2. Phylogenetic relationships ofdiploblastswith triploblasts (Schistosoma mansoni, Artemiasalina, and Homo sapiens) asdeduced by reference to yeast as the out group. The tree wasconstructed by neighbor-joining. The scale bar indicates an evolutionary distance of0.05 nucleotide substitutions persequence position. Numbers at each branch indicate the percentage of times a node was supported in 500 bootstrap pseudoreplications by neighbor-joining. The ctenophore Beroe forms a unit with poriferans. subject of extensive investigation and vigorous and 2 implies two divergences of the metazoans; discussion for more than a century [1. 2, 8-10, 15, one evolved a variety of diploblasts and the other 21, 25, 28]. The emergence ofmetazoanshasbeen that occurred later, evolved a variety of triplo- explained by two major theories; the syncytial blasts. These two divergences are also suggested theory (from a multinucleated ciliate) [8, 10] and from paleontology [3]. The former is the Vendian the colonial theory (from a colonial flagellate) [9, radiationwhichgaverisetoEdiacaranassemblage, 15]. Although the present molecular data as well and the latter is the Cambrian explosion. The first as those shown byFieldetal. [4] andChristen etal. Vendian radiation may have occurred soon after [7] do not allow clarification of this point, the multicellular animals derived from other protists. branching among the metazoans shown in Figs. 1 The rapid explosion, together with the relatively 1 832 M. Kobayashi, M. Takahashi et al. higher rate of substitutions observed in the se- thank an anonymous reviewer for his (or her) construc- quences of 18S rDNA of triploblasts, made it tivesuggestioninpreparationofthemanuscript. H.W. is difficult to elucidate the affinity between triplo- supportedbyaJSPSPredoctoralFellowshipforJapanese Junior Scientists with a research grant (2447). blasts and diploblasts. These may be the reasons why previous studies of partial 18 and 28S rRNA sequences could not show the monophyly of the REFERENCES metazoa. A phylogenetic tree constructed from the 5S 1 Barnes RD (1987) Invertebrate Zoology. 5th ed, Saunders College Publ, Fort Worth, pp58-163 rRNA sequences suggested a slightly earlier e- 2 Brusca RC, Brusca CJ (1990) Invertebrates. mergence of platyhelminthes (Dugesia japonica; Sinauer Assoc Inc Publ, Sunderland, pp97-277 Tricladida) and nematodes (eg, Caenorhabditis 3 Conway Morris S (1993) The fossil record and the elegans) than those of other metazoans, including earlyevolutionoftheMetazoa.Nature361:219-225 diploblasts and other bilateralia [14]. However, 4 Christen R, Ratto R, Baroin A, Perasso R, Grell that view was not supported by a recent compari- KG, Adoutte A (1991) An analysis ofthe originof sonofpartial 18SrDNAsequencesbyKatayamaet tmheeta2z8oSa,RNuAsi,ngrecvoemaplasrainsoenarslyofempaerrtgiaelncseeqoufetnrciepslobo-f al. [17]. Instead, Katayama et al. [17] suggested lasts. EMBO J 10: 499-503 the early emergence of the acoel turbellarians in 5 De RijkP, NeefsJ-M, Vande PeerY, DeWachter metazoic evolution; they might be some of the R (1992) Complication of small ribosomal subunit closest multicellular animals to the metazoan RNA sequences. Nucl Acids Res 20: 2075-2089 ancestors. Although Fig. 2 indicates agroupingof 6 Felsenstein J (1985) Confidence limits on phy- logenesis: an approach using the bootstrap. Evolu- Schistoma mansoni (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda) tion 39: 783-791 and the two other triploblasts, the phylogenetic 7 Field KG, Olsen GJ, Lane DJ, Giovannoni ST, relationship between the diploblasts and the acoel Gheselin MT, Raff EC, Pace NR, Raff RA (1988) turbellarians should be subject of further study Molecular phylogeny of the animal kingdom. Sci- based upon the comparison of almost complete ence 239: 748-753 sequences of 18S rDNA. 8 Hadzi J (1963) The Evolution of Metazoa. Perga- mon Press, Oxford, pp1-499 Anothersuggestionofthepresentstudy,wasthe 9 Haeckel E (1874) The gastraea-theory, the phy- phylogeneticpositionofthectenophore. Classical- logenetic classification of the animal kingdom and ly ctenophores were positioned closely to cnida- thehomologyofthegerm-lamellae. QJMicroscSci rians [15]. However, the presence of true mesen- 14: 142-165 chymal muscle cells and gonoducts no longer sup- 10 Hanson ED (1977) Origin and Early Evolution of Animals. Wesleyan Univ Press, Middletown, pp1- ports the supposed affinity but suggests its closer 670 Friegl.at2i,onhsohwipesvetro,pltahteyhperlemsienntthsan[a1l2y]s.isAssuegvgiedsetnetdian 1 sHtirgauncdheidRDGN,AOcthemmaplnatHes(1b9y89e)xoPnruocdluecaisnegodfigseisntgiloen- close molecular similarity between the poriferans followingthepolymerasechainreaction. NuclAcids and the ctenophore. This will be examined in Res 17: 5865 further studies. 12 Harbison GR (1985) On the classification and evolution of the Ctenophora. In "The Origin and In conclusion, together with a study of Wain- Relationships of Lower Invertebrates" Ed by S right et al. [27], the present study supports the Conway Morris, JD George, R Gibson, HM Piatt, monophyly of the metazoa. Clarendon Press, Oxford, pp78-100 13 Hills DM, Moritz C (1990) Molecular Systematics. Sinauer Assoc Inc Publ, Sunderland, pp1-588 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 14 Hori H, Osawa S (1987) Origin and evolution of RNA We are very grateful to Dr. Takashi Miyata and Mr. organisms as deduced from 5S ribosomal Naruo Nikoh, of the Department of Biophysics, Kyoto sequences. Mol Biol Evol 4: 445-472 Universityfortheirhelpinconstructingthephylogenetic 15 Hyman LH (1940) The Invertebrates: Protozoa trees, and to Dr. Yoko Watanabe of Ochanomizu Uni- through Ctenophora, Vol 1. McGraw-Hill, New versity and Dr. Yoshiko Kakinuma of Kagoshima Uni- York, pp248-696 versity for suggestions and encouragements. We also 16 Jukes TH, Cantor RC (1969) Evolution ofprotein Molecular Phylogeny of Diploblasts 833 molecules. In"MammalianProteinMetabolism"Ed directed enzymatic amplification of DNA with a byHN Munro, Academic Press, New York, pp21- thermostable DNA polymerase. Science 239: 487- 132 491 17 Katayama T, Yamamoto M, Wada H, Satoh N 23 Saitou N, Nei M (1987) The neighbor-joining (1993) Phylogenetic position of acoel turbellarians method: a new method for reconstructing phy- inferredfrompartial 18SrDNAsequences. ZoolSci logenetic trees. Mol Biol Evol 4: 406-425 10: 529-536 24 Sanger F, Nicklen S, Coulson AR (1977) DNA 18 Lake JA (1990) Origin of the metazoa. Proc Natl sequencing with chain-terminating inhibitors. Proc Acad Sci USA 87: 763-766 Natl Acad Sci USA74: 5463-5467 19 NeefsJ-M,VandePeerY,DeRijkP,GorisA, De 25 Steinbock O (1963) Origin and affinities of the Wachter R (1991) Complicationofsmall ribosomal lowerMetazoa. In"TheLowerMetazoa"EdbyEC subunit RNA sequences. Nucl Acids Res 19: 1987- Dougherty, University of California Press, Ber- 2015 keley, pp45-54. 20 Pace NR, Stahl DA. Lane DJ, Olsen GJ (1985) 26 WadaH,MakabeKW,NakauchiM,SatohN(1992) Analyzing natural microbial populations by rRNA Phylogeneticrelationshipsbetweensolitary andcol- sequences. Am Soc Microbiol News 51: 4-12 onialascidians, asinferredfromthesequenceofthe 21 Rieger RM (1985) The phylogenetic status of the central region of their respective 18S rDNAs. Biol acoelomate organization within the Bilateria. 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