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1 Madrono, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 249-255, 2011 MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS OF GARRYA (GARRYACEAE) Dylan O. Burge' Duke University Department of Biology, Box 90338, Durham, NC 27708 dyIan o burge@gmail com . . . Abstract Garrya (Garryaceae) comprises 15 species of shrubs and small trees restricted to the Americas. Garrya is taxonomically divided into two subgenera, Garrya and Fadyenia, which differ in morphology, secondary chemistry, and geographic distribution. The present work uses nuclear DNA ribosomal (ITS) sequence data from 11 Garrya species to elucidate phylogenetic relationships within the genus and test the monophyly of the subgenera. Results strongly support subgenus Fadyenia as monophyletic, while monophyly of subgenus Garrya is supported only by maximum parsimony analyses. ITS data do not provide evidence for genetic admixture between the two subgenera of Garrya in spite ofbroad geographic overlap. Key Words: Aucuba, California, Eucommia, Fadyenia, Garrya, Garryaceae, ITS, Mexico. Garrya Douglas ex Lindl. contains 15 species this to the taxonomy, distribution, and biology of endemic to NorthAmerica, Central America, and the species. Specifically, I test the hypothesis that the Caribbean (Dahling 1978; Nesom unpub- the Garrya subgenera are monophyletic, with lished; Table 1; Fig. 1). Garrya species are separate histories of diversification in different dioecious shrubs and small trees with decussate, geographic regions ofthe Americas. evergreen leaves and pendulous, catkin-like inflorescences. The plants are probably wind Materials and Methods pollinated (Hallock 1930; Dahling 1978; Liston 2003). Garrya is found in a diversity of habitats Genetic Sampling over its broad geographic range, from cloud forest to maritime chaparral, but is typically a Sampling of Garrya populations was designed component of shrublands (e.g., chaparral) or to represent the geographic range of the genus forests (Dahling 1978). with an emphasis on California, the southwestern Molecular phylogenetic studies consistently U.S., and Mexico (Table 3; Appendix 1; Fig. 1). resolve Garrya as sister to the east Asian shrub One sample of Aucuba was obDtaNinAed from a genus Aucuba (Soltis et al. 2000; Bremer et al. garden planting in Cahfornia. from 22 2002), which together comprise Garryaceae Garrya individuals was studied, representing 1 (APG 2003). These results confirm a close of the 15 species currently recognized (Dahling relationship that has long been hypothesized on 1978; Nesom unpublished). For the species the basis ofmorphology and chemistry (reviewed occurring in the U.S., voucher specimens were identified according to Nesom (unpublished); for in Liston 2003). Molecular phylogenetic studies also support a close relationship between Gar- all exclusively Latin American taxa, identifica- ryaceae and the monotypic east Asian tree tions were according to DahDliUnKgE(1978). Voucher Eucommia (Eucommiaceae), which togethercom- specimens are deposited at (Appendix 1). prise the euasterid order Garryales (APG 2003). Garrya is divided into two subgenera, Garrya Molecular Methods (6 spp.) and Fadyenia (9 spp.), which differ in Genomic DNA was extracted from silica-dried geographic distribution, inflorescence morpholo- leaf tissue using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit gy, and secondary chemistry (Dahling 1978; (Qiagen, Germantown, MD) according to the Table 2). Subgenus Fadyenia has its center of manufacturer's instructions. Polymerase chain diversity in Mexico, while subgenus Garrya reactions were performed using Qiagen Taq reaches peak diversity in the western U.S. The DNA Polymerase. Amplification was performed geographicdistribution ofthe subgenera overlaps usingan initial incubation at 94 C for 10 min and in the southwestern U.S. and Mexico (Dahling 30cycles ofthree-step PCR (1 min at 94 C, 30 sec 1978). Research presented here aims to elucidate at 55°C, and 2 min at 72°C), followed by final phylogenetic relationships in Garrya and relate extension at 72'C for 7 min. I amplified the nuclear ribosomal ITS region (ITS 1, 5.8S, and 'Present address: National Herbarium ofNew South ITS2) using the primers ITS4 (White et al. 1990) Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Mrs Mac- and ITSA (Blattner 1999). I amplified the /r/7L-F quaries Road, New South Wales, 2011, Australia. plastid region, comprisingthe trn\^ intron and the MADRONO 250 [Vol. 58 Table 1. Garrya Speciesand Sampling. Sampling: number ofpopulations sampled for phylogenetic analysis (Table 3); Distribution: geographic distribution of the species (SW U.S.: southwestern United States); CFP: indicates whether species occurs in the California Floristic Province; Flower: range ofknown flowering times for species (Dahling 1978). ^ subspecies are recognized by Dahling (1978) and/or Nesom (unpublished): G. ovata: 3 subspecies; G. laurifolicr. 4. Species Sampling Distribution CFP Flower Subgenus Fcidy^nici G.fadyena Hook. u Greater Antilles Dec-Feb G. glaberrima Wangerin 3-> E Mexico Mar-May G. grisea Wiggins 11 Mexico (Baja California) A Feb-Apr G. laurifolia Benth.^^ Mexico and Central America Dec-Apr G. liuaheimeri 1orr. 11 SCMW/ TUT.SC., AM/eT^x,i,;c^o^ Mar-May G. lougifolia Rose 0 Mexico Jan-Mar G. ovata Benth." 11 SW U.S. and Mexico Mar-Apr G. salicifolia Eastw. u Mexico (Baja California Sur) Aug-Dec G. wrightii Torr. 3 SW U.S. and Mexico Apr-Aug Subgenus Garrya G. hux(folia A. Gray 1 U.S. (CA and OR) X Feb-Apr & G. corvoriuri Standi. Steyerm. 0 Guatemala Dec-Jan G. elliptica Douglas ex Lindl. 2 U.S. (CA and OR) X Dec-Feb G. flavescens S. Watson 3 U.S. (AZ, CA, NV NM, UT) and X Feb-Apr Mexico G.fremontii Torr. 3 U.S. (CA, OR, WA) X Jan-Apr G. veatchii Kellogg 2 U.S. (CA)and Mexico (Baja California) X Jan-May trnh-¥ intergenic spacer, using primers c and fof Because ofthis low level ofvariation, rr«L-F was Taberlet et al. (1991). Excess primer and dNTPs not sequenced in additional plants, and was wBieorleabrse,moIvpsewdicuhs,inMg Aexon[uNcElBe]a;se0.I2(uNneitws/|EanlgPlaGnRd aalbiagnndmoenntedandintrfeeavbourildoifng.ITS for subsequent product) and antarctic phosphatase (NEB; 1.0 The 23 new ITS sequences (22 Garrya and 1 unit/|al PGR product) incubated for 15 min at Aucuba) were supplemented with an ITS se- 37'G followed by 15 min at 80 G. For sequenc- quence for Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. from Gen- ing. Big Dye chemistry (AppHed Biosystems, Bank (Table 3). All DNA sequences were assem- Foster Gity, GA) was utilized according to the bled and edited using Sequencher 4.1 (Gene manufacturer's instructions. Sequences were de- Codes Corporation). Edited sequences were termined on an Applied Biosystems 3100 Genetic deposited in GenBank (/r«L-F: JN234721-32; Analyzer at the Duke University Institute for ITS: Table 3). ITS sequences were aligned using Genome Science and Policy Sequencing and MUSCLE (Edgar 2004) under default settings. Genetic Analysis Facility. Due to ambiguity, a 22 bp region of ITSl was excluded from all subsequent analyses. The Sequences and Alignment alignment was deposited in TreeBase (Study 11755). A total of23 ITS and 12 /r/7L-F sequenceswere A generated for the present study. preliminary Phylogenetic Analysis alignment of trnl.-¥ revealed that the nine sequenced Garrya species shared a nearly identi- Trees were reconstructed using Bayesian, cal sequence; there was just a single nucleotide maximum likelihood (ML), and maximum parsi- substitution difference among the species, a mony (MP) techniques. Trees were rooted using change unique to G. grisea Wiggins (D.O. Burge Eucommia ulmoides (APG 2003). Bayesian phy- 778; Table 3). In addition, two insertion/deletion logenetic analyses were conducted using the best- events were present within Garrya, 1) a 1 bp fit model of evolution from AIG output of the length diffei"ence within the trn¥ intron, where a program MrModeltest (GTR + G; Nylander poly-T region was one bp longer in two 2004). Sampling of trees was performed using accessions of G. elliptica Douglas ex Lindl. the program MrBayes 3.0 (Ronquist and Huel- (D.O. Burge 382 & 386; Table 3) than in sMeGnbMecGk 2003). Three separate runs of 1 X 10^ remaining Garrya, and 2) a 2 bp length difference generations were performed using one in the /rnL-F intergenic spacer, where a poly-T heated and three cold chains, sampling every region wastwo bp longerin members ofsubgenus 1000 generations. Independent chains were in- Fadyenia relativetomembersofsubgenus Garrya. spected for convergence (standard deviation of 1 2011] BURGE: PHYLOGENETICS OF GARRYA 251 1160 rwv. I ^ 148 382 378yV37' H9, 1036'""^ 778 )750 1041 11252, t25< ^1239, O ;:^y^^^6, i2if 12211QX 1225 Legend O Collections GarryaDistribution - 200km Fig. 1. Garrya distribution and sampling. Distribution of Garrya indicated by dark gray shading (data from participants of the Consortium of California Herbaria, 2011). Sampling locations indicated by white circles (Table 3). split frequencies nearing 0.001). Log-likelihood lengths and posterior probabilities (PP) of for the sampled tree was plotted and examined in clades. Consensus phylograms were built for Microsoft Excel to assess convergence and each of the three independent runs using determine an appropriate burn-in period (Ron- MrBayes (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003). quist and Huelsenbeck 2003). A total of 1 X 10' Following inspection to verify similarity of the generations (100 trees) were eliminated as burn- results, trees from all three runs were combined in, leaving 9 X lO'^ generations (950 trees) in a consensus phylogram. Maximum likelihood of explored tree space for computing branch tree building was performed in GARLI v 1.0 Table 2. Morphologicaland Distributional Comparison Between the Two Subgenera of Garrya. Description Character Subgenus Garrya Subgenus Fadyeuia 9 inflorescence Compact, pendulous, unbranched Loose, erect, branched Ovary appendage Small, epigynous Large, foliaceous, partially adnate Paired floral bracts Flowers per pair Three One Fusion ofpair Basally connate, forming a cup Distinct to partially adnate basally Size in 9 Reduced in size, not leaf-like At least proximal large and leaf-like Geographic distribution Western U.S. and northern Mexico Western U.S., Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean S . MADRONO 252 [Vol. 58 Table 3. Collection Number and Provenance for Voucher Specimen (Appendix 1) and GenBank Accession Numbers for ITS Sequences. All vouchers deposited at DUKE. Taxon Collection number and provenance GenBank 11 Aucubajaponica Thunb. DO. Burge 363, Butte Co., CA JN234733 Eucommia idmoides A. Gray AY650006 Garrya, subgenus Fadyenia G. glaberrima Wangerin D.O. Burge 1025, Hidalgo, Mexico JN234743 D.O. JJLII^C 1 1 i^LlCVl„? J_/CiJll, iVlCAlCLJ JN234744 DO. Burge 1225, Tamaulipas, Mexico JN234745 G. grisea Wiggins DO. Burge 778, Baja California, Mexico JN234746 G. iQuviJolici Benth. DO. Burge 1218, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Ji>z.J^1'\1 DO. Burge 1252, Chihuahua, Mexico TN234748 \yJj,. iIJI\ril.tlllfLilcIlr^HCeiiflIil.lyJlV, DDOO.. BBuurrggee 715202,1,TrNauveivsoCoL.e,onT,XMexico \j, WTvfiitbyrlitlii1i1 '1~Vc\T1V DDOO.. BBuurrggee 913243,9,PDiumraanCog.o,,AMZexico TrNN723344775534 DO. Burge 1253, Chihuahua, Mexico TN734755 Garrya, subgenus Garrya G. buxifoUa A. Gray D.(J. Burge lloO, Josephine Co., OK JN234734 G. elliptica Douglas ex Lindl. DO. Burge 382, Monterey Co., CA JN234735 DO. Burge 386, Marin Co., CA JN234736 G.flavescens S. Watson DO. Burge 370, Kern Co., CA JN234737 DO. Burge 419, Yavapai Co., AZ JN234738 DO. Burge 1036, Baja California, Mexico JN234739 G.fremontiiTorr. DO. Burge 353, Butte Co., CA JN234740 DO. Burge 362, Humboldt Co., CA JN234741 D.O. Burge 1148, Tuolumne Co., CA JN234742 G. veatchii Kellogg DO. Burge 378, San Luis Obispo Co., CA JN234751 D.O. Burge 1041, Baja California, Mexico JN234752 (Zwickl 2006). Two search replicates of 1 X 10^ characters, 22 of which were excluded (see generations were performed in a single execu- above). Ofthe 674 included characters, 189 were tion with a random starting tree. Other param- variable and 48 were parsimony informative. eters were kept at default values. Statistical support was inferred with 100 replicates of Phylogeny bootstrap reweighting (Felsenstein 1985) using 5 X 10"^ generations per replicate. The majority Bayesian, ML, and MP analyses provided rule consensus tree was calculated using the 100 similar topologies and levels of support (Fig. 2; best bootstrap trees. Maximum parsimony TreeBase Study 11755). Maximum parsimony phylogenetic analysis was carried out using analysis resulted in 147 equally parsimonious PAUP* v 4.0 (Swofford 2000). Heuristic search- trees (length = 217, CI = 0.97, RI = 0.97). A es used 1000 random sequence addition repli- total of eight nodes are found in the strict cates and tree bisection-reconnection branch consensus ofthese trees (Fig. 2). Overall, Garrya swapping. Nonparametric bootstrap analysis is strongly monophyletic (Bayesian PP 0.99; MP (Felsenstein 1985) was conducted using 100 bootstrap 100%; ML boostrap 95%; Fig. 2); prsaenuddoormepsleiqcuaetnecseaandddihteiuornisrteipclicsaettetsi.ngsInwailtlhM1P0 msounbogpehnyulseFtaidcye(nBiaayeissiaalnsoPPstr1o.n0g;lyMsPuppbooorttsetdraaps analyses, gaps introduced by the alignment 100%; ML boostrap 100%), with several moder- process were treated as missing data. ately-supported groupings within it. Though subgenus Garrya is monophyletic in the strict MP Results consensus cladogram from analysis, and receives 89% MP bootstrap support, this group DNA Sequences is not supported in Bayesian or ML analyses. In addition, a grouping ofGarrya ovata Benth. with The ITS region for A. japonica Thunb. was Garrya lindheimeri Torr. is strongly supported 605 bp in length. In Garrya this region varied (Bayesian PP 1.0; MP bootstrap 86%; ML from 622 to 624 bp; in all members of subgenus bootstrap 84%), as in a clade containing all Garrya the region was 624 bp long while in sampled populations of Garrya glaberrima Wan- Dsu.bOg.enBuusrgFeady77e8n;iaTaitblvaeri3e)dtforo6m2362b2p.(GT.hgerisIeTaS, gPePrin0.a9n9;d oMnPe Gabroortysatrlaauprif9o3li%a;BeMntLh. b(oBoatysetsriaapn alignment (TreeBase Study 1755) contained 696 90%). However, none ofthe seven Garrya species 1 2011] BURGE: PHYLOGENETICS OF GARRYA 253 # - G.laurifolia(^252) # - G.wrightii0239) <50/58 # - G.wrightii{^253) 0.92 o 55/67 - G.grisea(778) 0 0.93 - # G.wrightii(934) 86/84 - G.lindheimeri(750) 100/100 # 1.00 - G.ovata(1221) # 1.00 - G.glabenrima(1225) 62/61 # - G.laurifolia{^2^8) 93/90 0.87 • - G.glaberhma(1216) 0.99 # - G.glaberhma(1025) o - G.veatchii(^04^) o - G.veatchii(378) o - G.elliptica(382) o - G.fremontii(353) o - G.e///pf/ca(386) 89/<50 o - G.flavescens(1036) <0.50 o - G./jux/fo//a(1160) o - G.fremonrt;(1148) o - G.flavescens(370) • - G.flavescens(419) o - G.fremontii(362) - £.ulmoides - A.japonica Fig. 2. Strict consensus of 147 equally parsimonious trees recovered in maximum parsimony (MP) phylogenetic MP analysis, with support values from 100 bootstrap replicates above branches, at left. Tree is rooted using E. ulmoides. Support from maximum likelihood bootstrap (above branches, at right) and Bayesian analysis (below branches) mapped on tree. Species names followed by D.O. Burge collection numbers. Open circles indicate collections obtained fromwithin theCalifornia Floristic Province (CFP); darkcircles are fromoutsideoftheCFP. represented by more than one sampled plant are morphologically distinct in the parts ofnorthern recovered as monophyletic (Fig. 2). Mexico where they occur sympatrically, though hybrids may occasionally form (Nesom unpub- Discussion lished). It is also noteworthy that no individual Garrya Phylogenetic Relationships species is monophyletic (Fig. 2). One potential exception is G. glaberrima; the three included ITS trees strongly support subgenus Fadyenia, individuals of this species group together rela- as circumscribed by Dahling (1978; Fig. 2). The tively strongly with a single individual of G. Phylogenetic isolation of subgenus Fadyenia is laurifolia (Fig. 2). The strong divergence of G. supported by morphology, secondary chemistry glaberrima from remaining members ofsubgenus (Dahling 1978), and geographic distribution Fadyenia is supported by the unusual morphol- (Table 2). By contrast, the monophyly of subge- ogy and phytochemistry of the species (Dahling nus Garrya is strongly supported only by 1978); presence of one individual of G. laurifolia maximum parsimony trees (Fig. 2). The lack of (D.O. Burge 1281) in this group might be support for subgenus Garrya that is seen in explained by geneflow, as this individual was maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses may collected in an area where G. glaberrima occurs represent an artifact of analysis due to the small (D.O. Burge 1216; Table 3; Figs. 1 and 2). The size of the ITS dataset. Future studies should overall lack of monophyly for individual species utilize additional genes from both the chloroplast of Garrya is noteworthy as it is consistent with and nuclear genomes. the action of incomplete lineage sorting (Maddi- The strong relationship between G. ovata and son and Knowles 2006) due to shallow genetic G. lindheimeri indicated by ITS is supported by divergence among species, possibly exacerbated the similar morphology of these species (Nesom by geneflow. Hybrids are not frequently observed unpublished). Indeed, the similarities are so great in the wild (Dahling 1978; D.O. Burge, personal that G. lindheimeri was treated as part of G. observation; but see Munz and Keck 1968), and ovata, at the subspecies rank, by Dahling (1978). the extent of geneflow among species of Garrya Nevertheless, the species are ecologically distinct has never been directly studied. Thus, incomplete over most oftheir geographic range, and remain lineage sorting stands as the most probable MADRONO 254 [Vol. 58 explanation for the general lack of phylogenetic material using recombinant PCR. Biotechniques cohesion among populations of individual spe- 27:1180-1185. cies. Nevertheless, the present study does not Bremer, B., K. Bremer, N. Heidari, P. Erixson, include all species, and is based on a small sample LRE.RSGJ.O,OalnmsdteE.adB,arak.hoar.daArnidaenr.be2r0g0,2.MP.hylKoagle-- ofpopulations; analysis ofadditional species and neticsofasteridsbasedon3codingand3non-coding populations might reveal greater phylogenetic chloroplast DNA markers and the utility of non- affinity among populations ofindividual species. coding DNA at higher taxonomic levels. Molecular In addition, the present study is based on a very Phylogenetics and Evolution 24:274—301. small sample of DNA sequence data; additional Dahling, G. V. 1978. Systematics and evolution of data, ideally from both the chloroplast and Garrya. Contributions to the Gray Herbarium of nuclear genomes, might provide greater phyloge- Harvard University 209:1-104. Edgar, R. C. 2004. MUSCLE: multiple sequence netic support for individual species. alignmentwithhigh accuracyandhighthroughput. Nucleic Acids Research 32:1792-1797. Diversification of Garrya in the Americas Felsenstein,J. 1985. Phylogeniesandthecomparative method. American Naturalist 125:1-15. SubgenusFadyeniarepresentsalineagethathas Hallock, F. a. 1930. The relationship ofGarrya. The diversified in the mountainous regions of the development of the flowers and seeds of Garrya southwestern U.S., Mexico, CentralAmerica, and and its bearing on the phylogenetic position ofthe genus. Annals ofBotany 176:771-812. the Greater Antilles (Fig. 1). If subgenus Garrya LiSTON, A. 2003. A new interpretation of floral is monophyletic, as suggested by some phyloge- morphology in Garrva (Garryaceae). Taxon netic analyses (Fig. 2), the group would represent 52:271-276. a diversification that is focused in the CaUfornia Maddison, W. p. and L. L. Knowles. 2006. Inferring Floristic Province (CFP) of western North phylogeny despite incomplete lineage sorting. gAemoegrriacpahi(cTaobvleerl1a,pFiogf.t2h)e.seIntwspoitgeroofuptsheinwitdhee MuNZSy,stPe.maAt.icABNiDoloDg.y 5D5.:2K1ec30k.. 1968. A California southwestern U.S. and Mexico, which should flora and supplement. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA. pprheysleongtenoeptpiocrtruensiutlitsesdfoorniontteprrborveieddienge,vimdoelnecceulfaorr Nyladinsdterirb,utJe.dAb.yA.th2e00a4u.thMorrM.odEevlotleustti,onva2r.yPBriooglroagmy geneflowbetween the two subgenera ofGarrya. It Centre, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. is possible that this lack ofgeneflow is driven by Ronquist, F. andJ. P. Huelsenbeck. 2003. MrBayes differences in flowering time, as indicated by a 3: Bayesian phylogenetic inference under mixed slight tendency toward earlier flowering in subge- models. Bioinformatics 19:1572-1574. nus Garrya as compared to subgenus Fadyenia SoLTis, D. E., P. S. SoLTis, M. W. Chase, M. E. tl(oiTcoaanbtlieoofn1s).siTtnhaigtsgheeirdesedoautifshlwsoeuwspetpreoirrnntgeUd.tSib.myewthhaeetroebssemevreevrmaa--l WNSM.i.oxMRHo.T.n,,SHDwa.EahNnnCS.d,EANSl,.J.bBLa..Sc.HhMo,.FoatMPr,.rriiMZcsa.e.n,iFW.s2,.0F0aV0J.y..,SKrAaMenv.sogsAli,xaotisKenp.leelnrC,,m. bers ofeach subgenus occur as part of the same phylogeny inferred from 18S rDNA, r/^cL, and plant communities (D.O. Burge, personal obser- atp^ sequences. Botanical Journal of the Linnean vation). Society 133:381-461. Swofford, D. L. 2000. PAUP*. Phylogenetic analysis Acknowledgments using parsimony (*and other methods). Version 4.01b10, Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. The author thanks the Duke University Systematics Taberlet, p., G. 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Botanical Journal of the phylogenetic analysis of large biological se- the Linnean Society 141:399-436. quence datasets under the maximum likelihood Blattner, F. R. 1999. Direct amplification of the criterion. Ph.D. dissertation. The University of entire ITS region from poorly preserved plant Texas, Austin, TX. — 2011] BURGE: PHYLOGENETICS OF GARRYA 255 Appendix 1 Creek), Butte Co., CA; D.O. Burge 362, Trinity River canyon. Poison Gulch, Humboldt Co., CA; D.O. Burge Sampled Individualsof Garrya and Aucuba 1148, North Fork Tuolumne River watershed. Bald Mount—ain, Tuolumne Co., CA. G. ^lahen-ima Wan- Collector and number followed by description of gerin D.O. Burge 1025, Cerro Juarez, near summit, locality. All specimensdeposited intheDukeUniversity Hidalgo, Mexico; D.O. Burge 1216, Cerro El Potosi, Herbarium (DUKE). eastern slope, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; D.O. Burge 1225, — Aitcuha japonica Thunb. D.O. Burge 363, City of Sierra E—l Pedregoso, Tamaulipas, Mexico. G. grisea Chico, 1469 H—umboldt Rd, Butte Co., CA. Gavvya Wiggins D.O. Burge 778, Sierra San Pedro —Martir, buxifolia Gray D.O. Burge 1160, Swede Creek water- Baja California, Mexico. G. laurifolia Benth. D.O. shed, roadside on FR 2524 (road to Spalding Mill), Burge 1218,CerroElPotosi,easternslope,NuevoLeon, Josephine Co., OR. G. elliptica Douglas ex Lindl. Mexico; D.O. Burge 1252, Cascada de Bas—aseachi area. D.O. Burge 382, Seaside, eastern terminus of Kimball Chihuahua, Mexico. G. lindheimeri Torr. D.O. Burge Avenue near Fort Ord Military Reservation, Monterey 750,CityofAustin, Mayfield ParkandNaturePreserve, Co., CA; D.O. Burge 386, Mount Tamalpais, roadside Travis Co., TX. G. ovata Benth.—D.O. Burge 1221, onEast Ridgecrest Boulevard,nearMiddlePeak, Marin Sierra L—os Soldados, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. G. veatchii Co., CA. G. flavescens S. Watson D.O. Burge 370, Kellogg D.O. Burge 378, Cuesta Ridge, San Luis Ball Mountain, western slope, along Caliente Bodfish ObispoCo., CA; D.O. Burge 1041, Isla Cedros, N slope Rd, Kern Co., CA; D.O. Burge 419, Wilson Mountain, ofCer—ro Redondo, Baja California, Mexico. G". wn'ghtii Wilson Mountain Trail, Yavapai Co., AZ; D.O. Burge Torr. D.O. Burge 934, Santa Catalina Mountains, 1036, Cerro Bola, easte—rn slope, Baja California, Pima Co., AZ; D.O. Burge 1239, Sierra de Coneto, Mexico. G.frenwntiiTon D.O. Burge 353, Doe Mill western slope, Durango, Mexico; D.O. Burge 1253, . Ridge (ridge between Butte Creek and Little Chico Cascada de Basaseachi area. Chihuahua, Mexico.

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