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Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution Second Edition JOHN C. AVISE iS' University of Georgia Uppsala Umversitetsbibliotek BIOLOGIBIBLIOTEKET Poscadr: Viltavagen 9 • 752 36 UPPSALA Besöksadr: Norbyvägen 14 Tel. 018-471 64 34 • Fax 018-471 29 29 Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishers P A * Sunderland, Massachusetts About the Cover Clockwise from the top: Autoradiograph of an electrophoretic gel showing microsatel­ lite DNA bands from a wild population of Peromyscus mice. (From the Avise lab) • Quaking aspens, Populus tremuloides, in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. (Copy­ right © Bob Thompson/In Image Photography) • An evolutionary tree. • Shoal of juvenile striped catfish, Piotosus lineatus, photographed in the tropical ocean off Mabul, Malaysia. (Copyright © Matthew Oldfield/SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc.). Cpver design by John C. Avise. Molecular Markers, Natural History, and Evolution Second Edition Copyright © 2004 by Sinauer Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by any means, without permission. For informa­ tion address: Sinauer Associates, Inc. 23 Plumtree Road Sunderland, MA 01375 USA www.sinauer.com , email: [email protected], [email protected] FAX 413-549-1118 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Avise, John C. Molecular markers, natural history, and evolution / John C. Avise.— 2nd ed. p.; cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-87893-041-8 (pbk.) 1. Biochemical markers. 2. Molecular evolution. [DNLM: 1. Genetic Markers. 2. Evolution, Molecular. QH 438.4.B55 A958m 2004J I. Title. QH438.4.B55A95 2004 572.8'6—dc22 2004003130 Printed in U.S.A. 5 4 3 2 1 Contents PARTI The Classical-Balance Debate 24 Background Classical versus balance views of genome structure 24 Molecular input to the debate 26 CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1 Questions of empirical refinement 29 Why Employ Molecular Genetic Markers ? 5 The Neutralist-Selectionist Debate 30 Molecular data are genetic 6 Multi-locus allozyme heterozygosity and organismal fitness 36 Molecular methods open the entire biological world for genetic scrutiny 6 Single-locus allozyme variation and the vertical approach 40 Molecular methods access a nearly unlimit­ ed pool of genetic variability 7 Selection at the level of DNA 41 Molecular data can distinguish homology The unresolved status of the controversy 44 from analogy 8 Must Molecular Markers Be Neutral To Be Molecular data provide common yardsticks Informative? 47 for measuring divergence 9 The Molecule-Morphology Debate 48 Molecular approaches facilitate mechanistic appraisals of evolution 14 Molecular Phylogenetics 49 Molecular approaches are challenging and exciting 17 - CHAPTER 3: Molecular Why Not Employ Molecular Genetic Techniques 55 Markers? 20 Protein Immunology 55 Protein Electrophoresis 57 CHAPTER 2: The History of Mendelian markers 59 Interest in Genetic Variation Idiosyncratic protein features 61 23 DNA-DNA Hybridization 63 Restriction Analyses 67 PART II Animal mitochondrial DNA 70 Applications Plant organelle DNA 78 Single-copy nuclear DNA 79 Moderately repetitive gene families 83 > CHAPTER FIVE: Individuality Minisatellites and DNA fingerprinting 84 and Parentage 161 Polymerase Chain Reaction 87 Human Forensics 161 RAPDs 91 History of laboratory approaches 162 STRs (microsatellites) 92 History of controversies 165 AFLPs 94 Empirical examples 167 SINEs 95 Ramets and Genets 169 SSCPs 97 Background '169 SNPs 97 Spatial Distributions of Clones 172 HAPSTRs and SNPSTRs 98 Ages of clones 179 DNA sequencing 98 Clonal reproduction in microorganisms Categorical Breakdowns of Molecular 183 Methods 101 Genetic chimeras 192 Protein versus DNA information 104 Gender Ascertainment 194 Discrete versus distance data 105 Genetic Parentage 196 Detached versus connectable information Behavioral and evolutionary contexts 202 110 Selected empirical examples by taxa 204 Single-locus versus multi-locus data 111 Selected empirical examples by topic 221 Utility of data along the phylogenetic hierarchy 111 - CHAPTER SIX: Kinship and CHAPTER FOUR: Philosophies Intraspecific Genealogy 231 and Methods of Molecular Close Kinship and Family Structure 231 Data Analysis 115 Eusocial colonies 235 Non-eusocial groups 241 Cladistics versus Phenetics 115 Kin recognition 244 Molecular Clocks 120 Genetic relationships of specific individuals History of clock calibrations and 245 controversies 123 Geographic Population Structure and Absolute and relative rate comparisons 128 Gene Flow 248 Closing thoughts on clocks 131 Autogamous mating systems 249 Phylogenetic Reconstruction 132 Gametic and zygotic dispersal 257 Distance-based approaches 134 Direct estimates of dispersal distances 266 Character-state approaches 139 Vagility, philopatry, and dispersal scale 267 Conclusions about phylogenetic procedures Non-neutrality of some molecular markers 142 277 Gene Trees versus Species Trees 143 Historical demographic events 279 Phylogenetic character mapping 402 Population assignments 280 Biogeographic assessment 418 Phylogeography 283 Academic pursuit of genealogical roots 431 History and background 285 Some Special Topics in Phylogeny Case studies on particular populations or Estimation 433 species 289 DNA hybridization and avian systematics Genealogical concordance 301 433 Genealogical discordance 314 Mitochondrial DNA and the higher systematics of animals 434 Microtemporal Phylogeny 316 Chloroplast DNA and the higher systematics of plants 438 CHAPTER SEVEN: Spéciation Ribosomal gene sequences and and Hybridization 321 deep phylogenies 443 Genomic Mergers,DNA Transfers, The Spéciation Process 325 and Life's Early History 444 How much genetic change accompanies From ancient endosymbioses to spéciation? 325 recent intergenomic transfers 448 Do founder-induced spéciations leave Horizontal gene transfer 453 definitive genetic signatures? 338 What other kinds of phylogenetic signa­ Relationships between retroviruses tures do past spéciations provide? 341 and transposable elements 459 Are spéciation rates and divergence rates Further Topics in Molecular correlated? 342 Phylogenetics 460 Can spéciation occur sympatrically? 346 Toward a global phylogeny and What are the temporal durations of universal systematics 460 spéciation processes? 351 Molecular paleontology 466 How prevalent is co-speciation? 353 Can morphologically cryptic species be CHAPTER NINE: Molecular diagnosed? 356 Markers in Conservation Should a phylogenetic species concept replace the BSC? 361 Genetics 475 Hybridization and Introgression 363 Within-Population Heterozygosity Issues Frequencies and geographic settings of 478 hybridization 363 Molecular variability in rare and threatened Sexual asymmetries in hybrid zones 367 species 479 More hybrid zone asymmetries 370 Does reduced molecular variability matter? 484 More hybrid zone phenomena 385 Genealogy at the Microevolutionary Spéciation by hybridization 388 Scale 491 Tracking individuals in wildlife management CHAPTER EIGHT: Species 491 Phytogenies and Parentage and kinship 492 Macroevolution 401 Gender identification 495 Estimating historical population size 495 Rationales for Phytogeny Estimation 402 Dispersal and gene flow 496 Population Structure and Phylogeography Hybridization and introgression 527 497 Species phylogenies and macroevolution Genetics-demography connections 497 532 Conclusion 540 Inherited versus acquired markers 500 Mixed-stock assessment 502 Shallow versus deep population structures Literature Cited 543 505 Lessons from intraspecific phylogeography Taxonomic Index 663 510 issues At and Beyond the Species Level Subject Index 669 515 Speciation and conservation biology 515 Preface to the Second Edition This treatment is an updated and expanded version of a book that was first published in 1994. Much has transpired in the intervening decade: new lab­ oratory methods for uncovering molecular markers have been introduced and refined, statistical and conceptual approaches for estimating intraspecif­ ic genealogy and interspecific phytogeny have been improved, and a vast armada of empirical examples has been added to a burgeoning scientific lit­ erature. In some topical areas (e.g., fossil DNA and horizontal genetic trans­ mission), earlier scientific thought has been completely overturned by molec­ ular findings over the past 10 years; and knowledge on numerous other top­ ics (e.g., vertebrate mating systems, ecological speciation, and life's deep phylogeny) has expanded greatly. On the other hand, the major types of questions tackled by molecular ecologists, behaviorists, and evolutionists remain much the same. Researchers still employ molecular markers to esti­ mate and interpret evolutionary relationships of organisms along a temporal continuum ranging from clonality, genetic parentage and genealogy in the most recent generations, to phylogenetic affinities in ancient branches of the Tree of Life. This revised edition will further document how molecular mark­ ers reveal otherwise hidden aspects of behavior, natural history, ecology, and the evolutionary histories of plants, animals, and microbes in the wild. Why is a treatment of this topic necessary when several excellent texts in molecular ecology or evolution already exist? Most of these books have focused on: proteins and DNA as primary objects of interest in their own right (e.g., Graur and Li 2000; Li 1997; Li and Graur 1991); broad conceptu­ al issues regarding patterns, processes, or mechanisms of molecular evolu­ tion (Ayala 1976a; Nei and Koehn 1983; Selander et al. 1991b; Takahata and Clark 1993); statistical or mathematical aspects of population-genetic or phylogenetic theory (Nei and Kumar 2000; Page and Holmes 1998); or detailed methodological procedures of data acquisition and analysis (Baker 2000; Ferraris and Palumbi 1996; Hillis et al. 1996; Karp et al. 1998). Some textbooks and edited volumes have approached more closely what is attempted here (Baker 2000; Caetano-Anolles and Gresshoff 1997; Carvalho 1998; Hoelzel 1992; Hoelzel and Dover 1991a), but most of them are either popularized accounts (Avise 2001a, 2002) or else are restricted to research topic, laboratory method, or taxonomic group (Avise 2000a; Hollingsworth et al. 1999; Kocher and Stepien 1997; Mindell 1997; Phillips and Vasil 2001; Sibley and Ahlquist 1990; Soltis et al. 1992). No other classroom textbook or reference work quite fills the niche toward which this book is aimed: the wide world of biological applications for molecular genetic markers in the contexts of ecology, behavior, natural history, evolution, and organismal phylogeny. The first edition of Molecular Markers included references to about 2,200 studies from the then-neophyte fields of molecular ecology and evolution, and this second edition approximately doubles that total count of citations from the primary literature. Thus, this compendium is again intended to provide a thorough introduction to relevant research that can serve both as an educational tool and stimulus for students, and ah extensive reference guide for practicing researchers. Despite this coverage, an encyclopedic treatment of all relevant studies is no longer feasible because of the explo­ sive growth of molecular ecology and evolution since the early 1990s. Thus, by necessity I have been selective in the choice of additional examples to illustrate various topics. I also retained many of the citations and examples (albeit updated) from the first edition, in part to provide historical perspec­ tive (research approaches in molecular ecology and evolution have them­ selves evolved), and in part to give due credit to pioneering works that should not be forgotten. Indee;d, an important goal of this book is to describe not only the current state of biological knowledge derived from molecular markers, but also to trace how that current state of affairs has come to be. Like its predecessor, this second edition is not intended to be a detailed "how to" book on laboratory details and analytical methods of molecular ecology and evolution (although sufficient background is provided for beginners). Rather, this book is more of a "what-has-been-and-can-be-done" treatment intended to stimulate ideas and pique the research curiosity of young biology students and seasoned professionals alike. I hope this reno­ vated edition will be read and enjoyed in this imaginative spirit of scientif­ ic adventure. Dedication This book is dedicated in part to my current and former graduate students, postdocs, and research technicians: Charles Aquadro, Marty Ball, Eldredge Bermingham, Brian Bowen, Robert Chapman, Beth Dakin, Andrew DeWoody, Michael Douglas, Anthony Fiumera, Matt Hare, Glenn Johns, Adam Jones, Steve Karl, Lou Kessler, Trip Lamb, Mark Mackiewicz, Judith Mank, Joe Neigel, Bill Nelson, Guillermo Orti, John Patton, Devon Pearse, Brady Porter, Paulo Prodohl, Joe Quattro, Carol Reeb, Nancy Saunders, Kim Scribner, DeEtte Walker, and Kurt Wollenberg. Without them, my own involvement in molecular ecology and evolution would hardly have been possible, and not nearly so much fun. DeEtte Walker in particular has been of invaluable assistance in all phases of this book's preparation. I also want to thank Drs. Jeff Mitton and Loren Rieseberg for helpful suggestions on this second edition. Over the years, my laboratory has been supported by grants primarily from the National Science Foundation, the University of Georgia, the Sloan Foundation, and most recently the Pew Foundation. I want to dedicate this book also to my family—Joan, Jennifer, Edith, and Dean—all of whom have given unwavering support. Preface to the FirstEdition" I never cease to marvel that the DNA and protein markers magically emerg­ ing from molecular-genetic analyses in the laboratory can reveal so many otherwise hidden facets about the world of nature. Can individual plants sometimes exist as genetic mosaics derived from multiple zygotes? Is repro­ duction by unicellular organisms predominantly sexual or clonal? What is the typical evolutionary lifespan of parthenogenetic all-female lineages, given that they lack recombinational genetic variation that otherwise might enable them to respond to changing environments? What is the genetic makeup of social groups within various species of insects, fishes, mammals, and other organisms whose behaviors might have evolved under the influ­ ence of kin selection? In birds and other taxa, how often does intraspecific brood parasitism occur, wherein females surreptitiously "dump" eggs into the nests of soon-to-be foster parents? Do migratory marine turtles return to their natal sites for nesting? How often has camivory evolved among plants? What are the evolutionary origins of cytoplasmic genomes within eukaryot­ ic cells? How old are the fossils from which DNA can be extracted? How and how often have horizontal gene transfers taken place between distant forms of life? Have demographic bottlenecks diminished genetic variability to the extent that some populations can no longer adapt to environmental chal­ lenges? How useful is the criterion of phylogenetic distinctiveness as a guide to prioritizing taxa and regional biotas for conservation efforts? These are but a small sample of the diverse problems addressed and answered (at least provisionally) through the use of molecular genetic markers. This treatment of molecular natural history and evolution is written at a level appropriate for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, or ^Reprinted with slight modifications from the First Edition (1994).

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