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Molecular identification of maternal species of natural hybrids between Parnassius citrinarius and P. stubbendorfii (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in Hokkaido PDF

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Preview Molecular identification of maternal species of natural hybrids between Parnassius citrinarius and P. stubbendorfii (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) in Hokkaido

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan utLwh T)ans. Iepi[Stoc.Japan 52C3)i ]63-167, June 2001 Molecular identificati oofn maternal species of natural hyi)rid sbetween Ptiitnassii ecsiM'nan'us and R stubbendoij7i (Lepidopt Pearpial,ionidae) inHokkaido TakashiYAGii)' KeiichiQMoTo2)"' and i)Research Institut efbr Advanced Science and Technology, Osaka Prefbcture University, 1-2Gakuen ho,Sakai,Osaka,599-8570Japan £ 2}International Researc]iCenter forJapanese Studjes, 3-2Oeyama-cho,Goryo,Nishikyo-ku,Kyoto,610-1192Japan Abstract A syrnpatric distributi oonf similar butterfli Res ,stubbendoifZl and R citrina"ius, is formed in central Hokkaido. In these areas, butterfl iwietsh yellow body hairs a,n intermediate character between the two species, are frequentl fyound in the butterf ipyopulatio nand thought to be natural hybrids between the two spocies. Here, we analyzed mitochondriai DNA, which i smaternally inherite din eukaryotes, of butterfi i-e'sith yellow body hair sto clarify their maternal species. The mitochondrial ACD5 gene sequences from all fiv ebutterfl iceorsresponded to those from P: citrinarius, indicating that their mothers were R citrinaritLs. This finding supports the earlier finding sfrom artificial hybridizati osntudjes, which suggested that butterfiies with yellow body hairs from the habitat fsor both species must be natural hybrids between female R citrinarius and male R stubbendoi:fii, Key Hybrid,Parnassius, IVD5, inheritance. words mtDNA, maternal Introduction Ptimassius stubbendolzlZi M6netries inhabit sa 1arg earea to the nomb of the Huang River and the east of the Altai Mountains in the East Asian subcontinent, which include snorthern China, the Korean Peninsula ,Mongolia and Siberia .R cimnarius Motschoulsky (=R glaciali yButler ;(zlCI Okano (2000 i)n)habit sa larg earea to the south of the Huang River in China on the continent, In the Japan islands P,L stubbendodi inhabit sHokkaidQ only, and R cimnarizas inhabit smountainous areas of Shikoku, Honshu, Sado Island and southern Hokkaido. At the northern and eastern areas of the Ishikar Pilain in Hokkaido, the habitats of the two species overlap (se reeviews Nemoto & Inomata, 1994; Weiss, 1999). R stubbendodi and R citrinan'us have grey and orange hair son their bodies ,respoctively, but their other morphological characteristics includin gthe wing pattem are quite similar (Nemot o& Inomata, 1994 ;Weiss ,l999) ,In the laborator yt,he two species can be crossbred easily by handpairing (Kitaha r&a Kawata 1991 ,1993). The copulation by handpairing was successfu1 only between female .PL eitrinarius and rnale R stubhendocfZi, depending on the structure of their genita lorgans, Their resultant F, hybrid sgrow up normally, and have yellow hair son theiT bodies ,which show intermediat heair color of their parent s(Kitahara & Kawata,1991,1993). 'Corresponding author: e-mail: yagi-t@riast,osakafu-u.ac.jp; phone: t8]-722-54-9862; fax: +81-722-54-9938. *'Present address: Faculty ofLiterature, St ,Andrew's Universit y1,-1 Manabino, Izumi, Osaka ,S94- 1198 Japan. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 164 Takashi YAGi and Keiich iOMoTo In the overlapped habi'ta tofs the two species in Hokkaido, butterfi iweitsh yellow hair son their bodjes are frequentl fybund in populations of R stuhbendotM and R citn'narius (Kita- hara & Kawata, l988 ,1991 ,1993 ;Kitahara ,1990) . These butterfi iweesre suggested to be natural hybrid sbetween the two species. If this supposition is correct, thejr maternal species should be R citmbarius as shown previousl yin the laborator y(Kitaha &ra Kawata, 1991, 1993). To ¢onfirm this, we examined their mitochondria lDNA (mtDNA) sequenoes, because the mtDNA is maternally inherite idn eukaryotes includin gLepjdoptera (Lansman 1983). et al,, Materials and methods All butterfl iweesre collected at Hobetsu £ ho, Yufutsu County, Hokkaido, and have been stored in ethanol, One R stubbendbcM, one .il citrinarius and fiv ebutterfl iweisth yellow hair son their bodies (Hybri d1s-5 in Figs 1 & 2) were used fbr analyses, DNA was extracted from the museles of the thorax of each butterfl yby the method described previousl y(Yag iet aL, ]999). A part of the mitochondria lDNA sequences C54 2base pairs )coding for NADH dehy- drogenase subunit 5 (ND5) was amplified with primers Vl (5'-CCTGTTTCTGCT- TTAGTTCA-3') and A4U (5'-GTATAAAACATTGTTAAACCTGTAG-3') and the ExTaq DNA polymerase (Takar aKy,oto) by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with experimental conditions supplied by the company. The PCR products were purjfie dwith the Quantum Prep Spin Columns (BIO-RAD ,Hercules), The nucleotide sequences of the PCR produets were directl ydetenmined with the primers and the DyeTerminator Cycle Sequencing FS Kit by an automated DNA sequencer 373A (PE Applied Biosystems F,oster City) (Yag iet aL, l999). Since the determined DNA sequenoes showed that two and one endonuclease sspl recogni- tion sites (AATATT) were presen tin the R citrinarius and R stubhendonjZi sequences, respectively, the restriction fragrnen tlength polymorphism (RFLP) thereafter was used to distingui sthhe two sequences. The PCR products were digeste dwith the endonuclease sspl (Toyobo O,saka) at 370C fbr 2hr, and the digeste dproducts were separated with 1% polyacrylamid egel electrophoresis at 1oo V fbr 40 min in TAE buffe rsolution, The DNA fragrne nitn sthe gel were stained with 10 (g/m lethidium bromide solution for visualization (Sambroo ket aL, 1989). Results and discussion Nucleotid esequences ofa part ofthe mitochendrial IVD5 gene (54 2base pairs )are shown in Fig. 1. The differen ceefthe nuc]eotide numbers in the sequences between R eitmbarius and R stubbendocM was 2.78% (1 4bases) ,and, therefbre, the two species can be distinguished clearly by the ND5 sequences. Most of the difiere nntucleotides were found at the codon silent position s.The sequences from a butterf lwyith yellow body hair s(Hybri d1) were identic atlo those from R eimbiarius. As the ND5 sequences ofR citrinarius and R stubbendoijZi had two and one sspl recognition sjtes ,respectively (Fig s1 and 2A), other butterfi i(eHsybri d2-s5) were analyzed with the more rapid RFLP method. Electrophoresis pattern sof sspl-digested PCR products are shown in Fig. 2B. DNA fragment sappeared at the positjon sexpected from the sspl restriction map NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan Hybrids between R citrinan'us and P: stubbendbiIEi 165 Vl primer Gl'SlC"CTGTITCTGCTrrAGrrCATTCTTCTACTI-rAGTAACTGCTGGAGTTTAmpAAIT CCTGMCTGCrrrAG"CATTCTTCTACTTTAGTAACTGCTGGAGTTTATnbTAATT * G61'S6C1G"ATnAATATA"ATTAATTGATATATTTTTnTTAAptrrTArreTATTATCMGGA CGATTTAATATArrATTAATTGATATATrTTnTTApmTAmpATTATCkiGGA ss p: * * * G121,STITZAIA"pmTATAGCTGG[l]AptCTGCTAAITATGAAT'l-T'GA'TTTAAAAAAAATTA'rr TTAAdyTATTTATAGCTGG@TptCTGCTAATTATGAATTTGAnTAAAAAAAArrATT * ** G181TSG1C8T1T"TATCAACMAAGACAATTAGGTTTAATAATAAGAAT"[-ITAAGAATAGGAITACCA GCTTTATCAACMAAGACAATTAGGTTTAATAATAAGAATTTTAAGAATAGGATTACCA G241'SZ41"GAArrAGCTTTnTTCATTTATTAACTCATGCTATArrTAAAGCTTTATTATrrATATGT GAATTAGCTTnTrrCAnTATTAACTCATGCTATATTTAAAGCnTAnATTTATATGT G3el, GCguGGGGTAATTATTCATATAATAAATGATAATCAAGATATTCGITITATAGGkiGGTATT S3elT,GCSGGGGTAATTAI-rCATATAATAAATGATAATCAAGATATTCGTTTTATAGGfiaGGTATr * sspr * G361, AGATTATATArrCCAATAACTTCTTTATGmiAAATATrrCTAAnTAGC"TATGTGGT S361it AGATTATATA-Fl'CCAATAACIHI'CTTTATGavAAATAI-T-1'CTAAIUT"TAGCTIUI'ATGTGGG * ssp: G4ZIT ATTCCrmTTAGCTGGptTTATTCTAAGGAITrAATFrTAGAklATAGTAAGAA@GA S421t, AnCCTITMAGCTGGNTnATTCTAAGGATTTAArrrrAGApmTAGTAAGAAIAAGA * * * G481i AAnTAAATATATTAavTTTTTTTrrATAVAMTrCTACAGGTrrAACAATGMTAT S481' ・AAIHT'TAAATATATTAptTTTT"[Tl'TATA'FT'AT'FITT'CTACAGG'FtHT'AACAATG'[HT'ITAT ' A4U primer G541T AC S541" AC Fig, 1. A part of the nucleotide seqaences of the mitochondrial ND5 gene from R citrinarius (uppe rand) R stubbendbjyZf (lower ),Double underlines show Vl and A4U primer sfbr PCR and sequencing. Underline sshow endonuclease sspl recQgnition sequences. Letter swith asterisks and those surTeunded with boxes show diffbre nntucleotides between the two species. (Fi g2,A), in addition to a few incompletel ydigested bands (41 4and 542 base pairs ).The position sof the bands from butterfl iweitsh yellow body hair s(Hybri d2s-5) were identical to those from Rciit:inan't cs(128,1 4a6nd 268 base pairs ),but not to those from R stubbencloee (14 6and 396 base pairs) .These finding sindicat ethat mtDNA of Hybrids l- 5 was introduce dfrom R citrinarius, and in Qther words, the mothers of Hybrids 1-5 were R citrinan'us, The presen tfilldin gagsree with the laborator ystudy done by Kitahara and Kawata (1991, 1993) , Most butterfl iweisth yellow hair son their bodies in the everlapped habita tof the two spocies in Hokkaido must be natural hybrids between female R citmbiarius and male R NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 166 Takashi YAGi and Keiich iOMoTo A 128 268 146 m e r-----= sspl Sspl sspl Vl A4u SSPI - - 396 146 B asLOR8gtajn-+ g .9 N ; tr -Ig vB 5- p.ts.x aj =)ts .x n n n-+ n-+ - - ssp] + + 542 542396 sgg sg 146 Fig. 2. The sspl restriction map of the iVD5 gene from PL citn'narius Cupper )and R stubbendocM (lowe r()A) ,and an electrophoresis pattern of the sspl-digested 2VD5 gene (B) .The414 and 542 base pair bands ofthe sspl-treated lanes are ascribed to incomplete digestio nof the restriction sites, stubbendbeM. As Kitahara and Kawata (199 3s)uggested that copulation by handpairing was rarely suecessfu1 between small female osf R stuhbendoizM and male R citrinarius, a small populatjon of F, hybrids of this combinatien may also be present in the overlapped habitat. More analyses are required to confirm this. In the overlapped habitat softhe two species in Hokkaido, a high proportio n(IO-25 %of)the hybrids was fbund in the parnassia npopulation (Kitaha &r aKawata, 1993) . This observa- tion suggested that the two species with the same wing patter nmay not recognize each other as a differe nstpecies and hybridi zveery often, However, neither nuclear nor mitochondrial genes would be introgress itvoe the other species because the Fi hybrids are sterile (Kitahara & Kawata, 1991). The diversificati ontirne of R citmbiarius and RstubbendoifZ ffrom a common ar)cestor is estimated to be several million years ago.(Omoto et aL, in press) . These finding sindicat ethat the speciation of R cininan'us and R stubbendoi M has been completely established despite their frequen tnatural hybridization. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan ’ Hybrids between P. citrinarius  and  P. stubbendorfO 167 Acknowledgement We  are  most  gratefu lto H . Fujii M . Kawata and  Samuzawa  f()r supplying  the butterfiy , samples . Refere 皿ces Kitahara, H .,1990.  Comparison of male  genital ioaf natural  hybrid8 in sympatric  habita tof Parna∬ius   g如cぬ趣 Butler and  R hoenei Schweitzエe (Lepidoptera:Papilionida)e. 乃の Gα 41:45−49 (in   Japanese 輌 th English abstract ). Kitahara, H .& MKawata ,1988.  On the hybrid乙iation  betw  n Parna∬ius glaciagt Sand  P. hoenei.   Natuノ’e Inseca s23 (6):20−24 (in Japanese),     . ho en,ei 1S9c9hLw eiFtezretri(Plai ptoiyfl iarotnifiidcai)ae. l an7dン ∂na(tPuar a4l4 :hy1b2r0−i1d 2sb6e(itnw eJeanp aPneαs用e αw∬itihu s Eglglagcliia slah ibBsSturtaclte )r.and  P.     ,1993, Some  results  of the observation  on the interspeci frielcationship  between Pamassius   giaciali sButler and 、P.乃oenei  Schweitzer. 乃∂σα 42: 53−62 (in Japanese with Ellgli sahbstract).  Lan sm‘aしpnar,e nRt. a All.e, akAavgiese”,of」. mCit.oc&honMdrDial . H uDeNtAtel,.1」9P8r3o. c. nCartnit.i!cla cleaxdp. erSicmetntaひl S .t.e4s.t 8o0f: t1h9e6 9p−o1s9s7i1bi.lit yof Nemoto, T,& T. Inomata,1994,  Geographica land  individua lvariations  of the genus Pα〃la∬泌     LMautsrhelil−slhe,a1, 8T0o4ky(8o). ,(Ilnn  OJhaypaane, sAe,)&.T. Inomata  T,(Eds),」伽 義selected lnsects  (A)(8): n7 −132. Okano, K .,2000.  On Parna ∬’ ∫ citrinarius Motschulsky 1866 and  Pα厂刀α∬嬬 glaciali SButle r1866   (Lepidopter:aRhopalocera, Papilionida)e, Tokura’謬α, MtShima (25): 1−5(in Japanese w 量th English   abstract ). Omotb , K ., Kato, T.。 Chichvarkhin , A ,& T. Yagi (in press).  Molecular systematics  and  evolution  of   butterfl iocfs the genus Pα切 α5鋤 5, Papilionidae, based on mitochondrial  DNA  sequence  data.  Proc.   21st int. Congn Ent, Sambrook, J,, Fritsc, hE. F,& T, Maniatis,1989.  M ∂lecul厂a Cloning.  A 五aboratoi ア Manual .(2nd   Edn ), Cold Spfing Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor . Weiss, J.−C.,1999.  The Pq厂ηα∬ ’ ∫ qブ読e 肋 r観, Part 3.  Hillside Books , CanteTberr.y Yagi, T., Sasaki, G .& H . Takebe ,1999.  Phylogeny of Japanese papilionid butte伍res inferred丘om   nucleotide  sequences  of the mitochondrial  ND5  gene、  J. mo 毳〜c. EvoL 48142 −48. 摘 要 ・ 北海道にお けるウスバ シ ロ チョ ウ ヒ メ ウスバ シ ロ チョ ウ種問雑種の母親種の分子生物学的方法 ・ 一 に よる同定 (八木孝司 尾本惠 ) ・ 北海道中央部の ウスバ シ ロ チ ョ ウ ヒメウスバ シ ロ チョ ウ混棲地に は両種の 中間的な淡黄色 (ウスバ − シ ロ チョ ウ橙色,ヒメ ウスバ シ ロ チ ョ ウ灰色)の体毛 を持つ 個体が 10 25%存在するこ とが知られる. 北原 ・川田の精力的な研究によれば,両種のハ ン ドペ ア リン グに よる人工交雑はメス の ウスバ シロ 一一・ チョ ウとオス の ヒメ ウスバ シロ チ ョ ウとの間でのみ容易に成立 し,その雑種第 代 は正常に発育 して, 淡黄色の体毛 を持つ 成虫となる,この こ とか ら混棲地における淡黄色体毛を持つ個体は両種の 自然交 雑体である と推測 され て きた.我々 は ミ トコ ン ドリアの母系遺伝を利用 して,混棲地で採集された淡 黄色体毛を持っ 個体の母親種が ウス バ シ ロ チ ョ ウか ヒメウスバ シロ チョ ウか どちらで あるか知る こ と を試みた.その結果,調べ た 5個体全ての ミトコ ン ドリア DNA の塩基配列は ウスバ シ ロ チョ ウの も の と一致し,それらの母親はウス バ シロ チ ョ ウで あることが わか っ た.この結果 と北原 ・川田 らの結 果によ り,混棲地にお ける淡黄色体毛を持つ 個体はメスの ウスバ シロ チ ョ ウ とオ ス の ヒ メウスバ シ U チョ ウとの 自然交雑体で ある と結論で きる. (Accepted February 26,2001) Publishe dby the Lepidopterologic aSlociet yof Japan, 5−20,Motoyokoyama 2,Hachioji Tokyo ,192−0063Japan         , 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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