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Preview Molecular Identification of a Mechanosensitive Channel in Archaea

BiophysicalJournal Volume80 January2001 229–240 229 Molecular Identification of a Mechanosensitive Channel in Archaea Anna Kloda and Boris Martinac DepartmentofPharmacology,QEIIMedicalCenter,TheUniversityofWesternAustralia,NedlandsWA6907,Australia ABSTRACT TheTM1domainofthelargeconductancemechanosensitive(MS)channelofEscherichiacoliwasusedasa geneticprobetosearchthegenomicdatabaseofthearchaeonMethanoccoccusjannashiiforMscLhomologs.Wereportthat the hypothetical protein MJ0170 of M. jannashii exhibited 38.5% sequence identity with the TM1 domain of Eco-MscL. Moreover,MJ0170wasfoundtobeaconservedhomologofMscS,thesecondtypeofE.coliMSchannelencodedbythe yggB gene. Furthermore, we identified a cluster of charged residues KIKEE in the C-terminus of MJ0170 that strikingly resembledthechargedC-terminalaminoacidclusterpresentinEco-MscL(RKKEE).WeclonedandexpressedMJ0170in E.coli,whichwhenreconstitutedintoliposomesorexpressedinthecellmembraneofgiantE.colispheroplasts,exhibited similaractivitytothebacterialMSchannels.OurstudysuggeststhattheM.jannashiiMSchannelanditshomologsevolved as a result of gene duplication of the ancestral MscL-like molecule with the TM1 domain remaining the most conserved structuralmotifamongprokaryoticMSchannels. INTRODUCTION Traditionallyionchannelshavebeenstudiedinthecontext (Bult et al., 1996) for MscL homologs in Archaea. We of neurophysiology and within eukaryotic metazoan prepa- identified the hypothetical protein (MJ0170) as a putative rations (Hille, 1992). With the advent of the patch-clamp MSchannelwithahighdegreeofhomologytoEco-MscL. recording technique (Hamill et al., 1981), studies of ion OnalignmentofthesequencesofMJ0170andtherecently channels in various microbes including prokaryotes gained cloned E. coli MS channel of the small conductance (Eco- momentum. Mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels have MscS) (Levina et al., 1999), we found a high degree of beenextensivelystudiedinbothGram-negativeandGram- homology between these two proteins. This approach has positive bacteria (Zoratti and Ghazi, 1993; Martinac et al., allowed recognizing and establishing the mutual relation- 1992;Martinac,1993;Blountetal.,1999).Theexistenceof ship and common evolutionary origin of the new family of MS ion channels in cell membranes of Archaea, the third prokaryotic (bacterial and archaeal) MS channels. domain of the universal phylogenetic tree (Woese, 1994; SteinandSimon,1996;Pace,1997)wasfirstdocumentedin thearchaebacteriumHaloferaxvolcanii(formerlyHalobac- MATERIALS AND METHODS terium volcanii) (Le Dain et al., 1998). As a distinct group of prokaryotic microorganisms archaebacteria comprise Bacterial strains and culture conditions several different families of cells adapted to extreme envi- E.colicellsharboringtheAMJBZ56cloneencodingtheMJ0170protein ronmentssuchassuper-hotoceanhydrothermalventsorthe wereobtainedfromAmericanTypeCultureCollection(Rockville,MD).E. high salt concentrations found in the Dead Sea (Barinaga, colistrainM15(pREP4::kan)(Qiagen,Chatsworth,CA)wasusedasahost 1994). The existence of MS channels in archaeal and bac- for a recombinant plasmid harboring the MJ0170 gene. E. coli strain MJF465ofthefollowinggenotypeFrag1,DmscL::Cm,DyggB,DkefA::kan terialcellmembranessuggeststhatthisclassofionchannels (Levinaetal.,1999)wasusedforproteinexpressionandelectrophysiol- mighthaveappearedveryearlyduringtheevolutionoflife ogy.Strainsweregrownat37°CinLuria-Bertanibroth(LB)containing on Earth (Garcia-An˜overnos and Corey, 1997; Martinac, 10g/L Bacto-tryptone, 5g/L yeast extract, and 5g/L NaCl supplemented 1999). withampicillin(100mg/ml),chloramphenicol(20mg/ml),andkanamycin TheTM1domainofthebacterialMSionchanneloflarge (25mg/ml),accordingtotheselectionrequirements.Thegeneexpression conductance(MscL)ishighlyconservedamongGram-neg- wasinducedwithisopropyl-1-thio-b-D-galactopyranoside(IPTG)oncethe cellculturereachedmid-logphase(OD of;0.6). ative and Gram-positive bacteria (Sukharev et al., 1997; 600 Moe et al., 1998; Batiza et al., 1999; Spencer et al., 1999; Oakleyetal.,1999).InthisstudyweusedtheTM1domain Cloning and protein purification ofMscLofEscherichiacoli(Eco-MscL)asageneticprobe toscreenthegenomicdatabaseofMethanococcusjannashii TheTM1domainofEco-MscLwasusedasageneticprobetosearchthe M. jannaschii genomic database for a putative MscL homolog. The se- quence alignment was generated using SIM Alignment Tool for Protein SequencesavailableattheExPasyMolecularBiologyserver.Thealign- Receivedforpublication21July2000andinfinalform11October2000. ment that produced the highest score was used to generate either the AddressreprintrequeststoDr.BorisMartinac,DepartmentofPharmacol- Kyte-Doolittlehydropathyplotorthedensealignmentsurface(DAS)plot ogy,QEIIMedicalCenter,TheUniversityofWesternAustralia,Nedlands, for transmembrane segments prediction (ExPasy) to ensure the newly WA6907,Australia.Tel.:61-8-9346-2986;Fax:61-8-9346-3469;E-mail: identified protein had the properties of a membrane protein. The entire [email protected]. openreadingframeofMJ0170wasamplifiedbypolymerasechainreaction © 2001bytheBiophysicalSociety (PCR)usingtheAMJBZ56cloneasatemplateandclonedintopQE-32 0006-3495/01/01/229/12 $2.00 expression vector (Qiagen) as a BamHI-SalI fragment using standard 230 KlodaandMartinac cloningprocedures(Sambrooketal.,1989).The6xHisMJ0170recombi- distributionfunctionoftheformNP 5NP [11expa(p 2p)]21, o omax 1/2 nantproteinwaspurifiedaspreviouslydescribed(Sukharevetal.,1999). whereNistheunknownnumberofchannelsinthepatch,P istheopen o probability, P is the maximum open probability, p is the negative omax pressureappliedtothepatchpipette,p isthepressureatwhichtheopen Liposome preparation, protein reconstitution, and 1/2 probabilityis0.5,andaisthechannelsensitivitytopressure.Thevalues spheroplast preparation forp and1/aofMscSestimatedingiantspheroplastsofE.coliwere 1/2 36623mmHgand561mmHg(n59),respectively(B.Martinac, The MJ0170 protein was reconstituted into liposomes according to the unpublished results). The single-channel open probability was estimated methods described previously for MS ion channels in E. coli and H. fromthetotalcurrentdividedbythesingle-channelcurrentgivingNP and volcanii(Delcouretal.,1989;Sukharevetal.,1993;Ha¨seetal.,1995;Le o divided by the maximum number of channels observed in the patch. By Dain et al., 1998). Bilayer blisters of 50–100 mm in diameter, which usingatwo-stateBoltzmannmodelwiththechangeofareatDAbeingthe appearedafterincubationoftheproteoliposomesintherecordingsolution dominantenergyterm(Sukharevetal.,1999),itfollowsaccordingtothe (Delcouretal.,1989),wereexaminedusingthepatch-clamptechnique. modelofHowardetal.(1988)thatthefreeenergyDGisalinearfunction Forspheroplastpreparation,bacterialcellsAMJ465harboringtheplas- ofmembranetensiont;i.e.,DG5tDA2DG,whereDG isthedifference mid pQE-32MJ0170 were cultured to mid-log phase as described for o o infreeenergybetweentheclosedandopenconformationsofthechannel protein purification experiments and induced with IPTG for 30 min. intheabsenceoftheexternallyappliedmembranetensionandDAisthe Spheroplasts were then prepared according to the previously described differenceinmembraneareaoccupiedbyanopenandclosedchannelata method(Martinacetal.,1987). givenmembranetension,whereastDAistheworkrequiredtokeepaMS channelopenbyexternalmechanicalforceattheopenprobabilityof0, Cell-free expression P ,1.TheBoltzmannfunctionfortheopenprobabilityofasingleMS o channelcanbewrittenasP /(12P)5exp[a(p2p )]5exp[(tDA2 o o 1/2 The TNT Quick Coupled Transcription/Translation system was used for DG)/kT].Becausemembranetensiontisnearlyproportionaltothepres- o transcriptionandtranslationofMJ0170genecloneddownstreamfromSP6 surewithintherangeappliedtothepatchpipetteinthisstudy,itiswell RNApolymerasepromoterofthepSP64poly-Avector.Forproteinlabel- approximatedbyamodifiedformoftheLaplace’slaw,suchthatt2t 5 1/2 ing, 25-ml reactions containing 0.5 mg of either pSP64-polyA MJ0170 (p2p )(r/2),whereristheradiusofcurvatureoftheliposomemembrane 1/2 constructoremptyvectorweresetupwith40mlofTNTmixofreticu- patchunderexternalnegativepressurepappliedtothepatchpipette.Thus,it locyte lysate, SP6 polymerase, a complement of amino acids without followsthatwhentheopenprobabilityP 50.5(i.e.,p5p andt5t )the o 1/2 1/2 methionine, and Rnasin (RNAse inhibitor). The reactions were supple- free energy difference DG 5 0. Consequently, t 5 DG/DA and p 5 1/2 0 1/2 mented with 2 ml of [35S]methionine (10 mCi/ml) and 2.5 ml of canine 2DG/rDA,whereasa5rDA/2kT. 0 pancreatic microsomes (Sukharev et al., 1994). For details see also Pro- mega Technical Bulletin 126 (Promega, Madison, WI). After 2 h of incubation at 30°C the reactions were heated at 100°C for 5 min in the RESULTS presence of sample buffer (6% 32 b-mercaptoethanol, 3% SDS, 0.3% bromophenol blue, and 1% glycerol) and separated on 12% SDS-PAGE Multiple sequence alignment and phylogeny of gel.Thegelwasfixedinasolutioncontaining10%aceticacidplus30% prokaryotic MS channels methanol,driedundervacuum,andexposedtox-rayfilm.Forfunctional assayofchannelactivity,50-mlreactionscontainingeitherpSP64-polyA WeconsideredtwotypesofalignmentsofMJ0170(referred MJ0170constructoremptypSP64-polyAvectorweresetupwithafull toasMscMJ),thelocalalignmentagainstE.coliMscL(Fig. complementofunlabeledaminoacidsunderconditionsdescribedabove. 1 A) and the global alignment against identified MscL and MicrosomalmembraneswerewashedinKClbuffer(200mMKCl,10mM HEPES-KOH,pH7.0),andthemembranepelletwasresuspendedin50ml MJ0170homologs(Fig.2A).Thelocalalignmentidentified of liposome suspension containing 2 mg of phosphatidylcholine supple- MscL-like motifs TM1, TM2, and TM1-loop, which were mentedwith10%cholesterolin10mMMOPSbuffer,pH7.2.Dropletsof preserved within the first, the second, and the third helical mixed suspension were subjected to a dehydration-rehydration cycle de- domains of MJ0170, respectively, with the following scribedpreviously(Delcouretal.,1989;Ha¨seetal.,1995),andproteoli- scores: 1) 38.5% identity in the stretch of 26 residues posomes were examined for the channel activity using the patch-clamp corresponding to the TM1 transmembrane helix of Eco- technique. MscL and the first putative membrane-spanning domain of MJ0170,2)31.8%identityinthe22-residueoverlapcorre- Electrophysiological recording spondingtomostoftheTM2transmembranehelixofEco- Single-channel currents were filtered at 2 kHz, digitized at 5 kHz, and MscL and the second putative membrane-spanning domain analyzed using pCLAMP6 data acquisition and analysis software (Axon of MJ0170, and 3) 40% identity in 20 amino acid residues Instruments, Foster City, CA). Current recordings were viewed by the encompassingasectionoftheTM1helixplustheperiplas- AxoscopeforWindowsprogram(AxonInstruments).Currentamplitudes mic loop of Eco-MscL and a section of the third putative weredeterminedbymeasuringthedifferencebetweenthecursoralignedat peak and baseline currents. Channel conductance was estimated from transmembrane domain of MJ0170. Furthermore, the current voltage plots. Suction applied to the patch-clamp pipette was MJ0170 amino acid sequence could be aligned against the measured by the piezoelectric pressure transducer (Omega Engineering, sequence of the YggB protein underlying the activity of Stamford,CT). Eco-MscS, the bacterial MS channel of small conductance (Levinaetal.,1999).Thisalignmentexhibited28%identity Estimate of the MS channel free energy of in the overlapping 226 residues of the YggB sequence activation from Boltzmann distribution encompassing the TM1-periplasmic loop region of MscL and the third putative transmembrane helix and C-terminal Open probability of the MscMJ channels plotted against the negative pressure(suction)appliedtothepatchpipettewasfittedtoaBoltzmann portion of MJ0170. The alignment demonstrated that the BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240 MechanosensitiveChannelofM.jannaschii 231 FIGURE 1 Structural properties of the MJ0170 (MscMJ) mechanosensitive channel protein. (A) Regions of homology between MJ0170, MscL, and YggBproteinsequences.TheidenticalresiduesfoundinboththeMscLandMJ0170aminoacidsequencesaremarkedwithanasterisk,whereasthose commontotheYggBandMJ0170sequencesaremarkedwithfilledcircles.TM1andTM2MscLtransmembranedomainsthatmatchMJ0170homolog sequences are boxed. (B) Hydropathy profile and predicted a-helical secondary structure (black bars) of MJ0170. Positive numbers indicate relative hydrophobicityintheplot.(C)HelicalwheelrepresentationoftheputativefirsttransmembranedomainTM1ofMJ0170revealsitsamphipathiccharacter. Chargedresiduesareboxed.Thestartofthehelixismarkedwithanasterisk. BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240 232 KlodaandMartinac BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240 MechanosensitiveChannelofM.jannaschii 233 first, part of the second, and the third membrane-spanning the third branch. The proteins on the branch with no MscL domain of MJ0170 shared high homology with MscL, areapproximatelyfourtimesthesizeofMJ0170homologs whereas the large portion of the MJ0170 sequence starting and have preserved MJ0170-like rather than the MscL-like at the third transmembrane helix and including most of the structural motif indicating their more recent origin. C-terminus shared high homology with the YggB protein. Inaddition,aclusterofchargedresiduesisconservedinthe C-terminal domains of all three proteins, MscL (RKKEE), Secondary structure analysis YggB (RIKRE), and MJ0170 (KIKEE) (Fig. 1 A). This finding is of potential significance, as MscL activity was Hydropathy plot analysis combined with the secondary abolished in a mutant having 33 C-terminal residues that structure prediction (Fig. 1 B) indicated that MJ0170 had includedthechargedclusterRKKEEdeleted(Blountetal., threemembrane-spanningdomainsfollowedbyaverylarge 1996; Ha¨se et al., 1997). Interestingly, a charged cluster hydrophilic C-terminal tail. Moreover, the helical wheel withaverysimilarsequenceRVISKKTKEEisalsopresent analysisoftheputativeTM1helixofMJ0170indicatedthat in the C-terminal domain of the mammalian mechanogated the helix is amphipathic in character (Fig. 1 C) and may potassium channel TREK-1 (Patel et al., 1998). therefore constitute a structural part of the channel pore. Multiplesequencealignmentrevealed1)ahighdegreeof Becauseithasbeensuggestedthatglycosylationinthermo- preservationofallthreehelicaldomainsofMJ0170among philic Archaea serves to stabilize proteins at high tempera- its homologs (data not shown) and 2) a recognizable con- tures (Voorhorst et al., 1997), we searched for putative sensuswithinthealignmentofMscMJandMscLhomologs glycosylationsitesinMJ0170usingtheNetOGlyc2.0pro- (Fig. 2 A). MscL homologs align to the C-terminal portion gram. We identified threonine 283 as a high-probability of MJ0170 homologs with prominent conservation of the O-glycosylation site, which together with the hydropathy MscL TM1 motif within the distal portion of the third plot indicated that MJ0170 belonged to the type VI of transmembrane helix of MJ0170. Glycine residues sepa- membrane proteins having an odd number of membrane- ratedbythreetofourhydrophobicresiduesformthesigna- spanningheliceswiththeN-terminuslocatedinthecytoplasm ture sequence of this region among all aligned proteins. andtheC-terminusintheextracellularspace(Reithmeierand Furthermore, proline and glycine residues at the MscL Deber,1992). TM1-periplasmic loop interface are highly conserved among nearly all aligned proteins. Interestingly, it was demonstrated that proteolytic cleavage of the MscL Mechanosensitivity of MscMJ periplasmic loop led to a dramatic increase in channel pressuresensitivity(Ajouzetal.,2000),possiblyindicating To determine whether MJ0170 is a mechanosensitive pro- the importance of the conserved residues in controlling the tein we amplified the entire open reading frame of the channel mechanosensitivity. MJ0170 gene by PCR, cloned it into an expression vector, The phylogenetic tree of aligned sequences revealed a and expressed it in E. coli as a 6xHis-tagged recombinant commonoriginofMSchannels(Fig.2B)incellsbelonging protein(seeMaterialsandMethods).TheSDS-PAGEanal- to both prokaryotic (archaeal and bacterial) domains of the ysisshowedthatMJ0170proteinranasa37-kDaband(Fig. universaltreeoflife(Fig.2C).Sequencesareclusteredinto 3 A, left). The purified protein was reconstituted into lipo- three main branches on the basis of their similarity, which somes and found to exhibit MS-channel-type activity char- reflectstheircommonancestryandevolutionarydivergence acterized by long openings when examined by the patch- overtime.Twoofthemainbranchesconsistofamixtureof clamptechnique(Fig.3A,right).MJ0170exhibitedsimilar MscLandMJ0170homologswhereasMscLisabsentfrom MSchannelactivitywhenexpressedandexaminedbypatch FIGURE 2 PhylogenyofprokaryoticMSchannels.(A)MultiplesequencealignmentofMscMJandMscLhomologs(ClustalX1.8).Thealignment includestheC-terminalportionofMscMJanditshomologsstartingfromhelix3(markedwithahorizontalblackline)andthecompletesequencesofMscL homologs.Thecoloredresiduessharesimilaritywiththeconsensus,whichisdefinedbythemaximizedalignmentofallsequences.Yellowrepresents proline residues, brown represents glycine residues or its divergent substitution with basic residues, green is assigned to polar residues, whereas blue representshydrophobicresiduesortheirdivergentsubstitutionswithmostlyacidicresidues(seeClustalX4colorindexformoreinformationonthecolor schemechosenforthisfigure).Highlyconservedresiduesaremarkedwithanasterisk.Themostextensiveconsensussequencebetweenallalignedproteins ismarkedbythestartofthehelix3ofMscMJ(blackhorizontalline)andTM1domainofMscL(purplehorizontalline).Thearrowpointstoahighly conservedasparigineresidue(N182)withinthehelix3ofMscMJanditshomologs,whichisreplacedwithlysineinE.coliMscL(K31)andmostofits homologs.ThesequencesarenumberedandtheirnamesgiveninB.(B)PhylogenetictreeofcompletealignedsequencesofMscMJhomologsandMscL homologs showing the common ancestry of prokaryotic MS channels. The archaeal homologs of MscMJ are boxed (red). Numbers in parentheses correspondtothesequencenumberinA.(C)Universalphylogenetictreederivedfromcomparativesequencingof16SribosomalRNA(modifiedfrom Pace,1997,withpermission).MscMJhomologsarefoundintwomajordomainsoflife:bacteriaandarchaea.Theredarrowspointtoarchaealphylaof ArchaeoglobusandMethanococcuswithknowngenomicDNAsequences,whichwerefoundtoharborMscMJhomologs. BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240 234 KlodaandMartinac FIGURE 3 Molecular identification of MscMJ.(A,left)SDS-PAGEofthe6xHis MJ0170 protein expressed in E. coli. Lanes1to7indicateproteinpatternbe- fore(lane1)andafter(lane2)induction withIPTG,flowthroughaNi-NTAcol- umn (lane 3), 20 mM imidazole wash (lane 4), and the first, second, and third 250-mMelutionfraction(lanes5,6,and 7, respectively). (A, right) Activation of thepurifiedrecombinantMJ0170protein reconstitutedintoazolectinliposomesby negativepressureappliedtothepatchpi- pette. Upper trace shows single-channel currentfluctuationsrecordedat250-mV pipettevoltage.Cdenotestheclosedstate andO denotestheopenstateofnnumber n of channels in the particular liposome patch. Lower trace shows the negative pressureappliedtothepatchpipette.(B) Cell-free expression of the MJ0170 pro- tein. The autoradiogram of the SDS- PAGEontheleftshowstheexpressionof the MJ0170 protein band in the lysate driven by a mj0170-containing vector (lane 1) or no protein expression in the controllysatecontainingtheemptyvector (lane 2). Activities of the MS channels were recorded in a liposome patch con- taining a membrane fraction of the ex- pression lysate at 140-mV pipette volt- age without applied negative pressure (lower trace) and at 230 mV with ap- plied pressure (upper trace). Closed and openstatesofthechannelsaremarkedC andO,respectively. clamp in giant spheroplasts of E. coli (data not shown) conductance,butitcouldbethatinthecell-freesystemthe (Martinac et al., 1987). channelmighthaveformedanoligomerofalargernumber In addition, we expressed the MJ0170 protein in vitro in of subunits than in the E. coli membrane. Furthermore, a cell-free (rabbit reticulocyte lysate) transcription/transla- some difference in the channel conductance might have tion system. This system proved to be successful with originated from the post-translational modifications of the heterologousexpressionofMscLgeneandwasreportedto protein, such as glycosylation in the cell-free expression bedevoidofionchannelactivities(Sukharevetal.,1994)in system (Technical Manual TM231 and Technical Bulletin accordance with our control experiments that contained 126,Promega).Becausethelargeconductanceeventswere empty vector. Autoradiographic analysis showed that the observedexclusivelyinthecell-freeexpressionsystem,the proteinrunsasabandofsimilarsize(Fig.3B,left)tothat remaining analysis in this study was confined to the small of the protein expressed in the E. coli membrane (Fig. 3 A, conductance events. left). The MJ0170 protein expressed in the cell-free system When plotted against the negative pressure the open exhibitedMSchannelactivitywhenreconstitutedintolipo- probability of the MJ0170 MS channel could be fitted to a somes. Two types of conductances were observed: the Boltzmann distribution function (Fig. 4 A), which demon- smaller conductance corresponded to that of the protein strated that the MJ0170 channel protein is gated by mem- expressedinE.coliandthelargerapproximatelythreetimes brane tension. Consequently, we propose to rename the its size (Fig. 3 B, right). At present, we do not know the hypotheticalproteinMJ0170asMscMJ,formechanosensi- cause for the appearance of the MS channel with larger tivechannelofM.jannashii.Theresultsfromfourdifferent BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240 MechanosensitiveChannelofM.jannaschii 235 FIGURE 4 MechanosensitiveandconductivepropertiesoftheMJ0170MSchannelprotein.(A)TheopenprobabilityoftheMscMJchannelfromfour differentpatcheswasplottedagainstthenegativepressure(suction)appliedtothepatchpipetteandfittedtoaBoltzmanndistributionfunction.Thechannel sensitivitytopressure1/avariedbetween9and13mmHgpere-foldchangeinopenprobability,andthepressurerequiredforhalf-activationp (where 1/2 P 50.5)variedbetween50and64mmHg.Single-channelopenprobabilityversusnegativepressurewasobtainedbydividingopenprobabilityofmultiple o channels(NP )bythenumberofactivechannelsintheparticularpatch(N)obtainedfromthebestfitoftheplotln[NP /(NP 2NP )].Saturatingdose o o omax o responseswereobtainedintwopatches.Intheremainingtwopatches,80%ofthesingle-channelopenprobabilitywasachieved.Thepressuresatwhich patchlysisoccurredwerenotusedforanalysis.(B)Current-voltagerelationshipforMscMJ.Single-channelconductancecalculatedfromthecurrent-voltage plotobtainedin200mMKCl,5mMMgCl ,and5mMHEPES(pH7.2)bufferwas270pS.Thereversalpotentialwasobtainedforthesamepatchby 2 fittingasecond-orderpolynomialcurvetothecurrent-voltagerelationacquiredafterreplacingthebathsolutionwiththebuffercontaining600mMKCl, 5mMMgCl,and5mMHEPES(pH7.2)was18mV,whichindicatedthechannelpreferenceforcationsoveranions.Theionicstrengthandosmolarity 2 werebothchangedthreefold.Thereversalpotentialsforchloride(E )andpotassium(E )areindicatedbyarrows.(C)IonicselectivityofMscMJ.Closed Cl K symbolsrepresentmonovalentcations:K1(F),Na1(f),Li1((cid:140)),Rb1(l),andCs1((cid:141)).Opensymbolsrepresentdivalentcations:Ba21(E),Mg21(M), andCa21((cid:130)).Eachdatapointismean6SEofatleastthreeexperiments(n53).(D)CurrenttracesofMscMJrecordedat140-mVpipettevoltagein differentbufferscontainingeither200mMXClor200mMYCl plus40mMMgCl ,5mMHEPES(pH7.2),whereXandYsymbolizemonovalentand 2 2 divalentcations,respectively.Negativepressuresappliedtoactivatethechannelswereintherangebetween50and100mmHg. BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240 236 KlodaandMartinac patches showed that the sensitivity of MscMJ to pressure TABLE 1 IonselectivityofMscMJ 1/a51162mmHgpere-foldchangeinthechannelopen Conductance probability, whereas the pressure required for 50% open Ion (pS) N P /P X K probability p 5 57 6 6 mm Hg. 1/2 Li1 16867 3 0.6 Voltage of either sign not only caused an increase in the Na1 16966 3 0.6 channel opening probability but also affected the channel K1 27164 5 1.0 kineticscharacterizedbylongopeningsatvoltages#90mV Rb1 30664 7 1.1 and very brief openings at voltages $90 mV (data not Cs1 30367 7 1.1 Mg21 18462 4 0.7 shown).Itislikelythatcloselyclusteredpositivechargesof Ba21 18064 6 0.7 fourlysinesandonearginineononesideoftheamphipathic Ca21 25968 5 1.0 TM1 helix (Fig. 1 C) may confer the voltage sensitivity to P /P (whereX5otherions)isthecalculatedratiooftheconductanceof the channel. thXechKannel(i.e.,P /P 5g /g )insolutionscontaining200mMofthe X K X K particularionXtotheconductancecalculatedfor200mMpotassium. Ionic selectivity Next, we also estimated the conductance and selectivity of tionoftheMscMJchannelsbothbyCPZaswellasbyTNP MscMJ(Fig.4,B–D).Inasymmetricbuffercontaining200 occurred within tens of minutes, comparable to the activa- mMKClplus5mMMgCl thechannelhadaconductance tion of MscS by the two amphipaths. This result suggested 2 of g 5 270 6 19 pS (n 5 5). When the bath solution was asimilarmechanismofactivationforboththebacterialand exchanged to 600 mM KCl plus 5 mM MgCl the reversal archaeal MS channel via preferential insertion of CPZ and 2 potentialE shifted;18mVtowardthereversalpotential TNP into one of the two monolayers of the lipid bilayer of rev for potassium. From six different experiments we obtained the spheroplast membrane. E 5 18 6 2 mV. Using this value we calculated the rev permeability ratio of MscMJ for potassium versus chloride ofP /P ’6,whichindicatedapreferenceofthechannel Effect of expression of MscMJ on E. coli growth K Cl forcationsoveranions(Fig.4B).Thus,MscMJselectivity BecauseithasbeenshownthatMscLandMscSfunctionas differs from the one of MscS, which was shown to have a safety valves in osmotically challenged bacteria (Levina et slight preference for anions over cations with P /P ’ 3 Cl K al., 1999) we examined the effect of expression of MscMJ (Martinacetal.,1987).Whenthechannelselectivityamong on the growth of E. coli cells (Fig. 6). E. coli growth was mono- and divalent cations was examined the selectivity significantly reduced when expression of mscMJ was in- sequence of MscMJ for monovalents corresponded to the duced with IPTG compared with noninduced cell culture. Eisenman sequence I (Hille, 1992) suggesting that a weak The effect of the mscMJ expression was partially reversed anionic site formed a selectivity filter in the channel pore. when the cells were grown in media of higher osmolarity The following preference for monovalent cations was ob- containingeither300mMNaCl,300mMKCl,or600mM tainedfromthecurrent-voltageplots:Cs15Rb1.K1. sorbitol compared with standard LB media (p , 0.05, Na15Li1.FordivalentcationsthesequencewasCa21. ANOVA). Ba215Mg2.SelectivityforCs1andRb1wassignificantly differentfromthechannelselectivityforK1andCa21(p, 0.05, ANOVA). Similarly, selectivity for Ba21 and Mg21 DISCUSSION differed significantly from the selectivity for Na1 and Li1 (p,0.05).Overall,Cs15Rb1.Ca215K1.Ba215 In search of an archaeal homolog of E. coli MscL we Mg21.Na15Li1.Interestingly,amongdivalentcations identified and cloned a gene from the archaeon M. jann- aschii using the TM1 domain of E. coli MscL as a genetic calcium was the most permeant ion (Fig. 4, C and D, and probe against the M. jannaschii genome. Furthermore, we Table 1). demonstratedthatthenewlyidentifiedarchaealMSchannel that we named MscMJ shares a common ancestral origin with two types of prokaryotic MS ion channels, MscL and Effect of amphipaths on MscMJ MscS. Phylogenetic evidence presented in this study sug- Cationic chlorpromazine (CPZ) and anionic trinitrophenol gests that prokaryotic MS channels may have originated (TNP) were shown to activate reversibly MscS in giant from an mscL-like molecule via gene duplication of the spheroplastsofE.coli(Martinacetal.,1990).Therefore,we ancestralprogenitorgenefollowedbydivergence.Thisim- examinedtheeffectofthetwoamphipathsonMscMJ(Fig. plies that bacterial MS channels are most likely the evolu- 5, A and B) (note that MscMJ refers only to small conduc- tionary predecessors of the archaeal MS channels in accor- tanceevents;activationoflargerconductanceeventsbythe dancewiththepresentorganizationofthephylogenetictree amphipaths was never observed in this study). The activa- (Pace, 1997). BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240 MechanosensitiveChannelofM.jannaschii 237 FIGURE 5 Activation of MscMJ by amphipaths. MscMJ channels were activated by amphipaths in inside-out excised patches of E. coli giant sphero- plasts.The20mMchlorpromazine(CPZ;A)and500 mM trinitrophenol (TNP; B) reversibly activated the channels.Recordingswereobtainedat10and20min aftertheamphipathswereaddedtothebathsolution. Pipettevoltagewasheldat250mVand150mVand pressurewas250mmHgand280mmHgduringthe CPZandTNPexperiments,respectively. Evolution of prokaryotic MS channels otic MS channels, which again indicates their common heritage. Comparative sequence analysis of known archaeal genes Several findings in our study support the idea of the withthegeneticmakeupofbacterialandeukaryoticlinesof evolutionofprokaryoticMSchannelsviaduplicationofan descentrevealedthatsomegenes,especiallythoseinvolved MscL-like molecule. Sequence alignments used in this in replication, transcription, and translation, resemble eu- study indicated that two MscL-like TM1 structural motifs karyoticgenes.However,geneswhosefunctionisrelatedto have been preserved during evolution within the sequence energyproduction,celldivision,andmetabolismaresimilar ofMscMJ,i.e.,MJ0170(Fig.1A),whichfurtherrevealeda tothosefoundinbacteria.Furthermore,M.jannaschiigenes remarkablesimilarityandphylogeneticrelationshipwithits that control the transport of inorganic ions such as potas- archaeal and bacterial homologs (Fig. 2, A and B). Such sium and sodium across the cell membrane are very bacte- ria-like, indicating that the ion transport pathway was de- multiplerepetitionoftheprimarystructuraldomainsofthe rived from a common ancestor (Morell, 1996). In addition, protein points to a duplication of the mscL-like progenitor MS channels have been implicated to play a role in the genefollowedbydivergencesimilartothatproposedforthe regulationofturgorpressure,whichisessentialfordivision evolution of voltage-gated ion channels (Strong et al., and growth of bacterial cells (Csonka and Epstein, 1996). 1993). Significantly, the conserved residues include those Consequently,itwouldbeexpectedthatarchaealMSchan- that were identified to be important for the MscL function. nelsaremorecloselyrelatedtobacterialratherthaneukary- Whenmutated,severalofthoseresidues,suchasG22(G23 BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240 238 KlodaandMartinac MscMJ shares with MscL and MscS is largely matched by the similarity in functional properties of these prokaryotic MS channels. Mechanosensitivity of MscMJ In terms of its mechanosensitivity MscMJ is functionally more closely related to MscS than MscL, as MscS (i.e.,YggB) and MscMJ require less pressure for activation than does MscL (Berrier et al., 1996). It can be shown that bymultiplyingp andaonecanobtainanestimateofthe 1/2 free energy of activation for a MS channel (see Materials and Methods): G 5p a5DG /kT (1) MGC 1/2 o Consequently, for MscMJ DG ’ 5kT, which is approxi- o mately three times less than DG 5 18.6kT estimated for o FIGURE 6 TheeffectofexpressionofMscMJonE.coligrowth.E.coli MscL (Sukharev et al., 1999) but is similar to DGo 5 7kT cells expressing mscMJ were growth inhibited. mscMJ gene expression obtained for MscS (Martinac, unpublished; see Materials wasinducedwithIPTGoncethecellculturereachedmid-logphaseOD600 and Methods). It was previously shown that the negative ;0.6, which corresponded to 2–2.5 h before addition of IPTG (marked pressure necessary to activate MscS is about two times with the arrow). The growth was partially rescued in media of high smallerthanthepressurerequiredforactivationofMscLin osmolarity containing either 300 mM NaCl, 300 mM KCl, or 600 mM sorbitol.Fandf,growthcurvesofnoninducedandinduced-with-IPTGE. giant spheroplasts of E. coli (Blount et al., 1996; Berrier et colicellsharboringpQE-32MJ0170plasmid,respectively.Opensymbols al., 1996). Like MscS, MscMJ could also be activated by representgrowthcurvesafterinductionwithIPTGinmediacontainingthe voltage,furtherindicatingaclosefunctionalrelationshipto followingosmoprotectants:KCl(E),NaCl(M),andsorbitol((cid:130)). MscS (Martinac et al., 1987). Lipid bilayers of cell membranes of Archaea consist of of MscMJ), G26 (G27 of MscMJ), and K31 (K32 of diphytanylglycerol-diether or -tetraether or both (Doolittle, MscMJ) (Fig. 1 A), produce bacterial phenotypes with im- 1999) and are therefore chemically very different from pairedgrowthandincreasedMscLsensitivitytopressurein phospholipids of bacteria or eukaryotes, which are charac- patch-clamp experiments (Blount et al., 1997; Ou et al., terized by ester linkages between glycerol and acyl chains 1998). According to the three-dimensional crystal structure (Kates, 1993). However, in terms of physical properties ofMscL(Changetal.,1998)theseresiduesarelocatedator relevant to gating of MS channels by mechanical force, nearthechannelgateandthusseemtobeimportantforthe lipidsofM.jannaschiiseemnottodifferfromphospholip- channel gating. ids,becauseMscMJexhibitsmechanosensitivityinbilayers The lack of MscL homologs in the current archaeal of azolectin liposomes. databasesandthepresenceoftheMscL-likestructuralmotif amongMscMJhomologsrepresentingthreespeciesbelong- ing to two different phyla further suggest the origin of Conductance and selectivity of MscMJ prokaryotic MS channels from a common ancestor, which Using the value for the channel conductance g 5 270 pS mostlikelyresembledMscL(Fig.2,AandB).Thecommon (Fig.4,BandC)weestimatedthesizeofthechannelpore ancestryandevolutionarydivergenceisalsoreflectedinthe to be d ’ 9 Å. The following expression was derived phylogenetictreeofalignedsequences,whichareclustered pore fromHille’smodel(Hille,1968)tocalculatethediameterof into three main branches. the channel pore: MscL(136residues)isapproximatelytwoandhalftimes S ˛S D D smallerthanMscS(286residues)oritsarchaealcounterpart rg p p 2 4pl MscMJ(350residues).Themostdivergedhomologs,which dpore5 p 2 1 2 1 rg , (2) occupy the third branch on the phylogenetic tree, are ap- proximately three times larger than MscS or MscMJ ho- where the resistivity of the recording solution rwas mea- mologs.Suchgradualincreaseinthesizeofrelatedproteins sured as 49.7 Vcm and l ’ 40 Å was the bilayer thickness harboringthebasicpattern,whichcanbetracedbacktothe (Cruickshank et al., 1997). Thus, the pore of MscMJ is MscL sequence, further supports the common ancestry, approximately three times smaller than that of the MscL gene duplication and divergence. pore,whichwasestimatedtobe;35Å(Cruickshanketal., Asdiscussedfurther,thecommonancestraloriginandthe 1997),andtwotimessmallerthanthesizeoftheMscSpore, high level of conservation of the primary structure that which from its conductance of ;1 nS (Sukharev et al., BiophysicalJournal80(1)229–240

ogy, QEII Medical Center, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands,. WA 6907 scribed previously (Delcour et al., 1989; Häse et al., 1995), and proteoli- posomes were .. system (Technical Manual TM231 and Technical Bulletin.
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