Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.ngc3627˙astro-ph January14,2011 (DOI:willbeinsertedbyhandlater) Molecular Gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) ⋆ XIV. The barred LINER/Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC3627 V.Casasola1,2,L.K.Hunt1,F.Combes3,S.Garc´ıa-Burillo4,andR.Neri5 1 INAF-OsservatorioAstrofisicodiArcetri,LargoE.Fermi,5,50125Firenze,Italy 2 INAF-IstitutodiRadioastronomia,viaGobetti101,40129Bologna,Italy 3 ObservatoiredeParis,LERMA,61Av.del’Observatoire,F-75014,Paris,France 1 4 ObservatorioAstrono´micoNacional(OAN)-ObservatoriodeMadrid,C/AlfonsoXII,3,28014Madrid,Spain 1 5 IRAM-InstitutdeRadioAstronomieMillime´trique,300RuedelaPiscine,38406-St.Mt.d‘He`res,France 0 2 Received;accepted n a J Abstract. Wepresent12CO(1–0)and12CO(2–1)mapsoftheinteractingbarredLINER/Seyfert2galaxyNGC3627obtained withtheIRAMinterferometeratresolutionsof2′.′1×1′.′3and0′.′9×0′.′6,respectively.Wealsopresentsingle-dishIRAM30m 3 1 12CO(1–0) and 12CO(2–1) observations used to compute short spacings and complete interferometric measurements. These observationsarecomplementedbyIRAM30mmeasurementsofHCN(1–0)emissiondetectedinthecenterofNGC3627.The ] moleculargasemissionshowsanuclearpeak,anelongatedbar-likestructureof∼18′′ (∼900pc)diameterinboth12COmaps O and,in12CO(1–0),atwo-armspiralfeaturefromr∼9′′(∼450pc)tor∼16′′(∼800pc).Theinner∼18′′bar-likestructure,with C anorth/south orientation(PA=14◦),formstwopeaks attheextremes ofthiselongated emissionregion. Thekinematicsof . theinnermoleculargasshowssignaturesofnon-circularmotionsassociatedbothwiththe18′′bar-likestructureandthespiral h featuredetectedbeyondit.The1.6µmH-band2MASSimageofNGC3627showsastellarbarwithaPA=−21◦,differentfrom p thePA(=14◦)ofthe12CObar-likestructure,indicatingthatthegasisleadingthestellarbar.Thefar-infraredSpitzer-MIPS70 - o and160µmimagesofNGC3627showthatthedustemissionisintensifiedatthenucleusandattheansaeattheendsofthe r bar,coincidingwiththe12COpeaks.TheGALEXfar-ultraviolet(FUV)morphologyofNGC3627displaysaninnerelongated st (north/south)ringdelimitingaholearoundthenucleus,andthe12CObar-likestructureiscontainedintheholeobservedinthe a FUV.ThetorquescomputedwiththeHST-NICMOSF160WimageandourPdBImapsarenegativedowntotheresolution [ limitofourimages,∼60pcin12CO(2–1).Ifthebarendsat∼3kpc,coincidentwithcorotation(CR),thetorquesarenegative 1 betweentheCRofthebarandthenucleus,downtotheresolutionlimitofourobservations.Thisscenarioiscompatiblewith v arecently-formedrapidlyrotatingbarwhichhashadinsufficienttimetoslowdownbecauseofsecularevolution,andthushas 6 notyetformedaninnerLindbladresonance(ILR).ThepresenceofmoleculargasinsidetheCRoftheprimarybar,wherewe 2 expect that the ILRwillform, makes NGC3627 a potential smoking gun of inner gas inflow. Thegasisfueling thecentral 6 region,andinasecondstepcouldfueldirectlytheactivenucleus. 2 . 1 Keywords.galaxies:individual:NGC3627–galaxies:spiral–galaxies:active–galaxies:nuclei–galaxies:ISM–galaxies: 0 kinematicsanddynamics 1 1 : v i X 1. Introduction the galaxies of our sample, and to study the different mecha- r nismsforgasfuelingofLLAGN. a TheNucleiofGalaxies(NUGA)project(Garc´ıa-Burilloetal. NUGA galaxies analyzed so far show that there is 2003) isanIRAM Plateau deBureInterferometer(PdBI)and no unique circumnuclear molecular gas feature linked with 30msingle-dishsurveyofnearbylow-luminosityactivegalac- nuclear activity, but rather a variety of molecular gas tic nuclei (LLAGN). The aim is to map, at high resolution morphologies which characterize the inner kpc of active (∼0′.′5-2′′) and high sensitivity (∼2-4mJybeam−1), the distri- galaxies. We have found one- and two-armed instabili- bution and dynamicsof the moleculargas in the inner kpc of ties (Garc´ıa-Burilloetal. 2003), well-ordered rings and nu- clear spirals (Combesetal. 2004; Casasolaetal. 2008a), cir- Sendoffprintrequeststo:[email protected] cumnuclear asymmetries (Kripsetal. 2005), large-scale bars ⋆ Based on observations carried out with the IRAM Plateau de (Booneetal. 2007; Huntetal. 2008), and smooth disks BureInterferometer.IRAMissupportedbytheINSU/CNRS(France), (Casasolaetal. 2010). Among these morphologies, analyz- MPG(Germany),andIGN(Spain). ing the torques exerted by the stellar gravitational potential 2 Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 on the molecular gas shows that only four NUGA galaxies: Table1.FundamentalparametersforNGC3627. NGC6574 (Lindt-Kriegetal. 2008), NGC2782 (Huntetal. 2008), NGC3147 (Casasolaetal. 2008a), and NGC4579 Parameter Valueb Referencec (Garc´ıa-Burilloetal. 2009) show evidence for gas inflow. α a 11h20m15.02s (1) J2000 Thesegalaxieshaveseveralfeaturesincommon:(1)alargecir- δJ2000a 12◦59′29′.′50 (1) cumnuclearmassconcentration(i.e.,adominantstellarbulge); Vhel 744kms−1 (1) (2) a high circumnuclear molecular gas fraction (>∼10%); and RC3Type SAB(s)b (2) NuclearActivity LINER/Seyfert2 (3) (3) kinematically decoupledbars with overlappingdynamical Inclination 61◦.3 (1) resonances.Thelargeamountofgasaroundthenucleus,com- PositionAngle 178◦±1◦ (1) binedwithdynamicalfeaturesthatenablethegastopenetrate Distance 10.2Mpc(1′′=49pc) (2) theinnerLindbladResonance(ILR),seemtobenecessary(and L 4.2×1010L (4) B ⊙ perhaps sufficient) ingredients for inducing gas inflow in cir- M 8.1×108M (5) HI ⊙ cumnuclearscales. M 4.1×109M (6) H2 ⊙ The existence of different nuclear molecular morpholo- Mdust(60and100µm) 4.5×106M⊙ (4) gies can be sought in the variety of timescales characteriz- LFIR 1.2×1010L⊙ (7) ing nuclear activity. Strong fueling only lasts for a time of tfuel ∼ 0.002×tH, where tH ∼ 1.4×1010yr is the age of the a (αJ2000,δJ2000)isthephasetrackingcenterofour12COinterfero- metricobservations,assumedcoincidentwiththedynamicalcen- Universe (Heckmanetal. 2004). Thus, the total time during terofNGC3627(seeSect.4.1). which strong fueling can occur is around t ∼ 3 × 107yr; fuel b Luminosity and mass values extracted from the literature have if there are N fueling events per black hole per Hubble time, beenscaledtothedistanceofD=10.2Mpc. eacheventwouldhaveadurationoft ∼3×107/Nyr.This event c (1) This paper; (2) NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED, impliesthatthestrongaccretionphaseisafraction≃0.3/N of; (3) Hoetal. (1997); (4) thecharacteristicgalaxydynamicaltime(∼ 108yr).Although Casasolaetal. (2004); (5) Haanetal. (2008); (6) Kunoetal. large-scalebarscanproducegasinflow(e.g.,Combes&Gerin (2007);(7)IRASCatalog. 1985;Sakamotoetal.1999)andinsomecasesalsodrivepow- erfulstarbursts (e.g., Knapenetal. 2002; Jogeeetal. 2005), a correlation between large-scale bars and nuclear activity has notyetbeenverified(e.g.,Mulchaey&Regan1997).Thislack of correlation is probably related to the different timescales aLINER/Seyfert2typenuclearactivity(Hoetal.1997).With for bar-induced gas inflow (&300 Myr, Jogeeetal. 2005), NGC3623andNGC3628,itformsthewell-knownLeoTriplet AGN duty cycles (∼107yr), and intermittent active accre- (M66 Group, VV308). Since the discovery of a long plume tion every ∼108yr (Ferrareseetal. 2001; Mareckietal. 2003; in Hi extending about 50′ to the east of NGC 3628 (Zwicky Janiuketal.2004;Hopkins&Hernquist2006;King&Pringle 1956; Haynesetal. 1979), evidence of past interactions be- 2007). The comparison of these different timescales suggests tweenNGC3627andNGC3628(thetwolargestspiralsinthe thatmostAGNareinanintermediatephasebetweenactiveac- group),the Leo Triplethas been extensivelystudied from the cretionepisodesmakingthedetectionofgalaxieswithnuclear radio to the optical, and in X-ray bandpasses. Optical broad- accretionsomewhatdifficult. bandimagesofNGC3627revealapronouncedandasymmet- Gravitational torques act on timescales of ∼106−7yr and ricspiralpatternwithheavydustlanes,indicatingstrongden- are the most efficient mechanism in driving the gas from sity wave action (Ptaketal. 2006). While the western arm is large spatial scales (some tens of kpc) to intermediate spatial accompaniedby weak traces of star formation(SF) visible in scales(afewhundredsofpc).Dynamicalfrictionandviscous Hα,theeasternarmcontainsastar-formingsegmentinitsinner torquesareofteninvoked,inadditiontogravitationaltorques, part(Smithetal.1994).NGC3627alsopossessesX-rayprop- as possible mechanisms of AGN fueling. However, dynami- ertiesofagalaxywitharecentstarburst(Dahlemetal.1996). cal friction of giant molecular clouds in the stellar bulge of Boththeradiocontinuum(2.8cmand20cm)andthe12CO(1– a galaxy tends to be a slow, inefficient process which, to first 0) emissions show a nuclear peak, extend along the leading approximation, can be neglected relative to gravity torques edges of the bar forming two broad maxima at the bar ends, (Garc´ıa-Burilloetal. 2005). Viscous torques can be more ef- andthenthespiralarmstrailofffromthebarends(Haanetal. fective,andarefavoredinthepresenceoflargedensitygradi- 2008;Paladinoetal.2008;Haanetal.2009).Onthecontrary, entsandhighgalacticshear(seeGarc´ıa-Burilloetal.2005,for the Hi emission exhibits a spiral morphology without signa- details).Nevertheless,theyarerelativelyinefficientwhenthere turesofabarintheatomicgas(Haanetal.2008;Walteretal. arestrong(positive)gravitytorques. 2008;Haanetal.2009). This paper is dedicated to the galaxy NGC3627, the ThemostrecentHimassdeterminationforNGC3627has eleventh object of the core NUGA sample studied on a case- been obtained by Haanetal. (2008), M = 8.1×108M (re- HI ⊙ by-case basis. NGC3627 (Messier 66, D = 10.2Mpc, H = portedto our adopteddistance of D = 10.2Mpc), on average 0 73kms−1 Mpc−1)isaninteracting(e.g.,Casasolaetal.2004) lessthanthetypicalvalueexpectedforinteractinggalaxiesof andbarredgalaxyclassifiedasSAB(s)bshowingsignaturesof thesameHubbletype(Casasolaetal.2004).TheH masscon- 2 Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 3 Table2.12CO(1–0)fluxvalues,bothobtainedbyourobservationsandextractedfromtheliterature,forNGC3627. Reference Telescope Diameter PrimarybeamorFOVa Beam Flux [m] [′′] [′′×′′] [Jykms−1] Youngetal.(1995) FCRAO 14 45 786 Thispaper PdBI+30m 42 2.1×1.3 668 Thispaper PdBI+30m 22b 2.1×1.3 359 Thispaper PdBI 22b 2.0×1.3 251 Thispaper 30m 30 22(centralposition) 343c Helferetal.(2003) NRAO 12 55(inner50′′×50′′) 1100–1200 Thispaper 30m 30 22(inner50′′×50′′) 1097d a Primary beam is considered for single-dish observations, while field-of-view (FOV) for interferometric or combined (interferometric+single-dish)ones. b Thephotometryhasbeenperformedwithin22′′,the12CO(1–0)primarybeamforthe30mtelescope. c The12CO(1–0)recoveredfluxforthecentralposition(0′′,0′′). d The12CO(1–0)recoveredfluxforinner∼50′′×50′′,5×5mappingwith7′′spacing(seeSect.2.2). tentestimatedbyKunoetal.(2007)is4.1×109M (scaledto 2. Observations ⊙ ourdistanceofD=10.2MpcforNGC3627). 2.1.Interferometricobservations TheseH andHimassvaluesgiveaH /Himassratioof5.1, 2 2 We observedNGC3627with the IRAM PdBI (6 antennas)in highcomparedtotheaverageratioexpectedforgalaxiessim- theABCDconfigurationofthearraybetween2003September ilartoNGC3627,M /M = 0.9(Casasolaetal.2004).The highH /HimassratioHi2nNHGIC3627isprobablyduetothetidal and 2004 February in the 12CO(1–0) [115GHz] and the 2 12CO(2–1) [230GHz] line. The PdBI receiver characteristics, interaction with NGC3628, since this galaxy has “captured” muchoftheHiinNGC3627(Zhangetal.1993). the observing procedures, and the image reconstruction are similar to those described in Garc´ıa-Burilloetal. (2003). The Other molecular transitions have been detected in quasar3C454.3was usedforbandpasscalibration,3C273for NGC3627, including HCN(1–0), HCN(2–1), HCN(3–2), flux calibration, and 1546+027 for phase and amplitude cali- HCO+(1–0),andHCO+(3–2),suggestingthepresenceofhigh brations. densitygas(Gao&Solomon2004;Kripsetal. 2008).We list Data cubes with 512 × 512 pixels (0′.′27pixel−1 for inTable1themainobservationalparametersofNGC3627. 12CO(1–0)and0′.′13pixel−1for12CO(2–1))werecreatedover avelocityintervalof-242.5kms−1to+242.5kms−1inbinsof The structure of this paper is as follows. In Sect. 2, we 5kms−1.Theimagespresentedherewerereconstructedusing describe our new observations of NGC3627 and the litera- the standard IRAM/GILDAS2 software (Guilloteau&Lucas ture datawith which we comparethem. InSects. 3 and4, we 2000) and restored with Gaussian beams of dimensions 2′.′0 present the observational results, both single-dish and inter- × 1′.′3 (PA = 23◦) at 115GHz and 0′.′9 × 0′.′6 (PA = 28◦) ferometric,describingmorphology,excitation conditions,and at 230GHz. We used natural and uniform weightings to gen- kinematicsofthemoleculargasintheinnerkpcofNGC3627. erate 12CO(1–0) and 12CO(2–1) maps, respectively. This al- Comparisonsbetween12COobservationsandthoseobtainedat lows to maximize the flux recovered in 12CO(1–0) and opti- otherwavelengthsaregiveninSect.5.InSect.6,wedescribe mizethespatialresolutionin12CO(2–1).Inthecleanedmaps, thecomputationofthegravitytorquesderivedfromthestellar the rms levels are 3.7mJybeam−1 and 6.7mJybeam−1 for potentialin the inner regionof NGC3627,and in Sect. 7, we the 12CO(1–0) and 12CO(2–1) lines, respectively at a veloc- giveandynamicalinterpretationoftheresults.Finally,Sect.8 ity resolution of 5kms−1. At a level of 3σ no 3mm (1mm) summarizesourmainresults. continuum was detected toward NGC3627 down to an rms noise level of 0.34mJybeam−1 (0.48mJybeam−1). The con- We assume a distance to NGC3627 of D = 10.2Mpc, version factors between intensity and brightness temperature (HyperLeda DataBase1) and a Hubble constant H = 0 are 34K(Jybeam−1)−1 at 115GHz and 41K(Jybeam−1)−1 at 73kms−1Mpc−1. This distance means that 1′′ correspondsto 230GHz. All velocities are referred to the systemic veloc- 49pc. ity V = 744 kms−1 and (∆α,∆δ) offsets are relative to sys,hel the phase tracking center of our observations (11h20m15.02s, 12◦59′29.50′′) [see later Sect. 4.1]. All maps are centered on 1 Patureletal.(2003), 2 4 Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 Fig.1. SpectramapsofNGC3627madewiththeIRAM30mwith7′′spacingin12CO(1–0)[top]and12CO(2–1)[bottom].The positionsarearcsecoffsetsrelativetothephasetrackingcenterofourinterferometricobservations(seeTable1).Eachspectrum hasavelocityscalefrom−300to300kms−1,andabeam-averagedradiationtemperaturescale(T )from−0.10to0.48Kfor mb 12CO(1–0)andfrom−0.25to0.70Kfor12CO(2–1). this position (see Table 1) and are not corrected for primary 2.2.Single-dishobservations beamattenuation. We performed IRAM 30m telescope observations of NGC3627 on July 16-19, 2002, in a 5 × 5 raster pattern with7′′ spacing.Byusing4SISreceivers,wesimultaneously observed the frequencies of the 12CO(1–0) [115GHz], the Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 5 12CO(2–1)[230GHz],andtheHCN(1–0)[89GHz]lines.The 12CO(2–1) line has been observed in dual-polarization. The half power beam widths (HPBW) are 22′′, 12′′, and 29′′ for 12CO(1–0), 12CO(2–1), and HCN(1–0) lines, respectively. Typical system temperatures were ∼110-145K at 115GHz, ∼320-750K at 230GHz, and ∼110-145K at 89GHz. For the single-dish data reduction, the Continuum and Line Analysis Single-dish Software (CLASS2) was used. Throughout the paper we express the line intensity scale in units of the beam-averaged radiation temperature (T ). T is related mb mb to the equivalent antenna temperature reported above the atmosphere (T∗) by η =T∗/T , where η is the telescope A A mb main-beam efficiency. At 115GHz η = 0.79, at 230GHz η = 0.54,andat89GHzη=0.82.Allobservationswereperformed in“wobbler-switching”mode,withaminimumphasetimefor Fig.2. HCN(1–0) spectrum toward the center of NGC3627, spectral line observations of 2s and a maximum beam throw averaged over the 25-point map made with the IRAM 30m of240′′.Thepointingaccuracywas∼3′′ rms.Thesingle-dish with7′′ spacing.Thespectrumhasavelocityscalefrom−850 mapspresentedinthispaperarecenteredonthephasetracking to850kms−1andabeam-averagedradiationtemperaturescale centerofourinterferometricobservations(seeTable1). (Tmb)from−0.003to0.010K. 2.3.Shortspacingcorrection fluxes we obtained with interferometric observations, single- Aninterferometerislimitedbytheminimumspacingofitsan- dish, and combined measurements (PdBI+30m) are in good tennas. Because two antennas can not be placed closer than mutual agreement with each other and with data present in someminimumdistance(D ),signalsonspatialscaleslarger min literature. Our 30m observations give a value S = thansomesize(∝λ/D )willbeattenuated.Thiseffect,called CO(1−0) min 343Jykms−1 for the central position, consistent with flux the “missing flux” problem, is resolved by using single-dish valuefoundwithPdBI+30mdatawithinthe12CO(1–0)30m– observationstocomputeshortspacingsandcompletetheinter- HPBW (22′′). The whole region covered with 30m observa- ferometricmeasurements. tions (∼50′′×50′′) gives a flux of 1097Jy km s−1, in agree- By combining 30m and PdBI data, we found the best ment with the BIMA SONG survey3 (NRAO 12m) measure- compromise between good angular resolution and complete ments(Helferetal.2003,seeFig.50,∼1100–1200Jykms−1). restoration of the missing extended flux by varying the rel- Moreover,within the 42′′primary beam field of the PdBI, we ative weights of 30m and PdBI observations. The combined recovered∼85%ofthefluxdetectedbyYoungetal.(1995)for PdBI+30m maps have angular resolutions of 2′.′1 × 1′.′3 at the central position with the FCRAO (786Jykms−1), a good PA = 23◦ for the 12CO(1–0) and 0′.′9 × 0′.′6 at PA = 30◦ for agreement considering the uncertainties in the amplitude cal- the 12CO(2–1). In the combined maps, the rms uncertainty σ ibration and the non-correctionby the primary beam attenua- in5kms−1 widthvelocitychannelsis3.6mJybeam−1 and6.5 tion. mJybeam−1 for the 12CO(1–0) and 12CO(2–1) lines, respec- tively.Forthesemaps,theconversionfactorsbetweenintensity andbrightnesstemperatureare32K(Jybeam−1)−1 at115GHz 2.4.OtherimagesofNGC3627 and 41K(Jybeam−1)−1 at 230GHz. All interferometric fig- We also acquired the large-scale 12CO(1–0) emission image ures presented in this paper are realized with short-spacing- available thanks to the BIMA SONG survey performed with correcteddata. the 10-element BIMA millimeter interferometer (Welchetal. Within22′′,the12CO(1–0)HPBWforthe30mtelescope, 1996)atHatCreek,California.Thisimagewasfirstpublished the map including only PdBI observations recovers a flux by Reganetal. (2001) and Helferetal. (2003), and covers a S = 251 Jy km s−1, 70% of the total flux measured CO(1−0) field of 350′′×410′′(centered on the galaxy) with a pixel size with the merged PdBI+30m map, S = 359 Jy km s−1. CO(1−0) of1′′,andabeamof6′.′6×5′.′5. Table 2 reports both 12CO(1–0) flux values determined with Several infrared (IR) images are included in our anal- our observations (single-dish, interferometric, and combined ysis: the Spitzer-IRAC 3.6µm image (to trace the stellar PdBI+30m) andthose presentin literature. In this table, Col. component), the Spitzer-IRAC 8µm image (to visualize the (1)indicatesthe reference,Cols. (2)and (3)are the telescope Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons [PAH] features), and the (single-dishor interferometer)and the diameterof the single- Spitzer-MIPS70 and 160µm images (to study the dust emis- dishtelescoperespectively,Col.(4)istheprimarybeamofthe sion and resolve the SF regions). These IR images are avail- instrument or the diameter used for the performed photome- try,Col.(5)isthebeamininterferometricmeasurements,and 3 Berkley-Illinois-Maryland Association Survey of Nearby Col.(6)givesthemeasuredflux.Table2showsthat12CO(1–0) Galaxies. 6 Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 Fig.3. Leftpanel:12CO(1–0)integratedspectrumandgaussianfit(red)intheinner∼2′′ofNGC3627forPdBI+30mcombined data.Thegaussianfitshowsthattheheliocentricsystematicvelocityisredshiftedby16kms−1 withrespecttotheheliocentric velocity of the center (0 kms−1). Right panel: Same for 12CO(2–1). The gaussian fit shows that the heliocentric systematic velocityisredshiftedby18kms−1. Fig.4.Leftpanel:12CO(1–0)integratedintensitycontoursobservedwiththeIRAMPdBI+30mtowardthecenterofNGC3627. Thewhitestarmarksthecoordinatesofthedynamicalcenterofthegalaxycoincidentwithourphasetrackingcenter(seeTable 1),withoffsetsinarcseconds.Themap,derivedwith2σclipping,hasnotbeencorrectedforprimarybeamattenuation.Therms noiselevelisσ=0.16Jybeam−1kms−1andcontourlevelsrunfrom3σto33σwith6σspacingandfrom39σtothemaximum with18σspacing.Inthismapthe±200kms−1velocityrangeisused.Thebeamof2′.′1×1′.′3isplottedinthelowerleft.Right panel:Samefor12CO(2–1).Thermsnoiselevelisσ = 0.30Jybeam−1kms−1 andcontourlevelsrunfrom3σto39σwith6σ spacingandfrom45σtothemaximumwith18σspacing.Thebeamof0′.′9×0′.′6isplottedatlowerleft. ablethankstotheproject“SINGS:TheSpitzerInfraredNearby We also use twonear-infrared(NIR)images H (1.65µm): Galaxies Survey” (Kennicuttetal. 2003). The IRAC images the first was taken from the Two Micron All Sky Survey cover a sky area of ∼1600′′×1890′′and ∼1220′′×1420′′at (2MASS)andcoversaFOVof∼12′×12′,witharesolutionof 3.6µm and 8µm respectively, both with a pixel size of 0′.′75, 2′.′5. Thesecond1.6µm H-bandimage ofNGC3627is avail- andspatialresolutionsof∼1-2′′.TheMIPS70µmimagecov- able thanks to the F160W filter on the Near-Infrared Camera ers ∼1940′′×3645′′with a pixel size of 4′.′5, and the MIPS and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS, camera 3 [NIC3]) 160µmimage∼2025′′×3460′′withapixelsizeof9′′. onboardtheHubbleSpaceTelescope(HST).Thisimagecov- Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 7 lowsustoderivetheH masswithintheobservedregionas: 2 M [M ] = 8.653×103D2[Mpc]S [Jykms−1] (1) H2 ⊙ CO(1−0) We derive an H mass of M ∼9.9×108M within the in- 2 H2 ⊙ ner ∼50′′×50′′, and taking into account the mass of helium, the total molecular mass is M = M = 1.36 × mol H2+He M ∼1.3×109M . H2 ⊙ The HCN(1–0) line has been observed for inner 25 po- sitions with 7′′ spacing, covering the central ∼56′′ (∼2.7kpc in diameter). The HCN(1–0) average spectrum over the 5×5 grid is displayed in Fig. 2 and shows a peak at T ∼0.009K. mb The HCN(1–0) velocity integrated intensity of the central position (0′′, 0′′) is I = 3.1±0.3Kkms−1 with ∆v HCN(1−0) = 237±32kms−1, consistent with the results obtained by Kripsetal. (2008) for the same position observed with the same instrument (I = 2.7±0.2Kkms−1 with ∆v = HCN(1−0) 290±30kms−1).TheCO(1–0)/HCN(1–0)ratioaveragedonthe center of galaxy is roughly 10, a value intermediate between Fig.5. Color scale of the CO(2–1)/CO(1–0) ratio map and the ratios found in spatially resolved molecular disks around 12CO(1–0)intensitymapcontoursasinFig.4(leftpanel). AGN, such as NGC6951 (Kripsetal. 2007) and NGC1068 (Kripsetal. 2008), and those foundin pure starburst galaxies suchasM82(Kripsetal.2008). ersaFOVof51′′×51′′,hasaresolutionof0′.′2,andisnotex- 4. Interferometricresults actly centered on the galaxy but offset from our phase track- ingcenter7′′ towardwestand7′.′4towardsouth.Itispartofa 4.1.Dynamicalcenter surveyof94nearbygalaxiesfromtheRevisedShapleyAmes Thephasetrackingcenterofourobservations(seeTable1)co- Catalog(Bo¨keretal.1999). incides almost exactly with the nuclear radio source detected Finally,wealsouseafar-ultraviolet(FUV)imagefromthe at 15GHz (VLA/2cm) by Nagaretal. (2000) [11h20m15.01s, GALEX satellite, whose band is centered at λeff = 1516 Å. 12◦59′29′.′76] and at 8.4GHz (VLA/3.6cm) by Filhoetal. This image has been already used and studied in the context (2000) [11h20m15.0s, 12◦59′30′′]. Thus, in the following, we oftheGALEXNearbyGalaxiesSurvey(NGS,GildePazetal. assume that our observations are centered on the dynamical 2007). The image covers a square region on the sky of size centerofNGC3627. ∼5760′′×5760′′, i.e., much larger than the extent of the opti- Thespectralcorrelatorswerecenteredat114.992GHzfor cal disk of NGC3627, with 1′.′5 pixels. As the image was re- 12CO(1–0)and229.979GHzfor12CO(2–1),correspondingto duced with the GALEX data pipeline, it is already expressed V =727kms−1.SinceforNGC3627thedifferencebetween LSR in intensityunitsandskysubtracted.The totalFUV calibrated LSR and heliocentric velocity is ∼0 kms−1, our observations magnitudeis16.34±0.02,correspondingtoaFUVfluxdensity were centered on V = V (PdBI) = 727 kms−1. In the in- of1057±19µJy. LSR hel ner ∼2′′ of NGC3627 the velocity centroid is 16 kms−1 red- shifted with respect to the heliocentric velocity of the center ofour12CO(1–0)observations(Fig.3,leftpanel).Similarlyto 3. Single-dishresults 12CO(1–0),for12CO(2–1)wefindthatthevelocitycentroidis TheobservationsperformedwiththeAandBreceiversofthe 18 kms−1 redshifted with respect to the heliocentric velocity IRAM 30m telescope in the two 12CO lines covered the in- (Fig.3,rightpanel).Assuminganintermediatevaluebetween ner∼50′′,correspondingtothecentral∼2.5kpc(indiameter) thesystemicheliocentricvelocitydeterminedforthe12CO(1– of the galaxy (Fig. 1). The observed positions show that the 0)andthatforthe12CO(2–1),weestimateV =744kms−1. sys,hel centralregionofNGC3627hostsextendedmolecularemission This estimation of the systemic heliocentric velocity is bothin12CO(1–0)and12CO(2–1).ThemaximumdetectedT 24 kms−1 redshifted with respect to the systemic heliocen- mb is0.4Kin12CO(1–0)attheoffsetposition(0′′,-7′′),and0.6K tric velocity determined from Hi observations (720 kms−1, in12CO(2–1)attheoffsetposition(0′′,7′′). HyperLeda Database; Haanetal. 2008). In interacting galax- We estimate a flux of 1097 Jykms−1 within the in- iesandinthosewithalopsidedHimorphology,adiscrepancy ner ∼50′′×50′′(see Table 2 and Sect. 2.3), in good agree- betweensystemicvelocityderivedfrom12COandHiobserva- ment with previous single-dish flux determinations (e.g., tionsisnotunusual.NGC4579(Garc´ıa-Burilloetal.2009)and Helferetal. 2003). Assuming a H -CO conversion factor NGC5953 (Casasolaetal. 2010) exhibit differences of ∼50 2 of X = N(H )/I = 2.2 × 1020 cm−2 (K km s−1)−1 kms−1 between12COandHivelocities,perhapsduetothein- 2 CO (Solomon&Barrett 1991), the 12CO(1–0) integrated flux al- teractionhistoryofthegalaxyandthedifferenteffectoftheram 8 Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 Fig.6.12CO(1–0)velocitychannelmapsobservedwiththeIRAMPdBI+30minthenucleusofNGC3627,withaspatialresolu- tion of 2′.′1 × 1′.′3 (HPBW). The maps are centered on the phase tracking center of our observations(α = 11h20m15.02s, J2000 δ = 12◦59′29′.′50) assumed to be coincident with the dynamical center of the galaxy. Velocity channels range from J2000 ∆V = −200kms−1 to +200kms−1 in steps of 5kms−1 relative to V = 744kms−1 (see Sect. 4.1). The contoursrun from sys,hel −40mJybeam−1to260mJybeam−1withspacingsof60mJybeam−1. pressureontheatomicandmoleculargas(Garc´ıa-Burilloetal. 4.2.COdistributionandmass 2009). In NGC3627, the role of interaction history and the ram-pressure, although not negligible, could have shifted the Figure4showsthe12CO(1–0)and12CO(2–1)integratedinten- Hi barycenter with respect to the molecular one less strongly sitydistributionsintheinner∼40′′(∼2kpc)ofNGC3627.The thaninNGC4579andNGC5953. 12CO(1–0) emission (Fig. 4, left panel) exhibits a peak at the nucleus, extendsalong a bar-like structure of ∼18′′ (∼900pc) diameterwitha north/southorientation(see laterSect.4.4for the discussion on the PA) and two peaks at its extremes, at r∼5-6′′ (∼270pc), with the southern one more evident. The Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 9 Fig.7.SameasFig.6butforthe12CO(2–1)line,withaspatialresolutionof0′.′9×0′.′6.Thecontoursrunfrom−50mJybeam−1 to350mJybeam−1withspacingsof50mJybeam−1. 12CO(1–0) morphology also shows a two-arm spiral feature observedtheinner∼2kpcofthegalaxy,thegoodPdBIresolu- fromr∼9′′(∼450pc)tor∼16′′(∼800pc),withtwopeaksover tionallowsustoinvestigatethenuclearmoleculargasdistribu- thesespiralarmsatr∼12-14′′(∼650pc).Asimilarandmorere- tioninNGC3627moreindetailthaninBIMASONGsurvey solveddistributionisfoundin12CO(2–1)[Fig.4,rightpanel]. (typicalresolutionof∼6′′)andwiththe45mNRAOtelescope Like the nuclear peak, the two peaks at the ends of the inner (FWHM∼15′′). The 12CO distribution is completely different ∼18′′ bar-like structure at r∼5-6′′, are more evident than in from the ringed Hi morphology which exhibits an inner hole 12CO(1–0). where instead the molecular gas is located (Haanetal. 2008; Walteretal.2008). The12COdistributionfoundhereagreeswellwithprevious moleculargasmaps,suchasthatgivenbyReganetal.(2001) ApplyingEq.(1)tocombinedPdBI+30mdata,wederived andHelferetal.(2003)inthecontextoftheBIMASONGsur- atotalH massofM ∼6.0×108M (S =668Jykms−1,see 2 H2 ⊙ CO veyandthatobtainedbyKunoetal.(2007)withthe45mtele- Table2)withinthe42′′primarybeamfieldofthePdBI.Taking scopeoftheNobeyamaRadioObservatory.Althoughweonly into account the mass of helium, the total molecular mass is 10 Casasolaetal.:NUGAXIV:NGC3627 Fig.8. Left panel: Overlay of the integrated12CO(1–0)emission, same as Fig. 4 (left panel), with CO mean-velocityfield in contoursspanningtherange-180to180kms−1instepsof10kms−1.Thewhitestarindicatesthedynamicalcenterofthegalaxy. ThevelocitiesarereferredtoV =744kms−1,solid(red)linesareusedforpositivevelocities,anddashed(blue)linesfor sys,hel negativevelocities.Thedashedlineindicatesthepositionangleofthemajoraxisofthewholeobservedregion(PA=178◦±1◦), whilethedot-dashedlinetracesthepositionangleofthemajoraxisofthebar-likestructure(PA=14◦±2◦).Thecontinuumline indicatesthepositionangleoftheprimarystellarbaridentifiedwiththeNIRH-band2MASSimage(PA=−21◦)[seelaterthe leftpanelofFig.16andSect.5.2].Rightpanel:Samefor12CO(2–1).Thedashedlineindicatesthepositionangleofthemajor axisofthewhole12CO(1–0)observedregion(PA=178◦±1◦,seeleftpanel),whilethedot-dashedlinetracesthepositionangle of the major axis of the 12CO(2–1)bar-like structure (PA = 15◦ ± 2◦). The continuumline indicates the position angle of the primarystellarbaridentifiedwiththeNIRH-band2MASSimage(PA=−21◦)[seelaterFig.16andSect.5.2]. M ∼8.2×108M . This is roughly 63% of the molecular gas A higher excitation of the molecular gas in the nucleus, sug- mol ⊙ masswithina50′′diameter(seeSect.3).The∼18′′12CO(1–0) gestedbyahigherR lineratio,isconsistentwiththeHCN(1– 21 bar-likestructurecontributesanH massofM ∼2.1×108M , 0)emissioninthesameregion(seeSect.3). 2 H2 ⊙ roughly one-third of the H mass computed within 42′′, al- 2 though the feature occupies an area of only ∼5% of the 42′′ 4.4.COKinematics beam. NGC3627, compared to other NUGA galaxies, is not particularly massive in molecular gas, especially with respect Figures 6 and 7 show the velocity-channel maps of 12CO(1– to the extraordinary case of NGC1961 with an H mass of 2 0)and12CO(2–1)emission,respectively,in thecentralregion ∼1.8×1010M (Combesetal.2009). ⊙ ofNGC3627.Theinner12COemissionofthegalaxyexhibits signaturesofnon-circularmotionsbothatnegativeandpositive velocities.Thesenon-circularcomponentsareassociatedboth 4.3.CO(2–1)/CO(1–0)lineratio with the 18′′ bar-like structure and the spiral feature detected beyond the bar-like structure and will be discussed in detail Informationaboutthelocalexcitationconditionsofthemolec- ular gas can be inferred from the line ratio R =I /I . This later,inSect.4.5,whereweanalyzetherotationcurvederived 21 21 10 ratioisobtainedbycomparingthe12COmapsofthetwotran- withour12COdata. sitions, at the same resolution and with the same spatial fre- 12CO(1–0)isovelocitycontours(first-momentmap)aresu- quency sampling. Figure 5 shows R ratio with 12CO(1–0) perposedonthe12CO(1–0)integratedintensityinFigure8(left 21 contours as in Fig. 4 (left panel). In the observed region, the panel). The white star indicates the dynamical center of the line ratio ranges from 0.25 to 1 but the bulk of the emission galaxy, assumed coincident with the phase tracking center of hasaratiobetween0.4and0.7.TheseR lineratiovaluesare ourobservations,andthevelocitiesarerelativetothesystemic 21 consistentwith R = 0.6obtainedby Kripsetal. (2008), and heliocentricvelocity,V =744kms−1 (seeSect.4.1).The 21 sys,hel more in general with optically thick emission in spiral disks dashed line traces the position angle of the major axis of the (e.g.,Braine&Combes1992;Garc´ıa-Burilloetal.1993).The observedregion,PA=178◦±1◦(almostvertical),obtainedby R peaksof∼1arereachedinthecenterofNGC3627andat maximizing the symmetry in the position velocity diagrams. 21 the southern extreme of the elongated 12CO emission region. Thispositionangleisclosetothatoftheentiregalaxy,asgiven