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Molecular Evolution A Phylogenetic Approach Roderic D .M. Page Universityo f Glasgow Edward C. Holmes Universityo f Oxford b .. Blackwell Science © 1998 by DISTRIBUTORS Blackwell Science Ltd Marston Book Services Ltd Editorial Offices: POBox269 Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0EL Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4YN 25 John Street, London WClN 2BL (Orders:T el: 01235 465500 23 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh EH3 6AJ Fax: 01235 465555) 350 Main Street, Malden MA 02148 5018, USA USA 54 University Street, Carlton )3lackwell Science, Inc Victoria 3053, Australia Commerce Place 10, rue Casimir Delavigne 350 Main Street 75006 Paris, France Malden, MA 02148 5018 (Orders:T el: 800 759 6102 Other Editorial Offices: 781 388 8250 Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH Fax: 781 388 8255) Kurftirstendamm 57 Canada 10707 Berlin, Germany Login Brothers Book Company Blackwell Science KK 324 Saulteaux Cresent MG Kodenmacho Building Winnipeg, Manitoba R3J 3T2 7-1 o Kodenmacho Nihombashi (Orders:T el: 204 837-2987) Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104, Japan Australia Blackwell Science Pty Ltd The right of the Authors to be identified 54 University Street as the Authors of this Work has been Carlton, Victoria 3053 asserted in accordance with the (Orders:T el: 3 9347 0300 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. Fax: 3 9347 5001) All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, A catalogue record for this title stored in a retrieval system, or is available from the British Library transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, ISBN 0-86542-889-1 photocopying, recording or otherwise, Library of Congress except as pennitted by the UK Cataloging-in-publication Data Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prtor permission Page, Roderic D.M. Molecular evolution: a phylogenetic of the copyrtght owner. approach/Roderic D.M. Page, First published 1998 Edward C. Holmes. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and Set by Setrite Typesetters Ltd, Hong Kong index. Printed and bound in Great Britain ISBN 0-86542-889-1 at the University Press, Cambridge l. Molecular evolution. 2. Evolutionary genetics. The Blackwell Science logo is a trade mark of Blackwell Sdence Ltd, I. Holmes, Edward C. II. Ude. QH390. P34 1 998 registered at the United Kingdom 572.8'38-dc21 98-4696 Trade Marks RegiSiry CIP For further information on Blackwell Sdence, visit our website: www.blackwell·science.com Contents Acknowledgements, v 1 The Archaeology of the Genome, 1 2 Trees, 11 3 Genes: Organisation, Function and Evolution, 37 4 Genes in Populations, 89 5 Measuring Genetic Change, 135 6 Inferring Molecular Phylogeny, 172 7 Models of Molecular Evolution, 228 8 Applications of Molecular Phylogenetics, 280 References and Bibliography, 315 Index, 335 iii ·A ckn.owledgements We thank Simon Rallison for commissioning the book, and for negotiating the contract at the same time that R.D.M.P.'s wife, Antje, was working in Blackwell's royalties department. This, of course, was merely a fortuitous coincidence. In any event, Antje's gentle prodding helped speed the completion of one half of the book. Ian Sherman shepherded the book to its conclusion with great patience in the face of our ludicrously optimistic assessments of when we would be finished. Several anonymous referees provided very helpful comments while Tim Anderson, John Brookfield, Mike Charleston, Nick Grassly, Rosalind Harding, Peter Holland, Mark Ridley and Vmce Smith read chunks of the manuscript (some very large) for which we are extremely grateful. Jake Baum's input into part of Chapter 4 was also much appreciated. Finally we thank Paul Harvey, Wyl Lewis, Mark Ridley at-id Rachel Urwin for encouragement and inspiration. Roderic D.M. Page Glasgow Edward C. Holmes Oxford V Chapter 1 The Archaeology of the Genome 1. 1 The nature of molecular evolution 1.2 What this book will cover 1.3 Further reading 1.1 The nature of molecular evolution Although a sometimes unpleasant occupant of our respiratory tracts, Haemophilus· injluenzae, a small Gram-negative bacterium, was an unlikely candidate to symbolise a revolution in molecular biology. But this is exactly what happened in July 1995 when the entire 1830137 DNA base pairs of its genome was published-the first of a free-living organism. A new era in biological science had begun. Soon after Haemophilusi njluenzaec ame the first complete genome from a eukaryote - that of the yeast Saccharomycesc erevisiae,f ollowed by Methanococcujsa nnaschii, the first representative of the third domain of cellular life, the Archaea. In the next few years molecular biology will claim its biggest prize-the 3.3 billion bases that make up the genome of Homo sapiens. DNA sequences are valuable because they provide the most detailed anatomy possible for any organism - the instructions for how each working part should be assembled and operate. Much of modern biology now relies on unravelling the information stored within gene sequences and this is true of evolutionary studies, where gene sequences are now recognised as an invaluable document of the history of life on earth. It is the aim of this book to show what evolutionary information is written into gene sequences and how this information might be recovered. This is the science of molecular evolution. Take, for example, Haemophi[us injluenzae, Saccharomycesc erevisiae and Methanococcujasn naschii.U ntil recently, most textbooks divided cellular organisms into the eukaryotes, which possess a cell nucleus, and the prokaryotes, which do not. This tidy world was upturned in the 1970s when Carl Woese and colleagues, using the highly conserved 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, showed that there were in fact two very different groups of prokaryotes- the Eubacteria like Haemophilusi njluenzae, now simply referred to as the Bacteria, and the Archaebacteria whose members include Methanococcujsa nnaschii, now known as the Archaea (Fig. 1.1). Until the rise of molecular biology in the 1970s, this third great branch of life was lost from us but with molecular phylogenies we have learned that the A rrhaea are in fact probably more 1 2 CHAPTER I Bacteria (Eubacteria) Archaea (Archaebacteria) Green non-sulphur 1 Euryarchaeota bacteria Halophiles Gram- positives Eukarya (Eukaryotes) Purple bacteria Fungi Cyanobacteria Plants F/avobacteria Microsporidia Diplomonads Fig. 1.1 Phylogenetic relationships between members of the three domains of cellular life--the Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya, based on rRNA. The Archaea can be further divided into the Crenarchaeota (also known as the eocytes) and the Euryarchaeota (methanogens and halophiles). Although popular, this tree is by no means universally accepted. For example, there is still some debate as to whether tbe Crenarchaeota are in fact more closely related to the eukaryotes than they are to the other Archaea. From Morell (1996) and originally Olsen and Woese (1993), with permission. closely related to the eukaryotes than they are to the Bacteria, even though they lack a cell nucleus and represent some of the most extreme forms of life on earth. Methanococcujas nnaschii,f or example, lives on deep-sea hydrothermal chimneys ('white smokers'), at pressures of 200 atmospheres and temperatures of 85°C! Gene sequences dearly contain a unique and important archaeological record of life's first tentative steps. The importance of 16S rRNA for those interested in the early evolution of life lies in its slow evolution, which allows the historical record preserved in its gene sequences to be kept relatively intact. Other genes evolve a good deal more rapidly and so allow us to reconstruct historical pathways that have been trodden only recently. One such example of evolution in the fast lane are the genes which make up the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV},t he cause of the disease AIDS. HIV evolves about a million times faster than human genes, which is why developing effective drugs and vaccines is such a problem. This super-fast rate of evolutionary change also means that sequences from this virus can be used to retrace its spread through populations. Studies of this sort have had some dramatic results. For example, in 1990 the Centers . for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta received reports of AIDS in a young woman in Florida whose only risk of FIIV infection was seemingly that she had previously been treated by a dentist suffering from AIDS. A subsequent investigation then uncovered a number of the dentist's other former patients THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF THE GENOME 3 who were also HIV infected. Could it be that these people were somehow infected by their dentist? A phylogenetic tree reconstructed on part of the envelope (env) gene of the virus revealed that those patients with no other risk factors for HIV infection had sequences closely related to those of the dentist, strongly suggesting that he had infected them, whilst the sequences from two patients who could have been infected in other ways were separated from the dentist on the tree (Fig. 1.2). The HIV genome had therefore stored evolutionary info~ation, in the form of the mutations which had accumulated between transmission events, which could recount the very recent history of its spread. Despite the attention given to it today, the ability to sequence entire genomes is just the latest in a series of milestones which mark the development of molecular evolution. The roots of this science were laid early in this century by George Nuttall, a Cambridge biologist, who (along with a contemporary, Uhlenhuth, working in Germany) mixed sera and antisera from different species in an attempt to discover the 'blood relationship' between them. The r--------------------------- , Fig. 1.2 The case of the Dentist Florida dentist. Each branch represents tlie sequence from Patient C part of the envelope (env) gene ofHIV-1. Vrral sequences were obtained from the dentist and seven of his former patients (labelled A to G), also infected with the Patient B virus. Five of these patients Patient E (A, B, C, E and G), have sequences very closely related .._ ___ Patient A to those of the dentist (boxed), suggesting that he infected ------- Dentist them. Two of his other former patients (D and F) had other risk factors for HIV infection and their viruses are separated from the dentist by sequences taken from local controls (LC)-HIV-infected individuals living within a 90-mile radius of the dentist's surgery. Because HIV-1 is so variable, two different sequences are included for the dentist and patient A. Data taken from Ou et al. (1992j. 4 CHAPTER 1 idea was that the more closely related the species, the stronger the cross-reaction between sera and antisera. Today we know that this depends on the extent of genetic similarity between them. While Nuttall's techniques appear crude by today's standards, his work establishes the most important principle in molecular evolution-that the degree of similarity between genes reflects the strength of the evolutionary relationship between them. In the 50 years that followed Nuttall's work, studies of evolution at the molecular level made little progress, largely because there was a paucity of data to work with. This sits in stark contrast to the revolution which took place in the theoretical wing of evolutionary biology resulting in the 'neo Darwinian synthesis' of the 1930s. This synthesis, the basis of modem evolutionary thought, also forms a backdrop to many of the later debates that enveloped molecular data when it first became available. In this book we hope to describe an even more modern synthesis-that of molecular biology vvith phylogenetics-which enables us to explain the amazing diversity of genomes. The 1950s witnessed a blossoming of molecular evolution. Two events were primarily responsible for this renaissance. The first was the discovery, by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953, of the molecular structure of DNA-the double helix. This proved to be the key piece in the jigsaw that revealed DNA as the molecule responsible for carrying between generations the instructions for how organisms should be assembled and work correctly. At its most fundamental level, evolution can be thought of as changes in the structure of DNA. The second event took place in 1955 when Fred Sanger and colleagues, also working in Cambridge, published the first comparison of amino acid sequences {the product of DNA) from different species, in this case of the protein insulin from cattle, pigs and sheep. Although less famous than the breakthrough of Crick and Watson, this was the first study to reveal how species differed at the molecular level: cattle, pigs and sheep had three amino acid differences, indicating that their insulins had evolved along with their more obvious anatomical features. By the early 1960s, the amino acid sequences of a variety of proteins had been determined. The next task was to accurately recover evolutionary information from these sequences. This required a simple mathematical de scription of the process of gene sequence change over time. In other words, it was necessary to build a model of molecular evolution. Mo.dels make it easier to reconstruct past events and make predictions about future changes, and are an important part of molecular evolution. Although the first models were developed ahnost 40 years ago, many of their basic elements are still relevant today and will be encountered many times in this book. The most basic was the assumption that evolution at the molecular level was a largely stochastic process, dominated by chance events. It was also realised that the number of sequence changes we observe between genes might not be the same as the number that has actually taken place: because there are only four DNA bases

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