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Volume contents Molecular Adaptation and Environmental Genomics Differential patterns of spatial divergence in microsatellite and allozyme alleles: further Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2002 evidence for locus-specific selection in the acorn barnacle, Semibalanus balanoides? EDITORIAL AND REFEREES LIST F. Dufresne, E. Bourget & L. Bernatchez (2000-2001) Molecular Diagnostics, Methods and Interpretive INVITED REVIEW ARTICLES Tools Strategies for microsatellite isolation: a review Sex-specific genetic differentiation and coalescence L. Zane, L. Bargelloni & T. Patarnello times: estimating sex-biased dispersal rates Microarrays in ecology and evolution: a preview R. Vitalis G. Gibson Data from amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers show indication of ORIGINAL ARTICLES size homoplasy and of a relationship between Population and Conservation Genetics degree of homoplasy and fragment size The population genetics of host specificity: genetic X. Vekemans, T. Beauwens, M. Lemaire & I. Roldan-Ruiz differentiation in dove lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) K. P. Johnson, B. L. Williams, D.M . Drown, ERRATUM R. J. Adams & D. H. Clayton Patterns of genetic and phenotypic variation in Iris Erratum concerning Volume 10, number 8, haynei and I. atrofusca (Iris sect. Oncocyclus = the August 2001, pages 2043-2048, Semple et al. royal irises) along an ecogeographical gradient in Israel and the West Bank R. M. H. Arafeh, Y. Sapir, A. Shmida, N. Iraki, O. Fragman & H. P. Comes Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2002 Population structure, history and gene flow ina group of closely related land snails: genetic variation INVITED REVIEW ARTICLE in Partula from the Society Islands of the Pacific The estimation of population differentiation with S. L. Goodacre microsatellite markers F. Balloux & N. Lugon-Moulin Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization Chloroplast DNA diversity in Calluna vulgaris ORIGINAL ARTICLES (heather) populations in Europe Population and Conservation Genetics S. Rendell & R. A. Ennos Phylogenetic relationships among the Canary Prevailing triple infection with Wolbachia in Island Steganacaridae (Acari, Orbatida) inferred Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) from mitochondrial DNA sequence data N. Kondo, N. Ijichi, M. Shimada & N. Salomone, B. C. Emerson, G. M. Hewitt & T. Fukatsu F. Bernini Genetic variation in original and colonizing Drosophila buzzatii populations analysed by Kinship, Parentage, and Behaviour microsatellite loci isolated with a new PCR screening method Male reproductive competition in spawning J. Frydenberg, C. Pertoldi, J. Dahlgaard & aggregations of cod (Gadus morhua, L.) V. Loeschcke D. Bekkevold, M. M. Hansen & V. Loeschcke Extensive exchange of fungal cultivars between sympatric species of fungus-growing ants Ecological Genetics A. M. Green, U. G. Mueller & R. M. M. Adams Barriers to gene flow from oilseed rape (Brassica Temporal change in genetic structure and napus) into populations of Sinapis arvensis effective population size in steelhead trout C. L. Moyes, J. M. Lilley, C. A. Casais, S. G. Cole, (Oncorhynchus mykiss) P. D. Haeger & P. J. Dale D. D. Heath, C. Busch, J. Kelly & D. Y. Atagi 215 DNA from bird-dispersed seed and wind- The contribution of haploids, diploids and clones disseminated pollen provides insights into to fine-scale population structure in the seaweed postglacial colonization and population genetic Cladophoropsis membranacea (chlorophyta) structure of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) H. J. Van der Strate, L. Van de Zande, W. T. Stam B. A. Richardson, S. J. Brunsfeld & & J. L. Olsen N. B. Klopfenstein Insertion polymorphism of retrotransposable elements in populations of the insular, endemic Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization species Drosophilla madeirensis D. Lepetit, A. Brehm, P. Fouillet & Phylogeographical structure and regional history C. Biémont of the dusky-footed woodrat, Neotoma fuscipes Genetic structure of natural populations of the M. D. Matocq grass endophyte Epichloé festucase in semiarid Adult habitat preferences, larval dispersal, and the grasslands comparative phylogeography of three Atlantic R. Arroyo Garcia, J. M. Martinez Zapater, surgeonfishes (Teleostei: Acanthuridae) B. Garcia Criado & I. Zabalgogeazcoa L. A. Rocha, A. L. Bass, D. R. Robertson & Islands within an island: phylogeography and B. W. Bowen conservation genetics of the endangered Hawaiian Detection of genetically divergent clone mates in tree snail Achatinella mustelina apomictic dandelions B. S. Holland & M. G. Hadfield T. H. M. Mes, P. Kuperus, J. Kirschner, A generalized heterozygote deficiency assessed J. Stepanek, H. Storchova, P. Oosterveld & with microsatellites in French common ash J. C. M. den Nijs populations Phylogeography of the African buffalo based M.-E. Morand, S. Brachet, P. Rossignol, J. Dufour on mitochondrial and Y-chromosomal loci: & N. Frascaria-Lacoste Pleistocene origin and population expansion The discovery of three genetic races of the dwarf of the Cape buffalo subspecies mistletoe Arceuthobium americanuin (Viscacae) W. FE. van Hooft, A. F. Groen & provides insight into the evolution of parasitic H. H. T. Prins angiosperms C. A. Jerome & B. A. Ford Kinship, Parentage, and Behaviour Comparative population structure and genetic Multiple paternity in loggerhead turtle diversity of Arceuthobium americanum (Viscaceae) (Caretta caretta) nests on Melbourne Beach, and its Pinus host species: insight into host- Florida: a microsatellie analysis parasite evolution in parasitic angiosperms M. K. Moore & R. M. Ball Jr. C. A. Jerome & B. A. Ford Microsatellite DNA and recent statistical methods in wildlife conservation management: applications Volume 11, Issue 3, March 2002 in Alpine Ibex [Capra ibex (ibex)] C. Maudet, C. Miller, B. Bassaro, ORIGINAL ARTICLES C. Breitenmosser-Wiirsten, D. Gauthier, G. Obexer-Ruff, J. Michallet, P. Taberlet & Population and Conservation Genetics G. Luikart Characteristics of sex-biased dispersal and gene flow in coastal river otters: implications for natural Phylogeography, Speciation and Hybridization recolonization of extirpated populations G. M. Blundell, M. Ben-David, P. Groves, The usefulness of amplified fragment length R. T. Bower & E. Geffen polymorphism markers for taxon discrimination Spatial autocorrelation and linkage of Mendelian across graduated fine evolutionary levels in RAPD markers in a population of Picea abies Karst. Caribbean Anolis lizards G. Bucci & P. Menozzi R. Ogden & R. S. Thorpe Gene flow, dispersal, and nested clade analysis Late Quaternary distributional stasis in the among populations of stonefly Peltoperla tarteri in submediterranean mountain plant Anthyllis the southern Appalacians montana L. (Fabaceae) inferred from ITS sequences A.S. Schultheis, L. A. Weigt & and AFLP markers A. C. Hendricks H. P. Comes, M. Kropf& J. W. Kadereit Population fragmentation in the southern rock Molecular Diagnostics, Methods and Interpretive agama, Agama atra: more evidence for vicariance Tools in Southern Africa Testing for recombination in short nuclear DNA C. A. Matthee & A. F. Flemming sequence of the European meadow grasshopper, Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis Chorthippus parallelus identifies hybrid birds between two subspecies of K. M. Ibrahim, S. J. B. Cooper & warblers G. M. Hewitt S. Bensch, A. J. Helbig, M. Salomon & Cross-species microsatellite markers for I. Seibold elucidating population genetic structure in Population genetic structure of Tomicus piniperda Arabidopsis (Brassicacae) L. (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) on different pine M. J. Clauss, H. Cobban & species and validation of T. destruens (Woll.) T. Mitchell-Olds C. Kerdelhué, G. Roux-Morabito, J. Forichon, Single-nucleotide polymorphism characterization J.-M. Chambon, A. Robert & F. Lieutier in species with limited available sequence Genetic diversity in Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heynh. information: high nucleotide diversity revealed in investigated by cleaved amplified polymorphic the avain genome sequence (CAPS) and inter-simple sequence repeat C. R. Primmer, T. Borge, J. Lindell & G.-P. Sztre (ISSR) markers S. Barth, A. E. Melchinger & Th. Liibberstedt SHORT COMMUNICATION Kinship, Parentage and Behaviour Maternal inheritance of a chloroplast microsatellite marker in controlled hybrids between Fraxinus Social structure in migrating humpback whales excelsior and Fraxinus angustifolia (Megaptera novaeangliae) M. E. Morand-Prieur, F. Vedel, C. Raquin, E. Valsecchi, P. Hale, P. Corkeron & S. Brachet, D. Sihachakr & N. Frascaria-Lacoste W. Amos Speciation via introgressive hybridization in East Relatedness structure in Rhododendron metternichii African cichlids? var. hondoense revealed by microsatellite W. Salzburger, S. Baric & C. Sturmbauer analysis Y. Kameyama, Y. Isagi & N. Nakagoshi Genetic evidence for male biased dispersal in the red-billed quelea Quelea quelea Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2002 M. Dallimer, C. Blackburn, P. J. Jones & J. M. Pemberton INVITED REVIEW ARTICLE Molecular determination of paternity in a natural Molecular identification of prey in predator diets population of the multiply mating polygynous W. O. C. Symondson lizard Eulamprus heatwolei S. FE Morrison, J. Scott Keogh & I. A. W. Scott ORIGINAL ARTICLES Ecological Interactions Population and Conservation Genetics Vertical transmission of sublethal granulovirus Genetic variation across the historical range of the infection in the Indian meal moth, Plodia wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) interpunctella K. E. Mock, T. C. Theimer, O. E. Rhodes Jr, J. P. Burden, C. M. Griffiths, J. S. Cory, P. Smith D. L. Greenberg & P. Keim & S. M. Sait Sharp genetic breaks among populations of Fine level mycorrhizal specificity in the Haptosquilla pluchella (Stomatopoda) indicate limits Monotropoideae (Ericaceae): specificity for fungal to larval transport: patterns, causes, and species groups consequences M. I. Bidartondo & T. D. Bruns P. H. Barber, S. R. Palumbi, M. V. Erdmann & Community analysis of arbuscular mycorrhizal M. K. Moosa fungi associated with Ammophila arenaria in Dutch Patterns of genetic diversity and biogeographical coastal sand dunes history of the tropical wetland tree, Pterocarpus G. A. Kowalchuk, E. A. de Souza & officinalis (Jacq.), in the Caribbean Basin J. A. van Veen E. Rivera-Ocasio, T. M. Aide & W. O. McMillan Genetic diversity and differentiation of Kermode Ecological Genetics bear populations Reconciling genetic expectations from host H. D. Marshall & K. Ritland specificity with historical population dynamics in Insights into recently fragmented vole populations an avian brood parasite, Horsfield’s Bronze- from combined genetic and demographic data Cuckoo Chalcites basalis of Australia D. A. Tallmon, H. M. Draheim, L. Scott Mills & L. Joseph, T. Wilke & D. Alpers F. W. Allendorf Genetic architecture of sexual and asexual Molecular Diagnostics, Methods and Interpretive populations of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi based Tools on allozyme and microsatellite markers F. Delmotte, N. Leterme, J.-P. Gauthier, C. Rispe Molecular barcodes for soil nematode & J.-C. Simon identification Evidence of low gene flow in a neotropical R. Floyd, E. Abebe, A. Papert & M. Blaxter clustered tree species in two rainforest stands of A DNA test to sex ratite birds French Guiana L. Huynen, C. D. Millar & D. M. Lambert C. Dutech, J. Seiter, P. Petronelli, H. I. Joly & P, Jarne Reconstructing recent divergence: evaluating Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2002 nonequilibrium population structure in New Zealand chinook salmon ORIGINAL ARTICLES M. T. Kinnison, P. Bentzen, M. J. Unwin & T. P. Quinn Population and Conservation Genetics Mitochondrial DNA variation in a species with Noninvasive molecular tracking of colonizing wolf two mitochondrial genomes: the case of Mytil us (Canis lupus) packs in the western Italian Alps galloprovincialis from the Atlantic, the V. Lucchini, E. Fabbri, F. Marucco, S. Ricci, Mediterranean and the Black Sea L. Boitani & E. Randi E. D. Ladoukakis, C. Saavedra, A. Magoulas & Comparison of genetic diversity estimates within E. Zouros and among populations of maritime pine using Statistical properties of poulation differentiation chloroplast simple-sequence repeat and amplified estimators under stepwise mutation in a finite fragment length polymorhism data island model M. M. Ribeiro, S. Mariette, G. G. Vendramin, F. Balloux & J. Goudet A. E. Szmidt, C. Plomion & A. Kremer Fine-scale population structure and dispersal in Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization Biomphalaria glabrata, the intermediate snail host of Phylogeographic structure, postglacial Schistosoma mansoni, in Venezuela recoionization and barriers to gene flow in the J. Mavarez, M. Amarista, J.-P. Pointier & distinctive Valais chromosome race of the common P. Jarne shrew (Sorex araneits) The Mediterranean fruit fly in California: evidence N. Lugon-Moulin & J. Hausser for multiple introductions and persistent Phylogeography of endemic ermine (Mustela populations based on microsatellite and erminea) in southeast Alaska mitochondrial DNA variability M. A. Fleming & J. A. Cook M. D. Meixner, B. A. McPheron, J. G. Silva, Using nested clade analysis to assess the history of G. E. Gasparich & W. S. Sheppard colonization and the persistence of populations of an Iberian lizard Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization O. S. Paulo, W. C. Jordan, M. W. Bruford & 901 Population history of Manihot esculenta R. A. Nichols (Euphorbiaceae) inferred from nuclear DNA sequences Ecological Interactions K. M. Olsen Transgenic potatoes with enhanced levels of Molecular analysis of a 11 700-year-old rodent nematode resistance do not have altered midden from the Atacama Desert, Chile susceptibility to nontarget aphids M. Kuch, N. Rohland, J. L. Betancourt, C. Latorre, S. E. Cowgill, C. Wright & H. J. Atkinson S. Steppan & H. N. Poinar 925 Mesobuthus gibbosus (Scorpiones: Buthidae) on the Evaluating the effect of stage-specific survivorship island of Rhodes — hybrdization between Ulysses’ on the N/N ratio stowaways and native scorpions? R. S. Waples B. Gantenbein & C. R. Largiadér Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization SHORT COMMUNICATION Genetic structure and phylogeography of Mitochondrial DNA variation along an altitudinal European catfish (Silurus glanis) populations gradient in the greater white-toothed shrew, A. Triantafyllidis, F. Krieg, C. Cottin, Crocidura russula T. J. Abatzopoulos, C. Triantaphyllidis & M. Ehinger, P. Fontanillas, E. Petit & N. Perrin R. Guyomard Single nucleotide polymorphisms derived from Maternal lineages of Pinus densata, a diploid hybrid ancestral populations show no evidence for biased B.-H. Song, X.-Q. Wang, X.-R. Wang, L.-J. Sun, diversity estimates in Drosophila melanogaster D.-Y. Hong & P.-H. Peng C. Schl6tterer & B. Harr Comparative phylogeography of sympatric sister species, Clevelandia ios and Eucyclogobius newberryi (Teleostei, Gobiidae), across the California Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2002 Transition Zone M. N Dawson, K. D. Louie, M. Barlow, INVITED REVIEW ARTICLE D. K. Jacobs & C. C. Swift Comparative phylogeography of the two pink Evolution on oceanic islands: molecular salmon broodlines: an analysis based on a phylogenetic approaches to understanding pattern mitochondrial DNA genealogy and process D. Churikov & A. J. Gharrett B. C. Emerson ORIGINAL ARTICLES Kinship, Parentage, and Behaviour Tests for sex-biased dispersal using bi-parentally Population and Conservation Genetics inherited genetic markers Microsatellite diversity and genetic structure of J. Goudet, N. Perrin & P. Waser fragmented populations of the rare, fire-dependent Genetic relatedness and female spatial organization shrub Grevillea macleayana ina solitary carnivore, the raccoon, Procyon lotor P. R. England, A. V. Usher, R. J. Whelan & S. Ratnayeke, G. A. Tuskan & M. R. Pelton D. J. Ayre Population structure of an endangered species SHORT COMMUNICATION living in contrasted habitats: Parnassia palustris Variation at the major histocompatibility complex (Saxifragaceae) in Savannah sparrows I. Bonnin, B. Colas, C. Bacles, A.-C. Holl, F. C. R. Freeman-Gallant, E. M. Johnson, Hendoux, B. Destine & F. Viard F. Saponara & M. Stanger Population genetic structure of two rare tree species (Colubrina oppositifolia and Alphitonia ponderosa, Rhamnaceae) from Hawaiian dry and Volume 11, Issue 7, July 2002 mesic forests using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers INVITED REVIEW ARTICLE J. A. Kwon & C. W. Morden 1003 Estimating the long-term effects of stocking Community genetics in the Northwestern Atlantic domesticated trout into wild brown trout intertidal (Salmo trutta) populations: an approach using J. P. Wares microsatellite DNA analysis of historical and contemporary samples ORIGINAL ARTICLES M. M. Hansen Population and Conservation Genetics The impact of stocking on the genetic integrity of Arctic charr (Salvelinus) populations from the Samplpiunngg within the 8g enome for measuring8 within- Alpine region population diversity: trade-offs between markers C. C. Englbrecht, U. Schliewen & D. Tautz S. Mariette, V. Le Corre, F. Austerlitz & A. Kremer A Bayesian approach to inferring population Volume 11, Issue 8, August 2002 structure from dominant markers K. E. Holsinger, P.O. Lewis & D. K. Dey INVITED REVIEW ARTICLES 1165 Population structure of plaice (Pleuronectes Applications of selective neutrality tests to platessa L.) in northern Europe: microsatellites molecular ecology revealed large-scale spatial and temporal M. J. Ford homogeneity Evolutionary and statistical properties of three G. Hoarau, A. D. Rijnsdorp, H. W. Van der Veer, genetic distances W. T. Stam & J. L. Olsen S. T. Kalinowski Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization ORIGINAL ARTICLES The phylogeography and connectivity of Population and Conservation Genetics the latitudinally widespread scleractinian coral Plesiastrea versipora in the Western Recent changes in phenotype and patterns of host Pacific specialization in Wolbachia bacteria M. Rodriguez-Lanetty & O. Hoegh-Guldberg FE. M. Jiggins, J. K. Bentley, M. E. N. Majerus & Reproductive mode and genetic variation suggest G. D. D. Hurst a North American origin of European Letharia The genetic structure of natural and reintroduced vulpina roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) populations in the N. Hégberg, S. Kroken, G. Thor & Alps and central Italy, with reference to the J. W. Taylor mitochondrial DNA phylogeography of Europe An exceptional case of historical outbreeding in C. Vernesi, E. Pecchioli, D. Caramelli, African sable antelope populations R. Tiedemann, E. Randi & G. Bertorelle Microsatellite variation in the reintroduced C. Pitra, A. J. Hansen, D. Lieckfeldt & Pennsylvania elk herd P. Arctander New insights into the distribution of polyploid C. L. Williams, T. L. Serfass, R. Cogan & Daphnia: the Holarctic revisited and Argentina O. E. Rhodes Jr explored Selection and gene flow between S. J. Adamowicz, T. Ryan Gregory, microenvironments: the case of Drosophila at lower M. C. Marinone & P. D. N. Hebert Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel I. Colson Gender and viability selection on morphology in Ecological Interactions o fledgling pied flycatchers A distinct Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: J. Potti, J. A. Davila, J. L. Tella, O. Frias & Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae) genotype cluster is S. Villar associated with the epidemic of severe cassava mosaic virus disease in Uganda Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization J. P. Legg, R. French, D. Rogan, G. Okao-Okuja & Land barriers and open oceans: effects on gene J. K. Brown diversity and population structure in Avicennia germinans L. (Avicenniaceae) Ecological Genetics R. S. Dodd, Z. Afzal-Rafii, N. Kashani & Sex-specific genetic structure in Schistosoma J. Budrick mansoni: evolutionary and epidemiological The highly cross-fertile coral species, Acropora implications hyacinthus and Acropora cytherea, constitute statistically distinguishable lineages F. Prugnolle, T. De Meeus, P. Durand, C. Sire & A. Théron L. M. Marquez, M. J. H. van Oppen, B. L. Willis, A. Reyes & D. J. Miller Phylogeography of the common ivy (Hedera sp.) SHORT COMMUNICATION in Europe: genetic differentiation through space Reproductive success in reindeer males in a herd and time with varying sex ratio D. Grivet & R. J. Petit K. H. Reed, O. Holand, M. E. Smith, H. Gjostein, Spawning times, reproductive compatibilities and J. Kumpula & M. Nieminen genetic structuring in the Acropora aspera group: evidence for natural hybridization and semi- Crassostrea gigas reared in contrasting natural permeable species boundaries in corals environment M. J. H. van Oppen, B. L. Willis, T. van Rheede & P. H. Garnier-Géré, Y. Naciri-Graven*, D. J. Miller S. Bougrier, A. Magoulas, M. Héral, G. Kotoulas, Historical biogeography and molecular A. Hawkins & A. Gérard systematics of the Indo-Pacific genus Dascyllus Temporal change in the genetic structure between (Teleostei: Pomacentridae) and within cohorts of a marine fish, Diplodus S. McCafferty, E. Bermingham, B. Quenouille, sargus, induced by a large variance in individual S. Planes, G. Hoelzer & K. Asoh reproductive success Complex patterns of colonization and refugia S. Planes & P. Lenfant revealed for European grayling Thymallus Clonal mixing in the soldier-producing aphid thymallus, based on complete sequencing of Pemphigus spyrothecae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) the mitochondrial DNA control region P. C. D. Johnson, J. A. Whitfield, W. A. Foster & S. Weiss, H. Persat, R. Eppe, C. Schlétterer & W. Amos F. Uiblein Offspring sexual dimorphism and sex-allocation in Molecular analysis of the Pleistocene history of relation to parental age and paternal Saxifraga oppositifolia in the Alps ornamentation in the barn swallow R. Holderegger, I. Stehlik & R. J. Abbott N. Saino, R. Ambrosini, R. Martinelli, S. Calza, Fitness of blackcross six of hybrids between A. P. Moller & A. Pilastro transgenic oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) Ecological Interactions G. Gueritaine, M. Sester, FE. Eber, A. M. Chevre & Cross-species infection of blood parasites H. Darmency between resident and migratory songbirds Genetic, ecological, and behavioural divergence in Africa between two sibling snapping shrimp species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheus) J. Waldenstrém, S. Bensch, S. Kiboi, D. Hasselquist & U. Ottosson L. M. Mathews, C. D. Schubart, J. E. Neigel & Arbuscular mycorrhizal community composition D. L. Felder associated with two plant species in a grassland Separating historic events from recurrent processes in cryptic species: phylogeography of mud snails ecosystem (Hydrobia spp.) P. Vandenkoornhuyse, R. Husband, T. J. Daniell, T. Wilke & M. Pfenninger I. J. Watson, J. M. Duck, A. H. Fitter & Exploring the potential of life-history key J. P. W. Young innovation: brook breeding in the radiation of the Malagasy treefrog genus Boophis Ecolog8i cal Genetics M. Vences, F. Andreone, F. Glaw, J. Kosuch, Genetic variation of symbiotic fungi cultivated by A. Meyer, H.-C. Schaefer & M. Veith the macrotermitine termite Odontotermes Hybrid status of kuwini, Mangifera odorata Griff. formosanus (Isoptera: Termitidae) in the Ryukyu (Anacardiaceae) verified by amplified fragment Archipelago length ploymorphism H. Katoh, T. Miura, K. Maekawa, N. Shinzato & L. L. Teo, R. Kiew, O. Set, S. K. Lee & T. Matsumoto Y. Y. Gan The evolution of geographic parthenogenesis in SHORT COMMUNICATIONS Timema walking-sticks J. H. Law & B. J. Crespi Speciation in fig pollinators and parasites G. D. Weiblen & G. L. Bush Recent introduction of the dominant tunicate, Kinship, Parentage, and Behaviour Pyura praeputialis (Urochordata, Pyuridae) to Extreme sex-biased dispersal in the communally Antofagasta, Chile breeding, non-migratory Bechstein’s bat (Myotis J. C. Castilla, A. G. Collins, C. P. Meyer, bechsteinii) R. Guifiez & D. R. Lindberg G. Kerth, F Mayer & E. Petit Extreme microallopatric divergence in a cichlid Influences of triploidy, parentage and genetic species from Lake Malawi diversity on growth of the Pacific oyster C. Rico & G. F. Turner Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2002 Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization Likely multiple origins of a diploid hybrid INVITED REVIEW ARTICLE sunflower species A. E. Schwarzbach & L. H. Rieseberg Homoplasy and mutation model at microsatellite Late glacial history of the cold-adapted freshwater loci and their consequences for population genetics fish Cottus gobio, revealed by microsatellites analysis B. Hanfling, B. Hellemans, F. A. M. Volckaert & A. Estoup, P. Jarne & J.-M. Cornuet G. R. Carvalho Speciation and the establishment of zonation ORIGINAL ARTICLES in an intertidal barnacle: specific settlement vs. Population and Conservation Genetics selection L. Appelbaum, Y. Achituv & O. Mokady Phylogeographical approaches to assessing Molecular phylogeography of common garter demographic connectivity between breeding and snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) in western North overwintering regions in a Nearctic-Neotropical America: implications for regional historical warbler (Wilsonia pusilla) forces M. Kimura, S. M. Clegg, I. J. Lovette, FE. J. Janzen, J. G. Krenz, T. S. Haselkorn, K. R. Holder, D. J. Girman, B. Mila, P. Wade & T. B. Smith E. D. Brodie Jr & E. D. Brodie III Phylogeography of western Pacific Leucetta Population genetic subdivision in the New ‘chagosensis’ (Porifera: Calcarea) from ribosomal Zealand greenshell mussel (Perna canaliculus) DNA sequences: implications for population inferred from single-strand conformation history and conservation of the Great Barrier Reef polymorphism analysis of mitochondrial DNA World Heritage Area (Australia) S. Apte & J. P. Gardner G. Worheide, J. N. A. Hooper & B. M. Degnan Genetic differentiation of the dengue vector, Aedes Chloroplast DNA variation, postglacial aegypti (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) using recolonization and hybridization in hazel, Corylus microsatellite markers K. Huber, L. LE Loan, T. H. Hoang, S. Ravel, avellana A. E. Palmé & G. G. Vendramin F. Rodhain & A.-B. Failloux Intraspecific molecular variation in the seaweed fly Coelopa frigida consistent with behavioural Kinship, Parentage, and Behaviour distinctness of British and Swedish populations Field experiments on the distribution of eggs C. MacDonald & J. F. Y. Brookfield of different phosphoglucomutase (PGM) Genetic diversity in natural and anthropogenic genotypes in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga inland populations of salt-tolerant plants: random stercoraria (L.) amplified polymorphic DNA analyses of Aster P. I. Ward, J. Vonwil, E.-J. Scholte & E. Knop tripolium L. (Compositae) and Salicornia High levels of genetic monogamy in the ramosissima Woods (Chenopodiaceae) group-living Australian lizard Egernia stokesii A. M. Kriiger, FE H. Hellwig & C. Oberprieler M. G. Gardner, C. M. Bull & S. J. B. Cooper Pollen movement in declining populations of Anarchy in the UK: detailed genetic analysis of California Valley oak, Quercus lobata: where have worker reproduction in a naturally occurring all the fathers gone? British anarchistic honeybee, Apis mellifera, colony V. L. Sork, F. W. Davis, P. E. Smouse, V. J. Apsit, using DNA microsatellites R. J. Dyer, J. FEF ernandez-M & B. Kuhn N. Chaline, F. L. W. Ratnieks & T. Burke Capercaillie in the Alps: genetic evidence of Investigating of the population genetic structure metapopulation structure and population decline and mating system in the ant Pheidole pallidula G. Segelbacher & I. Storch D. Fournier, S. Aron & M. C. Milinkovitch Population differentiation and nuclear gene flow in the Dominican anole (Anolis oculatus) Ecological Interactions A. G. Stenson, A. Malhorta & R. S. Thorpe Population genetic structure of the cyclic The incidence and diversity of Wolbachia in snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) in southwestern gallwasps (Hymenoptera; Cynipidae) on oak Yukon, Canada A. Rokas, R. J. Atkinson, J.-L. Nieves-Aldrey, C. Burton, C. J. Krebs & E. B. Taylor S. A. West & G. N. Stone Communities and populations of sebacinoid Microsatellite analysis reveals remating by wild basidiomycetes associated with the achlorophyllous Mediterranean fruit fly females, Ceratitis capitata orchid Neottia nidus-avis (L.) L-C.M. Rich. and M. Bonizzoni, B. I. Katsoyannos, R. Marguerie, neighbouring tree ectomycorrhizae C. R. Guglielmino, G. Gasperi, A. Malacrida & M.-A. Selosse, M. Wei, J.-L. Jany & A. Tillier T. Chapman Microsatellite DNA evidence for genetic drift and Ecological Genetics philopatry in Svalbard reindeer DNA sequence and RFLP data reflect geographical S. D. Cété, J. E Dallas, FE. Marshall, R. J. Irvine, spread and relationships of Amylostereum areolatum R. Langvatn & S. D. Albon and its insect vectors Geographic patterns of population genetic structure in Myftilocypris (Ostracoda: Cyprididae): B. Slippers, B. D. Wingfield, T. A. Coutinho & M. J. Wingfield interpreting breeding systems, gene flow and history in species with differing distributions Molecular Diagnostics, Methods and Interpretive T. Finston Tools Population differentiation of Potamogeton pectinatus in the Baltic Sea with reference to waterfowl Molecular genecology of temperature response in dispersal Lolium perenne: 1. preliminary analysis to reduce R. A. King, R. J. Gornall, C. D. Preston & J. M. Croft false positives Taxonomic complexity and breeding system N. R. Sackville Hamilton, L. Skot, transitions: conservation genetics of the Epipactis K. H. Chorlton, I. D. Thomas & S. Mizen leptochila complex (Orchidaceae) Molecular genecology of temperature response in J. Squirrell, P. M. Hollingsworth, R. M. Bateman, Lolium perenne: 2. association of AFLP markers M. C. Tebbitt & M. L. Hollingsworth with ecogeography L. Skot, N. R. Sackville Hamilton, S. Mizen, K. H. Chorlton & I. D. Thomas Phylogeography, Speciation, and Hybridization Glacial-induced altitudinal migrations in Armeria SHORT COMMUNICATION (Plumbaginaceae) inferred from patterns of A genetic assessment of parentage in a natural chloroplast DNA haplotype sharing population of dollar sunfish (Lepomis marginatus) B. Gutiérrez Larena, J. Fuertes Aguilar & based on microsatellite markers G. Nieto Feliner M. Mackiewicz, D. E. Fletcher, S. D. Wilkins, Genealogical exclusivity in geographically J. A. DeWoody & J. C. Avise proximate populations of Hypochilus thorelli Marx (Araneae, Hypochilidae) on the Cumberland Plateau of North America Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2002 M. Hedin & D. A. Wood Phylogeographic analysis of a recent radiation of ORIGINAL ARTICLES Enallagma damselflies (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) J. Turgeon & M. A. McPeek Population and Conservation Genetics Polyploidy, phylogeography and Pleistocene Population genetics of shortnose sturgeon refugia of the rockfern Asplenium ceterach: evidence Acipenser brevirostrum based on mitochondrial from chloroplast DNA DNA control region sequences S. A. Trewick, M. Morgan-Richards, S. J. Russell, C. Grunwald, J. Stabile, J. R. Waldman, R. Gross S. Henderson, F. J. Rumsey, I. Pintér, J. A. Barrett, & I. Wirgin M. Gibby & J. C. Vogel Loss of genetic diversity in sea otters (Enhydra Locating the sources of an invasive pest, grape lutris) associated with the fur trade of the 18th and phylloxera, using a mitochondrial DNA gene 19th centuries genealogy S. Larson, R. Jameson, M. Etnier, M. Fleming & D. A. Downie P. Bentzen Nunatak survival of the high Alpine plant Major histocompatibility complex variation in red Eritrichium nanum (L.) Gaudin in the central Alps wolves: evidence for common ancestry with during the ice ages coyotes and balancing selection I. Stehlik, F. R. Blattner, R. Holderegger & P. W. Hedrick, R. N. Lee & D. Garrigan K. Bachmann Mitochondrial DNA variation in Pleistocene and Molecular Adaptation and Environmental modern Atlantic salmon from the Iberian glacial Genomics refugium Trans-specific evolution of opsin alleles and the S. Consuegra, C. Garcia De Leaniz, A. Serdio, maintenance of trichromatic colour vision in M. Gonzalez Morales, L. G. Straus, D. Knox & Callitrichine primates E. Verspoor A. K. Surridge & N. I. Mundy Post-glacial colonization of northwestern North America by the forest-associated American marten Molecular Diagnostics, Methods and Interpretive Tools (Martes americana, Mammalia: Carnivora: Mustelidae) 2171 Faecal genetic analysis to determine the presence K. D. Stone, R. W. Flynn & J. A. Cook and distribution of elusive carnivores: design and The role of ecologic diversificat.on in sibling feasibility for the Iberian lynx speciation of Empidonax flycatchers (Tyrannidae): F. Palomares, J. A. Godoy, A. Piriz and multigene evidence from mtDNA S. J. O’Brien & W. E. Johnson N. K. Johnson & C. Cicero 2083 The Baltic Sea as a model system for studying SHORT COMMUNICATIONS postglacial colonization and ecological Genetic structure of Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: differentiation, exemplified by the red alga Culicidae) in Sao Tomé and Principe (West Africa): Ceramium tenuicorne implications for malaria control T. M. Gabrielsen, C. Brochmann & J. Rueness J. Pinto, M. J. Donnelly, C. A. Sousa, V. Gil, C. Ferreira, N. Elissa, V. E. Do Rosario & Kinship, Parentage, and Behaviour J. D. Charlwood The leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, Mitochondrial pseudo-control region in old world exhibits both polyandry and polygyny eagles (genus Aquila) J. L. Crim, L. D. Spotila, J. R. Spotila, U. Vali M. O’Connor, R. Reina, C. J. Williams & F. V. Paladino Paternity frequency and maternity of males in Volume 11, Issue 11, November 2002 some stingless bee species K. A. Palmer, B. P. Oldroyd, J. J. G. Quezada- INVITED REVIEW ARTICLE Euan, R. J. Paxton & W. de J. May-Itza Extra pair paternity in birds: a review of Genetic parentage assessment in the crayfish interspecific variation and adaptive function Orconectes placidus, a high-fecundity invertebrate S. C. Griffith, I. P. E Owens & K. A. Thuman with extended maternal brood care D. Walker, B. A. Porter & J. C. Avise ORIGINAL ARTICLES Population and Conservation Genetics Ecological Interactions The influence of mating system, demography, Diversity and geographic distribution of secondary endosymbiotic bacteria in natural parasites and colonization on the population structure of Biomphalaria pfeifferi in Madagascar populations of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum N. Charbonnel, B. Angers, R. Rasatavonjizay, T. Tsuchida, R. Koga, H. Shibao, T. Matsumoto & T. Fukatsu P. Bremond, C. Debain & P. Jarne Multilocus population structure of Tapesia yallundae in Washington State Ecological Genetics G. W. Douhan, T. L. Peever & T. D. Murray Clonal diversity and structure within a population Evaluating the effects of historic bottleneck events: of the pondweed Potamogeton pectinatus foraged by an assessment of microsatellite variability in the Bewick’s swans endangered, North Atlantic right whale H. H. Hangelbroek, N. J. Ouborg, L. Santamaria R. C. Waldick, S. Kraus, M. Brown & B. N. White & K. Schwenk Population genetic structure and male-biased A genetic method to resolve gender complements dispersal in the queenless ant Diacamma investigations on sex ratios in Rumex acetosa cyaneiventre H. Korpelainen C. Doums, H. Cabrera & C. Peeters

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