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1 Identification of Novel Diagnostic Markers by Differential Display Peng Liang, Feilan Wang, Weimin Zhu, Robert P. O’Connell, and Lidia Averboukh 1. Introduction Accurate and early diagnosis of a disease state such as a viral infection, or in a more complicated situation cancer, means live saving because proper medi- cal interventions can be applied in a timely manner before it is too late to treat the disease. Thus it is crucial that good diagnostic markers for any relevant diseasesc an be obtained. The markers can be in the form of DNA such as yirai integration or chromosomal DNA aberrations including deletions, transloca- tions, and point mutations. As a result, these genetic abnormalities, in turn, may lead to altered gene expressions, such as new genes being turned on. Therefore, the markers can also be in the form of mRNAs or their protein prod- ucts. DNA-based diagnosis is now done mostly with amplification technology breakthroughs such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, protein- based diagnosis such as a blood antibody test for a disease specific antigen (e.g., HIV and HPV virus infections; prostate-specific antigen for prostate can- cer) are more accurate, convenient, and noninvasive. Traditionally, a good diagnostic marker for an infectious disease can be obtained by identifying the etiological agent such as a vnus or a bacterium, which may not be always easy. But for noninfectious diseases such as cancer, a good marker may be even harder to come by because the alteration is more subtle and difficult to detect. In this chapter we present a methodology known as differential display (1) that is particularly useful in findmg diagnostic markers for pathological pro- cessesi n which altered gene expression plays a role. Examples are given for the applications of the method to identify a viral infection and a candidate secretory marker for oncogenic YLZmS utation. From Methods m Molecular Medrone, Vol 13 Molecular Dfagnoski of lnfectrous Dmases Edlted by U Relschl Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ 3 4 Llang et al The general strategy for differential display is outlined m Fig. 1. Thts method depends on combmatlon of three techniques brought together by one concept. 1 Reverse transcriptlon from anchored oligo-dT primers to subdwde total mRNA population, 2 Choice of arbitrary primers for settmg the number of amplifiable cDNAs, each corresponding to part of a mRNA 3’ termml, and 3 Denaturmg polyacrylamlde gels for high resolution separation of amplified cDNA fragments By changing primers systematlcally from both dlrectlons, most mRNA 3’ termml m a cell may be displayed without any prior knowledge about their sequence mformatlon (2) Side-by-side comparison of mRNAs from drfferent samples (e.g., normal versus abnormal or infected versus noninfected) would allow genes uniquely expressed m an affected sample to be detected, isolated, and used as a marker for disease ldentlficatlon. The objective 1s to obtain a cDNA tag of a few hundred bases, that is suffi- ciently long to uniquely identify a mRNA and yet short enough to be separated from others by size at high resolution by denaturing polyacrylamlde. Pairs of primers are selecteds o that each will amplify cDNA from about 50-100 mRNAs, because this number 1so ptimal for display m one lane of the gel. In the original scheme of differential display, 12 two-base anchored ohgo-dT primers were used to subdivide the mRNAs during the reverse transcription reaction (I) Two-base anchored primers that degenerate at the penultimate base, were since mtroduced to overcome the redundancy of their prtmmgs and simplify the reverse transcnp- tlon reactions (3). More recently one-base anchored oligo-dT primers were described for the same purpose (4). The method described in this chapter is largely adapted from the protocol of the RNAmapTM kit from GenHunter Corpo- ration (Nashville, TN), based on the use of degenerate two-base anchored pnm- ers. However, the method 1st he same no matter what type of anchored primers are used and, therefore, the protocol could be adopted for different primer variations. 2. Materials 1 5X Reverse transcrlptlon buffer 125 mA4 Tns-HCl, pH 8.3, 188 mA4 KCI, 7 5 M&l,, 50 mMDTT 2 100 U/mL MMLV reverse transcriptase 3 250 @dNTP 4. 10 @4TlzMG (see Note 1) 5 10 @4T12MA (see Note 1) 6 10 @4T12MT (see Note 1) 7. 10 @I TlzMC (see Note 1) 8 1O X PCR buffer 100 mMTns-HCl, pH 8 4,500 mMKCl,l5 mM MgCl,, 0 0 1% gelatin Different/al Display 5 G---An . ..------ _ -----. T---An Cm--An I Reverse Transcription 5'-TTTTTTTTTTTTMG-3'(T12MG) dNTPs MMLV Reverse Transcriptase Cm--An rc GMTTTTTTTTTTTT I 5'-AGCCAGCGAA-3(AP-1 Primer) II. PCR Amplification 5'-TTTTTTTTTTTTMG-3' (T12MG) dNTPs a-[35S-dATP) AmpliTaq DNA pOlymerase AGCCAGCG; GMTTTTTTTTTTTT AGCCAGCGA' GMTTTTTTTTTTTT AGCCAGCGAA GMTTTTTTTTTTTT I:: 3enaturmg Polyacrylamide Gel RNA Sample' X Y I- -- Negative Electrode (-) -- -+ -- -- Positive Electrode(t) Fig. 1. SchematIc representation of differential display method 6 Liang et al. 9 25 @4dNTP. 10 2 pA4 Arbitrary 1Omers with 50-70% GC content. 11, 10 mg/mL Glycogen. 12 Autoclaved distilled water. 13. Loading dye: 0.1% xylene cyanole FF, 0.1% bromophenol blue, 10 mM EDTA, 95% formamrde. 14. 10 U/pL RNase-free DNase I. 15 Thermocycler 16. 5 U/pL AmphTaq DNA polymerase (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT). 17. a-[35S]dATP (> 1,000 Ci/mmol) or a-[33P]dATP (2,000 Wnrnol) (DuPont- NEN). 3. Methods 3.1. DNase I Treatment of Total RNA Removal of all contaminating chromosomal DNA from the RNA sample is essential before carrymg out differential display (see Note 2). 1 Incubate 10-100 pg of total cellular RNA with 10 U of DNase I (RNAse free) m 10 mMTrrs-HCl, pH 8.3, 50 mMKC1, 1.5 mMMgC1, for 30 mm at 37°C. 2. Inacttvate DNase I by addmg an equal volume of phenolchloroform (3: 1) to the sample. Mix by vortexmg and leave the sample on Ice for 10 mm 3 Centrrfuge the sample for 5 mm at 4°C m a Eppendorf centrifuge. Save the super- natant and ethanol precipitate the RNA by adding 3 vol of ethanol in the presence of 0 3MNaOAC After incubation at -8O’C for 30 mm, pellet the RNA by centri- fuging at 4’C for 10 mm Rinse the RNA pellet with 0 5 mL of 70% ethanol (made with DEPC-H,O) and redissolve the RNA in 20 $ of DEPC-treated Hz0 4 Measure the RNA concentration at ODsbO with a spectrophotometer by diluting 1 pL of the RNA sample m 1 mL of H20. Check the integrity of the RNA samples before and after cleaning with DNase I by runnmg l-3 pg of each RNA on a 1% agarose gel with 7% formaldehyde. Store the RNA sample at a concentration higher then 1 pg/pL at -80°C before usmg for dtfferentlal display 3.2. Reverse Transcription of mRNA The success of the differential display technique depends on the integrity of the RNA and that it is free of chromosomal DNA contaminatton. 1. Set up four reverse transcrrption reactions for each RNA sample in four PCR tubes (0.5 mL size), each containmg one of the four different T12MN anchored primers, m a final volume of 20 pL: 9.4 pL dH,O, 4 pL 5X RT buffer, 1.6 pL dNTP (250 ClM) 2 pL (0.1 clg/$ DNA-free total RNA) mRNA, 2 pL T,*MN (10 pA4) 2. Program your thermocycler to 65°C 37°C for 5 min, 95°C for 60 min, 4’C for 5 min. 3. After 10 min 1 pL MMLV RT is added to each tube at 37°C to mniate the reverse transcrtption reaction. At the end of the incubation, spm the tube briefly to col- lect condensatton. 4 Set tubes on ice for PCR or store at -7O’C for later use Differential Display 7 3.3. PCR Amplification and Labeling of cDNAs 1. Set up a 20-@, PCR reaction for each primer set combmatron using the followmg formula for a final volume of 20 pL (see Note 3): 9.2 pL dH20, 2 pL 10X PCR buffer, 16 pL dNTP(25 tu2/i), 2 pL AP-pnmer (2 CUM)2, pL Tt,MN (10 p&I), 2 pL (wnh the same T,JviN used for the PCR) RT-mix from Step 1,1 & (or 0 2 $ of a-[33P]dATP, 2000 Ci/mmol) a[35S]-dATP (1200 Ct/mmol), 0.2 pL AmphTaq (Perkin-Elmer). 2. Mix well by prpetmg up and down. Add 25 pL mineral or1 if the thermocycler requires tt PCR to 94°C 40°C for 30 s, 72°C for 2 mm, 30 s, 40 cycles at 72°C for 30 s, and 4°C 5 min 3. Followmg PCR, mcubate 3 5 & of each sample plus 2 $ of loading dye at 8O’C for 2 mm immediately before loading onto a 6% DNA sequencing gel. 4. Electrophorese for about 3 h at 60 W constant power until the xylene dye IS 10 cm from the bottom. The DNA sequencing gel should be dried without fixing with methanol/acettc acrd. 3.4. Recovery and Reamplification of cDNA Probes 1 Orient the autoradiogram and dried gel with radtoacttve mk or needle punches. 2. After developing the film (overnight to 72-h exposure), ahgn the autoradiogram with the drred gel. Locate bands of interest either by marking wrth a clean pencil or cutting through the film (handle the dried gel with gloves and save tt between two sheets of clean paper) Cut out the bands of interest with a clean razor blade. 3. Soak the gel slice along with the 3Mpaper m 100 pL dHzO or TE buffer for IO mm Boil the tube wrth tightly closed cap for 1.5 min Spin for 2 mm to collect conden- satron and pellet the gel and paper debris. 4. Transfer the supernatant to a new microfuge tube Add 10 & of 3M NaOAC, 5 pL of glycogen (10 mg/mL) and 450 pL of 100% ethanol Let sit for 30 mm on dry ice or m a -80°C freezer. Spin for 10 mm at 4°C to pellet DNA 5 Remove supernatant and rmse the pellet with 200 @ ice-cold 85% ethanol. Spm briefly and remove the residual ethanol Dissolve the pellet with 10 pL of dHzO and use 4 pL for reamplification Save the rest at -2O’C in case of mishaps 6 Reampltfication should be carried out using the same prrmer set and PCR condi- ttons except the dNTP concentrations are at 20 @4 (use 250 w dNTP stock) mstead of 2-4 @4 and no isotopes added A 40 pL final volume for each primer set combmatton 1s recommended: 20.4 pL dH*O, 4 pL 10X PCR buffer, 3.2 pL, dNTP (250 @I), 4 pL. AP-primer (2 @I), 4 & T12MN (10 p&I), 4 pL. cDNA template from step 8, 0.4 pL AmpbTaq (Perkm-Elmer) 7 Remove 30 pL of PCR sample and run on a 1.5-2% agarose gel stained wrth ethrdmm bromide. Save the remaining PCR samples at -20°C for subclonmg. Check to see if the size of your reamphfied PCR products are consistent with theu size on the DNA sequencing gel 8. Extract the reamphfied cDNA fragments from the agarose gel with a Qraex kit (Qragen) Perform Northern blot analysis of cDNA probes obtained from differential display following the standard procedure (5). It 1s recommended that the washing temperature does not exceed 55°C as these cDNA probes are short (1 O&500 bp) 8 Liang et al 3.5. Subcloning and Sequencing of Cloned cDNA Probes After confirmation by Northern blot analysts, reamplified cDNA probes could be cloned into various plasmrd vectors kits such as pCR-TRAPTM posl- trve-selectton cloning vector (GenHunter) or TA cloning ktt (Invitrogene, San Diego, CA) and then subjected to DNA sequence analysts. 3.6. Isolation of the FuN-Length cDNA, Expression of Recombinant Proteins and Antibody Preparation As you can see, differential display is a method to identify and isolate probes to drfferentrally expressed genes. With the 3’ termmt of cDNA obtained by the method, the correspondmg full length cDNAs can be tsolated by screenmg a cDNA library, the encoded proteins can be expressed and used to prepare anti- body, all followmg the standard procedures (4) 3.7. Specific Applications of Differential Display Smce Its descrtptron, drfferenttal display methodology has been used to suc- cessfully identtfy a number of genes that are potentially important not only for the understanding of a disease but also for their dragnosrs. These include the rdenttficatton of a macrophage lectm as a candidate marker for rejection fol- lowing heart transplantation (6), cyclin G as a marker for tumor suppressor gene p53 mutation (7), and Mob-l as a candtdate marker for oncogemc ras mutation (81 Sections 3.7.1. and 3.7.2. contam examples how these markers could be Identified. 3.7.1. Identification of Viral infections by Differential Display NIH3T3 cells were compared with its spontaneously transformed derrvatrve NIH3T3-T by differential display m an attempt to understand the nature of the transformatton of the parental cell lme (see Fig. 2A) When the TlzMC primer was used m combinatron with five arbitrary decamers (AP-6 to AP-10, GenHunter) to amplify the mRNAs, the cDNA patterns displayed between the nontransformed cells and the transformed cells looked very similar, except a band amplified with the AP-9 primer appeared to be strtkmgly different (Fig. 2A; mdtcated by an arrowbar). The band was recovered and amplified as a probe for Northern blot analysis (see Fig. 2B). The result confirmed that this gene was indeed only expressed in the transformed cell DNA sequence analy- SISi ndicates that the gene matches the cDNA of gag gene from murine leuke- mta vnus. This result suggestst hat the cause of cell transformatron may be the infection of the murme retrovirus. The gag gene therefore represents an excel- lent molecular marker for drfferentratmg the transformed cells from the normal parental cell line m this case. Differential Display 9 3684 Fig. 2. Identification of a viral infection by differential display. (A) Total RNA samples from NIH3T3 cells (lanes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) and its spontaneously transformed derivative NIH3T3-T (lanes 2,4,6,8, 10) were compared by differential display using the T12MC anchored primers and 5 arbitrary decamers, AP-6 to 10 (GenHunter). Primer sequences are AP-6 (5’-GCAATCGATG-3’), AP-7 (5’- CCGAAGGAAT-3’), AP-8 (5’-GGATTGTGCG-3’), AP-9 (5’-CGTGGCAATA-3’), and AP-10 (5’-TAG- CAAG-TGC-3’). The arrowbar indicates gag, an cDNA dramatically overexpressed in the transformed cells (lane 8). (B) Northern blot analysis of gag in NIH3T3 (lane 1) and its transformed derivative NIH3T3-T (lane 2). The same blot was reprobed with 36B4 as a control for equal RNA loading. 3.7.2. Identification of a Secretory Marker for Oncogenic H-ras Mutation One of the earliest and most potent oncogenes identified in human cancer has been the mutant ras (9), and the most commonly found mutations in human cancer are in the ~53 tumor-suppressor gene. Mutations in both YUSa nd p53 were found at high incidence in neoplasia of colorectal, bladder, pancreatic, and subgroups of certain lung cancers. The finding that mutated YUSa nd p53 cooperate in cell transformation of rodent primary embryo fibroblasts, makes the system an excellent model for studying molecular mechanisms of cancer IO (I&11). The early detection of mutations in ras or ~53 genes (mostly single base substitutions) at DNA level are still difficult and invasive, given the fact that these proteins are not secreted. As discussed, ideally a good diagnostic marker would be detectable through nonmvasive procedure such as a blood or urine test (no surgery needed). So the identification of any secretory proteins encoded by genes activated by mutation m oncogene ras or tumor-suppressor gene ~53 would provide candidate tumor markers that could be potentially detected from body fluids such as blood. In an attempt to identify genes that are differentially expressed as a result of cell transformation caused by the cooperation of mutant H-ras and p53 genes, differential display was applied systematically to compare patterns of mRNA expression from nearly isogenic cells plus and minus mutated H-ras and p53 genes These cells are normal rat embryo fibroblast (REF) cells and their derivatives that were doubly transformed by oncogenic H-ras and either a nontemperature sensitive (Tl 01-4 cell line) or temperature sensitive mutant ~53 (Al-5 cell line) grown at nonpermtssive (mutant conformation) and per- missive temperatures (wild-type conformation) (II). One cDNA probe ampli- fied with T,,MA and AP-2 primers, designated mob-l (8), was detected by differential display to be reproducibly seen only m the transformed cells (Fig. 3A). Its expression did not appear to be affected by the status of ~53 protein. The 240-bp cDNA fragment was recovered from the dried denaturing polyacrylamide gel and reamplified using the correspondmg pair of primers. The reamplified cDNA was used as a probe m a Northern blot analysis to con- firm the differential expression of a 1.2 kb mRNA only m the transformed cells (see Fig. 3B). The promoter analysis confirms the mob- 1 gene is activated tran- scriptionally be ras mutation. The full length mob- 1 cDNA was isolated from a cDNA library and completely sequenced. The predicted protein encodes a secreted polypeptide (with signal peptide) of 8 kDa (8). As differential display is now widely used for the identification and isola- tion of differentially expressed genes due to its simplicity, sensitivity, and ver- satility, one should be reminded that the method is unlikely able to detect mutations at the DNA level directly. For diseases caused by single gene muta- tions that have clear genetic component, chromosome mapping of the mutation locus should be a method of choice. Differential display is unlikely to detect such mutations unless the mutated gene affects other gene expressions as m the case of p53 or ras mutations. It should be emphasized that the method is only a simple screenmg tool and it is by no means a fool-proof method if precautions are not taken seriously (see Notes 4 and 5). As such, neither every dtfference in the pattern of displayed DNA may represent a true differential gene expres- sion, nor would every differentially expressed gene be obviously relevant to the system being studied Differential Display 11 B 12345 Fig. 3. Differential display and Northern blot confirmation of mob-l gene expres- sion in primary REF cells versus their derivatives doubly transformed by mutant H-ras and ~53. (A) Total RNAs from normal REF cells (lane 1) and its derivatives transformed by mutant H-ras and ~53, T 10 l-4 (lane 2) and A l-5 which contains a temperature-sensitive mutant p53 grown at nonpermissive and permissive tempera- tures for 24 h (lanes 3 and 4) were compared by differential display. T,,MA was used as an anchored oligo-dT primer and AP-2 (5’-GACCGCTTGT-3’) was used as a arbitrary primer. A band, named mob-l (indicated by the arrow) was differentially detected. (B) Northern blot confirmation of differential expression of the mob- 1 gene in the transformed cells TlOl-4 and Al-5 at nonpermissive and permissive tempera- tures (lanes 3 to 5, respectively) but not in the REF and immortalized Rat1 cells (lanes 1 and 2, respectively). Twenty micrograms of total RNA from each cell line was ana- lyzed with the 240 bp mob- 1 cDNA probe obtained by differential display. The lower panel is a negative of ethidium bromide staining of total RNA samples as control for equal loading. 12 Liang et al 4. Notes 1 In TlzMN primers, “M” represents a degenerate base with an equal mixture of G, A, or C (3) Although some of the materials may be purchased from various ven- dors, most of them can be obtained m kit form or mdlvldually from GenHunter 2 Total RNA Isolated by any method frequently has a different degree of chromo- somal DNA contammatlon Without its removal by DNse I treatment, chromo- somal DNA will be amplified along with cDNA made by reverse transcrlptlon Different degrees of DNA contammatlon m samples being compared is a fre- quent cause of high background, false posltlves that cannot be confirmed by Northern blot analysis, or failure of detecting signals on Northern blot as 95% chromosomal DNA do not encode mRNAs It is recommended that total RNA be always treated with DNase I before bemg used for differential display 3 Make core mixes as much as possible to avoid plpetmg errors, otherwlse, It would be difficult to accurately pipet 0 2 pL of AmphTaq For example, aliquot RT-mix and AP-primer separately, but make 10 times of the PCR core mix. This core mix can be used m combmatlon with five different AP-primers for a pan of RNAs to be compared. 4. One should make an effort to ensure the umformlty of the samples being com- pared When RNAs isolated from tissue specimens contammg mixed cell types are being compared, verlficatlon of dlfferentlal gene expression should be car- ried out also at the cellular level 5. It 1s fair to say that finding dlfferentlally expressed genes IS no longer rate-llmlt- mg with differential display method However, one of the most commonly ignored aspect m using differential display 1s a poor experlmental design. Given the versatility of dlfferentlal display, instead of comparmg just two samples, one should think about the posslbillty of comparing multiple RNA samples simulta- neously so adequate experlmental control or mltial characterlzatlon of the gene being isolated are bmlt-in to mmlmize lsolatmg false positives or trivlal genes This 1s particularly true when most of the slgmficant genes Isolated with this method had elegant experimental designs. Acknowledgments The authors dedicate this chapter to Arthur B. Pardee for his mspiratlon, guidance, and constant support. We also thank GenHunter Corporation for the permission to adapt the protocol from Its dlfferentlal display kits. References 1, Llang, P and Pardee, A B. (1992) Differential display of eukaryotlc messenger RNA by means of the polymerase cham reaction. Science 257,967-97 1 2. Llang, P., Averboukh, L , and Pardee, A B (1994) Method of differential dls- play. Methods Mel Genetm 5, 3-16 3. Liang, P , Averboukh, L., and Pardee, A. B (1993) Distribution and clonmg of eukaryotlc mRNAs by means of differential display. refinements and optlmiza- tlon. Nucleic Acids Res 21, 3269-3275

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