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MOLECULAR BRAIN — RESEARCH ELS IER Molecular Brain Research 60 (1998) 311-312 Author Index Abraham, W.C., see Williams, J.M. (60) 21 Early localization of mRNA coding for 5- Karliczek, G.F., see Fischer, S. (60) 89 Abraham, W.C., see Williams, J.M. (60) 50 HT,, receptors in human brain during de- Kato, T., see Mizuno, H. (60) 28 Acosta, A.M., see Segarra, A.C. (60) 133 velopment (60) 123 Keilhoff, G., see Seidel, B. (60) 296 Allar, M.A., see McLaughlin, P.J. (60) 160 Demotes-Mainard, J., see Arnauld, E. (60) 127 Keverne, E.B., see Saito, H. (60) 215 Althausen, S., see Paschen, W. (60) 115 Doutheil, J., see Paschen, W. (60) 115 Kim, Y.-H., see Won, J.-S. (60) 203 Angulo, J.A., see Segarra, A.C. (60) 133 Kimura, S., see Mizuno, H. (60) 28 Arnauld, E., Arsaut, J. and Demotes-Mainard, Ellis, S.B., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 Kishimoto, J., see Saito, H. (60) 215 J. Emson, P.C., see Saito, H. (60) 215 Kohmura, E., see Nonaka, M. (60) 310 Conditional coupling of striatal dopamine Kristensen, P., see Larsen, P.J. (60) 69 D1 receptor to transcription factors: onto- Feindt, J., Schmidt, A. and Mentlein, R. Kume, H., Maruyama, K., Shinozaki, K., genic and regional differences in CREB ac- Receptors and effects of the inhibitory neu- Kuzume, H. and Obata, K. tivation (60) 127 ropeptide somatostatin in microglial cells Phosphorylation and spatiotemporal distri- Arsaut, J., see Arnauld, E. (60) 127 (60) 228 bution of KW8 (NDRF/NeuroD2), a Neu- Asai, K., see Mizuno, H. (60) 28 Ferraguti, F., see Carboni, L. (60) 57 roD family basic helix—loop—helix protein Asanuma, M. and Cadet, J.L. Fischer, S., Renz, D., Schaper, W. and Kar- (60) 107 Methamphetamine-induced increase in stri- liczek, G.F. Kuwabara, K., see Matsushita, K. (60) 98 atal NF-k BD NA-binding activity is attenu- Barbiturates decrease the expression of vas- Kuzume, H., see Kume, H. (60) 107 ated in superoxide dismutase transgenic cular endothelial growth factor in hypoxic mice (60) 305 cultures of porcine brain derived microvas- Larsen, P.J. and Kristensen, P. cular endothelial cells (60) 89 Distribution of neuropeptide Y receptor ex- Balachandran, R., see Tyurin, V.A. (60) 270 Friederich, P. and Urban, B.W. pression in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus Barnes Jr, E.M., see Thompson, C.L. (60) 282 The inhibition of human neuronal K* cur- (60) 69 Beattie, R.E., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 rents by general anesthetic agents is altered Lee, J.-K., see Won, J.-S. (60) 203 by extracellular K* (60) 301 Lee, K.-J., see Won, J.-S. (60) 203 Brené, S., see Zachrisson, O. (60) 291 Fujita, K., see Mizuno, H. (60) 28 Lesch, K.-P., see Okladnova, O. (60) 177 Brewer, G.J., see Yang, Y. (60) 40 Li, J., Tullai, J.W., Yu, W.-h.A. and Salton, Gauer, F., Schuster, C., Poirel, V.-J., Pévet, P. S.R.J. Cadet, J.L., see Asanuma, M. (60) 305 and Masson-Pévet, M. Regulated expression during development Capone, G., Choi, C. and Vertifuille, J. Cloning experiments and developmental ex- and following sciatic nerve injury of mR- Regulation of the preprosomatostatin gene pression of both melatonin receptor Mel, , NAs encoding the receptor tyrosine phos- by cyclic-AMP in cerebrocortical neurons mRNA and melatonin binding sites in the phatase HPTP£/RPTPB (60) 77 (60) 247 Syrian hamster suprachiasmatic nuclei (60) Lindefors, N., see Zachrisson, O. (60) 291 Carboni, L., Carletti, R., Tacconi, S., Corti, C. 193 Linden, T., see Paschen, W. (60) 115 and Ferraguti, F. Gissel, C., see Paschen, W. (60) 115 Longo, F.M., see Honkaniemi, J. (60) 1 Differential expression of SAPK isoforms Gonzalez, J.L., see Segarra, A.C. (60) 133 Lépez-Giménez, J.F., see Del Olmo, E. (60) in the rat brain. An in situ hybridisation 123 study in the adult rat brain and during post- Harpold, M.M., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 natal development (60) 57 Maruyama, K., see Kume, H. (60) 107 Hayakawa, T., see Nonaka, M. (60) 310 Carletti, R., see Carboni, L. (60) 57 Mason-Parker, S.E., see Williams, J.M. (60) 21 Himeno, A., see Moriuchi, R. (60) 234 Choi, C., see Capone, G. (60) 247 Hoe, K.-L., see Moriuchi, R. (60) 234 Mason-Parker, S.E., see Williams, J.M. (60) 50 Corti, C., see Carboni, L. (60) 57 Masson-Pévet, M., see Gauer, F. (60) 193 Honkaniemi, J., Zhang, J.S., Yang, T., Zhang, Craig, P.J., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 Matsushita, K., Matsuyama, T., Nishimura, H., C., Tisi, M.A. and Longo, F.M. Takaoka, T., Kuwabara, K., Tsukamoto, Y., LAR tyrosine phosphatase receptor: proxi- Day, B.W., see Tyurin, V.A. (60) 270 Sugita, M. and Ogawa, S. mal membrane alternative splicing is coor- Day, N.C., Volsen, S.G., McCormack, A.L., Marked, sustained expression of a novel dinated with regional expression and intra- Craig, P.J., Smith, W., Beattie, R.E., Shaw, neuronal localization (60) 1 150-kDa oxygen-regulated stress protein, in P.J., Ellis, S.B., Harpold, M.M. and Ince, Huh, S.-O., see Won, J.-S. (60) 203 severely ischemic mouse neurons (60) 98 P.G. Matsuyama, T., see Matsushita, K. (60) 98 The expression of voltage-dependent cal- Ince, P.G., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 McCormack, A.L., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 cium channel beta subunits in human hip- McEwen, B.S., see Segarra, A.C. (60) 133 pocampus (60) 259 Jéhren, O., see Moriuchi, R. (60) 234 McLaughlin, P.J. and Allar, M.A. Del Olmo, E., L6pez-Giménez, J.F., Vilard, Preproenkephalin gene expression and M.T., Mengod, G., Palacios, J.M. and Pa- Kagan, V.E., see Tyurin, V.A. (60) 270 [Met° ]—enkephalin levels in the developing zos, A. Kamme, F., see Tomasevic, G. (60) 168 rat heart (60) 160 312 Author Index Mengod, G., see Del Olmo, E. (60) 123 Saavedra, J.M., see Moriuchi, R. (60) 234 Tomasevic, G., Kamme, F. and Wieloch, T. Mentlein, R., see Feindt, J. (60) 228 Saito, H., Mimmack, M.L., Keverne, E.B., Changes in proliferating cell nuclear anti- Mimmack, M.L., see Saito, H. (60) 215 Kishimoto, J. and Emson, P.C. gen, a protein involved in DNA repair, in Mizuno, H., Asai, K., Fujita, K., Uemura, K., Isolation of mouse vomeronasal receptor vulnerable hippocampal neurons following Wada, Y., Moriyama, A., Ogawa, H., genes and their co-localization with specific global cerebral ischemia (60) 168 Kimura, S. and Kato, T. G-protein messenger RNAs (60) 215 Tsukamoto, Y., see Matsushita, K. (60) 98 Neurotrophic action of lipocortin 1 derived Sakuma, Y., see Soga, T. (60) 13 Tullai, J.W., see Li, J. (60) 77 from astrocytes on cultured rat cortical neu- Salton, S.R.J., see Li, J. (60) 77 Tyurin, V.A., Tyurina, Y.Y., Quinn, P.J., Schor, rons (60) 28 Schaper, W., see Fischer, S. (60) 89 N.F., Balachandran, R., Day, B.W. and Ka- Moriuchi, R., Shibata, S., Himeno, A., Johren, Schmidt, A., see Feindt, J. (60) 228 gan, V.E. O., Hoe, K.-L. and Saavedra, J.M. Schor, N.F., see Tyurin, V.A. (60) 270 Glutamate-induced cytotoxicity in PC12 Molecular cloning and pharmacological Schuster, C., see Gauer, F. (60) 193 pheochromocytoma cells: role of oxidation characterization of an atypical gerbil an- Segarra, A.C., Acosta, A.M., Gonzalez, J.L., of phospholipids, glutathione and protein giotensin II type-1 receptor and its mRNA Angulo, J.A. and McEwen, B.S. sulfhydryls revealed by bcl-2 transfection (60) 270 expression in brain and peripheral tissues Sex differences in estrogenic regulation of (60) 234 preproenkephalin mRNA levels in the me- Tyurina, Y.Y., see Tyurin, V.A. (60) 270 Moriyama, A., see Mizuno, H. (60) 28 dial preoptic area of prepubertal rats (60) Uemura, K., see Mizuno, H. (60) 28 Mossner, R., see Okladnova, O. (60) 177 133 Urban, B.W., see Friederich, P. (60) 301 Seidel, B., Keilhoff, G., Reinheckel, T. and Nishimura, H., see Matsushita, K. (60) 98 Wolf, G. Vertifuille, J., see Capone, G. (60) 247 Nonaka, M., Kohmura, E., Yamashita, T., Shi- Differentially expressed genes in hippocam- Vilar6, M.T., see Del Olmo, E. (60) 123 mada, S., Tanaka, K., Yoshimine, T., To- pal cell cultures in response to an excito- Volsen, S.G., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 hyama, M. and Hayakawa, T. toxic insult by quinolinic acid (60) 296 Wada, Y., see Mizuno, H. (60) 28 Erratum to: Increased transcription of gluta- Shaw, P.J., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 Waschek, J.A., see Rokaeus, A. (60) 150 mate—aspartate transporter (GLAST /GluT- Shibata, S., see Moriuchi, R. (60) 234 Wieloch, T., see Tomasevic, G. (60) 168 1) mRNA following kainic acid-induced Shimada, S., see Nonaka, M. (60) 310 Williams, J.M., Mason-Parker, S.E., Abraham, limbic seizure [Molecular Brain Research Shinozaki, K., see Kume, H. (60) 107 W.C. and Tate, W.P. 55 (1998) 54-60] (60) 310 Sims, N.R., Williams, V.K., Zaidan, E. and Biphasic changes in the levels of N-methyl- Powell, J.A. D-aspartate receptor-2 subunits correlate Obata, K., see Kume, H. (60) 107 The antioxidant defences of brain mitochon- with the induction and persistence of long- Ogawa, H., see Mizuno, H. (60) 28 dria during short-term forebrain ischemia term potentiation (60) 21 Ogawa, S., see Matsushita, K. (60) 98 and recirculation in the rat (60) 141 Williams, J.M., Thompson, V.L., Mason-Parker, Okladnova, O., Syagailo, Y.V., Méssner, R., Smith, W., see Day, N.C. (60) 259 S.E., Abraham, W.C. and Tate, W.P. Riederer, P. and Lesch, K.-P. Soga, T., Sakuma, Y. and Parhar, I.S. Synaptic activity-dependent modulation of Regulation of PAX-6 gene transcription: al- Testosterone differentially regulates expres- mitochondrial gene expression in the rat ternate promoter usage in human brain (60) sion of GnRH messenger RNAs in the ter- hippocampus (60) 50 177 minal nerve, preoptic and midbrain of male Williams, V.K., see Sims, N.R. (60) 141 tilapia (60) 13 Wolf, G., see Seidel, B. (60) 296 Palacios, J.M., see Del Olmo, E. (60) 123 Song, D.-K., see Won, J.-S. (60) 203 Won, J.-S., Suh, H.-W., Kim, Y.-H., Song, Parhar, I.S., see Soga, T. (60) 13 Stephenson, F.A., see Thompson, C.L. (60) 282 D.-K., Huh, S.-O., Lee, J.-K. and Lee, K.-J. Paschen, W., Gissel, C., Linden, T., Althausen, Sugita, M., see Matsushita, K. (60) 98 Prostaglandin E, increases proenkephalin S. and Doutheil, J. Suh, H.-W., see Won, J.-S. (60) 203 mRNA level in rat astrocyte-enriched cul- Activation of gadd153 expression through Syagailo, Y.V., see Okladnova, O. (60) 177 ture (60) 203 transient cerebral ischemia: evidence that Yamashita, T., see Nonaka, M. (60) 310 ischemia causes endoplasmic reticulum dys- Yang, T., see Honkaniemi, J. (60) 1 function (60) 115 Tacconi, S., see Carboni, L. (60) 57 Yang, Y., Quitschke, W.W. and Brewer, G.J. Pazos, A., see Del Olmo, E. (60) 123 Takaoka, T., see Matsushita, K. (60) 98 Upregulation of amyloid precursor protein Pévet, P., see Gauer, F. (60) 193 Tanaka, K., see Nonaka, M. (60) 310 gene promoter in rat primary hippocampal Poirel, V.-J., see Gauer, F. (60) 193 Tate, W.P., see Williams, J.M. (60) 21 neurons by phorbol ester, IL-1 and retinoic Powell, J.A., see Sims, N.R. (60) 141 Tate, W.P., see Williams, J.M. (60) 50 acid, but not by reactive oxygen species Tehrani, M.H.J., see Thompson, C.L. (60) 282 (60) 40 Quinn, P.J., see Tyurin, V.A. (60) 270 Thompson, C.L., Tehrani, M.H.J., Barnes Jr, Yoshimine, T., see Nonaka, M. (60) 310 Quitschke, W.W., see Yang, Y. (60) 40 E.M. and Stephenson, F.A. Yu, W.-h.A., see Li, J. (60) 77 Decreased expression of GABA, receptor Reinheckel, T., see Seidel, B. (60) 296 a6 and 63 subunits in stargazer mutant Zachrisson, O., Lindefors, N. and Brené, S. Renz, D., see Fischer, S. (60) 89 mice: a possible role for brain-derived neu- A tachykinin NK, receptor antagonist, CP- Riederer, P., see Okladnova, O. (60) 177 rotrophic factor in the regulation of cerebel- 122,721-1, attenuates kainic acid-induced Rokaeus, A. and Waschek, J.A. lar GABA, receptor expression? (60) 282 seizure activity (60) 291 Tissue-specific enhancement and restriction Thompson, V.L., see Williams, J.M. (60) 50 Zaidan, E., see Sims, N.R. (60) 141 of galanin gene expression in transgenic Tisi, M.A., see Honkaniemi, J. (60) 1 Zhang, C., see Honkaniemi, J. (60) 1 mice by 5’ flanking sequences (60) 150 Tohyama, M., see Nonaka, M. (60) 310 Zhang, J.S., see Honkaniemi, J. (60) 1

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