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MOLECULAR BRAIN RESEARCH i aed i LSEVIER Molecular Brain Research 53 (1998) 349-351 Author Index Akagi, K., see Iwase, K. (53) 1 tor and basic fibroblast growth factor mRNA Hughes, P.E., Young, D., Preston, K.M., Yan, Arnold, J.S., see Wu, S. (53) 88 in neonatal and aged rat brain (53) 218 Q. and Dragunow, M. Court, J.A., see Cimino, M. (53) 297 Differential regulation by MK801 of imme- Balduini, W., see Cimino, M. (53) 297 Crocker, S.J., Morelli, M., Wigle, N., diate-early genes, brain-derived neu- Bale, T.L. and Dorsa, D.M. Nakabeppu, Y. and Robertson, G.S. rotrophic factor and trk receptor mRNA in- NGF, cyclic AMP, and phorbol esters regu- D,-receptor-related priming is attenuated by duced by a kindling after-discharge (53) late oxytocin receptor gene transcription in antisense-meditated ‘knockdown’ of fosB 138 SK-N-SH and MCF7 cells (53) 130 expression (53) 69 Bamburg, J.R., see Bernstein, B.W. (53) 236 Cunningham, A.M., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 ladarola, M.J., see Messersmith, D.J. (53) 259 Battaglino, P.B., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 Iben, L.G., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 Beermann, F., see Tief, K. (53) 307 DeWit, M., see Bernstein, B.W. (53) 236 lismaa, T.P., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 Belagaje, R.M., see Wu, S. (53) 88 Dietrich, H., see Hu, Y. (53) 251 Imai, Y., Matsuo, N., Ogawa, S., Tohyama, M. Berman, S., see Li, J. (53) 174 Dorsa, D.M., see Bale, T.L. (53) 130 and Takagi, T. Bernstein, B.W., DeWit, M. and Bamburg, J.R. Dragunow, M., see Hughes, P.E. (53) 138 Cloning of a gene, YT521, for a novel RNA Actin disassembles reversibly during electri- Drescher, D.G., see Morley, B.J. (53) 78 splicing-related protein induced by hy- cally induced recycling of synaptic vesicles poxia /reoxygenation (53) 33 in cultured neurons (53) 236 Elgoyhen, A.B., see Morley, B.J. (53) 78 Inouye, M., see Weisbrot-Lefkowitz, M. (53) Bethea, C.L., see Pecins-Thompson, M. (53) 333 120 Bianchi, M., see Cimino, M. (53) 297 Fathi, Z., Cunningham, A.M., Iben, L.G., Ishiguro, M., Ohsawa, I., Takamura, C., Mori- Bock-Samson, S., see Wouters, B.C. (53) 53 Battaglino, P.B., Ward, S.A., Nichol, K.A., moto, T. and Kohsaka, S. Bresnick, J.N., see Stefanis, N.C. (53) 112 Pine, K.A., Wang, J., Goldstein, M_E., Iis- Secreted form of B-amyloid precursor pro- Brooks, P.J., see Marietta, C. (53) 317 maa, T.P. and Zimanyi, IA. tein activates protein kinase C and phospho- Brown, A.N., see Pecins-Thompson, M. (53) Cloning, pharmacological characterization lipase C-y1 in cultured embryonic rat neo- and distribution of a novel galanin receptor. cortical cells (53) 24 120 Burgett, S.G., see Wu, S. (53) 88 [This article was published in Mol. Brain Iwase, K., Iyama, K.-i., Akagi, K., Yano, S., Res. 51/1,2 (1997) 49-59] (53) 348 Fukunaga, K., Miyamoto, E., Mori, M. and Burkhoff, A.M., Linemeyer, D.L. and Salon, Ferrara, P., see Magazin, M. (53) 301 Takiguchi, M. JA. Fine, R.E., see Johnson, R.J. (53) 104 Precise distribution of neuronal nitric oxide Distribution of a novel hypothalamic neu- Follesa, P., see Colangelo, A.M. (53) 218 synthase mRNA in the rat brain revealed by ropeptide Y receptor gene and its absence in Fujii, M., see Kobayashi, M. (53) 206 non-radioisotopic in situ hybridization (53) rat (53) 311 Fukunaga, K., see Iwase, K. (53) 1 1 Bursztajn, S., see Li, J. (53) 174 Iyama, K.-i., see Iwase, K. (53) 1 Cagampang, F.R.A., Rattray, M., Campbell, Gallinari, P., see Marietta, C. (53) 317 I.C., Powell, J.F. and Coen, C.W. Gallinat, S., see Stroth, U. (53) 187 Jiricny, J., see Marietta, C. (53) 317 Variation in the expression of the mRNA Garcia-Barcina, J.M. and Matute, C. Johnson, B.G., see Wu, S. (53) 88 for protein kinase C isoforms in the rat AMPA-selective glutamate receptor sub- Johnson, R.J., Liu, N., Shanmugaratnam, J. and suprachiasmatic nuclei, caudate putamen units in glial cells of the adult bovine white Fine, R.E. and cerebral cortex (53) 277 matter (53) 270 Increased calreticulin stability in differenti- Campbell, I.C., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (53) Garyfallou, V.T., see Kohama, S.G. (53) 328 ated NG-108-15 cells correlates with resis- 277 Goldstein, M.E., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 tance to apoptosis induced by antisense Caput, D., see Magazin, M. (53) 301 treatment (53) 104 Cattabeni, F., see Cimino, M. (53) 297 Han, Y.-G., see Seong, J.Y. (53) 226 Jope, R.S., see Li, X. (53) 196 Cavrois, E., see Magazin, M. (53) 301 Henriksson, B.G., see Rasmuson, S. (53) 285 Chan, P.H., see Weisbrot-Lefkowitz, M. (53) Hiel, H., see Morley, B.J. (53) 78 Kam, K., see Seong, J.Y. (53) 226 333 Holmes, M.C., see Rasmuson, S. (53) 285 Kang, S.S., see Seong, J.Y. (53) 226 Cimino, M., Balduini, W., Marini, P., Cat- Howlett, A.C., see McIntosh, H.H. (53) 163 Kelly, P.A.T., see Rasmuson, S. (53) 285 tabeni, F., Court, J.A., Bianchi, M. and Hu, Y., Schett, G., Zou, Y., Dietrich, H. and Kerwin, R.W., see Stefanis, N.C. (53) 112 Magnani, M. Xu, Q. Kim, D.J., see Messersmith, D.J. (53) 259 Expression of hexokinase mRNA in human Abundance of platelet-derived growth fac- Kim, K., see Seong, J.Y. (53) 226 hippocampus (53) 297 tors (PDGFs), PDGF receptors and activa- Kiryu-Seo, S., see Tanabe, K. (53) 291 Coen, C.W., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (53) 277 tion of mitogen-activated protein kinases in Kiyama, H., see Tanabe, K. (53) 291 Colangelo, A.M., Follesa, P. and Mocchetti, I. brain decline with age (53) 251 Kobayashi, M., Fujii, M., Kurihara, K. and Differential induction of nerve growth fac- Huang, Z., see Petitto, J.M. (53) 152 Matsuoka, I. Author Index Bone morphogenetic protein-2 and retinoic Mirochnitchenko, O., see Weisbrot-Lefkowitz, A human serotonin-7 receptor pseudogene acid induce neurotrophin-3 responsiveness M. (53) 333 (53) 339 in developing rat sympathetic neurons (53) Miyamoto, E., see Iwase, K. (53) 1 206 Mocchetti, I., see Colangelo, A.M. (53) 218 Raizada, M.K., see Petitto, J.M. (53) 152 Kohama, S.G., Garyfallou, V.T. and Urbanski, Mohammed, A.H., see Rasmuson, S. (53) 285 Rasmuson, §., Olsson, T., Henriksson, B.G., HLF. Morelli, M., see Crocker, S.J. (53) 69 Kelly, P.A.T., Holmes, M.C., Seckl, J.R. Regional distribution of glutamate receptor Morgan, J.I., see Pérez-Otafio, I. (53) 41 and Mohammed, A.H. Environmental enrichment selectively in- mRNA in the monkey hippocampus and Mori, M., see Iwase, K. (53) 1 temporal cortex: influence of estradiol (53) Mori, N., see Tanabe, K. (53) 291 creases 5-HT1A receptor mRNA expression and binding in the rat hippocampus (53) 328 Mori, Y., see Nagano, T. (53) 13 285 Kohsaka, S., see Ishiguro, M. (53) 24 Morimoto, T., see Ishiguro, M. (53) 24 Rattray, M., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (53) 277 Kurihara, K., see Kobayashi, M. (53) 206 Morley, B.J., Li, H.-S., Hiel, H., Drescher, Kusumi, I., see Liu, I.S.C. (53) 98 D.G. and Elgoyhen, A.B. Reuhl, K., see Weisbrot-Lefkowitz, M. (53) 333 Kusumi, I., see Qian, I.H.-P. (53) 339 Identification of the subunits of the nico- Rinker, C.M., see Petitto, J.M. (53) 152 Kwon, H.B., see Seong, J.Y. (53) 226 tinic cholinergic receptors in the rat cochlea Robertson, G.S., see Crocker, S.J. (53) 69 using RT-PCR and in situ hybridization Rockey, P.K., see Wu, S. (53) 88 (53) 78 Li, H.-S., see Morley, B.J. (53) 78 Rosteck Jr., P.R., see Wu, S. (53) 88 Ryu, K., see Seong, J.Y. (53) 226 Li, J., Nixon, R., Messer, A., Berman, S. and Nagano, T., Nakamura, A., Mori, Y., Maeda, Bursztajn, S. M., Takami, T., Shiosaka, S., Takagi, H. Salon, J.A., see Burkhoff, A.M. (53) 311 Altered gene expression for and Sato, M. Sato, M., see Nagano, T. (53) 13 calpain /calpastatin system in motor neuron Differentially expressed olfactomedin-re- Sato, M., see Nakamura, T. (53) 321 degeneration (Mnd) mutant mouse brain and lated glycoproteins (Pancortins) in the brain Schett, G., see Hu, Y. (53) 251 spinal cord (53) 174 (53) 13 Schiltz, P., see Magazin, M. (53) 301 i, X., Song, L. and Jope, R.S. Nagano, T., see Nakamura, T. (53) 321 Schmidt, A., see Tief, K. (53) 307 Glutathione depletion exacerbates impair- Nakabeppu, Y., see Crocker, S.J. (53) 69 Schoepp, D.D., see Wu, S. (53) 88 ment by oxidative stress of phosphoinosi- Nakamura, A., see Nagano, T. (53) 13 Schofield, W.N., see Stefanis, N.C. (53) 112 tide hydrolysis, AP-1, and NF-«B activa- Nakamura, T., Tanaka, T., Nagano, T., Yoneda, Seckl, J.R., see Rasmuson, S. (53) 285 tion by cholinergic stimulation (53) 196 T., Takagi, H. and Sato, M. Seeman, M.V., see Qian, I.H.-P. (53) 339 Linemeyer, D.L., see Burkhoff, A.M. (53) 311 Distribution of mRNA encoding Tat-bind- Seeman, P., see Liu, I.S.C. (53) 98 Little, K., see Wouters, B.C. (53) 53 ing protein-1 (TBP-1), a component of 26S Seeman, P., see Qian, I.H.-P. (53) 339 Liu, [.S.C., Kusumi, I., Ulpian, C., Tallerico, T. proteasome, in the rat brain (53) 321 Seong, J.Y., Kang, S.S., Kam, K., Han, Y.-G., and Seeman, P. Nakamura, T., see Tanabe, K. (53) 291 Kwon, H.B., Ryu, K. and Kim, K. A serotonin-4 receptor-like pseudogene in Nam, D., see Qian, I.H.-P. (53) 339 Differential regulation of gonadotropin-re- humans (53) 98 Nichol, K.A., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 leasing hormone (GnRH) receptor expres- Liu, I.S.C., see Qian, I.H.-P. (53) 339 Nixon, R., see Li, J. (53) 174 sion in the posterior mediobasal hypothala- Liu, N., see Johnson, R.J. (53) 104 Norden, J.J., see Wouters, B.C. (53) 53 mus by steroid hormones: implication of GnRH neuronal activity (53) 226 Ochi, T., see Tanabe, K. (53) 291 Shanmugaratnam, J., see Johnson, R.J. (53) 104 Maeda, M., see Nagano, T. (53) 13 Ogawa, S., see Imai, Y. (53) 33 Shiosaka, S., see Nagano, T. (53) 13 Magazin, M., Schiltz, P., Zachayus, J.-L., Ohsawa, I., see Ishiguro, M. (53) 24 Song, C., see McIntosh, H.H. (53) 163 Cavrois, E., Caput, D. and Ferrara, P. Olsson, T., see Rasmuson, S. (53) 285 Song, L., see Li, X. (53) 196 Inhibition of lysophosphatidic acid-induced Stefanis, N.C., Bresnick, J.N., Kerwin, R.W., neurite retraction and cell rounding by Palombo, F., see Marietta, C. (53) 317 Schofield, W.N. and McAllister, G. SR 57746A (53) 301 Pecins-Thompson, M., Brown, A.N. and Bethea, Elevation of D, dopamine receptor mRNA Magnani, M., see Cimino, M. (53) 297 CA. in postmortem schizophrenic brain (53) 112 Mandelzys, A., see Pérez-Otaiio, I. (53) 41 Regulation of serotonin re-uptake trans- Stroth, U., Meffert, S., Gallinat, S. and Unger, Marietta, C., Palombo, F., Gallinari, P., Jiricny, porter mRNA expression by ovarian steroids si J. and Brooks, P.J. in rhesus macaques (53) 120 Angiotensin II and NGF differentially influ- Expression of long-patch and short-patch Pérez-Otafio, I., Mandelzys, A. and Morgan, ence microtubule proteins in PC12W cells: DNA mismatch repair proteins in the em- JL. role of the AT, receptor (53) 187 bryonic and adult mammalian brain (53) MPTP-Parkinsonism is accompanied by 317 persistent expression of a A-FosB-like pro- Takagi, H., see Nagano, T. (53) 13 Marini, P., see Cimino, M. (53) 297 tein in dopaminergic pathways (53) 41 Takagi, H., see Nakamura, T. (53) 321 Matsuo, N., see Imai, Y. (53) 33 Perry, B., see Weisbrot-Lefkowitz, M. (53) 333 Takagi, T., see Imai, Y. (53) 33 Matsuoka, I., see Kobayashi, M. (53) 206 Petitto, J.M., Huang, Z., Raizada, M.K., Rinker, Takami, T., see Nagano, T. (53) 13 Matute, C., see Garcfa-Barcina, J.M. (53) 270 C.M. and McCarthy, D.B. Takamura, C., see Ishiguro, M. (53) 24 McAllister, G., see Stefanis, N.C. (53) 112 Molecular cloning of the cDNA coding se- Takiguchi, M., see Iwase, K. (53) 1 McCarthy, D.B., see Petitto, J.M. (53) 152 quence of IL-2 receptor-y (y,) from human Tallerico, T., see Liu, I.S.C. (53) 98 McIntosh, H.H., Song, C. and Howlett, A.C. and murine forebrain: Expression in the hip- Tallerico, T., see Qian, I.H.-P. (53) 339 CB, cannabinoid receptor: cellular regula- pocampus in situ and by brain cells in vitro Tanabe, K., Kiryu-Seo, S., Nakamura, T., Mori, tion and distribution in N18TG2 neuroblas- (53) 152 N., Tsujino, H., Ochi, T. and Kiyama, H. toma cells (53) 163 Pine, K.A., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 Alternative expression of Shc family mem- Meffert, S., see Stroth, U. (53) 187 Powell, J.F., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (53) 277 bers in nerve-injured motoneurons (53) 291 Messer, A., see Li, J. (53) 174 Preston, K.M., see Hughes, P.E. (53) 138 Tanaka, T., see Nakamura, T. (53) 321 Messersmith, D.J., Kim, D.J. and Iadarola, M.J. Tief, K., Schmidt, A. and Beermann, F. Transcription factor regulation of prodynor- Qian, I.H.-P., Kusumi, I., Ulpian, C., Tallerico, New evidence for presence of tyrosinase in phin gene expression following rat hindpaw T., Nam, D., Liu, I.S.C., Seeman, M.V. and substantia nigra, forebrain and midbrain (53) inflammation (53) 259 Seeman, P. 307 Author Index 351 Tohyama, M., see Imai, Y. (53) 33 Overexpression of human glutathione per- functional expression, and comparison of Tsujino, H., see Tanabe, K. (53) 291 oxidase protects transgenic mice against fo- pharmacological properties in RGT cells cal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion damage (53) 88 Uhl, G.R., see Wang, X.B. (53) 344 (53) 333 Ulpian, C., see Liu, I.8.C. (53) 98 Wigle, N., see Crocker, S.J. (53) 69 Ulpian, C., see Qian, 1.H.-P. (53) 339 Wouters, B.C., Bock-Samson, S., Little, K. and Xu, Q., see Hu, Y. (53) 251 Unger, T., see Stroth, U. (53) 187 Norden, J.J. Urbanski, H.F., see Kohama, S.G. (53) 328 Up-regulation of fast-axonally transported proteins in retinal ganglion cells of adult Yan, Q., see Hughes, P.E. (53) 138 Wang, J., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 rats with optic—peroneal nerve grafts (53) Wang, X.B. and Uhl, G.R. 53 Yano, S., see Iwase, K. (53) 1 Subtracted differential display: Genes with Wright, R.A., see Wu, S. (53) 88 Yoneda, T., see Nakamura, T. (53) 321 Young, D., see Hughes, P.E. (53) 138 amphetamine-altered expression patterns in- Wu, S., Wright, R.A., Rockey, P.K., Burgett, clude calcineurin (53) 344 S.G., Arnold, J.S., Rosteck Jr., P.R., John- Ward, S.A., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 son, B.G., Schoepp, D.D. and Belagaje, Weisbrot-Lefkowitz, M., Reuhl, K., Perry, B., R.M. Zachayus, J.-L., see Magazin, M. (53) 301 Chan, P.H., Inouye, M. and Group III human metabotropic glutamate Zimanyi, I.A., see Fathi, Z. (53) 348 Mirochnitchenko, O. receptors 4, 7 and 8: Molecular cloning, Zou, Y., see Hu, Y. (53) 251

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