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Molecular Brain Research 1996: Vol 37 Index PDF

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MOLECULAR BRAIN RESEARCH 3%L SEVIER Molecular Brain Research 37 (1996) 333-335 Author Index Alcaraz, G., see Lara, A. (37) 116 Fang, K.S., Martins-Green, M., Williams, L.T. Widespread brain distribution of mRNA en- Arilla, E., see Mufioz-Acedo, G. (37) 259 and Hanafusa, H. coding the orphan neurotransmitter trans- Characterization of chicken protein tyrosine porter v7-3 (37) 217 Bark, I.C., see Jacobsson, G. (37) 49 phosphatase a and its expression in the Ito, Y., Sakagami, H. and Kondo, H. Belin, M.F., see Hardin-Pouzet, H. (37) 324 central nervous system (37) 1 Enhanced gene expression for phosphatidyl- Besharse, J.C., see Green, C.B. (37) 157 Feindt, J., see Ludwig, R. (37) 181 inositol 3-kinase in the hypoglossal mo- Blanchard, J.-M., see Boissin-Agasse, L. (37) Felipo, V., see Cabedo, H. (37) 125 toneurons following axonal crush (37) 329 21 Fernyhough, P., see Maeda, K. (37) 166 Itouji, A., Sakai, N., Tanaka, C. and Saito, N. Bleck, V., see Lewin, E. (37) 304 Fontaine, M., see Lamacz, M. (37) 290 Neuronal and glial localization of two Boado, R., see Palos, T.P. (37) 297 Fuminier, F., see Boissin-Agasse, L. (37) 21 GABA transporters (GAT1 and GAT3) in Bock, E., see Gegelashvili, G. (37) 151 the rat cerebellum (37) 309 Boissin-Agasse, L., Blanchard, J.-M., Escot, C., Gahara, Y., see Miyake, T. (37) 273 Fuminier, F., Roch, G. and Boissin, J. Gasque, P., see Lamacz, M. (37) 290 Jacobsson, G., Piehl, F., Bark, I.C., Zhang, X. Photic regulation of c-fos gene expression Gegelashvili, G., Bock, E., Schousboe, A. and and Meister, B. in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the cir- Linnemann, D. Differential subcellular localization of cadian rhythm of photosensitivity in the Two types of amyloid precursor protein SNAP-25a and SNAP-25b RNA transcripts mink (37) 21 (APP) mRNA in rat glioma cell lines: Up- in spinal motoneurons and plasticity in ex- Boissin, J., see Boissin-Agasse, L. (37) 21 regulation via a cyclic AMP-dependent pression after nerve injury (37) 49 Bosma, A., see Joéls, M. (37) 15 pathway (37) 151 Joéls, M., Bosma, A., Hendriksen, H., Diegen- Bovetto, S., see Rouillard, C. (37) 105 Geraerts, W.P.M., see Li, K.W. (37) 267 bach, P. and Kamphuis, W. Burgaya, F. and Girault, J.-A. Gervais, J., see Rouillard, C. (37) 105 Corticosteroid actions on the expression of Cloning of focal adhesion kinase, pp125*4¥, Giardino, L., see Ceccatelli, S. (37) 175 kainate receptor subunit mRNAs in rat hip- from rat brain reveals multiple transcripts Giraudon, P., see Hardin-Pouzet, H. (37) 324 pocampus (37) 15 with different patterns of expression (37) 63 Girault, J.-A., see Burgaya, F. (37) 63 Joh, T.H., see Son, J.H. (37) 32 Grau, E., see Cabedo, H. (37) 125 Jéhren, O., Inagami, T. and Saavedra, J.M. Cabedo, H., Mifiana, M.-D., Grau, E., Felipo, Green, C.B. and Besharse, J.C. Localization of AT, angiotensin II receptor V. and Grisolia, S. Use of a high stringency differential display gene expression in rat brain by in situ hy- Protein kinase C isoforms and cell prolifera- screen for identification of retinal mRNAs bridization histochemistry (37) 192 tion in neuroblastoma cells (37) 125 that are regulated by a circadian clock (37) Jover, E., see Lara, A. (37) 116 Calza, L., see Ceccatelli, S. (37) 175 157 Julien, F., see Lara, A. (37) 116 Campbell, D.B. and Hess, E.J. Grisolia, S., see Cabedo, H. (37) 125 Chromosomal localization of the neurologi- Kagiyama, A., see Miyakawa, T. (37) 145 cal mouse mutations tottering (tg), Purkinje Hall, L., see Moore, C. (37) 74 Kamphuis, W., see Joéls, M. (37) 15 cell degeneration ( ped), and nervous (nr) Hanafusa, H., see Fang, K.S. (37) 1 Kitai, S.T., see Nisenbaum, L.K. (37) 209 (37) 79 Hardin-Pouzet, H., Giraudon, P., Belin, M.F. Kitamura, T., see Miyake, T. (37) 273 Ceccatelli, S., Calza, L. and Giardino, L. and Didier-Bazes, M. Kondo, H., see Ito, Y. (37) 329 Age-related changes in the expression of Glucocorticoid upregulation of glutamate Kurschner, C. and Morgan, J.I. corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor dehydrogenase gene expression in vitro in Analysis of interaction sites in homo- and mRNA in the rat pituitary (37) 175 astrocytes (37) 324 heteromeric complexes containing Bcl-2 Chin, H., see Puro, D.G. (37) 41 Harrington, K., see Makoff, A. (37) 239 family members and the cellular prion pro- Chung, J.H., see Son, J.H. (37) 32 Hatanaka, H., see Takei, N. (37) 283 tein (37) 249 Chung, Y.I., see Son, J.H. (37) 32 Hendriksen, H., see Joéls, M. (37) 15 Kwon, O.-J., see Puro, D.G. (37) 41 Couraud, F., see Lara, A. (37) 116 Hess, E.J., see Campbell, D.B. (37) 79 Crowley, W.R., see Nisenbaum, L.K. (37) 209 Higuchi, H., see Takei, N. (37) 283 Lai, E., see Li, H. (37) 96 Hong, J.S., see Pennypacker, K.R. (37) 224 Lamacz, M., Tonon, M.-C., Smih-Rouet, F., Dargent, B., see Lara, A. (37) 116 Howard, B.D., see Palos, T.P. (37) 297 Patte, C., Gasque, P., Fontaine, M._and Didier-Bazes, M., see Hardin-Pouzet, H. (37) Hudson, P.M., see Pennypacker, K.R. (37) 224 Vaudry, H. 324 Huh, S.O., see Son, J.H. (37) 32 The endogenous benzodiazepine receptor Diegenbach, P., see Joéls, M. (37) 15 Hwang, J.-J., see Puro, D.G. (37) 41 ligand ODN increases cytosolic calcium in cultured rat astrocytes (37) 290 Emson, P., see Makoff, A. (37) 239 Inagami, T., see Johren, O. (37) 192 Lara, A., Dargent, B., Julien, F., Alcaraz, G., Endo, Y., see Takei, N. (37) 283 Inoue, K., Sato, K., Tohyama, M., Shimada, S. Tricaud, N., Couraud, F. and Jover, E. Escot, C., see Boissin-Agasse, L. (37) 21 and Uhl, G.R. Channel activators reduce the expression of 334 Author Index sodium channel a-subunit mRNA in devel- Mullis, S.B., see Pennypacker, K.R. (37) 224 Roch, G., see Boissin-Agasse, L. (37) 21 oping neurons (37) 116 Munioz-Acedo, G. and Arilla, E. Rosenblum, M.G., ste Son, J.H. (37) 32 Lelchuk, R., see Makoff, A. (37) 239 Modulation by 5-hydroxytryptamine of the Rouillard, C., Bovetto, S., Gervais, J. and Lewin, E. and Bleck, V. somatostatin receptor—effector system and Richard, D. Kainate, GABA, and NMDA receptors in somatostatin levels in rat brain (37) 259 Fenfluramine-induced activation of the im- Xenopus oocytes expressing mRNA from Murashov, A.K. and Wolgemuth, D.J. mediate-early gene c-fos in the striatum: the cortex of mice kindled with FG 7142 Sense and antisense transcripts of the devel- possible interaction between serotonin and (37) 304 opmentally regulated murine hsp70.2 gene dopamine (37) 105 i, H., Tao, W. and Lai, E. are expressed in distinct and only partially Characterization of the structure and func- overlapping areas in the adult brain (37) 85 Saavedra, J.M., see Jéhren, O. (37) 192 tion of the gene for transcription factor BF-1, Saito, N., see Itouji, A. (37) 309 an essential regulator of forebrain develop- Nakayama, M., see Miyake, T. (37) 273 Sakagami, H., see Ito, Y. (37) 329 ment (37) 96 New, K.C. and Rabkin, S.D. Sakai, N., see Itouji, A. (37) 309 i, K.W., Van Minnen, J., Van Veelen, P.A., Co-expression of two gene products in the Sasaoka, K., see Takei, N. (37) 283 Van der Greef, J. and Geraerts, W.P.M. CNS using double-cassette defective herpes Sato, K., see Inoue, K. (37) 217 Structure, localization and action of a novel simplex virus vectors (37) 317 Schousboe, A., see Gegelashvili, G. (37) 151 inhibitory neuropeptide involved in the Niki, H., see Miyakawa, T. (37) 145 Sharp, F.R., see Nimura, T. (37) 201 feeding of Lymnaea (37) 267 Nimura, T., Weinstein, P.R., Massa, S.M., Pan- Shimada, S., see Inoue, K. (37) 217 Linnemann, D., see Gegelashvili, G. (37) 151 ter, S. and Sharp, F.R. Smih-Rouet, F., see Lamacz, M. (37) 290 Love, S., see Moore, C. (37) 74 Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) protein induc- Son, J.H., Chung, J.H., Huh, $.O., Park, D.H., Lucius, R., see Ludwig, R. (37) 181 tion in rat brain following focal ischemia Peng, C., Rosenblum, M.G., Chung, Y.I. Ludwig, R., Feindt, J., Lucius, R., Petersen, A. (37) 201 and Joh, T.H. and Mentlein, R. Nisenbaum, L.K., Crowley, W.R. and Kitai, Immortalization of neuroendocrine pinealo- Metabolism of neuropeptide Y and calci- ST. cytes from transgenic mice by targeted tu- tonin gene-related peptide by cultivated Partial striatal dopamine depletion differen- morigenesis using the tryptophan hydroxyl- neurons and glial cells (37) 181 tially affects striatal substance P and ase promoter (37) 32 enkephalin messenger RNA expression (37) Sze, P.Y. Maeda, K., Fernyhough, P. and Tomlinson, D.R. 209 Glucocorticoid interactions with ethanol ef- Regenerating sensory neurones of diabetic fects on depolarization-induced calcium in- rats express reduced levels of mRNA for Oxer, M., see Makoff, A. (37) 239 flux in brain synaptosomes (37) 231 GAP-43, y-preprotachykinin and the nerve growth factor receptors, trkA and p75NGFR Palos, T.P., Ramachandran, B., Boado, R. and Takei, N., Sasaoka, K., Higuchi, H., Endo, Y. (37) 166 Howard, B.D. and Hatanaka, H. Makoff, A., Lelchuk, R., Oxer, M., Harrington, Rat C6 and human astrocytic tumor cells BDNF increases the expression of neu- K. and Emson, P. express a neuronal type of glutamate trans- ropeptide Y mRNA and promotes differenti- Molecular characterization and localization porter (37) 297 ation/maturation of neuropeptide Y-posi- of human metabotropic glutamate receptor Panter, S., see Nimura, T. (37) 201 tive cultured cortical neurons from embry- type 4 (37) 239 Park, D.H., see Son, J.H. (37) 32 onic and postnatal rats (37) 283 Martins-Green, M., see Fang, K.S. (37) 1 Patte, C., see Lamacz, M. (37) 290 Tanaka, C., see Itouji, A. (37) 309 Massa, S.M., see Nimura, T. (37) 201 Peng, C., see Son, J.H. (37) 32 Tao, W., see Li, H. (37) 96 McIntosh, T.K., see Raghupathi, R. (37) 134 Pennypacker, K.R., Hong, J.S., Mullis, S.B., Tohyama, M., see Inoue, K. (37) 217 McMillian, M.K., see Pennypacker, K.R. (37) Hudson, P.M. and McMillian, M.K. Tomlinson, D.R., see Maeda, K. (37) 166 224 Transcription factors in primary glial cul- Tonon, M.-C., see Lamacz, M. (37) 290 Meister, B., see Jacobsson, G. (37) 49 tures: changes with neuronal interactions Tricaud, N., see Lara, A. (37) 116 Mentlein, R., see Ludwig, R. (37) 181 (37) 224 Mifiana, M.-D., see Cabedo, H. (37) 125 Perry, A.C.F., see Moore, C. (37) 74 Uhl, G.R., see Inoue, K. (37) 217 Miyakawa, T., Yagi, T., Kagiyama, A. and Petersen, A., see Ludwig, R. (37) 181 Uwabe, K.-I., see Miyake, T. (37) 273 Niki, H. Piehl, F., see Jacobsson, G. (37) 49 Radial maze performance, open-field and Puro, D.G., Hwang, J.-J., Kwon, O.-J. and Chin, Van der Greef, J., see Li, K.W. (37) 267 elevated plus-maze behaviors in Fyn-kinase H. Van Minnen, J., see Li, K.W. (37) 267 deficient mice: Further evidence for in- Characterization of an L-type calcium chan- Van Veelen, P.A., see Li, K.W. (37) 267 creased fearfulness (37) 145 nel expressed by human retina] Miiller (glial) Vaudry, H., see Lamacz, M. (37) 290 Miyake, T., Gahara, Y., Nakayama, M., Ya- cells (37) 41 mada, H., Uwabe, K.-I. and Kitamura, T. Weinstein, P.R., see Nimura, T. (37) 201 Up-regulation of cystatin C by microglia in Rabkin, S.D., see New, K.C. (37) 317 the rat facial nucleus following axotomy Raghupathi, R. and McIntosh, T.K. Williams, L.T., see Fang, K.S. (37) 1 (37) 273 Regionally and temporally distinct patterns Wolgemuth, D.J., see Murashov, A.K. (37) 85 Moore, C., Perry, A.C.F., Love, S. and Hall, L. of induction of c-fos, c-jun and junB mR- Sequence analysis and immunolocalisation NAs following experimental brain injury in Yagi, T., see Miyakawa, T. (37) 145 of phosphatidylethanolamine binding pro- the rat (37) 134 Yamada, H., see Miyake, T. (37) 273 tein (PBP) in human brain tissue (37) 74 Ramachandran, B., see Palos, T.P. (37) 297 Morgan, J.I., see Kurschner, C. (37) 249 Richard, D., see Rouillard, C. (37) 105 Zhang, X., see Jacobsson, G. (37) 49

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