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I: Ny e Ae OleS y MOLECULAR > — Se mect bP , - r BRAIN ay “htiey ) ’ RESEARCH = RATY + LSEVIER Molecular Brain Research 35 (1996) 360-362 Author Index Acs, G., Lee, J., Marquez, V.E. and Blumberg, Chuang, D.-M., see Chen, H. (35) 359 Gillespie, L.L., see Reynolds, J.N. (35) 11 P.M. Climent, S., see Sarasa, M. (35) 269 Gutiérrez, A., Khan, Z.U., Miralles, C.P. and Distinct structure-activity relations for stim- Coen, C.W., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (35) 190 De Blas, A.L. ulation of “Ca uptake and for high affinity Cohen, D.L., see Kalaria, R.N. (35) 58 Altered expression of y,, and y,, GABA, binding in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion Colangelo, A.M., Pani, L. and Mocchetti, I. receptor subunits in the aging rat brain (35) neurons and dorsal root ganglion mem- Correlation between increased AP-1 ycp 91 branes (35) 173 binding activity and induction of nerve Andoh, T., Nagasawa, T. and Kuraishi, Y. growth factor transcription by multiple sig- Handa, R.J., see Drengler, S.M. (35) 131 Expression of tachykinin NK1 receptor nal transduction pathways in C6-2B glioma Handford, C.A., Lynch, J.W., Baker, E., Webb, mRNA in dorsal root ganglia of the mouse cells (35) 1 G.C., Ford, J.H., Sutherland, G.R. and (35) 329 Craddock, S., see Holtz, M.L. (35) 339 Schofield, P.R. Arilla, E., see Puebla, L. (35) 77 The human glycine receptor B subunit: pri- Dano, M., see Ebstein, R.P. (35) 260 mary structure, functional characterisation Baker, E., see Handford, C.A. (35) 211 Daunais, J.B. and McGinty, J.F. and chromosomal localisation of the human Blohm, D.H., see Steller, U. (35) 285 The effects of D, or D, dopamine receptor and murine genes (35) 211 Blumberg, P.M., see Acs, G. (35) 173 blockade on zif/ 268 and preprodynorphin Heimrich, B., see Just, L. (35) 157 Borovitskaya, A.E., Evtushenko, V.I. and Sabol, gene expression in rat forebrain following a Hijikuro, M., see Ohkura, N. (35) 309 S.L. short-term cocaine binge (35) 237 Hiremagalur, B., see Nankova, B. (35) 164 Gamma-radiation-induced cell death in the Davis, W., see Rylett, R.J. (35) 354 Holtz, M.L., Kindy, M.S., Craddock, S., Moore, fetal rat brain possesses molecular charac- De Blas, A.L., see Gutiérrez, A. (35) 91 R.W. and Pettigrew, L.C. teristics of apoptosis and is associated with Dewji, N.N. and Do, C. Induction of PGH synthase and c-fos MRNA specific messenger RNA elevations (35) 19 Heat shock factor-1 mediates the transcrip- during early reperfusion of ischemic rat Bourbonniére, M. and Nalbantoglu, J. tional activation of Alzheimer’s B-amyloid brain (35) 339 The helix-loop-helix transcription factor precursor protein gene in response to stress USF interacts with the basal promoter of (35) 325 Imai, Y., see Taguchi, A. (35) 31 human amyloid precursor protein (35) 304 Diéguez, C., see Lago, F. (35) 220 Imaizumi, K., see Tsuda, M. (35) 314 Brown, G.B., see Lombardo, A.J. (35) 84 Do, C., see Dewji, N.N. (35) 325 Inoue, K., see Minami, Y. (35) 319 Brown, H.E., see Quifiones-Jenab, V. (35) 297 Dominguez, F., see Lago, F. (35) 220 Inoue, K., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 Buckland, P.R., Spurlock, G. and McGuffin, P. Drengler, S.M., Handa, R.J. and Jones, K.J. Ishimoto, I., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 Amphetamine and vigabatrin down regulate Sex differences in androgen receptor mRNA aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase mRNA levels and regulation in hamster facial mo- Jarrott, B., see McLean, K.J. (35) 249 levels (35) 69 toneurons (35) 131 Jenab, S., see Quifiones-Jenab, V. (35) 297 Cacicedo, L., see Tolén, R.M. (35) 103 Jhanwar-Uniyal, M., see Gietzen, D.W. (35) 41 Cagampang, F.R.A., Rattray, M., Powell, J.F., Ebstein, R.P., Nemanov, L., Lubarski, G., Dano, Johansson, B., see Svenningsson, P. (35) 183 Chong, N.W.S., Campbell, 1.C. and Coen, M., Trevis, T. and Korczyn, A.D. Jones, K.J., see Drengler, S.M. (35) 131 C.W. Changes in expression of lymphocyte amy- Just, L., Olenik, C., Heimrich, B. and Meyer, Circadian variation of EAAC1 glutamate loid precursor protein mRNA isoforms in D.K. transporter messenger RNA in the rat normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease (35) Expression of the proenkephalin A gene in suprachiasmatic nuclei (35) 190 260 organotypic cultures of neocortex from Campbell, I.C., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (35) Emson, P.C., see Lago, F. (35) 220 newborn rats (35) 157 Evtushenko, V.I., see Borovitskaya, A.E. (35) 190 Cariola, M., see Kaech, S. (35) 344 19 Kaech, S., Kim, J.B., Cariola, M. and Ralston, Chaudhury, S., see Poddar, R. (35) 111 E. Chen, H., Zhang, L., Rubinow, D.R. and Fernandez Vazquez, G., see Tolén, R.M. (35) Improved lipid-mediated gene transfer into Chuang, D.-M. 103 primary cultures of hippocampal neurons Chronic buspirone treatment differentially Ford, J.H., see Handford, C.A. (35) 211 (35) 344 regulates 5-HT,, and 5-HT,, receptor Fredholm, B.B., see Svenningsson, P. (35) 183 Kalaria, R.N., Premkumar, D.R.D., Pax, A.B., mRNA and binding sites in various regions Cohen, D.L. and Lieberburg, I. of the rat hippocampus (Mol. Brain Res. 32 Geller, A.I., see Oh, Y.J. (35) 227 Production and increased detection of amy- (1995) 348-353) (35) 359 Gietzen, D.W. and Jhanwar-Uniyal, M. loid 6 protein and amyloidogenic frag- Chong, N.W.S., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (35) Alpha, noradrenoceptors in the anterior pir- ments in brain microvessels, meningeal ves- 190 iform cortex decline with acute amino acid sels and choroid plexus in Alzheimer’s dis- Chow, W.-Y., see Kung, S.-S. (35) 119 deficiency (35) 41 ease (35) 58 Author Index 361 Khan, Z.U., see Gutiérrez, A. (35) 91 Miyai, A., see Minami, Y. (35) 319 modulation of adenylyl cyclase activity in Kim, J.B., see Kaech, S. (35) 344 Miyai, A., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 histamine-treated rats (35) 77 Kim, S.-Y., see Zhang, L.-X. (35) 278 Mocchetti, I., see Colangelo, A.M. (35) 1 Kindy, M.S., see Holtz, M.L. (35) 339 Moffat, M., see Oh, Y.J. (35) 227 Quifiones-Jenab, V., Zhang, C., Jenab, S., Kitagawa, K., see Tsuda, M. (35) 314 Mohit, A.A., see Martin, J.H. (35) 47 Brown, H.E. and Pfaff, D.W. Kohls, S., see Steller, U. (35) 285 Moore, R.W., see Holtz, M.L. (35) 339 Anesthesia during hormone administration Korczyn, A.D., see Ebstein, R.P. (35) 260 Mori, T., see Taguchi, A. (35) 31 abolishes the estrogen induction of pre- Kung, S.-S., Wu, Y.-M. and Chow, W.-Y. Morimura, H., Shimada, S., Otori, Y., Ya- proenkephalin mRNA in ventromedial Characterization of two fish glutamate re- mauchi, A., Minami, Y., Inoue, K., Miyai, hypothalamus of female rats (35) 297 ceptor cDNA molecules: absence of RNA A., Ishimoto, I., Tano, Y. and Tohyama, M. editing at the Q/R site (35) 119 Expression of Na*/ myo-inositol cotrans- Ralston, E., see Kaech, S. (35) 344 Kuraishi, Y., see Andoh, T. (35) 329 porter MRNA in normal and hypertonic Rattray, M., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (35) 190 Kuzniecky, R., see Lombardo, A.J. (35) 84 stress rat eyes (35) 333 Reid, I.C., see Naylor, P. (35) 349 Morimura, H., see Minami, Y. (35) 319 Reynolds, J.N., Prasad, A., Gillespie, L.L. and Lago, F., Sefiaris, R.M., Emson, P.C., Miiller, B., see Steller, U. (35) 285 Paterno, G.D. Dominguez, F. and Diéguez, C. Miiller, R., see Steller, U. (35) 285 Developmental expression of functional Evidence for the involvement of non-andro- Muniesa, P., see Sarasa, M. (35) 269 GABA, receptors containing the y2 sub- genic testicular factors in the regulation of unit in neurons derived from embryonal car- hypothalamic somatostatin and GHRH Nagasawa, T., see Andoh, T. (35) 329 cinoma (P19) cells (35) 11 mRNA levels (35) 220 Nalbantoglu, J., see Bourbonniére, M. (35) 304 Rodriguez-Martin, E., see Puebla, L. (35) 77 Lawrence, A.J., see McLean, K.J. (35) 249 Nankova, B., Hiremagalur, B., Menezes, A., Rosen, J.B., see Zhang, L.-X. (35) 278 Lee, J., see Acs, G. (35) 173 Zeman, R. and Sabban, E. Routtenberg, A., see Meberg, P.J. (35) 149 Lieberburg, I., see Kalaria, R.N. (35) 58 Promoter elements and second messenger Rubinow, D.R., see Chen, H. (35) 359 Lombardo, A.J., Kuzniecky, R., Powers, R.E. pathways involved in transcriptional activa- Rylett, R.J., Walters, S.A. and Davis, W. and Brown, G.B. tion of tyrosine hydroxylase by ionomycin Identification and partial characterization of Altered brain sodium channel transcript lev- (35) 164 the high-affinity choline carrier from rat els in human epilepsy (35) 84 Naylor, P., Stewart, C.A., Wright, S.R., Pear- brain striatum (35) 354 Lépez Fernandez, J., see Tolén, R.M. (35) 103 son, R.C.A. and Reid, LC. Lorenzo, M.J., see Tolén, R.M. (35) 103 Repeated ECS induces GluR] mRNA but Sabban, E., see Nankova, B. (35) 164 Lubarski, G., see Ebstein, R.P. (35) 260 not NNMDARIA-G mRNA in the rat hip- Sabol, S.L., see Borovitskaya, A.E. (35) 19 Lynch, J.W., see Handford, C.A. (35) 211 pocampus (35) 349 Sdnchez-Franco, F., see Tolén, R.M. (35) 103 Nemanov, L., see Ebstein, R.P. (35) 260 Sarasa, M., Terrado, J., Mengod, G., Climent, Marquez, V.E., see Acs, G. (35) 173 S., Muniesa, P. and Palacios, J.M. Martin, J.H., Mohit, A.A. and Miller, C.A. Oh, Y.J., Moffat, M., Wong, S., Ullrey, D., Differential expression of a-CGRP and B- Developmental expression in the mouse ner- Geller, A.I. and O'Malley, K.L. CGRP genes within hypoglossal motoneu- vous system of the p49*F'? SAP kinase (35) A herpes simplex virus-1 vector containing rons in response to axotomy (35) 269 47 the rat tyrosine hydroxylase promoter di- Sarkar, P.K., see Poddar, R. (35) 111 Masos, T. and Miskin, R. rects cell type-specific expression of beta- Schlender, J., see Steller, U. (35) 285 Localization of urokinase-type plasminogen galactosidase in cultured rat peripheral neu- Schofield, P.R., see Handford, C.A. (35) 211 activator mRNA in the adult mouse brain rons (35) 227 Sefiaris, R.M., see Lago, F. (35) 220 (35) 139 Ohkura, N., Hijikuro, M. and Miki, K. Shimada, S., see Minami, Y. (35) 319 Matsumoto, K., see Taguchi, A. (35) 31 Antisense oligonucleotide to NOR-1, a novel Shimada, S., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 Matsunaga, T., see Minami, Y. (35) 319 orphan nuclear receptor, induces migration Sivam, S.P. McCabe, B.J., see Meberg, P.J. (35) 149 and neurite extension of cultured forebrain Dopaminergic regulation of striatonigral McGinty, J.F., see Daunais, J.B. (35) 237 cells (35) 309 tachykinin and dynorphin gene expression: McGuffin, P., see Buckland, P.R. (35) 69 Olenik, C., see Just, L. (35) 157 a study with the dopamine uptake inhibitor McLean, K.J., Jarrott, B. and Lawrence, A.J. O'Malley, K.L., see Oh, Y.J. (35) 227 GBR-12909 (35) 197 Neuropeptide Y gene expression and recep- Otori, Y., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 Smith, M.A., see Zhang, L.-X. (35) 278 tor autoradiography in hypertensive and Sdller, R., see Steller, U. (35) 285 normotensive rat brain (35) 249 Palacios, J.M., see Sarasa, M. (35) 269 Spurlock, G., see Buckland, P.R. (35) 69 Meberg, P.J., McCabe, B.J. and Routtenberg, Pani, L., see Colangelo, A.M. (35) 1 Steller, U., Kohls, S., Miller, B., Sdller, R., A. Paterno, G.D., see Reynolds, J.N. (35) 11 Miiller, R., Schlender, J. and Blohm, D.H. MARCKS and protein Fl /GAP-43 mRNA Paul, S., see Poddar, R. (35) 111 The RNA binding protein HuD: rat cDNA in chick brain: effects of imprinting (35) Pax, A.B., see Kalaria, R.N. (35) 58 and analysis of the alternative spliced 149 Pearson, R.C.A., see Naylor, P. (35) 349 mRNA in neuronal differentiating cell lines Menezes, A., see Nankova, B. (35) 164 Pettigrew, L.C., see Holtz, M.L. (35) 339 P19 and PC12 (35) 285 Mengod, G., see Sarasa, M. (35) 269 Pfaff, D.W., see Quifiones-Jenab, V. (35) 297 Stewart, C.A., see Naylor, P. (35) 349 Meyer, D.K., see Just, L. (35) 157 Poddar, R., Paul, S., Chaudhury, S. and Sarkar, Sutherland, G.R., see Handford, C.A. (35) 211 Miki, K., see Ohkura, N. (35) 309 P.K. Svenningsson, P., Johansson, B. and Fredholm, Miller, C.A., see Martin, J.H. (35) 47 Regulation of actin and tubulin gene expres- B.B. Minami, Y., Shimada, S., Inoue, K., Morimura, sion by thyroid hormone during rat brain Caffeine-induced expression of c-fos MRNA H., Miyai, A., Yamauchi, A., Matsunaga, T. development (35) 111 and NGFI-A mRNA in caudate putamen and Tohyama, M. Post, R.M., see Zhang, L.-X. (35) 278 and in nucleus accumbens are differentially Expression of Na~ /myo-inositol cotrans- Powell, J.F., see Cagampang, F.R.A. (35) 190 affected by the N-methyl-D-aspartate recep- porter mRNA in the inner ear of the rat (35) Powers, R.E., see Lombardo, A.J. (35) 84 tor antagonist MK-801 (35) 183 319 Prasad, A., see Reynolds, J.N. (35) 11 Minami, Y., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 Premkumar, D.R.D., see Kalaria, R.N. (35) 58 Tagaki, T., see Taguchi, A. (35) 31 Miralles, C.P., see Gutiérrez, A. (35) 91 Puebla, L., Rodriguez-Martin, E. and Arilla, E. Taguchi, A., Wanaka, A., Mori, T., Matsumoto, Miskin, R., see Masos, T. (35) 139 Hippocampal somatostatin receptors and K., Imai, Y., Tagaki, T. and Tohyama, M. 362 Author Index Molecular cloning of novel leucine-rich re- Trevis, T., see Ebstein, R.P. (35) 260 Wong, S., see Oh, Y.J. (35) 227 peat proteins and their expression in the Tsuda, M., Kitagawa, K., Imaizumi, K., Wright, S.R., see Naylor, P. (35) 349 developing mouse nervous system (35) 31 Wanaka, A., Tohyama, M. and Takagi, T. Wu, Y.-M., see Kung, S.-S. (35) 119 Takagi, T., see Tsuda, M. (35) 314 Induction of SPI-3 mRNA, encoding a ser- Tano, Y., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 ine protease inhibitor, in gerbil hippocam- Yamauchi, A., see Minami, Y. (35) 319 Terrado, J., see Sarasa, M. (35) 269 pus after transient forebrain ischemia (35) Yamauchi, A., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 Tohyama, M., see Taguchi, A. (35) 31 314 Tohyama, M., see Tsuda, M. (35) 314 Tohyama, M., see Minami, Y. (35) 319 Zeman, R., see Nankova, B. (35) 164 Ullrey, D., see Oh, Y.J. (35) 227 Tohyama, M., see Morimura, H. (35) 333 Zhang, C., see Quifiones-Jenab, V. (35) 297 Tolén, R.M., Sanchez-Franco, F., Zhang, L., see Chen, H. (35) 359 Lépez Fernandez, J., Lorenzo, M.J., Walters, S.A., see Rylett, R.J. (35) 354 Zhang, L.-X., Smith, M.A., Kim, S.-Y., Rosen, Fernandez Vazquez, G. and Cacicedo, L. Wanaka, A., see Taguchi, A. (35) 31 J.B., Weiss, S.R.B. and Post, R.M. Regulation of somatostatin gene expression Wanaka, A., see Tsuda, M. (35) 314 Changes in cholecystokinin mRNA expres- by veratridine-induced depolarization in cul- Webb, G.C., see Handford, C.A. (35) 211 sion after amygdala kindled seizures: an in tured fetal cerebrocortical cells (35) 103 Weiss, S.R.B., see Zhang, L.-X. (35) 278 situ hybridization study (35) 278

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