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Brain Research, 19 (1993) 356-358 Author Index Abe, K., Kawagoe, J., Lee, T.-H., Aoki, M. Craig, A.M., Olds, J.L., Schreurs, B.G., Grigoriants, O., Devi, L. and Fricker, L.D. and Kogure, K. Scharenberg, A.M. and Alkon, D.L. Dopamine antagonist haloperidol in- Disturbance of a mitochondrial DNA ex- Quantitative distribution of protein ki- creases carboxypeptidase E mRNA in rat pression in gerbil hippocampus after nase C a, B, y, and e MRNAS in the neurointermediate pituitary but not in transient forebrain ischemia (19) 69 hippocampus of control and nictitating various other rat tissues (19) 161 Aceves, J., see Arias-Montano, J.-A. (19) 233 membrane conditioned rabbits (19) 269 Guo, L.-H., see Lam, D.M.-K. (19) 227 Agarwal, N., see Nir, I. (19) 47 Akagawa, K., see Inoue, A. (19) 121 Hammer Jr., R.P., Bogic, L. and Handa, R.J. De Blas, A., see Luntz-Leybman, V. (19) 9 Alkon, D.L., see Craig, A.M. (19) 269 Estrogenic regulation of proenkephalin De Groen, P.C., see Nielander, H.B. (19) Aoki, M., see Abe, K. (19) 69 mRNA expression in the ventromedial 293 Arias-Montano, J.-A., Aceves, J. and Young, hypothalamus of the adult male rat (19) Devi, L., see Grigoriants, O. (19) 161 J.M. 129 Donnelly-Roberts, D.L. and Lentz, T.L. Carbachol-induced phosphoinositide Handa, R.J., see Burgess, L.H. (19) 31 Sodium dodecyl sulfate- and carbamyl- metabolism in slices of rat substantia ni- Handa, R.J., see Hammer Jr., R.P. (19) 129 choline-induced changes in circular gra pars reticulata (19) 233 Hartigan, D.J., see Vaccarino, F.M. (19) 76 dichroism spectra of acetylcholine recep- Asanuma, M., see Chou, H.-h. (19) 211 Hayward, M.D., see Vaccarino, F.M. (19) 76 tor synthetic peptides (19) 55 Azmitia, E.C., see Liao, B. (19) 328 Heavens, R.P., see Schuligoi, R. (19) 333 Dreyer, D., see Pennypacker, K.R. (19) 349 Hirata, H., see Chou, H.-h. (19) 211 Duman, R.S., see Vaccarino, F.M. (19) 76 Hirsch, M.D., see Sanna, P.P. (19) 241 Baldessari, S., see Bendotti, C. (19) 257 Hockfield, S., see Martin, K.A. (19) 303 Barizo, M.J., see Sanna, P.P. (19) 241 Eggen, B.J.L., see Nielander, H.B. (19) 293 Hong, J.S., see Pennypacker, K.R. (19) 349 Baudry, M., see Wei, W. (19) 339 Ehret, M., see Bendotti, C. (19) 257 Horn, D.A. and Latchman, D.S. Bendotti, C., Baldessari, S., Ehret, M., Elizarov, S.M. and Preobrazhensky, A.A. The tissue specific SmN protein does not Tarizzo, G. and Samanin, R. Phosphorylation of two human neuro- influence the alternative splicing of en- Effect of d-fenfluramine and 5,7-dihy- chordins by mammalian casein kinase 1 dogenous N-Cam and C-SRC RNAs in droxytryptamine on the levels of trypto- (19) 310 transfected 3T3 cells (19) 181 phan hydroxylase and its mRNA in rat Elliott, K., see Franklin, $.O. (19) 93 Huang, F., see Lam, D.M.-K. (19) 227 brain (19) 257 Eskin, A., see Noel, F. (19) 203 Bengzon, J., see Kokaia, Z. (19) 277 ladarola, M.J., see Jian, M. (19) 156 Bloom, F.E., see Sanna, P.P. (19) 241 Ichikawa, T., see Katagiri, T. (19) 1 Fei, J., see Lam, D.M.-K. (19) 227 Bogic, L., see Hammer Jr., R.P. (19) 129 Ihara, Y., see Kobayashi, H. (19) 188 Feng, P., see Satoh, T. (19) 175 Bourbonniére, M. and Nalbantoglu, J. Inagaki, S., see Furuyama, T. (19) 165 Feng, X., see Katagiri, T. (19) 1 Expression of amyloid precursor protein Inoue, A. and Akagawa, K. Fernandez, J., see Schuligoi, R. (19) 333 in a neuronal cell line: functional activity Neuron specific expression of a mem- Fernando, L., see Luntz-Leybman, V. (19) 9 of proximal regulatory elements (19) 246 brane protein, HPC-1: tissue distribution, Feuerstein, C., see Chritin, M. (19) 318 Bredesen, D.E., see Zhong, L.-t. (19) 353 and cellular and subcellular localization Fischer-Colbrie, R., see Mahata, S.K. (19) 83 Broek, D., see Wei, W. (19) 339 of immunoreactivity and mRNA (19) 121 Folsom, D.P., see Sanna, P.P. (19) 241 Brooks, P.J., Funabashi, T., Kleopoulos, S.P., Inturrisi, C.E., see Franklin, S.O. (19) 93 Franklin, S.O., Elliott, K., Zhu, Y.-S., Mobbs, C.V. and Pfaff, D.W. Wahlestedt, C. and Inturrisi, C.E. Cell-specific expression of preproenke- Jhanwar-Uniyal, M. and Chua Jr., S.C. Quantitation of NMDA receptor phalin intronic heteronuclear RNA in the Critical effects of aging and nutritional (NMDARI1) mRNA levels in the adult rat forebrain (19) 22 state on hypothalamic neuropeptide Y and developing rat CNS (19) 93 Burgess, L.H. and Handa, R.J. and galanin gene expression in lean and Fricker, L.D., see Grigoriants, O. (19) 161 Hormonal regulation of androgen recep- genetically obese Zucker rats (19) 195 Frostholm, A., see Luntz-Leybman, V. (19) 9 tor mRNA in the brain and anterior pitu- Jian, M., Staines, W.A., ladarola, M.J. and Fujita, M., Shimada, S., Nishimura, T., Uhl, itary gland of the male rat (19) 31 Robertson, G.S. G.R. and Tohyama, M. Byrne, J.H., see Noel, F. (19) 203 Destruction of the nigrostriatal pathway Ontogeny of dopamine transporter increases Fos-like immunoreactivity pre- mRNA expression in the rat brain (19) dominantly in striatopallidal neurons (19) 222 Chou, H.-h., Ogawa, N., Asanuma, M., Hi- 156 Funabashi, T., see Brooks, P.J. (19) 22 rata, H., Kondo, Y. and Mori, A. Johnson, G., Refolo, L.M., Merril, C.R. and Furukawa, T., see Shibata, K. (19) 115 Rapid response of striatal muscarinic Wallace, W. Furuyama, T., Inagaki, S. and Takagi, H. M,-receptor mRNA to muscarinic Altered expression and phosphorylation Distribution of type II adenylyl cyclase cholinergic agents in rat brain (19) 211 of amyloid precursor protein in heat mRNA in the rat brain (19) 165 Chritin, M., Feuerstein, C. and Savasta, M. shocked neuronal PC12 cells (19) 140 Time-course of changes in striatal levels Johnson, G., see Wallace, W. (19) 149 of DA uptake sites, DA D, receptor and Gid6, G., see Kokaia, Z. (19) 277 preproenkephalin mRNAs after nigro- Gispen, W.H., see Nielander, H.B. (19) 293 Kalivas, P.W., see See, R.E. (19) 219 striatal dopaminergic denervation in the Gray, C.W. and Patel, A.J. Kane, D.J., see Zhong, L.-t. (19) 353 rat (19) 318 Regulation of B-amyloid precursor pro- Katagiri, T., Feng, X., Ichikawa, T., Usui, Chua Jr., S.C., see Jnanwar-Uniyal, M. (19) tein isoform mRNAs by transforming H., Takahashi, Y. and Kumanishi, T. 195 growth factor-61 and interleukin-18 in Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and non- Cook, R., see Noel, F. (19) 203 astrocytes (19) 251 neuronal enolase (NNE) mRNAs are co- expressed in neurons of the rat cerebel- Lentz, T.L., see Donnelly-Roberts, D.L. (19) Obata, K., see Kojima, N. (19) 101 lum: in situ hybridization histochemistry 55 Ogawa, N., see Chou, H.-h. (19) 211 (19) 1 Liao, B., Miesak, B. and Azmitia, E.C. Olds, J.L., see Craig, A.M. (19) 269 Kawagoe, J., see Abe, K. (19) 69 Loss of 5-HT,, receptor mRNA in the Kawasaki, M., Yoshihara, Y., Yamaji, M. dentate gyrus of the long-term adrenalec- Patel, A.J., see Gray, C.W. (19) 251 and Watanabe, Y. tomized rats and rapid reversal by dexa- Pennypacker, K.R., Dreyer, D., Hong, J.S. Expression of prostaglandin endoperox- methasone (19) 328 and McMillian, M.K. ide synthase in rat brain (19) 39 Lindvall, O., see Kokaia, Z. (19) 277 Elevated basal AP-1 DNA binding activ- Kim, U.J., see Satoh, T. (19) 175 Luntz-Leybman, V., Frostholm, A., Fer- ity in developing rat brain (19) 349 King, S.C., see Lam, D.M.-K. (19) 227 nando, L., De Blas, A. and Rotter, A. Persson, H., see Kokaia, Z. (19) 277 Kiyama, H., Sato, K. and Tohyama, M. GABA , /benzodiazepine receptor y Pfaff, D.W., see Brooks, P.J. (19) 22 Characteristic localization of non-NMDA subunit gene expression in developing Pollio, G., Xue, P., Zanisi, M., Nicolin, A. type glutamate receptor subunits in the normal and mutant mouse cerebellum and Maggi, A. rat pituitary gland (19) 262 (19) 9 Antisense oligonucleotide blocks proges- Kiyama, H., Sato, K., Kuba, T. and To- terone-induced lordosis behavior in hyama, M. ovariectomized rats (19) 135 Maciejewski-Lenoir, D., see Sanna, P.P. (19) Sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia Preobrazhensky, A.A., see Elizarov, S.M. 241 express non-NMDA type glutamate re- (19) 310 Maggi, A., see Pollio, G. (19) 135 ceptors: distinct receptor subunit compo- Mahata, M., see Mahata, S.K. (19) 83 sition in the principle and SIF cells (19) Refolo, L.M., see Johnson, G. (19) 140 Mahata, S.K., Mahata, M., Fischer-Colbrie, 345 Refolo, L.M., see Wallace, W. (19) 149 R. and Winkler, H. Kiyama, H., see Saika, T. (19) 237 Ringstedt, T., see Kokaia, Z. (19) 277 Reserpine causes differential changes in Kleopoulos, S.P., see Brooks, P.J. (19) 22 Robertson, G.S., see Jian, M. (19) 156 the mRNA levels of chromogranin B, Kobayashi, H., Uchida, Y., Ihara, Y., Naka- Rotter, A., see Luntz-Leybman, V. (19) 9 secretogranin II, carboxypeptidase H, al- jima, K., Kohsaka, S., Miyatake, T. and pha-amidating monooxygenase, the vesic- Tsuji, S. Saika, T., Takeda, N., Kiyama, H., Kubo, T.., ular amine transporter and of synaptin/ Molecular cloning of rat growth in- Tohyama, M. and Matsunaga, T. synaptophysin in rat brain (19) 83 hibitory factor cDNA and the expression Changes in preproenkephalin mRNA af- Martin, K.A. and Hockfield, S. in the central nervous system (19) 188 ter unilateral and bilateral labyrinthec- Expression of the mas proto-oncogene in Kogure, K., see Abe, K. (19) 69 tomy in the rat medial vestibular nucleus the rat hippocampal formation is regu- Kohsaka, S., see Kobayashi, H. (19) 188 (19) 237 lated by neuronal activity (19) 303 Kojima, N., Shirao, T. and Obata, K. Saito, F., Yanagisawa, K. and Miyatake, T. Matsunaga, T., see Saika, T. (19) 237 Molecular cloning of a developmentally Soluble derivatives of B /A4 amyloid McMillian, M.K., see Pennypacker, K.R. (19) regulated brain protein, chicken drebrin protein precursor in human cerebro- 349 A and its expression by alternative splic- spinal fluid are both N- and O-glyco- Melia, K.R., see Sanna, P.P. (19) 241 ing of the drebrin gene (19) 101 sylated (19) 171 Merril, C.R., see Johnson, G. (19) 140 Kokaia, M., see Kokaia, Z. (19) 277 Sakagami, H. and Kondo, H. Merril, C.R., see Wallace, W. (19) 149 Kokaia, Z., Gido, G., Ringstedt, T., Beng- Cloning and sequencing of a gene encod- Miesak, B., see Liao, B. (19) 328 ing the B polypeptide of Ca? * /calmodu- zon, J., Kokaia, M., Siesjo, B.K., Persson, Misumi, Y., see Shibata, K. (19) 115 H. and Lindvall, O. lin-dependent protein kinase IV and its Miyatake, T., see Kobayashi, H. (19) 188 Rapid increase of BDNF mRNA levels expression confined to the mature cere- Miyatake, T., see Saito, F. (19) 171 in cortical neurons following spreading bellar granule cells (19) 215 Mobbs, C.V., see Brooks, P.J. (19) 22 depression: regulation by glutamatergic Samanin, R., see Bendotti, C. (19) 257 Morgan, J.I., see Sangameswaran, L. (19) 62 mechanisms independent of seizure activ- Sangameswaran, L. and Morgan, J.I. Mori, A., see Chou, H.-h. (19) 211 ity (19) 277 Structure and regulation of the gene en- Komatsu, C., see Shibata, K. (19) 115 coding the neuron-specific protein PEP- Kondo, H., see Sakagami, H. (19) 215 Nakajima, K., see Kobayashi, H. (19) 188 19 (19) 62 Kondo, Y., see Chou, H.-h. (19) 211 Nalbantoglu, J., see Bourbonniére, M. (19) Sanna, P.P., Folsom, D.P., Barizo, M.J., Kreek, M.J., see Spangler, R. (19) 323 246 Hirsch, M.D., Melia, K.R., Maciejewski- Krukoff, T.L. and Zheng, Y. Nestler, E.J., see Vaccarino, F.M. (19) 76 Lenoir, D. and Bloom, F.E. Effects of renal denervation and reinner- Nicolin, A., see Pollio, G. (19) 135 Chronic ethanol intake decreases vaso- vation on ganglionic gene expression of Nielander, H.B., De Groen, P.C., Eggen, pressin mRNA content in the rat hy- neurotransmitter proteins and c-fos in B.J.L., Schrama, L.H., Gispen, W.H. and pothalamus: a PCR study (19) 241 rat (19) 287 Schotman, P. Sato, K., see Kiyama, H. (19) 262 Kuba, T., see Kiyama, H. (19) 345 Structure of the human gene for the neu- Sato, K., see Kiyama, H. (19) 345 Kubo, T., see Saika, T. (19) 237 ral phosphoprotein B-50 (GAP-43) (19) Satoh, T., Feng, P., Kim, U.J. and Wilber, Kumanishi, T., see Katagiri, T. (19) 1 293 J.F. Nir, I. and Agarwal, N. Identification of thyrotropin-releasing Diurnal expression of c-fos in the mouse hormone receptor messenger RNA in the retina (19) 47 rat central nervous system and eye (19) Lam, D.M.-K., Fei, J., Zhang, X.-Y., Tam, Nishimura, T., see Fujita, M. (19) 222 175 A.C.W., Zhu, L.-H., Huang, F., King, Noel, F., Nunez-Regueiro, M., Cook, R.., Savasta, M., see Chritin, M. (19) 318 S.C. and Guo, L.-H. Byrne, J.H. and Eskin, A. Scharenberg, A.M., see Craig, A.M. (19) 269 Molecular cloning and structure of the Long-term changes in synthesis of inter- Schotman, P., see Nielander, H.B. (19) 293 human (GABATHG) GABA transporter mediate filament protein, actin and other Schrama, L.H., see Nielander, H.B. (19) 293 gene (19) 227 proteins in pleural sensory neurons of Schreiber, S.S., see Wei, W. (19) 339 Latchman, D.S., see Horn, D.A. (19) 181 Aplysia produced by an in vitro analogue Schreurs, B.G., see Craig, A.M. (19) 269 Le, H.N., see Vaccarino, F.M. (19) 76 of sensitization training (19) 203 Schuligoi, R., Fernandez, J., Heavens, R.P. Lee, T.-H., see Abe, K. (19) 69 Nufez-Regueiro, M., see Noel, F. (19) 203 and Sirinathsinghji, D.J.S. 358 Decreased tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA Striplin, C., see See, R.E. (19) 219 Reversible phosphorylation of tau to form but not cholecystokinin mRNA in the Sugar, J., see Wallace, W. (19) 149 A68 in heat-shocked neuronal PC12 cells pars compacta of the substantia nigra (19) 149 and ventral tegmental area of aged rats Takagi, H., see Furuyama, T. (19) 165 Wallace, W., see Johnson, G. (19) 140 (19) 333 Takahashi, Y., see Katagiri, T. (19) 1 Watanabe, Y., see Kawasaki, M. (19) 39 Sealfon, S.C., see Spyraki, C. (19) 313 Takeda, N., see Saika, T. (19) 237 Wei, W., Schreiber, S.S., Baudry, M., Tocco, See, R.E., Striplin, C. and Kalivas, P.W. Tam, A.C.W., see Lam, D.M.-K. (19) 227 G. and Broek, D. Chronic haloperidol does not alter G Tarizzo, G., see Bendotti, C. (19) 257 Localization of the cellular expression protein a-subunit levels in rats (19) 219 Tocco, G., see Wei, W. (19) 339 pattern of cdc25*¥ and ras in the juve- Shibata, K., Komatsu, C., Misumi, Y. and Tohyama, M., see Fujita, M. (19) 222 nile rat brain (19) 339 Furukawa, T. Tohyama, M., see Kiyama, H. (19) 262 Wilber, J.F., see Satoh, T. (19) 175 Developmental differences of angio- Tohyama, M., see Kiyama, H. (19) 345 Winkler, H., see Mahata, S.K. (19) 83 tensinogen mRNA in the preoptic area Tohyama, M., see Saika, T. (19) 237 between spontaneously hypertensive and Tsuji, S., see Kobayashi, H. (19) 188 Xue, P., see Pollio, G. (19) 135 age-matched Wistar-Kyoto rats (19) 115 Shimada, S., see Fujita, M. (19) 222 Uchida, Y., see Kobayashi, H. (19) 188 Yamaji, M., see Kawasaki, M. (19) 39 Shirao, T., see Kojima, N. (19) 101 Uhl, G.R., see Fujita, M. (19) 222 Yanagisawa, K., see Saito, F. (19) 171 Siesj6, B.K., see Kokaia, Z. (19) 277 Unterwald, E.M., see Spangler, R. (19) 323 Yoshihara, Y., see Kawasaki, M. (19) 39 Sirinathsinghyji, D.J.S., see Schuligoi, R. (19) Usui, H., see Katagiri, T. (19) 1 Young, J.M., see Arias-Montano, J.-A. (19) 333 233 Spangler, R., Unterwald, E.M. and Kreek, Vaccarino, F.M., Hayward, M.D., Le, H.N., M.J. Hartigan, D.J., Duman, R.S. and Nestler, ‘Binge’ cocaine administration induces a E.J. Zanisi, M., see Pollio, G. (19) 135 sustained increase of prodynorphin Induction of immediate early genes by Zhang, X.-Y., see Lam, D.M.-K. (19) 227 mRNA in rat caudate-putamen (19) 323 cyclic AMP in primary cultures of neu- Zheng, Y., see Krukoff, T.L. (19) 287 Spyraki, C. and Sealfon, S.C. rons from rat cerebral cortex (19) 76 Zhong, L.-t., Kane, D.J. and Bredesen, D.E. Regulation of dopamine D, receptor BCL-2 blocks glutamate toxicity in neural mRNA expression in the olfactory tuber- Wahlestedt, C., see Franklin, S.O. (19) 93 cell lines (19) 353 cle by cocaine (19) 313 Wallace, W., Johnson, G., Sugar, J., Merril, Zhu, L.-H., see Lam, D.M.-K. (19) 227 Staines, W.A., see Jian, M. (19) 156 C.R. and Refolo, L.M. Zhu, Y.-S., see Franklin, $.O. (19) 93

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