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Molecular barcoding and larval gut content analysis in insects (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) PDF

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Preview Molecular barcoding and larval gut content analysis in insects (Geometridae, Lepidoptera)

GBIF-D: Geometridae: FORUM HERBULOT: http://www.biologie.uni-ulm.de/cgi-bin/System/ http://www.herbvilot.de zoosys.pl?pr=gbif-el&id=1029&stufe=5&typ=ZOO &sid=T&only=no&syno=n&valid=n&lang=d The Lepiafrica LivingBooks Project Hermann S. Staude, Andre Coetzer, Bennie Coetzer, Douglas M. Kroon, JohnJoannou & Martin Krüger Staude,H.S.,A.Coetzer,B.Coetzer,D.M.Kroon,J.Joannou&M.Krüger(2006): TheLepiafricaLivingBooksProject.-Spixiana29/3:210 Correspondingauthor: HermannS. Staude,P. O. Box398, Magaliesburg,Gau- teng1791,SouthAfrica.; e-mail: [email protected] Objective: The objective of this project is to accu- Distributionmedium: TheLepiAfricaLivingBooks mulate and to ultimately offer known baseline In- Projectisstructuredtoworkinconjunctionwiththe formationand ImagesofasmanyaspossibleAfro- Lepidops® database prograni already in use by tropical Lepidoptera in an easy to use structured members of The Lepidopterists' Society of Africa. electronic formattointerested parties. Lepidops®is economical, effectiveand easy to use. The project team: Members of the project team Duration of the project & publication units: The consist of editors and Compilers. Each Compiler project team is aware that it is unlikely that the carriestheresponsibilityofataxonomicallydefined above objective will be met within the foreseeable partoftheproject,whileeditorshavespecificfunc- futureandthereforetreatsthisasanongoingproject. tions covering thewholeproject. Copiesofvarioussectionsoftheprojectareoffered separatelyandaremadeavailablefromtimetotime, iCnosnttirtiubtuiotnosrsw:hoConctornitrbiubtuotresaIrnefoirnmdaitviidounaolrsaInmda/goesr rwehaedny ftohrerperleoajseec.tUtpedaamtecsonwsiildletrhseraeasfetcetriboen mtoadbee to theproject. Therearetwocategoriesofcontribu- availableperiodically. tors.PrimarycontributorscontributebvilkInforma- tion or Images. Secondary contributors contribute Structure&funding: TheLepiAfricaLivingBooks bits of Information or Images on an ad hoc basis. Project is a Section 21 Company not for gain. The Contributors grantpermission to the projecttouse projectiscurrentlyprivatelyfundedbyitsmembers. their data but ownership of data remains with the hicome derived from the sale of LepiAfrica units contributor. willgotowards funding theprojectin thefuture. Molecularbarcodingand larvalgut contentanalysis in insects (Geometridae, Lepidoptera) AxelHausmann, Michael A. Miller& GünterC. Müller Hausmann, A., M. A. Miller & G. C. Müller (2006): Molecular barcoding and larvalgutcontentanalysisininsects (Geometridae,Lepidoptera). -Spixiana29/3: 210-211 Corresponding author: Dr. Axel Hausmann, Zoologische Staatssammlung München,Münchhausenstr. 21,D-81247München,Germany; e-mail: [email protected] Onthebackgroundoftheenormousspeciesnumbers sity.Itmay,however,alsogainacertainimportance in insects, the innovative technique of molecular forecosystemresearch, and systematics. barcodingwill more anci more playa majorrole in Intheyearof2005theZSMhasgotofferedaccess entomologicalresearchbyfacilitatingIdentification to several thousands of neotropical Geometridae of all stages, and thus for assessment of biodiver- larvae coUected in 1800 fogging samples of Terry 210 Erwin (Lucky et al. 2002; Erwin et al. 2006), who tion on host-plant relationships and host specifity monitoredthefaunaof200treesin9replicatesfrom for a large group of phytophagous insects in the 1994-1996 in north-eastern Ecuador. Identity of all neotropical rain forest canopy. With thesedata the thefogged trees,andtheirneighboursisknown. In estimationsoftotalspeciesnumbersinGeometridae twopilotstudieswecouldprove,thatlarvaecanbe andinsectsmaybeextrapolatedandrefined.Similar identified to species by their 'barcode sequences" projects are planned for geometrid moth larvae in (mtDNA), and that sequencing of gut content is Israel. possibletoo, in orderidentify the larvalplantmeal andtoprovefeedingonthefoggedhost-tree,rather than on epiphytes or on the neighbouring tree References (Milleretal. 2006; Mathesonetal. 2006). Identifica- tionofthelarvaewas performedbyanalysisofthe Erwin,T. L., M. C. Pimienta,O. E. Murillo & V. Asche- completesequenceofthemitochondrial genecyto- ro2006. Mapping Patternsof ß-Diversity for Beet- chrome c oxidase I (COI) and comparison with se- lneasryAcCraosses tfohreIWmepsrtoevrinnAgmIanzvoenntoBraysiMn:etAhoPdrseliamnid- quences of coUection specimens. The effectiveness ConservationStrategies ofthe 'barcoding' toolforspeciesIdentificationhad Hebert, P. & A. Mitchell 2006. DNAbarcoding ofAus- already been shown in many other studies (cf e.g. tralian Lepidoptera. -Spixiana 29(3): 211-212 Hebert&Mitchell2006).Gutcontentsweresuccess- Lucky, A., T. L. Erwin &J. D. Witman 2002. Temporal fullyidentifiedby comparing sequence ofa 157bp and spatial diversity and distribution of arboreal longfragmentofthechloroplastgenerbcLwiththat Carabidae (Coleoptera) in a western Amazonian ofofthepre-identifiedhost-plantandawidesetof rain forest. - Biotropica 34(3): 376-386 otherplantsofthestudyarea. Plantmealscouldbe Matheson, C. D., G. Müller, K. Vernon, A. Junnila, A. detected,whentheinsectswerekilledandpreserved Hausmann,M.A.Miller,C.Greenblatt&Y.Schiein i(nMaEtthheasnoonleutpal.tosu1b2mihtoteudr)s.aFfotrerlatrhgeelsaesttsfoefedpionsg- f(souubnmdititnetdh)e.gSuptecoifeisnIsdeecnttsibfiycaatPioCnRofmepltahnotdr.e-siOdDueEs (submitted) sible host-plants and for discrimination of closely Miller, M. A., G. C. Müller, V. D. Kravchenko, A. Jun- related plant species, e.g. in tropical countries, addi- nila,K.K.Vernon,C.D.Matheson&A.Hausmann tionalmarkers(fragments/genes)maybenecessary. (inprint). DNA-based Identification ofLepidopte- Results from the planned research project will ra larvae and plant meals from their gut content. provide, forthefirsttime, comprehensiveInforma- -Russ. Ent. J. DNA barcoding ofAustralian Lepidoptera PaulHebert& AndrewMitchell Hebert, P. & A. Mitchell (2006): DNA barcoding of Australian Lepidoptera. - Spixiana29/3:211-212 Correspondingauthor: Dr.AndrewMitchell,AgriculturalScientificCollections Unit,OrangeAgriculturalInstitute,NSWDepartmentofPrimaryIndustries,Forest Rd,OrangeNSW2800,Australia; e-mail: [email protected] DNAbarcodes are short (658bp) sequences from a landandtheCentralWestofNewSouthWales.All standardized region of the mitochondrial gene cy- specimensweredatabasedandphotographedbefore tochrome c oxidase I (COI or coxl). Fast work has DNAwasextractedfromaSingleleg.DNAbarcodes revealedthatsequencediversityinthisgeneregion weresubsequentlygatheredfromthespecimensand is an effective tool for species Identification and analysed using the Barcode of Life Data System discovery. As a result, large-scale DNA barcoding (www.barcodinglife.org) . programs are now underway, including efforts to Levelsofintra-specificVariationatCOIaveraged assemble barcodes for all fish and all bird species. just0.2 %,whilecongenericspeciesshowedsequence We intend to develop a comprehensivebarcode li- divergencesthatwere,onaverage,20timeshigher. braryforAustralianlepidopteransasacomplement As with studies in other geographic regions, more toa similarprojectunderwayinNorthAmerica. than95 %ofthespeciesthatweexaminedpossessed Wenowpresentresultsofapilotstudythathas uniqueDNAbarcodes,allowingtheireasyIdentifi- barcoded 3500 specimens representing over 800 cation. Although therewas littleoverlap inspecies speciescollectedfromsitesinnorth-easternQueens- coverage between our two sampling regions, our 211

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