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Molecular and Cytological Studies of an Interspecific Hybrid in Schoenoplectus (Cyperaceae) PDF

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Preview Molecular and Cytological Studies of an Interspecific Hybrid in Schoenoplectus (Cyperaceae)

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN I346-7S65 Acta Phytotax, Gcobot, 60 (3) [:41-149 (2010) Molecular and Cytologica lStudie sof an Interspecific Hybrid inSehoenoplectus(Cyperaceae) OKIHITo YANol,HIRosHI IKEDAi T A K u J I H O S H I N O 2* and JDqpartment ofBota,UuhliversitMyiiseuJn,Uhiversityof7})dHybon,go 7-3-LBunltyo-ku,7bkyo 113-O033.Japan; 'Deepartment ofMLithemati acndaEnlvironmental Syste Smcience, Gradzaate School qf'InjTormatic sO,kayama U}iivenyit yqfScienee, Ridtii-cho J-J .Okayama-shi, Okayama 700-OOO5 ,JZrpun ."hoshino@bigous,ac,ip (ZiuthorforccJrresponclencoj ITS sequence and chromosome data were used as evidence ofnatural hybridization in plants e'f Schoeno- ptectus (Cyperacea fer)om Yawata moer, Hiroshirn Parefectur eJ,apan .The hybrids were intermediate morphologically between both S, hotarw iand S. gemmtfe4 and S, hotaru iand S. ti"iangugatu sa,nd re- sembled S, xtrqpezoideus. Chromosome numbers were observed to be 2n = 76 fbr S. geniniijl e2rn, ± 44 for S. hotarui ,2n =・=- 42 for S. triangulatus, and 2n = 60 for the putative hybrid .The ITS sequence data shewed that the hybrid had sequences from both S. gemmijler <2n - 76) and S. hotaru i(2 n- 44) ,Our cy- telogica land ITS sequence results suggested that the putative hybri dwith 2n = 60 arose by natural hy- bridizati obnetween S. gemmij2]r (2 n- 76) and S. hotaru i(2 n== 44), Keywords: Chromosomc number, Cyperaceae ,hybrid, ITS sequence, Sehoenopiectus The genus Schoenoplectu s(Rchb .P)all a(C)y-and Yano & Hosh ino (2005 O)t.zen (196 r2ep)ort- peraceae) ,includin gabout 77 species, is distrib- ed chromosome numbers of2n ::: 42 fbr three hy- uted worldwide, mainly in marshes and other brids ,between S. tabernaemontani (C .C. Gmel,) wetland habitat (sHayasa k2a002). Within the ge- Palla and S. triqueter (L. P)alla, between S. Ia- nus, many natural interspeci fhiycbrids have been custris (L, )Palla and S. tabeTnaemontani, be- reported by numerous authors (Koyama 1958, tween S. Iacustri asnd S, triqueter. Greef& Tlriest Smith 1969, Hayasaka 2002, Hayasaka & Ohashi <1999 )and Fay et al. (2003 r)eported evidence of 2000, Yhshiro 2004, Hayasaka 2005). Hayasaka natural interspeci fhiycbrid between S. tabernae- (2002 r)ecognized 22 hybrids in his monograph montani and S. trieuete4 based on random ampli- of Schoenoplectzas, 12 hybrids ofwhich are mem- fied polymorphic DNA (RAPD) or amplified bers of section Actaeogeton (Rchb .J). Raynal. fragment length polymorphism (AFLP )analysis. Most ofthese reports were inferred to be natural Most ofthese works, however, were conducted on interspecifi chybrids based on intermediat meor- hybrids involvin gS. tabernaeneontani, S. Iacus- phologica lcharacters between their putativ epar- tris, and S. trigueter within section Schoenoplec- ents and were growing sympatrically with their tus. Yiino & Hoshino (2005 r)eported that two hy- brids,S. (Koidz.Ha)yas,& H. putatlve parents, xtrapezoideus Cytotogical or molecular studies ofnatural in- Ohashi and S. xuzenensis (T .Koyama) Hayas. & terspecific hybrids and their parental species in H. Obashi, had an intermediate chromosome Schoenoplectushave been by Otzen betweenboth in reported number putative parents seetion (1962)G,reef& Triest(1999F)a,y (2003),Actaeogeton, Hayasaka (2002) et al. respectively. re- NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 142 AciaPhvtotax,Gcobot. vb].6e ported that intcrsection haylbrids are not known tween the putative hybrid and Schoenoplectus in Schoenoplectus [.Ib clarifying the parentag eof xtrapezoideu,s' and the parental species. natural hybrids in the genus, more cytolog'ical and moLecular studies of hybrids within section Materials and Methods Actaeogeton, including interspecifL rnany natural ic hybrids (Hayasa k20a02), are neeessary, Karyomorphologica lobse'rvations were con- Recently, nuclear ribosomal interna ltran- ducted on two individua ]osf the putative hybrid, scribed spacer (ITS s)equences have been com- fiv eindividua losf Schoenoplectu shotarui ,two monly used in phylogeneti canalyses and have individuals ofS. gemmijZir ,and three individuals proven useful in lower-lev erlelationships in Cy- of S. triangulatus from Yawata moor. ITS se- peracea¢ (Sta rert al. 1999, Hendrichs ei aL quences of the putativ ehybrids and allied species 2004a, b, Roalson & Friar 2000, 2004, Yano et ai. were determined for the one individual ofthe pu- 2004, Yano & Hoshino 2005, 2006). With ITS se- tativ ehybrid from Yawata moor, one individual quence data it is necessary to consider the pres- of S, .uemmijbr, two individua losf S. trianguta- ence of TTS intraspeci fpioclymorphisms, paralo- tus, and two individua losf S. xtropezoideus, We gous copies oflTS in the genome, and pseudogene also used our previously published ITS data of eopies of the nrDNA repeat (Roals o&n Friar sect'ion Actaeogeto nin Schoenoplectt t(sYan o& 2004). Y2Lno & Hoshino (2005 )reported that Hoshino 2005). Vbucher specimens and their lo- po]ymorphic sequences derivcd from paralogous calities are liste din Table l. Voucher specimens or pseudogene copies of the nrDNA were not are deposite din the herbari aofOkayama Univer- fbund in the iTS region of the genus Schoeno- sity of Science (OKAY) and Tohoku University plectus, but hybrids of Schoenopleetu swere not (TUS). inc]ude din their study. In the hybrids ,the ITS se- Somatic chromosomes were observed in the quences often show genic recombination of the rneristematic cells ofroot tips .Root tips were pre- sequenccs from the parenta lspecies or a poly- treated in 2 mM 8-hydroxyquinoli nseolution for morphic pattern indicati veof the presence of 1 h at 230C and then 15 h at 40C. They were fixed both parental repeat types (Alvar e&z Wendel in acetic alcohol (1: 3fb)r more than 16 h at -2eOC 2003) ,Analyses using ITS sequences provide im- or fbr 1,5 h. The fixed roots were hydrated in an portant evidence fbr clarifying natural hybridiza- alcohol series (70 3,0, 15%, respectively) and dis- tion in Schoenoplectus. tille dwater, then hydrolyzed with IN HCI for 10 We found putativ ehybrids of Schoenoplectzts min at 600C, and stainedwith Ieuco-basic fuchsin from Yawata moor in the northwestern part of Hi- fbr 1 h at 230C. The sampies were thel lmacerated roshima Prefecture in western Honshu, Japan. in a mixture of 29, 6pectinase and 2% cellulase for Yawata moor is situated on the Yliwata highland, 1 h at 370C, restained in 1% aceto-orcein, and about 800 m above sea ieve l(Horika weai aL squashed. 1959) ,where S. gemmijZ]r C, Sato ,T, Maeda & Tbtal DNA was extracted from O.1 g fres hma- Uchino, S. hotartt (iOhwi )Holub, S. nipponicus terial using a Nucleon Phytopure p) ant and fu ngal (Makino S)ojak, S. tabernaemontani, S. triangu- DNA extraction kit CAmersha mInc,) .Amplifica- latu s(Roxb. S)ejEk, and S. triqueter were found. tion of the nrTTS region was performed by poly- The putativ ehybrid was morphologica]ly inter- merase chain reaction (PCR) with Taq poly- mediate bet"fee nboth S. hotarui and S. geminijlar. merase (TaKaR aInc.) .Reactions were perfbrmed and S. hotarui and S. triangttlatt tasn,d rescmbled using a DNA thermal cycier <Progra mTemp S. Xtrapezoideus. Control System PC-320, Astec Inc.) for the ITS The goal of the presen tstudy was to clarify regien, fo11owin gthe protocol of Hsiao et ai. the hybrid origin of the putative hybrid from (1994 T)h.e entire ITS-region was amplified with Yawata moor using chromosome and ITS se- primers ITSL (Hsia eot aL 1994) and ITS4 (White quences data and to discus sthe relationship be- et al. 1990) .PCR products were electrophoresed NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March 2010 YANo & .・u..-Hybri Sdpecies in Schoenoplectus 143 TABLE [ .Lecatity ,voucher, and chromosomenurnbers ofputativc hybrids andparental speices used in this study. Genbank ae- cession numbers tiste d['o rITS data .Vouchers are deposited in OKAY andTUS. Asteris ikndicat cchsromosome numbers from previou rseport by Yano & Hoshino (200S). Chromosome AcccssionNo. Taxon number (2n ) ITS Schoenoplectus gemmijle rC. Sato & aj. Japan ,Hireshima PreC, Yamagata-gun, Ya-N'ata ;Hoskino & aL 19678 (OKAY) 7676 Japan ,Hiroshima Pref, ,Yamagata-gun, Yawata; Hoshino & aL 19685 (OKAY) AB523848 S.hotarui(Ohwi)Helub Japan ,Hiroshima PreE, Yamagata-gun, Yawata; Hoshino & al. I967Zf, L967Z2 44 (OKAY) Japan, Hiroshima Pre£, Yamagata-gun, Yawata; Hbshino & at. 19682-J ,19682-3, 44 i96S2.4(OKAY) S.triangulatus (Roxb.S)Qtak Japan, Shizuoka PreC, Hamamatsu-shi, Higashi-kandagawa; Kritamuxa 19556 424242 AB523849 <OKAY) Japan ,Hiroshima Pref. ,Yamagata-gun, Yawata; Hbshino & al. i9680-2 (OKAY) AB523850 Japan ,Hiroshima Prcf, Y,amagata-gun, Yawata; Hbshino & at. JP681-1 ,IP681-2 (OKAY) S. xtrqpezoideus (Koidz .Ha)yas. & H. Ohashi Japan ,Miyagi Prefl ,Sendai-sh iS,aikachi; fiq})asaka 2483 (TUS) 43* AB523851 Japan, [[bchig iPrefL ,Utsunomiya-shi, Tsuruta ;?Vbgueh i20489 (OKAY) ABS23852 hybrid Japan ,Hiroshima Pref, ,Yamagata-gun, Yawata; Hoshino & al. Ig619 (OKAY) 60 AB523853 on 1.4% agarose geis to confirm a single product, Results and Discussion and purifie dusing a Qiaqui cPkCR purification Kit (Qiag enInc. ).Cycle sequencing reactions Morphological characters were perfbrmed using the purifie dPCR produLcts The putativ ehybrid from Yawata moor and a BigDye Terminator Vl.1 Cycle Sequencing showed interrnediat emQrphological features be- Kit (Appli eBidosystems Inc.) .For ITS sequenc- tween Schoenoplectus gemmijZi rand S. hotarui, ing, one of the amplification primers ,ITSL and or between S. trianguiatus and S, hotartt (iTable ITS4, or one of the internal sequencing primers 2). The intermediat emorphological characters ITS2C (Yan oet al. 2004) and ITS3C (Yan oet al. mainly in the shape of the culms (Fi g1.) ,The 2004) were used, The products were resolved by culms of S. gemmtfer and S. trianguiatus are capitlary electrophoresis using an ABI PRISM acutely three angled, but the culm ofS. hotaru ii's 310 automated DNA sequencer. Sequences were cylindrical. The culms of the putatiy ehybrid assembled and edited using Sequencing Analys{s from Yawata moor are three angled (Fi g1.) .Al- versi on 3.0 (Perk iElnmer lnc .) ,The data matrices though the S. gemmijZi rand S, triangulatus are of the TTS sequences of the species of Schoeno- closely related, S. gemmijZi rdifTer sfrom S. trian- plectu swere aligned using Clusta lW (Thompson gulatus in hav ing two stigmas, ljnea rleafblades, et al. I994) and then adjusted manually as neces- and gemmae (Sat eot at. 2004) .Sehoenoplectus sary. hotarui has three stigmas, no gemmae, and bl- adeless leaves (Tabl 2e). The putativ heybrid from Yawata moor has two or three stigmas, gemmae are present or absent, and the leave sare bladeless NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosclee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSlcysstematics l44 Acttt Phytotax. Geobut. Vot. 60 TARLE 2. Morphological cornparison ofputative hybrids andparentalspeciesoi'Schoenoplectus S. gemm4ferhybrid S. hotarui S j'uncoidesS. xtrcu)ezoldeusS, triangulaius Culm shapc acutely3-angled 3-anglcd cyLindrieal cylindrical- 3-S-angled acutety3-angled scvcral or angied1-3 Culm diarneter2-S mmlinear 1-1. 5mm 1-2 minbladeless mmbladeless 1-3 mmbladeless 3-le mm Lcafblade or bladeless bladeless bladeless Spikelet form ovoid or oyoid er ovoid, apex ovoid oroblong-oyoid,ovoid oroblong-avoid,oblong-evoid. oblong-ovoid, oblong-oNoid, rouncicd apex acute apex subacute apex subacute apex acute apex subacute StigmaGemma 2prcsent 2or3presentor3absent 2absent 3absent 3absent or absent absent A B C D FIG. 1. Transverse tseetions ot'culms. A: Schoenctptectu sgemmijler. B: S. trtangutatusCTShotarui, D: hybrid. E: S.Xirapezol- deus. Bar = O.5 mm. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March 201O YANo & AT ,-Hybrid Species m Schoenqptectus 14S S.'Lit.t eepm FIG. 2, InfieTescenc eorputatiye hybri dfrom Ya"・ata mour. Arrows indica tgeemmae. Bar ;- 5 mm. (Tabl 2e). Linear leaf blades and gemmae are di- of these hybrids alld their putativ eparenta lspe- agnostic charactcrs ofS. gemmijbr of sectionAc- cies overl ap. taeogeton of Schoenoptectus T.he putativ heybrid had gemma, and was thought to be closely related Chromosomeobservations to S. gemmder (Fi g2.). The results suggest that The chromosome numbers determined in this the hybrid ,with it sintermediat feeature si,s a pu- study are shown in Table 1. The putative hybrid tative hybrid between S. gemmij1? rand S. hotarui, from Yawata moor had a ehromosome number of Seme individual sof the putative hybrid in 2n = 60 (Fi g3.A), Chromosome numbers were Yawata moor, howcver, had three stigmas, no observed to be 2n = 76 fbr Schoenoptectu sgem- gemmae, and were very similar to Schoenoplec- mijZir (Fi g3,B), 2n == 44 fbr S. hotarui (Fi g3.C), tus xtrapezoideus (Tab le2) ,Schoenopleetus and 2n =- 42 fbrS. tTiangulatus (Fi g3.D), all from xtrapeioideors is considered to be a natural hy- Yawata moor, which confirm previous reports brid between S. hotarui and S. triangulatus, or (Yan o& Hoshino 2005), Somatic chromosomes between Scirpus iuncoid eRsoxb. van ohwianus orthese species were small, and ranged gradually T. Koyama and S. triangulatus, based on mer- from O.5 to 1,3 yrn in length, phelogica ldata (Koyam a1958, Hayasaka 2002). Koyama (195 8su)ggested that Schoenoptec- Schoenopiectus xtrapezoideus also shows inter- tus xtrapezoideus is a hybrid between Scirpus mediacy in the shape of culm between the puta- y'uncoides var. ohwianus and S. trianguifatus, tive parental species (Fig .1) .The evidence indi- while Hayasaka (2002 r)eported that S. xtrmpe- cates that discriminati ntghe two putative hybrids zoideus is considered to be a natural hybrid be- is difficu lbte,cause the morphologica] characters tween S. hotarui and S. triangulatus .Yano & NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosclee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlant SSyystsetmaetmicastics 146 ActaPhytotax.Gcobot. Vol.60 '-.'S.,.if,fi.ss. ,, ,kil・s-tlrv-i・ v ttVt tttt enc, . t t ' titt tti・il t ".l. ii,;ys ,xi tttt,v tl ...ggi.; . " ..wlpew" V ,/i - ・o p "" tk3.xf ' es/ a tt Vt.,..t t . t. :t" t... , ,.,.tt, ttt t,.t. ' 1.t , ,.-. ."bP t,l.t.t. A B '''//"/itt/}ili'lb-etqw.t.w,m,p・ 1 vr-esv 4gaj..,.,i,.t",・f,g"-'k' ne.. . "v' t ttu. lpg t ' " e ' . . " ・. E, ' ! - t-'". t/V;p" -t・tt"" eFlcX'gen,t", t.ienetttt esc /rt.,i;::,kk 'ft ' }: /・ , 'nktftet・t,t{tttt'e. t.. v t ., pF. lkre;gl-:lgtei;' ;tD . C ' 'ess}ies・ "・,(vs1・・i's1 I.Lt. i".1,$.,k.,,..,.t3GW't lt. ti tit-S V・,'t w2$.SassS .eiek ,,g '{n'vsfi't'1" FIG. 3. Photomicrographs of somatic metaphase ehremosomes efputative hybri dand parental species of Schoenopteetus. A: hybrid (2n - 60). B: S genmTijle (r2n ; 76). C: S hotanii (2n= 44). D: S, ii'iangulatus {2n = 42). Hoshino (2005) 2n 43 fbrS. Comparisonofnrf7S reported ='- xtrql)e- sequences zoideus, 2n t 42 and 44 fbr S. hotarui ,2n = 42 for The complete ITS (ITSI-5.8S-I TSse2- ) S, triangulatus, and 2n ; 74 for S. J'uncoides, quences oftwo putativ ehybrids and their putative Thcy also suggested that S. xtropexoicleus arose parenta lspecies were 621 bp jn length .Aligned from natural hybridizati oonr introgression be- sequences of the l3 species of section Actaeoge- tween S. hota}"u i(2n = 44) and S, triangulatus (2n ton in Sehoenoplectus, includin gtwo putativc hy- = 42), because S. xtrclpezoideus has a chromo- brids were 625 bp. The numbers ofpolymorphic some number intermediat beetwcen the both pu- characters were 46 nuclcotide substitutions and tative parent s(i. e2n. ,= 43 = 22 + 21) ,In the pres- four indels in the ITS rcgion (Tab l3)e ,Specific ent study, the putativ chybrid from Yawata moor diagnostic sites in the ITS sequence were fbund showed 2n = 60 and might have originated from ameng 13 species of section Actaeogeto n(Table hybridizati obnetween plant swith 2n = 76 and 2n 3) ,The ITS sequences of S. gemmijbr (2n = 76) = 44 (i, e2.n, = 60 = 38 - 22) .Thus, the putative and S. hotarui (2n = 44) were ditifer eantt seven hybrid in Yawata moor is thought to be a natural nucleotide sites. The putative hybrid frorn Yawata hybrid between S. gemmij1?r and S. hotarui ,and (2 n= 60) showcd additive nucleotidc sites, G!A or not S. Xtrapezoidetts, T/C, ofboth S. gemme12ir (2 n= 76) and S. hotarui (2n = 44) at all of the nucleotide substitution sites NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  JJaapapnaesneese  SSooocieityety  ffoorr  PPllanatnt  SSyystsetmaetmioastics March 201  YANo & AL.− Hybrid Species in Schoenoplectus 147 TABLE 3. Variable sites of nrtTS  sequellces in Schoenqptect uscsction  Actaeogeton. Number  after eaeh  taxon is chromosome   numbcr (2n). Asterisk童ndicates 山romosomc  number  fセom  previou訂 eports  by lwasaki& Ueki(1979)and. Yan  & Hoshi −   no (2005).  Taxo n(2n)    Accensosi. on     2      8      9      1 0    11     27L T S12−85 .8 S3−2] 丁 S325( L oc5us1 si te52; b p)72  74  96  87  95  10  S. komarovii(38*) AB206261TCTCTCAGGCTCGCCCC ’ 5、hondoensis (38っ AB206258TCTCTCAAGCTCGCC1 C ∫.hotarwi(42*)   AB180720CTCTTCAAGCTCGCCTC S、hotarui(44*)    AB206259  T  C  T  C  T  C  A  A  G  C  T  C  G  C  C  T  C ∫.mucronatus (38*) へB206263TCTCTCAAGCCCGCCTC 5.triangutatus (42〕 AB206265TCTCCCAAGTCCGCCTCCCCC   AABAB5AB25AB235AB2385AB2△3QA.RnソOAB8AB8ABTBTTTCCCCTTTTCCCCcc CCCCAAAAAAAAGGGGT 「 cc CCCCGGGGCCCCCCCCTTTT   5O5152 − S.Xtrape 三ご,idetls〔43*)   α  TT  つ」   α   hybrid(60) 523853TCTCTCAAGCCITCAtGCCTCCCCCCT S.gemmifer(76) 522032806242062−820627206422TTTTTCTCCCCTCTTTTCTCCCCTCTTTTCCCCCATAAAGAAAAAAAGGGCCCCCCTTCTCCCCCCCCCCTAAAGGGCCCTTCCCCCCTTTTTTT 5661b ・9.伽 ”isetu.s’(7 *) ゾ. &脚 〃c魴 (72*) 002 S.ノunc ‘,ides(74*) ∫ 5」lineoiatu(s74*) 【U 0 τ 144 157  177 185 200 211 385 389 394 395 417 423 442 443 459 477 484CCCCCCCC ∫.komaro レ〃(38*)   AABABA2BA20BA106BA286BA2200BA26206BA755106BA22582BA25502BA26592BA86C32BA845CBA859BCA85BC5BCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.CCC CCCCCCCCCCCTCCCCCCCCCCCCCTGCGGGAGCGCGCGCGCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCTGTGTGGGGCGCGCGCGC CCCTCTCTCCCCCCCCCCCGCGCGCGCGGCGCGCGCGCCCCCC s、hondve’nsis (38*)  CCCCCCCCC     ∫.hetarui(42*)       ∫.hotarui (44*)       1・9..9mi吻”crngounlaattus’us (3(482*))   6.3333       .         O12       . & Xtrqpezoi ゴα’1∫(43*) CC αTT CC∬ CC α π hybrid(60) 523853CCCCCCGCCCAIGCC 〆TCGCCCTCCCC ・ 5」ge〃imPtes (76) 5220320.2804220520826724 262C07CCACCCCCTTCCCCCCCTCCCCCTCCCCCCCCGCGGGGCGCCCCCTCCCCCTCCCCAC CCCCCCT. CCCCCGTGGGGCACCAAC 6   へ CCCCC s. n’iZtlti.s’etus (70幸) 0/666、  GGGA s.waUichii (72*) 66   . S.ノuneoides 〔74り .  CC S.iineelatus(74*) 6一} 493 494 499 516 523 537 546 559 560 578 584 588 592 5t)3 599 620 & komarovii(38っ AB2 (]6261 − CTTC − CGCGC − TTC − ∫.hondoen .sis (38っ  〆、B206258   −  C  T  T  C  −  C  G  C  G   T  −  T  T  C  − S.hotartt(i42*)    ABI80720  −  C  T  T  C  −  C  G   C  G   T  −  T  T  C  − S.hotar”i(44*)    AB206259   −  C   T  T  C   −  C   G   C  G   T  −  T  T  C  − SS,.nteruica厂ngσuna!rautsus ((3482*))   AABB220066226653   −−    CC    TT    TT    CC    −−    CC     GG     CC     AG     CC    −−    TT    T’r    CC     −−         AB523849   −  C  T   T   C  −  C   G   C   G  C  −  T  T  C  −         AB523850 − CTTC − CGCGC − T.TC − S.xtrapeze ゴdetts(43*) AB523851  −  C  T  T  C  −  C  G   C  G  C/T  −  ]  T  C  −         AB523852 −  CTTC  − CGCG αT −  TTC  一 hybrid 〔60) AB523853  −  C  T  T  CIT    C  G  C  G CIT  −  T  T  C  一 ∫.ge〃t〃躍ノと7’(76) AABABSAB2A2B3A20B82Bム∪422822572142 06260r 2−一O 6 CCC  TTT TT ATTT TA TTTC CC C −一  CCC CC TGGG TT GCCC TT CGGG GG GCCC TT C  一一  TTT C TTTTT AA TCCC CC A 一一 ∫. mu !〃setus 〔70*)  6666 一  一  一  一 5  waUichii (72*) OOO A τ C A A S.ノuncoides (74*) 一 CC 一 一 − S.lineotatu(s74*) 一  一  一  一 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 148 Acta Phytotax. Geobet. Vol.60 except fbr one at sequence position 200 (Tabl 3e). at six sites. However, sequence positio n200 did An ITS sequence with the additive state ofthe pa- not show an additive state, which was expected rental sequences fbr hybrids species al so has been from the combinations of the putativ eparental reported in Paeonia L. (Paeoniac e(aSea)n get al. species, These observations suggest that S, hota- 1995) and xCrE7Jidiastrixeris Kitam. (Asterace-rui (2n = 44) has nuc]eotide polymorphisms at ae) (Sai teot al. 2006). They reported that this this site. Tb clarify the origin of these hybrids phenomenon in the nrlTS sequences in hybrids without a doubt, additional ITS sequences of might refiect their origin from diffbren ptarenta] rnore individual os'f S. hotarui (2n = 44) need to species. Our sequence results also suggested that be determincd. the putativ ehybrid from Yawata (2n =' 60) arose In Schoenoplectus G,reef& Tries t(199 9su)g- by natural hybridization between S. gemnetfe r(2n gested natural interspeei fihcybridizati onbc- = 76) and S. hotant i(2n - 44). tween S, tabernaemontani and S. triquete4 based The ITS sequences ofSchoenoplectus hotarui on RAPD analysis, Fay et aL (2003 a)tso suggcst- (2 n== 44) and S. hondoensis (Ohwi )Sojak (2n ・--・ ed natural interspeci fhiycbridizati obnetween S. 38) were almost the same. The combination ofthe tabernaemontani and S, triqueter using AFLP ITS sequences ofS. hotarui (2n = 44) and S. hon- analysis. In our study, molecular and cytological doensi (s2n = 38) can explain all six additive sites combination data provided clear evidence fbr nat- of the putative hybrid perfectl yS.choenoplectus ural hybridizati oinn SchoenqJlectus. The ITS hondoensis ,however, is mainly distribut ed{n sequence data proved usefu1 for demonstrating marshes in the high mountains of nerthern Hon- the origin of hybrids in Cyperaceae. shu (Hayasak a2002), while S. geinmijZ? "is main- Our cytological and molecular data show the ly distribut eidn wetlands and low mountains of putativ ehybrid from Yawata moor to be a natural western Japan (Kitamu reta al. 2009). It is thought hybrid between Schoenoplectu sgemmijZrr and S, that S. hondoensis and S. g .emm(fer do not grow hotarui ,and not S. xtrupezoideus, Schoenoplec- sympatrically. Thus, the putative hybrid in Yawa- tus gemmijbr is a new species recently described ta moor is believe dto be a natural hybrid between from Kumamoto Prefecture by Sato et aL (20e4). S. S.hotanti, betweenS. NaturalhybridsbetweenS. S.hota- gemmijZir and and not gemmijlar and gemmijbr and S. honcloensis. rui are thought to be derivc dfrom a new parental Schoenqplectu sxtrmpezoideus (2n = 43) alse combination. Morphologica lfeatures between showed additions, GfA or TfC, at the six sites (Ta- the hybrids from YAwata moor and S. xtTapezoi- ble 3) ,indicatin git shybridit yT.hese additive deus overlap. Further morphological analysis is sites can be explained by the combination of S. needed before dcscribing these plant sas a new hotarui (2n = 44) and S. triangulatus (2n = 42), natural hybrid between S. gemmij2ir and S. hota- 200, in with one exception at sequence position as rui. the new putativ ehybrid firo mYawata. Although S. hondoensis has nearly the same ITS sequence The authors thank Dr. E. Hayasaka, Dr. H. Tsubota ,Dr. as S, hotarui t,he invelvemen tofS. honcloensi isn K. 1<{tamur aM,r. T. Saito ,and Mr. T. NogLLchi for their the origin of S. xtrapezoideus may be unlikely, grcaL help in collecting or offering plant materials. since S. hondoen,s' hiass a chromosome number of References 2n = 38 (Yan o& Hoshino 2005). !n this study, IxtT"Scr pezdoiadetusa also (s2upn p=or t4s3) rntihgeht p hoasvsei bariislein tt ybhya t hyS-. A l s ,esa raned zI, ,p&l aJn. tF p, hVy"l'egecnndee t2Li0c0 3i.n fReirbconscocm .uM!ol .I TPSh ys[eqougenecn-et, bridizati obnetween S. hotarui (2n = 44) and S. EvoL 29: 417・434. trianguiatzts C2n ='- 42). Fay, M. F, ,R. S. Cowan & D. A. Simpson. 2003. 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