MOLECULAR OF LEMORE, SOLIDASTER ANALYSIS CV. A GOLDENROD HYBRID (ASTERACEAE) James Edward Beck Schilling B. E. and went of Ecology Evolutionary Biology ungton 63130, issouri U.S.A. and Garden author correspondence Missouri Botanical for ([email protected] Missouri 631 St. Louis, 36, U.S.A. Department of Biology address: irrent Durham U North Carolina 27708, versity, L Randall Small Patrick Calie J. artment of Biological Scier Kentucky 'astern University )mond, Kentucky 40475, U.. placement of the generic o ase pair polymorphisms. Cloning experiments recovered two different individual ITS sequences, one identi L ^ ^;^ unships within the genus s g WoL SoUa ETS, phylogeny CT Asteraceae, Astereae, Solidaster, ITS, hybrid, go, : RESUMEN un ETS e realize analisis con los datos de las secuencias del ITS y nuclear ribos6mic o para evaluar las relacione un un un olidaster Lemore, cultivar que durante tiempo se creyo que era hlbri<io intergenerico (Solidago cv. > de datos combinado de secuencias de ITS ET!Smostroquehayunrespalc las los y > INTRODUCTION Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) 8 phenomenon numerous documented examples Grant but there are with 1980), in plants, clearly still (e.g., between Of perhaps hybridization questions regarding evolutionary significance. greatest interest is its species of lineages that have diverged morphologically to the point of being recognized as distinct genera. which normally considered This represents potentially dramatic reversal of the process of evolution, is a on and based phylogeny. thus be divergent, also presents a challenge to systematic classification It is to it be of considerable interest examine closely possible cases of intergeneric hybridization to able to assess to how phenomenon frequently occurs. this common A myth and perhaps even pervasive within hybridization persistent that intergeneric is is Robinson and King and Robinson invoke intergeneric hybridiza- Asteraceae. For example, (1983) (1987) and an explanation discordant distribution of morphological characters in Liabeae Eupatorieae, tion as for A documented however, few well cases of natural intergeneric search of the reveals respectively. literature, documented by been have Naturally occurring intergeneric hybrids recently hybridization in Asteraceae. made been some hybrids have McKenzie and In intergeneric (2004) Saito (2006). cases, artificial et et al. al. between and and have found incongruence nuclear successfully Powell 1985; Carr 2003), studies (e.g., & chloroplast markers suggestive of past wide hybridization (Schilling Panero 1996; Fehrer et al. 2007). most remains This prompted us undertake documentation hybrids groups to But of intergeneric in elusive. within a detailed study of a putative case of intergeneric hybridization the Astereae. name known Lemore presumed The of the horticultural plant as Solidaster cv. (Fig. 1) reflects its unknown between and Aster The plant in the wild, but hybrid origin as a cross species of Solidago L. L. is North America (Nesom an appeared in European gardens the import of plants from 1993). Its status as after Upland intergeneric hybrid depends in part, however, on the classification of one of its putative parents, the and The Upland White White Aster, which has been variously placed in Aster, Solidago, Oligoneuron Small. & puzzlement been taxonomists. ptarmicoides (Torrey A. Gray) Boivin, has long a source of for Aster, B. S. open corymbose and heads outward appearance, capitulescence relatively large especially superficial its Its and and seems an conceived, reflected with white rays disk flowers, clearly that of aster, as traditionally is common name. Despite considerable evidence has suggested a closer affinity to the goldenrods, in this, its including the observation of abundant natural hybrids with species of Solidago (Boivin 1972), considerations & DNA and phytogeography and technical features of morphology (Brouillet Semple 1981), a chloroplast of widely restriction site study placing within Solidago L. (Semple et al. 1999). Nevertheless, it is still referred it genus an Aster Another, somewhat different interpretation involves segregation of the Oligoneuron as to as s.l. from Nesom which would include the Upland White Aster as well as five other distinct Solidago 1993), (e.g., been be Although the second parent of Solidaster has generally considered to a Solidago, particularly species. & Nesom on morphology was more Semple suggested based (1993) that canadensis (Brouillet 1981), it S. be Euthamia Nutt. likely to graminijolia (L.) The taxonomic Upland White ptarmicoides, has been reviewed by Brouillet history of the Aster, Solidago and Semple and only summary will be presented here. Not only the generic placement but (1981), a brief where also species epithet has varied. The plant was originally described by Nuttall in Inula L., it received its When the appropriate epithet alba for white rays and disk flowers. transferred to either Aster or Solidago its resemblance and (from proved be already occupied, the alternative ptarmicoides to Achillea this epithet to its When was by proposed Nees. placed in widely garden Fernald 1950) ptarmica a cultivated plant; still L., Nesom Over taxonomic another genus, such as Oligoneuron 1993), reverts to the epithet album. its (e.g., it & Cook the species has been placed in nine separate genera by various authors (Semple 2006). history, & Cook Although The taxonomic treatment of Solidago has been notoriously difficult (Semple 2006). number North America, no morphological clearcut there are large of relatively similar species in eastern a apomorphy has been discovered unequivocally defines the genus. Similarly, delimitation of infrageneric that many which groups has been elusive as has recognition and identification of individual species, of differ The from one another by minute details of inflorescence form or pubescence. situation is further compli- Some and by occurrence both hybridization polyploidy. representatives cated the frequent of interspecific Lemore Schilling et Molecular analysis of Solidaster cv. al., nd dominants during are particularly significant as early where components model system successional stages of old fields, se:vveeral are of a well studied ecological Abrahamson become 2005). Addi Solidago taxa have invasive in Europe (Weber 2001) et (e.g., al. lly, and (Dong and and Asia 2006), are and the general evolution ecology et al. & (Van Kleunen Schmidt Jakobs 2004; Meyer The abundanc 2003; 2005). et et al. al. :s make and importance sound taxonomy highly ecological of Solidago therefore a desirable. A number problems of studies have applied molecular data the resolution of systematic in Astereae to & & & Simpson Morgan Simpson Lane Zhang Noyes (Suh 1990; 1992; 1996; 1996; Rieseberg 1999; et al. & body Roberts Urbatsch 2003; Urbatsch 2003; Beck 2004), so a considerable of molecular data et et al. al. DNA has begun to accumulate for the tribe. Other than a chloroplast restriction site analysis (Zhang 1996; DNA Semple has been no sequence on although few et 1999), there focus as yet for analysis Solidago, a al. we sequences are available from other work. As part of an initial survey for suitable molecular markers, analyzed ITS and ETS sequence variation several samples of Solidago that represented the major subunits for Cook by Semple and Although of the genus, as delimited (2006). the lack of suitable variation in these make we markers led us to abandon any attempt to a complete survey of the genus, one of the species that sampled was ptarmicoides, and sufficient data have been acquired to allow for an assessment of generic 5. its we which placement, as well as to clarify the parentage of its hybrid offspring, Solidaster cv. Lemore, report Plant Material A sample Lemore was grown from material obtained commercially (Bluestone of Solidaster cv. (Fig. 1) Perennials, Ohio, USA). Samples of Solidago (Appendix) were either collected in the or obtained from field member herbarium specimens. Sampling was designed include one of each of the currently rec- to at least & Cook ognized and genus (Semple To sections subsections of the 2006). evaluate intraspecific variability, and an multiple accessions of four species canadensis, ptarmicoides, nitidd) as well as (S. S. riddellii, S. S. we most additional sample of Brintonia discoidea were analyzed. Note that have elected to follow the recent & Cook which treatment of Solidago (Semple 2006), deviates from nomenclature used in our earlier paper 10 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) from (Beck 2004) by including Oligoneuron within Solidago but recognizing Brintonia as separate the et it; al. North America treatments. classification of related genera also follows the Flora of Methods Molecular DNA and made procedure Doyle Preparations of from fresh (0.5-2.0 leaves generally followed the of total g) Dneasy Doyle and those from herbarium material 0.1 were performed with the Plant Minikit (1987), (ca. g) DNA (Qiagen, Valencia CA). The crude extracts of some samples required further purification using the DNA Methods and sequencing were Wizard (Promega, Madison, Wisconsin). amplification Kit protocol for Schmidt and Amplification and sequencing reactions the ITS region described in Schilling (2000). for as and were both performed using primers "ITS-4" and "ITS-5" (White 1990). Amplification sequencing et al. & ETS region were performed using primers Ast-1 (Markos Baldwin 2001) and 18-S-ETS reactions for the & PCR was Sequencing (Baldwin Markos 1998). All products were checked by agarose gel electrophoresis. Dye ABI Prism Terminator done the University of Tennessee Automated Sequencing Facility, utilizing the at DNA Cycle Sequencing reaction on an ABI 373 or ABI 3100 sequencer (Perkin-Elmer Inc. Foster City, kit same The were comparison with the data displayed in CA). sequence data text edited following initial files Sequence alignment was performed using the Clustal four-color electropherograms before further analysis. X (Thompson program (version 1994). et 1.6) al. sample Lemore was undertaken confirm ITS poly- Cloning of the ITS region for the of Solidaster cv. to pGEM-T PCR morphisms from sequencing. The purified products were ligatedinto (Promega, inferred direct Competent ToplO San Madison, Wisconsin) according the manufacturer's instructions. F' (Invitrogen, to and were screened Diego, California) were transformed via electroporation the resulting colonies for cells PCR were from plasmids with by using the original amplification primers. Plasmids isolated single inserts (Sambrook Sequences recombinant colonies using an alkaline lysis/PEG precipitation protocol et 1989). al. were obtained ten independent clones. for GenBank, Data additional ITS and ETS sequences for Solidago were obtained from as well as for for Two same Beck "Clade data of the samples placed in the clade as Solidago in et (2004; III"). sets all s.s. al. were which ITS sequences from broad sampling of with samples analyzed, the of utilized a Solidago, first The second both ITS and ETS data with broader sampling of Brintonia discoidea as outgroups. utilized a and genera (Appendix) assess the placement of Solidago ptarmicoides of Oligoneuron relative to of related to and were added outgroups and samples gramineus as other of Sericocarpus Cuniculotinus Solidago, tortifolius maximum were analyzed using both parsimony and Bayesian Phylogenetic relationships for this analysis. PAUP* with Parsimony was implemented using 4.0bl0 (Swofford 2003), gaps treated as approaches. analysis TBR random and with branch swapping. missing using search with ,000 addition replicates data, a heuristic 1 FASTSTEP was performed with 10,000 using the search Bootstrap analysis (Felsenstein 1985) replicates & MRBAYES run was implemented 3.0B4 (Huelsenbeck Ronquist 2001) Bayesian in for option. analysis number The with chains and saved every 100 generations. of ten million generations four separate trees run and was by sampled throughout the discard "burn-in" assessed plotting likelihoods of trees trees to as An 10% were discarding trees prior to the stable likelihood plateau (in both analyses the first discarded). all maximum Time model model sequence (GTR+I+G; General Reversible evolution appropriate likelihood of gamma was chosen with a proportion of invariant sites and distributed rates) for the Bayesian analysis for & both analyses using Modeltest (Posada Crandall 1998). RESULTS Newly Lemore and were consistent in length with obtained ITS sequences Solidaster for Solidago for cv. among any was length previous reports the genus. In particular, there extraordinarily variation in for little 627-629 of the sampled members of the genus; individual sequence lengths varied from bp. Insertion of single bp indels were required for five samples (three insertions and two deletions) to produce a completely 1 aligned matrix of length 631 bp for the entire ITS region. Similarly, there was little sequence length varia- was 627-630 and matrix with sequences varying from bp, the aligned of tion in allied genera, individual Lemore Molecular of 11 Schilling etal., analysis Solidaster cv. length 634. There was also only limited sequence variation between species of Solidago for the ITS region; between pairwise comparisons revealed sequence divergence of generally less than 1%, with total differences more samples of 1-10 bp. Samples of other genera were generally, although not always, divergent, with 1-3% and 7-19 The sample pairwise divergence values of total differences of bp. of Sericocarpus tortifolius differed from all Solidago samples for at least 15 bp, but was still relatively similar, with overall divergence 23-29 values of 2-3%; the sample of Cuniculotinus gramineus was somewhat more divergent, differing by bp from (4% overall divergence) samples of Solidago. In the five species (S. canadensis, S. riddellii, S. nitida, and where were examined was most one bp multiple accessions there ptarmicoides, Brintonia discoided) at S. among and no nonmonophyly. samples evidence difference of The ITS sequence Solidaster cv Lemore was very similar to other Solidago sequences, but displayed for bp polymorphisms the following positions: 18 (A/G), 106 (C/A); 514 (C/T), 611 (G/T), 612 (C/T), (Fig. 2) at bp polymorphisms would with com- 613 (A/G). Visual inspection revealed that this pattern of exactly a fit and Cloned ITS bination of the ITS sequences characteristic of ptarmicoides canadensis (Fig repeats 5. S. 2.) from Solidaster Lemore exhibited ITS sequences that matched closely either those of ptarmicoides or cv. 5. showed comparison broad sampling those of canadensis. Phylogenetic analysis in to a of Solidago that 5. some consensus sequences from the clones clustered with support with those from ptarmicoides statistical S. and canadensis which provided supporting evidence that the polymorphisms obtained from direct (Fig. S. 3), sequencing could have originated from a combination of the sequences from these species. The ITS sequence Nesom of Euthamia proposed by (1993) as the second potential parent of Solidaster, has been graminifolia, shown and and be from (Noyes Rieseberg reported ITS to relatively divergent those of Solidago 1999), its minimum (GenBank AF046982) from by 4 32 sequence differs that of ptarmicoides indels as well as a of S. Lemore show any polymorphisms, bp. Because the ITS sequence of Solidaster did not evidence of indel cv. and only few bp polymorphisms, Euthamia not one of parents. a graminifolia is clearly its ETS Approximately 450 bp of the region were amplified for each sample of Solidago with the primer 18S-ETS and Removing poor sequence and uncertain alignment produced matrix pair Ast-1. regions of a among with a total length of 444 bp, including 18 bp of 18S coding sequence. As with ITS, length variation sequences was minimal among Solidago samples: only a single bp deletion in patula, and only a single 1 5. bp and bp both outgroup and were insertion in Stenotus 3 deletion in taxa, Cuniculotinus Sericocarpus, 1 a ETS ETS required for complete alignment of this portion of the region. Levels of sequence divergence for among 0-1% were similar to those for ITS, with pairwise divergence values Solidago samples of (0-4 bp) maximum 4% and among The ETS sequence Lemore was samples reaching a of (17 bp). of Solidaster cv. all bp although each sequence exhibited non-informative basically identical that of ptarmicoides, a single, to 5. polymorphism (position 124 in Solidaster, 36 in ptarmicoides; both A/G). Other than the polymorphic S. ETS from positions, the sequence of canadensis differed those of ptarmicoides only a single position, at S. S. and was no polymorphism sequence Lemore there evidence of in the of Solidaster this position. cv. at and For phylogenetic analysis to assess the placement of ptarmicoides relative to Solidago, the ITS S. ETS sequence data were analyzed together, producing a combined matrix of 1078 bp in which there were 46 potentially parsimony-informative characters and 85 additional variable but parsimony-uninformative The low characters. results of phylogenetic analyses (Fig. 4) reflected the overall levels of divergence in many The providing a poorly resolved tree with relatively low levels of support for branches. results of the parsimony and Bayesian analyses were topologically consistent although the Bayesian tree was more resolved. A was monophyletic group corresponding to clade III of Beck et al. (2004) defined relative to Cuniculotinus LOO 100% and and gramineus Sericocarpus with posterior probability of (Bayesian) (bootstrap), a tortifolius respectively. At the next level of branching there was a large polytomy in the strict consensus tree, within which there was a strongly supported clade formed by the three species of Chrysothamnus, C. scopulorum, and and supported with (LOO; 99%), a variably clade Petradoria Stenotus C. stylosus, C. viscidiflorus (0.97; 57%), and strongly supported clade formed by Chrysoma, and Brintonia 76%). Within the a Solidago, (1.00; last clade, there was a Chrysoma + Brintonia clade (0.79; <50%) that was sister to a Solidago s.s. clade (LOO; 69%). Within the Solidago clade, there was resolution in the consensus tree, with the only bootstrap little s.s. 12 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) Icaacgcgt gaat tcat tg c a ptarmicoides a S. tggtgtga cgcgt canadensis c a a~| S. | tggtgtg caacgcgt Solidaster AAMAAaaAM 80% support greater than multispecific clades going strongly supported canadensis + gigantea for to a S. S. was clade (1.00; 94%); weaker support provided to clades consisting of S. rigida + S. ohiensis (0.99; 64%), 5. + 64%), and arguta + patula <50%). The three samples of ptarmicoides caesia S. riddellii (0.62; S. S. (0.50; S. members were placed in a large polytomy with other of the genus (Fig. Results of the Bayesian analysis 4). 50% provided weak strong support clades that received than bootstrap support, including also to for less and consensus with Solidago/Chrysoma/Brintonia clades not present in the Petradoria/Stenotus (0.94) strict tree: and and Oreochrysum + Tonestus with sequential addition of Lorandersonia Eastwoodia (0.52), (0.76), (0.51), clade combined with the three species of Chrysothamnus These results are completely congruent this (0.60). showing with those presented by Urbatsch (2003) in placing Oligoneuron within Solidago as well as et al. They Chrysoma as a near outgroup to Solidago relative to Sericocarpus. also support the revised classification Chrysothamnus and genera presented by Urbatsch of related et (2005). al. DISCUSSION showed Lemore an hybrid by providing evidence not Molecular data that Solidaster not intergeneric cv. is members show both placed only to identify parents (Figs. 3) but to clearly that are accurately as of its 2, The and Solidago (Figs. combination of Solidago ptarmicoides 5. canadensis as its progenitors fits well 3, 4). & known with what of the origin of Solidaster, and has been proposed previously Brouillet Semple is (e.g., was and 1981). has been clear based on morphology that ptarmicoides one of the parents, S. canadensis 5. It where was was one of the few goldenrod species naturalized near the nursery Solidaster discovered first (Nesom 1993). Although Solidaster does not show complete additivity in morphological features relative to now and (Nesom numerous well documented cases of hybrids ptarmicoides canadensis 1993), there are S. S. more Note exhibit one or seemingly characteristic of their progenitors (Rieseberg 1995). failing to traits and marketed that these results apply specifically to the cultivar Lemore, other material as "Solidaster" (or may common may shops which somewhat morphologies, not have in florists as "Aster"), exhibit different a Laureto and Barkmann comm.) present molecular-based evidence the hybrid origin origin. (2005, pers. for & members of another species, houghtonii Torr. A. Gray ex A. Gray, that involves of sect. Ptarmicoidei S. (5. show and and morphology. Exclusion similarly does not additivity in Triplinerve gigantea), sect. riddellii) (5. ofEuthamiagraminifolia as a potential parent of Solidaster also refutes another potential intergeneric hybrid- (Nesom hypothesis ization 1993). Lemore Schilling et Molecular analysis of Solidaster cv. al., Copy Solidaster 1 0.73/53 1* ptarmicoides S. 2* ptarmicoides S. 3* ptarmicoides S. Copy Solidaster 2 canadensis S. 1 S canadensis 2 1.00/94 canadensis 3 S. gigantea S. S. fistuiosa speciosa S. S. shortii S. rigida* arguta S. caesia S. patula S. 1.00/99 -/59 virgaurea S, | decunens S. 1* S. nitida 2* S. nitida 3* S. nitida ohiensis* $. riddeiiiiV S. 0.99 86 / riddelHH* S. 3* S. riddeilii simplex S. S, flexicauiis juncea S. S. petioiaris nemoralis S. Brintonia discoidea 1 id bootstrap greater than 50%) shown ab anches. Asterisks designate species of Solidago sect. (if Ptarmicoidea (Oligoneuron). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) Solidago canadensis Solidago gigantea Solidago fistuiosa Soiidago sempervirens Solidago shortii Solidago a* id rig Solidago ohiensis* Solidago arguta Solidago patuia Soiidago caesia V Solidago riddel® 2* Solidago riddellii 3* Solidago riddellii Solidago virgaurea 1* Solidago nitida 73/- | 2* Solidago nitida 3* Solidago nitida * Solidago ptarmicoides 1 00/98 I 2* Solidago ptarmicoides cE 0/100 ,0 Brintonia discoidea 1 m 2 Brintonia discoidea Chtysoma paucifloscufosa Petradoria pumila Stenotus acautis Columbiadoria hallii Oreochrysum parryi pygmaeus Tonestus Lorandersonia iinifolia Chrysothamnus scopulorvm Chrysothamnus stylosus gramineus Cuniculotinus Sericocarpus tortifolius 4. Phylogenetic placement of Solidago ptarmicoides relative to Solidago and related genera, based on combined analysis of ITS and ETS data. Shown Fig. is minimum the tree produced by Bayesian analysis (the consensus of 408 length trees a single island, Cl=0.69, Rl=0.85, obtained from parsimony strict in analysis was topological^ similar although with less resolutii and Sericocarpus as outgroups. Support valuesfrom Bayesian and bootstrap (if greater than 50%) shown above branches. Asterisks designate species of Solidago sect. Ptarmicoidea (Oligoneuron). Lemore 15 Molecular analysis of Solidastercv. Schilling etal., ETS The major conclusion from phylogenetic analysis of ITS and sequence data is that there is strong support the inclusion of ptarmicoides within Solidago. Phylogenetic analysis clearly placed in the clade for 5. it ETS and combined) from and sequence other (ITS corresponding differed in total to Solidago s.s (Fig. 4), it members of Solidago by as little as a two bp differences (vs. S. shortii). There was also no support from sequence represented in the data by of six species including ptarmicoides, data to segregate Oligoneuron, set five its S. as a distinct genus; the combined ITS and ETS data in fact placed one of the Oligoneuron species, S. riddellii, with caesia from sect. Solidago, albeit with only weak support (Fig. 3, 4; see asterisks). The sequence data 5. weak and Chrysoma, exclude did, however, provide support for restricting the limits of Solidago to Brintonia although the group formed by inclusion of these genera with Solidago would be monophyletic. These results on by Zhang reproduced Semple 1999) based chloroplast mirror those presented (1986; in et largely al. DNA most and comprehensive taxonomic and provide additional support for the recent restriction data, site & Cook treatment of the abovementioned taxa (Semple 2006). mem- A among ETS was notable aspect of the ITS and sequence data the striking lack of divergence bers of Solidago. By contrast, ITS divergence in Eupatorium L. another genus of Asteraceae with a similar 2-6% bp between (12-43 geographic range and occurrence in old habitats, species differences; field is & from Eutrochium Schmidt Schilling 2000; Schilling 2007); Eupatorium further differentiated Raf., et is al. bp and which are widely treated as congeners, by two indels (loss of a 13 region in Eupatorium addition of 8% minimum (33-61 should be noted a 3 bp region in Eutrochium) in addition to a of bp) divergence. It previous chloroplast RFLP analysis (Zhang 1996) reports a higher level of variation within Solidago, that a These and the resulting phylogeny strongly supports certain previously hypothesized groups. contrasting DNA amount by sequence scored each of phylogenetic signal are best explained the relative of in levels kb study Extrapolating from the values reported in Lane et (1996), approximately 2.5-3 of chloroplast al. was Zhang compared approximately kb ITS/ETS sequence assessed variation in the study, to the 1.1 for RFLP work dataset analyzed here. In addition, previous in Asteraceae indicates that chloroplast datasets can be more informative those from ITS sequence (Morgan 1997). The most obvious possible relative to Other source of the lack of ITS divergence in Solidago that species level divergence is very recent. possible is and homogenization contributing factors include relatively large effective population sizes the potential for through widespread hybridization followed by concerted evolution. Hybridization tradition- interspecific is viewed widespread within (Cronquist and homogenization via concerted evolution as Solidago 1980), ally & Mummenhoff The (Franzke lack of potentially a rapid process following hybridization 1999). relative is which ITS sequence between distantly related congeners, because of geographical differentiation in relatively primary be hybridization network, suggests that the cause considerations are unlikely to part of a larger is may between species recency of divergence. This suggests that the striking ecological differences Solidago and phylogeny have arisen during relatively short periods of time indicates that resolving the of Solidago more and will be a major challenge that will require markers evolving rapidly than ITS ETS. Collections of Solidago and related genera sampled for molecular analyses, with collector and herbarium or literature refer- and GenBank numbers ence ETS). (ITS, Solidago Lemore, 07-06 (TENN), EU1 25353, EU1 25374. Sect. Solidago, Subsect. Argutae, arguta Solidaster Schilling L. cv. 5. Beck481 (MO), EU1 25354, EU eck482 (MO), EU1 25355, EU1 25376. Subsect. Glomeruliferae, Aiton, S. DQ005979. Subsect. Humiles, simplex Kunth, Beck483 (MO), EU1 25356, Kress et 2005, caesia L, El al. 5. DQ005981 Subsect. Maritimae, sempervirens Kress et 2005, DQ005982. Subsect. Juncea, S.juncea Aiton, Kress et 2005, 5. al. al. . Sub- Urbatsch et 2003, AF477668, AF477732. Subsect. Nemorales, nemoralis Aiton, Estes 1521 (TENN), EU1 25357. L, S. al. GenBank Subsect. Solidago, EU1 25358, EU1 25378; decurrens Record, EFT 03140. sect. Lour., virg 5. 5. )), & Noyes Squarrosae, (TENN), EU 25359. Subsect. Thyrsiflorae, petiolaris Aiton, Rieseberg specioi 5. 5. 1 AF477665, AF477729; 3564 (TENN), 1999, AF046968. Subsect. Triplinerve, canadensis L, Urbatsch et 2003, Laferriere S. al. & Beck509 EU125362, EU125379; EU125360, -; Weidon 7/22/81 (TENN), EU125361; gigantea Aiton, (MO), shortiiTon. A. 5. 5. 1 Beck AY523854, Subsect. Venosae, Urbatsch et 2003, AF477666, AF477730. Sect. Gray, et 2004, [submit]. 5. fistuiosa Mill, al. al. Ptarmacoidei (Oligoneuron), ptarmicoides (Torrey & A. Gray) Boivin, Brandt 2603 (MO), EU1 25363, EU1 25380; Dietrich 524 B. S. . 16 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) (MO), EU1 25364, EU1 25381 Anderson M0221, EU1 25365, EU1 25382; nitida Joney & A. Gray, Thomas 141724 (MO), EU1 25366, 5. ; EU125383; Thomas 97470 (MO), EU125367, EU125384; Thomas EU125368, EU125385; 48497 138143, ohiensis Riddell, Krai 5. (MO), EU125369, EU125386; Smith 3617 (MO), EU125370, EU125387; Vogt 506 (MO), EU125371, EU125388; Frank, riddeilii 5. Luges (MO), EU1 25372, EU1 25389; Becket 2004, AY523851, EU1 25390. Brintonia Greene, discoidea rigida L, (Elliott) s.n. 5. al. B. C & Chrysoma Greene, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70930, AY1 69727; Anderson 20021 (MO), EU1 25373, EU1 25391. Nutt, C Chrysothamnus AF47770 paucifloscuiosa (Michx.) Greene, Urbatsch et 2003, AF477637, Nutt., scopulorum (M.E. Jones) al. 1 . & C & Urbatsch, R.R Roberts Neubig, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70956, AY1 69753; styiosus (Eastwood) Urbatsch, Roberts R.P. & & & Neubig, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70973, AY1 69770.C Nutt, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70947, AY1 69744. viscidiflorus C & Columbiadoria G.L Nesom, Gray) G.L Nesom, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70948, AY1 69745. Cuniculotinus hallii (A. C & & & Urbatsch, Roberts Neubig, gramineus M. Urbatsch, Roberts Neubig, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70936, (H. Hall) R.R R.P. Eastwoodia £ & Lorandersonia AY1 69733. Brandegee, elegans Brandegee, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70949, AY1 69746. & & & Urbatsch, R.R Roberts Neubig, L (Greene) Urbatsch, Roberts Neubig, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70936, tinifolia R.P. Oreochrysum & AY1 69737. Rydb., parryi Rydb., Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70958, AY1 69755. Petradoria Greene, P.pumila O. & Greene, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70959, AY1 69756. Sericocarpus Nees, Nees, Urbatsch 2003, AF477664, et tortifoiius 5. al. & Tpygmaeus AF477728. Stenotus Nutt, acaulis Nutt., Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70960, AY1 69757. Tonestus A. Nelson, S. & Nelson, Roberts Urbatsch 2003, AY1 70972, AY1 69769. A. Nesom The thank and and and Semple authors G. Beattie, Heise, Miller for technical support, G. for P. J. J. comments Fund helpful on the manuscript. Financial support from the L.R. 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