Moir´e patterns on STM images of graphite from surface and subsurface rotated layer Marcos Flores1, Patricio Vargas2, and Eduardo Cisternas3∗ 1Departamento de F´ısica, FCFM, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 2Departamento de F´ısica, Universidad T´ecnica Federico Santa Mar´ıa, Valpara´ıso, Chile and 3Departamento de Ciencias F´ısicas, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile, WehaveobservedwithSTMmoir´epatternscorrespondingtotherotationofonegraphenelayeron HOPG surfaces. The moir´e pattern domains were characterized by rotation angle and extension in theplane. Additionally, byidentifyingtheborderdomainanddefectswecandiscriminatebetween moir´e patterns due to rotation on the surface or subsurface layers. For a better understanding of moir´epatternformationwehavestudied,fromatheoreticalpointofview,anarrayofthreegraphene 2 layers where the top or middle layer appears rotated around the stacking axis. By applying first- 1 principles total-energy electronic structure calculations to this array we obtain the spatial charge 0 density and its corresponding STM image. We compare the experimental and theoretical results 2 and show the strong influence of rotations both in surface and subsurface layers for moir´e pattern b formations in HOPG STM images. e F PACSnumbers: 68.37.Ef,71.15.Mb,73.22.Pr 7 The carbon structures have attracted a lot of inter- superstructures [9], and although it is also based on the ] l est from several groups. At first, a few decades ago and moir´e patterns, it considers results from first-principles l a from the fundamental point of view, the STM observa- calculations[17]toshowthatcurrentdensitymaximaare h tion of the HOPG surface with atomic resolution was overregionswithahighconcentrationofatomsintheα- - s reached even at under different experimental conditions type sites. Recently, and in favour of this explanation, it e [1–3]. Notwithstanding, a conclusive explanation for the wasshownfromabinitioandtight-bindingcombinedcal- m observedtriangularand/orhoneycombsurfacelatticehas culation [18], that for small rotation angle (θ < 3◦), the . t yet to be reached [4–7]. In the nineties the research on electrons with energy close to Dirac point are localized a carbon structures shifted the attention to the superlat- in α-type sites. m tices [8–10], and recently these fields were reactivated by In this paper we present experimental evidence of the - d thepossibilityofgettingasingleandmultigraphenelayer observation of moir´e patterns induced by the rotation of n islands onto different substrates such as: Palladium [11], both: top surface and subsurface graphene layers. Thus, o Iridium [12], Ruthenium [13], Copper [14], or Platinum by identifying border domains and defects, we can dis- c [ [15]. criminate between moir´e patterns resulting from layer rotation on the top surface from those caused by a sub- 1 Allthehypothesestoexplainthesuperstructureshave surfacelayerrotation,andwecancomparetheoscillation v to do with rotational moir´e patterns resulting from the amplitude of the associated line profiles. 4 overlap between a missoriented top graphene layer and 4 theunderlyingsinglegraphitecrystal. Thisideawasfirst The experiments were performed using an STM from 3 proposed by Kuwabara et al. [8], but it became stronger Omicron running at atmospheric pressure. The samples 1 . when Xhie et al. [10] showed experimental evidence in were peeled off using an adhesive tape in air. The STM 2 its favour and suggested an explanation based on the images were collected at room temperature in both con- 0 2 theory of STM image formation for HOPG surfaces [16]. stant current and constant height mode using PtIr tips. 1 Accordingtothistheoryonlycarbonatomslocatedinβ- Thebiasvoltagesrefertotheappliedsamplebias, which : typesites(theseatomshavenoneighborsintheadjacent correspondstothefilled-states. Everyimagewasscanned v i layers) are visible for the STM, because they present a from bottom-to-top. The images were flattened to cor- X local density of states (LDOS) larger than those atoms rect the sample tilting and filtered with smooth filters. r located in the α-type sites (which have neighbors in the In Fig. 1 we show two topographic-STM images with a layersaboveandbelow). Arotationinthetoplayerthen atomic resolution taken on two different regions of the produces regions with different concentrations of atoms same sample: in (a) no moir´e pattern is observed, while intheβ-typesites,andthoseregionswheresuchconcen- in(b)itappearsclearly. Intheregionwithoutthemoir´e trations are larger will appear brighter at the STM tip. pattern the standard HOPG image is reproduced, where However,somepointsstillremaincontroversial. Because only one lattice site is observed. The corresponding line it is widely accepted that STM can only render images profilealongAB,Figure1(c),showsanoscillationampli- of the surface of a solid, consequently, a relative rotation tudearound0.8˚A.Ontheotherhand,intheregionwith between the top layer and the underlying graphite could the moir´e pattern a triangular pattern superimposed at not be shown directly in the corresponding STM image. the atomic resolution is easily identifiable. This resem- Then again, there is an alternative explanation for the bles giant atoms ordered in a triangular superstructure, 2 Figure1: STMimagesofanHOPGsampleshowingtheusual Figure2: (a)SimultaneousSTMobservationofavoidandof resolution (a) and a moir´e pattern (b). Line profiles were amoir´epatternontheHOPG(0001)surface. (b)and(c)line performed along AB in both cases and are shown in (c) and profiles along segments LP1 and LP2 highlighted on (a). (d) respectively. results with STM experimental data, we introduce ra- with a corresponding line profile that has an amplitude dio tip effects by performing a lateral smoothing on the of oscillation of around 1.3 ˚A [See Figure 1(d)]. Also, in generated images. This lateral smoothing consists of a these oscillations we can observe the small peaks associ- window average of the tunneling current density around ated to the atomic positions. a neighboring region. Our results are restricted to the In a given zone in the region with the moir´e pattern, filled states of the sample and consequently can only be we also identified a defect, a void, which provides the compared with those experimental data in which the tip chance to observe the subsurface layer (see Fig. 2). In- was biased positively with respect to the surface. Fur- side this void we also observe the moir´e pattern, wich ther details about these calculations can be found else- indicates that the subsurface graphene layer is proba- where[6,24]. Specifically,themodelconsistsofarepeat- bly rotated with respect to the HOPG, while the surface ing three layer graphene slab, with 14 ˚A of separation layer is not. Additionally, other experimental evidence between adjacent slabs to avoid electronic overlapping. comesfromcomparinglineprofilesinsidethevoid(LP1) Each slab presents a Bernal stacking sequence, and the with those and on the top surface (LP2): the line profile central layer was rotated by 21.8◦. This particular angle amplitude is higher inside the void. producesacommensurablesuperstructure[25]composed Inordertoprobetheideathatthesubsurfacelayercan of 42 carbon atoms. Figure 3(a) shows an upper view of also produce moir´e patterns, we calculated STM images the resulting supercell while Figure 3(b) shows an upper for a surface model presenting a rotation in a subsurface view of the structure expanded by the supercell. Note layer. For this task we have performed first-principles that the top and bottom layers of our three-layer slab total-energyelectronicstructurecalculations[19,20]and model are superimposed and the middle layer rotation thereby obtained the spatial charge density. The elec- was performed on an α-site. tronicdensityofthesurfaceretainingitsinhomogeneities Figure 4 shows three calculated STM images for 1.0 was described by performing detailed calculations of the V bias voltage at three different values for the tip to graphene system. This description is based on the ab sample distances: 1.0 ˚A (left), 2.0 ˚A (middle), and 3.0 initio linearmuffin-tinorbital(LMTO)method,whichis ˚A(right). Brilliant (dark) regions represent high (low) discussed elsewhere [21]. We calculate charge density on tunneling current density. an energy window [E −e|V|,E ] (E being the Fermi In all these calculated STM images we can identify a F f f Energy)andobtainedavalueproportionaltothecurrent superstructure with a periodicity of 6.5 ˚A. density detected by the STM tip when it scans the sur- Inaddition,weobserveashiftingofthedensitycurrent face in constant height mode [22, 23]. To compare our maxima as was predicted before in the case of surface 3 Figure 3: (Color online)(a) Ball and stick model for the up- Figure 5: Calculated line profiles for a three layer graphene per view of the supercell unit employed to perform calcula- array with the top layer rotated (a) and with the subsurface tions. (b) Superstructure expanded by the supercell. Atoms layer rotated (b). from the top layer appear in blue, just over the atoms from the bottom layer. Atoms from the middle layer were painted green. band looks like a monolayer graphene band 5(b). In the preceding case, the middle layer contributes with a simi- layer rotation and was experimentally corroborated by lar band shifted in the direction of increasing energy. Of Miller et al. [26] course a rotation in the upper layer [Fig. (6(c)] lifts the band degeneration, and the interlayer interaction opens noticeable gaps among the bands. Figure 4: (Color online) Calculated STM images for 1.0 [V] bias voltage at three different tip-to-surface distances (con- stant height mode): 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 ˚A, from left to right. Brilliant (dark) regions correspond to high (low) tunneling current density. The highlighted diagonal line indicates the segment along which the profile in Fig. 5(b) was obtained. A line profile was performed along the segment indi- cated on the calculated STM image for 3.0 ˚A as tip- surface distance [Fig. 4(right)]. For a comparative anal- ysis,wehaveplottedsuchalineprofileinFig. 5(b),while in Fig. 5(a) we have reproduced the line profile obtained at the same tip-to-surface distance and bias voltage for Figure6: Bandstructureforthethreelayergraphenearrayin an array of three graphene layers with the same misori- the usual AB stacking sequence (a), and for a 21.8◦ rotation in the middle (b) and in the upper (c) layers. entation angle, but in the surface layer [24]. Clearly, the oscillation amplitude associated to the surface layer ro- tationislargerthanthatassociatedtoasubsurfacelayer To understand the images obtained by STM, it is use- rotation, thus coinciding with the experimental findings. ful to identify each layer’s contribution to the current Figure 6(a) shows the band structure for the three detected by the STM tip. In this way, a fatband analy- layergraphenesystemintheusualABstackingsequence. sis for the three cases was performed and is presented in Meanwhile, Figs. 6(b) and (c) correspond to the cases Figure 7. On one side, the contribution of the top atoms when rotations were performed on the middle and up- to the band structure is presented in Figure 7(a) for the per layers, respectively. By comparing these structures graphenelayersintheusualABstacking,whilein(b)and it is possible to identify the bands origin and the effect (c) for the cases presenting rotation in the middle (sub- of the corresponding layer rotation. Thus, the degener- surface) and top layers. respectively. On the other side, ated band near the Fermi Level in 6(a) comes from the the corresponding contribution of the subsurface atoms upper and bottom layers, while the single band comes (middle layer) are show in (d), (e) and (f). from the middle one. So, a rotation in the middle layer ThestatesthatcontributetotheSTMimageslieinthe changes the interlayer interaction and the degenerated energywindow[E ,E −eV ]. Withthatinmind,the F F bias 4 Thirdly,ifthesurfacelayerhasexperiencedtherotation, several VHS appear which have contributions from both layers. Clearly in this case there are tunneling current intensity maxima, which are revealed in the pronounced rugosity of the corresponding line profiles. Experimental evidenceabouttheVHSonsuperstructureshasappeared recently [27]. We experimentally observed the formation of moir´e patterns on HOPG surfaces. These patterns originate from the rotation of a graphene layer. We identified zones where the rotated layer is the surface layer and zones where the rotated layer is a subsurface one. This is evidenced by comparing the oscillation amplitude in the super-periodicity, which is lower when a subsurface layer rotates. The calculation of the corresponding STM images agrees with the experimental observation. This work was partially supported by Universidad de La Frontera, under Project DI11-0012. P.V. ac- knowledges the financial help from Fondecyt, grant: 1100508 and from USM, internal grant. Computer time was provided by Centro de Modelaci´on y Computaci´on Cient´ıfica, Universidad de La Frontera. ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] [1] G. Binning et al., Europhys. Lett. 1, 31 (1986). [2] S.-I. Park et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 46, 832 (1986). [3] R. Sonnenfeld et al., Science 232, 211 (1986). [4] S. Hembacher et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 12539 (2003). 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