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Preview Module I Lessons 1-8.pdf - Live Lingua

RUSSIAN REFRESHER COURSE Module | Lessons 1-8 JUNE 1984 DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER PREFACE The Defense Language Jnstilule Rusclan Rorresher is a six week, insteuctor-driven coutse Lhat is dasignud for the student whe has completed an intensive year of Busslan. .che objective of the course is to remind the student of those structural features which ho/she theoretically knows. as well as to roinforce the skills of listening comprehension. reading compretiensiun, aad speaking. Bach of the twenty-tour lessons (three modules) comprising tne course contains the following components: Granmar. The objective of this component is te review brietiy the basie principles of Russian morphology and syntax. mules nf formation and ugage ara stated in both narrative aud tabular formals. An application section drilling the given grammatical topics completes tho corpenent. ‘The obJeetiva of tnis component is the review automarizalion of conversational formulas in their appropriate register as woll as the reinforcement of tte oral made of communication. Each component containa a tabolac Presentation of language functions, an interpreter exerciss, apa a section devoted to oxtemporaneous conversation. The (iret two parte are followed by a variety of exetcices Listaning conprehe: The objective of this compozent is the reinforcement. of auditory memory and the refinement. of tbe skill of listening comprehension. Fach component contains the following goctiens: radiagrans, number extraction, rapid tire Grill, and 3 dictation Homework. The objective of this component ts the relaforcement of the skills f reading cenprenension and teangbation. Part I consists of a sentence level English to Rusclan traoglation; Part J] of @ text level Russian to English translation. Translation. The objective of this component is the feinforcement of the skill of reading comprehension theough the technique of texlual analysis, Activities consist of an analysia and diecuselon of the translarions done tor homework, practice in decoding meseages cn the basis of context, and a topioal discvesion in Ruesian Compeshenate: Tha objective of this component i¢. ent and further development of the skills of listening comprehension and epeaking. Activities include: a dictation, extraction of the essential elenents of information from aurai stimuli, a simulated interrogation, practice in cireunlocution, topical discussions and reports on current events. Assuming that two hours are epent on homework, the eight learning hours per day are roughly distributed as follows: GQrannar/Trans lation, 3 bre. Ligtening Comprehension. 2 hrs. Speaking. 2 ure. Reading Comprehension. bar. ‘The Russian Refresher draws the vocabulary tor active production from the lexical inventory of Phases T-13T of the DLIFLe Russian course, There are no lexical constraints far passive activities. Thenatically, the Russian Refresher addresses equally situations requiring general language usage and those of a military natuze. General Language: “Grammar. Conversation, and the second half omprehension/Conmunication.. ig Comprehension, Homework. and the first pact of on/Communication- Mditasy: The material and taske in the Russian Refresher reflect a range of proficiency levels from 1-3 for the skills of listening, raading and speaking, and a 1-1+ for writing. CONTENTS Lesson ly ee ee ee Gramac se Principal Parts of a Sentence . The Shuple Predicate - 2. + Tae Compound Predicate 7 tt Functions o£ the foninative Gaze” Farms of the Soninative Case application vr er ss eee conversation 26. ee eee Greetings and Farewells... + Listening Compreliension . . 6. - + Honework vee ee Peanslation soll tp te Conprehension and Cotminication ©! Mensa 22 ee ee Secondary Parts of a Sentence the Object + ee ee tre Ateribote ¢ 21 bt Raverbial sodifiers 222021 application... ef ers conversation eee eee indtiating a Couversation . . Fors of nddrese in che USAR) Listentng Comprehension... Tomework see et ee qranstasion 21 ltt tes Comprehension and Comminication kegeon 3. pp es Grammar se ee antraduction to Verbs. + + « The fefinitive ol lee vezeonal (conjugated) Forms « peculiarities in Personal Forme whe Imperative see ee eee application ss 1b) ble convareation . 0 ee eee Names and Forms of Address. contents Contents Teseon 3. (continued) fastening Comprehension oe. ee ee eR Hovevork ee TDD DDI ag é wanslation S222 2 DDT IID as Comprehension and Gomimiestion DDSI I III I ID a nesson 2. ee bee : ve 83 Grammae e e ee eee d Introduction lo Aspect 2. Le ee 8d The Imperfociive Aspect | | ra arars) vhe seriective zapect 2 2 DDD DDT a5 bermmiaing whiek Aapacl so Je 1D DDD ak whe I1perfective Past Tense) ) 21s Lag ‘he Portertive Past Toase 2 1) TDD 83 he 2ertective Futures. 2 2 TDD 35 Regatioa and che Futuco Tense P21) DDT abe fypliestion sey tele OL conversation ve ee 106 Engriving aboal. and Expressing Somes... 2 cae Inteodugliens se ee DDD DD ine Homework DIT ii lt a Translation S222 Ip PPP iii ue Conpretension and Conmnicalion 2222 22D) 2 DDD: ie Wesson Se ee eee ts QO ee ee 1G Entroguction te verbs ef Mekion ee ee 108 Presized verbs of Motion 2. 11 TDLID Tg Trassxos and Case coverpment 212 222 222 go Application. ssl. ee. SDI T ID awersALLON ve ee ee hetending Tavilations » 6s. 2)... ee. 158 Cashaniag Conpreonsicn pee ee ee +130 Horework oe DIDI DED ILI oad Translation 21 DP DDD PD iit Ves Comprehension and Conmnicacion |)! peat bid ag consents Contunts Lesson 6 ee DBE Tairoduction to the Ay?o: Real Gonditiot vee ee te ete conracy to Fact Conditions | Pibiiiis Bddilional Constructions ws aa 1 DDD Dt The conjagation WC... ee ee Application. ss cee geaking Lirections . 240-2 eee Lieleniag Comprehuusion . 2 ee ee ee LSE Homeworks ove eet te eee ee Le Translation». lll eee dae Comprenonsion and comumication 222 2.02220 ia lesson Te ee ee ee eee Grammar. ee 1TH Intvoduction to Participles = 22 eee es Le Past Passive Parzicizlos - 1, lll ll tee LTS Formation of Paz Passive Sarticiplos 11 122. lao active Participles . 2. ss Serena Ts Fornation of active Participles | DDD I aa Tntvoduetion to Verbal adverbs 2 22 DD 12 ue Inpceloctive Yarbal adverbs.) 0 012 Dl LES erfecvive Verbal Advorbs . 0] 20220202 tea Formation of Veraal Advorbs |]. l ltt iba coms vorsation eee ee ee ee TOU umpreseice Intention aud Offering Suggestions... iyo sielening Gompechonsion 6. ee ee ee cus foneworks vp ee ee eee 198 Teanslation v2 11D pay yi iit 2an Gouprehension and Coawunieation 11D D 002202 202 Tesson 8 ee ee ee ee ee 208 Qremar se ee 2 Summary of Hood se ee ee ee Sumacy of vain 1 IIIT; Pippi iii Summary 02 Rapest | 1 tee fit Sone? of Motion verbs 11D DD PDD DDI conversation 2b ee eee sopressing use, Wishes, and Desires... se content Lesson 8 (continuea) Listening comprehension . . Homework ee translation >). 11D 11 Comprehension and Conmanication contents ++ 220 Dl 3bs Dl 235 Li 32n LESSON 1 2 GRAMMAR Seeilon Que: the Prinetpi Sq sentence The principal parts of a senterce are the subject and the predicate, I. The Subjeut The subject is grarmatically independent of any other part of the Senterce, The subject often denotes the performer of an action ar the person, place or thing spoken about, The subject answers the question xio7? (who) and 70? (wha2). kre, weraer ravery! Kamuran wuract razeay. TO slummr 4a crome? Ha Crone lesa nage! In Russian, the subject is usually identifiante as being a noun, pronuun, adjectival noun, paztieiple, ar numeral in the NOMINATIVE CASH. Yee Ona npmana aoppet. Cronopan Hexomurcn na Propom etaxs, Yuamuect moro sauuuaarse, ‘Taw tino wecrs venoner.

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