Modulation of the Intrinsic Properties of Alzheimer’s Amyloid Beta Peptide with Nanosurfaces and Chemical Modifications: A Computational Approach Thesis Submitted to AcSIR for the Award of the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Chemical Sciences By Mr. Asis Kumar Jana Registration Number: 10CC11A26003 Under the guidance of Dr. Neelanjana Sengupta Physical Chemistry Division CSIR- National Chemical Laboratory, Pune - 411008, India May 2016 Certificate This is to certify that the work incorporated in this Ph.D. thesis entitled Modulation of the Intrinsic Properties of Alzheimer’s Amyloid Beta Peptide with Nanosurfaces and Chemical Modifications: A Computational Approach submitted by Mr. Asis Kumar Jana to Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Sciences, embodies original research work under my supervision. I further certify that this work has not been submitted to any other University or Institution in part or full for the award of any degree or diploma. Research material obtained from other sources has been duly acknowledged in the thesis. Any text, illustration, table etc., used in the thesis from other sources, have been duly cited and acknowledged. Asis Kumar Jana Dr. Neelanjana Sengupta (Student) (Supervisor) Date: Place: Pune Declaration I hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Modulation of the Intrinsic Properties of Alzheimer’s Amyloid Beta Peptide with Nanosurfaces and Chemical Modifications: A Computational Approach” submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Sciences to the Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), has been carried out by me at the Physical and Materials Chemistry Division of CSIR- National Chemical Laboratory, Pune under the guidance of Dr. Neelanjana Sengupta. Such material as has been obtained by other sources has been duly acknowledged in this thesis. The work is original and has not been submitted in part or full by me for any other degree or diploma to any other Institution or University. Date: Research Student CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Mr. Asis Kumar Jana Pune - 411008 Dedicated to My Beloved Parents and AratiMa Acknowledgements During my PhD tenure at CSIR-National chemical laboratory, I have been supported, inspired and accompanied by many people like scientists, friends, non-academic staffs etc. It gives me great privilege to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for all of them. First of all, I would like to thank my teacher and research advisor Dr. Neelanjana Sengupta for excellent guidance, incessant encouragement and positive criticism in every respect at all phases of research career. I consider himself extremely fortunate to have a supervisor who not only guided me how to do research and think independently but also taught me discipline, professionalism and shown unique ways to reach goals. I must say, without her help it was not possible for me to complete my research work in time. I am thankful to UGC for awarding junior and senior research fellowship. I owe a special debt to Dr. Mahesh J. Kulkarni and Dr. Ruchi Anand (IIT, Bombay) and their research groups especially to Sneha Bansode, Kedar and Hussain (IIT, Bombay) for giving me the opportunity to extend computational support in their experimental studies and enriching scientific discussions. I would like to pay special thanks to Dr. Bishwajit Maiti (Banaras Hindu University) for his support regarding quantum calculations. I owe to thank Dr. Sarika Maitra Bhattacharyya, Dr. T. G. Ajithkumar, Dr. Kumar Vanka, Dr. Durba Sengupta and Dr. Kavita Joshi who taught me during my course work in NCL. I also thank Dr. Srabanti Chaudhury (IISER, Pune) for appearing my UGC upgradation seminar. I thank Prof. Ashwini Nangia, Director, NCL, Dr. Vijaymohanan, Dr. P. A. Joy, Head, Division of Physical Chemistry and Dr. Anil Kumar (Former HoDs, Physical Chemistry Division) for giving me the opportunity to perform research work in NCL, Pune and providing all necessary facilities and infrastructures. Among the non-academic staffs I am thankful to Ms. Purnima Kolhe, Ms. Deepa Puranik, Ms. Vaishali Suryawansi and others from SAC office for their help and support for various documentations during my PhD. I am also thankful to Parag and Rahul for their kind help in cluster management. Special thanks to my teachers who guided me in my school and graduation because of whom I learnt a lot. I thank my labmates Savan, Jaya and Sneha for their help. Especially I am very thankful to my roommate Anjani Dubey and closest friend Ashok Kumar who encouraged and supported me in every stages of my research career. I am grateful to Turbasu Sengupta for generously helping me to make schematic pictures and presentations and overcoming technical problems. Sincere thanks to Deepak Kumar, Sushma, Santhi Vardhan, Devadutta, Sabadi, Dar Manzoor, Sadhu Sir, Sharath, Tushar, Laxmiprasad, Bishnu, Yadagiri, Krunal, Xavier, Rakesh, Brijesh, Kundan, Jugal and Yuvraj for their constant support and help. I am also thankful to Mrityunjay Tiwari for his help during quantum calculations. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to my parents for their unending support and sacrifices they have made in raising me to this level. I would also specially thank ‘Aratima’ for her love and care that she had showered upon me since my childhood days. I want to acknowledge my mashi ‘Kalpana’ for her love and care. Final respects and thanks to “God Almighty” for his enormous love and blessings. Asis Kumar Jana Contents Abstract vi Abbreviations x List of Publications xii 1. General Introduction 1.1. Protein Folding 3 1.2. Intrinsically Disordered Proteins 5 1.2.1. The Aβ Peptide 7 1.2.2. Aβ Self-Assembly 10 1.2.3. Influence of Nanomaterials on Aβ Aggregation 12 1.3. Motivation and Outline of Thesis 13 1.4. References 14 2. Molecular Dynamics Simulations: A Brief Overview 2.1. Molecular Dynamics for Macromolecular Systems 22 2.2. Atomistic Force Fields 22 2.3. Equations of Motion 25 2.4. Thermodynamic State Control 26 2.4.1. Temperature Control 27 2.4.2. Pressure Control 28 2.5 Periodic Boundary Conditions 29 2.6 References 31 i 3. Adsorption Mechanism and Collapse Propensities of the Full-Length, Monomeric Aβ1-42 on the Surface of a Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study 3.1. Introduction 35 3.2. Materials and Methods 38 3.2.1. Setup of Peptide-SWCNT Complexes 38 3.2.2. MD Simulations and Free Energy Calculations 39 3.3. Results and Discussion 40 3.3.1. Peptide Adsorption on the SWCNT Surface 40 3.3.2. Peptide-Nanotube Interaction Energies 43 3.3.3. Propensity of Peptide Collapse 45 3.4. Conclusion 48 3.5. References 49 4. Critical Roles of Key Domains in Complete Adsorption of Aβ Peptide on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Insights with Point Mutations and MD Simulations. 4.1. Introduction 55 4.2. Materials and Methods 58 4.2.1. System Setups 58 4.2.2. MD Simulations 59 4.2.3. Adaptive Biasing Force Calculations 59 4.3. Results 60 4.3.1. Effect of F19I and F19Y Mutations on Peptide’s 60 Intrinsic Collapse and Adsorption on SWCNT Surface Effect of F19I and F19Y Mutations on 60 ii Monomeric Compactification Complete Adsorption on SWCNT: Role of 64 N-terminal Domains Competition Between the Collapse and the 68 Adsorption Processes Decoupling the Roles of Hydrophobicity and 69 -Stacking in the Adsorption Process 4.3.2. Effect of F19A Mutations on Peptide’s Intrinsic 72 Collapse and Adsorption on SWCNT Surface Effect of F19A Mutation on Free Peptide 72 Collapse Propensity for SWCNT Adsorption 74 Post Adsorption Peptide Collapse in NT2A 76 Enhanced Movement on Nanotube Surface 78 Arising from Weakened Tethering of HP1 in NT2A Dewetting Effects in Free and Surface 81 Induced Collapse 4.4. Discussion and Conclusion 83 4.5. References 85 5. Competition between Aβ Self-Association and Adsorption on the Hydrophobic SWCNT Surface: A Molecular Dynamics Study 5.1. Introduction 91 5.2. Methods 92 5.2.1. General Simulation Protocol 92 5.2.2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 93 iii 5.2.3. Aβ Monomer 93 5.2.4. Adaptive Biasing Force (ABF) Free Energy 94 Calculations 5.3. Results and Discussion 95 5.3.1. Spontaneous Small Oligomeric Assembly 95 5.3.2. SWCNT Surface Adsorption Competes with 96 Inherent Self-Assembly 5.3.3. Growth Potential of Oligomers Immobilized on the 98 Nanosurface 5.4. Summary and Conclusion 100 5.5. References 101 6. Unraveling Origins of the Heterogeneous Curvature Dependence of Polypeptide Interactions with Carbon Nanostructures 6.1. Introduction 108 6.2. Methods 110 6.2.1. MD Simulations 110 6.2.2. Trajectory Analyses 112 6.2.3. DFT Methods 113 6.3. Results 115 6.3.1. Surface Curvature Dependence of Protein 115 Adsorption 6.3.2. Curvature Dependence of Binding Free Energy 118 6.3.3. Insights from DFT Calculations 119 6.3.4. Interaction of Aromatic Residues with CNS 120 6.3.5. Interaction of Non-polar Aliphatic Residues with 123 CNS iv