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Noname manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Modifying continuous-time random walks to model finite-size particle diffusion in granular porous media Shahar Amitai · Raphael Blumenfeld 6 1 0 2 c e Received:date/Accepted:date D 5 Abstract Thecontinuous-timerandomwalk(CTRW) good agreement with the simulated diffusion process. model is useful for alleviating the computational bur- We also present a method to obtain P and P directly ] l t h den of simulating diffusion in actual media. In prin- fromtheporoussample,withouthavingtosimulatean c ciple, isotropic CTRW only requires knowledge of the actualdiffusionprocess.ThisextendstheuseofCTRW, e m step-size, P , and waiting-time, P , distributions of the withallitsadvantages,tomodellingdiffusionprocesses l t random walk in the medium and it then generates pre- of finite-size particles in such confined geometries. - at sumablyequivalentwalksinfreespace,whicharemuch Keywords Anomalous diffusion · Granular pore t faster. Here we test the usefulness of CTRW to mod- s space · Continuous-time random walk · Anisotropy . ellingdiffusionoffinite-sizeparticlesinporousmedium t a generatedbyloosegranularpacks.Thisisdonebyfirst m simulatingthediffusionprocessinamodelporousmedium 1 Introduction - of mean coordination number, which corresponds to d n marginal rigidity (the loosest possible structure), com- Diffusionplaysakeyroleinawiderangeofnaturaland o putingtheresultingdistributionsPlandPtasfunctions technological processes. A textbook modelling of such c of the particle size, and then using these as input for a processesistheconsiderationofthediffusionofasingle [ freespaceCTRW.TheCTRWwalksarethencompared memory-free particlein a givenmedium. The natureof 5 to the ones simulated in the actual media. such a random walk is governed by three probability v Inparticular,westudythenormal-to-anomaloustran- densityfunctions(PDFs):ofthestepsize,P (l );ofthe 8 l i 9 sition of the diffusion as a function of increasing par- stepdirection,P (nˆ );andofthewaitingtimebetween n i 9 ticle size. We find that, given the same Pl and Pt for steps,Pt(ti).ThesePDFsare,inprinciple,positionde- 3 the simulation and the CTRW, the latter predicts in- pendent, but it is standard practice to derive (or pos- 0 correctly the size at which the transition occurs. We tulate) them assuming position-independence and that . 1 show that the discrepancy is related to the dependence P (nˆ ) is uniform. The diffusion is then modelled as a 0 n i oftheeffectiveconnectivityoftheporousmediaonthe continuous-time random walk (CTRW) in free space. 5 1 diffusing particle size, which is not captured simply by Specifically, the CTRW is constructed by adding vec- : these distributions. tors of uniformly random orientations, whose lengths v i WeproposeacorrectingmodificationtotheCTRW are chosen from Pl, at time intervals chosen from Pt. X model – adding anisotropy – and show that it yields Averagingoversufficientlymanysuchindependentpro- r cesses, the dependence of the mean square distance a ShaharAmitai (MSD)ontimesatisfies(cid:104)x2(cid:105)=Dtα.Innormaldiffusion ESE,ImperialCollegeLondon,LondonSW72AZ, UK α = 1 and D is the standard diffusion coefficient. But E-mail:s.amitai13@imperial.ac.uk when P and/or P are very wide, the diffusion might l t RaphaelBlumenfeld become anomalous (α(cid:54)=1). In particular, when P has ESE,ImperialCollegeLondon,LondonSW72AZ, UK t a slowly decaying algebraic tail and P does not, the CollegeofScience, NUDT,Changsha,Hunan,China l CavendishLaboratory,JJThomsonAvenue,CambridgeCB3 random walk is sub-diffusive (α < 1) [1, 2]. Alterna- 0HE,UK tively, if P has a slowly decaying algebraic tail and P l t 2 ShaharAmitai,RaphaelBlumenfeld does not, the random walk is super-diffusive (α > 1), that the CTRW yields the same universality class as resembling a L´evy flight [3]. Diffusion processes that the diffusion in the confined geometry. have the same value of α are said to be in the same The first aim of this paper is to demonstrate that universality class [4]. thisdoesnotapplywhenthesizeofthediffusingparti- cleiscomparabletothroatsizes.Wedosobyanalysing Anomalousdiffusioncanarisefromdifferentsources, trajectories of individual particles diffusing in a porous whichcanonlybeidentifiedbygoingbeyondtheMSD. sampleandshowstatisticaldeviationsfromCTRWpre- Whensingleparticletrackingispossible,themovement dictions. We also compare these simulations with an canbeevaluatedbythetime-averagedMSD(TAMSD), equivalent CTRW model. We show that the effective δ2(t,T) [5].While the MSD is the ensemble average of change in the medium’s connectivity with varying par- the squared distance, made during a time interval t, ticle size affects directly the nature and universality over different realisations, the TAMSD, δ2(t,T), is the class of the diffusion process. We conclude that the average of the same quantity along a single trajectory sub-diffusion is the result of CTRW on a percolation of length T. Within the model of sub-diffusive CTRW, cluster. Indeed, a combination of underlying mecha- the TAMSD satisfies (cid:104)δ2(cid:105) ∼ t·Tα−1, where the angu- nisms, leading to sub-diffusion, has also been observed lar brackets denote a further ensemble average. In con- in [12, 13, 14, 15]. trast, the MSD is sub-linear in t, which makes CTRW Thesecondaimofthepaperistoproposeamethod non-ergodic – the time-average and ensemble-average tocorrectforthetopologicaleffect,whichmakesitpos- differ. In particular, the dependence of the TAMSD on sible to still use CTRW, with its advantages, to model T points to the ageing nature of CTRW [5]. diffusion of any finite size particle in confined geome- Akeyfeatureofsub-diffusiveCTRWistherandom- tries. To maximise the range of validity of our results ness of its TAMSD. Since P is scale free, the longest t (see discussion below), we consider very high porosity waitingtimeseachindividualtrajectoryencountersvary porousmedia.Thesecorrespondtomarginallyrigidas- significantly, as do the amplitudes of the individual semblies of frictional particles, whose mean coordina- TAMSDs. To quantify this, we define the amplitude tion number is four [16]. The least confined of these scatter, ξ =δ2/(cid:104)δ2(cid:105). For ergodic processes (e.g. α=1) are model systems whose each particle has exactly four its PDF is P(ξ) = δ(ξ − 1) for sufficiently long tra- contacts. jectory times. But within CTRW this PDF broadens The structure of this paper is the following. In sec- as α decreases. Defining the ergodicity breaking (EB) tion 2 we describe the simulated porous samples. In parameter, EB=(cid:104)ξ2(cid:105)−(cid:104)ξ(cid:105)2, it can be derived analyt- section 3 we describe the diffusion process, and dis- ically for CTRW processes as a monotonically decreas- cuss the effects of particle size. We perform statistical ing function of α. analysis of the particle trajectories and show disagree- Anothercauseforsub-diffusioniswalkinginafractal- ments with some predictions of the CTRW model. In like environment [6, 7]. Such environment is charac- section4wedescribetheequivalentCTRWsimulations terised by a network of narrow passages and dead ends andshowthattheyyielddifferentbehaviourinspiteof atdifferentlengthscales,whichhinderthewalk.Unlike havingthesamestep-lengthandwaiting-timedistribu- CTRW,thisprocessisstationaryandthereforeergodic. tions. We propose an explanation for this discrepancy. TheTAMSD,liketheMSD,issub-linearint,indepen- In section 5 we propose a modification to the conven- dent of T and its EB parameter vanishes. tional CTRW model to alleviate this problem, making itmoresuitableformodellingdiffusionoffinitesizepar- UsingCTRWtomodeldiffusioninconfinedgeome- ticles in confined geometries. We conclude in section 6 tries, such as porous media formed by either sintered with a discussion of the results. orunconsolidatedgranular materials,isvery attractive [8, 9, 10, 11] because it alleviates the need to simu- late directly the dynamics of particles within the pore 2 The porous sample space,reducingsignificantlythecomputationalburden. In addition, it alleviates finite-size errors due to finite To simulate a three-dimensional porous granular as- samples.Thispracticeisbasedonthecommonassump- sembly of coordination number four, we first generate tionthatP ,P andP alonecontroltherandomwalk’s an open-cell structure, using Surface Evolver as follows l t n universalityclass.Thecommonprocedureistofindfirst [17, 18]. Initially, N seed points are distributed ran- the forms of these distributions in a specific medium, domly and uniformly within a cube, and the cube’s usingeithersmallsimulationsoranalyticderivationun- space is Vorono¨ı-tessellated to determine the cell as- der some assumptions, and then use these to carry out sociatedwitheachpoint.Acellaroundapointconsists a many-step CTRW in free space. It is then presumed of the volume of all spatial coordinates closest to it. Modifyingcontinuous-timerandomwalks... 3 The resulting cellular structure is then evolved with 3 Diffusion in the porous sample Surface Evolver to minimise the total surface area of the cell surfaces. This procedure is used commonly to We model the diffuser as a sphere of radius r, mea- model dry foams and cellular materials whose dynam- sured in units of the average effective throat radius, r . 0 ics are dominated by surface tension. The result is an We start by considering particles that are considerably equilibratedfoam-likestructure,comprisingcells,mem- smaller than the smallest throat in the structure. The branes, edges and vertices. A membrane is a surface particlecannotenterthetetrahedralpseudo-grains,but shared by two neighbouring cells, an edge is the line only move from cell c to cell c(cid:48) through their shared where three membranes coincide, and a vertex is the throat. The simulation progresses by moving the par- point where four edges coincide. ticle from one cell, c, to a neighbouring cell, c(cid:48). Each suchaneventisastep,l ,namelyavectorextending c,c(cid:48) between the centres of these cells. We define a wait- ing time, t , which is the number of time steps spent c in cell c before a jump occurs. Inside a cell, the parti- cle is assumed to undergo Brownian motion and t is c proportional to (i) the square of the effective cell ra- dius, Rc ≡ (cid:0)34vπc(cid:1)1/3, where vc is the cell volume, and (ii) the inverse of the fraction of the cell’s open surface through which the particle can pass to neighbouring cells, Sc ≡ A(ctA)+(ctA)(cf). This is since the particle, on av- erage, has to make 1/S journeys of length R until c c it goes through a throat rather than hits a facet of a pseudo-grain. The effective area of a throat is the area through which a particle of radius r can pass and A(t) c (A(f))isthetotalareaofthroats(facets)thatmakethe c surface of the cell. A(t) is then the sum of the effective c Fig.1:Pseudo-grainsaroundthe foam vertices. throat areas accessible for the particle to go through. Thus, the waiting time within a cell is Next, we construct a tetrahedron around every ver- R2 1 (cid:18)3v (cid:19)2/3(cid:32) A(f)(cid:33) tex by connecting the mid-points of the four edges em- t ≡ c = c 1+ c , (1) anating from it [19]. Neighbouring tetrahedra are in c 2dSc 2d 4π A(ct) contact in the sense that they share the mid-point of anedge.Thisconstructionresultsinapseudo-granular where d is the local diffusion coefficient, which, using structure of volume fraction φ = 34%, in which ev- the Stokes-Einstein relation, is inversely proportional ery tetrahedron represents a pseudo-grain in contact to the particle radius, d=(r0/r)d0. with exactly four others [20] (see fig. 1). Since neigh- Theprobabilitytoexitcellcintoc(cid:48),P(c(cid:48) |c),ispro- bouring pseudo-grains share the mid-point of the edge portional to the area of the throat between them. To betweenthem,thetetrahedrastructureistopologically reduce finite-size effects, we wrap the sample around homeomorphictotheoriginalstructure.Thevoidspace with periodic boundary conditions and let the particle surrounded by the pseudo-grains is still cellular, but travel larger distances by re-entering the sample. This a cell surface now consists of triangular facets – the means that the same cell may occur at different loca- faces of the pseudo-grains surrounding it – and throats tions along the random walk. To avoid distorting the – the skewed polygons remaining of the original cell statistics by using the same cell too many times, we membranes. The membranes over the throats are dis- stop the process once a cell has occurred at more than regarded, resulting in an open-cell porous structure, in five different locations. which the throats are the openings between neighbour- Weemphasisethatwedonotsimulatethediffusion ing cells. The pseudo-grains volumes are smaller than withinthecell–eachstepinoursimulationcorresponds those of real convex grains, which curve out into the to a transition of the particle from one cell to another, cells of this structure. This increases the pore volume and the waiting time associated with the step is calcu- and forms a limiting case, which establishes the valid- lated from the cell properties. This process constitutes ity of our results for any porous medium, as will be a random walk on a graph, whose nodes are the cell discussed in the concluding section. centres. After waiting for a period of time t in cell c, c 4 ShaharAmitai,RaphaelBlumenfeld determined by eq. (1), the particle makes a step to a Assumingthatallcellshavethesameeffectivepotential neighbour cell, according to P(c(cid:48) |c). U, we get: Before continuing, it is instructive to put the prob- ∆E v2/3 lem in thermodynamic context. The cell can be re- c =Const.−lnT +ln . (4) gardedasapotentialwellofheight∆E,andtheproba- kT Sc(r) bility to escape from it is P(t)=P e−t/τ. We can then 0 Thisequationestablishestheheightoftheeffectivebar- use Kramer’s escape rate formula, rier in terms of the cell volume and the fraction of its 2πkT surface through which the particle can escape. τ = e∆E/kT , (2) (cid:112) Notethattheparticle’smeanfreepathwithinacell d U”(a)U”(b) is assumed to be well smaller than the cell size, regard- where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the tempera- lessoftheparticlesize,andthereforethatKnudsendif- ture and U”(a) and U”(b) are the second derivative of fusion[21,22]neednotbeconsidered.However,evenif thepotentialatthebottomandtopofthewell,respec- thisassumptionisnotborneout,thiswouldonlymod- tively. Interpreting t as the half-life of the particle in c ifythecoefficientdineq.(1),whichisarbitraryanyway the cell, t = τln2, we can combine eq. (1) and (2) to c in our simulations. Also note that the above assump- get: tion, P(t)∼e−t/τ, means that typical escape times do 2ln(2)πkT 1 (cid:18)3v (cid:19)2/3 not deviate much from the mean or half-life time. This e∆E/kT = c . (3) justifies our choice of taking t as a representative. (cid:112)U”(a)U”(b) 2Sc(r) 4π c 103 3 100 β 2.18 2x1100›fi12 P(t)0 0t 0 P(l)li12 CP(t)ti·111000−−−11550 ∼ 2x 111›fi000123 α∼1.00 α∼1.00 10−20 100 α 0.63 β 4.05 ∼ 100 10−2 10t−1 100 0.0 0.4 0l.8 1.2 1.6 10−25101∼102 10t3 104 105 10−1 102 103t 104 105 i i (a) (b) (c) (d) 2δ(t,T)10111−›fi0001012 ∼t1.00 ∼t0.65 2δ(t,T)1011−›fi00101 ∼T0 P(ξ)1231233 rrr===011...9235r50rr0 Bparameter0000....1234 10−2 10−2 ∼T0.1 12 0 E0.0 101 102 t 103 104 103 T104 105 0 1 ξ 2 0.6 0.8α 1.0 (e) (f) (g) (h) Fig. 2: Statistical analysis of diffusion in the porous sample. All averages are over 1000 walks. (a) MSD vs. time for a small particle (r = r0/100), for which α ∼ 1, indicating normal diffusion. Inset: overall waiting-time distribution of the walks. (b) Step-length distribution, Pl(li), calculated directly from the sample (see text), with a normal fit. Pl is nearly constant for all particle sizes, as the cells positions are fixed. P is narrow, and thus does not affect the universality class of the walk. (c, l d) Waiting-time distributions (left) and MSD vs. time (right) for large particles (r/r0 = 1,...,1.35). Both α and β decrease with increasing r. All power-law relations hold for at least 1.5 orders of magnitude. (e, f) Ensemble-averaged TAMSD, (cid:104)δ2(cid:105), vs. t (left) and vs. T (right) for the same large particles. For t > 102.5, (cid:104)δ2(cid:105) becomes sub-linear in t, like the MSD, and is nearlyindependentofT.(g)PDFoftheamplitudescatter,ξ,from2000individualwalksofthreedifferentparticlesizes.The distribution broadens dramatically with particle size, which indicates the walk is non-ergodic. (h) The EB parameter for the same three particle sizes, as well as for r=r0/100, vs. the anomaly parameter, α. The solid line is the expected relation for CTRW, which goes through all points. Error bars denote 2σ ranges, and were established by the variance of 10 independent measurements. Modifyingcontinuous-timerandomwalks... 5 For each walk we calculate the particle’s position at time t, relative to the origin, x(t)=(cid:80)nN=(t1)ln, where 1.1 r=1.1r N(t)isthenumberofstepsmadebeforetimet.Wethen 0 calculate the MSD, (cid:104)x2(cid:105), as a function of t, where the 1.0 angularbracketsdenoteaverageover1000walks.Figure 2a shows (cid:104)x2(cid:105) vs. t for a particle of size r = r0/100. 0.9 r=0.95r0 The linear relation indicates normal diffusion, with a r=1.25r diffusioncoefficientofD =(0.65±0.03)d (d=100d0). α0.8 0 The inset figure shows a narrowly bounded P . t 0.7 r=1.35r Largeparticles Wenextconsiderparticlesofsizescom- 0 parable to r . Such particles diffuse differently due to 0.6 0 two effects. One is delay and trapping inside cells. The Percolationthreshold larger r is the lower the probability of passing through 0.51.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 anyparticularthroat,sincetheeffectivearea,whichthe β particle can pass through, is smaller. This reduces the Fig.3:Twosetsofsimulations–diffusioninaporoussample overall probability to exit a cell, increasing the waiting (bluedots)andCTRWinunconfinedspace(greentriangles). times spent inside cells. As a result, while the waiting Each simulation (dot) represents a particular particle size, times are narrowly bounded for a small particle, P (t ) and is described by the power-law of the waiting-time dis- t i tribution, β, and the anomaly parameter, α. Small (large) developsapower-lawtailforsufficientlylargeparticles, particles appear at the top right (bottom left) corner of the Pt(ti >t(0))∼t−i β, with β a function of r. The second graph – they experience a narrow (wide) waiting-time dis- effect is that the topology changes with particle size; tributionandundergonormal(sub-)diffusion.Theblueand as it increases, the probability of passing through some greenlinesarefitsoftheformα=1−21exp{−(β−βt−21)/τ}, throatsvanishesidentically,changingthesystem’scon- with (βt(sample) = 2.53, τ = 0.42) and (βt(CTRW) = 2.01, τ =0.40), respectively. The theoretical CTRW prediction of nectivity for this particle. a universality class transition at β = 2 is denoted by the Fig. 2c shows Pt for a few large particles. We see black dashed line. The red lines mark the range of β’s that that β decreases with r, corresponding to longer wait- corresponds to the percolation threshold of the sample. This ingtimes.Fig.2dshowstheMSDvs.timeforthesame range matches the universality-class transition for confined diffusion. Error bars denote 2σ ranges, and were established particles. We see that beyond a certain particle size bythevarianceof20independentmeasurements. (r ∼1.2r )αstartstodecrease–thediffusionbecomes 0 anomalous.Toquantifythisrelation,wechoosealarger set of radii and plot α(r) vs. β(r) (blue dots in fig. 3). broadening of the PDF as r increases indicates that We see that for smaller particles β (cid:29) 2 and α = 1, the process is non-ergodic and that there is ageing [5]. correspondingtonormaldiffusionwithnarrowwaiting- Fig. 2h shows that the corresponding EB parameters, time PDFs. As r increases, β decreases and the walks i.e. the variance of these PDFs, follow the theoretical eventually become sub-diffusive with α < 1. We mea- expectation from CTRW. sure a transition at β(sample) =2.53±0.03. t A short comment on scaling windows is due – α is evaluated along t ∈ (103.5,105) (see fig. 2d). At much 4 Modelling the diffusion as isotropic CTRW longertimes,thediffusionisnormalforallparticlesizes. This is merely a consequence of the finite system size – Next we show that an attempt to simulate this pro- therearenocellswithlongerwaitingtimesthan∼105. cess with straightforward isotropic CTRW fails. This To investigate the diffusion process further, we cal- may not come as a surprise, as the statistical analysis culatetheTAMSD,δ2,anditsaverageover1000walks, showed some deviations from the traditional CTRW, (cid:104)δ2(cid:105). Fig. 2e and 2f show (cid:104)δ2(t,T)(cid:105) vs. the time lag, t, but it is still constructive to describe the CTRW simu- andvs.theoveralltrajectorytime,T,respectively.(cid:104)δ2(cid:105) lationtobetterunderstanditsadjustmentsinsection5. issub-linearint,deviatingfromthelineart-dependence Forsuchasimulationweusether-dependentPDFs,P l intheCTRWmodel,anditisnearlyindependentofT. and P , that the particle experiences while diffusing in t This behaviour is the same as for a random walk on the confined structure. Recall that these PDFs refer to a fractal. In contrast, the amplitude scatter, ξ, follows the transition between cells, rather than the movement the CTRW prediction: Fig. 2g shows the PDF of ξ for within a cell. One way to obtain these PDFs is to mea- three different particle sizes of order r . The dramatic sure them empirically during a diffusion process. How- 0 6 ShaharAmitai,RaphaelBlumenfeld ever, more efficient is to compute them directly from Collecting the statistics of all possible steps in the the structural statistics of the porous medium, as we sample, we get a PDF described well by the Gaussian outline next. P (l )∼exp{−(l −¯l)2/2σ2},withσ/¯l=0.15±0.02(see l i i A derivation of Pl and Pt from structural statistics fig.2b).AsPl isnarrow,itdoesnotaffecttheuniversal- should be made cautiously because a straight-forward ityclassofthewalk.Pl staysnarrow,andindeednearly histogram of the waiting times of all cells in the sam- constant, for all particle sizes, as the cells positions are ple ignores the inherent correlation between the prob- fixed. Note that it is also possible to derive Pl analyt- ability to visit a cell, P(c), and the waiting time [23]. ically, given the cell volume distribution and nearest Cellsthataredifficulttogetoutof(longwaitingtimes) neighbour volume-volume correlations. This, however, tend to have a lower probability of getting into and are is somewhat downstream from the main thrust of this thereforevisitedlessfrequently.Inparticular,somecells paper. arecompletelyinaccessibleforparticlesaboveacertain Wearenowabletoobtainaccuratestep-lengthand size. waiting-time PDFs for every particle size, which could To this end we use the observation that, to a very be used as input into unconstrained CTRW. Fig. 3 good accuracy in our diffusion process, P(c) is linear shows results of CTRW simulations (green triangles) in the cell’s total effective throat area, A(t). This ob- usingthesePDFs.Thefittothiscurve(solidgreenline) c differs from the theoretical prediction [24], α = β−1, servation, which is independent of the cell volume, can duetofinitetimeandsizeeffects.Ourmeasuredtransi- be seen over 3.5 orders of magnitude in fig. 4. Further- tion for CTRW is β(CTRW) =2.01±0.02, in agreement more, this holds for all particle sizes, both well smaller t with the theoretical prediction. and comparable to r . This allows us to estimate P(c) 0 for a particular particle size by using the effective A(t) A key observation is that the CTRW exhibits a c normal-to-anomalous transition at a lower values of β – a direct structural characteristic of the medium. In than in the actual sample. Since both processes have principle,oneexpectsthevisitingprobabilitytobecor- the same step-length and waiting-time distributions, related with the visiting probabilities of neighbouring but one is performed on a graph and the other in free cells, but fig. 4 shows that this effect is negligible. space,thediscrepancymuststemfromtheconnectivity of the sample, which the CTRW model cannot account for. This is supported by the statistical analysis of the 10−2 diffusion in the porous sample (section 3), that show behaviours typical to random walks on a fractal. Asmentionedabove,thesizeofthediffusingparticle 10−3 P(c)∼Ac(t) determinestheeffectivethroatsizes,andhencethecon- nectivity of the porous sample. Moreover, above some size there is no path percolating between the sample’s ) (c10−4 boundaries. Fig. 5 shows the dependence of the per- P colating accessible volume on r, where a range of radii aroundthepercolationthresholdismarkedbyredlines. 10−5 Thesamerangeismarkedinfig.3.Weseethattheuni- versality class transition in the sample occurs within this range. This is more evidence that the connectivity 10−6 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 plays an important role in determining the universal- A(t) ity class. Specifically, around the percolation threshold c the incipient cluster assumes a fractal-like structure, Fig. 4: Visiting probability, P(c), vs. the cell’s total effective further inducing sub-diffusion [6, 7]. We conclude that throatarea,A(ct),inadiffusionprocesswith r=r0. our simulations of diffusion in porous media are best described as CTRW on a percolation cluster. We can now estimate more accurately P , and, par- t ticularly,thepower-lawβ,foreveryparticlesize,byma- 5 Anisotropic CTRW nipulating the waiting-time histogram as follows. For everybinconsistingofthewaitingtimesofcells{c ,...,c }, To retain the usefulness of the CTRW model, it would 1 n wemultiplythebin’sheightby(cid:80)nP(c )andnormalise bedesirabletomodifyittocapturetheeffectofconnec- 1 i thehistogramintoaPDF.Thissuppresseslongwaiting tivity.Wenextproposesuchamodification,inspiredby times in P . the PDF of the angle between successive steps in the t Modifyingcontinuous-timerandomwalks... 7 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 ) ) 100 s(θ0.6 ack0.6 %) 90 co0.4 Pb0.4 ( 80 P( e 0.2 0.2 siz 70 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 er 60 − cos(θ) r/r t 0 s 50 u cl 40 Fig. 6: Left: the PDF of cos(θ), with θ the angle between t n 30 successive steps of a diffusion process in the porous sample e pi 20 for r=r0/100. The singular point at cos(θ)=−1 marks the ci finiteprobabilityofabackwardstepP =0.087±0.001.In n 10 back I addition,P(−1<cos(θ)<−0.88)=0.Right:thedependence 0 of P on r. For large particles, backward steps dominate back thewalk. 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 r/r 0 Fig. 5: The percentage of cells belonging to the incipient- thesample.Testingthismethodbyasetofsimulations, clustervs.theparticleradius(inunitsofr0).Thepercolation we find that the universality class transition occurs at rangeismarkedinred.Thecorrespondingβ rangeismarked β(anisotropic) = 2.1±0.03 – closer to the one measured infig.3. t in the porous sample. The second method is more drastic: at every step oftheCTRWweconstructanewcell,accordingto the porous sample (fig. 6). There is a finite probability to structural statistics of the porous sample. We choose make a backward step, i.e. go back through the throat thecell’svolume,thenumberofthroats,andthethroats’ the particle entered a cell, P ≡P (θ =π). For very back θ areasfromthecorrespondingdistributions,derivedfrom small particles P = 0.087±0.001. This is in con- back thesample.Usingtheseandtheparticlesize,wecalcu- trasttotheconventionalCTRWmodel,wherethenext late the waiting time for the new cell. Then we choose step direction is uniformly distributed. Moreover, we randomly an accessible exit throat. The probability to see that P >1/13.7≈0.073, which is the inverse of back exit through the throat is proportional to its effective the average number of throats per cell, and is the ex- area. Theparticle thenmakesa stepin the directionof pected value for P when all steps are equiprobable. back theexitthroat.Anothercellisthenconstructedaround This is because the mean size of an entrance throat is it. The step length is the sum of the radii of these two larger than the mean size of all the throats. The en- cells. This process is then iterated as many times as hanced backward step probability can be regarded as required. a correlation between successively visited throats. As r increases, the total available throat area decreases and A key feature of this method is that the particle P increases, as can be seen in the right panel of fig. ‘remembers’ the exit direction, the last used cell and back 6. For very large particles, P dominates the walk. the exit throat. The latter is used as one of the throats back This can be seen as the ‘lowest order’ effect of connec- in constructing the next cell. If this throat is chosen tivity, which we next try to capture within CTRW. again then the last step is retraced. We refer to this method as DA for the two variables that the particle We examine two methods to modify the CTRW ‘remembers’ – step direction and throat area. model, both introducing a backward bias. In the first, Within the DA process, the particle may pass back weaddtoP andP athirddistribution,P ,ofstepdi- l t θ and forth several times through a large throat before rectionrelativetothepreviousstep.Inthismethod,the it moves on and loses memory of this throat. This pro- particle ‘remembers’ the direction of the previous step, cesscorrelatesnotonlysuccessivesteps,astheprevious andarelativeangleischosenfromthenon-uniformdis- method does, but also successive backward steps. tribution P (θ), e.g. the one in fig. 6. P can be calcu- θ θ lateddirectlyfromtheporousstructureforanyparticle Using the DA model, we obtain a universality-class radius r, similarly to P and P (see section 4). A ran- transitionatβ(DA) =2.50±0.03,inexcellentagreement l t t domstepisthenmadeattheangleθrelativetothepre- with the original simulation results. Thus, this model vious step direction. The waiting time and step length captures much better the particle size-driven topologi- at each step are chosen as before. This method intro- cal change. duces a correlation between consecutive steps, which is AnimportantfeatureoftheDAmodelisthatP back presentunavoidablyinthediffusionoflargeparticlesin ishigherthanintheporoussample.Tounderstandthis, 8 ShaharAmitai,RaphaelBlumenfeld considertwocellsintheporoussample,connectedbya large throat, and connected to the rest of the structure 1.0 bysmallerthroats.Oncetheparticleentersoneofthese Sample cells,itislikelytomovebackandforthseveraltimesbe- 0.8 CTRW fore it emerges. However, the smaller the throats lead- Method1 ing to this pair of cells, the less likely is the particle n to enter in the first place. This means that the occur- tio0.6 Method2(DA) a rence frequency of such sub-structures, which increase el P , is suppressed. In contrast, once a particle passes rr0.4 back o C througharelativelylargethroatintheDAmodel,then, other than this throat, an entire new cell is generated 0.2 for each step. This results in a higher probability that theparticleoscillatesacrosssuchathroat.Thisfeature 0.0 appears to compensate for other, more complex, miss- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ingtopologicalfeatures,makingtheDAabettermodel Stepdistance for the diffusion process. Fig. 7: Step-length correlation function for the four types of Asafurtherinvestigationoftheproposedmethods, simulations discussed in the paper, all with r =1.2r0. Solid we present the step-length correlation function for the lines are decaying exponentials. The correlation function of different models, all using r =1.2r (fig. 7). The corre- thefirstadjustmenttoCTRWdecaysexponentially,andthe 0 lationinthesampleismainlyduetothefactthateach secondadjustment(DA) –moreslowly. two consecutive steps enter and exit a certain cell, c. If c is small, then the two steps will tend to be short, from regular to anomalous diffusion. We showed that and vice versa, leading to positive correlation. In addi- the the two models give different results – while the tion, a high P means that many consecutive steps back CTRWsimulationsfollowthetheoreticalprediction,up are of exactly the same length. This further increases to finite-time effects, with a transition to sub-diffusion the correlation for larger particles. As expected, the at β ≈ 2, the diffusion simulations in the confined ge- traditional CTRW exhibits no correlations. Our first ometry exhibit a transition at β ≈ 2.5. We established adjustment to CTRW, introducing the possibility of a that the difference stems from changes to the effective backward step, adds correlation. However, since this is connectivity available to the particle with increasing onlyaone-stepcorrelationitdecaysexponentially.The size. This particle size-driven change in connectivity is increaseincorrelationwithintheDAprocessisbecause not taken into consideration in the CTRW model. We oftheincreasedprobabilityforalongsequenceofback- supported this conclusion by investigation of the time wardsteps,asdiscussedabove.Asaresult,theDAcor- average MSD and by showing that the transition in relationfunctiondoesnotdecayexponentially,agreeing universality class occurs at the same range of parti- better with the diffusion simulation in the sample. The cle sizes that corresponds to the percolation transition. correlationoftheDAatastepdistanceofoneishigher Our findings show unequivocally that the discrepancy thanthatinthesimulateddiffusionprocessbecauseits betweenthetwomodelsisnot duetodifferentwaiting- P is higher, yet the DA correlation decays faster back timedistributions,sinceusingidenticaldistributionsdo with the number of steps since it lacks the more in- lead to different universality classes. volved topological correlations. It is important to comment on the range of valid- ityofourresults.Increasingtheparticlesizecanbere- 6 Conclusions garded,alternatively,asshrinkingtheporousstructure, while keeping the particle size unchanged. Evidently, Toconclude,wecomparedbetweentwonumericalmod- the smaller the pore space the more restricted the dif- elsofdiffusionofafinitesizeparticleinporousmedia:a fusingparticleisandthelargerthediscrepancybetween directsimulationofthediffusionprocessinacomputer- thesimulateddiffusionandtheCTRW.Thus,bystart- generatedsample,andwhatiscommonlybelievedtobe ing from a medium with a very large pore space, we an equivalent CTRW. We first presented a method to established that our results hold true for a wide range construct the representative PDFs of the step-length of porous media with lower porosity. andwaiting-time,P andP ,giventheparticlesizeand Wong et al. 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