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Preview Modified Spin Wave Analysis of Low Temperature Properties of Spin-1/2 Frustrated Ferromagnetic Ladder

JournalofthePhysicalSocietyofJapan FULL PAPERS Modified Spin Wave Analysis of Low Temperature Properties of Spin-1/2 Frustrated Ferromagnetic Ladder Kazuo Hida∗ and Takashi Iino† Division of Material Science, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, Saitama, Saitama, 338-8570 2 (Received November28,2011) 1 Low temperature properties of the spin-1/2 frustrated ladder with ferromagnetic rungs and legs, and 0 two different antiferromagnetic next nearest neighbor interaction are investigated using the modified spin 2 wave approximation in the region with ferromagnetic ground state. The temperature dependence of the n magnetic susceptibility and magnetic structure factors is calculated. The results are consistent with the a numerical exact diagonalization results in the intermediate temperature range. Below this temperature J range, the finite size effect is significant in the numerical diagonalization results, while the modified spin 0 waveapproximationgivesmorereliableresults.Thelowtemperaturepropertiesnearthelimitofthestability 2 of the ferromagnetic ground state are also discussed. ] KEYWORDS: frustration,ferromagneticladder,modifiedspinwave,magneticsusceptibility,magneticstructure l e factor - r t s j=2 . t a 1. Introduction m Among a variety of models and materials with strong - quantum fluctuation, quantum spin ladders have been j=1 d i−1 i i+1 i+2 attracting the interest of many condensed matter physi- n o cists. Recently, a spin-1/2 ferromagnetic ladder com- Jl Jd1=Jd(1+δ) c pound CuIICl(O-mi)2(µ-Cl)2 (mi = 2-methylisothiazol- J J =J (1−δ) [ 3(2H)-one)is synthesized with possible frustrated inter- r d2 d 1 rung interaction.1 Fig. 1. Structure of frustrated ladder studied in the present v Although frustrated and unfrustrated spin ladders work. 2 with nonmagnetic ground states have been extensively 4 studied,2–5 those with ferromagnetic ground states have 2 been less studied. This wouldbe due to the simplicity of 4 . the ferromagneticgroundstate.Evenifthe groundstate value of the total magnetization Sz vanishes as 1 tot is ferromagnetic, however, the excited states and finite 0 Sz =0 (1) 2 temperature properties should be influenced by frustra- h toti 1 tion. Especially, near the stability limit of the ferromag- taking account of the Mermin-Wagner theorem.12 : netic groundstate,weexpectcharacteristictemperature This procedure is quite successful for one and two- v i dependence of physical quantities. In the present work, dimensional ferromagnets6–8 and two-dimensional anti- X we investigate the finite temperature properties of frus- ferromangets.9–11 Recently, this method has been suc- r tratedspin ladderswith ferromagneticgroundstates us- cessfully applied to dimerizedferromagnetic chains.13 In a ing the modified spin wave (MSW) approximation6–11 thepresentwork,weemploythismethodtocalculatethe and the numerical exact diagonalization (ED) calcula- low temperature magnetic susceptibility of the present tion for short ladders. model with ferromagnetic ground states. We also calcu- The MSW approximationwas firstproposedby Taka- late the magnetic structure factor to confirm that the hashi6 to investigate the low temperature properties of short range correlation is properly described within the ferromagnetic chains. If the conventional spin wave ap- MSW approximation. proximationis applied to one-dimensionalferromagnets, Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.Inthenextsection, the thermal fluctuation of magnetization diverges at fi- themodelHamiltonianisintroduced.TheMSWanalysis nite temperatures. This is natural, considering the ab- is explainedin 3.In 4,the MSW equationsarenumer- § § sence of finite temperature long range order in one di- ically solved and the results are compared with the ED mension.12 This divergence, however, prevents the cal- calculation for short chains. The last section is devoted culation of physical properties such as magnetic suscep- tosummaryanddiscussion.Thelowtemperatureexpan- tibility and magnetic structure factor at finite tempera- sion of the MSW equations is explained in Appendix. tures. To circumvent this difficulty, Takahashi proposed to introduce the chemical potential µ for magnons and to fix µ by imposing the constraint that the expectation ∗E-mailaddress:[email protected] J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. FULL PAPERS 2. Hamiltonian (ak,2 eikak,1)(ak′,2 eik′ak′,1)+h.c (7) × − − We consider the frustrated ferromagnetic ladder with o up to the quartic orderin a anda† .Here, E andE spin-1/2 described by the Hamiltonian k,i k,i 1 2 are defined by L = [J(S S +S S ) E1 2Jl(1 cosk) Jr Jd1 Jd2 S, H l i,1 i+1,1 i,2 i,2 ≡{− − − − − } (8) Xi=1 E2 (Jr+eikJd1+e−ikJd2)S. +J S S +J S S +J S S ], (2) ≡ r i,1 i,2 d1 i,1 i+1,2 d2 i+1,1 i,2 We introduce the unitary transformation where S (i = 1,...,L,j = 1,2) are the spin opera- tors withi,jmagnitude S. For the numerical calculation, α†k ≡ √12 a†k1eiφ(2k) +a†k2e−iφ(2k) , we only consider the case of S = 1/2. The number of (cid:16) (cid:17) (9) the unit cells is denoted by L.In this paper,we focus on β† 1 a† eiφ(2k) a† e−iφ(2k) , the case J,J <0 (ferromagnetic) and J ,J >0 (an- k ≡ √2 k1 − k2 l r d1 d2 (cid:16) (cid:17) tiferromagnetic). The lattice structure is schematically and the corresponding magnon number operators depicted in Fig. 1. We also use the parameterization nˆ =α†α , nˆ =β†β . (10) αk k k βk k k J =J (1+δ), J =J (1 δ) (3) d1 d d2 d − The phase φ(k) is determined afterwards to minimize if convenient. the free energy. We assume the density matrix for the magnonsin the formofa product ofsingle-magnonden- 3. Modified Spin Wave Analysis sity matrices as 3.1 Formulation We employ the standard Holstein-Primakoff transfor- ρ= Pαk(nαk)Pβk(nβk) nαk,nβk nαk,nβk , { } { } mation, {nαXk,nβk}Yk (cid:12) (cid:11)(cid:10) (cid:12) (cid:12) (11) (cid:12) S+ =Sx +iSy =√2Sf (S)a , i,j i,j i,j i,j i,j where Si−,j =Six,j −iSiy,j =√2Sa†i,jfi,j(S), |{nαk,nβk}i= (nαk!nβk!)−12(α†k)nαk(βk†)nβk|0i (12) Siz,j =S−a†i,jai,j, Yk is the eigenstate of nˆ and nˆ with eigenvalues n αk βk αk f (S)= 1 (2S)−1a† a (i=1,...,L;j =1,2), and n . In the following, the expectation value with i,j − i,j i,j βk respect to (11) is denoted by ... . The probability that q (4) h i the state withwavenumber k is occupiedby n bosonsis wherea†i,j andai,j aremagnoncreationandannihilation denotedbyPνk(n)(ν =αorβ).Therefore,thefollowing operators on the i-th rung and the j-th leg. After the normalization conditions are required for all k. Fourier transformation with respect to i, the Hamilto- ∞ ∞ nian is rewritten as P (n)=1 , P (n)=1. (13) αk βk = 0+ 1, (5) nX=0 nX=0 H H H Accordingly, the free energy is given by E E a H0 =Xk (cid:16)a†k,1a†k,2(cid:17)(cid:18) E21∗ E21 (cid:19)(cid:18) akk,,12 (cid:19), (6) F =hH0i+hH1i+T ∞ Pνk(n)lnPνk(n) = Jl 2 e−i(k′−q)(1 eik′)(1 eik) νX=α,βXk nX=0 (14) 1 H −4L − − kXk′qXj=1n where the expectation values 0 and 1 are ex- hH i hH i +eik(1 e−i(k+q))(1 e−i(k′−q)) pressed as follows − − 1 ×a†k+q,ja†k′−q,jak′,jak,j o hH0i= k (cid:26)E1n˜k+ 2(E2e−iφ(k)+E2∗eiφ(k))δn˜k(cid:27), X J (15) r a† a† − 4L k+q,1 k′−q,2 2 kXk′qn Jl = (1 cosk)n˜ 1 k ×(ak,1−ak,2)(ak′,1−ak′,2)+h.c} hH i 2L Xk − ! − J4dL1 e−i(k′−q)a†k+q,1a†k′−q,2 + Jr (n˜ δn˜ cosφ(k)) 2 kXk′qn 4L" k− αk # k (ak,1 eikak,2)(ak′,1 eik′ak′,2)+h.c X 2 × − − J d1 − J4dL2 e−i(k′−q)a†k+q,2a†k′−q,1 o + 4L"Xk (n˜k−δn˜kcos(φ(k)−k))# kXk′qn J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. FULL PAPERS 2 J d2 + (n˜ δn˜ cos(φ(k)+k)) , (16) Substituting (21) and (22) into (24) and (25), we find k k 4L" − # Xk 1 S (q)=S+ n˜ n˜ , (26) where intra 4L k+q/2 k−q/2 k X n˜ = n = nP (n) (ν =α,β). (17) νk h νki n νk Sinter(q)=Sicnter(q)+iSisnter(q), (27) X 1 We also define Sc (q)= cos(φ(k+q/2) φ(k q/2)) inter 4L − − n˜ =n˜ +n˜ , δn˜ =n˜ n˜ (18) k k αk βk k αk βk X − δn˜ δn˜ , (28) for convenience. The condition (1) reduces to × k+q/2 k−q/2 1 Ss (q)= 1 sin(φ(k+q/2) φ(k q/2)) S = 2L n˜k. (19) inter 4L − − k Xk X Introducing the Lagrangianmultipliers µνk and µ which ×δn˜k+q/2δn˜k−q/2. (29) accountfortheconstraint(13)and(19),weminimizethe It should be noted that S (q) has an imaginary part inter following quantity W with respect to P and φ(k). νk because ofthe absenceofspaceinversionsymmetry x ↔ ∞ ∞ x. W =F µ P (n) µ nP (n)−. νk νk νk − − ν=α,β k n=0 ν=α,β k n=0 3.4 Lowest order approximation X X X X XX (20) To the lowest order approximation, we only consider the Hamiltonian and impose the constraint (1). In 0 3.2 Spin-Spin Correlation Function and Magnetic Sus- H the following, we call this approximationthe MSW0 ap- ceptibility proximation. Minimizing The spin-spin correlation function is expressed in ∞ terms of the magnon occupation numbers as W = T µ P (n) 0 0 νk νk 2 hH i− S− hSi1Si′1i=hSi2Si′2i= 21L cosk(xi′ −xi)n˜k! , ∞νX=α,βXk nX=0 Xk µ nPνk(n) (30) (21) − ν=α,β k n=0 X XX 2 1 with respect to φ, we find Si1Si′2 = cos(φ(k) k(xi′ xi))δn˜k , h i 2L k − − ! ∂W0 = ∂hH0i = i(E e−iφ(k) E∗eiφ(k))δn˜ =0. X (22) ∂φ(k) ∂φ(k) −2 2 − 2 k (31) where x is the position of the i-th site. Using these ex- i pressions, the magnetic susceptibility per spin χ is ex- This leads to pressed as J sinφ(k)+J sin(φ(k) k)+J sin(φ(k)+k)=0, r d1 d2 − (gµ )2 2 2 (32) χ= 2LBT hSizjSiz′j′i which determines the phase φ(k) as ii′ j=1j′=1 XXX (J J )sink (gµ )2 2 2 tanφ(k)= d1− d2 ( π/2<φ<π/2). = B Sij Si′j′ Jr+(Jd1+Jd2)cosk − 6LT h · i ii′ j=1j′=1 (33) XXX = (gµB)2 (n˜2 +n˜2 +n˜ +n˜ ), (23) Minimizing W0 with respect to Pνk, we find 6LT αk βk αk βk ∂W Xk 0 =nεν(k)+T(lnPνk+1) nµ µνk =0 (ν =α,β), ∂P − − where µ is the Bohr magneton and g is the gyromag- νk B (34) netic ratio. where 3.3 Magnetic Structure Factor 1∂ 0 ε (k)= hH i (35) We define the intralegandinterlegmagnetic structure ν n ∂P νk factors as are two branches of the magnon excitation energy given 1 S (q)= S S exp(ix q) by intra 0,1 i,1 i L h i i 1 = 1 X S S exp(ix q), (24) εαβ(k)=E1± 2(E2e−iφ(k)+E2∗eiφ(k)) 0,2 i,2 i L h i =S 2J(1 cosk) J (1 cosφ(k)) Xi {− l − − r ∓ Sinter(q)= 1 S0,1Si,2 exp(ixiq). (25) −Jd1(1∓cos(k−φ(k))−Jd2(1∓cos(k+φ(k))}. L h i (36) X J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. FULL PAPERS The Hamiltonian is rewritten as is the dressed single magnon excitation energy given by 0 H H0 = α†k βk† εα0(k) εβ0(k) αk βk . (37) ε˜αβ(k)=−2Jl(1−cosk)S1′ −Jr(1∓cos(φ(k))S2′ Xk (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:0) (cid:1) −Jd1(1∓cos(φ(k)−k))S3′ −Jd2(1∓cos(φ(k)+k))S4′. Eliminating µ from (34) using the condition (13), we (47) νk find ExpressionsforP (n)andn˜ areobtainedbyreplacing νk νk P (n)= 1 e−(εν(k)−µ)/T e−n(εν(k)−µ)/T. (38) ε byε˜ in(38)and(39),respectively.Thephaseφ(k) νk νk νk − and chemical potential µ are determined by solving (42) n o The expectation value of n is given by νk under the condition (19) numerically. ∞ 1 n˜νk = nPνk(n)= e(εν(k)−µ)/T 1. (39) 3.6 Low Temperature Behavior nX=0 − We employ the MSW0 approximation to investigate The chemical potential µ is determined using the condi- the low temperature behavior. Among two branches of tion (19). themagnonexcitation,ε (k)hasanenergygapatk =0. β Therefore, we only consider ε (k) at low temperatures. α 3.5 O(S0) approximation Near k =0, the dispersion relation is given by In this approximation, we include the terms of O(S0) ε (k) JSk2, (48) in the Hamiltonian i.e. 1. We call this approximation α ≃ H the MSW1 approximation.Minimizing where ∞ Jr(Jd1+Jd2)+4Jd1Jd2 J J + (49) W1 =hH0i+hH1i−TS− µνk Pνk(n) ≡−(cid:20) l 2(Jr+Jd1+Jd2) (cid:21) ν=α,β k n=0 X X X is the effective ferromagnetic exchange interaction be- ∞ tween the ferromagnetic rung dimers consisting of S µ nP (n) (40) i,1 − νk and Si,2. For negative (ferromagnetic) Jl and Jr, J is ν=α,β k n=0 X XX positive as long as the frustrating antiferromagnetic in- with respect to φ(k), we find teraction J and J are small. However, with the in- d1 d2 crease of J and J , J decreases and vanishes at ∂W ∂ ∂ d1 d2 1 0 1 = hH i + hH i =0 (41) ∂φ(k) ∂φ(k) ∂φ(k) J (J +J )+4J J J +2J (1 δ2) r d1 d2 d1 d2 r d J = = − J . which yields ls − 2(Jr+Jd1+Jd2) − Jr+2Jd d (50) J sinφ(k)S′ +J sin(φ(k) k)S′ r 2 d1 − 3 Thispointisthelimitofthestabilityoftheferromagnetic +Jd2sin(φ(k)+k)S4′ =0, (42) ground state. ForJ >0,thelowtemperatureexpansioncanbecar- where ried out in the same manner as the ferromagnetic chain. 1 S′ = coskn˜ , The details are explained in Appendix. As a result, we 1 2L k k obtain X S2′ = 21L cos(φ(k))δn˜k, χ 8(gµB)2S4J 1 3 ζ 12 T + 3 ζ2 21 T . Xk ≃ 3T2 − 4S √(cid:0)π(cid:1)sJS 16S2 π(cid:0) (cid:1)JS! 1 (51) S′ = cos(φ(k) k)δn˜ , 3 2L − k k Namely, the susceptibility is proportional to T−2 at low X 1 temperatures. Defining J˜ J/2,Seff 2S, the sus- S4′ = 2L cos(φ(k)+k)δn˜k. (43) ceptibility per rung is given≡by ≡ k X χ =2χ rung From eq. (42), φ(k) is given as tanφ(k)= (JrS2′(J+d1(SJ3d′1−S3′J+d2SJ4d′)2Ssi4′n)kcosk). (44) ≃ 2(gµB3)T2S2e4ffJ˜ 1− 3√ζ(cid:0)2π12(cid:1)s2JT˜Se3ff + 3ζ22π(cid:0)21(cid:1)2JT˜Se3ff!. (52) Minimizing W with respect to P , we find 1 νk ∂W This coincides with the low temperature susceptibility 1 ∂P =nε˜νk+T(lnPνk+1)−nµ−µνk =0, (45) of the ferromagnetic chain with spin Seff and effective νk exchange interaction J˜.6 where 1 ∂ ε˜ = ( + ) (46) νk 0 1 n∂P (n) hH i hH i νk J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. FULL PAPERS χχTT22[[ccmm−−33mmooll KK22]] 2 (a) ED L=6 MSW0 J=−14.47K J=−5.64K ED L=8 MSW1 r l ED L=10 J =3.91K J =0 d1 d2 J=−14.47K J=−5.64K 4 r l g=2.13 J =3.91K J =0 d1 d2 T=2K S (q) intra 1 2 MSW0 MSW1 Ss (q) Sicnter(q) Extrapolation from L=6,8,10 inter Experiment 0 0 1 2 3 0 q 0 1 2 T1/2[K1/2] 3 2 (b) ED L=6 MSW0 Fig. 2. Magnetic susceptibility for exchange parameters corre- ED L=8 MSW1 sponding to [CuIICl(O-mi)2(µ-Cl)2] calculated by MSW0 (open ED L=10 J=−14.47K J=−5.64K squares) andMSW1 (filledsquares) approximations. Opencircles r l are Shanks extrapolation from the ED data for L = 6,8 and 10. J =3.91K J =0 d1 d2 Thefilledcirclesareexperimental datatakenfromref.1. T=3K 1 Sintra(q) 4. Numerical Results Sc (q) inter 4.1 Results for the parameter set corresponding to CuIICl(O-mi)2(µ-Cl)2 Ss (q) inter The magnetic susceptibility is calculated for the pa- rameter set determined in ref. 1 for CuIICl(O-mi)2(µ- 00 1 2 3 q Cl) as shown in Fig. 2. The susceptibility calculated 2 2 by two MSW approximations and the Shanks extrap- (c) ED L=6 MSW0 olation14 from the ED data for L = 6,8 and 10 are ED L=8 shown.TheexperimentaldataforCuIICl(O-mi)2(µ-Cl)2 ED L=10 J=−14.47K J=−5.64K are also shown. Although Fig. 2 contains only a limited r l numberofexperimentaldata,therearemanydatapoints Jd1=3.91K Jd2=0 at higher temperatures and the exchange constants are T=4K determined by fitting them with the ED calculation as 1 S (q) intra explained in ref. 1. TheMSW0approximationreproducestheoveralltem- perature dependence including relatively higher temper- Sc (q) inter atureregime.Atlowtemperatures,wheretheEDresults are strongly size dependent, both MSW approximations Ss (q) give the consistent results. The result of the MSW1 ap- inter proximationismoresmoothlyconnectedtotheEDdata. 00 1 2 3 q However, it strongly deviates from the ED data as the temperature is raised. Actually, the MSW1 equations have no solution other than φ=0,S′ =S′ =S′ =0 for Fig. 3. Magnetic structure factors with exchange parameters 1 2 3 corresponding to CuIICl(O-mi)2(µ-Cl)2 calculated by MSW0 T T∗ 4K.ThisimpliesaphasetransitionatT =T∗. ≥ ≃ (small open circles) and MSW1 (small filled circles) approxima- However, this transition is spurious because the present tions. The ED data for L = 6 (big filled squares), 8 (big open systemisone-dimensionalandnophasetransitionshould squares), and 10 (big open circles)are also shown. Temperatures take place at finite temperatures. Therefore, the MSW1 are(a)2K,(b)3K,and(c)4K. approximation is unreliable at T>O(T∗). This spurious transition takes place even in the∼absence of frustration withintheMSW1approximation.Asimilarkindofspuri- oustransitiontakesplaceinthesquarelatticeHeisenberg isappropriatelytakenintoaccountbytheMSWapproxi- antiferromagnet.9Hence,thisisanartifactoftheMSW1 mations,themagneticstructurefactorsareshowninFig. approximation rather than the effect of frustration. On 3. With the decrease of temperature, the short range thecontrary,theMSW0approximationpredictsnophase ferromagnetic order develops as expected. The results transition and gives the results qualitatively consistent of ED calculation are also presented in Fig. 3 for the with the ED results up to relatively high temperatures. samechoiceofexchangeconstants.Althoughthe MSW1 To confirm that the magnetic short range correlation approximation reproduces the ED results better than J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. FULL PAPERS −1 Jl (a) δ=0.8 Jd=1 χ102 JJr==−18 δJ=l=0J.l8c(Jr,δ)≅−1.213333 nonmagnetic ____ d (gµ )2 MSW0 B MSW1 101 ED 100 Ferro 10−1 −2 10−2 10−1 T 100 −8 −6 −4 J −2 r −1 Fig. 5. Magnetic susceptibility at the ferromagnetic- Jl (b) δ=0.5 Jd=1 nonmagnetic transition point (Jr = −8,δ = 0.8,Jl =Jlc(Jr,δ) ≃ −1.213333) which coincides with the limit of the stability of the nonmagnetic ferromagneticgroundstateJls.TheMSW0andMSW1resultsare shownbyopencirclesanddoublecircles,respectively.Theextrap- olatedvalues fromtheEDresultswithL=6,8and10areshown by open squares. The curves fitted by χ ≃ (A+BT1/4)T−4/3 −1.5 are also shown. For the fitting of the MSW0 data, A is fixed to 0.1795937 asobtainedinAppendix. Ferro MSW0approximationbehavesasT−4/3 asshowninAp- pendix.AsanexampleofthecaseJ =J ,thetempera- −2 lc ls −6 −4 −2 turedependenceofthesusceptibilityforJ = 8,J =1 Jr r − d andδ =0.8andJ =J 1.213333isshowninFig.5. l ls ≃− TheresultscalculatedbytheMSW0andMSW1approx- Fig. 4. GroundstatephasediagramforJd=1with(a)δ=0.8 and (b) δ =0.5. The thick line is the ferromagnetic-nonmagnetic imations,andthoseextrapolatedfromtheEDresultsfor transition line and the dotted line is the limit of the stability of L=6,8and10areshown.Allresultsshowthe behavior theferromagneticstategivenby(50). χ T−4/3. However, the ampltude of the susceptibility ∼ is overestimated by the MSW approximations. We may understand this discrepancy in the following way: Even at J = J , the ferromagnetic state remains l ls MSW0atT =2K,itbecomespooratT =3Kwherethe one of the ground states. In addition, the nonmagnetic susceptibility also deviates from the ED result. On the state which replace the ferromagnetic states for J >J l ls other hand, the MSW0 approximation gives reasonable comes into play. However, this state has no magnetic agreement with the ED results even at T = 4K where moment and does not contribute to the susceptibility. the MSW1 equations only have an unphysical solution. Also, the low-lying excited states around the nonmag- netic states have small magnetic moments and do not 4.2 Results at the ground state phase transition point havesignificantcontributiontothesusceptibility.Never- Withtheincreaseofthefrustration,theferromagnetic theless, these states havefinite statisticalweight.There- ground state becomes unstable againstmagnon creation fore, the contribution from the ferromagnetic state and atJ =J andthetransitiontothenonmagneticground the excitations around it, which is correctly described l ls state takesplace. However,the groundstate phase tran- by the MSW approximations, can reproduce the lead- sitiondoesnotalwaystakeplaceatJ =J .Theground ing temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility, l ls state can change from ferromagnetic to nonmagnetic at while its actual amplitude is reduced from the results of J = J ( J ) where the ground state energy of the the MSW approximations. l lc ≤ ls nonmagnetic state becomes equal to that of the ferro- These nonmagnetic states have antiferromagnetic or magnetic one. Examples of ground state phase bound- incommensurate short range correlations induced by aries and stability limits of the ferromagnetic state are frustration.Togetmoreinsightintotheireffects,wecal- presented in Fig. 4(a) for δ = 0.8 and in Fig. 4(b) for culate the magnetic structure factor for this parameter δ = 0.5. The ferromagnetic-nonmagnetic phase bound- set as shown in Fig. 6. It is clearly observed that the ary is determined by the ED method for L = 10. It is q = 0 component, which is responsible for the suscep- checkedthatthesizedependenceisnegligibleinthescale tibility, is overestimated in the MSW0 approximation. of this figure. It should be noted that the size dependence of the ED First,letusexaminethebehaviorofthemagneticsus- resultsforS (q =0)andS (q =0)is almostnegli- intra inter ceptibility at J = J in the case J = J . On the gible.Therefore,thisdiscrepancyisnotattributedtothe l lc lc ls line J =J , the excitation energy ε (k) is proportional finite size effect. On the other hand, the large q compo- l ls α to k4. In this case, the susceptibility calculated by the J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. FULL PAPERS 1 J=−8J=1 δ=0.8 MSW0 ED Jr=J (δ,dJ) L=10 8 6 MSW0 ≅l−1.lc2133r33 T=1 L=10 T=0.2 L=8 S (q) T=0.1 1 intra L=6 T1/3SMSW0(q=0) intra 0.5 T1/3SED(q=0) 0.5 intra Sc (q) inter Ss (q) T1/3∆Sintra(q=0) inter 0 0 1 2 3 0 qqq 0 0.2 0.4 T Fig. 6. Magnetic structure factors on the ground state phase boundarycalculatedbyMSW0approximation(lines)andED(open Fig. 7. TemperaturedependenceofSintra(q=0)ontheground statephaseboundarycalculatedbytheMSW0approximation(+) symbols)methods.TemperaturesareT =1(dottedlines,circles), 0.2(brokenlines,squares)and0.1(solidlines,triangles).Thebig, andEDmethods(opensymbols).Thedifference∆Sintra(q=0)(= medium and small symbols represent the system sizes L = 10, 8 SiMntSrWa0(q=0)−SiEnDtra(q=0))betweentheMSW0andEDresults isalsoshown(filledsymbols).AllquantitiesaremultipliedbyT1/3. and6,respectively χ ____ J=−4 J=−1.41 nents are underestimated in the MSW0 approximation. (gµ1B0)26 Jrd=1 δ=l0.5 Considering the sum rule MSW0 ED S (q)= S S =S(S+1), (53) intra h 0,1 0,1i 104 q X the enhancement of q = 0 components suppresses the q =0 component for S 6 (q). For S (q), we have 102 intra inter S (q)= S S . (54) inter 0,1 0,2 q h i 100 X In this case, lhs is not a constant. However, this should be close to 1/4 if J is strongly ferromagnetic as in 10−4 10−2 T 100 r the present case. Hence, the similar explanation is nat- urally valid for S (q). Thus, we may conclude that Fig. 8. Magnetic susceptibility at the ferromagnetic- inter this discrepancy comes from the frustration induced an- nonmagnetic transition point (Jr = −4,Jl = −1.41,δ = 0.5 )whichisawayfromthelimitofthestabilityoftheferromagnetic tiferromagnetic or incommensurate short range order ground state. The MSW0 results are shown by open circles and which is not appropriately described by the MSW0 ap- extrapolated values from the ED results with L = 6,8 and 10 proximation. Fig. 7 shows the temperature dependence are shown by open squares. The solid line is the fitted line by of S (q = 0) calculated by the MSW0 approxima- χ∝const.×T−2 intra tion (SMSW0(q = 0)) and that calculated with the ED intra method (SED (q =0)). The difference ∆S (q =0)(= intra intra SMSW0(q = 0) SED (q = 0)) is also plotted. All intra − intra quantities are multiplied by T1/3. This plot shows that the MSW andED methods. The magnetic susceptibility T1/3∆S (q = 0) does not diverge in the low temper- andstaticmagneticstructurefactorsarecalculated.Itis intra ature limit. Hence, the correctionto SMSW0(q =0) does foundthattheMSWmethodgivesreasonableagreement intra not diverge with the power stronger than T−1/3 in the withtheEDcalculationintheintermediatetemperature lowtemperaturelimit.Thismeansthatthe powerofthe regimebelowwhichtheEDresultsshowconsiderablesize leading term of χ T−4/3 is unaffected by this correc- dependence.Onthecontrary,theMSWmethodbecomes ∼ tion. more reliable in the low temperature regime. Therefore, If the limit of stability of the ferromagnetic phase J we conclude that the MSW method is useful as a com- ls is away from the ferromagnetic-nonmagnetic transition plementary method to the ED analysis even in the pres- pointJ ,thesusceptibilitybehavesasT−2asinthecase ence of moderate frustration as far as the ground state lc of ferromagnetic ground state. An example is shown in remains the ferromagnetic state. Fig. 8 for J = 4,J = 1 and δ = 0.5 and J = J It is also predicted that the MSW approximation is r − d l lc ≃ 1.41. reliable even at the limit of the stability of the ferro- − magnetic ground state J = J insofar as the exponent l ls 5. Summary and Discussion of the leading temperature dependence is concerned.Al- Low temperature properties of the frustrated ferro- though we have explicitly demonstrated χ T−4/3 on ∼ magnetic ladders with spin-1/2 are investigated using the ferromagnetic-nonmagneticphaseboundary,thisbe- J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. FULL PAPERS haviorshouldbeobservedevensomewhatawayfromthe noninteger α. transitionpointsatfinitetemperatures.Asthetempera- ∞ tureislowered,thecrossovertothetruelowtemperature F(α,v)=Γ(1 α)vα−1+ (l!)−1( v)lζ(α l). − − − behaviorin ferromagneticornonmagneticphasesshould l=0 X takeplace.Suchacrossoverbehaviorcanbe regardedas (A7) · aprecurserofthe groundstatephasetransitionifexper- For the calculationof the susceptibility, the partially in- imentally observed. tegrated form Inthepresentwork,wehaveconcentratedonthefinite temperaturepropertiesintheparameterregimewithfer- ∞ uα−1eu+v du=Γ(α)F(α 1,v) (A8) romagnetic ground state. However, our preliminary cal- (eu+v 1)2 − · Z0 − culationsuggeststhatthe nonmagneticphaseconsistsof isuseful.Theequations(A3)and(A4)canbeexpressed several different exotic phases with and without sponta- · · as neous symmetry breakdown. The investigation of these phases will be reported elsewhere. S Tn1 Γ 1 Γ 1 1 vn1−1+ζ 1 +O(v1) , The authorsthank M.KatoandA.Nagasawaforpro- ≃2πnAn1 (cid:18)n(cid:19)(cid:26) (cid:18) − n(cid:19) (cid:18)n(cid:19) (cid:27) viding their experimental data and for discussion. The (A9) · numericaldiagonalizationprogramisbasedonthe pack- ageTITPACKver.2codedbyH.Nishimori.The numer- χ (gµB)2 Tn1−1 Γ 1 icalcomputationin this workhasbeen carriedoutusing ≃ 3 2πnAn1 (cid:18)n(cid:19) the facilities of the Supercomputer Center, Institute for 1 1 Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo and Supercom- Γ 2 vn1−2+ζ 1 +O(v1) . × − n n − putingDivision,InformationTechnologyCenter,Univer- (cid:26) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:27) (A10) sity of Tokyo, and Yukawa Institute Computer Facility · inKyotoUniversity.This workis supportedby a Grant- Solving (A9) with respect to v and substituting into · in-AidforScientificResearch(C)(21540379)fromJapan (A10), we find · Society for the Promotion of Science. χ (gµB)2S n−1 2nSAn1 sinπ nn−1 T−(n−n1) Appendix ≃ 3 n n (cid:16) (cid:17) Let us define the density of states per site by 1 2n 1 1 Tn1 1+ − ζ Γ w(x)= 1 δ(x ε (k))+δ(x ε (k)) . (A1) ×( n−1 (cid:18)n(cid:19) (cid:18)n(cid:19)2πnSAn1 α β 2L { − − } · 2 k n(1 2n) 1 1 1 X − ζ2 Γ2 Tn2 . At low temperatures, only the gapless magnon mode α −2(n−1)2 (cid:18)n(cid:19) (cid:18)n(cid:19)(cid:18)2πnSAn1 (cid:19) ) contributes. We consider the case where the dispersion (A11) relation of this gapless mode is given by ε (k) = Akn. · α The density of states is then approximated as Within the ferromagnetic phase, n = 2. Setting A = JS, we have 1 1 Rewwr(ixti)n≃g (21L9)Xakndδ((x2−3)εuαs(ikn)g)t≃he2πdnenAsin1tyxn1o−f1s.tate(sA, ·w2e) χ≃8(gµ3TB)22S4J (1− 43ST12ζπJ(cid:0)21(cid:1)S + 163πζS22(cid:0)J21(cid:1)ST). (A12) have p · ∞ w(x)dx Tn1 1 1 At the stability limit of the ferromagnetic phase, n=4. S = = F ,v Γ , Z0 exp(xT−1+v)−1 2πnAn1 (cid:18)n (cid:19) (cid:18)n(cid:19) Hence, we have (A·3) χ (gµB)2S37A13234 1 7ζ 14 Γ 41 T14 (gµB)2 ∞ exp(xT−1+v)w(x)dx ≃ T43 ( − 3 (cid:0) 8(cid:1)πS(cid:0)A41(cid:1) χ= 3T (exp(xT−1+v) 1)2 Z0 − 7 ζ 1 Γ 1 2 = (gµ3B)22Tπnn1A−1n1 Γ(cid:18)n1(cid:19)F (cid:18)n1 −1,v(cid:19), (A·4) +9 (cid:0)84π(cid:1)SA(cid:0)414(cid:1)! T21. (A·13) where we define In the low temperature limit, we have v µ/T (A5) χT4/3 A13 ≡− · lim = (A14) andF(α,v)istheBose-Einsteinintegralfunctiondefined T→0(gµB)2 2 · by for S = 1/2. Numerically A 0.04634074 for J = r ≃ χT4/3 1 ∞ uα−1du 8,J = 1,δ = 0.8,J = J , 0.1795937. This F(α,v)= . (A6) − d l lc (gµ )2 ≃ Γ(α) eu+v 1 · B Z0 − value is used in the fitting of the MSW0 data in Fig. 5. The behavior of this function for small v is known.15 For the present purpose, we only need the formula for J.Phys. Soc. Jpn. FULL PAPERS 7) M.Takahashi:Phys.Rev.Lett.58(1987)168. 1) M. Kato, K. Hida, T. Fujihara, and A. Nagasawa: Eur. 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